Tumb. Invasif - PPT 29112018 PDF

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Invasive plants

Penting untuk dipahami

(Essential Understandings)
• An invasive plant adalah suatu non-native plant
yg tumbuh dan mengambil-alih area alami.
• Ada ratusan tumbuhan terrestrial dan tumbuhan
aquatic invasive yang menimbulkan ancaman
ekonomi dan ekologi.
• Invasive plants menyebar dengan cepat dan
menggantikan tumbuhan native species.
• Perlu diketahui umum cara mengidentifikasi,
mendeteksi, dan mengendalikan tumbuhan
berbahaya ini.
• “What is an invasive plant species?”
• invasive plant is a plant that grows over or
displaces native plants and agricultural crops
• native plant is a plant found in an an area
before man settlers the area.
• non-native plant is a plant introduced to an
area after settlers arrived (non-native species
≠ invasive species)
• Kebanyakan species invasive memiliki trait tertentu
yang membuat mereka sukses dalam habitat yang
mereka invasi. Invasive plants umumnya:
• mentolerir kondisi lingkungan dalam kisaran luas.
• bereproduksi lebih awal, sering dalam jumlah besar dan
dalam beberapa cara.
• Tumbuh dengan cepat
• Bertahan dalam upaya-upaya pengendalian
• Umumnya tidak ada atau sedikit memiliki nilai ekonomi.
• Ingat bahwa tidak semua non-native species
mengancam; sebahagian berguna. Hanya 25%
yg bukan native alami invader menjadi gulma
serius pertanian (Daehler, 1998).
• The International Union for Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources (IUCN) provides a three-part
definition of invasive species (McNeely, 2001):
• An alien species that becomes established in natural or
seminatural ecosystems or habitats, is an agent of
change, and threatens native biological diversity.
• Plant introduction occurs when a plant or its
propagule(s) has been transported intentionally or
accidentally by human action across a major
geographical barrier
• However, these non-native populations may
not become invasive.
• Invasive species produce numerous offspring
that reside away from the parent population.
• Common weeds are those plants that may or
may not be aliens that grow where they are
not wanted and whose presence leads to
undesirable economic or environmental
• The US government’s Executive Order 13112 (1999) defined
alien, invasive, and native species as follows:
• An alien species is defined with respect to a particular
ecosystem as any species including its seeds, eggs, spores,
or other biological material capable of propagating that
species, that is not native to that ecosystem.
• An invasive species is an alien (a non-native) whose
introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or
environmental harm or harm to human health.
• A native species is one that as a result of introduction,
historically occurs or currently occurs in a particular
Dampak (Impacts)
• Dampak invasive weeds umumnya irreversible
• Dampak invasive species dapat berupa
– Social
– Economic
– Environmental
• Indigineous species sangat rentan karena
dihambat invasive spesies
Invasive species di Indonesia
(Sankaran dan Suresh, 2013)

Species Asal origin

• Acacia ferniciana • Tropical and subtropical America
• Acacia mearnsii • South and East Australia
• Adenantera pavonina • Southeast China and India
• Ageratina adenaphora • Mexico
• Ageratum conyzoides • Central and south America & The west Indies

• Ardisia crenata • Southeast Asia

• Ardisia elliptica • South and East Asia
• Argemone mexicana • Mexico and West Indies
• Bidens pilosa • Temperate and Tropical America
• Caesalpinia decapetala • Tropical Asia
• Carduus nutans • Asia and Europe
Invasive species di Indonesia
Species Asal origin
• Causarina ecuisetifolia • Australia and Souteast Asia
• Cedrela odorata • West Indies South to the Amazone Basin
• Cenchrus clandestinus • Tropical East Africa
• Chromolaena odorata • Tropical America
• East Asia
• Cinnamomum camphora
• Central and South America
• Clidemia hirta
• Tropical Africa &South and Southeast Asia
• Coccinia grandis
• Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan
• Dalbergia sissoo
• Eugenia uniflora • Tropical South America
• Moluccas, PNG, New Britain, Solomon Islands
• Falcataria moluccana
• South and Southeast Asia
• Hiptage benghalensis
• Pantropical
• Imperata cylindrica
• Lantana camara • Central and South America
Invasive species di Indonesia
Species Asal origin
• Leucaena leucocephala • Mexico and Central America
• Ligustum robustum • South and Southeast Asia & China
• Macfadyena unguis-cati • Central and South America
• Maesopsis eminii • West and Central Africa
• Melia azedarach • Southeast Asia and Northeast Australia
• Merremia peltata • Africa, Asia and Pacific Islands
• Miconia calvescens • Central and South America
• Mikania micrantha • Central and South America
• Mimosa pigra • Mexico, South n Central America n the Carribean
• Mimosa pudica
• Central and South America
• Parthenium hysteprophorus
• Mexico, South n Central America n the Carribean
• Physalis peruviana
• Piper aduncum • Tropical South America
• Prosopis julifora • Central and South America, & Mexico
Invasive species di Indonesia
Species Asal origin
• Psidium guajava • Tropical and Subtropical America
• Pteridium aquilinum • Africa, Asia, Europe & North America
• Pueraria montana var. lobata • Northeast & Southeast Asia, & the Pacific
• Robinia pseudoacacia
• Rubus niveus • Southeast US
• Saccharum spontaneum • Tropical Africa & Asia
• Sida acuta • Central America
• Spathodea campalunata • West Africa
• Sphagneticola trilobata • Mexico, Central & South America & the Carribean
• Ulex europaeus • Central and West Europe, and the British Islands
• Urochloa maxima • Africa
• Verbena brasiliensis
• South America
• Zizipus mauritiana
• South Asia and East Africa

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