Geran Ur14 Zgo-06!01!010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide (v4) - v1.0

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR

Detection Feature Guide

ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide

ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide

Version Date Author Reviewer Notes

V1.0 2015/06/18 Xi Yanping Gu Yuhui First Release

© 2016 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.

ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be disclosed or used
without the prior written permission of ZTE.
Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information in this document is subjected to
change without notice.

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide


1 Feature Attribute ............................................................................................... 4

2 Overview ............................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Feature Introduction ............................................................................................. 4
2.2 License Control .................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Correlation with Other Features ........................................................................... 5

3 Parameters......................................................................................................... 6

4 Related Counters and Alarms .......................................................................... 6

4.1 Related Counters ................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Related Alarms .................................................................................................... 7

5 Engineering Guide ............................................................................................ 7

5.1 Application Scenario ............................................................................................ 7
5.2 Feature Activation Procedure ............................................................................... 7
5.3 Feature Validation Procedure .............................................................................. 8
5.4 Feature Deactivation Procedure........................................................................... 8
5.5 Impact on the Network ......................................................................................... 9

6 Abbreviation ...................................................................................................... 9

7 Reference Document......................................................................................... 9

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide


Figure 6-1 Environment Monitoring Device Configuration Window .......................................8


Table 2-1 License Control List .............................................................................................5

Table 4-1 Parameters List ....................................................................................................6

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide

1 Feature Attribute
BSC version: [ZXUR 9000 GSM V6.50.30]

BTS version: [ZXSDR V4.12.10 and later version]

Attribute: [Basic]

Involved NEs:
NE Name Related or Not Special Requirement

MS - None

BTS √ None

BSC - None

iTC - None

MSC - None

MGW - None

SGSN - None

GGSN - None

HLR - None

“√”: involved

“-”: not involved

2 Overview

2.1 Feature Introduction

In this feature, the VSWR can be detected at fixed intervals. VSWR alarms are reported
or cleared in accordance with the VSWR alarm threshold configured on the OSS system.
The power amplifier is disabled if the VSWR reaches the over VSWR threshold.

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide

2.2 License Control

Table 2-1 License Control List

License Configured
Feature ID Feature Name Unit
Control Item NE

ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection N/A N/A N/A

2.3 Correlation with Other Features

1. Required features


2. Mutually exclusive features


3. Affected features


3 Technical Description
The VSWR is read at fixed intervals, and it is compared with the configured VSWR
threshold and the over VSWR threshold. If the read VSWR value is smaller than the
VSWR threshold, an alarm is cleared. If the read VSWR value is between the VSWR
threshold and over VSWR threshold, a VSWR alarm is reported. If the VSWR is greater
than the over VSWR threshold, the over VSWR alarm is reported.

The power amplifier is disabled after an over VSWR alarm is triggered. In this case, the
VSWR is not detected anymore, so the over VSWR alarm is unrecoverable.

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide

4 Parameters

Table 4-1 Parameters List

Managed Value Default
Logic Name Parameter Description Unit mende
Object Range Value
d Value

Environme This parameter indicates the

nt alarm-generating threshold
Monitoring Threshold type for the Voltage
threshold[ None 21 21
Device Type Standing Wave Ratio
(VSWR) of the power

nt VSWR This parameter indicates the
250~300 None 300 300
Monitoring Upper Limit alarm upper limit of VSWR.

nt VSWR This parameter indicates the
150~230 None 200 200
Monitoring Lower Limit alarm lower limit of VSWR.

Environme Alarm
This parameter indicates the
nt Recovery
alarm recovery upper limit of 150~300 None 290 290
Monitoring Upper Limit
Device of VSWR

Environme Alarm
This parameter indicates the
nt Recovery
alarm recovery lower limit of 140~230 None 190 190
Monitoring Lower Limit
Device of VSWR

5 Related Counters and Alarms

5.1 Related Counters

This feature has no related counters.

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide

5.2 Related Alarms

Table 5-1 Alarm List

Alarm Code Alarm Name

198092631 antenna VSWR alarm

198092632 antenna over VSWR alarm

6 Engineering Guide

6.1 Application Scenario

This feature indicates whether the connections of an antenna, cables and connectors
meet the requirements. This feature also monitors the changes of the impact that climate
has on the antenna feeder during device operation. If the performance of an antenna
feeder degrades, the corresponding alarm indication is provided and the corresponding
measures are taken for different alarm levels to ensure the network quality and avoid
device damage.

6.2 Feature Activation Procedure

In the configuration resource tree, select Configuration Management > Modify Area >
Device > RSU > Environment Monitoring Device, and double-click Environment
Monitoring Device. The Environment Monitoring Device tab is displayed. VSWR
parameters are already configured by default. Modify the parameters as needed, see the
following figure.

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide

Figure 6-1 Environment Monitoring Device Configuration Window

6.3 Feature Validation Procedure

Test Item VSWR Detection

Prerequisites 1. The CN is operating properly.

2. The BSC is operating properly.
3. The SDR is operating properly.
4. The default cell configuration and parameters in the
BSC are correct.
5. MSs are ready.
6. The radio environment is in good condition.

Steps 1. Disconnect the feed cable between the RRU and the
antenna in the test cell.
2. Check the alarm in the OMMB.

Expected result The "Antenna over VSWR alarm" is reported in the OMMB.

6.4 Feature Deactivation Procedure

This feature cannot be disabled.

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ZGO-06-01-010 VSWR Detection Feature Guide

6.5 Impact on the Network

This feature has no impact on the network.

7 Abbreviation
Abbreviation Full Name
3GPP 3 Generation Partnership Project

BSC Base Station Controller

BTS Base Transceiver Station

SDR Software Defined Radio

RRU Remote Radio Unit

BBU Bandwidth Based Unit

FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array

TRX Transmission and receiver

GSM Global System for Mobile communications

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

MSC Mobile Switching Centre

OMC Operation & Maintenance Center

MGW Media Gate Way

SGSN Service GPRS Support Node GPRS

DPCT Dual Power Combining Transmission

DDT Delay Diversity Transmission

RU Radio Unit

PA Power Amplifier

8 Reference Document
ZXUR 9000 GSM (V6.50.30) Base Station Controller Performance Counter Reference

ZXUR 9000 GSM (V6.50.30) Base Station Controller Radio Parameter Reference

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