It All Started With A Vision

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It all started with a Vision.

Edgar “Injap” Sia, at the age of twenty six, grabbed the opportunity to lease a
250 square meter space at the Robinson’s Mall Carpark-Iloilo in December 2003.

It was there that Mang Inasal, Hiligaynon for Mr. Barbeque, was born.

Early on, he learned the importance of following your instincts, taking risks, strategizing, negotiating,
and motivating yourself and your people. He also knew that the Filipino barbeque quick service
restaurant category still had the potential for growth. He started a business that had the potential for
nationwide expansion. With the support of his family, he embarked on a journey that changed his life

Mang Inasal’s authentic fusion of traditional Filipino cuisine with the dine-in concept.

Famous for its native-style and “nuot-sarap” Chicken Inasal with its pioneering “unlimited rice”, Mang
Inasal quickly won the hearts of its customers with its distinctively Pinoy stamp-grilling and special
marinade made out of local secret spices.

The restaurant was an instant success, opening close to thirty branches in just three years. By 2005,
confident of the stability and brand recall of the business, he opened Mang Inasal for franchising,
concentrating his efforts in Visayas and Mindanao where Inasal is most popular. Franchise offers for
Luzon soon followed.

The primary reason for Mang Inasal’s success is its wide array of Filipino comfort food, especially
Chicken Inasal - with its distinct taste that Pinoys have grown and continue to love.

By 2009, only six years after the first branch opened, Mang Inasal had a store network of one hundred

Mang Inasal soon drew the attention of Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC), the Philippines’ largest food
service company and one of Asia’s most admired companies. JFC acquired 100% share of Mang Inasal in
April 2016.
Today, Mang Inasal is the leading Pinoy branded outlet in the country, with its strong portfolio of
Chicken Inasal, Pork BBQ, Halo Halo, and Palabok. Variations in the menu are constantly being
developed to meet the discriminating demands of its growing customer base.

Mang Inasal has steadily grown ever since its acquisition, making it one of the fastest growing quick
service restaurants in the country. To date, Mang Inasal has over 450 stores nationwide and counting.

The brand has garnered numerous awards over the years, including the Outstanding Fast Growing Local
Food Company from the 19th Annual National Consumers Awards in 2008, the Most Outstanding Quick
Service Restaurant and Most Outstanding Chicken Inasal restaurant from the 2010 Dangal ng Bayan
Awards, and the Outstanding Filipino Franchise Award from the 2015 Franchise Excellence Awards.

Mang Inasal now lays the foundation for a new era of prosperity, moving forward to a horizon of
possibilities as the brand continues its winning tradition of excellence.

I. Executive sum-up

Mang Inasal is a locally owned fast nutrient eating house in the Philippines that will be shortly.
positioned as an international franchise through our originative attack to the company’s image and item
presentation. Mang Inasal will supply a combination of first-class nutrient at value pricing. with fun
packaging and atmosphere. Mang Inasal is the reply to an increasing demand for BBQ’ed fast nutrient.
to be consumed while holding quality clip with your friends or household in the shopping promenade. In
today’s extremely competitory environment. it is going progressively hard to distinguish one fast
nutrient mercantile establishment from another due to its assortment of merchandise line and services.
Dubai. a metropolis province. is now going the theoretical account city in the Middle East’s new
economic roar. With more than a entire population of 2. 106 million ( 2013 ) . chiefly from neighbouring
states ( Malaysia. Indonesia. Thailand and the Philippines ) . Dubai’s import in meat. veggies and so on in
its sector is the strongest in the part. Our chief precedence is to set up one fast nutrient eating house in
a crowded promenade. sooner in one of outstanding shopping promenades in Dubai. Later. our attempt
will be a farther development in our service and merchandise line in the encompassing country. This
program is prepared to obtain a location for the initial launch of this construct. Additional funding will
necessitate to be secured for the fast nutrient eating house.

The funding. in add-on to the capital parts from stockholders. will let Mang Inasal to successfully open
and spread out. The initial capital investing will let Mang Inasal to supply its clients with a value-driven.
entertaining experience through the creativeness of its laminitiss. Mang Inasal will lure the diverse
civilization to convey their friends and household with our advanced environment. fresh-cut Chickens.
and choice of alone signature sauces.

