I-T Raids On Cong K'taka Mantri Trigger Political War With Govt

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CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 2 Page: TOIDFP User: radhey.shyam Time: 08-03-2017 01:19 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel




Cabinet clears
plan to fail kids I-T raids on Cong K’taka mantri Loans set to be cheaper as
in classes V, VIII
RBI softens
trigger political war with govt Repo Now At stand, cuts rate
New Delhi: The Union Ca- RATE CUTS IN THE Govt disappointed,
binet approved the scrap-
Sparks Fly In SHIVAKUMAR KEPT GUJ FLOCK INTACT BJP, too, opposes LAST 3 YEARS wanted deeper cut
ping of the no-detention po- 6%, Reduced
licy in schools till Class VIII
on Wednesday. It also appro- Parl, Cong MPs ➤ I-T raids Karnataka energy minister
D K Shivakumar, who is managing the Gujarat
NOTA in Guj RS poll
By 25 Basis Pts
By RBI: 8%
to 6% = 2 %age T he finance ministry
welcomed the rate cut on
ved the HRD ministry’s plan
to create 20 world-class insti-
tutions in the country.
Walk Out Of LS
Congress MLAs holed up at a Bengaluru resort
➤ Shivakumar is the second-richest minister
E ven as BJP and Congress
have locked horns on
various fronts, the two
point Wednesday, but there was a
sense of disappointment
within the government over
An enabling provision TIMES NEWS NETWORK in the country with assets worth 251 crore arch-rivals are on the same Mumbai: Home loans and On home loans: the central bank’s move to opt
will be made in the Right of
Children for Free and Com- New Delhi/Bengaluru: In-
➤ 60 locations searched, 10cr cash page on one issue — opposing
the “none of the above (NOTA)”
other borrowings are set to
get cheaper with the Reserve
10% to 8.35% = 1.65 for a “small cut”. Sections
with the government said with
recovered: 7.5cr in Delhi & 2.5cr in B’luru
pulsory Education amend- come tax searches on Karna- option in the August 8 Rajya Bank of India’s monetary po- inflation at a historic low,
➤ Cong accuses Centre of using state
ment Bill to allow states to taka minister D K Shivaku- Sabha poll in Gujarat, reports licy committee (MPC) bring- On loans there was room for a “drastic
agencies to harass opponents. Jaitley says
hold back students in Class
V and Class VIII if they fail
mar on Wednesday morning
sparked a fierce political row
raids were against the minister, not Guj MLAs
Akhilesh Singh. A BJP
delegation urged the Election
ing down its policy rate by 25
basis points on Wednesday.
to industry:
10% to 9% =
1 cut” and it could have been as
much as 100 basis points. P 17
in the year-end exam. But with the Congress accusing BJP is on an unprecedented witch-hunt just to Commission to withdraw the Following the announce-
they will get a chance to take the Centre of using state win one Rajya Sabha seat —Ahmed Patel, Cong order for the use of NOTA. P 12 ment, the policy repo rate — the MPC persevered with the
another exam and pass. The agencies to harass opponents the rate at which RBI lends to neutral stance,” RBI gover- Re gains 38p, hits
bill will now be placed in D K SHIVAKUMAR: CONGRESS’ GO-TO MAN FOR ALL SEASONS, P 12 banks — stands reduced to nor Urjit Patel said, adding,
Parliament for approval.
6.0% from 6.25%, the lowest “Government and RBI are 2-year high of 63.70
Under the present provision
of RTE Act, students are
promoted automatically to
and the government hitting
back, saying tax evaders co-
uld not claim immunity.
crore from Bengaluru — whi-
le the sleuths are going thro-
ugh documents recovered.
from switching loyalties ahe-
ad of a Rajya Sabha election
which Ahmed Patel, political
leader Anand Sharma’s char-
ge that Shivakumar had been
raided as he was hosting the
since November 2010. Conse-
quently, the reverse repo rate
— the rate at which RBI bor-
working in close coordination
to resolve large stressed cor-
porate borrowers and recapi-
T he rupee staged its best
performance in 2017, gaining
38 paise to breach the 64-level,
higher classes till class VIII. I-T sources said as many The government denied secretary to Congress chief MLAs, finance minister rows from banks — stands talise PSBs within the fiscal closing at a two-year high of
This is one of the key com- as 60 locations were searched initial reports that the raid Sonia Gandhi, is contesting. Arun Jaitley said the I-T ac- adjusted to 5.75%. deficit target.” Lowering of 63.70 — up from Tuesday’s close
ponent of RTE Act which ca- and Rs 10 crore in cash recove- was aimed at Eagleton Resort Six Congress MLAs have alre- tion was against the minister “Recognising that infla- the repo rate is a signal to len- of 64.08 against the US dollar.
me into force on April 1, 2010. red — Rs 7.5 crore from Shiva- near Bengaluru where Cong- ady resigned, making Patel’s and not the legislators. tion is expected to rise from ders to bring down their rates. Dealers said that the RBI’s
kumar’s residence in Delhi’s ress MLAs from Gujarat have election somewhat difficult. the current lows (1.54% in Ju- observations were positive for
Nod for 20 varsities, P 8 Safdarjung Enclave and Rs 2.5 been lodged to prevent them Responding to Congress ‘Destroying docus’, P 12 ne) over the rest of the year, ‘RBI to be vigilant’, P 18 the currency market. P 17

SC for 3-tier right to privacy: Teen pregnancy

rate goes up
China says India out of Ex-Noida CEO
gets 4-year jail
Intimate, private and public in capital Doklam, govt denies in 2 land cases
@timesgroup.com THE THREE ZONES
T he percentage of teenage
pregnancies has gone up
in Delhi: from 2.75 in 2015 to
Saibal Dasgupta & Rajat Pandit

Beijing/New Delhi: India

near the Sikkim-Bhutan-Ti-
bet trijunction, had finally be-
gun to de-escalate with India
T he Supreme Court up-
held on Wednesday the
conviction of former UP

New Delhi: The Supreme Co- 1 Intimate: Concerns marriage,

sexuality, relation with family
only for the purpose for
which it is shared
3.1% in 2016, reports Dur-
gesh Nandan Jha. A shade
has not pulled back troops
from the Doklam face-off
backing down from the con-
frontation after 45 long days.
chief secretary Neera Ya-
dav in the 1994 land alloca-

urt on Wednesday outlined a No intrusion except in Public: Requires minimal over three out of every 100 with the People’s Liberation The statement, which ca- tion scam for illegally allo-
three-tier, graded approach to extraordinary circumstances regulation, but the right to women who delivered kids Army, sources said, flatly re- me after NSA Ajit Doval re- cating plots to herself and

the question whether privacy Private: Involves parting privacy is not surrendered in 2016 were less than 19 years jecting China’s claim that the cently held talks with his co- her two daughters during
is a fundamental right by ex- of personal data by use of This means, even if a security old, according to govern- number of Indian soldiers at unterpart, Yang Jiechi, also her tenure as chairperson
amining the issue through its ment data on births and de- the actual confrontation site sought to drive a clear wedge and CEO of Noida, reports
credit card, social network officer suspects a person is
Former minister intimate, private and public
aspects even as it reserved its
platforms, I-T declarations carrying a gun, he cannot be
aths. Lack of education and
poor knowledge about the
had gone down from 400 to
just over 40 by July-end.
between India and Bhutan. It
said the “illegal action” by
Amit Anand Choudhary.
Yadav was convicted in two
The data collected can be used strip-searched in public
S M Dev dead verdict in the case.
Prior to completion of the cepting its intrinsic impor- Justice D Y Chandrachud
use of contraceptive met-
hods were the main causes of
The Chinese foreign mini-
stry, through a 15-page state-
“trespassing” Indian soldiers
“not only violated China’s
cases of illegal allotment of
plots and awarded two ye-

V eteran Congress leader

and former Union mini-
ster Santosh Mohan Dev di-
two-week-long hearing that
attracted arguments for and
against conferring funda-
tance for an individual, a ni-
ne-judge bench headed by
Chief Justice J S Khehar said
set out the tentative thought
process and drew support
from Justice R F Nariman.
the increase in teenage preg-
nancies, a doctor said. The
infant mortality rate has re-
ment with maps, photogra-
phs and documents on Wed-
nesday, seemed to give the im-
territorial sovereignty but
challenged Bhutan’s sovere-
ignty and independence”.
ars’ jail in each. The bench
said the sentences would
run consecutively, which
ed at a private nursing ho- mental right status to privacy privacy could be configured duced, but maternal morta- pression that the Doklam means Yadav has to spend
me in Silchar at about 6am but which saw all parties ac- into three zones. Service sector, P 13 lity rate has gone up. P 7 crisis in Bhutanese territory, ‘Had notified India’, P 10 four years behind bars. P 4
on Wednesday. He was 83.
Hospital sources said Dev
died of multiple organ fai-
lure. Sushmita, his young-
est daughter, is the sitting
Rare gift: Man donates Delhi records
cleanest July
MP from Silchar. P 9
liver to save old friend in 3 years
`17k cr fine for DurgeshNandan.Jha

illegal mining

New Delhi: Puja Bhatnagar

D elhi’s air quality has im-
proved this summer
and monsoon compared to

I n a major setback to mi-

ning companies which ha-
ve been illegally extracting
perhaps never imagined that
friendship would save her li-
fe. After suffering chronic li-
2015 and 2016. For the first ti-
me in three years, Delhi re-
corded two “good air days”
iron and manganese ore in ver disease for 17 years, the 44- this July, according to Air
Odisha since 2001, the Su- year-old woman was told by Quality Index (AQI) data.
preme Court cracked the doctors in May that medici- There were 17 days in the
whip on Wednesday and di- nes were no longer enough. “satisfactory” range and no
rected them to pay compen- Only a transplant would “poor”, “very poor” or “se-
sation of about Rs 17,576 save her. The family tried to Prasanna Gopinath donated part vere days in July, according
crore, reports Amit Anand find a donor among relatives, of his liver to Puja Bhatnagar (R) to CPCB data. “We are expe-
Choudhary. P 8 but found no one suitable. It riencing a good monsoon
was then that Prasanna Gopi- this time and the winds are
nath stepped up. favouring dispersion of pol-
‘Don’t keep tolls Finding a plea for help on
Bhatnagar’s Facebook page,
lutants,” said Dipankar Sa-
ha of CPCB. P 3
inside cities’ Gopinath flew to Delhi from
Chennai, ready to donate a

A parliamentary panel
has recommended to
part of his liver to save her li-
fe. Crowd-funding helped col-
committee at Max scrutini-
sed the details minutely. “The
IITs to coach
NHAI to locate toll plazas lect the funds and the trans- authorities considered the
away from cities and other plant was carried out on July strong bond of friendship bet- school kids to
densely populated areas to 21 at Max Hospital in Saket. ween patient and donor and
avoid congestion and pollu-
tion, reports Dipak Dash.
Doctors said both the donor
and recipient are doing well
allowed the liver donation,”
disclosed Dr Subhash Gupta,
get more girls
It also urged NHAI to install
CCTV cameras at all toll
plazas and vulnerable loca-
The Transplant Act is
strict about non-related or-
chief liver transplant surge-
on at Max Hospital. T he ministry of human re-
source development has
come up with a four-pronged
tions on highways. P 8 gan donors, and the ethical ‘Couldn’t let her die’, P 2 formula to increase the ratio
of girl students in IITs from
the current 8% to 20% by

‘MSN’ is history as Neymar 2020-2021, reports Somdatta

Basu. The plans include get-
ting IITs to identify merito-

goes to PSG in ¤222m deal

rious girls from Class VIII in
their respective catchment
areas and coaching and co-
unselling them as well as the-

eymar’s Barcelona days ir parents. The ministry also
are over and the feared wants IITs to invite some of
trio of MSN (Messi, Sua- these girls to take a tour of
€222m €550,000
rez, Neymar) will be history
now. Barcelona said in an offi-
their campuses . P 8
Transfer fees Salary per week
cial release they are ready to
say goodbye to Neymar ahead 6 years Man kills self
of his 222 million euro (£198m)
world record move to Paris Sa-
Length of deal €36m
int-Germain after he missed
Fees PSG paying
Neymar’s dad
in city police
training on Wednesday.
(he is also his agent)
Neymar was given permis-
sion directly by manager Er-
Cost of the PSG
first XI station toilet
nesto Valverde to skip training
in order to say his goodbyes OTHER TOP TRANSFERS A 32-year-old man, who
was free to leave after be-
and leave the club, with plans
in Paris already being put into
€105m Paul Pogba (Juve to M Utd), 2016 ing questioned by police at
Jahangirpuri police sta-
place to announce his arrival. €101m Gareth Bale (Spurs to Real), ’13 tion, allegedly entered a toi-
“Neymar informed those let there and hanged him-
present of his wish to leave the €94m C Ronaldo (M Utd to Real), ’09 self on Tuesday night. Raj
club and was given permission
to miss training and resolve
€90m G Higuaín (Napoli to Juve), ’16 Kumar had been summoned
in a case related to a missing
FULL COVERAGE: P 19 €84m R Lukaku (Everton to M Utd), ’17 woman. Police said Kumar,
after the completion of the
his future. The club has infor- cord 105.2 million euros Man- Suarez over the past three sea- interrogation around 10pm
med them the buyout clause chester United had paid for sons. Together, they have won on Tuesday, went to the
in his contract is 222 million Paul Pogba last year. two La Liga titles and a Cham- washroom in the staff quar-
euros and must be paid in Neymar has formed one of pions League. Neymar has sco- ters and used a gamchha to
full,” a statement said. The fee the deadliest strike partners- red 105 goals and provided 80 hang himself from the iron
would smash the current re- hips in history with Messi and assists in 186 games. AGENCIES bars on the window. P 2
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CAPDEL User: affanul.haque Time: 08-02-2017 23:06 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel




31.6° 27°
Let off by cops, Why rush at Metro stations may
man hangs self in
come down despite more riders
Cloudy sky
with rain SUNSET THU | 7.11 PM

Thursday forecast: Cloudy sky,

police station loo 18 New Link How Ph-III will change things Projected footfall at
a commuter coming from
Gurgaon to Noida has now
drizzle likely towards night. Min and TIMES NEWS NETWORK major upcoming no option but to travel till Ra-
max temperature on Thursday will
be between 27° C & 34° C New Delhi: A 32-year-old man,
Stations To Average footfall at
interchange stations jiv Chowk for taking a train
to Noida. However, when
Smoke in Metro
who was free to leave after be-
ing questioned by police at Ja-
hangirpuri police station, alle-
Take Load Off existing interchange
1. Azadpur
2. Janakpuri West 53,741
Hauz Khas station on the up-
coming Magenta Line (Ja-
nakpuri West-Botanical
train causes panic gedly entered a toilet there in-
stead and hanged himself on
Existing Ones 5,00,0001. Rajiv Chowk
3. Hauz Khas 1,69,414
4.Kalkaji Mandir 77,334
Garden) becomes operatio-
nal, commuters can change
2. Kashmere Gate 3,22,000 1
K aushambi station witnessed
scenes of panic after smoke
was reportedly seen coming out
Tuesday night. Raj Kumar had
been summoned in a case
related to a missing woman.

New Delhi: Travelling in

3. Central Secretariat 2,00,000
7 6
5. Botanical Garden 97,780
6. Netaji Subhash Place
trains there and take a train
for Botanical Garden station
in Noida directly.
7 1 8
of a train. The incident occurred Police said on Wednesday Delhi Metro promises to be- 4.Kirti Nagar 1,68,000 5 34,902 Similarly, a commuter
We have asked the 2 3 10
on Wednesday evening when a that it appeared Kumar, after come a more pleasant and 5. Mandi House 1,53,000 5 7. Rajouri Garden 1,56,871
going from north Delhi to
train coming from Dwarka the completion of the interro- cops to find out why my rush-free affair from next 8 9 Rohini would be able to
1,10,000 4
stopped at the Kaushambi gation in the presence of a ma- uncle went back to the March. The completion of
6. Inderlok 3 8.INA 1,29,881 change train at Azadpur —
station. According to a DMRC gistrate around 10pm on Tues-
police station or landed Phase III in 2018 will not only 7. Ashok Park 49,000 9. Lajpat Nagar 54,454 an interchange station on
official, the smoke was a result day,went to the washroom in add 130km to the network 10. Mayur Vihar Ph-I the Pink Line (Majlis Park-
up in the second-floor
of a technical issue with the the staff quarters and used a but also increase the num- 8.Yamuna Bank 45,000 1,13,653 Shiv Vihar) — instead of at
braking system. After inspection, gamchha to hang himself from washroom when he ber of interchange stations Kashmere Gate.
the train continued its journey the iron bars on the window. was supposed to leave from nine to 27, easing the
*Approximate figures 11. Anand Vihar 15,959 While the existing Metro
towards Vaishali. TNN He did not leave behind a suici- pressure on the existing link RUSH HOUR: How Rajiv Chowk station looks like on any given day 12. Welcome 98,022 corridors are in the shape of
de note, so the cops have ANKIT stations such as Rajiv straight lines criss-crossing
initiated a magisterial enquiry Nephew of Raj Kumar (in pic) Chowk and Kashmere Gate. the city, the Pink and Magen-
STAT & THE CITY into the death. With an average footfall ta lines are circular and will
Family members accused ing taken,” said a police officer. of five lakh per day, Rajiv connect the existing lines at

the policemen present of ha- Ankit, however, had some Chowk is the busiest Metro many points, creating such a
ving driven a panicked Kumar questions. “We have asked the station and the network’s large number of inter-
to end his life. Relatives of the cops to find out why my uncle nerve centre. Serving as the change stations.
deceased said that Kumar had went back to the police station interchange point for two of Delhi Metro Rail Corpo-
come to Delhi with his nephew or landed up in the second-floor the busiest corridors — Yel- ration (DMRC) believes that
Men above the age of 18 were Ankit from his village in Eta- washroom when he was suppo- low Line (Samaypur Badli- the new interchange sta-
reported missing in 2015 wah in UP on Tuesday after be- sed to leave. No one lingers on at HUDA City Centre) and Blue tions will change the way
ing summoned by a police te- a police station when free to Line (Dwarka Sector 21-Noi- commuters travel. Though
Delhi Economic Survey
am. The investigating officer go,” said Ankit. da City Centre/Vaishali) — DMRC has not carried out
met him at the Jahangirpuri Kumar used to work as a se- Rajiv Chowk handles thou- any study on the exact im-
Minor fire at police station and took him in-
side for interrogation while
curity guard in a school in Ro-
hini but had quit and gone back
sands of passengers every
hour. The station gets parti-
pact of more interchange
stations on the existing
Dikshit’s home Ankit remained outside.
Kumar’s family received a
to his village. While in Delhi,
he was acquainted with a wo-
cularly choked with pas-
sengers during the morning
ones that see heavy footfall,
it believes that there will be

A minor fire broke out in the

basement of former CM Sheila
Dikshit’s residence in east
phone call early on Wednesday
morning from the cops saying
that he had been admitted to ho-
man colleague, who had subse-
quently gone missing. The wo-
man’s husband had approa-
and evening peak hours.
Kashmere Gate and Cen-
tral Secretariat are the next
distribution of commuter
pressure across the network
after Phase III is completed.
Nizamuddin. No damage was spital. However, when they rea- ched the court demanding Ku- two busiest stations with the “Phase III will redistribu-
reported, said a fire official adding ched the hospital, they realised mar’s appearance before the average daily footfall of mo- te the crowding patterns at
that the fire was reported from an he was already dead, with the investigating officer. re than three lakh and two the interchange stations. As a
electric meter in the basement. A cops informing them of his There was no case registe- lakh, respectively. result, the existing traffic pat-
call was received at the Delhi Fire apparent suicide. red against Kumar, and relati- This rush is going to get Thanks to the 18 new inter- ters won’t be required to te to change trains for their tern will change at the cur-
Services control room around “The judicial magistrate ves denied he was in anyway in- distributed among many change stations — such as make long detours. desired station, the inter- rent interchange stations, ea-
9.38am and two fire tenders were and SDM were called to the site volved in the disappearance of more interchange stations INA, Hauz Khas, Kalkaji Instead of being forced to change stations on Phase III sing the pressure at these lo-
rushed to the spot but the blaze and we have requested post- the woman. The family has app- once Phase III becomes fully Mandir, Janakpuri West, travel to central areas such will give commuters the fre- cations,” said Anuj Dayal, ex-
had already been extinguished, mortem by a board of doctors. roached the National Human operational. This will also Rajouri Garden, Welcome as Rajiv Chowk, Central Se- edom to choose the most con- ecutive director of corporate
the official added. PTI All mandatory actions are be- Rights Commission for redress. help commuters save time. and Karkarduma, commu- cretariat and Kashmere Ga- venient route. For instance, communications at DMRC.

