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Water Supply

Water Supply
Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

Prepared by
Ar. Shubhajit Sadhukhan
Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture
National Institute of Technology Patna

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Scenario
Water is a precious natural resource

Vital for sustaining all life on the earth

It is not uniformly distributed in time and space.

On a global scale, total quantity of water available is about 1600 million cubic km.

The hydrological cycle moves enormous quantities of water about the globe. However,
much of the world's water has little potential for human use.


Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Scenario
Uses of fresh water

Agriculture Industries Recreation

Uses of water , World scenario

6% Agriculture

15% 60% Recreation

Household Power

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Demand
2% 1% 6%
Domestic Water Demand 7%
Institutional Water Demand Irrigation
Industrial Demand Industry
Fire Demand 84%
Water Unaccounted For
Water Uses in Different Sector
Estimating per Capita Water Demand
*lcpd- Litre per Capita per Day According to National Water Policy 2002 in the
planning and operation of Water Distribution
Domestic need 100 lcpd systems, water allocation priorities should be
Institutional need 20 lcpd broadly as:
Drinking water
Industrial need 30 lcpd
Fire demand 15 lcpd Hydropower
Water unaccounted for 35 lcpd Ecology agro-industries
---------------------------------------------------------- Non-agricultural industries
Total 200 lcpd Navigation.

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Demand
Factors affecting Water Consumption

City Size

Climatic Condition

Standard of Living

Industries & Commercial Development

Quality of Water

Pressure in Distribution System

System of Sanitation

Use of Water Meters


Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Sources of Water

Sources of
Fresh water

Surface Under River

Ground Water Desalination Frozen Water
Water Flow

Sources of Fresh Water

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Sources of Water

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Sources of Water
Rain and Snow


Surface Water Natural Ponds & Lakes

Impounded Reservoirs


Shallow wells
Ground Water Deep Wells

Artesian Wells

Infiltration Galleries

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
A layer of soil or rock in which water
can move relatively freely

Confined or artesian aquifer block

the flow of water


The most common method for

withdrawing ground water is to
penetrate aquifer with a vertical well
and pump the water up to the surface

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply
Intake of Water
Dug Wells

These are also known as open well

Shallow wells constructed by open excavation

It should be sunk 7.5 m below ground water


The discharge depends upon

• Well area in contact with ground surface

• Infiltration
• Transmissibility

Limiting velocity is kept as 1.25 cm / min

Dug Well

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Infiltration Galleries
When ground water exists in large volume just
below the ground level, long galleries are made

Darcy’s law
Q = [(H2 –h2)x K] / 2L
Q = Total Discharge of water
H = Static Water Level
h = Depth of water while pumping
L = Distance of influence zone
K = Coefficient of Permiability

River Intakes
The inlets are operated as per
• Requirement of water quantity
• The condition of water level in the source.

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Infiltration Galleries

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Infiltration Wells

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Reservoir Intakes

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Reservoir Intakes

Intake for Masonry Dam

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water

Gravity Spring

Surface Spring

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water

Artesian Spring

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Submerged Intake

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Submerged Intake

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water

Wet Tank Intake Dry Tank Intake

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Single Well type River Intake

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Twin Well type River Intake

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Canal Intake Well

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Intake of Water
Canal Intake Well

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Water Treatment System

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process High Lift Pump

Pure Water Tank
Wash Water
Main Settling Basin Pure Water to Supply

Mixing Chamber
Pretreatment Sludge

Raw Water Pumps

Course Screen Lagoons

Raw Water Intake

Water Treatment System
Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)
National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Process Impurities removal
Tastes & odour removal,O2

Screening Floating matter

Coagulation Fine particles

Flocculation Fine particles

Sedimentation Fine particles

Colloidal particles,
Activated Element causing tastes &
Carbon odour

Softening Hardness

Living organism including


Water Treatment System

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Exclusion of large size particles such as debris, animals, trees branches, etc.
Coarse screening helps to disintegrate the floating materials

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Add chemical reagent to a water to enmesh or combine with non-settleable colloidal
solids and slow-settling suspended solids to produce a rapid-settling floc

The floc is subsequently removed in most cases by Sedimentation

The most common coagulants are aluminum sulfate (Alam) [Al2(SO4)3.18H2O] and iron
salts (Ferric Sulfate ) [ FeSO4 .7 H20]

The principal factors affecting the

coagulation and of water or
wastewater are:

• Turbidity
• Suspended solids
• Temperature,
• pH
• Cationic & anionic composition &

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process


After the initial flash-mix of the

coagulant with the water , a
gentle agitation caused by slow
stirring further enhances the
growth of the flocs by increasing
the number of particle collision


Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

In this process comparatively bigger size particles are allowed to settle down

A particle in a still fluid of less density will move vertically downward due to gravity

It will take time to settle down having very less particle’s settling velocity



Vs Settling Velocity
of Particle

Vf Velocity of Fluid

Sedimentation Tank

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Filtrations involves the removal of suspended particles from the water by passing it
through a layer or bed of a porous granular material, such as sand