Mang Inasal ( Ilonggo term for Mr. Barbecue ) . the Philippines fastest turning barbeque fast nutrient
concatenation ; functioning poulet inasal. porc barbecue and other Filipino favourites. was foremost
established on December 12. 2003 in Iloilo City by man of affairs Edgar Sia II.

Apart from the usual nutrient presentations of transnational nutrient company imitator. Mang Inasal
enterprises to adhere to elements that bear a distinctively Pinoy stamp-grilling with wood coal. rice
wrapped in banana foliages. a marinade concocted out of local spices and herbs. bamboo sticks for
skewers. and the atmosphere that encourage skinamot ( Ilonggo term in eating with the custodies )
whenever poulet inasal is served. In the twelvemonth 2014. seven marketer’s decided to franchise Mang
Inasal. They decided to perforate the new market in Dubai. with the usage of their experiences in the
selling field. they will seek to capture the new market of the Middle East to patronage Mang Inasal to
the population of Dubai.

They will seek to utilize the cultural. economic. political. and technological environment of their market
country for their advantage in order for them to accomplish their aims and ends as a marketeer. with
the usage of the cultural variegation of the state we marketeers will seek to provide this diverse
cultured by offering new merchandise lines such as broiled lambs and poulet for Muslims and original
mix formula of Mang Inasal such as porc inasal and poulet inasal for non-Muslim clients. In utilizing our
SWOT matrix we will seek to see our strengths and chances in deriving new penetrations. selling
schemes. and plans to accommodate and better our trade name equity towards our market.

Mang Inasal Essay

I. Executive sum-up

Mang Inasal is a locally owned fast nutrient eating house in the Philippines that will be shortly.
positioned as an international franchise through our originative attack to the company’s image and item
presentation. Mang Inasal will supply a combination of first-class nutrient at value pricing. with fun
packaging and atmosphere. Mang Inasal is the reply to an increasing demand for BBQ’ed fast nutrient.
to be consumed while holding quality clip with your friends or household in the shopping promenade. In
today’s extremely competitory environment. it is going progressively hard to distinguish one fast
nutrient mercantile establishment from another due to its assortment of merchandise line and services.
Dubai. a metropolis province. is now going the theoretical account city in the Middle East’s new
economic roar.

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With more than a entire population of 2. 106 million ( 2013 ) . chiefly from neighbouring states (
Malaysia. Indonesia. Thailand and the Philippines ) . Dubai’s import in meat. veggies and so on in its
sector is the strongest in the part. Our chief precedence is to set up one fast nutrient eating house in a
crowded promenade. sooner in one of outstanding shopping promenades in Dubai. Later. our attempt
will be a farther development in our service and merchandise line in the encompassing country. This
program is prepared to obtain a location for the initial launch of this construct. Additional funding will
necessitate to be secured for the fast nutrient eating house.

The funding. in add-on to the capital parts from stockholders. will let Mang Inasal to successfully open
and spread out. The initial capital investing will let Mang Inasal to supply its clients with a value-driven.
entertaining experience through the creativeness of its laminitiss. Mang Inasal will lure the diverse
civilization to convey their friends and household with our advanced environment. fresh-cut Chickens.
and choice of alone signature sauces.

II. Business overview

A. Business profile


Mang Inasal ( Ilonggo term for Mr. Barbecue ) . the Philippines fastest turning barbeque fast nutrient
concatenation ; functioning poulet inasal. porc barbecue and other Filipino favourites. was foremost
established on December 12. 2003 in Iloilo City by man of affairs Edgar Sia II.

Apart from the usual nutrient presentations of transnational nutrient company imitator. Mang Inasal
enterprises to adhere to elements that bear a distinctively Pinoy stamp-grilling with wood coal. rice
wrapped in banana foliages. a marinade concocted out of local spices and herbs. bamboo sticks for
skewers. and the atmosphere that encourage skinamot ( Ilonggo term in eating with the custodies )
whenever poulet inasal is served. In the twelvemonth 2014. seven marketer’s decided to franchise Mang
Inasal. They decided to perforate the new market in Dubai. with the usage of their experiences in the
selling field. they will seek to capture the new market of the Middle East to patronage Mang Inasal to
the population of Dubai.
They will seek to utilize the cultural. economic. political. and technological environment of their market
country for their advantage in order for them to accomplish their aims and ends as a marketeer. with
the usage of the cultural variegation of the state we marketeers will seek to provide this diverse
cultured by offering new merchandise lines such as broiled lambs and poulet for Muslims and original
mix formula of Mang Inasal such as porc inasal and poulet inasal for non-Muslim clients. In utilizing our
SWOT matrix we will seek to see our strengths and chances in deriving new penetrations. selling
schemes. and plans to accommodate and better our trade name equity towards our market.