Cross Dhaula Kuan at Sr citizen

loses `3.5L
23.6m above ground to card fraud
TRIAL RUN New Delhi: Crooks posing as
New Delhi: A Metro train bank officials withdrew Rs 3.5
passed through Delhi Met- lakh in multiple transactions
ro’s highest point at Dhaula from the account of a senior ci-
Kuan on Wednesday for the tizen living in central Delhi.
first time as part of the pre- The conmen had called the vic-
parations for the commence- tim claiming that her card had
ment of trial runs between been blocked and sought her
Mayapuri and South Cam- card details, including the CCV
pus on the upcoming Pink and the pin, to unblock it. From
Line (Majlis Park - Shiv Vi- July 24, the conmen began with-
har) corridor. drawing money. Cops are track-
“The Metro train crossed ing the transaction trail and ha-
Dhaula Kuan at a height of ve filed an FIR in this regard.
23.6 metres (as high as a se- In his complaint, Jeet
ven-storey building) to reach at Dhaula Kuan is 23.6mtrs between 12.30am and 4am Singh Sandhu, a retired go-
South Campus from Maya- and it is the highest point of to avoid any disruption to vernment official, told the po-
puri, covering a distance of Delhi Metro so far, surpas- the traffic on the Airport Li- lice that the fraudsters had
6.8km. The full-fledged trials sing Karkarduma where the ne. “The launching work be- called his wife asking for
on this section will commen- Metro passes at a height of 19 gan only after getting all the details of her SBI card, sa-
ce in a few days,” said a metres above the ground. clearances from Operation ying that her card had been
DMRC spokesperson. “The construction of this & Maintenances (O&M) de- blocked accidentally.
“During the journey, va- section was a major enginee- partment of the Airport Li- Sandhu did not check the
rious functional aspects of ring challenge since the via- ne. A diversion road also bank account until he recei-
the new rolling stock (trains) duct had to pass above the was constructed so that the- ved a call from the bank infor-
were tested prior to the be- airport line viaduct as well re was no inconvenience ming about unusual transac-
ginning of the signalling tri- as flyovers at the Dhaula to the road users during tions from his account. He
als. Trial runs on a 6.5km Kuan intersection,” the spo- erection,” he said. then approached the Tughlaq
stretch between Shakurpur kesperson said. After commissioning, Road Police station and regis-
and Mayapuri are already in DMRC said that the laun- the line will emerge as one of tered a complaint after which
progress on the Pink Line ching operation above the Delhi Metro’s lifelines with a case under section 420 IPC
since last month,” he added. Airport Line was done only 10 interchange stations, the (cheating) and 419 IPC (imper-
The height of the viaduct during non-operating hours spokesperson added. sonation) was registered.

How could I have let her die, says

man who donated part of his liver
Continued from P1 ily agreed to be a donor, the
Bhatnagars had to find the

ecalling the friendship money for the Rs 25 lakh
that began in 2007, Gopi- procedure. Anurag Bhatna-
nath told TOI, “I used gar revealed to TOI, “We
to share a flat with Puja and didn’t have enough money
her husband while studying left after her treatment to af-
at the University of Glamor- ford the transplant.”
gan in Wales 10 years ago. She The patient’s students in
was like family to me. How Gurgaon, friends and family
could I have let her die for members helped spread the
want of a donor?” word about the need for
The 34-year-old, who funds, and 363 people from
works as dog trainer in Chen- across the globe sent in
nai, came back to India in money through Impact Guru,
2009 after completing his an online fundraising plat-
studies but remained in form, to make the life-saving
touch with the Bhatnagars, FRIEND IN NEED... Prasanna Gopinath (right) donated a part of his transplant possible.
who settled in Gurgaon after liver to Puja Bhatnagar (second from right) “The donor has been dis-
their return from the UK. charged already, and Puja is
The hospital staff was out when it comes to dona- stepping forward to help,” likely to be discharged in a
impressed. “In many cases, ting organs, so it was a pleas- said Dr Gupta. day or two,” said a doctor at
even family members back ant surprise to see a friend Even after Gopinath read- Max on Wednesday.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDDEL1 User: ipsita.mazumdar Time: 08-02-2017 23:33 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel




Data with CPCB show that Delhi, for the first time in
three years, recorded two “good” air days this July.
It also had as many as 17 days in the “satisfactory”
Failure to segregate waste
range and no “poor”, “very poor” or “severe” days.
The Air Quality Index (AQI) data indicate Delhi’s air
quality improved this summer-monsoon compared to the last two
years. “I think it’s a reflection of various actions taken to control
poor air quality. We also have a good monsoon this time and
at home may cost you
the winds are favouring dispersion (of particulate matter),” said
Dipankar Saha, additional director and head of air laboratory, CPCB. HC-Appointed Panel Wants Bylaws Changed To Curb Littering
Union environment minister Harsh Vardhan recently responded to File photo
questions in the Rajya Sabha, saying air quality in Delhi improved in TIMES NEWS NETWORK an up the city without crea-
2017 compared to last year. “Moderate days have gone up from 29 ting awareness among the
days in 2016 to 56 days in 2017. Very poor days have reduced from New Delhi: A panel of ex- people and their active parti-
52 in 2016 to 36 during 2017,” he said, replying to questions. Experts, perts set up by Delhi high co- cipation, a view which was
however, warned it was too early to arrive at any trends. urt to look into the problem of echoed by a court appointed
solid waste management in expert committee.
MONTH GOOD SATIS- MODERATE POOR VERY SEVERE the city has recommended The court told the civic
FACTORY POOR change in the bylaws to inclu- authorities that while they
May 2015 1 5 18 6 de heavy fines for littering were making timely schedu-
and compulsory segregation les for dropping off and col-
Jun 2015 3 13 8 1
of waste in every household. lecting garbage, introducing
July 2015 11 17 2 1 In a proposal submitted in solid waste compactors and
HC on Wednesday, the com- putting up online informa-
May 2016
Jun 2016
mittee comprising environ-
mentalist Sunita Narain, M C
Mehta, Almitra Patel and Is-
tion about its cleaning staff,
they should also simultaneo-
usly educate the citizens as
DJB contractor shot
in Rohini office
July 2016 6 15 4
her Judge Ahluwalia among THAT STINKING FEELING: The court also ticked off commissioners suggested by the panel.
May 2017 7 17 7 others have advocated penal- of the civic bodies for seeking exemption from the hearing As regards the corpora-
ty for households that fail to tions’ request for more land
Jun 2017 1 19 10
segregate waste into wet, dry step to be taken would be to On Wednesday the court to put in waste processing sy- TIMES NEWS NETWORK mall told the police that the
July 2017 2 17 12 and hazardous wastes. frame bylaws in accordance also ticked off the three com- stems, the bench told the ci- accused approached him for
The grim status of garba- with the Solid Waste Mana- missioners of the civic bodi- vic bodies to first look at the New Delhi: A 46-year-old cont- Yadav’s address. They retur-
ge dump sites which have ex- gement Rules of 2016 and sa- es who have been appearing expert panel’s plan for ractor with Delhi Jal Board ned after 10 minutes, thanked
ceeded their capacity years id a draft of the same would on every hearing as per court garbage disposal before as- (DJB) was shot dead inside his him and left, he added. The
ago, inadequate waste pro- be placed before the bench orders. When one of the co- king for more land which office in Rohini Sector 16 while murder was discovered when
cessing and lack of compli- before the next date of hea- unsels tried to seek exemp- was in limited quantity and he was applying for an online Yadav’s son reached the office
ance and enforcement capa- ring on September 19. tion for the senior bureau- “cannot be grown”. The co- tender on Tuesday night. after a few minutes.
city were the other challeng- A bench of Acting Chief crats, HC said it has summo- urt has been monitoring the Two youths entered the of- DCP (Rohini) Rishipal sa-
es that the panel red flagged Justice Gita Mittal and Justi- ned them with great reluc- issue of garbage removal fice at a mall around 11pm and id the CCTV footage showed
for the authorities. ce C Hari Shankar then as- tance but “they need to see and disposal from the city af- shot Babu Lal Yadav, who had the men entering the office.
Apart from enforcing ked all authorities including the ground reality and there ter it was told that lack of cle- just returned from a DJB site Yadav’s mobile phone and so-
segregation at source, like Delhi government and the will be no exemption.” anliness leads to spread of and was waiting for his son, on me documents are being scan-

More showers likely today households and societies,

the panel suggested streng-
thening the waste collection
three corporations to study
the proposals and submit a
report to the committee so
It pointed out that if the
bench can set aside a large
part of its day for hearing this
vector-borne diseases like
dengue and chikungunya.
The issue of vector-borne
the temple. The police are su-
specting that a property dispu-
te might be the reason behind
ned to identify the killers.
Initial investigations re-
veal that Yadav was involved
New Delhi: Overcast skies prevailed in the national capital and processing systems, that solid waste manage- matter, “they can be here to as- diseases was raised before the murder. The victim’s fami- in gambling earlier but his fa-
with the mercury settling at a comfortable 31degrees even as treating garbage as a ment rules could be incorpo- sist us. We ensure you get pro- the court in two PILs filed by ly members have named two mily had convinced him to le-
high humidity caused inconvenience to Delhiites. resource and imposing pe- rated into the bylaws. per seats and you are seated lawyers Arpit Bhargava and people who allegedly run ave it. His relatives said the
The maximum temperature was recorded at 31.6 degrees nalties for littering as well as HC is hearing a clutch of while we speak to you. Nobo- Gauri Grover who sought di- gambling dens in Mukherjee gamblers had been threate-
Celsius, three notches below the season’s average while the min- introducing user fees and PILs on rise of cases of vec- dy should have any grievance rections from the municipal Nagar and Rohini as suspects. ning to harm him if he did not
imum temperature settled at 27 degrees, normal for this time of landfill taxes. tor borne diseases where it against appearing in court.” bodies and other authorities A gardener working at the pay certain dues.
the year, said a MeT department official. The humidity oscillat- It said that dumping of has formed the committee to During the proceedings, to take steps to prevent spre-
ed between 91% and 72%. The MeT office has forecast cloudy waste should be disincenti- reduce accumulation of was- it told the municipal corpo- ad of dengue, chikungunya
skies along with the liklihood of drizzle for Thursday. PTI vised. The panel said the first te in the open. rations that they cannot cle- and malaria.

Cops clueless
on kid’s death
Another hair chopping 9kg hashish seized from
truck, two arrested
New Delhi: The Delhi Police
seized 9 kg of fine quality

at Gzb school
Ayaskant Das
case, now in outer Delhi hashish from a truck on the
Delhi-Haryana border on
Tuesday evening and
arrested Mashiar Rahaman
@timesgroup.com Pankhuri.Yadav 11pm after which they took When she didn’t come Mondal (53) a resident of
@timesgroup.com the woman to a hospital for out for some time, her hus- Nadia, and Mohammad Arif
Ghaziabad: A day after a nine- medical check-up. The wo- band started calling out to (26) from Poonch for
year-old boy died after he slip- New Delhi: Three days on, man and her family members her but got no response. allegedly transporting the
ped and fell in the corridor of a incidents of women’s hair have also been counselled. When she gained conscious- consignment from Kashmir to
school, the police have failed to being chopped off doesn’t The woman’s family said ness, she noticed her chop- West Bengal. PTI
make any substantial progress seem to come to an end. On that after playing with her ped braids kept next to her.
in the investigations. However, Tuesday, another incident grandson, she put him to sle- She informed her husband
a forensic team visited the scho- was reported from outer ep and retired to her room and he called the cops. Con-
ol on Wednesday to examine the Delhi’s Ranhola where a 45- for the day. She sat down firming the incident, senior
spot at which Armaan Sehgal year-old woman fell uncons- with her husband and they officers said that they will
had allegedly fell while rushing cious inside her washroom started discussing the gro- lodge a case once they get a
to his class for a unit test. and woke up to find her bra- wing incidents of mysterio- complaint from the wo-
Armaan had died from inju- ids cut off. us hair chopping. The wo- man’s family.
ries sustained from a fall on a The police were reported man then went to the wash- “We have consulted ex-
corridor in the building of GD about the incident around room and fell unconscious. perts from IBHAS who have
Goenka Public School in Shakti File photo been counselling the six wo-
Khand III of Indirapuram on men who have been victimi-
Tuesday. A post-mortem report sed,” said DCP (southwest)
had cited head injuries as the Surender Kumar.
cause for Armaan’s death. “We Police have also asked co-
are still investigating. Any ac- unsellors to meet the women
tion against the school princi- of the villages where these
pal and its manager, who have incidents have been repor-
been named as accused in the ted. They are also trying to
FIR, will be taken only if we find ascertain if family members
them guilty in our investiga- of the victims have any role
tions. The boy died of internal to play in the incidents.
head injuries. He had fallen face Superstitions are also on
down on the corridor. The au- the rise after the incidents.
topsy report has found a minor “Women are now stepping
injury on his nasal region from out of their houses with the-
the fall. There were no injury ir heads covered or after ty-
marks on the back of his head,” ing their hair in a bun,” said
said Sunil Kumar Dubey, SHO, TAKING NO CHANCES: The incidents have prompted people to a resident of Chhawla’s
Indirapuram police station. try tried and tested measures of warding off ‘evil spirits’ Kanganhera village.

Teen stabbed to Builder pays `300cr more

death on Gzb to YEIDA for sports city
railway tracks Vandana.Keelor@timesgroup.com executive officer, YEIDA, the develo-
Ayaskant.Das@timesgroup.com per has been defaulting on its instal-
Greater Noida: The Yamuna Ex- ments for land allotted in the past five
Ghaziabad: A 16-year-old boy, walking along pressway Industrial Development years. “The land in question was allot-
the railway tracks in Sahibabad with his fe- Authority on Wednesday said Jai- ted to the developer in the YEIDA area
male friend, was allegedly stabbed to death prakash Associates (Jaypee) had pa- for constructing residential units un-
by a few men on Tuesday. The girl, who was id them Rs 300 crore as second instal- der the special development zone
also injured in the attack, is currently out of ment for the Rs 1,000 hectare land on (SDZ) category,” he said. “This totals
danger. The duo was allegedly attacked on which the company had developed a nearly 1,000 hectares and is located in
the tracks behind the Central Electronics Li- sports city in YEIDA area. The deve- three pockets including Sector 25 and
mited (CEL) complex in the afternoon. loper had already paid YEIDA Rs 110 Jaypee Sports City,” he said.
According to police, the two were walking crore in May this year. The total out- Singh told TOI that they would so-
towards Kadkad Model colony, where they li- standing amount towards this pro- on start development in their area.
ve with their respective families in rented ac- ject is Rs 600 crore. When TOI contacted Jaypee Infra-
commodations, when they were attacked. According to Arunvir Singh, chief tech, they confirmed the deposit.
The boy has been identified by police as Ra-
hul, a school dropout.
The attackers had allegedly ambushed
them and attempted to slit the throat of the
girl. Police said she managed to free herself
when they were stabbing Rahul. She ran to-
wards a group of people at a distance. They
tied a stole around her neck to stop the blee-
ding, and informed the police.
The girl is a Class IX student in a govern-
ment school near Sahibabad railway station.
Rahul’s family told TOI that he had gone to
fetch the girl from school on Tuesday. “The girl
lives in our neighbourhood. She and Rahul we-
re friends. On Tuesday, Rahul received a call on
his mobile phone, after which he went to fetch
the girl from school. It seems they were attack-
ed while walking home along the railway
tracks,” Rahul’s brother, Brijesh (18), said.
Rahul had dropped out of Class IX from a
school in Vivek Vihar, Delhi, two years ago.
Along with his brother Brijesh, he began sel-
ling vegetables in a market in Kadkad Model
after their father, Parmeshwar (42), suffered a
paralytic attack two months ago. “Rahul was
there with me in the market on Tuesday. He left
after he received a call on his mobile phone,”
said Brijesh. On the basis of a complaint lod-
ged by Brijesh, an FIR was registered against
unidentified persons under sections 302
(murder) and 307 (attempt to murder) of IPC
at Link Road police station.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 2 Page: TOIDDEL2 User: nandita.banerji Time: 08-03-2017 00:52 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



4-yr jail in 2 land cases for Neera Yadav


SC Upholds Conviction Of Former UP Chief Secy In 1994 Case
AmitAnand.Choudhary Neera Yadav is currently chairman-cum-CEO of Noi-
Corruption must be dealt


