Permit-Required Confined Space Decision Flow Chart

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Permit-Required Confined Space Decision Flow Chart Does the workplace contain PRCS | no. Consult other applicable as defined by 81910.146ib)?__ [> OSHA standards. Yves Inform employees as required by 81910.148(c}i2) y Prevent employee entry as Will permit space be entered? — |NOy-} required by 81910.146(c) 3). ¥ yes Do task from outside of space. Will contractors enter? es No Will host employees enter to perform entry tasks? Task will be done by contractors” employees. Inform contractor as required by 819 10.1 48(c}8)(i}, (i) and (iii. Contractor obtains information required by £1910.148{c)(9}(}, (i, from host NO Both contractors and host employees will enter the space. No. Yves Coordinate entry operations as required by §1910.146(c)(8)(ivi and (d}(11). Prevent unauthorized entry. Prevent authorization entry. Does space have known or Nota PRCS, 1910.146 does not apply. y ves Entry tasks completed. Permit returned and canceled. potential hazards? [*|_ Consult other OSHA standards. y ves a 2 [YESS J Employer may choose to reclassily Can the hazards be eliminated space to non-permit required confined| —_wJe space using §1910.146(ci7}. Can the space be maintained in a condition safe to enter by continuous LYE! Space mney be anise under forced air ventilation only? ¥no Prepare for entry via permit procedures. ¥ino Verify acceptable entry conditions. (Test results recorded, space isolated if | NO, Permit not valid until conditions needed, rescuersimeans to summon | meet permit specifications. ble, entrants properly equipped, etc.) a7 ee Emergency exists (prohibited Permit issued by authorizing signature. j4 | condition}. Entrants evacuated, entry Acceptable entry conditions 3) __ aborts. (Call rescuers if needed.) maintained throughout entry. Permit is void, Reevaluate program to oorrecl/prevent prohibited condition. Occurrence of emergency (usually) is proof of deficient prograrn. No re-entry until program {and permit) is amended. (May require new program) ‘Audit permit program and permit based| on evaluation of entry by entrants, attendants, testers and preparers, eto. CONTINUE "Spaces may have to be evacuated and reevaluated if hazards arise during entry. Source: 29 CFR 1910.146 Appendix A. STOP STOP sToP’ sToP’

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