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e358 THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY姞 Vol. 189, No.

4S, Supplement, Monday, May 6, 2013

METHODS: Under isoflurane anesthesia, the distal colon was CONCLUSIONS: Almost 50% of previously treated patients
ligated at the levels of 40mm and 60mm rostral to the anus, and referred to a tertiary IC/BPS clinic, regardless of complexity of condition
polyethylene catheters were inserted in between of two ligations of the (measured by number of UPOINT domains) experienced clinically
colon and in the bladder from the dome in female Sprague-Dawley rats. significant improvement using an individualized phenotype directed
1) We examined changes in colon and bladder activity after the appli- therapeutic approach.
cation of allyl isothiocyanate (AI, 100mM, 300ul), a TRPA1 activator,
into the colon or bladder in an awake condition. Inhibitory effects of the Source of Funding: None
pretreatment of HC-030031 (HC, 3mg/kg i.v.), a TRPA1 inhibitor, on
colon-to-bladder cross-sensitization induced by AI instilled in the colon
were also examined. 2) We examined whether colon-to-bladder cross-
sensitization was mediated by the hypogastric (sympathetic) or pelvic
(parasympathetic) nerves using bilateral hypogastric or pelvic nerves 869
transection near the internal iliac vessels. TREATMENT RESPONSE TO NEUROMODULATION IN
RESULTS: 1) Intercontraction intervals during continuous sa- INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS/PAINFUL BLADDER SYNDROME
line infusion (0.04ml/min) into the bladder were significantly decreased (IC/PBS) PATIENTS ACCOMPANY DECREASE IN URINE
90 min after the intracolonic AI application, which significantly in- CHEMOKINES
creased the baseline pressure in the colon (colon-to-bladder cross-
sensitization). On the other hand, intracolonic baseline pressure was Michael Chancellor*, Royal Oak, MI; Pradeep Tyagi, Pittsburgh, PA;
significantly decreased 30 min after the intravesical AI application, Jayabalan Nirmal, Don Bui, Kenneth Peters, Royal Oak, MI
which significantly increased the baseline pressure in the bladder. In INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Chemokines are re-
addition, colon-to-bladder cross-sensitization was completely inhibited sponsible for paracrine signalling within bladder and for also assisting
by the i.v. pretreatment of HC. 2) Colon-to-bladder cross-sensitization in the communication between bladder and neurons innervating blad-
via TRPA1 stimulation in the colon was induced in the animals with the der. Therefore, we hypothesized that chronic neuromodulation from
hypogastric nerves transection, but not in those with the pelvic nerves
InterStim implant at the spinal cord level in IC/PBS patients will cause
downstream changes in chemokine signalling, which will be reflected in
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that colon-to-bladder
the differences of chemokine levels measured at the baseline and at
cross-sensitization via TRPA1 stimulation in the colon is mediated
end of treatment.
through the pelvic nerves innervating the colon. However, the TRPA1
receptor expressed in the bladder does not seem to participate in METHODS: Patients with confirmed diagnosis and long history
bladder-to-colon cross-sensitization. of IC/PBS undergoing Interstim were consented for this study. Mid-
stream urine and symptom scores IC symptom problem index(ICSPI
Source of Funding: Department of Defense grant PR110326 index) were collected at baseline and at 24 weeks after implant.
Collected urine was analyzed for presence of cytokines and chemo-