New Delhi: The Supreme

Court on Wednesday upheld
lodged in jail and has
already undergone
around 17 months of
da, she was expected to ensu-
re that the allotment of plots
are effected in strict compli-
ance with the rules and regu-
with iron hand, says SC
139 the conviction of former Ut- imprisonment after lations of Noida. However, AmitAnand.Choudhary consumerism and fall in moral
tar Pradesh chief secretary
the trial court and the appellant herself bypas- @timesgroup.com Tackling values, corruption has taken
Good Moderate Hazardous Neera Yadav in the 1994 land sed the rules and regula- corruption is going to be deep roots in the society. What
allocation scam for illegally Allahabad high court tions,” the court said. New Delhi: Terming corrup- is needed is a re-awakening
Source: CPCB allocating plots to herself held her guilty The court passed the ver- tion and nepotism as enemy
a priority task for the and recommitment to the ba-
and her two daughters du- dict on petitions filed by Ya- to economic growth and good government. The sic values of tradition rooted
AQI LEVELS IN NCR ring her tenure as chairper- ars’ imprisonment. stem. Corruption paralyses dav challenging the trial co- governance, the Supreme Co- legislative reforms and in ancient and external wis-
son and CEO of Noida. The bench held that Ya- the functioning of the key urt and Allahabad High Co- urt on Wednesday asked go- strict judicial actions dom. Unless people rise aga-
ITO A bench of Justices Kuri- dav had acted in flagrant vio- areas of the state admini- urt orders holding her guilty vernments to deal with it inst bribery and corruption,
91 an Joseph and R Banumathi lation of the rules to promote stration,” said Justice Banu- in the corruption cases. De- firmly by taking unrelenting have still not been able society can never be rid of this
NSIT Dwarka convicted her in two cases of her individual interests to mathi who wrote the judg- fending the charges of cor- and uncompromising steps to completely uproot disease ,” she said.
94 illegal allotment of plots and get the plots for herself and ment for the bench. ruption, she had contended to check the growing malaise. this deeply rooted evil The apex court held that it
Punjabi Bagh awarded two years’ imprison- her daughters in posh Sec- The court held that Yadav that she was not involved in While convicting former was a harsh reality that cor-
ment in each case. In a rare de- tor-14A of Noida on the Delhi not only gained pecuniary allocation of plots to her Uttar Pradesh chief secreta- SUPREME COURT ruption has become all-per-
Anand Vihar cision, the bench said that the border. The court said the advantage for herself and daughters who had indepen- ry Neera Yadav in Noida land vasive in the present system
282 sentences would run conse- conduct of the former bu- her family by manipulating dently applied for land and allotment scam, a bench of the government needs to be of bureaucracy.
RK Puram cutively which means that Ya- reaucrat was reprehensible the rules but also caused gra- the authority took decision Justices Kurian Joseph and R seen taking unrelenting, The court said that rich
74 dav has to spend four years be- and she must pay the price ve loss to Noida authority. It after following due process. Bhanumathi said that time stern and uncompromising and powerful always tried to
Shadipur hind bars. She is currently for indulging in corruption. held that her daughters were The bench, however, refu- had come for the government steps. Leaders should think stall the trial and the present
88 lodged in jail and has already It said corruption and nepo- not even eligible to get plots sed to give credence to her to root out corruption by ta- of introducing good and ef- case of Neera Yadav in which
undergone around 17-months tism in bureaucracy must be and it was she and her hus- statements and said that do- king multi-pronged steps. fective leadership at the helm she had been convicted was
Mandir Marg
of imprisonment after the tri- dealt with iron hand. band who had paid the mo- cuments furnished by CBI “Tackling corruption is of affairs; only then benefits an exception.
al court and Allahabad high “The fact that she acted in ney on their behalf. proved that she went out of going to be a priority task for of liberalisation and various “A particular kind of cor-
Siri Fort
court held her guilty. flagrant violation of the ru- “The prosecution has way to favour her daughters the government. The govern- programmes, welfare sche- ruption that has become mo-
44 The HC had awarded her les, by giving a complete go- successfully proved that Ya- in getting plots for them. ment has been making cons- mes and programmes would re rampant of late is nepo-
Noida three years jail in both cases by to public interest to pro- dav abused her position as a FIR was lodged against Ya- tant efforts to deal with the reach the masses,” said Justi- tism to promote the interests
108 in February last year. mote her individual interest, public servant to benefit her- dav and others on the direc- problem of corruption. Ho- ce Banumathi, who wrote the of those near and dear to
Gurgaon The court also convicted shows that she abused her self and her kith and kin. She tion of SC which on January wever, the constant legislati- judgment. them. The practice of promo-
57 former IAS officer Rajiv Ku- position to gain undue ad- not only made a mockery of 20, 1998 directed CBI to con- ve reforms and strict judicial “Lack of awareness and su- ting the interest of few indi-
mar for illegally getting a vantage to herself and cause rules and regulations of Noi- duct probe against her for abu- actions have still not been ab- pine attitude of the public has viduals to the detriment of
Readings taken at 6:30pm | plot allotted to him while he loss to Noida. This misuse of da, but also misused her posi- sing her position in allotment le to completely uproot the all along been found to be to the many others is wholly repre-
Source: SAFAR was working as deputy CEO position erodes collective fa- tion by completely neglec- and conversion of plots in her deeply rooted evil of corrup- advantage of the corrupt. Due hensible and deserves to be
of NOIDA, and him two ye- ith of the people in the sy- ting her duties. Being the and her daughters’ name. tion. This is the area where to the uncontrolled spread of condemned,” it said.

Yamuna breaches
warning level
T he Yamuna breached the
warning level of 204 metre in
Gym to pay for 4.07pm: Singh jumps into river 4.17pm: Is brought safely to banks
Sanjeev Rastogi
Sisodia to
move Centre
Delhi on Wednesday and is
expected to touch 204.55 metres
between 11am and 1pm on
Thursday. Central Water
setting limit on for heritage
Commission said there was no
indication of the water level
going near the danger mark of
204.83 and was likely to start
treadmill use tag to city

falling after 1pm. Discharge of Aamir.Khan2@timesgroup.com membership through a notice New Delhi: Delhi tourism mi-
water from the Hathnikund dated May 1, 2010, the court sa- nister Manish Sisodia will be
Barrage also touched a high of New Delhi: The Delhi State id. They were also refunded writing to Union culture mini-
19,240 cusec during Wednesday Consumer Disputes Redres- the balance of their members- ster Mahesh Sharma next we-
afternoon. “All sector officers in sal Commission has found a hip fee. ek, asking him to reconsider
north, northeast, Shahdara, popular fitness chain defici- On inquiry, the complai- Delhi’s nomination for the
central, east and southeast zones ent in service for setting a ti- nants were reportedly told UNESCO world heritage site.
were told to issue warnings,” me limit on the usage of tread- that their membership was Delhi’s nomination was
said a government official. TNN mill for its members. The com- terminated for raising issues submitted to UNESCO in 2014
mission, as a result, dismissed over timing and quality. The 4.10pm: Divers put on life jacket but on May 15, 2015, just days be-
JNU allots 700 its appeal against an order of
the district forum directing
two members then moved the
district forum with their
fore UNESCO was to make its fi-
nal announcement, Centre
hostel seats online the chain to pay Rs 2 lakh each
to the two complainants as pu-
complaints seeking restora-
tion of their membership and
withdrew the nomination wit-
hout giving any reason. This ye-

S ome 773 students have been

granted hostel rooms at
Jawaharlal Nehru University
nitive damages.
“The said limit clearly de-
teriorated the quality and it
The forum observed that
the right asserted by the club
ar, Ahmedabad became the first
world heritage city from India.
“When AAP formed govern-
(JNU) out of the 1,080 was a case of ‘deficiency in to terminate the membership ment in 2014, the then LG and
applications received online in a service’. The gym had 3,000 for raising issues of “deficien- the government both endorsed
first ever initiative, an official members in its branch at Con- cy” was not only against pub- the nomination. When the no-
said on Wednesday. “Nearly 1,080 naught Place. It fixed the time mination was withdrawn, the
students from the first list have limit to accommodate more
In February 2010, tourism minister and chief se-
applied for the online hostel and more people and earn the club introduced JUST IN TME: Rahul Singh, a resident of Balia in Uttar Pradesh, cretary wrote to the union mini-
jumped off ITO bridge. He, however, panicked and yelled for help.
initiated for the first time in JNU maximum profits. Gagging a policy wherein A team of divers managed to save him from drowning
stry but we were never given a
through the Office of Dean of the complainants for raising response. The government has
Students, of which 773 students the issue is totally against the
members were decided to take up the issue aga-
(non-Delhi-NCT residents) have principles of Consumer Pro- asked to use the in,” said a government source.
been given on-spot
hostel/dormitory allotment,”
tweeted Dean of Students
Umesh Ashok Kadam. IANS
tection Act 1986,” said the com-
The complainants, one of
whom is a lawyer, were mem-
treadmill for not
more than 25 mins
lic policy, but also in violation
Panel set up by NGT says STPs not The dossier, named ‘The im-
perial capital cities of Delhi’, se-
eks a heritage tag for the Walled
City and Lutyens’ Delhi. Sour-

Lie test for witness

in 1984 riots case
bers of the fitness club. In Fe-
bruary 2010, the club introdu-
ced a policy for the branch
wherein members were asked
of complainants’ right under
Advocates Act as well as Con-
sumer Protection Act, 1986.
“Your membership was
needed; DJB calls report flawed ces said that ministry of urban
development had reportedly ex-
pressed concerns about the
restrictions a heritage tag wo-
to use the treadmill for not mo- terminated in accordance Neha.Lalchandani@timesgroup.com the issues mentioned in the report with garh catchment may take long time (30- uld place on infrastructural de-

A Delhi court on Wednesday

asked the CBI to conduct lie
detection test on controversial
re than 25 minutes. It was cali-
brated and stopped automati-
cally after 25 minutes, which
with the rights vested in our
client and its freedom to do bu-
siness with only those people
New Delhi: Delhi Assembly’s Estimate
Committee — probing alleged irregula-
the court though sources within DJB
claim that the report submitted by the
committee was “junked” as it had not
40 years) and then may be possibility for
construction/operation of treatment fa-
cility. The first and foremost task of DJB,
velopment in the area.
“However, such restrictions
are already in place for both pla-
arms dealer Abhishek Verma, a was done ostensibly to control whom it desires to do with. In rities of Rs 776.7 crore in the construc- fulfilled its mandate and had not been or any concerned stakeholder, may be to ces mentioned in the dossier.
witness in a 1984 anti-Sikh riots overcrowding and excessive your case the membership tion of 14 sewage treatment plants by signed by the DJB engineer. optimise the operation of existing STPs Had Delhi’s nomination gone
case, at a government-run demand of that machine, no- was terminated for the simple Delhi Jal Board — has come across a re- TOI could not independently verify up to the level of meeting the desired through, it would also put the ci-
forensic science laboratory in ted the commission in its judg- reason that you were raising port by an expert committee constituted standards and to plan for how to reuse ty on the world tourism map,”
Rohini. The court’s order came ment. issues about timing and quali- by the National Green Tribunal accor- treated sewage…Drains intercepted said the government official.
after the CBI’s investigating Also, restrictions were im- ty and it was thought best by ding to which the STPs were not even re-
DJB sources said the project from Najafgarh drain can be linked with India National Trust for Art
officer (IO) informed it about the posed on facilities like steam our client not to continue the quired in the first place. had been monitored by existing STPs for optimum operation, and Cultural Heritage (Intach),
places where the test facilities and sauna rooms. Moreover, business relationship with The expert committee, formed in Fe- NGT at every step and it was rather than building new 14 STPs at which prepared the dossier for
were available. Additional chief there were frequent break- you,” was the reasoning given bruary 2016, comprised the member se- this stage.” Delhi, says the dossier would
metropolitan magistrate Shivali downs of various machines by the club in its termination cretary of CPCB, member secretary of
aware of each decision taken DJB sources said the project had be- only need to be updated and wo-
Sharma directed the CBI to give leaving the members dissatis- letter. Delhi Pollution Control Board, chief with respect to it en monitored by NGT at every step and it uld not require any significant
a written notice to Verma three fied with the services. “The complainants joined engineer of DJB, chief engineer of DDA was aware of each decision taken with changes before submission.
days prior to the date fixed for The two complainants had the club on the assurance that and professor Kosa from IIT Delhi. The either of the claims. respect to it. “The report had various “For instance, there are some
the test and asked his counsel adiscussion between themsel- there won’t be any time limit mandate of the committee was to “study Sources said the report was submit- flaws, which included its failure to mea- changes in the building by-laws
not to change the date ves and then talked to club of- for using machines, including the actual discharge from each major ted to the committee, which had started sure sewage flow. If there are discrepan- for Lutyens’ Delhi which will
repeatedly. PTI ficials, but failed to arrive at the treadmill. Initially, the drain that joins river Yamuna, measure off by looking at the funding pattern of cies in the work, the government can ea- need to be inserted in the dossi-
an amicable settlement. As a club had not prescribed any ti- the load of sewage at the point of STPs the 14 STPs, on Tuesday. “The report cle- sily approach the court and have the pro- er. The harder task will be to
result, a legal notice was shot me limit for the use of any ma- and the point where STPs are sought to arly says that the existing sewage treat- ject cancelled. Why is that not being do- convince UNESCO that these

off by the lawyer on February
20, 2010. The legal notices were
followed up by reminders. Ho-
chine. Problem arose only
when the club fixed a time li-
mit of 25 minutes for the use of
be constructed under the phase I, i.e., Na-
jafgarh drain and Delhi Gate drain”.
The court had directed DJB to proce-
ment infrastructure in the area where
these STPs were planned were underut-
ilised,” said sources. Quoting from the
ne?” DJB sources asked.
Sources said that the assembly com-
mittee would present its report to the go-
bylaws will not change the appe-
arance of the area. If the Centre
agrees, the dossier can be sub-
I Laxmi Nagar -
Karkari Mod at 8pm
wever, they were informed
about the termination of their
treadmill,” observed the com-
ed with the construction of the STPs. So-
urces say that DJB had failed to flag off
report, they said: “Development of the
proposed sites of 14 STPs/SPSs in Najaf-
vernment after which the latter could
decide its course of action.
mitted latest by September 30 ,”
said an official.

II Maha Maya Flyover to

Kalindi Kunj at 8.30pm

Hauz Khas - Savitri
Cinema at 8pm
IDPL Township to Fun n
Food Village via Old
LEDs make dhabas’ power bill lighter, business brighter
Paras.Singh@timesgroup.com incandescent bulbs with LED take the load of illuminating
Delhi Gurgaon Road at 8.30pm
lighting. Many others too have On Delhi-Chandigarh Highway the chains of lights and they

V Shadipur - Karol Bagh

at 8pm
New Delhi: They may not be
the showy buildings of Las Ve-
gas, but the dhabas that line
realised, like A1 did, that at-
tracting people need not come
at a huge cost.
ended up regularly paying pe-
nalties to the government for
overloading their power lines.
SPEED (Km per hour)
9 the Delhi-Chandigarh high- There are approximately After the switch to LEDs, the
way catch the eye with their 30 dhabas on the highway that total load has come down to a
brightly illuminated strings of have all replaced conventional mere 5kWh that the generator
7 7 7
fairy lights and incandescent lighting on their premises handles easily handles.
bulbs and tubelights that ma- with LED bulbs distributed by The dhabas are happy eno-
ke geometric patterns. The Energy Efficiency Services ugh to have a bit more in the
dhabas know people are temp- Ltd (EESL), a joint venture of till. They leave it to ESSL to
ted by the food they offer, but PSUs. Under the UJALA pro- provide the macro numbers,
the illumination is the acces- gramme, EESL has provided which confirms that these 30
sory that brings diners to the around 4,800 9-watt LED bulbs dhabas alone use approxima-
tables. So the eateries spare no to the eateries on this stretch. tely 623.4 MWh less energy
I II III IV V expenses on lighting. Additionally, over 10,000 bulbs now, which in financial terms
“We used to pay Rs 45,000 have been distributed among is a saving of Rs 25 lakh annu-
Worst time
to be on road 6.30pm on electricity,” said Devdutt dhabas across the rest of Na- ally. This has also led to a re-
Sharma, co-owner of A1 Dha- tional Highway 1. the new lights. These lights in 50% savings in energy bills. “Lighting helps a dhaba the dhaba is ill-lit or dark, peo- duction of 500 tonnes of CO2
List is drawn from 42 worst ba on the stretch of the high- The first to opt for LED are brighter and people feel sa- Kumar chuckled that his place distinguish itself from anot- ple will not risk stopping to eat annually. “We have distribu-
traffic spots in Delhi, way that passes through Sone- bulbs was Food Garage, a fun- fer. Our restaurant can also be was so brightly illuminated her,” explained an EESL spo- there.” ted LED bulbs also to homes
Gurgaon, Noida and pat in Haryana. He referred to ky garage-themed restaurant sighted from a distance and now that “even if a needle falls kesperson on why the compa- Rana and his partner Shar- throughout Sonepat district,”
Ghaziabad that are tracked the expense in the past tense owned by Manish Khanija. Af- this gives us an edge over the on the ground, you can find it ny was keen to help the roadsi- ma are not only happy about added an EESL spokesperson.
for congestion between 7am because the dhaba’s bill has ter replacing around 250 bulbs competition.” easily”. Keen on saving money de eateries. “Lighting also en- the slashed power bill, but ha- “This will result in consumers
and 9pm on Google Maps. come down to Rs 15,000 in the at his dhaba, Khanija happily Down the road at Dinesh at home too, Kumar went from hances the safety of the ve also overcome the problem saving 34.2 crore every year
Traffic jams outside these 42 six months since replacing the reported, “Business has some- Kumar’s 79 Milestone Dhaba, conventional bulbs to LED in place.” As co-owner of A1Dha- of a stalling generator. Their while reducing CO2 emission
spots aren’t captured multitude of tubelights and what increased after we put up the new lighting has resulted his house. ba Vijay Rana pointed out, “If 25kVa generator wasn't able to by 70,000 tonne.”
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 2 Page: TOIDDEL3 User: nandita.banerji Time: 08-03-2017 00:53 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



Oberoi Hotel 2.0 back in Jan, to have air filters File Photo
Saurabh.Sinha hi’s notoriously toxic air. signer Adam Tihany, who, The hotel’s “tree of life”
@timesgroup.com “The Oberoi, New Delhi the group says, took inspira- has been retained at its origi-
was originally scheduled to tion from Edwin Lutyen for nal location. “A contempora-
New Delhi: The capital’s ico- reopen in early April 2018, but this project. It will boast of ry screen has been added in
nic Oberoi Hotel will reopen is now likely to open doors in “the first of its kind” rooftop metal and semi-precious sto-
next January after an ex- January 2018 itself. The hotel bar in the city that will offer a nes in the lobby … The ac-
haustive makeover that is be- is expected to retain its iconic 360 degree view of Delhi’s commodation will comprise
ing completed ahead of its position in the capital which skyline, said an official. of 218 guest rooms, including
schedule. The hotel, situated it has enjoyed since it first “To compensate for the 32 suites. The rooms will be
in the heart of Delhi, had be- opened in the year 1965,” said quality of air in the capital, bigger…” the official said.
en closed since April 1, 2016, P R S Oberoi, executive chair- The Oberoi, New Delhi will The 3,600 square feet pre-
with the renovation expected man of East India Hotels Closed Likely provide the cleanest air in sidential suite will offer vi-
Set up in reopening
to take two years. (EIH), the parent company of April the city. High efficiency ad- ews of Humayun’s Tomb on
1965 Jan 2018
Its reopening will also be Oberoi Hotels. 2016 vanced air filters have been one side and the golf course
a commentary on how Delhi While the building struc- installed to provide clean air on the other. The renovated
has changed from the time ture is the same, built origi- at par with global stan- property is laying special
the property was built in nally in 1965, the interiors are dards,” said an official. emphasis on its restaurants.
1965. Back then, Delhi had being completely revamped. “External areas will have The Delhi property was
clean air especially at the ho- Some other iconic hotels that beautiful cobblestone path- the first to be built by late M S
tel’s site with the lush green have been restored in recent was built in 1936 and got its ned on October 15, 2010, after ways, patterned courtyards Oberoi, who founded the gro-
Golf Club next door. Now, the past — getting brand new in- current glitzy form in 2001. being restored at a cost of Rs and water bodies merging se- up in 1934. The Oberoi, Delhi,
property is getting the most teriors while retaining their The Taj Mahal Palace in 180 crore. amlessly with mature gar- is a vital revenue contributor
advanced air purifiers so that facade and structure — inclu- Mumbai, which was attacked Oberoi’s renovation has dens that has been carefully to the group and has a net
guests inside are spared Del- de Delhi’s Imperial which on November 26, 2008, reope- been designed by interior de- preserved,” she added. worth of over Rs 135 crore.