B. Background of the merchandise

Mang Inasal is a fast nutrient eating house concatenation ; its vision is to be the first pick and taking fast
nutrient concatenation everyplace nationally. Its mission is to supply great tasting merchandises and
quality services to our clients with a great pinoy atmosphere fast nutrient concatenation countrywide.
Develop. motivate and retain employees in supplying benefit plans. employment security and good
working environment by using new engineerings for better and easy manner of functioning. Make our
best to supply good quality merchandises and services to our franchisees with equity and unity. And
supply support plans to the community by handling them as our concern spouses.

If you want a great trade to fulfill your tremendous appetency. the Mang Inasal

Menu is the 1 to take from. With the most sensible monetary values covering a assortment of repasts.
the Mang Inasal bill of fare will do you experience like a victor! Truly. your money’s worth is guaranteed
with filling and satisfying repasts. Have you of all time heard of limitless points offered b

hala paano mo nakuha yan haha

Social and Cultural Environment (Socio-cultural)

Dubai’s civilization is rooted in Arabic and Islamic tradition Dubai is built on foundations that are rich in
history and tradition. Dubai is a advanced society that is every bit bound to its civilization and heritage.
Dubai has ever been renowned for its tolerant mentality ; Dubai has built a repute for being unfastened
to new thoughts and ways of making things. This has enabled Dubai to go a planetary centre for
invention. touristry and concern. Sophisticated: Dubai is a metropolis with manner and personal appeal.
Dubai has successfully fused edification with appeal. It has redefined the significance of luxury with its
arresting hotels. award-winning eating houses and its place as an international shopping finish.
Energetic: Dubai has an aura of verve and a get-up-and-go spirit.
Visitors are struck by the deep-rooted optimism and spirit of escapade and invention that permeates
through all beds of the community. To a tourist. a concern traveller or a occupant. Dubai is a
topographic point where there is ever something exciting to see and make. Embrace: Dubai purposes to
convey together the best in people Dubai’s success is based on the vision and committedness of its
leading. the generousness and aspirations of its people and the part of many people from different parts
of the universe. many of whom have chosen to do Dubai their lasting place. This creates a blend of many
civilizations that coexist peacefully. But in a spiritual state Dubai is a really conservative state holding a
rigorous frock codification and with a really diverse civilization in its societal category.



To consistently provide our customers a great Pinoy dining experience


To be the preferred quick service restaurant of every Pinoy everywhere!

|||. Opportunities and Threats


-The technology advances

-International expansion

-Number of offices like commercial banks, call center, government offices, and private offices

-Changing customer tastes

-Home meal delivery

-Government regulates the non usage of plastic.


-Changing customer tastes

-Competitive price pressure

-Direct and Indirect competitors

-Trend towards healthy eating

-Similar concept and services


Philippine's fastest growing barbeque fast food chain, serving chicken, pork barbeque and other Filipino
favorites, was first established on December 12,2003 in Iloilo City. Currently, there are 445 branches
nationwide and with over 10,000 employees system wide. MANG INASAL is doing its share in alleviating
the unemployment burden of the country. The presence of every MANG INASAL in a certain area
provides not only employment but also opportunities to community members including suppliers of
kalamansi, charcoal, banana leaves, vegetables, bamboo sticks, and other ingredients. It also indirectly
gives income - generating activities to many

Mang Inasal Philippines

July 15, 2017 332567 4444 4827

Saturday, July 15, 2017 N/A Food, Drink & Entertainment

Tara na sa Mang Inasal at tikman ang creamy sarap ng Pinoy Halo-Halo! May FREE extra scoop ng ice
cream sa bawat order ng Pinoy Halo-Halo regular!

Promo from July 15-31, 2017

Available nationwide except Leyte and Samar

Per DTI- FTEB Permit No. 8380 Series of 2017

Services which are on promotional discount, the Senior Citizen can avail of the promotional discount or
the discount provided under the expanded Senior Citizen ACT OF 2010, whichever is higher.


