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Zheng Chen
Space Power Institute, 231 Leach Center, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 368,49,USA
Tel./Fax: 334-844-59061334-844-5900, e-mail: chenzhe @auburn.edU,

The advancing technology of thin, lightweight, and
high power uitracapacitor- has been one of the most

exciting and important developments in electronic
components. The technology provides a new I
dimension for engineers and designers to manage the
power and energy used in electronic products. The
batteries will not have to be oversized to accommodate 18
a peak power demand. A combination of battery and
ultracapacitor (hybrid power system) can improve the
battery capability for power peak and also extend
battery lifetime. In this paper, author will present an
ultra-thin hydra-amorphous ruthenium oxide
ultracapacitor. The unique electrochemical
characteristics of ultracapacitor are able to provide a
1 Fig. 1 Ragone plot for three energy systems
much higher pulse current capability over the battery
system. The ultracapacitor with O.lcm thick, 14" other is named ultracapacitoi:, which stores energy
size, and 2.6g weight has the capability to deliver over through a redox reaction. The redox reaction is a
30W pulse peak. By combination of ultracapacitor and reversible process between multiple oxidation states of
battery, the pulse performance of traditional alkaline electrode materials. For an example, the capacitance of
primary battery can be significantly improved. ruthenium oxide (RuO2) arise: in part from multiple
oxidation states of ruthenium (i.e. Ru'" and Ru") and in
INTRODUCTION part from proton mobility between the oxide and

In a wide range of electronic and electrical devices hydroxyl sites in the system, which includes RuOz
there is an increasing demand to produce products that electrodes[2] and its aqueous electrolyte (i.e. H2S04).
maintain high energy density while providing greater The redox reaction of RuOpand its electrolyte can be
power density, higher charging and discharging rate, explained by the reversible reactions of the overlapping
and longer cycle life. An electrochemical capacitor is a redox couples Ru'", Ru", Ruvn", and possible Ru".
technology that can provide high power density as well
as good energy density. A simple Ragone plot is shown Ru'm Ru('+I)+e- (1)
in Fig. 1 for three different energy systems, which are In addition, the RU"'/RU'~redox reaction is coupled
battery, electrochemical capacitor, and electrolytic with a proton shift between oxide and hydroxide site as
capacitor. Clearly, electrochemical capacitor has the pointed early.
best combination of power and energy density.
OH-@ 02- (2)
Electrochemical capacitors are mainly divided into two
types of capacitors based on their charge storage Under oxidizing conditions protons are removed from
mechanisms[11. One is supercapacitor that stores the OH sites and vice versa under reducing conditions.
charges using resulting double layers along the However, the observed Capacitance of ruthenium oxide
interfaces between the electrodes and electrolyte. The is quite dependent on its physical state. In particular, it
capacitance from the double layers is electrostatic has been recognized that high capacitance requires that
although some Faradaic processes can happen due to ruthenium oxide is in an amorphous state with an
impurities brought in by electrode or electrolyte appropriate degree of hydration [3,4]. Therefore, in
materials. It is unlikely that these processes play a hydrated ruthenium oxide (HRO), which is an
significant role in carbon-based supercapacitors. The amorphous structure, the redox reaction(s) take(s) place
much faster than those in its crystal structure. More
precisely, the redox reaction in HRO ultracapacitors is
* Copyright 0 2000 The American Institute of
an electronic and proton intercalation or electrosorption
Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. All right reserved.