Court seeks
It’s a losing battle against plastic report on
Govt Yet To Enforce Ban As Cases On Plastic Bags & Crockery Pending In NGT illegal hotels
TIMES NEWS NETWORK at Hauz Khas management rules 2016 alrea-

New Delhi: National Green

Delhi’s tryst with banning plastic dy prohibit carry bags that are
less than 50 microns in thick- TIMES NEWS NETWORK
Tribunal (NGT) may have rap- ness. “These are national rules
ped the Delhi government re-
2009 Delhi bans 15,89,418 MT and the government can at le- New Delhi: The Delhi high
use and storage of
cently for not implementing per annum ast implement them,” said Pri- court on Wednesday asked
plastic bags
the ban on plastic crockery, but plastic waste ti Mahesh, senior programme south corporation to furnish
the issue of plastic waste is 2012 generation in coordinator at Toxics Link. A deatils on width of road insi-
anything but new and is unlik- October Govt issues India, according 2014 study showed that very de Hauz Khas Village.
ely to get resolved till a long- to CPCB thin plastic bags were being The court was examining
notification, banning even their
pending case is decided. (Latest figures for used in bulk in the market. how the eateries operating in
local manufacturing
While the Delhi govern- Delhi unavailable) “The problem is alternatives the area got licences and
November Plastic

Unemployed painter
ment has not promoted or sub- like jute or cloth or paper bags other clearances from corpo-
sidised alternative jute or
manufacturers approached were not even promoted by the ration, police and fire depart-
cloth bags that could have bro- HC, which puts the notification government,” she added. ments, on two PILs claiming
ught a shift in consumer beha- on hold Even the mixed-spun plastic these restaurants were ope-
viour, officials say plastic ma-
nufacturers’ plea against a ban
on sale, storage and use of both
Delhi govt files application,
appealing for a speedy disposal
bags being used extensively in
shops are not biodegradable, but
thin plastic bags are a bigger pro-
rating illegally.
The petitions also under-
line lack of enough entry or
hangs self in S Delhi
‘thin’ plastic bags and use-and- of the matter, case drags on blem, said Mahesh. “These tend exit roads for emergency ve- TIMES NEWS NETWORK
throw crockery have been pen- to choke drains and waterbodies hicles.
ding in NGT itself. 2016 CPCB directed the 2017 In a separate matter, THE CASE AGAINST or are just dumped with garba- HC also asked SDMC to fi- New Delhi: A 49-year-old
A morning walker
According to a government closure of all unauthorised NGT bans use of disposable PLASTIC ge. Even ragpickers don’t find le a detailed status report ex- man allegedly committed informed the police
notification in 2012, “no per- plastic manufacturing units plastic in Delhi/NCR from ➤ Bad for wildlife and plants value in collecting them. The plaining under what cir- suicide by hanging himself after seeing the man’s
son, including a shopkeeper, and prohibited manufacturing January 1 ➤ Costly to clear up best alternative is for consumers cumstances it gave permis- from a tree in south
vendor, a wholesaler or a retai- of substandard (less than 40 ➤ Plastic bags consume to carry their own bags.” But sion to eateries to construct Delhi’s Vasant Kunj on Sun-
body hanging from the
➤ Applications of two
ler, trader, hawker or a rehri- micron thickness) carry bags manufacturers against use resources, including oil, in their thin bags are still in circulation third floor or even higher day morning. tree with a plastic rope
wala shall sell, store and use HC transfers matter to creation as they are dirt cheap, costing without examining the buil- A morning walker infor-
and storage of plastic bags
plastic carry bags for supply of ➤ Take years to decompose about 10 paise each compared to ding sanction plans. med the police after seeing nearby localities. His family
NGT in December is still pending with NGT
any goods”. It also banned ma- Rs 8-10 for every jute bag. It had earlier ordered po- the man’s body hanging members said that he was
nufacture, storage, import, sell court and got a stay on the noti- sable plastic or plastic crockery the government can implement Although awareness dri- lice and the chief fire engine- from the tree with a plastic under depression for some
or transport of “any kind of fication. Last year, the high co- be banned from January 1, 2017. these bans unless NGT directs ves are being carried out, fines er to inspect Hauz Khas Villa- rope. Cops took the body to a time as he had not been get-
plastic carry bags (including urt sent the case to NGT. But, in February, Plastic Waste either way,” said a lawyer repre- cannot be levied until the new hospital where doctors pro- ting work. He had been
polyproplyne, non-woven fab- While this case is still pen- Manufacturers and Traders As- senting Delhi Pollution Control solid waste management by- nounced him dead. The behaving in a very abnormal
ric ones)”. But two manufactu- ding, on December 2, 2016, NGT sociation, Delhi filed a review Committee before the tribunal. laws come into force, said a cor-
The high court had man, later identified as fashion for the past one
rers soon moved the Delhi high directed that the use of dispo- petition in NGT. “I don’t think However, the plastic waste poration official. asked the authorities Safekul, was a resident of a week, but they never tho-
to carry out a survey village in the area. His house ught that he would take this
was barely a few metres extreme step.

Why e-waste will continue to flow into city and find the exact
number of restaurants
operating in the village
away from where he was fo-
und hanging.
Safekul lived with his fa-
mily in a rented house and
His body has been shifted
to the AIIMS mortuary. “In-
quest proceedings have been
initiated in the case,” said
illegally and without worked as a painter in the DCP (south) Ishwar Singh.
@timesgroup.com INDIA AMONG TOP 3 E-WASTE GENERATORS IN ASIA prior approval by the
GLOBAL PICTURE south corporation
New Delhi: With the Centre India generates
planning to reconsider tar- 2 million metric In 2012, In 2014, six China is second In 2014, 15.5% of ge to find out if the emergen-
gets given to companies tonnes of e-waste developing countries only to the global e-waste was cy service vehicles could en-
for collecting e-waste from annually countries’ generated US (4.4kg per formally collected ter the lanes in case of an
consumers and recycling total domestic nearly half capita in 2014 and treated eventuality.
10% of it recycled compared to
them, tonnes of e-waste may e-waste overtook of all global through national The court had asked the
in formal recycling
continue to pollute waterbo- developed ones — e-waste — US, 22kg per capita programmes authorities to ensure strict
sector, rest by in US). At 1.3kg
dies, groundwater and soil in the West produced China, Japan, (mostly in Europe, enforcement of law in the
informal sector
informal recycling hubs 23.5 MT and all Germany, India per capita, India North America, All area and also asked officials
like Moradabad, Saharan- India, according others 25.4 MT and UK stands fifth China and Japan) to carry out a survey and find
to a 2014 report, E-WASTE
pur, Delhi and other smaller TROUBLING POINTS More than 20 states COLLECTION the exact number of restau-
towns. is among the rants operating in the village
The targets for collection
and recycling — as specified in
top three Asian
countries in
generating e-waste.
1 Emissions of dioxins/heavy
metals — lead, cadmium,
mercury — in the environment
3 Spent fluids/chemicals getting
soaked into soil
More than 15
illegally and without prior
approval from the south cor-
the e-waste rules 2016 — were
to be implemented from May.
Central Pollution Control
The others are
China (6 MT) and 2 Release of other contaminants
like brominated flame
4 Contamination of
More than 10
Hauz Khas Village — a
hub of restaurants, pubs, art
5 Risk of leachate from non- None
Board (CPCB) officials told Japan (2.2 MT) retardants (BFRs) recyclables diverted to landfills galleries and fashion studios
TOI that industry bodies met —came under high court
environment ministry offici- (EPR) abroad ,” said P Part- only 40,000 tonnes get recy- me e-waste in 2017, and mobi- director at Toxics Link, said, scanner after PILs filed by
als and the revision of e-was- hasarathy, managing direc- cled by formal recycling com- le manufacturers are manda- “My true concerns are that one Pankaj Sharma and ad-
te collection targets was be- tor of E-Parisara, one of the panies. This hasn’t increased ted to collect 30% of that. these rules were drafted after vocate Anuja Kapur said that
ing considered by the mini- first formal e-waste recyc- even after the e-waste rules However, industry bodies comprehensive consultation a number of restaurants we-
stry. At present, CPCB has be- ling companies that has a re- 2016 came into force last Octo- such as Manufacturers’ Asso- with all stakeholders. Any re running illegally, bars we-
en implementing the e-waste cycling unit in Gurgaon. ber. The rules specify that ciation of Information Techno- further dilution or delay will re serving liquor without li-
rules for companies authori- Parthasarathy added, firms collect 30% of the e- logy (MAIT), Indian Cellular cause serious environmental cences and no safety norms
sed by the board. “Some of the Japanese and waste generated by them in Association (ICA) and others pollution and will push for were being followed.
The environment mini- Korean companies have an the first two years of imple- had recently met the environ- recycling in the unauthori- There is a gross violation
stry held a meeting with re- elaborate collection system mentation of the rules. ment ministry to demand a re- sed sector. Moving to formal of emergency exit, according
cycling companies during abroad. In China, the govern- The rules state the avera- laxation in these targets. recycling would have cataly- to the pleas. In all, 120 restau-
which relaxing e-waste col- ment provides incentives to ge age of various electronic “We are not sure of the as- sed job creation.” rants and pubs have come up
lection targets and supply recyclers by collecting mo- equipment. For example, for surances given to us unless NGT had last month di- in the area in the past 10 years
chain of e-waste was discus- ney from producers to fund a smart phones it’s 5 years, for changes in targets are notified rected that anyone found without any building plan
sed. “The same brands that part of the recycling process. printers and cartridges it’s 10 —30% is an impractical target dumping e-waste on the approval from SDMC.
have submitted that they But, there are no such incen- years, for refrigerators 10 ye- and can’t be achieved for banks of river Ramganga in The bench has already is-
cannot meet the targets in In- tives in India.” ars, and so on. So all the now,” said Anwar Shirpurwa- Moradabad would pay Rs 1 sued notice to the Centre, the
dia are implementing exten- Currently, of the 2 million smart phones, which were la, executive director, MAIT. lakh as environment com- Delhi government, Delhi Poli-
ded producer responsibility tonnes of e-waste generated sold in 2012, technically beco- Satish Sinha, associate pensation charge. ce and SDMC and sought their
responses on the issue by July
24. The pleas sought a comple-

S corp cracks whip on 2.6k food vendors

te ban on pubs and bars run-
ning illegally in the village.

AlokKNMishra@timesgroup.com why nobody wants to invest money in buying more

utensils and containers,” Singh added.
New Delhi: Delhi may be known for its delectable stre- “My utensils were seized by municipal inspec-
et food, but what we don’t know is whether such food is tors last month. I want to start a proper shop, but they
fit for consumption or not. The south corporation has are not giving us a licence. I can ensure quality when I
been closely monitoring the street food stalls in the past get better infrastructure,” said Mohan Lal, who sells
seven months and taken action against 2,623 vendors for snacks in east Delhi’s Laxmi Nagar.
littering and “unauthorised vending”. The vendors are governed by two laws—Food Safety
Most vendors in Delhi are found to be flouting food Act, 2011 and Street Vending Act, 2014—but, none of
hygiene codes—they store the food in an unhygienic con- them are being implemented properly. “No vendor has
dition and the water they use in cooking is often impure. been given licence in Delhi in the past 20 years. The food
The sites where they operate are infested with insects safety department has started a training programme
and pests and they rarely use pest control measures. for them since last year. Though the process to award li-
Besides, littering by roadside stalls is a major pro- cence has started, the majority are operating without
blem as this causes diseases like cholera and diarrhoea this key document,” said a NASVI official.
to spread quickly during the monsoon. “The action was It is also alleged that the food safety department
taken against unauthorised vendors under the Delhi does not carry out raids to monitor the quality of
Municipal Corporation Act, 1957. Unauthorsied parking food on a regular basis. “The corporations should in-
is a major issue since customers who flock to these ven- form us before launching a drive against them so
dors park their vehicles on the roadside and litter the that we can take samples. But that’s rarely done,” sa-
area,” said municipal health officer B K Hazarika. id Mrinalini Darswal, commissioner, department of
According to National Association of Street Ven- food safety.
dors of India (NASVI), there are around 40,000 ven- The department also lacks proper infrastructure
dors in the Delhi. But the real problem is: most of TASTE YES, BUT HEALTH? Most vendors in Delhi are and adequate manpower. An official said it had only
them operate illegally, thus posing a health hazard to found to be flouting food hygiene norms five inspectors against the requirement of 31. “There
customers. “You cannot expect a street food vendor to is a huge shortage of chemists as well. The proposal
follow the blue book of hygiene when you have not gi- national coordinator of NASVI. to get the tests done in private laboratories is pending
ven him a vendor’s licence. The corporation has re- Fear is a constant companion for a majority of for approval,” the official added. Meanwhile, NASVI
moved thousands of street food vendors in south Del- these vendors. “The civic staff conduct surprise in- members will stage a demonstration at Civic Centre
hi and seized their belongings,” said Arvind Singh, spections and take away their belongings. This is on Thursday over the issue of licence.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP6 User: mishra.richa Time: 08-02-2017 23:44 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



Car spare part How do you

assess threat It’s been weeks
that this filth and
debris has not
Monsoon offer
from SDMC

sparks panic at IGI perception: HC SANGAM VIHAR

been cleared from
this residential
Tigri, Jawahar
New Delhi: The Delhi high co- Park, Sangam
Cargo Terminal Cordoned Off For An Hour urt on Wednesday asked the
Centre and Delhi Police to in-
Vihar. SDMC must
act immediately.
TIMES NEWS NETWORK form it about the system
adopted in assessing threat per- Citizen Reporter
New Delhi: Panic gripped the ception of an individual see- Dilip Saini
cargo terminal at IGI airport king security.
on Wednesday morning after a A bench of Acting Chief
suspected improvised explosi- Justice Gita Mittal and Justice
ve device (IED) was detected C Hari Shankar sought to know
there during screening. about the procedure while hea-
Security personnel said ring a plea by Aam Aadmi
they had noticed a “suspicio- Party leader and former jour-
us” object in one of the pack- nalist Ashish Khetan alleging
ages, booked for Goa, at the death threat from right-wing or-
cargo terminal around ganisations.
7.15am. The device looked In his petition, Khetan has
‘Holistic’ cleansing,
like an IED. Authorities im- I-DAY ALARM: X-Ray machine also sought framing of guideli-
mediately cordoned off the nes to be adopted by probe
thanks to DJB
spotted a suspicious
area and called in the agencies for dealing with such NARELA
object in one of the
bomb detection and disposal packages headed for Goa complaints. Dark underbelly
squad (BDDS) of CISF. Taking note of the submis- of NDMC There’s a high level of chlorine in the
Personnel from Bureau of This is the second such sion, the bench asked the coun- drinking water supplied by the Delhi
Civil Aviation Security were incident at the airport in a sel for the Centre and the police GOLE MARKET
Jal Board in village Kushak Hiranki of
also roped in. week. Last week, a chemical if there are any existing guideli- Narela. Multiple complaints and
However, the object was leak was noticed from one of nes in this regard and directed follow-ups to DJB have only resulted
declared negative after a tho- the consignments, which the authorities to file a report. in an internal blame game between
rough examination was car- had arrived from Brussels. The court asked the authorities departments of the board. The
ried out. The cargo terminal The substance was later de- to ensure that the report appri- residents, meanwhile, suffer.
remained cordoned off for consignment was handed clared non-hazardous. Qu- ses it of the way police assess
over an hour. It turned out to over to the airline concer- ick reaction team (QRT) and threat perception of an indivi- Citizen Reporter Gaurav Saini
be a motor spare part later. ned,” said a CISF officer. the aircraft rescue and fire- dual and provides security.
“The bomb disposal team re- Airport officials said the fighting (ARFF) personnel Khetan had first approa-
ached on time and the threat entire cargo was then thoro- were also called in to check ched the SC which refused to in-
was declared negative aro- ughly scanned and security the paint-like substance. terfere in the matter and trans- The NDMC complex at Shaheed
und 9.03am. It was nothing personnel were asked to keep “Security has been be- ferred the plea to the Delhi HC. Bhagat Singh Place, Gole Market, is
but a car spare part with wi- a close eye on each item arri- efed up ahead of Indepen- Senior advocate Kapil Sibal, the hall of shame of a civic agency
res connected to it. ving at the airport. IB, Delhi dence Day and each item is appearing for Khetan, said which boasts of the cleanest areas in
Initially, it appeared to be a Police and DIAL officials we- being checked and scanned this was not a matter related to the capital, even topping a
modified explosive device, re present at the location af- thoroughly,” the CISF an individual and sought fram- government survey. This is NDMC’s
which created panic. The ter the area was cordoned off. officer added. ing of guidelines. main office — with bottomless
dustbins, dirty and stinking
washrooms — and the civic

Plea against Jamia Hamdard to offer

employees are forced to work in this
unhygienic environment.

Kejriwal to be Citizen Reporter Pragun Narang

heard in Sept 2-yr MBA in insurance

New Delhi: A Delhi court on
Wednesday said it would hear
in September a criminal defa-
TIMES NEWS NETWORK ned professionals, but will
allow for research in this sec-
MAT scores. An applicant
should have 50% aggregate in
Authorities repair open ditch in Hauz Khas
mation plea filed against chief New Delhi: Jamia Hamdard tor, create awareness and, graduation to be eligible for AFTER New Delhi: After TOI
minister Arvind Kejriwal by a is planning to start a two-ye- thus, a market for all kinds the PG course. On being BEFORE published Citizen
BJP youth-wing leader for alle- ar MBA course in insurance of insurances. shortlisted, the applicant will Reporter Neeraj Gupta’s
gedly projecting him as the per- from this academic year. The The course is being rolled have to appear for group dis-
photograph on July 28