Order na ng combo na siguradong swak para sa’yo! Punta na sa Mang Inasal!

Promo Mechanics:

1. Valid for dine-in and take-out transaction only.

2. Cannot be combined with any other promo offering.

3. Promo runs from July 26 – August 31, 2018

4. For services which are on promotional discount, the senior citizen can avail of the promotional
discount or the discount provided under the expanded senior citizen act of 2010, whichever is

OMG less P10 ang Pinoy Halo-Halo Regular every #HaloHaloHapon! I'm in love with merienda!

1) Get 10 pesos discount on Pinoy Halo-Halo Regular every Monday to Friday, 3-5 PM only.

2) Valid for dine-in & take-out transactions only.

3) Cannot be combined with other promo offerings.

4) For services which are on promotional discount, the senior citizen can avail of the promotional
discount or the discount provided under the expanded senior citizen act of 2010, whichever is higher.

5) Promo runs from March 12 to April 6, 2018 only.

Per DTI FTEB permit #3635 series of 2018.

Ang saya ng kainan everyday dahil may FREE regular Coke ang bawat order ng Fiesta Inasal Meal until
August 31. Kumain na sa Mang Inasal!


1. Promo Period is from August 16 – 31, 2017.

2. Valid in all Mang Inasal stores nationwide.

3.Every purchase of Fiesta Inasal Meal (SM1 Chicken) Solo will entitle the customer to avail of one (1)
Regular Coke for FREE.

4. Valid for dine in and take out transactions only.

5. Not valid with other existing promo offers of Mang Inasal.

6. In the purchase of goods and services which are on promotional discount, the senior citizen can avail
of the promotional discount or the discount provided under the expanded senior citizen act of 2010,
whichever is higher.

Per DTI-FTEB Permit No. 9638 Series of 2017.

Mang Inasal Philippines

July 15, 2017 332567 4444 4827

Saturday, July 15, 2017 N/A Food, Drink & Entertainment

Tara na sa Mang Inasal at tikman ang creamy sarap ng Pinoy Halo-Halo! May FREE extra scoop ng ice
cream sa bawat order ng Pinoy Halo-Halo regular!

Promo from July 15-31, 2017

Available nationwide except Leyte and Samar

Per DTI- FTEB Permit No. 8380 Series of 2017

Services which are on promotional discount, the Senior Citizen can avail of the promotional discount or
the discount provided under the expanded Senior Citizen ACT OF 2010, whichever is higher.

I-screenshot at i-save ang e-coupons para ma-claim ang masarap na Pinoy Merienda discounts at any
Mang Inasal Metro Manila branch from 2pm onwards. Promo runs until March 31, 2017.

Find more details here: <>;

Per DTI FTEB Permit No. 15774 Series of 2016

Net income before tax

A 7% increase in operating income (earnings before interest and taxes) roughly translates to an increase
in net profit and dividends of 5% (7% x (1 - 30%) = 4.9%, where 30% is the corporate tax rate) from
present levels. Just before the announcement, on October 15, JFC had a total market capitalization (just
a fancy term for market value) of around 90 billion pesos; the expected 5% increase in profit and
dividends should then result in an increase in value of 5% of 90 billion or 4.5 billion pesos, 50% higher
than the acquisition price of 3 billion pesos. So, on paper, if we believe JFC's pronouncement that its
purchase of the majority stake at Mang Inasal will result in a 7% increase in operating profit, then the
deal makes perfect (and handsomely profitable) economic sense for Jollibee.

Product/Service Offerings

Mang Inasal’s authentic fusion of traditional Filipino cuisine with the dine-in concept.

Famous for its native-style and “nuot-sarap” Chicken Inasal with its pioneering “unlimited rice”, Mang
Inasal quickly won the hearts of its customers with its distinctively Pinoy stamp-grilling and special
marinade made out of local secret spices.
The primary reason for Mang Inasal’s success is its wide array of Filipino comfort food, especially
Chicken Inasal - with its distinct taste that Pinoys have grown and continue to love.

Today, Mang Inasal is the leading Pinoy branded outlet in the country, with its strong portfolio of
Chicken Inasal, Pork BBQ, Halo Halo, and Palabok. Variations in the menu are constantly being
developed to meet the discriminating demands of its growing customer base.

