Exam 2009 - 1 Mid

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INSE 6250/4/UU-Quality Methodology for Software

(Winter 2009)

Mid-Term Exam

Professor: J. Bentahar
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Duration: 105 minutes

NAME: ____________________________________ ID: __________________


• Answer all questions on these sheets in the space provided, and if you run out of
space please use the back of the page.

• The use of calculators is permitted.

• This exam is 9 pages long, including the cover page and the appendix. Check that
your copy is complete.

• This exam is out of 50 points.

• This is a closed book examination.


Q1. Explain the meaning of evolutionary models (3P)

Q2. Compare model checking with testing (3P)

Q3. What are the key quality issues for software? (3P)

Q4. Check for the following PLTL formulas whether they are satisfiable, and/or valid:
1- ((p U q) U (r U t)) ⇒ q U t (3P) (for satisfiability you should give an example in
which the left part is true)

2- p U Fq ⇒ Fq (3P) (for satisfiability you should give an example in which the left part
is true)

3- FFq ⇒ p U FFq (3P) (for satisfiability you should give an example in which the left
part is true)

4- F(p ∧ q) ⇒ Fp ∧ Fq (4P) (for satisfiability you should give an example in which the
left part is true)

5- Fp ∧ Fq ⇒ F(p ∧ q) (3P) (for satisfiability you should give an example in which the
left part is true)

Q5. Without using temporal operators, give the semantics of the following formula:

s  Φ A Ψ. Φ A Ψ means that if Ψ holds in some future, Φ does so later on.

Q6. Consider the following Kripke structure consisting of 6 states that are labeled with
atomic propositions from the set {p, q, r, s, t}

5 r, s q, s

1 2 3
p, q q, t p, r

p, s

Indicate for each of the following PLTL formulas the set of states for which these
formulas are valid:

1- p U q (3P)

2- Ft (3P)

3- p U fr (3P)

Q7. Let us consider a multi-agent system in which agents communicate by the
following messages:

Inform(X,Y, p): meaning that agent X informs agent Y about p.

Request(X, Y, p): meaning that agent X requests agent Y about p.
Invite(X,Y): meaning that agent X invites agent Y to start a communication.
Accept(X,Y): meaning that agent X accepts the invitation of agent Y to start a
Refuse(X,Y): meaning that agent X refuses the invitation of agent Y to start a

Use PLTL to express the following properties, and if you need new operators you should
define them first:

1- Agent α has always the possibility of informing and the possibility of requesting agent
β about φ (liveness property). (4P)

2- For agent α, there is always a possibility of accepting or refusing an invitation sent by

Agent β (the acceptance and refusal of an invitation are not supposed to be immediate).

3- Agent α cannot accept or refuse an invitation from β if β has never sent an invitation
before. (4P)


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