son who reportedly assaulted course, comprising four se- out in association with Ase- cussion and personal intervi-
of an unbarricaded
former minister Kapil Mishra. mesters, will be run under an Institute of Insurance ew. The weightage of perso-
Metropolitan magistrate School of Management and and Risk Management (AI- nal interview will be 15%. ditch near the Hauz
Gajender Singh Nagar, who Business Studies. Officials IRM), an organisation invol- The curriculum will have Khas Metro station,
had earlier partly heard the ar- said this course is important ved in insurance education a heavy practical component which had been left open for many days, the
guments, fixed September 1 for for students to explore the in- interspaced with training authorities swung into action and repaired the
further hearing on considera- surance sector, which has be- JOB-ORIENTED and research programmes. manhole and covered it the same day. The ditch
tion of the complaint which en largely underdeveloped Officials said the 50% theory was especially dangerous as it was at a corner
was also filed against AAP spo- in the country. and training. Officials said component of the curricu- and put pedestrians’ lives at risk. TNN
kesperson Sanjay Singh. The varsity’s vice-chan- that involvement of AIIRM lum will be taught by profes-
The plea filed by Ankit cellor Seyed Hasnain said In- will put the course in-sync sors of the management
Bhardwaj, a state executive dia contributes only 1.5% to with the industry, thereby school, while the specialised
member of Bharatiya Janta Yu-
va Morcha , has sought prosecu-
tion of the two AAP leaders for
the world’s total insurance
premium. “This is despite
the country being one of the
making graduates employ-
able and industry-ready.
The university is plan-
component will be taught by
industry professionals.
The VC has assured 100%
2,300 CPWD buildings
unsafe: Around 2,297
residential buildings under Illegal structures: DCW to meet
the offence of defamation clai- fastest growing economies. ning to admit 60 students placement after completion the CPWD have been
UGC on Hindu
N corp transfers
ming that it was his namesake We are emerging as a world per batch with fees of Rs 1 of the course as there is a high identified as “unsafe”, Lok
who had allegedly assaulted superpower, but have very lakh per semester. The cour- demand and supply disparity Sabha was informed on
Mishra. Advocate Yogesh Swaro-
op, appearing for Bhardwaj, said
few people getting themsel-
ves insured. The country is
se has been approved by Uni-
versity Grants Commission.
in the industry. An industry
expert said there are current-
Wednesday. The unsafe
buildings under the New
hostel fee row
3 for failing to act
his name was “wrongly taken” lagging behind in the insu- Plans are afoot to apply for ly vacancies for 36,000 trained Delhi Municipal Council TIMES NEWS NETWORK
in the media by describing him rance sector,” he added. AICTE approval. professionals, while there are stands at 124, Union MoS
as a BJYM member who had as- Hasnain said the course Candidates will be selec- just 260 graduates in the insu- for home affairs Hansraj G New Delhi: The Delhi Commis-
saulted Mishra on May 10. PTI will not only help create trai- ted for the course on CAT/ rance sector. Ahir said. PTI sion of Women is planning to ar-
range a meeting with the MHRD
Paras.Singh@timesgroup.com regarding unauthorised con- minister and the University
struction, a building department Grants Commission chairman
New Delhi: The north corpo- team and junior engineer of the over the disparity in disbursal of
ration seems to be braving area visits the site for inspection funds to the Hindu College for bo-
many odds in its fight against where maps and FAR allocations ys and girls hostel.
unauthorised construction in are verified. The meeting has been plan-
areas under its jurisdiction. In “We are facing acute staff ned after a response by the prin-
the past financial year, the civ- crunch at the very first level. cipal to DCW explaining the re-
ic body has taken action ag- Almost 160 out of 300 sanc- ason behind the fee variations
ainst almost 4,600 illegal units, tioned JE posts are lying va- of both the hostels.
but the results are not as desir- cant since trifurcation. A In the reply, principal Anju
ed given the lengthy complicat- requisition was sent to Srivastava explained that the
ed process, lack of ground staff Delhi Subordinate Services boys’ hostel was built with UGC
and multiplicity of agencies. Selection Board (DSSSB), funding in the 1950s and has sin-
Earlier, the high court had which is the recruiting agen- ce been getting an annual main-
reprimanded the three corpo- cy, but no recruitment has tenance grant of Rs 60,00,000.
rations over their laxity and taken place in the past five While the girls’ hostel has been
said that removal of road- years,” Gupta said. built independently without
blocks is necessary for getting any external assistance. So the
rid of encroachments. TIMES IMPACT hostel fee for girls has been fix-
Acting on TOI’s report on ed at Rs 61,000 including Rs 4,000
Wednesday that highlighted With the current staff refundable security.
the failure of the e-complaints strength, the civic body can on- In the reply to DCW, Srivas-
website, north corporation ly handle 7-8 cases per zone ev- tava insists that the difference
commissioner P K Gupta or- ery month even though the vi- in the fee was “due to non-avai-
dered transfer of three engi- olations are increasing expo- lability of annual maintenance
neers from zones where the nentially, said an official. grant from UGC or government
complaints were not being ad- After conducting an in- agency for the girls’ hostel”.
dressed speedily. spection, a report is submitted After receiving the college
“Since April 2016, over to the building department reply, DCW chief Swati
3,000 buildings have been headquarters. If the violation Maliwal has sought an appoint-
booked for violating norms. is proved, then the offender is ment with MHRD minister Pra-
Out of the 4,600 cases, 380 booked. A notice is issued after kash Javadekarto discuss the
buildings were sealed and which building owners can ap- disparity. She has also assured
demolition orders were passed proach the appellate tribunal that a solution to the issue
for 1,563 sites. Demolition was and the courts. would be worked out with the
carried out at 1,593 sites with If the illegal construction UGC chairman.
ongoing construction and 982 charge is proven, then demoli- The students of the college,
buildings where the unauthor- tion is carried out by the corpo- however, are planning to hold a
ised structure was already in ration and charges levied on protest on Thursday on the
place,” Gupta said while pre- the offender. “In the last finan- college campus over the issues
senting the action taken re- cial year, north corporation le- of transparency of informa-
port on such illegal structures. vied Rs 27.4 lakh as demolition tion regarding the hostel and
After receiving a complaint charges. ,” Gupta added. fee disparity.

‘Uphaar accused won’t apologise’

TIMES NEWS NETWORK hy said, “The apologies they had ten-
dered were vague so the court direc-
New Delhi: The two employees of ted them to tender a proper apology
Ansal brothers who had been and then get it published in two new-
asked to tender proper apologies to spapers. However, their lawyer made
the chairperson of Association of a statement that they are not going to
Victims of Uphaar Tragedy (AVUT), get it published.”
Neelam Krishnamoorthy, have Krishnamoorthy has claimed
refused to get the apology published that she and her husband were ha-
in newspapers. rassed by the accused on the court
The two accused, P S Sharma and premises on the evening of May 10,
Deepak Kathpalia, are facing 2007 when they were coming out of
prosecution for allegedly threate- the courtroom. They had threatened
ning Krishnamoorthy on the court her, clicking her photos and passed
premises in 2007. On May 27, lewd remarks, she has alleged. The
they had tendered “unconditional court will now hear the matter rela-
apologies” to her. ted to the framing of charges against
Speaking to TOI, Krishnamoort- the accused on August 11.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDIND User: ipsita.mazumdar Time: 08-02-2017 23:51 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



3 out of 100 mothers 19 yrs or below Save Yamuna: Flower waste

Ironically, Number Of Children Dying Before Turning One Shows A Decline turned into items for havan
DurgeshNandan.Jha the age of 18 and creating un-
WORRYING TREND derstanding and support to re-
duce pregnancy before the age
New Delhi: In a bid to keep the Yamuna cle-
an, the North Delhi Municipal Corporation
New Delhi: Maternal morta- of 20 can help prevent teenage got a waste-processing machine installed at
lity rates in Delhi have increa- % DISTRIBUTION MATERNAL HOSPITAL BIRTH pregnancy. Nigambodh Ghat, which is now preventing
sed marginally—from 0.37 per OF BIRTHS BY AGE MORTALITY RATE AS % OF TOTAL On the brighter side, the up to 5 tonnes of flower waste from entering
1,000 live births in 2015 to 0.41 OF MOTHER (per thousand live births) BIRTHS Delhi government’s birth and the river every day.
in 2016. In another worrying Rise in teenage MMR rising despite increasing Steady increase in death registration data shows Funded by the MPLAD funds of science
trend, the percentage of tee- mothers is in contrast hospital deliveries: Does that institutional births. significant reduction in in- and technology minister Dr Harsh Vard-
nage pregnancies has gone up to increase in women indicate poor quality of maternal Interestingly, 67.2% of fant mortality rate (IMR), han, the machine was installed by Clean In-
The green waste reprocessor prevents up to 5
significantly. According to go- having kids later in life sevices? Is a higher number of institutional births happened children who die before tur- dia Ventures, a private company, in April.
tonnes of flower waste from entering Yamuna daily
vernment data, three out of under-19 mothers a factor? in government facilities ning a year old. IMR in Delhi Officials said it has already prevented near-
every 100 women (3.10%), who has gone down from 23.25 per ly 50 tonnes of flower waste from entering Gupta said that the machine is expected
delivered kids in Delhi in 2016, 1,000 live births in 2015 to 21.35 the river. They said they have plans to in- to save upto 200 tonnes on an annual basis
were 19 years and below. in 2016. It is the lowest since stall more such machines in future. and can even be used to process organic
The percentage of women 2009s when IMR was recorded The machine, which is called green was- waste in the area, providing an easier way to
from this age group delive- at 18.96, officials said. te reprocessor, turns the flower waste into make compost for RWAs and hotels as well.
ring kids stood at 2.75, 1.93, Deputy chief minister Ma- compost which is currently be-
2.03 and 2.21 in 2015, 2014, 2013 nish Sisodia, while releasing ing used as ‘havan saamagri’ at
and 2012, respectively. the data on Wednesday, said the crematorium. “It has been
Dr Alka Kriplani, professor Teenage mother % MMR Institutional births 3,79,161 births were registered now more than three months
and head of obstetrics and gy- (19 or under) (per thousand live births) (In %) in Delhi in 2016 compared with since we installed the machine
naecology division at AIIMS, 1.5 3,74,012 in 2015 and 3,73,693 a ye- at Nigambodh Ghat and so far
2007 2007
said lack of education and poor ar ago. Sisodia said institutio- we have reprocessed more than
knowledge about the use of 2.0 0.41 74.57 nal births increased from 50-60 tonnes of flower waste and
contraceptive methods is the 3.1 0.26 0.37 86.74 84.41% in 2015 to 86.74% in 2016. converted it into compost,
main reason behind the increa- 2016 0 2016 Age-group of the mother at the which otherwise, would have
2007 2010 2011 2012 2015 2016
se in teenage pregnancy. time of delivery reveals that in been thrown into the Yamuna.
“Younger women are at a maximum (43.58%) cases, it We aim to use this installation
higher risk of developing anae- that teenagers from sound eco- ry through the motherhood ris- may feel inhibited or ashamed was 20-24 years followed by as a model project so that we can
mia and hypertension if they nomic background are able to king their own life. to seek contraception servi- 36.52% cases in 25-29 age-group replicate it and install it at other
get pregnant. It increases the get abortion done for unwan- “Some girls do not know ces,” states the World Health and in 16.8% cases, the age of places on the sides of the river,”
risk of mortality too,” she said. ted pregnancy, but those from how to avoid getting pregnant: Organisation (WHO). It adds mother was more than 30 ye- said Alok Gupta, director of Cle-
Another gynaecologist said poor families often have to car- sex education is lacking. They that reducing marriage before ars, the deputy CM said. an India Ventures.

1 held for southeast Youth found dead in Narela: The body of a 28-year-old man was found near a
drain in outer Delhi’s Narela on Wednesday morning. Police said that the man
was later identified as Manish Tanwar. A passerby called the police control room
Delhi murder after noticing the man. The victim, who had stab wounds, was taken to a hospital
where the doctors pronounced him dead on arrival. TNN
New Delhi: A day after a man was shot dead
and his sister critically injured in Ambedkar
Nagar of southeast Delhi, the leader of the gro-
up that attacked them has been arrested. The
arrested youth has been identified as Mantosh.
Probe reveals that an argument had broken
out over a lewd comment at the victim’s sister
for protesting against gambling outside their
house. A police picket has been put up in the
area fearing a brawl between the two families.
The situation got out of control when the
woman spotted their neighbours gambling
outside their house and threatened to report it
to the police. The men then allegedly passed so-
me lewd comments at her and tried to grab her
hand. She managed to get away and alert her
siblings. A fight broke out and six people were
injured in the incident.
“A molestation charge has been added to the
existing FIR. Statements of other family mem-
bers have been recorded to establish the sequ-
ence of events,” said DCP (southeast) Romil
Baaniya. Mantosh and his associates had alle-
gedly fought with the deceased and his friends
earlier and held a grudge against him. On Tu-
esday, he shot at his sister but missed and hit
the youth. The four others injured during the
incident were discharged from hospital on
Wednesday. TNN
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 2 Page: TOIDIND2 User: abhishek.de Time: 08-03-2017 00:49 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



Growth in coal use falls in last Take issue of

Congress veteran
Santosh Dev dead
Jogi: Sack CM
Raman Singh
10 yrs as India eyes Paris goal polls to people,
Modi tells MPs
BB Goswami TNN and will be kept there from
8.30am to 11am so that people
Silchar: Congress veteran can pay homage.
over Panama
papers case
Boom In the YR-WISE DATA ON CONSUMPTION coal will help India achieve its
goal under Paris climate ac- Akhilesh.Singh@timesgroup.com
and former Union minister Congress vice-president
Santosh Mohan Dev died at a Rahul Gandhi will attend New Delhi: Breakaway Cong-
cord. India has committed to nursing home in Silchar at Dev’s cremation and said the ress member Ajit Jogi deman-
Renewable India coal 0 8 produce 40% of its electricity
from non-fossil sources of
New Delhi: PM Narendra Mo-
di again stressed on holding
about 6am on Wednesday. He former minister was a peo-
was 83. ple’s leader. Party sources
ded Chhattisgarh CM Raman
Singh be sacked and investiga-
consumption 5.3 1991-96
energy by 2030 under the deal. Lok Sabha and assembly polls Hospital sources said said a number of dignitari- ted along with his son and Lok
Sector: Report growth 5.1
(Avg annual %)
1996-2000 It, therefore, has planned to in states simultaneously and Dev died of multiple organ es, including APCC presi- Sabha MP Abhishek Singh in
2000-2005 4.1 scale up targets for renewable asked BJP MPs on Wednesday failure. He is survived by his dent Ripun Bora and AICC the Panama papers case.
Vishwa.Mohan energy capacity from 30GW to create an environment for a wife, former MLA Bithika general secretary CP Joshi, Jogi said Raman Singh and
2005-2010 7.7 by 2016-17 to 175 GW by 2021-22. public discourse on the issue. Dev, and four daughters. will be present on the occa- his son had parked billions “lo-
2010-2015 6.7 The report shows that the “Political leaders should Sushmita, his yo- sion. The state go- oted through corruption” in
New Delhi: Coal will conti- 2015-2017 2.2 renewable sector is certainly discuss with people the issue of ungest daughter, is vernment will be re- bogus firms abroad. He said a
nue to have a prime place in booming in India due to incre- simultaneous elections of Lok the MP from Silchar. presented by PWD Chhattisgarh industrialist,
India’s total energy mix for asingly cost-competitiveness Sabha and state legislative as- Dev, a seven-time minister Parimal Kamal Kishore Sarda, was lin-
the next many years but data Coal use in Before that, India of solar and wind energy in- semblies as frequent polls lead MP and five-time Shuklabaidya. ked to Singh and his company
shows that the country’s coal India grew was witnessing stallations. “India’s demand to huge wastage of time and Union minister, was President Ram mentioned in Panama papers
boom may have been over a co- by an average
+ 1.5% + 2.8% massive for the carbon-heavy fuel is money,” the PM told the MPs on admitted to Valley Nath Kovind twee- shared the same address as the
in FY2016 in FY2017
uple of years ago, much earli- of 2.2% over annual growth not sky-rocketing and the co- Wednesday. This time, Modi in- Hospital and Rese- ted that Dev’s demi- CM’s. He warned that if action
(14m (24m
er than expected. the last rates of up to untry’s energy needs will do teracted with MPs of eastern arch Centre on July Santosh Dev se was a loss for As- was not taken by October 2, he
tonnes) tonnes)
Over the past two years, two financial 12% (notable nothing to arrest coal’s global states, including Bihar, Jhark- 26 after he suffered a sam and India. “My would sit on a dharna.
the country’s coal use has in- years exception: 2011) decline,” said Ashish Fernan- hand, Odisha and West Bengal. heart attack. The govern- thoughts are with the family He also urged that former
creased by an average of just des of Greenpeace energy. Even Niti Aayog has sug- ment will perform Dev’s last and supporters of Shri San- finance minister P Chidamba-
2.2%, a sharp fall from the pre- * Coal growth for the first couple of years at the turn of the century was similarly The Greenpeace, however, gested a synchronised two-pha- rites with full state honours, tosh Mohan Dev in this hour ram’s son Karti be probed for
low to what India is experiencing at the moment
vious 10 years when average said there were a number of se LS and assembly polls from chief minister Sarbananda of grief,” PM Modi tweeted. his alleged role in securing Fo-
(But, the 2.4% growth in FY2001 and FY2002 was just marginally higher)
annual growth was over 6%. new coal-based power plants 2024 to ensure minimum “cam- Sonowal tweeted. He also de- Congress president So- reign Investment Promotion
The findings, published by in the pipeline. It said the coal paign-mode” disruption to go- clared August 3 as a local ho- nia Gandhi said Dev’s cont- Board’s nod for a media firm
Greenpeace’s Energydesk on RENEWABLE Renewables are Renewables also industry has experienced tro- vernance. The think tank had liday in the Barak Valley as ribution to build the party in owned by BJD MP Baijayant
Wednesday, are significant be- ENERGY booming, with India accounted for about ubles, with many plants run- asked the Election Commis- mark of respect to Dev. the northeast would always Panda, named Oriental Com-
cause India, the world’s third SCENE installing more 26% or over 1/4th of ning less than half the time sion to look into the suggestion Silchar district Congress be remembered. West Beng- munications. He said Panda
largest CO2 emitter after Chi- wind, solar and all new generation in due to an over-capacity and recommended setting up of publicity secretary Partha al CM Mamata Banerjee said should be probed for his links
na and the US, is seen as the other renewables the April ’16-March crunch. It also noted that the a working group of stakehol- Ranjan Chakrabartee said she was deeply saddened by with the Chidambarams as the
next big coal frontier. Though (12 GW) than coal ’17 period as slowdown in coal consump- ders for deciding a road-map. A Dev’s body had been preser- the Congress leader’s death. fomer FM’s wife Nalini was a
the country’s per capita car- (8 GW) between compared to the tion growth was largely due to report in this regard needs to ved at the hospital. On “I knew him for many, many shareholder in Panda’s compa-
bon emission is much less April-March 2017 previous year the cement, iron and industri- be finalised within six months Thursday, it will be taken to years. My deepest condolen- ny IMFA that got a loan waiver
than these top two emitters, al power generation sectors and the final blue-print will be Dev’s ancestral house in the ces to his family, friends and from the Vajpayee government
the decline in overall use of (Source: Greenpeace Energydesk) burning less. ready by next March, it said. Tarapur locality of Silchar supporters.” between 1998 and 2003. TNN

No plan to use
collegium system
to pick CEC: Govt
New Delhi: There is no proposal
to consult political parties or intro-
duce a collegium system to appoint
chief election commissioners
(CEC) and election commissio-
ners, a recommendation made by
the Law Commission in 2015, mini-
ster of state for law P P Chaudhary
told Lok Sabha on Wednesday.
In its 2015 report, the Law Com-
mission recommended that the ap-
pointment of all election commis-
sioners should be made by the Pre-
sident in consultation with a three-
member collegium or selection
committee, consisting of the PM,
the leader of opposition in Lok Sab-
ha and the Chief Justice of India.
The recommendation was sup-
ported by the election commission.
Then CEC Nasim Zaidi had favou-
red a collegium too. The BJP had
supported the idea when L K Adva-
ni had written to then PM Manmo-
han Singh in 2012. Currently, the
president appoints the CEC after
the law ministry initiates the file
for their appointment. TNN

Manipur univ
get CRPF cover

New Delhi: The home ministry as-

ked the CRPF on Wednesday to pro-
vide security cover to BJP MLA
from UP’s Meerapur constituency
Avtar Singh Bhadana, vice-chan-
cellor of Manipur University Aa-
dya Prasad Pandey and RSS office-
bearer in Kerala, Sasidharan V,
among three others.
Sources said Bhadana, a for-
mer Congress MP from Faridabad,
faced threats from unknown gro-
ups and would have Y-category se-
curity whenever he was in Delhi,
Haryana, UP, J&K and Rajasthan.
Aadya Prasad Pandey, who faces
threat to his life from north-east ba-
sed insurgent groups, will also get
Y category security.
The ministry provided lower X
category security cover, which in-
cludes two guards, to Sasidharan V.
Several RSS activists have faced at-
tacks from CPM members and In-
telligence Bureau assessment sug-
gested that may be attacked.