Mang Inasal now lays the foundation for a new era of prosperity, moving forward to a horizon of
possibilities as the brand continues its winning tradition of excellence.

Product/Services Strategy

Mang Inasal has their owm mission which is "To serve great tasting food, bringing the joy of eating to
everyone." The mission was developed to motivate and retain employees and of course their customers
in providing benefit programs, employment security and good working environment by applying new
technologies for better and easy way of serving. Do their best to provide good quality products and
services to the franchises with fairness and integrity. And provide livelihood programs to the community
by treating them as their business partners. It has always been their mission.



By Ramon C. Salvilla

Mang Inasal goes green

Mario Tajanlagit and e Cube International staff with members of the media.

Mario Tajanlagit and e Cube International

staff with members of the media.

For its 5th founding anniversary, Mang Inasal has decided to go green, through a tree planting held last
Dec. 12, 2008 in Guimaras.

Your Pink Pepper learned that the activity was the first phase of a project of Mang Inasal that involves
500 hectares in the Guimaras Adventure Park in Barangay Alaguisoc, Jordan, Guimaras. Presently, 90
percent of the area is planted with harvestable matured acacia manguim trees under the Social
Economic, Environmentally Responsive Investment (SEERI) project.

Joel Adrias, operations executive of Mang Inasal, said that this project is in line with the company's
Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) while ensuring the adequate supply of charcoal for its 100

Ladies do their share also.

Ladies do their share also.

“We are not only auto buying charcoal everywhere but it is also our responsibility to reforest our land.
To a large extent, we are consuming a lot of charcoal, thus we have to do our share of redeeming the
business. This green project is Mang Inasal Philippines “One Best Way” strategy to help protect the
environment, making it a “Green Enterprise” while pursuing its economic and social objective,” he

Dr. Mario A. Tajanlangit, president and chief executive officer of e-Cube, said that each Mang Inasal
branch needs five to seven sacks of charcoal a day. So, 500 to 700 sacks of charcoal are needed to
sustain the operations of Mang Inasal.

He added that by 2012, it is projected that Mang Inasal's charcoal use will increase to 1,500 to 2,000
sacks a day and the greening of the said area will help sustain such need. “This is environment friendly
and legal,” he added.

Apart from this move, Mang Inasal supports the community by stimulating activities in areas where its
branches are located.

Mang Inasal's Rodrigo Sangrador and Russel Kent Cabales with the Iloilo media.

Mang Inasal's Rodrigo Sangrador and

Russel Kent Cabales with the Iloilo

Mang Inasal source their products from local suppliers of calamansi, charcoal, banana leaves, sorbetes,
vegetables, fish, bamboo sticks, and other ingredients. Workers, LGUs and trisikad drivers and a host of
other enterprises benefit from Mang Inasal's presence.

This ambitious project is a joint venture of Mang Inasal, Dr. Mario Tajanlangit and Gen Victor Corpus of
Guimaras Adventure Park.\

Mang Inasal Now Fully Owned by Jollibee

Jollibee Food Corporation (JFC) buys out remaining 30 percent equity shares of Mang Inasal Philippines
(MIPI) for P2 billion. This move is in line with the terms sited under the Shareholders’ Agreement on 22
November 2010, when JFC acquired the initial 70 percent stake of the MIPI. With this acquisition, JFC
now owns 100% of Mang Inasal Philippines.

The JFC Group of Companies will also continue its strong business relationship with Mr. Edgar Sia II,
former owner and founder of MIPI, together with his team, primarily the DoubleDragon Properties Corp.

JFC operates the largest food service network in the Philippines. As of 31 March 2016, it has a total of 3,
143 restaurants worldwide including Jollibee, Chowking, Greenwich, Red Ribbon, Dunkin Donuts, Burger
King, and the recently owned Mang Inasal.

