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Introduction to Networks – Application Layer

ITCC 1375
This is just a tool for your own use and does not represent what materials will or will not be on any exam. What does the application layer The interface between the applications used to communicate
provide? and the underlying network were messages are transmitted. Describe the three primary -Formatting, or presenting, data at the source device in a
functions of the presentation compatible form.
layer. -Compressing data that can be decompressed by the Dest.
-Encrypting data for transmission and decrypting upon
Describe the function of the Create and maintain dialogs between source and destination
session layer. applications. Describe the ten listed DNS, BOOTP, DHCP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, FTP, TFTP,
application layer protocols. HTTP, HTTPS. Complete the activity. Summarize the client/server The client is the device requesting information and the
model. server is the device that hold and sends the information. Summarize the peer-to-peer Two or more clients are connected via a network and share
networking model. resources, where the clients can either act as a server or a
client at the same time. How does a P2P application Every client is a server and every server a client. P2P
work within the P2P applications require that each end device provide a user
networking model? interface and run a background service. List some common P2P -eDonkey -Bitcoin

networks/applications. -G2
-Bit Torrent Complete the lab. What are the three parts of a -http (protocol scheme)

URL? (the server name)
-index.html (The specific filename requested)
Outline the HTTP process steps 1 The browser checks with a name server to convert the url
1 to 3. and sends a GET request to the server.
2 The server sends the HTML code to the browser
3 The browser deciphers the HTML code and formats the
page. Describe the three common 1 When a client requests data, it sends a GET message to the
HTTP/HTTPS message types: web server to request HTML pages.
1- GET 2 Uploads data files to the web server such as form data.
2- POST 3 Uploads resources or content to the web server such as an
3- PUT image.

How does HTTPS differ from HTTPS is the encrypted version of HTTP using Secure

HTTP? Socket Layer. HTTP sends data as plain text and can be
What is an FQDN? A fully qualified domain, that specifies the exact location of
a domain in the 3 hierarchy of the DNS. What are the steps for sending The email clients communicate with mail servers to either
email from sender to receiver? send or receive email. Mail servers communicate with other
mail servers to transport messages from one domain to
another, How does SMTP forward When the server receives the message, it either places the
email? message in a local account, or forwards the message to
another mail server for delivery.
What happens if the destination The message is returned to the sender as undeliverable.
server is unavailable? Outline the default operation of POP is used to retrieve mail for a mail server. The mail
POP. downloaded from the server to the client and then deleted on
the server.
List a pro and a con of POP. -emails are not stored on a remote network
-it doesn’t have a centralized backup solution. What are some ways that IMAP IMAP sends a copy to the client and the original mail is kept
differs from POP? in the server until manually removed. Complete the Packet Tracer lab. What is the purpose of DNS? To match/translate domains names into IP addresses.

Outline the DNS process. The DNS server matches the domain name typed in the
browser with the IP address and it’s send back to the
browser. Describe the following DNS 1 An end device IPv4 address
record types: 2 An authoritative name server
1- A 3 An end device IPv6 address (Pronounced quad-A)
2- NS 4 A mail exchange record
4- MX

What does a DNS server do if it It contacts another servers to resolve the name. After a
does not have the necessary match is found and returned to the original requesting server,
record available? the server temporarily stores the numbered address in the
event that the same name is requested again,
What Windows command will Ipconfig /displaydns
display known DNS records? Describe the DNS hierarchy. Different DNS servers are divided in manageable zones, and
each DNS server maintains a specific database file. How is the nslookup used? It is used in the command prompt in either Windows or
Complete the Syntax Checker
activity (Figure 2).

vFall2015 What is DHCP? A Dynamic configuration for addressing information
obtained from a server to address devices automatically.
What is often used in Static addressing is used for devices that need addressing
conjunction with DHCP and that doesn’t change such as switches, routers, printers, and
why? servers.

What does DHCPv6 not DHCPv6 doesn’t provide default gateway information,
provide? How is that missing instead, default gateway information is dynamically
information acquired? obtained from the router’s advertisement message. Describe the DHCP messaging When a device boots up or connects to the network, a DHCP
process. discover message is broadcasted to identify DHCP servers.
A DHCP server replies with a DHCP offer message, to offer
a lease to the client with the proper addressing.
How does DHCPv6 differ? DCHPv6 messages are instead SOLICIT, ADVERTISE,
INFORMATION, REQUEST, and REPLY. Complete the Packet Tracer lab. Complete the lab. Describe the connections used -The first connection is established by the client to the server
for FTP. Include port numbers. for traffic control using TCP on port 21
-The client establishes the second connection to the server as
well, this time for the actual data transfer using TCP on port
20. What is SMB? A client/server file sharing protocol that describes the
structure of shared networks resources.
What can SMB messages do? File exchange process between Windows PC’s Complete the Packet Tracer lab. Complete the lab. Complete the Packet Tracer lab.


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