Type of Filters
• Slow Sand Filters
• Rapid Gravity Filters
• Pressure Filters
Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)
National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Slow Sand Filter

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Rapid Gravity Filter

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Pressure Filter

Horizontal Pressure Filter

Vertical Pressure Filter

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process


Boiling of Water

Treatment with excess Lime

Treatment with Ozone

Treatment with Iodine and Bromine

Treatment with Ultra-Violet (UV) Rays

Treatment with Potassium Permanganate

Treatment with silver (Electra-Katadyn Process)

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Water Treatment Process

Chlorination When chlorine (Cl2) is added to water ,it first get
hydrolysed to form hypo–Chlorous Acid(HOCl)
and hypochloric acid ( HCl)

Hydrolysis : Cl2 + H2O HOCl +HCl

Ionization : HOCl H+ + OCl-

HOCl is ionized to hypochlorine ions ( OCl- )

Residual Chlorine Free Chlorine

Residual Break Point

Applied Chlorine
Break Point Chlorination

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Storage of Treated Water

To equalize supply and demand over a long period of time
To furnish water for such emergencies as fire fighting or accidental breakdown
To reduce the size of purification facilities and the number of wells required
To reduce the size of transmission main
It reduces friction head loss
It provides uniform water pressure
 Storage Tank
 Staging
 Inflow Pipe
 Float gauge
 Outlet pipe
 Overflow Pipe
 Drain off Pipe
 Ladders
 Manholes
 Ventilator

Overhead Reservoir

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Storage of Treated Water

Surface Reservoir

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Storage of Treated Water

Overhead Reservoir

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Storage of Treated Water

Position of Water Reservoir

Static water Level

Option 1



Option 2

Pump Head

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Distribution of Water in Urban Areas

The system of conduits that coveys water to the points of use from the terminus of the
supply conduit is known as the distribution system

Street plan , topography and location of supply work and distribution storage establish
the type of distribution system and character of the flow through it.

Design of water distribution system

Hazen Williams Formula

V = 0.84 C x r0.63 x S0.54

V = velocity of water through Pipe

C = constant depending upon roughness of pipe

R = Hydraulic radius of the pipe

S = Hydraulic gradient

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Distribution of Water in Urban Areas

Analysis of a flow of a pipe network

Equivalent Pipe Method

Method of Section
Electrical Analogy Method
Hardy- Cross Method

Layout of Distribution Main

Dead End System

Grid Iron System

Ring System

Radial System

Two Main System

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Distribution of Water in Urban Areas

Layout of Distribution Main

Sub Main
Minor Distributor

 Relatively cheap
 Easy to design

x At dead end water
becomes stagnant that
cause sedimentation and
water quality
x Supply line has to be cut
off to a large area during
repair of an important
Dead End System

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Distribution of Water in Urban Areas

Layout of Distribution Main

Sub Main

 Stagnation of water is
 During repair works a
district may be supplied
with water by other mains
or sub-mains

x Costly construction
x Pipe length required is
being higher
x More number of valves
x Design of distribution
Grid Iron System network is complicated

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Distribution of Water in Urban Areas

Layout of Distribution Main

Sub Main

 Effectively increase the
efficiency of main supply
 Each sub main is
connected with two

x Length of the main pipe
line is higher compare to

Ring System

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Distribution of Water in Urban Areas

Layout of Distribution Main

Distribution Reservoir

Distribution Pipe Line

 Water supply by both
direct pumping and
indirect method.

Radial System

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Distribution of Water in Urban Areas

 Repairs can be made and new
services laid without
interfering with traffic or
damaging the pavement

 Repairs can be made at smaller


x Costly Construction

Two main System

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Supply of Water to Houses

Water Supply from Supply Main to House

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Supply of Water to Houses

Galvanized Service Pipe Connection

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Supply of Water to Houses

Water Supply from Supply Main to House

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Case Study: Durgapur, West Bengal WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM




Piyali WTP



Angadpur WTP

Source: Durgapur Municipal Corporation (DMC),Water Supply Department

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Case Study: Durgapur, West Bengal


Water Treatment Plant

Overhead Reservoir Ph-I

Overhead Reservoir Ph-II

Proposed OHR

Steel Plant

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Case Study: Durgapur, West Bengal


Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

Referred Books
• Nathanson, J. A., Basic Environmental Technology, Fifth ED., Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
• Garg, S. K., Water Supply Enginnering in Environmental Engineering (Vol-I), Khanna
• McGhee, T. J., Water Supply and Sewerage, Sixth Ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc.
• Sincero, A. P. & Sincero, G. A., Environmental Engineering-A Design Approach, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
• Chaterjee.A.K. , Water Supply , Waste Disposal and Environmental Engineering

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna
Water Supply

‘One drop of water is so precious ‘-Save Water, Save Environment

Department of Architecture Building Services-Water Supply & Sanitation (AR142)

National Institute of Technology Patna

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