Management MangInasalAn organizational structure consists of activities such as task allocation,

coordination and supervision,which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims.[1] It
can also be considered as theviewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their
organization and its environment.[2]An organization can be structured in many different ways,
depending on their objectives. The structureof an organization will determine the modes in which it
operates and performs.Pre-bureaucratic structuresPre-bureaucratic (entrepreneurial) structures lack
standardization of tasks. This structure is mostcommon in smaller organizations and is best used to solve
simple tasks. The structure is totallycentralized. The strategic leader makes all key decisions and most
communication is done by one on oneconversations. It is particularly useful for new (entrepreneurial)
business as it enables the founder tocontrol growth and development.They are usually based on
traditionalCompany OverviewMangInasal Philippines, Inc. operates quick service restaurants. It
specializes in chicken inasal and

various pinoy products. The company‘s menu include pinoypalamigs, pinoy and keso burgers, beef

sinigangs, and bangussinigangs`. The company was founded in 2003 and is based in Iloilo City,
thePhilippines. It has additional offices in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. As of November 22,
2010,MangInasal Philippines, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Jollibee Foods Corp.Fuentes St.Iloilo City,
5000PhilippinesFounded in 2003


Mang Inasal primary target markets are teens that have big appetite

who wants to fill their stomach with affordable meals.

• 15-26 years old

• Social class C and D

• Both Female and Male

• Single studying or working

* Has an active lifestyle seeking for affordable prices that provide

unlimited rice and unlimited soup

A barbeque fast food restaurant chain in the Philippines named Mang Inasal was first established in
Iloilo City at the year 2003. It was started by Mr. Edgar Sia II who is a young enterprising architect.It
specializes in chicken inasal, pork barbeque, halo halo, palabok, and various Pinoy products. The mission
of this company is to provide a combination of excellent food at value pricing, with fun packaging and
atmosphere. It was an instant success despite of the various competitors from other grilled food
restaurants.The branches were first opened inthe Visayan

region, then to neighboring Mindanao and to its south before

spreading to Metro Manila. Mang Inasal started franchising in 2005 and by the year 2008, there are 23
branches and 10 of those are franchised. On October 2007, Mang Inasal was acquired by the largest
food chain company in the country, the Jollibee Foods Corporation.

Joel Adrias, operations executive of Mang Inasal, said that this project is in line with the company's
Corporate Environmental Responsibility (CER) while ensuring the adequate supply of charcoal for its 100

MangInasal Philippines, Inc. operates quick service restaurants. It specializes in chicken inasal and
various pinoy products. The company's menu include pinoy palamigs, pinoy and keso burgers, beef
sinigangs, and bangus sinigangs. The company was founded in 2003 and is based in Iloilo City,
Philippines. It has additional offices in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. As of November 22, 2010, Mang
Inasal Philippines, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Jollibee Foods Corporation.

Fuentes St.
Iloilo City, 5000


Founded in 2003

Mang Inasal (Hiligaynon for Mr. Barbecue) is a barbecue fast food restaurant chain in the Philippines
established in Iloilo City in 2003. It is one of the fastest growing food companies in country specializing
in grilled chicken.

The company was started by Edgar Sia II, a young enterprising architect who owned his first business at
the age of twenty. He engaged in the food business at twenty six years of age, opening the first Mang
Inasal branch in December 2003 at the Robinson's Mall Carpark in Iloilo City. The restaurant was an
instant success despite stiff competition from other more established grilled food restaurants. The
branches were first opened in the Visayan region, then to neigh boring Mindanao to its south, before
spreading to Metro Manila. The company started franchising in 2005. By 2008, Mang Inasal had 23
restaurants opened, with ten being franchised.

In October 2010, 70% of Mang Inasal was acquired by Jollibee Foods Corporation, the largest food chain
company in the country, for P3 billion ($68.8 million).As of March 2014, the chain has grown to about
460 stores.

Mang Inasal Philippines operates quick service. It specializes in chicken inasal an various pinoy products.
The company’s menu include pinoy palamigs, pinoy and keso burger, beef singangs, and bangus
sinigangs. And they also serve pork barbeque and other Filipino favorites. Apart from the usual food
presentations of multinational food company copycats, Mang Inasal endeavors to adhere to elements
that bear a distinctively Pinoy stamp-grilling with charcoal, rice wrapped in banana leaves, a marinade
concocted out of local spices and herbs, bamboo sticks for skewers, and the ambiance that encourages
kinamot (the ilonggo term in eating with the hands) whenever chicken inasal is served. All these evoke a
rush of nostalgia for tradition, culture, and most of all, Home. Mang Inasal is proud to do its share in
alleviating the unemployment burden of the country. It is effectively stimulating..