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process. As a result, the charge movement in the capacitor internal resistance, which is named equivalent
electrosorption process is very faster with litter series resistance (ESR), and its capacitance at the
resistance. specific pulsed frequency during discharging. The
power PLdelivered to a load RLis described as:
From discussion above, the energy storage mechanism
for electrochemical capacitor, either double layer or
redox process, is a simple process. In contrast to (4)
electrochemical capacitor (an energy storage device),
battery is an energy conversion device and involves where R,, C, RL, V,, and t are ESR, capacitance, load
much more complicated processes such as multiple resistance, working voltage, and discharging time,
steps of Faradaic processes. These processes can be respectively. Low ESR and small RC constant give the
slow and generate heat q inside the battery when it capacitor high pulse power performance. Most of the
delivers or receives the current I[5]:
carbon-based supercapacitors use high surface area
carbon powders or fibers with non-aqueous electrolytes
q = I(?-)+ ZR)+ I[----T] (3) to storage the electrical charges. Therefore, the high
dT ESR is inherited due to the resistance caused by the
where q is the cell polarization (overpotential), R is difficulty for the ions in electrolyte to access small pore
the ohmic (electronic and electrolytic) resistance, structure in the carbon structure, and the low
and E" the thermodynamically defined equilibrium conductivity of non-aqueous electrolytes. In order to
cell voltage (cell potential). The second term of the lower the resistance (ESR), the typical method is to
right side of the equation (3) is the reversible heat, a increase the electrode area, which results in the extra
entropy effect. It may account for 10-20% of the capacitance. The extra capacitance is no need in most
electrical energy produced in the discharge. The first applications. As a result, the RC constant will remain
term of the equation is the irreversible heat, which is the same for the same type of electrode materials.
resulted from the battery voltage loss under the Moreover, the resistance of non-aqueous electrolytes is
current flow I. At high discharge rate, such as pulse about 10 times higher than aqueous electrolytes. Low
current, the heat generated inside battery is power efficiency and low frequency response are
significant. This not only reduces the efficiency of inevitable for carbon-based supercapacitor.
the electrical energy generation, but also causes In this study, a 5V hydrous ruthenium oxide (HRO)
deleterious effects (i.e. shortened cycle life and ultracapacitor was manufactured by KTI, Inc and the
raised internal resistance). With an electrochemical Space Power Institute at Auburn University [6-81 and
capacitor, it would be ex ected that only a minimal used to study its pulse performance in a
heat is generated from IR! Clearly, electrochemical batterykapacitor hybrid power system. The batteries
capacitors should have high efficiency even at a fast used were a three AAA alkaline primary battery
discharging rate. Therefore, for pulse power package (three in series). The ultracapacitor has 6 cells
applications, the electrochemical capacitor should in series and weights 2.6 g and has a dimension of 3.5 x
help battery to deliver higher power in a much 4.5 x 0.1 cm. The ultracapacitor consists of about 28
efficient manner. mg HRO. The Impedance spectrum and the
capacitance response plot of the ultracapacitor are
HYBRID POWER SYSTEM shown in figure 2a and b. The capacitor has ESR about
The obstacle for capacitor-battery hybrid application is 45 m51 at 1 kHz and shows a fast frequency response.
the low power density and low chargingldischarging At 250 Hz, the capacitor has a capacitance about 50 mF
rates of the existing carbon-based supercapacitor. The and 46% of its rated capacitance compared to 0.5% for
advantage of this combination vanishes when the a commercial available carbon based supercapacitor
significant volume of a carbon supercapacitor is added mentioned early. The data indicate that the
to the system due to inefficient utilization of electrode ultracapacitor should have good pulse performance.
materials. For an example, when an advanced carbon- Inputting these data into eq. (4), we are able to see the
based supercapacitor is operated at a high power capability of this capacitor during its delivering 5
chargeldischarge rate (i.e. 250Hz) pulse, its effective millisecond pulse powers at various load conditions,
capacitance at this rate is only 40 mF and 0.5% of its 1.5, 2.0 and 2.8 51 (Fig. 3). Compared to the carbon-
rated capacitance. It is obvious that the electrode based supercapacitor at the same load conditions,
material efficiency is very low for this capacitor. As a respectively, it is obvious that the ultracapacitor has
result, high volume and low efficiency is inevitable for much better pulse performance at fast discharge rates.
carbon-based capacitors. Moreover, the level of the The HRO ultracapacitor also shows great
power delivered by a capacitor is determined by the chargingldischargingefficiency at 99%.


