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Name : Humaidi Ash Shiddieqy MS

NIM : 29118391
Class : YP60B
Case : 961 beer: launching a lebanese brewing company

Question : Bagaimanakah Hajjar memutuskan untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya? Gunakanlah

analisis 5C untuk menjelaskan keputusan Hajjar.

The 5C analysis is something all the companies must take into account, because as it's
name says it is a very complete analysis of the internal and external aspects of the business.
Between the internal aspects we have the company and the collaborators, and in the external
aspects we have the customers, the competitors, and the climate.
All this aspects will help you to have a clear idea of what you need to do in order to make
your company grow. I will make a comparison of the 5C Analysis of 961 beer company.
What does my business do? What are we selling? What unique position do we have
in the marketplace? How do people think of my company? What are my strengths and
weaknesses? Where do we want to be in the future? (Using your strengths and
weaknesses from your SWOT analysis)
961 Beer was founded in the tradition of craft brewing. The company philosophy was
to make the best possible beer while having fun doing so. It is different way to the
competitors that 961 beer competed on its inherent product characteristic. And also,
Actually import brand, which is like Carlsberg, Amstel, and Heineken is more preferably
than local brand as 961 beer (weaknesses).
Who am I working with to make my business operate? Who is my shipping provider?
Who is providing my shopping cart software? Who handles my inventory/warehouse
operations? What partners am I currently working with? (Your collaborators are key to
your efficiency and bottom line)
961 beer have several business partners, which is like Omar Bekdache, who had
previously worked for a Labenese fruit juice producer. And then, Joe Kesrouani, a
Labenese artist (well-known for his photography and paintings).
Who is my target audience? Who is currently purchasing from me? Who do I want
coming to my store? How do my customers behave? What is important to their
purchasing decision? What type of people are buying and not buying? (These questions
are extremely important in guiding your communications strategy)
961 Beer was not targeting specific types of customer, although the typical early
adopters were sophisticated Beirut nightlife audience, local artists and other potential
Who are my primary competitors? Are there any substitutes for my products? Are
there any emerging businesses that might impact me? What are their strengths and
weaknesses? How do customers think of other companies? (Answering these questions
allows you to position your brand)
Imported brand is primary competitors for 961 Beer. As I have mantioned befor,
there are Carlsberg, Amstel, and Heineken brand. Because those brand was familiar in the
market and customer minded.
What’s going on in the industry? Are there new technologies or trends that will
impact me? Are there any new laws or regulations in the works I need to know of? How
is the current economic situation affecting customers’ buying behavior? (This analysis
point is much like the opportunities and threats section of your SWOT analysis)
War that happened in 2006 would negatively affect the country’s entire infrastucture
and paralyze much of its economy. For Hajjar, 961 beer worried about angle or foreign
investors because one of the bigger investment for the company. And then, imported all
raw materials from the competitors that could be more cheaper than local materials.

Marketing Strategy that 961 Beer applied:

- Word Of Mouth (WOM)
- Media Retention using Ads
- Social Media
- Giving Sample testing to potential customers

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