Mang inasal operates; Bacolod, Iloilo, Roxas, Laguna, Bicutan, Metro Manila, Davao, Cagayan DeOro,
Koronadal Ozamiz, Iligan, General Santos, Pagadian, Batangas, Lucena, Cebu.

Mang Inasal Manila Corporate Office is located at 2316 Auora Boulevard, Tramo St. Pasay City.

Product/ Service Strategy

For our product strategy we will use the most common strategy of Mang Inasal which is the Product
development stategy - As seen in the analysis of Mang Inasal operations the past years, this strategy has
been proven beneficial to the company. With good research and development, Mang Inasal is capable of
continuing to produce products that fit well to the taste of their market. They could also continue
innovating their current product line so as to continuosly remain ahead of its competitors. And to
compliment this strategy: Cost Leadership strategy - Best value strategy. In this strategy we can create a
new product line to cater to a unique segment of the market. For example, creating a healthier product
line for those who are weight and healt conscious would be ideal.

Pricing Strategy

For the pricing strategy our cost leadership would be best since our product are already afffordable for
the market, all we need to consider is the new product line that we have to offer towards our customer
in order for us to capture new market segments and to achieve our goal in being the leading BBQ'ed
specialized fast food chain in the country. And with our new product line we can assess the gap between
the healthy foods and unhealthy foods, and cater the culture of non-muslim by offering non pork
products such a lamb and goat.

Mang Inasal is the fast food chain that has affordable and cheaper price and meals that fits our budget
and their target market who are the teens or students. Mang Inasal has many promotional activities but
one of their promos that are now a word of mouth of each customer is their unlimited rice and
unlimited soup.

Mang Inasal always conduct their strategic planning in the head office which includes Edgar "Injap" Sia II,
the founder, CEO and the chairman that approves all the actions and strategies that they will use. In
October 2010 , The winning strategies that Mang Inasal has are they offer chicken inasal with soup and
of course their unlimited rice and the price off their products are lower than the competition. They also
use advertising, public relationship, and word of mouth.

Mang Inasal should continue with the use of Product development strategy. Asseen in the analysis of
Mang Inasal operations the past years, this strategy has beenproven beneficial to the company. With
good research and development, Mang Inasal iscapable of continuing to produce products that fit well
to the taste of their market. Theycould also continue innovating their current product line so as to
continuously remainahead of its competitors. And to compliment this strategy, Mang Inasal should
alsopursue Cost Leadership - Best Value strategy. In this strategy, Mang Inasal should createa new
product line to cater to a unique segment of their market. For example, creating ahealthier product line
for those who are weight and health conscious would be ideal.Complementary StrategiesBased on the
analysis made on Mang Inasal current performance, two of itssegments; food and franchising both fall
into the first quadrant. It is then advisable if Mang Inasal will continue expanding its network by setting
more stores in new strategicareas, either through franchise and company initiated. Mang Inasal should
also strengthenits advertising promotions so as to continue to reinforce dominance in the industry.
Andthis would be necessary, as Mang Inasal will introduce new additions to their productline. Further
analysis, using the QSPM Matrixes reveal that based on the key successfactors of Mang Inasal vis-à -vis
its current strategies, Mang Inasal should best go forMarket Penetration strategy. This is one aggressive
strategy, best to compliment Mang Inasal grown and build position in the IE matrix. It is advised that
Mang Inasal adds morerelated products to their product line. This is because there appears to be no
need tototally change the current product line of Mang Inasal, as it has been widely accepted andloved
by the Filipino market. Addition to the said product line would be necessary tocater to more
markets.Functional Strategies

Low Price Strategy

Mang Inasal position themselves as

affordable options for consumers

by selling low-priced goods.


Mang Inasal positions their company

to play on their loyalty to their

group. They advertise their products

by sponsoring Family gatherings,

Birthday parties and School events.

Also, they make a difference in a

child’s life today by supporting the

Busog, Lusog, Talino School

Feeding Program.

