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Nursery Rhymes: Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes

1) To teach on spelling and vowel


When we teach pupils about body parts, you can do so by allowing them to get up,
move around and burn some energy. This method of learning will help them to have fun
while they gain knowledge about the parts of the body.


 To introduce the nouns of parts of body

 To introduce vowels to the pupils


 Pupils are able to spell the nouns of parts of body.


 Lyric of the nursery rhymes of “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes”
 A tape of “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes”
 Worksheets

 Listen to the recording of the song line by line; "Head and Shoulders, Knees and
Toes ".
 Sing the song together with the accompaniment provided on tape. Promote
mimics, gestures, etc.
 Before singing the song, see how much they know, the teacher will simply putting
his hands on his head, the student will copy him.
 The teacher will say, ‘head’. The teacher will show a sweeping gesture that
shows that he wants the students to repeat together. The teacher continue foe all
body parts from the song.
 The teacher arranges the students in a big circle or two lines with enough room
between the two to bend and touch their toes while they listen to and sing the
 Hand out the sheets of paper that need them to fill in the blank with the hint from
the pictures.
 After that, the teacher asks them to find all the body parts from the puzzle
provided below the first task. The second task is interconnected with the first
Nursery Rhymes: Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes

2) To teach about body parts


When we teach pupils about body parts, you can do so by allowing them to get up,
move around and burn some energy. This method of learning will help them to have fun
while they gain knowledge about the parts of the body.


 To introduce parts of human body


 Pupils are able to name at least 5 parts of human body


 Lyric of the nursery rhymes of “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes”
 A tape of “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes”
 Manila cards
 Scissors
 Marker pen
 Construction paper


 Listen to the recording of the song line by line; "Head and Shoulders, Knees and
Toes ".
 Sing the song together with the accompaniment provided on tape. Promote
mimics, gestures, etc.
 Before singing the song, see how much they know, the teacher will simply putting
his hands on his head, the student will copy him.
 The teacher will say, ‘head’. The teacher will show a sweeping gesture that
shows that he wants the students to repeat together. The teacher continue foe all
body parts from the song.
 The teacher arranges the students in a big circle or two lines with enough room
between the two to bend and touch their toes while they listen to and sing the
 The teacher divides the pupils into small groups.
 The teacher provided a manila card, scissors and marker pen to each of the
 The teacher shows an example of robot made using manila card.
 The teacher asks every group to make a human robot.
 By referring to the robot that the teacher has given as an example, the pupils
need to label the parts of the robot body. For example, the knees of the robot.
 The robots that are made by the pupils will be put into the class gallery.

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