`10L reward for

info on Pansare
murder accused

Kolhapur: The Maharashtra go-

vernment has announced a Rs 10
lakh reward for information on Sa-
rang Akolkar and Vinay Pawar, the
main accused in the murder of ra-
tionalist Govind Pansare.
The SIT probing the Pansare ca-
se has already arrested two other
accused — Sameer Gaikwad and
Virendrasinh Tawade. Four
months ago, the CBI had also anno-
unced Rs 5 lakh reward for infor-
mation about Akolkar and Pawar
in connection with the murder of
rationalist Narendra Dabholkar.
Vishwas Nangre-Patil, special
inspector general, Kolhapur
Range, said, “The SIT has already
filed a chargesheet in the Pansare
murder case. We procured a non-
bailable warrant from the sessions
court on July 13 this year against
Akolkar and Pawar under section
73 of the CrPC.” Pansare and his
wife Uma were shot near their resi-
dence in 2015.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP10 User: surendra.singh Time: 08-02-2017 23:37 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel


‘Lalu’s freight policy ‘India’s silence on Had ‘notified’ India about

led to losses in crores’ Maldivian issue Doklam road project: China
BJP MP Seeks Probe Into Graft Allegations
will worsen crisis’ Continued from P 1 Hollongi, not Tawang, to get Arunachal airport

ut brushing all this aside, mid deteriorating Sino-Indian ties, this is one news that may
Indian sources stressed soothe frayed nerves. The Arunachal Pradesh government and
Sachin.Parashar cratic Party (MDP) and others China had unilaterally Union aviation ministry have zeroed in on Hollongi as the site for a
TIMES NEWS NETWORK @timesgroup.com have often sought to play on In- broken the status quo by try- greenfield airport. Earlier the government was examining Tawang
Miffed with Nitish over JD(U)-BJP alliance dia’s fear of growing Chinese in- ing to construct a motorable —very close to Tibet (China) — as a possible site for the new airport
New Delhi: Levelling fresh
allegations of graft against
in Bihar, Sharad may float new party New Delhi: With the army tak- fluence in Maldives. “Yameen no
ing control of the Maldives’ par- longer even pretends to respect
road in the Doklam area,
which was physically blocked
but due to paucity of land needed for the project, Hollongi has been
selected. “The state government of Arunachal and a panel of
RJD chief Lalu Prasad du-
ring his tenure as railway
M iffed over Bihar CM Nitish Kumar’s decision to rejoin the
NDA, former JDU president Sharad Yadav may float a
new party and participate in a convention of
liament, the sound of India’s si- the law or the Constitution. He
lence is becoming increasingly turns a blind eye to Islamic radi-
by Indian troops on June 18.
They said this violated the
aviation ministry has chosen Hollongi as the site for a new
Greenfield airportAAI chairman Guruprsdad Mohapatra told TOI.
minister, BJP MP Nishi- unbearable for the unified Mal- calism and entertains partner- 2012 pact between their two “Tawang was a very hilly site. Clearing a site for an airport there
opposition parties in New Delhi ahead of the JDU’s
kant Dubey demanded in divian opposition. In an exclu- ships that undermine Indian special representatives that would have meant cutting-and-filling hills which would have had a
national executive meet in Patna on August 19.
the Lok Sabha on Wednes- sive interaction with TOI, for- Ocean stability,” said Nasheed. the trijunction boundary high cost,” said an official. Saurabh Sinha TNN
Sources said the veteran politician’s participation
day that the dual freight po- mer president Mohamed Nash- The joint opposition is wor- points would be finalised in
in the opposition convention would reiterate his
licy adopted during his te- eed and top leader of the four- ried that India’s reaction until consultation with Bhutan. Apart from the over 6,000 Bhutan, still less the right to
displeasure against Nitish. “Sharadji is also
nure be probed as it had re- party joint opposition said that now has been limited to what it The lengthy Chinese state- soldiers already deployed un- make territorial claims on
contemplating to launch a new party for which he is in talks with
sulted in a loss of thou- the silence of regional powers sees as a wishy-washy response ment seemed to be an attempt der two formations (63 and 112 Bhutan's behalf,” it said.
friends and supporters,” the Rajya Sabha MP’s close aide Vijay
sands of crores to the will allow the chaos in the archi- to a query on Maldives in a rou- to assuage hawkish senti- Brigades) in east and north- China took the rare step
Verma told reporters in Madhepura on Wednesday. He also
exchequer. pelago to worsen, throwing the tine ministry of external affairs ments at home and prepare east Sikkim, the Indian Army of using a non-paper (a dis-
ruled out the possibility of Sharad joining the Union cabinet.
Raising the issue during region into disarray. briefing. “Maldives is very the ground for what will even- has also moved up another cussion paper, not a formal
Soon after Nitish’s realignment with the NDA last
zero hour, Dubey said rail- “It is worrying that, important neighbour of tually be a mutual troop with- 2,500 soldiers from the 164 Bri- agreement) of the May 2006
Wednesday, Sharad met opposition leaders, including CPM’s
ways had adopted the dual even when red lines are ours. It is part of SAARC. drawal, while also trying to gade to Zuluk and Nathang India-China boundary talks
Sitaram Yechury, CPI’s D Raja, Congress veteran Ghulam Nabi
freight policy under which crossed, regional powers We attach the highest im- sell to the international com- Valley in the state as rein- as proof that the two coun-
Azad and RLD’s Ajit Singh. Sharad said that the 2015 Bihar
rates were different for remain silent and inactive portance to our relations munity that India was the real forcements, as was first re- tries had already agreed to a
mandate was not in favour of Nitish’s alliance with the NDA.
transporting goods meant because that can allow the with Maldives. India wish- aggressor in the Doklam dis- ported by TOI. border alignment in the Sik-
He termed the disintegration of the Grand Alliance as
for domestic and internatio- chaos and conflict to spi- es to see a stable, prosper- pute. “India, in fact, came to The Chinese foreign min- kim region. In doing so, said
“unpleasant and unfortunate”. JDU secretary general K C
nal purposes. But iron ore ral out of control,” Nash- ous and peaceful Maldives Bhutan’s aid to prevent China istry, on its part, claimed Beij- sources, Beijing may have vi-
Tyagi, however, claimed that Sharad was unlikely to float a Nasheed
transported for domestic eed told TOI. “The Mal- in which aspirations of from bullying the tiny coun- ing had “notified India in ad- olated the principle of secre-
political party. “We are aware of his dissent. He had
purposes was allegedly ex- dives is in full blown political cri- people of Maldives are fulfilled,” try,” said a source. vance in full reflection of Chi- cy by making public a sensi-
differences with Nitish Kumar in the past as well, including on
ported later, mostly to Chi- sis. President Yameen’s troops the spokesperson had said in re- Around 300-350 Indian na’s goodwill” before it start- tive issue pertaining to the
the issue of demonetisation,” Tyagi said. Sharad remains the
na, which hosted the 2008 continue to occupy parliament, sponse to a media query. troops, with two bulldozers, ed the road building activity boundary negotiations
founder-president of the JDU and commands respect in the
Beijing Olympics, he said. forcibly evicting opposition MPs In stark contrast to India’s si- continue to maintain their on June 16. But Beijing also among special representa-
party, he said. “We have invited him to the party’s national
During his speech, Du- and preventing the legislature lence, countries like US and UK “non-aggressive” vigil at the seemed to be changing tack by tives of the two countries.
executive meet in Patna on August 19,” Tyagi added. RJD chief
bey said a CAG report on from functioning,” he added. have spoken out against the at- actual face-off site in the Dok- saying the dispute was be- The Chinese ministry
Lalu Prasad, too, is trying to woo Sharad.
the subject had pegged the Constrained by strategic ob- tempts to impede the functioning lam area, which is located at tween China and Bhutan, and said, “The fact of the matter is
Piyush Tripathi TNN
resultant losses at Rs 30,000 jectives, not least the presence of parliament in the country. an altitude of over 11,000 feet. India had nothing to do with that it is India which has at-
crore. Dubey al- of China which is now said to Maldives remains the only coun- “There has been no troop re- it. It had earlier projected the tempted time and again to
so alleged that TMC mem- ordered a CBI probe into account for 70% of the Mal- try in India’s neighbourhood duction by India on the Doklam issue as an India-Chi- change the status quo of the
subsequent rail- ber Dinesh Tri- the matter. Trivedi said, dives’ external debt, India has which is yet to see a visit by PM ground. Around the same na tussle to avoid being ac- China-India boundary in the
way ministers, vedi, who ser- “This is a serious subject found it difficult to sound exces- Modi. The present crisis in the number of PLA troops are cused of grabbing territory Sikkim sector, which poses a
including Tri- ved as railway and the railways was chea- sively critical of Yameen whose Maldives was brought about by present at the face-off site. from a small country. grave security threat to Chi-
namool Cong- minister, de- ted. The loss cited is much government stands accused of Yameen’s decision to deploy Both sides have pitched tents “The China-Bhutan bou- na.” The action by Indian
ress chief Ma- fended Baner- more. I had asked for a CBI subverting democratic institu- troops in parliament, People’s at a distance of 120-150 meters ndary issue is one between troops to block the road con-
mata Banerjee, jee for her ho- inquiry, but the the probe is tions in the country Majlis, in an attempt to deny the from each other across the China and Bhutan. It has noth- struction in an area where
did not take any nesty and told going slow. I urge the go- Ironically, in their attempts to opposition a no-confidence mo- Torsa Nala. But there is no ing to do with India. As a third there is “a clear and delimited
action against the House that vernment to fast-track the get India to ensure free and fair tion it had sought against the gun-pointing or animosity be- party, India has no right to in- boundary” is “fundamentally
the alleged ir- as railway mi- case so that it is taken to its elections, which are due next Speaker, who is described by the tween the rival troops,” the terfere in or impede the bound- different from past frictions,”
regularity. Lalu Prasad nister, he had logical conclusion.” year, Nasheed’s Maldivian Demo- MDP as a Yameen crony. source said. ary talks between China and said the statement.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: TOIDIND4 User: surendra.singh Time: 08-02-2017 23:31 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel


Headmistress in dock over massage from pupil
Appoint a full-time Sambalpur: The headmistress of Sikirdi Project Upper Primary
School under Dhankauda block in the district was suspended after

sherpa for G20 meet: a video of her getting a head massage from a student went viral
on Tuesday. Though the teacher admitted of receiving a massage
from the student, she claimed that it happened two years ago. TNN

Panagariya to PM
TIMES NEWS NETWORK summit in the future,” he said
in his letter to the PM.
New Delhi: Niti Aayog vice- He said the recent G20
chairman Arvind Panagari- summit in Hamburg had
ya, who announced his deci- shown India’s growing statu-
sion to step down from his re on the world stage and the
post on Tuesday, has suggest- attention that the PM re-
ed to the government that the ceived. This, he said, showed
role of the sherpa for G20 that the work of the G20 sher-
meetings be separated from pa would expand in future.
the government think tank. In When the NDA government
a letter to PM Narendra Modi, took office, railway minister
where he sought his permis- Suresh Prabhu was the sher-
sion to go back to his Colum- pa for a short period. Once Pa-
bia University teaching job, nagariya assumed office he
Panagariya said to ensure was given the responsibility of
that the work of the Aayog and being the sherpa for the G20
G20 engagements received meetings. Sherpa’s are senior
due attention, it would be policymakers who do the
worth considering separating groundwork for their leaders
the roles in the future. and play a key role in framing
“A full-time G20 sherpa the communique of the G20
would in any case be a necessi- summit as well as giving di-
ty if India were to host the G20 rection to the summit.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 2 Page: CPP12 User: megha.sharma1 Time: 08-03-2017 01:45 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel

TIMES NATION | I-T Crackdown

Tax Raids On Karnataka MLA Rock Parliament K S Sridhar

Ahmed Patel: Minister was

Cong says govt BJP is on
‘abusing power’, witch-hunt for destroying papers
just 1 RS seat
stages walkout TIMES NEWS NETWORK

New Delhi: Congress said inco-

when raided: FM
TIMES NEWS NETWORK Continued from P 1
EC seeks report me tax raids on a Karnataka mi-
nister with the DK: Congress’ go-to
man for all seasons
New Delhi: The income tax ra- help of parami- aitley said the I-T team had
ids in Karnataka dominated from fin secy on litary forces gone to Eagleton Resort as
both Houses of Parliament on
Wednesday with Congress alle-
ging that the NDA government
Cong complaint
had made it cle-
ar that the Modi
Shivakumar was present
there and was destroying
documents crucial for the
K arnataka’s energy minister
DK Shivakumar, who was
raided by the Income Tax
was “misusing” the I-T depart-
ment to “terrorise” its MLAs
from Gujarat. While the Cong-
T he EC on Wednesday evening
sought a “factual report”
from the finance secretary on
had declared a
war on the lead opposition par-
ty even as it said the entire ac-
probe and, therefore, had to be
brought to his Bengaluru resi-
dence for questioning. He de-
department on Wednesday,
wears several hats. For the
Congress high command, he is
ress staged a walkout in Lok Congress’ allegation that its tion was being carried out just nied that the timing was dic- the muscle man, crowd puller
Sabha, disruptions in Rajya MLAs from Gujarat were to influence the Rajya Sabha tated by political events, say- and mobiliser, and above all, a
Sabha led to the House being intimidated by central forces in a elections in Gujarat. ing, “A particular individual dependable trouble-shooter in
adjourned repeatedly. Karnataka resort during an Ahmed Patel, political se- was to be searched... He had times of crisis.
Leader of Congress in Lok income tax raid, a senior poll cretary to Congress chief Sonia Karnataka energy minister DK Shivakumar outside his house during the I-T raids in Bengaluru on Wednesday gone and parked himself in But Kumar’s asset value is
Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge ac- panel functionary said. The Gandhi, is the party candidate that resort.” probably the highest as the

BJP unites with Cong, wants

cused the government of rui- functionary, who refused to be from Gujarat. Congress leader Sharma insisted that it had party’s ‘money bag’. According
ning “the ethos of democracy” quoted, said the finance in Lok Sabha Mallikarjun become a trend to “brazenly to a survey done by the
and demanded that the Centre secretary has been asked to Kharge told reporters that I-T abuse” state power and that Association for Democratic
explain why Congress MLAs send a “factual report by Friday raids were motivated because the timing was important as Reforms in 2016 on ‘crorepati
were being subject to a witch
hunt and vendetta politics. He
said, “The political vendetta
unleashed by the government
evening”. Earlier, a Congress
delegation met EC and sought its
intervention in ensuring that no
coercive steps were taken
the raiding party went with pa-
ramilitary forces to the resort
where Gujarat MLAs are stay-
ing. The resort is owned by Kar-
EC to drop NOTA for RS polls Shivakumar was coordinat-
ing the safety and stay of the
MLAs. Leader of the opposi-
tion Ghulam Nabi Azad
ministers’, Kumar is the
country’s second-richest
minister with assets worth Rs 251
crore. Popularly known as ‘DK’ in
against its MLAs to “force” them political circles, Kumar has as
using central investigation
agencies against opposition to switch sides. PTI
nataka minister D K Shivaku-
mar who was the target of
Cong moves SC to get NOTA option removed chipped in to say that the Rajya
Sabha election had been vitiat- many enemies as supporters. His
party leaders, particularly in
Karnataka, for their political
gain points to a dangerous ten-
ley also said the I-T raids should
be seen in the context of cor-
the raids.
He questioned the govern-
ment’s claim that raids were
New Delhi: In the season of
acrimony when BJP and Cong-
ress have locked horns on va-
R attled by defections and unsure about the loyalty of its MLAs
herded to Bengaluru, Gujarat Congress on Wednesday moved the
Supreme Court and sought a direction to abolish ‘none
ed by fear and would not be
fair. Congress leaders raised
the issue in a similar manner
detractors are mostly the seniors
in the party, which was one of the
reasons for him to lose the race
dency in the country, which ruption cases against them, about action against corrup- rious fronts, the two arch-rivals of the above’ (NOTA) option for MLAs in Rajya Sabha elections in in the Lok Sabha as well. for the KPCC president’s post. He
will ruin the very ethos of de- and not in the light of RS polls. tion, saying the I-T raids could are on the same page — oppo- the state. The tax officials also con- was instead made the Congress
mocracy, and warrants a clari- He said, “The person aga- have happened at Shivaku- sing use of None Of The Above Congress’s state chief whip Shailesh Manubhai Parmar filed the ducted 25 surveys on firms and campaign committee chairman
fication.” Even as Congress inst whom the search was be- mar’s Bengaluru or Kanakpura (NOTA) option in the August 8 petition in the SC with the basic purpose of keeping intact the already associates of the minister. for the 2018 assembly polls. “He
MPs stormed into the well and ing conducted had chosen to go homes or a fortnight earlier or Rajya Sabha polls in Gujarat. dented vote value of its MLAs, six of whom have defected to BJP. “The searches were planned is brash, does not respect the
raised slogans questioning the and stay in the resort. To reach later. Party MP Jairam Ramesh Echoing views identical to Congress took the constitutional route to seek a direction from the SC much in advance and recover- seniors and shoves his ideas on
government on Panama papers him, the I-T team had to visit said it was BJP’s war on Cong- that of Congress, a delegation to stop the EC from offering NOTA choice to MLAs in Gujarat, even ies of huge cash were based on all,” a party functionary said. An
and the GSPC scam, Congress the resort. They only went the- ress and not “tanashahi” (dicta- of BJP comprising union mini- though the same option was available to MLAs in the recently specific information and ambitious, self-made man,
leaders in Lok Sabha alleged re to collect his statement.” torship) but “Amitshahi”, alle- ster Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and concluded Rajya Sabha polls in West Bengal. Congress’s claim of would not have been possible if Kumar has hauled himself up the
the timing of the raids was su- The SP, TMC and CPM, me- ging the BJP chief ’s hand be- BJP national general secretary constitutional embargo against NOTA drew support from BJP, which delayed,” a top income tax offi- rungs of the political ladder. He
spect and that BJP was trying anwhile, remained present but hind the raids. “This action on Bhupendra Yadav urged the made a similar request to the EC on Wednesday. TNN cial said, refuting claims that unabashedly admits to being an
to use the opportunity to score silent in LS when Congress the part of the prime minister Election Commission for im- the raids smacked of political aspirant for the chief minister’s
politically in the impending Ra- MPs stormed the well of the and the BJP president is a big mediate withdrawal of the or- the opposition had been protes- Balwantsingh Rajput, is BJP’s vendetta. Officials also said 39 post while claiming in the same
jya Sabha polls in Gujarat. House and raised slogans aga- threat to our democracy…” Jai- der for use of NOTA option in ting against the EC move. third candidate whose presen- locations could not be raided breath that he will bide his time
Denying any raids on the inst the government. ram said. the Rajya Sabha polls in Guja- Gujarat RS polls have tur- ce has posed a threat to Patel. in a hurry and required and let his seniors complete their
Gujarat MLAs holed up in the In Rajya Sabha, where the Patel tweeted, “BJP is on an rat. Even before the BJP delega- ned into high-stakes battle with After six legislators quit the months of preparations. I-T turns at the top spot. TNN
Eagleton Resort in Bengaluru, opposition is present in bigger unprecedented witch-hunt just tion gave the petition, finance BJP president Amit Shah, party, Congress has herded its department officials in Benga-
finance minister Arun Jaitley numbers, the response remai- to win one Rajya Sabha seat. Af- minister Arun Jaitley had hin- union minister Smriti Irani MLAs at a Bangalore resort. luru said 60 locations across the “diarygate” scandal where
clarified that the raids were ned muted and no leaders from ter using the state machinery ted in the Rajya Sabha that the and Cong chief Sonia Gandhi’s “The direction for using NOTA Karnataka, New Delhi and a diary seized from Karnataka
conducted following corrup- CPM, BSP, SP or CPI stood up in and every other agency, these ruling party is ready to sit political secretary Ahmed Pa- in Gujarat RS polls be with- Chennai were raided from MLC K Govindraju mentioned
tion cases against the Karnata- support of Congress despite re- I-T raids show their utter despe- across and sort out the confu- tel vying for three vacant seats drawn with immediate effect,” 7am on Wednesday. Shivakumar’s name under the
ka minister and his aides. Jait- peated disruptions. ration and frustration.” sion about the use of NOTA as in the state. Congress defector, BJP said in the memorandum. The raids were based on abbreviation of “DKS”.

