Eng Sci Assign 3 Unit 3 MPW

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Higher Nationals

Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)

Higher National Certificate in Engineering

Student Name /ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 3: Engineering Science T/615/1477

Academic Year 2018/19

Unit Assessor Noel Jennings

Assignment Title Assignment 3: Explore the characteristics and properties of

engineering materials.

Issue Date 26/02/2019

Submission Date 12/03/2019

IV Name John McColl

Date 07/1/2019

Submission Format:

Written or typed, hard copy assignment.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this unit students will be able to:

1. Examine scientific data using both quantitative and computational methods.

2. Determine parameters within mechanical engineering systems.
3. Explore the characteristics and properties of engineering materials.
4. Analyse applications of A.C./ D.C. circuit theorems, electromagnetic principles and

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

You can achieve: P6, P7 and M3, D3 if you complete all tasks in full in this assignment.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Explore the P6 Describe the M3 Review elastic, D3 Compare and
characteristics and structural properties of electrical and magnetic contrast theoretical
properties of metals and non-metals hysteresis in materials properties of metals and
engineering materials with reference to their non-metal materials
material properties with values obtained
through destructive and
non-destructive test
P7 Explain the types of
degradation found in
metals and non-metals
Engineering Science Assignment 3 Unit 3:
Explore the characteristics and properties of engineering materials


Describe the structure (including the atomic structure) of a metal, a polymer, a composite, a
ceramic and a smart material.

Produce a ‘family tree’ that groups a range of common engineering materials into categories
according to their properties.
The main division should be between metals and non-metals, but these broad categories should
be further subdivided.

Describe the main mechanical, physical, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties that are used
to characterise engineering materials.

The structure of materials can be classified by the various features. The three most common
classification of structure, are:

Atomic structure, which includes features that cannot be seen, such as the types of bonding
between the atoms, and the way the atoms are arranged.

Microstructure, which includes features that can be seen using a microscope, but not with the
naked eye.

Macrostructure, which includes features that can be seen with the naked eye.

The atomic structure primarily affects the chemical, physical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and
optical properties.

The microstructure and macrostructure can also affect these properties but they generally have
a larger effect on mechanical properties and on the rate of chemical reaction.

There are thousands of materials available for use in engineering applications. Most materials
fall into one of three classes that are based on the atomic bonding forces of a particular material.
These three classifications are metallic, ceramic and polymeric. Different materials can be
combined to create a composite material. Within each of these classifications, materials are
often further organized into groups based on their chemical composition or certain physical or
mechanical properties. Composite materials are often grouped by the types of materials
combined or the way the materials are arranged together. Below is a list of some of the
commonly classification of materials within these four general groups of materials.
 Thermoplastics plastics
 Ferrous metals and alloys (irons,
 Thermoset plastics
carbon steels, alloy steels, stainless
 Elastomers
steels, tool and die steels)
 Nonferrous metals and alloys
(aluminum, copper, magnesium,
nickel, titanium, precious metals,
refractory metals, superalloys)

Ceramics Composites

 Glasses  Reinforced plastics

 Glass ceramics  Metal-matrix composites
 Graphite  Ceramic-matrix composites
 Diamond  Sandwich structures
 Concrete

Family Tree of Engineering Materials

When selecting a material for a given application the material properties must satisfy the
function and the operating conditions of the component or the structure being designed. The
properties, which directly influence the choice of material, can be summarised under the
following categories:

Mechanical properties including elasticity, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and
ductility are usually part of material specifications and are obtained by tensile testing. These
properties are described in more detail below as well as being shown on the diagram.
 Elasticity/Stiffness
This is a measure of elastic deformation of a body under stress which is recovered when the
stress is released. The ratio of stress to strain in the elastic region is known as stiffness or
modulus of elasticity (Young’s Modulus). When the stress goes beyond the elastic limit the
material will no longer return completely to its original dimension.

 Yield (or Proof Strength)

Stress needed to produce a specified amount of plastic or permanent deformation. (Usually a
0.2 % change in length)

 Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS)

The maximum stress a material can withstand before fracture.

 Ductility
The amount of plastic deformation that a material can withstand without fracture.

 The relationship between stress and strain (load and elongation)

stress = load/original cross sectional area
strain = increase in length under load / original length

 Hardness
The resistance to abrasion, deformation, scratching or to indentation by another hard body.
This property is important for wear resistant applications.

 Toughness
This is commonly associated with impact loading. It is defined as the energy required to
fracture a unit volume of material. Generally, the combination of a high UTS and a high
ductility results in a higher toughness.
 Fatigue Strength and Endurance Limit
Fatigue failure results from a repeated cyclic application of stress which may be below the
yield strength of the material. This is known to be the most common form of mechanical
failure of all engineering components. The number of stress cycles needed to cause fatigue
failure depends on the magnitude of the stress. Below a certain stress level material does not
fail regardless to the number of cycles. This is known as endurance limit and is an important
parameter in many design applications.

 Creep Resistance
The plastic deformation of a material which occurs as a function of time when the material is
subjected to constant stress below its yield strength. For metals this is associated with high
temperature applications but polymers may exhibit creep at low temperatures.

The physical properties of a material are those which can be observed without any change of the
identity of material. Some of these typical properties of a material are listed below.

 Density of Materials
Density of a material “the mass per unit volume”.

 State Change Temperatures

Generally a substance has three states called – solid state, liquid state, and gaseous state. State
change temperature is the temperature at which the substance changes from one state to
another state.