kines by Luminex xMAP analysis.
RESULTS: Urine chemokine and symptom score data at base-
868 line and at 24-week was obtained from 16 and 7 subjects, respectively.
PHENOTYPE DIRECTED MANAGEMENT OF INTERSTITIAL At baseline, urine levels of CXCL-1 positively correlated with pain score
CYSTITIS/BLADDER PAIN SYNDROME (Pearson r⫽0.63, p⫽0.009), urgency (r⫽0.61, p⫽0.01), ICSPI (r⫽0.43,
p⫽0.09) and number of daily voids(r⫽0.44, p⫽0.08). ICSPI and pain
J. Curtis Nickel*, Karen Irvine-Bird, Kingston, Canada;
scores also positively correlated with sIL-1RA (r⫽ 0.50, p⫽ 0.04) and
Daniel Shoskes, Cleveland, OH
CCL2 positively correlated with daily voids (r⫽ 0.45, p⫽ 0.07). The
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: A flexible therapeutic median ICSPI index after interstim implant fell from 28 to 14 at 24
strategy for Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) pa- weeks (Student’s t test, p⫽0.008, n⫽7). Levels of sIL-1ra (1098⫾452.4
tients using an individualized phenotype directed treatment plan based vs 242.2⫾122pg/ml) and MCP-1 (532.4⫾140.7 vs 161.7⫾64.26 pg/ml)
on clinically based UPOINT categorization has been advocated, in- were also significantly reduced at 24 weeks relative to baseline
stead of the traditional algorithmic approach. We initiated such a
(p⫽0.04). Multivariable analysis of data revealed that sIL-1ra and
treatment plan in our specialized IC/BPS clinic and have assessed the
MCP-1 together explained majority of variance in data. Levels of
benefits in our patients during the first two years since implementation.
CXCL-1, CXCL-10, CCL5 (RANTES), IL-8, VEGF, PDGF were also
METHODS: Consecutive patients diagnosed with IC/BPS re-
reduced at 24 weeks, but differences were not significant due to
ferred to a specialized tertiary IC/BPS clinic with at least one follow-up
post-treatment visit (patients assessed for consultation only were ex- variability among patients. Lower chemokine levels correlated nega-
cluded) were categorized according to their UPOINT status (Urinary, tively with ICSPI index at 24 weeks without any statistical significance.
Psychosocial, Organ Specific, Infection, Neuropathic/non-bladder, CONCLUSIONS: IC/PBS patients responding favorably to neu-
Tenderness of pelvic floor) were treated according to previously pre- romodulation showed a corresponding decrease in urine levels chemo-
sented and published individualized phenotype based treatment plan. kines. These results support our hypothesis for the action of chemo-
Patients were assessed at baseline and up to 2 years with validated kines as downstream effectors of neuromodulation response in
symptom scores (interstitial cystitis symptom score or ICSI; pain ur- bladder, which when secreted into urine can serve as non-invasive
gency frequency questionnaire or PUF), as well as pain and voiding treatment predictors.
RESULTS: Follow-up visit data was available for 93 patients
(mean age 45.2; median age 44 years; mean ICSI 13.2 ⫹/⫺3.6).
Patients reported a median of 4 UPOINT domains (mean 3.7 ⫹/⫺.94)
with the following distribution: U⫽100%; P⫽31.5%; O⫽97.8%;
I⫽45.6%; N⫽40%; T⫽55.4%. The mean decrease in ICSI was 3.3
points while the mean percentage decrease was 21.8%. Major clinical
improvement (⬎50% decrease in ICSI) was observed in 30.4% while
47.8% were significantly improved (⬎30% decrease in ICSI) compared
to initial baseline visit. PUF, pain and urgency scoring changes were
comparable. No correlation between number of domains and ICSI
decrease was observed.
Vol. 189, No. 4S, Supplement, Monday, May 6, 2013 THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY姞 e359