2 girls stripped
for getting less
VP poll: Venkaiah writes BJP asks Didi to come clean
marks in Eng to MPs to seek support or quit over graft allegation
Roorkee: Two girls, students of Gopalkrishna Gandhi
class VI in a private secondary New Delhi: NDA vice-presidential no- TIMES NEWS NETWORK id Javadekar. He said the tenure
school at Landaura, 8km from minee Venkaiah Naidu has written plays down his lineage of the West Bengal CM has wit-
Roorkee, were stripped by their to MPs seeking their New Delhi: Terming it an “open nessed a number of scams like
teacher in class as punishment
after they scored low marks in
support for the elec-
tion to the constitutio- T wo days ahead of the
vice-presidential poll, former West
Bengal governor and opposition
and shut”case of quid pro quo in-
volving TMC chief Mamata Ba-
Sharada and Lotus Valley with
the IT City scam the latest in
the English test paper. After par- nal post that is schedu- nerjee, BJP demanded on Wed- which Banerjee herself is alle-
ents of the students protested, led for Saturday, assu- nominee Gopalkrishna Gandhi said nesday that the West Bengal chief gedly involved.
police registered a case against ring that he will up- ‘what’ a VP nominee stood for mattered minister either come clean or quit The minister alleged that the
the woman teacher under section hold more than who his parents were. A over corruption charges against address at which Abhishek and
509 (word, gesture or act intended the national values, constitutional former bureaucrat, Gandhi sought to her nephew and TMC MP Abhis- his wife, who was also a director
to insult the modesty of a wom- principles and the dignity of office. underplay his antecedents as the hek Banerjee. in the company, were shown to be
an) of IPC. Naidu wrote to all MPs — the two grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and C “She (Mamata) has lost her staying is the chief minister's re-
The incident that occurred on Houses of Parliament comprise the Rajagopalachari. He said, “The moral right to rule and she has to CORNERED? Prakash Javadekar has sidence at 30B, Harish Chatterjee
Tuesday has prompted the edu- electoral college — pointing to his long honourable MPs comprising the give convincing answers, other- accused Mamata of following the Road in Kolkata. He said docu-
cation department to ask schools career in public life and in legislature. electorate for the vice-president are not wise she has to resign,” HRD mi- ‘Vadra-Tejashwi’ model of corruption ments revealed that fund was
impervious to the ‘who is who’ of the
in district to introduce training His opponent is opposition candidate
candidates, but they are mature enough
nister Prakash Javadekar told a transferred to Abhishek, whose INDIA DIGEST
courses for teachers on “appro- Gopalkrishna Gandhi, seen as a non- press conference. who is accused of land grabbing. address is that of her aunt Mama-
priate conduct”. Giving details political figure and who has been mee- to see the ‘what is what’ in the Javadekar said Mamata is fol- Ironically, Mamata had staged a ta Banerjee.
about the incident, superintend- ting various parties seeking support candidates’ record also. The time is long
past when parentage determined
lowing ‘Vadra-Tejashwi’ model of protest in 2009 demanding the ar- Asked as if Centre will initiate CVC takes over
ent of police (rural) Manikant for his candidature. corruption as he referred to cases rest of Raj Kishore and accused action against Banerjee’s nep-
Mishra said “Parents of both Naidu has given an account of his political choices.” against Congress chief Sonia him of grabbing land for develop- hew, Javadekar clarified that it is NHAI bribe case
girls alleged the teacher first rep- years of public life spanning over four Gandhi, who has received the Gandhi's son-in-law Robert Vadra ment of IT city in Kolkata. for the agencies to take a call but
rimanded their daughters.” PTI decades since college and being twice
member of Andhra Pradesh assembly
backing of TMC, BJD, AAP and the JD(U),
among others, told TOI, “I am meeting
my constituents in addition to writing to
and RJD's Tejashwi Yadav in Bi-
har. Javadekar alleged that Abhis-
“The real shocker is that Ma-
mata, who had opposed the per-
there should be a probe and action
should follow if someone is guilty T he central Vigilance Commis-
sion (CVC) has taken over the
investigation of alleged bribe paid
and the four terms he has had in Rajya hek Banerjee had received Rs 1.15 mission given to the realtor, did of corruption. “We have evidence,
Sabha since 1998. them. MPs from the parties that invited crore when he was director in the not withdraw the permission gi- which shows corruption at hig- to the National Highways Authority
Referring to his efforts to introdu- me to contest and MPs from parties that firm, Leaps and Bounds Pvt Ltd, ven by the previous CPIM govern- hest level...there must be a probe,” of India officials by Boston-based
ce change whenever opportunity ca- have subsequently indicated their from realtor Raj Kishore Modi, ment and allowed the project,” sa- the minister said. engineering consultancy firm CDM
me, Naidu spoke of the hard work and support have been wholehearted in their Smith. The central watchdog has
passion with which he brought about warm and enthusiastic endorsement.” formed a panel, including a tech-
“They know as I do that the arithmetic of nical examiner from CVC and chief

‘GST rates could be rationalised’

changes as a central minister in the ar-
chitecture of new schemes and pro- electoral numbers is adverse for the vigilance officer of BHEL. NHAI has
grammes, processes and systems of opposition. But they also know as I do identified that the company had
decision making and implementation that there is something beyond bagged contracts for 16 projects
to ensure involvement of the states. arithmetic in an election like this.” TNN between 2011 and 2015.
TIMES NEWS NETWORK House by a voice vote. nancy Act to such minor victims.

New Delhi: The government on Members seek early passage DeMo had impact on theatres 4 held for carrying gun,
Wednesday indicated that there of amendment to MTP Act: of violence, says Centre: The ammo to Tirumala: A gun with
14 rounds found in a car during a
could be scope for rationalisation The recent Supreme Court order government informed Parlia-
routine security check by the
of rates under the goods and ser- rejecting a 10-year-old rape survi- ment on Wednesday that demon-
police at the Alipiri check post, the
vices tax (GST) as its implementa- vor’s plea for abortion caught the etisation of old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000
entrance to the famous Tirupati
tion progressed. The indication notes had a “significant positive
Venkateswara temple in Andhra
came from finance minister Arun impact” on most “theatres of vio-
Jaitley in Lok Sabha while reply- IN PARLIAMENT lence” in the country, including
Pradesh, created a flutter on
Wednesday. Police held four for
ing to a debate on the Central stone-pelting incidents in Jammu
probe. Two women and a man
Goods and Services Tax (Exten- attention of members in the Ra- and Kashmir. Minister of state for
from Maharashtra were travelling
sion to Jammu and Kashmir) Bill, jya Sabha on Wednesday with Raj- home Hansraj Gangaram Ahir
in an SUV when police stopped
2017 and the Integrated Goods and ni Patil and Ambika Soni, both of said in RS that since illegally held
them for vehicle check. Initially,
Services Tax (Extension to Jam- Congress, demanding early cash forms a major chunk of ter-
they objected to it, saying they
mu and Kashmir) Bill, 2017. Both amendments to the 36-year-old ror-funding, most of the cash held
were family members of a Pune
bills, were later passed in the Medical Termination of Preg- by terrorists turned worthless.
assistant commissioner of police.

New Isro facility to boost launch capability TOI

Launch To Replace le to assemble parallelly launch ve-

hicles and bring them to the exis-
“We are trying for 3 to 4 launches
by year-end. The replacement for
ting two launchpads.” the first navigational satellite
Faulty Navigation On planning to build a third IRNSS-1A will be launched by
launchpad at Sriharikota High Al- month-end.” The need for repla-
Sat By Month-End titude Range, a spindle-shaped is-
land on the east coast of Andhra,
cing IRNSS-1A, one of the seven sa-
tellites in India’s navigation sy-
Surendra.Singh@timesgroup.com Kumar said, “We have not reached stem, was felt after three atomic
the limit of two launchpads. Once clocks (meant to provide precise
New Delhi: Indian Space Rese- we are able to assemble more rock- locational data) of the satellite
arch Organisation’s satellite ets but not able to launch them stopped working.
launch capability will soon get a even by reducing launch timings, On big missions next year, Ku-
boost as the country’s solitary then we will start work on the third mar said, “The launch of the
launchpad centre at Sriharikota The new rocket assembly building at launchpad. We first need approval. Chandrayaan-2 mission and the
(Satish Dhawan Space Centre) will Sriharikota will be ready by year-end So, we are working to eliminate all second developmental flight of
get a second vehicle assembly buil- bottlenecks to increase frequency GSLV Mk III D2 is due.” With Rs230
ding by the end of this year. of rockets) was a bottleneck. The of launches.” With the new facility, crore earned through foreign sa-
Talking to TOI, Isro chairman work on the second vehicle assem- Isro can launch 12 rockets in a year tellite launches in 2015-16, Isro’s
AS Kiran Kumar said, “Because of bly building is nearly complete from the current seven. share is just 0.6% of the global
just one assembly building, final and by the end of this year, it will On missions planned in the se- launch services market worth
assembling of components (stages become operational. We will be ab- cond half of this year, Kumar said, Rs38,000 crore.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 2 Page: CPP15 User: surendra.singh Time: 08-03-2017 01:14 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel


THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2017 TIMES NATION | Politics & Policy 13
Young lawyers outgun veterans, 116 terrorists killed Whose flag is
taller? A race
impress SC bench in privacy debate in J&K this year at the border
@timesgroup.com ‘Keep service ur, Justice Nariman
said the two had excelled be-
yond expectations. Bharti.Jain@timesgroup.com

Amritsar: Who’s national flag

New Delhi: The apex court on
Wednesday raised a toast to
As Subramanium got up to
commence reply on behalf of sector in mind New Delhi: Lashkar terro-
is taller — India or Pakistan?
The officials of the two coun-
two young legal guns, who op- the pro-privacy group, Justice rists Abu Dujana and Arif tries seem to be playing this
posed giving constitutional
status to right to privacy thro-
Nariman said, “Mr Subrama-
nium, you must congratulate
while defining Lilhaari were the 115th and
116th terrorists to be killed in
game at the Attari-Wagah bor-
der in Amritsar ahead of the In-
ugh lucid articulation of facts,
case laws and illuminating de-
ductions based on judgments SC heard the duo with rapt attention
these two young lawyers.”
Sankaranarayanan said if
privacy was given the cloak of
privacy rights’ Jammu & Kashmir this year.
As per official figures shared
by top sources in the security
dependence Day celebrations.
The Amritsar Improvement
Trust had started this game of
of the US Supreme Court. a fundamental right, then all Continued from P 1 establishment, 114 terrorists one-upmanship by hoisting the
Two weeks ago, the Supre- ver and Meenakshi Arora. social networking sites wo- were eliminated in the state Tricolour at 360 feet in March,

me Court started a debate on Appearing after these tall uld be prohibited from see- ustice Chandrachud said, till July 31, as against 92 in the CLOSE VIGIL but the attempt failed as strong
whether privacy is a funda- lawyers, advocates Arghya king personal information “The first zone could be the corresponding period of 2016. winds tore up the flag. Now, Pa-
mental right with a six-hour ti- Sengupta and Gopal Sankara- from users under the guise of most intimate zone of priva- Interestingly, 22 terrorists backing, the figure for 2017 is they refuse to surrender, kistan has said that it would
me limit but the complexity of narayanan argued to oppose a private contract between cy concerning marriage, sex- were killed in July 2017 alone. expected to cross the 150 ter- notwithstanding local pro- hoist its flag at 400 feet on its In-
the issue stretched the argu- the crowded pro-privacy gro- the platform and user. uality, relations with family The figure of 116 terro- rorists killed last year,” a ho- tests around encounter si- dependence Day on August 14.
ments, with legal stalwarts up of senior advocates. Given Sengupta said, “At its core, and the law should frown upon rists killed till August 1 way me ministry official said. tes; parallel crackdown on Sources said the work is in full
consuming most of the time to their lightweight status, both privacy is nothing but liberty any intrusion. The state could exceeds the 72 and 67 terro- The killing of Abu Duja- Hurriyat separatists linked swing across the border.
wage a bitter legal battle for were given 15 minutes each. to do or not to do something. In still intrude into this intimate rists eliminated in J&K in na on Tuesday, described as to terror funding; and a sof- India had hoisted the Tri-
and against privacy getting But such was their finesse an advanced country like the zone in extraordinary circum- all of 2012 and 2013 respecti- one of the biggest successes ter attitude towards local ci- colour of monumental pro-
constitutional status. in analysing the cross-conti- US where right to privacy has stances provided it met strin- vely, when UPA was in po- for counter-terror forces in vilians so that they don’t feel portions on March 5 at Attari,
Those who argued against nental constitutional posi- got constitutional status, the gent norms. wer. The numbers picked up J&K, is in keeping with the alienated or victimised,” the but without conducting any
privacy being inserted as a tion, especially in the US, of US Supreme Court has not “The second zone would be during NDA's tenure, tou- Centre’s overall policy to go ministry official said. study, at a height of 360 feet.
fundamental right in the right to privacy and the out of used right to privacy as a tool to the private zone, which in- ching 110 in 2014, 108 in 2015 all out against terrorists with Sources in the govern- Strong winds damaged the
Constitution were attorney box thinking in projecting the test the validity of privacy rela- volved parting of personal data and 150 in 2016. intelligence-based opera- ment said the pressure on flag within a couple of days of
general K K Venugopal, senior undefinable nature of priva- ted laws for abortion or LGBT by use of credit card, social net- “Terrorists killed so far tions that must be taken to terrorists would be stepped its installation.
advocates C A Sundaram and cy that the bench heard them rights. If the US SC conscious- working platforms, income tax this year have already sur- their logical end even if they up further, with plans to eli- The Pakistani media re-
Rakesh Dwivedi and additio- in rapt attention. The outspo- ly chose not to take privacy as a declarations. In this sphere, passed the figure for 2014 and face local resistance. minate others like LeT’s Abu ports, meanwhile, said a 120
nal solicitor general Tushar ken ones among the nine jud- fundamental right, despite be- sharing of personal data by an 2015. Given the security es- “The government’s app- Ismail, who is likely to take feet wide national flag would
Mehta. They were opposing ges — Justices Chelameswar, ing enshrined in the Constitu- individual will be used only for tablishment’s resolve to keep roach on J&K is a three-pro- Dujana's place in south be hoisted on a 400 feet
those advocating privacy as a Bobde, Nariman and Chand- tion, to test the validity of a le- the purpose for which it is up the heat on J&K terrorists nged one — concerted action Kashmir, and former Hizbul tall flagpole.
fundamental right — Gopal rachud — lost their speech. gislation, the Indian Supreme shared by an individual. in the days and months to co- against terrorists leading to leader and now Al Qaida-lin-
Subramanium, Kapil Sibal, When the two finished Court must remain conscious “The third is the public zone me, all with due political their elimination where ked Zakir Musa.
Soli J Sorabjee, Shyam Divan, their quota of time which had of the pitfalls in defining an un- where privacy protection re-
15 Somali
India, Pakistan to discuss
Sajan Poovayya, Anand Gro- stretched to more than an ho- definable right like privacy.” quires minimal regulation.
Here, the personal data shared
pirates get
‘Public consultation needed
will not mean the right to priva-
cy is surrendered. The individ-

Indus water treaty in Sept

ual will retain his privacy to
body and mind.” The formula-
tion suggests right to privacy
7 yrs in jail
for draft data protection bill’ may not be unfettered. The
bench, also comprising Justices
J Chelameswar, S A Bobde, R K
TNN & AGENCIES ‘Smart fence along Pak border by March’

Kim.Arora@timesgroup.com director, Software Freedom rity of India (UIDAI) Ajay

Agrawal, A M Sapre, Sanjay
Kishan Kaul and S Abdul Na-
New Delhi/Washington:
After the latest round of B order Security Force (BSF) director general K K Sharma on
Wednesday said sealing the frontier with Pakistan was an
immediate priority and a smart technology-aided fence would
Mumbai: In the first such
conviction in the country, a
Law Center (SFLC) has a si- Bhushan Pandey, and Vidhi zeer, realised the difficulty in a talks between India and Pa- special court on Wednesday
New Delhi: Data protection milar view. “The committee Centre for Legal Policy’s Arg- straitjacket interpretation of kistan on technical issues be in place along the Jammu sector by March next year. “My convicted 15 Somali pirates of
is closely connected to priva- already has enough material hya Sengupta among others. constitutional status of right to related to Indus Waters priority is Pakistan, as anything happens here (along the attempt to murder and kid-
cy and the process to formula- to start with. It should hold a This development comes at privacy, it being linked to liber- Treaty (IWT), the World border), it has grave consequences. We are working to ensure napping and sentenced them
te a bill on the subject must in- public consultation so that a time when a nine-judge ty which has visible footprints Bank announced that the complete sealing of this border and make it more fortified,” the to seven years in jail.
volve a public consultation, the voice of the stakeholders bench in the Supreme Court is on several fundamental rights. two countries will again BSF chief said on the sidelines of an event in Delhi. “We are Special judge Jayendra C
experts say. has a representation in the mulling if privacy is a funda- The fledgling service sector, meet in September to carry implementing a comprehensive integrated border management Jagdale said the accused, who
Raman Jit Singh Chima of language that the committee mental right. Chief among the which is growing at a faster forward the dialogue. It said (CIBM) plan and are running a pilot project to make our have spent six-and-a-half
the Internet Freedom Founda- recommends,” she says. issues being discussed is the ci- pace than the industrial sector, the talks in Washington international border along Pakistan secure,” he said. TNN years in jail since being
tion, points to the lack of pub- tizen data collection under provided food for thought. Jus- took place in a spirit of nabbed in 2011, are to be de-
lic consultation on drafting EXPERTS’ OPINION Aadhaar. tice Chandrachud said, “We are goodwill and cooperation. clearance from any third sign features of the two hy- ported to Somalia after re-
the bill, and the paucity of ti- The government has ta- dealing with an issue that has “The parties have agreed party for constructing pro- droelectric plants contra- lease from prison. Besides,
me given to the newly-formed The committee, formed on ken an unequivocal stand on an impact on what constituted to continue discussions and jects such as Kishenganga vened the treaty, the World they were also convicted un-
nine-member Srikrishna com- July 31, is headed by former the right to privacy. Additio- India as a powerhouse for reconvene in September,” it on the western rivers. Bank said the IWT designat- der the Unlawful Activities
mittee. “There seems to be no Supreme Court judge Justice nal solicitor general Tushar growth of service sector. The said in a statement. In the fact sheet, the glob- ed these two rivers as well as Prevention Act (UAPA) for
public consultation on the is- BN Srikrishna. The commit- Mehta submitted in the Su- analysis of choices and person- The Bank also issued a al lender said Pakistan op- the Indus as the “western threatening the country’s se-
sue. The notification states the tee is to suggest a draft bill on preme Court: “’Privacy’ is in- al preferences of 1.4 billion and fact sheet comprising its posed construction of the rivers” to which Pakistan curity and sovereignty.
committee has eight weeks. data protection. It comprises herently a vague and subjec- the analysis of this generates stated position on the IWT Kishanganga (330 mw) and had unrestricted use. This is one among the four
Rushing through the task like senior government officials tive concept – A vague con- demand in the service sector. In under which India is al- Ratle (850 mw) hydroelectric On the other hand, India cases being conducted by spe-
this doesn’t bode well. One has and those from industry bodi- cept which is incapable of any defining the right to privacy, we lowed to construct hydro- power plants being built by had asked for appointment of cial public prosecutor Ranjeet
to talk to experts, including es including department of precise definition/contours must keep in mind this critical electric facilities on shared India in Jammu & Kashmir. a neutral expert to look into Sangle. The verdicts against
critics, as part of this pro- telecom secretary Aruna cannot be conferred with a sector which depends on per- Indo-Pak rivers. As per the Noting that the two the issues, contending the 103 other accused in three oth-
cess,” says Chima. Sundararajan, CEO of the status of Constitutional fun- sonal data of Indians using a IWT provisions, India does countries disagreed over concerns Pakistan raised er cases are likely to be pro-
Mishi Choudhary, legal Unique Identification Autho- damental right.” particular service.” not require any approval or whether the technical de- were “technical” ones. nounced by next week.