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0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
(ohm) 0 40 80 120
0.16 , I
Fig. 4 Delivered pulse powers; were measured
from battery only and hybrid power sources,
respectively. The solid line represents the hybrid
source and dashed-line is from the battery only

batterykapacitor configuration (hybrid), which is 3

batteries (in series) paralleled with the HRO
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1wo.00 ultracapacitor. The voltage and current at batteries were
Fngu.ncy (W monitored and recorded. Therefore, the delivered pulse
power from these two configurations can be calculated
b and compared. The delivered pulse powers from these
Fig. 2 Impedance spectrum and frequency two power sources were plotted vs. running-time (Fig.
response curve from a 5V 0.14FHRO 4), respectively. The data show that the hybrid power
ultracauacitor. source delivered the pulse power between 6 to 5 W over
about a hour. The battery only source delivered the
pulse power between 4 and 3.5 W at the same period
12 1 Supercapacitor-Dashedlines time. The reason for shorter running-time in the hybrid
source is because it delivered a higher pulse power
during the running-time than battery only source did.
Both tests were conducted on tlhe same circuit, which is
a constant pulse load. Our test results also show that
the hybrid power can increase battery deliverable pulse
power by about 40% under fast discharge rates.
Moreover, the hybrid source can boost the maximum
pulse power of three AAA alkaline primary battery
package (4.5V) from about c151W (voltage at pulse less
2.2V) to 35W (voltage at pulse >3.0V).
0 0.0325 0.005 0.WE 0.01
Fig. 3 Calculated deliverable pulse powers at By adding approximately 9% weight and 10% volume
three load condition. Solid lines and dashed lines to a 4.5V AAA alkaline primary battery package, the
represent the HRO ultracapacitor and a HRO ultracapacitor increases the pulse power level of
commercial carbon-based supercapacitor, the battery pack by above 40%. The pulse power
performance of the battery/c:apacitor hybrid power
A 0.5 ms pulse profile was generated by a designed source shows its superior over the battery only source.
electrical circuit, which has a solid-state switcher The thin and flat HRO capacitor with only less 3.0 g
controlled by a functional generator. 6 AAA alkaline weight and little less 1.8 cm3 volume can provide over a
primary batteries were used for this experiment. The 35 W pulse peak to the 0.5 ms pulse at a 250 Hz rate.
pulse circuit tested using two different configurations: a The HRO material used for the ultracapacitor is
battery only configuration (3 batteries in series) and a approximate 28 mg and cost about 6 cents. The HRO


Authorized licensed use limited to: Govt Engineering College. Downloaded on November 4, 2009 at 02:25 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
capacitor demonstrates that it is a very exciting
technology to improve battery pulse power
This research was partially supported by the Center for
Space Power and Advanced -Electronics, located at
Auburn University, with funds from NASA
Cooperative Agreement NCC3-5 11, Auburn University,
and the Center’s industrial partners.

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2B.E. Conway, J. Electrochem. Chem., 138, 1539
3JP. Zheng and T.R. Jow, J. Electrochem. Soc.,
142(1),L6 (1995).
4J.P. Zheng and T.R. Jow, J. Power Sources, 62 (1996)
’LRedey, B 1 Proceedings Volume: “Batteries for
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Electrochemical Society-ISE meeting, Paris, France,
August 31-September 5, 1997.
6Zheng Chen and S.A. Merryman, “Study of the
influence of separators and binder concentration on the
performance of thin amorphous Ru02xHzO electrode
capacitor,” Proceedings of 81h Int’l Seminar on Double
Layer capacitors and Similar Energy Storage Devices,
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’Zheng Chen and S.A. Merryman, “The performance of
thin amorphous Ru020xH20capacitor,” Proceedings of
9lh Int’l Seminar on Double Layer capacitors and
Similar Energy Storage Devices, Deerfield Beach, FL,
8M.F. Rose, S.A. Merryman, and Zheng. Chen “Cell
Phone Performance Enhancement through the use of
Advanced Electrochemical capacitors,” Proceedings of
8” Int’l Seminar on Double Layer capacitors and
Similar Energy Storage Devices, Deerfield Beach, FL,


Authorized licensed use limited to: Govt Engineering College. Downloaded on November 4, 2009 at 02:25 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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