the catastrophizing mediation effect supports the hypothesis that symp-

toms may become mentally disabling through the cognitive mecha-
nisms. These results further support an expanding science emphasiz-
ing the importance of biopsychosocial pain/QoL models in Urology.
Source of Funding: None

Tomohiko Oguchi*, Nagano, Japan; Hitoshi Yokoyama,
Yasuhito Funahashi, Pittsburgh, PA; Osamu Nishizawa, Matsumoto,
Japan; Satoru Yoshikawa, William F Goins, James R Goss,
Joseph C Glorioso, Naoki Yoshimura, Pittsburgh, PA
Source of Funding: Society of Urodynamics and Female
Urology (SUFU) Neuromodulation Research Grant INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Bladder pain syndrome/
interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) is a serious disease whose main symptoms
are bladder pain and frequent urination. We examined whether sub-
870 acute chemical cystitis increases pain behavior induced by nociceptive
WHAT HELPS AND WHY? PREDICTING PATIENT OUTCOMES IN bladder stimuli and whether gene therapy using replication-deficient
INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS/BLADDER PAIN SYNDROME (IC/BPS) HSV vectors expressing an anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-4 (S4IL4) in
WITH PAIN APPRAISALS AND BEHAVIOURAL COPING the bladder can suppress bladder overactivity and bladder pain behav-
STRATEGIES ior enhanced by chemical cystitis.
Dean A. Tripp*, J. Curtis Nickel, Jillian Mulroy, Laura Katz, Kingston, METHODS: (1) Saline or CYP (200mg/kg, i.p.) was injected to
Canada; Michel Pontari, Philadelphia, PA; Robert Moldwin, New female SD rats (n⫽5 each). Two days later, in a conscious condition,
York, NY; Mayer Robert, Rochester, NY; Lesley Carr, Toronto, 0.3␮M RTx (0.3ml, 1 min) was injected to the bladder through a urethral
Canada; Ragi Doggweiler, Knoxville, TN; Claire Yang, Seattle, WA; catheter to evaluate nociceptive behaviors such as licking (lower ab-
Nagendra Mishra, Ahmedabad, India; Jorgen Nordling, Herlev, dominal licking) and freezing (motionless head-turning), which were
Denmark counted and recorded every 5 seconds for 15 minutes. Urine volume
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: IC/BPS is a chronic pel- and frequency were recorded simultaneously. (2) The S4IL4 (3.9⫻109
vic pain syndrome. Our previous IC/BPS analysis correlated pain, pfu/ml) or LacZ-expressing control vector, (SHZ, 5⫻108 pfu/ml) in 20␮l
quality of life (QoL), and psychosocial adjustments with other associ- of viral suspension was injected to the bladder wall (n⫽6 each). Twelve
ated conditions[1], and catastrophizing and behavioural coping strate- days later, CYP (200mg/kg, i.p.) was injected to HSV-treated rats to
gies (sedentary resting in reaction to pain) have been found to predict induce chemical cystitis, Two days later, in a conscious condition,
pelvic pain outcomes for men and women.[2-5] However, no study has 0.3␮M RTx (0.3ml, 1 min) was instilled to the bladder to induce
examined a comprehensive list of pain appraisal and behavioural nociceptive behavior. Urine volume and frequency were recorded si-
coping strategies as mechanisms in the relationship between pain and multaneously.
QoL in these patients. From a self-regulation perspective, appraisals RESULTS: (1) After RTx stimulation, freezing, indicative of
and coping responses of patients suffering from IC/BPS are important bladder-related pain behavior, was significantly increased in CYP cys-
in advancing patient management.
titis rats compared to control (13⫾5 vs. 72⫾17 times, p⬍0.001).
METHODS: Female patients with IC/BPS (n⫽190) were re-
Average voided volume per micturition after RTx was also significantly
cruited from tertiary care urology clinics and completed questionnaires
decreased in CYP cystitis rats compared to control (0.61⫾0.08 vs.
(demographics, O’Leary Sant, McGill Pain Questionnaire, SF12,
0.2⫾0.03 ml, p⬍0.01). (2) RTx-induced freezing behavior was signifi-
Chronic Pain Coping Inventory, Pain Catastrophizing Scale). The data
was examined for univariate and multivariate normality, and a missing cantly less in S4IL4-treated CYP rats by 72% than in SHZ-treated CYP
values analysis was conducted. Associations of validated pain apprais- rats (24⫾3 vs. 87⫾10 times, p⬍0.01). Average voided volume after
als (e.g., catastrophizing) and behavioural coping strategies (e.g., RTx was significantly greater in S4IL4-treated CYP rats than in SHZ-
illness focused coping) with outcomes of pain and QoL in IC/BPS were treated CYP rats (0.55⫾0.14 vs. 0.28⫾0.08 ml, p⬍0.05).
examined. Factor reduction was conducted and resulting variables CONCLUSIONS: In subacute chemical cystitis, low concentra-
were input into multivariable mediation models. tion RTx, which usually does not elicit pain behavior in normal rats,
RESULTS: Patients ranged in age from 21-89 years (M⫽49.8, induced bladder pain behavior and reduced bladder capacity, indicating
SD⫽14.83), were predominantly White (93.7%), with the majority bladder hypersensitivity after cystitis. HSV vector-mediated IL-4 gene
(73%) in a relationship (married or living with partner). Factor analytic therapy reduced bladder overactivity and pain behavior in this cystitis
analyses revealed a 4-factor solution for these variables (catastroph- model, suggesting that anti-inflammatory IL-4 gene therapy could be a
izing, illness-focused behavioural coping, cognitive coping, and depres- new strategy for treating bladder pain and/or urinary frequency in
sion), which were used for subsequent mediation analyses. Multivari- patients with BPS/IC.
able mediation analyses for mental QoL showed catastrophizing
(P⬍.0001) was a full and unique mediator of the effect of pain on Source of Funding: NIH DK57267, DK88836 and P01
mental QoL. For physical QoL, illness-focused behavioural coping (i.e., DK44935
rest/avoidance, seeking assistance)(P⬍.0001) was a partial and
unique mediator between patient pain and physical QoL.
CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that catastrophic ap-
praisals and illness-focused behavioural coping act as mechanisms
driving the negative association between pain and QoL indices. In fact,

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