Mang Inasal invited friends

from Media and the

blogger community to a

night of fun events, games,

and the launch of the

brand's main marketing

campaign, two more

reasons to love Mang

Inasal: the Mang Aawit

Project and the Grand

Gadget Giveaway; and the

announcement of its 400th

store opening on August 5,

at the Vmall Carpark in


The P-rimary target of mang inasal includes students, professionals, and those families who like bonding

ia's eight-year-old barbecue chain, with 380 outlets, has even overtaken McDonald's. And it has lately
put him on the road to riches. Last October Jollibee, in a nod to its upstart rival, scooped up 70% of
Mang Inasal for $68 million, valuing the outfit at nearly $100 million. The deal earned Sia a spot among
the Philippines' wealthiest for the first time this year. With a net worth of $85 million, he's the youngest
of the top 40.

22,704 viewsJun 22, 2011, 06:00pm

E. Technological

Dubai is today recognized as an international trading port. While rapid sophistication of the 21st century
technology has changed the face of Dubai from timeless deserts to a thriving economy with strengths in
trade, services, manufacturing, and technology, Dubai maintains a fine balance of cultural legacy and a
modern metropolis.

F. Natural

Mang Inasal has decided to go green, through a tree planting held last Dec. 12, 2008 in Guimaras.

Marketing Objective
to increase annual sales by 20% more against the previous year with the itroduction of the new prduct
line by the 4Th quarter of 2014 which will cater the needs of are weight and healt conscious custumers
who are looking for a healthy lifestyle.

to increase market shares in silang to 15% more at the end of the year 2015 by continuously providing
customer satisfaction to retain customers and promote our prducts in the whole vicinity of silang
through public relations and promotions.

To have our brand recognized as the number one Barbeque quick service restaurant by providing a great
tasting product and quality service to our customers to attain 99.9% positive awareness of the brand in
the whole country by 2016
Company profile D&B Hoovers provides sales leads and sales intelligence data on over 120
million companies like MANG INASAL PHILIPPINES INC. and Fast-food restaurant, chain contacts in
MANDALUYONG, Manila, Philippines and around the world. Our data undergoes extensive quality
assurance testing with over 2,000 discrete checks for validity and reliability. We use over 30,0000
different sources, including teams of primary source researchers to update our data over 5 million times
per day. So when you get MANG INASAL PHILIPPINES INC. insights, financials and competitors from D&B
Hoovers, you can trust in their accuracy. To witness the full depth and breadth of our data and for
industry leading sales intelligence tools, take D&B Hoovers for a test drive.


Main Activities: Food Services and Drinking Places

Full name: Mang Inasal Philippines Inc

Profile Updated: March 10, 2017

Jollibee’s success story has inspired other entrepreneurs in the country, including the Iloilo-based Sia
family who established Mang Inasal in 2003. Edgar Sia II, who has Chinese roots like Caktiong, positioned
Mang Inasal as an alternative quick service restaurant among a sea of food chains that have
mushroomed all over the country. Mang Inasal serves charcoal-grilled chicken (“Inasal” in Ilongo
dialect), wraps its rice in banana leaves sourced from Guimaras island, and uses bamboo sticks sourced
from various cooperatives in the province for skewers. It is also known for serving unlimited rice.

Mang Inasal’s owners were going to tap its success story, which has inspired province-based
entrepreneurs who aspire to go nationwide, for its plans to tap the stock market in 2010. The additional
capital was supposed to fund its plan to have 500 stores by 2012. Currently has a chain of 24 company-
owned stores and 279 franchised ones. It has 2 commissaries. It has annual total revenues of P2.6

Jollibee’s unsolicited offer proved too difficult to refuse, however. Jollibee said it will continue the
“expansion of Mang Inasal’s store network, cost improvement on its raw materials, and greater
operational efficiency by applying [Jollibee’s] technology and scale."

The Jollibee burger chain also currently offers barbeque chicken.

Mang Inasal strengthened brand communications through effective marketing campaigns, which
resulted in impressive growth for flagship products. Brand love initiatives further raised the company's
profile, and reached more customers by reinforcing its position as a quick service restaurant that truly
understands unique Pinoy dining quirks, as seen in its successful Sarap ng Kaing Pinoy campaign.

Sia the founder of Mang Inasal , a fastfood chain acquired by fellow billionaire Tony Tan Caktiong in
2010 with a net worth of $1 billion , he is the youngest billionaire in the Philippines at 40 years old.

The drop in ranking came as Sia's estimated net worth of $820 million as of August 23, 2017 is down
32% from his estimated fortune of $1.2 billion this time last year. As of year 2017

Market needs

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