State change temperature are of following types-

Melting point-It is the temperature (in oC or K) at which the substance changes from solid state
to liquid state.
Boiling point-It is the temperature (in oC or K) at which the substance changes from liquid state
to gaseous state.
Freezing point-It is the temperature (in oC or K) at which a liquid changes from liquid to solid

 Thermal Expansion
When a material is heated, it expands, due to which its dimensions change. Coefficient of
thermal expansion, represents the expansion in material with increase in temperature. Thermal
expansion coefficients are of three types, namely-

Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion

The change in length of an object due change in temperature is related by Coefficient of linear
thermal expansion.
Coefficient of Area Thermal Expansion
The change in area of an object due change in temperature is related by Coefficient of Area
thermal expansion.

Coefficient of Volume Thermal Expansion

The change in volume of an object due change in temperature is related by Coefficient of volume
thermal expansion.

 Specific Heat of Materials

Specific heat of a material is defined as the amount of heat required to increase the temperature
of unit mass of material by 1oC.

 Latent Heat of Materials

Latent Heat of a material is defined as the amount of heat required/released by change in unit
mass of material from one state to another state (Phase change).

 Fluidity of Materials
It is a property of material which represents that how easily a material can flow in liquid state. It
is the reciprocal to viscosity of liquid material.

 Weld Ability of Materials

It is the property of a material which presents that how easily the two pieces of material can be
welded together by applying pressure or heat or both.

 Elasticity of Materials
It is the property of a material by which it regains its original dimensions on removal of load or

 Plasticity of Materials
When we keep on increasing the load beyond the limit of elasticity, the material retains it
molded state. This property of materials is called plasticity.

 Porosity of Materials
When a material is in melting condition, it contains some dissolved gases within the material.
When the material is solidifies, these gases get evaporated and leave behind voids. The Porosity
of material represents the quantity of voids in solid materials.
 Thermal Conductivity of Materials
It is the property of a material which represents that how easily the heat can be conducted by a
The thermal conductivity of a material can be defined as the amount of heat transmitted by unit
thickness of material normal to the unit area surface in unit time when the temperature gradient
across the material piece is unity in steady state condition.

 Electrical Conductivity of Materials

It is the property of materials which represents that how easily the electricity can be conducted
by the material.

Some of the chemical properties of engineering materials are listed below –

 Chemical Composition
The chemical composition of engineering material indicates the elements which are combined
together to form that material. Chemical composition of a material effects the properties of
engineering materials very much. The strength, hardness, ductility, brittleness, corrosion
resistance, weldability etc. depends on chemical composition of materials.

Atomic Bonding
Atomic bonding represents how atoms are bounded to each other to form the material. Many
properties, such as melting point, boiling point, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity
of materials are governed by atomic bonding of materials.

1. Ionic bond – froms by exchanging of valence electrons between atoms.

2. Covalent bonds – froms by sharing of electrons between atoms.
3. Metallic bonds – found in metals.

 Corrosion Resistance
Corrosion is a gradual chemical or electromechemical attack on a metal by its surrounding
medium. Due to the corrosion, metal starts getting converted into an oxide, salt or some other
compound. Corrosion of a metals is effected by many factors such as air, industrial atmosphere,
acid, bases, slat solutions and soils etc. Corrosion has a very adverse effect on materials. Due to
corrosion, the strength and life of a material is reduced.

This is the ability of material to resist the oxidation in atmospheric condition. Generally pure
metals such as iron, copper, aluminum etc. Corrode slowly in atmosphere. To avoid the
corrosion of these metals we use these metals in the form of alloys such as stainless steel, brass,
bronze, Gunmetal etc.
 Acidity or Alkalinity
Acidity or Alkalinity is an important chemical property of engineering materials. A material is
acetic or Alkane, it is decided by the ph value of the material. Ph value of a material varies from 0
to 14. Ph value of 7 is considered to be neutral. Ordinary water is having ph value of 7. The
materials which are having ph value below 7 are called Acetic and Materials which are having ph
value greater than 7 are called alkane. Acidity of Alkalinity of material indicates that how they
react with other materials.


Describe the principles modes of failure known for metals and non-metals.

Explain how failure can be avoided giving examples of practical solutions used.


Select appropriate materials to present information on the elastic, electrical l and magnetic
hysteresis for any materials behaviour under testing.


Carry out a destructive test such as a tensile test or a Charpy impact test and record appropriate
test data for a non-metallic material

Carry out a non-destructive test, such as liquid penetrant or magnetic particle inspection, and
record appropriate test data for a metal. Take a photographic record of the results.

Provide a written explanation of both the test procedures that have been conducted and explain
why each test produces useful results

Evaluate the results for one of your tests. Explain them in relation to the structure and properties of
the test materials.
For example, if you tested a range of steel samples with varying carbon content, evaluate how the
properties of the test materials vary as a function of their carbon and pearlite content.


For the practical element of TASK 4 various PRACTICAL WORKSHEETS will be provided.

Total 56 sets of data were used to

analy ze the behavior of the concrete with time (age). Ordinary Portland cement (brand: Ambuja Cement) was
used for preparing the concrete. ACI mix design method (A CI 211.1-91) was u sed for the mix design process
and for testing the cy linders ASTM (A STM C39) recommendation was used. Out of 5 6 sample data sets,
randomly selected 20 sample data sets arNote

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