Reluctance in declaring brain ‘Momentum has certainly picked

death hurting organ donation up but this is only tip of the iceberg’
Tina Ambani iceberg,” added Ambani.


The main problem in India
is the galloping organ failure
rates due to lifestyle reasons. It
Severe In Any individual Every hosp has a brain
To Generate
is estimated that two lakh new
kidney failure patients are ad-
whose brain stem— death committee, involving
Public Hosps lower part of the
brain that’s
team of four doctors to de-
clare a person brain-dead Awareness
ded every year to India’s pati-
ent pool. “The burden of disea-
se is certainly increasing in
Team TOI connected The team has to TIMES NEWS NETWORK our country—there is a tre-
to the spinal mendous rise in the number of
perform apnea tests to

very brain-dead per- cord and is Mumbai: When you sign up as lifestyle diseases leading to
son is a potential or-
check if the patient an organ donor, you make your end-stage organ failures.
gan donor who beco- can breathe without life count. This is the pithy mes- Thus, the transplant waiting
for breath-
mes an actual giver aid, has any pupil re- sage that Tina Ambani, who he- list is getting longer,” said Am-
ing, blood
only after the family sponse to light and ads Kokilaben Dhirubhai Am- bani. The need of the hour,
has consented for retrieval of responds to pain bani Hospital (KDAH) in Andhe- hence, is to have retrieval and
heartbeat— is
organs. Experts point out that irreparably damaged is Tests are repeat- ri, would like every Indian to im- transplant centres.
despite growing awareness, the bibe during the ongoing Times On the positive side, the
declared brain dead ed twice in six hours
conversion from recognition of Organ Donation Drive. Maharashtra government and
brain death to organ donation Brain death results from a Brain death can In fact, to ensure that the the Union government have
is abysmally low in India. severe brain injury, usually happen only in an ICU message reaches the maxi- taken a lot of initiatives in re-
The estimated national con- following a road acci- mum number of people, the cent times, said Ambani. “To-
version rate is 15-20%, though a dent or a bleed due TIMEFRAME FOR ORGAN partnership between KDAH day, the National Organ & Tis-
few states have outdone the na- to stroke ORGANS THAT and The Times of India has, in sue Transplant Organisation
tional average. Kerala, for in- CAN BE RETRIEVED FROM its fourth year, made an impor- (NOTTO) and the Regional Or-
stance, has the best conversion The brain A BRAIN-DEAD PERSON tant addition: Awareness dri- gan and Tissue Transplant Or-
rate at 90%, while Tamil Nadu swells up after It is a Heart ves and events will be organi- ganizations (ROTTO) are play-
Solid organs | Kidneys,
and Maharashtra’s rates are
67% and 57% respectively. Ma-
an injury but
it cannot ex- liver, lungs, heart,
legal form 4-6 hours sed throughout the year. ing a crucial role to facilitate
the process of organ donation-
of death
ny of these states have passed pand much intestine, pancreas as much as Lungs Intestine The burden of disease —we see less red tape, organs
strictures making it mandato- as it’s con- death by car- is certainly increasing moving across states, and gre-
ry to report brain deaths, yet in tained within
Tissues | Corneas, skin,
heart valves, cartilage, diac arrest 4-6 6-10 in our country—there is a
ater sensitisation among go-
2016, only 807 brain deaths were
reported from the country’s 301
the skull made
bones, vessels In order to keep
hours hours tremendous rise in the num-
vernment agencies and the po-
lice. In fact, we now see the
of tough bone
transplant centres. Hospitals, the organs alive, ber of lifestyle diseases lea- first signs of a national organ
particularly public, have been When the pressure in a ventilator continues Liver Kidneys ding to end-stage organ failu- donation network taking sha-
faltering in identifying and de-
claring brain deaths. The con-
the brain becomes greater
than the pressure of the heart,
to blow air into lungs, while
the heart continues to receive
12-15 24-48 res. Thus, the trans- pe, as seen in the US and Euro-
pe. This is a heartening sign
version rates at public hospi- the latter is unable to pump oxygenated blood hours hours plant waiting list is
and we owe a debt of gratitude
tals, even in states with success- blood to the brain
getting longer to everyone involved in the
The heart beats for some
ful programmes, is less than Tina Ambani | process,” she said.
This lack of blood flow time—this does not mean the
their private counterparts. HEAD, KOKILABEN Moreover, the phobia asso-
deprives the brain of oxygen person is alive, or there is
While refusal from families ciated with transplants, especi-
12-14 hours
is often cited as the key reason, leading to its irreversible death chance of recovery Pancreas HOSPITAL ally heart, is slowly but surely
it certainly isn’t the sole cause. disappearing. “There was a
Hesitancy of doctors in decla- cur in public hospitals as most has not done any. On the contra- kathe (state organ transplant “From a once-a-year activity, perception that heart trans-
ring brain death, lack of know- accident patients are rushed ry, privately-run Apollo Hospi- authority) said, “A majority of we will work round the year plants were not successful. Ho-
ledge about the procedure and there. Public hospitals may tals and Krishna Institute of hospitals in rural areas don’t with six state-specific drives wever, in the past four to five ye-
absence of counsellors at ho- think they don’t run transplant Medical Sciences managed 80 have the resources to maintain and a special drive at corpora- ars, cardiologists and trans-
spitals are equally hurting the programmes, why worry about and 64 donations respectively. brain dead patients.” Dr CN te houses and colleges to build plant coordinators have been
conversion rates. Dr Noble Gra- donations,” said Dr Gustad Da- “Few families take an active Manjunath, director at the go- sensitivity and drive the mes- able to impress upon both do-
cious, nodal officer of Kerala ver, president of Mumbai’s Zo- stand against organ donation, vernment-run Sri Jayadeva In- sage home,” said Ambani. nors and recipients that the
Network for Organ Sharing, sa- nal Transplant Coordination yet many refuse consent when stitute of Cardiology, said, She said the ongoing cam- outcomes are excellent: One-ye-
id majority of the cadaver do- Committee. He said public ho- the rare opportunity arises,” “Over 70% of patients visiting paign’s purpose could be sum- ar survival at 97% and five-year
nations in the state is initiated spital participation can double said Aniruddha Kulkarni, public hospitals are from rural med up in one word: Aware- survival at 70%,” said Ambani.
by the donor family. the donor pool in a year. transplant coordinator at Jupi- areas. Often families lack the ness. “Organ donation gives She said such campaigns
Data from the Maharash- Country’s youngest state ter Hospital in Mumbai. Dr Su- decision-making ability.” purpose to our lives. It is a tes- could ensure that cadaver do-
tra’s public health department Telengana that has a conver- nil Shroff of Chennai-based Experts believe expediting tament that we do not just live nations increase and the de-
shows that of 584 people who sion rate of 40% is also grapp- Mohan Foundation added that police nods and post mortem for ourselves,” said Ambani. pendence on live donations de-
were identified as brain dead ling with a below par participa- a well-trained grief counsellor will help improve the count. Ac- The campaign will also serve creases. “In an ideal world,
since 2012, families of 335 con- tion from state-run hospitals. can achieve a conversion rate of cidents, falls, and other inci- another important function: that would be the case and I ho-
sented to donate their organs. Through the years, state-run up to 90%. Tamil Nadu has an dents where head injury is Dispelling myths about organ and all walks of life,” she said. in the last five years. “People are pe that we will get there, at le-
The 57% conversion rate resul- centres such as Nizam’s Institu- overall conversion rate of 67%. common, often leave patients donation. “We need to dispel Although organ donation slowly becoming aware and our ast in our lifetime. Realistical-
ted in 1,064 lives being saved. It te of Medical Sciences and In Karnataka, however, the brain dead. Dr Vimal Bhanda- myths about organ donations rates across India are abysmal team has done a tremendous job ly speaking though, I at least
contributed to 483 kidney, 257 li- Osmania General Hospital ha- conversion rate is below 10%. ri, director of NOTTO said mi- and sensitise people. We hope in comparison to countries in spreading the word. The mo- hope the gap will narrow so-
ver and 65 heart transplants. ve cumulatively recorded 20 do- Dr Kishore Phadke, program- sconceptions, cultural beliefs this campaign touches Indi- such as Spain and the US, there mentum has certainly picked mewhat, as it has happened in
“Over 90% of brain deaths oc- nations, while Gandhi Hospital me convenor of Jeevasartha- and ignorance too are a hurdle. ans from across the country, has been a great improvement up and this is only the tip of the other developed countries.”
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP16 User: raghuvansh.mathur Time: 08-02-2017 21:37 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



A thought for today

Civilisation is the progress toward a society of
privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public
Free Children From Chains
India and the world need a multi-dimensional strategy to stop human trafficking
Kailash Satyarthi was raped repeatedly by drivers.

False Choice Ideas have legs. So do

human beings. When
ideas are chained, we
Malvika is lucky that she was rescued
and is back with her family. Hundreds of
thousands of victims like her have not
been as lucky. What can we do in India to
It’s wrong to pose a dichotomy between desecrate the very fun- stop the barbarity against young girls
food security and the right to privacy damentals of freedom.
When human beings
like Malvika?
For starters, we need a strong law

n the Supreme Court nine-judge bench hearing on the constitu- are chained, we desecrate the funda- against trafficking. Despite endless
tional status of right to privacy, senior advocate CA Sundaram mentals of humanity. debates and repeated pleas by civil society
appearing for the Maharashtra government asserted that privacy One of the monumental milestones groups, stringent anti-trafficking laws
would always take a back seat to securing basic needs of people. He for mankind is the abolition of slavery. have not been passed by Parliament. Nor
But while we have won many decisive have state governments taken meaningful
even posed the question: “What is better, two square meals or right wars against slavery and bondage, measures to stop this atrocity. It took
to privacy?” In response, the learned judges of the court rightly we haven’t succeeded in completely almost 19 years for India to ratify the ILO
argued that people’s economic rights could never be a ground to vanquishing this degrading and conventions that prohibit the worst
undermine fundamental rights. dehumanising practice. What is ironic forms of child labour. Let us not drive
In real life the choice between food security and supposedly ‘higher is that the world today has the largest hundreds of thousands of innocent
order’ rights pertaining to freedom and privacy is a false one, often number of slaves at any point of time in children into cruel and miserable
history, even medieval or colonial. lives of slavery by indulging in such
used by Marxist regimes to justify authoritarian administration. As Let us remind ourselves of some unforgivable delays.
the work of Nobel laureate Amartya Sen has demonstrated, famines sobering and deeply disturbing facts. We as citizens too need to play a
are less widespread in a democratic regime, as a guaranteed right to More than 21 million people across the more proactive role by refusing to
free expression also means that reports world are victims of trafficking. They keep our eyes and ears closed. We must

Uday Deb
of famine cannot be suppressed. In are de facto 21st century slaves. protest and report cases of suspected
the present case under consideration, While sexual slavery and forced trafficking victims in our neighbour-
labour remain the major drivers behind hoods. That is a moral imperative. Equally
Sundaram’s argument represents an trafficking, shocking new trends have important is the need to target the
developed countries as well as global
unnecessarily cavalier attitude to emerged. At least 10 nations have bodies tasked to check trafficking economic roots behind trafficking. It is
privacy on the part of the government. reported that trafficking has been need much more coordination and When incomes of poor families states like Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand,
As far as privacy is concerned, it’s related directly with organ harvesting. cooperation. Moreover, the international improve, their children go to Assam and Odisha that still witness
true that government initiatives like This is now a $32 billion a year business community – by incorporating abolition extreme poverty that report the most
according to the UN. of trafficking and all other forms of school instead of seeking work. cases of trafficking.
JAM – the trinity of Jan Dhan, Aadhaar
and mobile governance – require
But humanitarian agencies reckon modern slavery in a time bound manner When children go to school, Apart from vastly improved aware-
that it has surpassed drugs and arms as in UN Sustainable Development Goals – ness and law enforcement, what India
authorities to collect citizens’ data for the largest criminal business in the world has agreed this crime has wider negative
their chances of being needs to deal with trafficking and slavery
facilitating welfare benefits and direct transfers. However, such with an annual revenue of $150 billion. implications on economic growth and trafficked and sold into slavery is economic opportunities. When poor
data needs strong protection safeguards to prevent misuse. It’s Women and children constitute 71% of the development. Realisation of these goals diminish dramatically families earn enough to feed themselves,
wrong to posit one against the other; if the government wishes to victims. How can any civilisation allow requires will, resources and action at they become less vulnerable to criminal
promote Digital India it must also institute robust data protection this atrocity to continue and flourish? national and international levels. dies. But a historic Supreme Court judg- gangs. When incomes of poor families
Another alarming trend is that the India has not been immune to this ment of 2013 based on a petition by our improve, their children go to school
for citizens. To this end the Supreme Court should uphold a basic line between migration, refugee crisis instead of seeking work. When children
global scourge. Official data indicates movement Bachpan Bachao Andolan has
right to privacy. Moreover, it’s also in the government’s interest to and trafficking is becoming very thin. that close to 20,000 women and children directed the state to act promptly and go to school, their chances of being
come up with a strong law protecting data privacy. It has been consistently noticed that were trafficked in India in 2016 but the effectively. Yet, trafficking and slavery trafficked and sold into slavery diminish
Such a law would mandate the consent of an individual for the geographical paths and routes of real numbers could be far higher. More continue to flourish in India. dramatically.
collecting and processing her personal data, with “exceptions” trafficking bear striking resemblance than 1,00,000 children go missing every And the stories are tragic. We had For 70 years or so, India has not ensured
against this right being closely and narrowly defined. Further, with those of migration. The increasing year. Almost half of them are never traced. rescued 13-year-old Malvika (name economic security to a large number of its
scale of both natural and man-made Most of the untraced children become changed) from Gurgaon. She was traffick- citizens. Of what help is India becoming an
there needs to be strict accountability in case of data breaches, with disasters, particularly armed conflicts economic superpower if hundreds of mill-
victims of human trafficking, slavery, ed from a village in West Bengal with
procedures and punishments laid down. India has signed on to and civil wars, is creating a whole begging and prostitution rackets. promises of good wages. Her life was hell ions remain in poverty with their children
international treaties guaranteeing the right to privacy. Many new generation of refugees who are Since most victims of trafficking after that. In two consecutive homes where vulnerable to predatory traffickers?
countries have already enacted privacy legislation. Moreover, BJD becoming victims of trafficking gangs. belong to poor and marginalised families, she worked as a domestic help, Malvika The writer is 2014 Nobel peace laureate
MP Baijayant ‘Jay’ Panda recently tabled a private member’s bill – Syria is a stark reminder of this trend. hardly anyone, including police personnel, was treated like a slave with the employers and founder of Kailash Satyarthi Children’s
Data (Privacy and Protection) Bill, 2017 – in Parliament outlining Clearly, law enforcement agencies in paid much attention to these family trage- routinely beating her. In both houses, she Foundation
useful provisions for protecting citizens’ data in India. These are
templates that can be utilised to enact privacy legislation, and it’s
not a prospect that government should resist.
By refusing to buckle under China’s threats on
Trending Down Doklam, India has called the bully’s bluff
Brahma Chellaney road through Doklam that allows tegral to its psywar, are also part
A cut in RBI policy rate is welcome but China to bring main battle tanks of a negotiating ploy to secure a
more must be done to boost the economy Standing
the Himalayan
on to the tri-border and implement,
in the event of a war, its military
compromise on largely its terms.
There is no reason, however,

eserve Bank of India’s monetary policy committee (MPC) crest with plan to decapitate India. In such a why India should let China off the
yesterday lowered its policy interest rate by a quarter of a well-developed corridor-bisecting scenario, while hook easily. With Xi looking ahead
percentage point, the first change in 10 months. The current infrastructure, China gobbles up Arunachal to this autumn’s Communist Par-
China is in a Pradesh, the other northeast ty congress to cement his status
rate, 6%, has now been brought down to the level that existed over militarily advantageous position as China’s most powerful leader
Indian states, as a Chinese state
six years ago. The change signals two things. One, MPC is now more along much of the border with mouthpiece warned recently, since Mao Zedong, India should
sanguine about the trajectory of inflation. Two, the reduction in India. The tri-border overlooking could become “independent”. play psychological hardball
interest rate has come amidst signs that industrial performance the Chinese-held Chumbi valley Today, thanks to its miscal- because Chinese incursions have
remains lacklustre. Given this context, MPC’s decision is welcome is one of the few areas where culation, China finds itself in an become increasingly recurrent.
but it is unlikely to make a meaningful difference to the economy. India still holds a distinct unenviable position: It must India should allow the Doklam
advantage, with Chinese forces extricate itself from a militarily military stalemate to drag on
Interest rates have been trending down for a while. In the backdrop within Indian observation cum psychological warfare (“psywar”) warmongering, has defiantly until the arrival of the harsh
wretched situation in Doklam,
of slowing growth of bank credit, deposit rates artillery range. If China were to where its intruding soldiers are and disinformation operations stood up to China and refused to winter forces the rival troops to
have been constantly lowered. Recently, State capture Bhutan’s high-altitude caught in a pincer movement. If failing to yield continuing gains, budge. By calling the bully’s retreat, thus restoring the status
Bank of India lowered even savings rates for Doklam plateau, it would not after the success in initially bluff, India has set an example quo ante, including frustrating
most of its deposit holders. On the other side, only mitigate that vulnerability dominating the narrative. If for other Asian states to emulate. China’s road-building plan. If
interest rates for borrowers have not declined but also hold a knife to India’s anything, its psychological Beijing’s story that Indian an earlier negotiated mutual
jugular vein – the Siliguri Corri- India should allow the operations (“psy-ops”) and mani- troops “trespassed” into Chinese retreat from Doklam becomes
proportionately on account of the bad
loans plaguing banks. But there has been
dor, through which Bhutan’s Doklam stalemate to pulation of legal arguments territory was designed to disguise possible, it should be based on
communications and transpor- (“lawfare”), as by selectively its intrusion into tiny Bhutan. an unequivocal assurance that
more activity from non-banking financial tation arteries also pass.
drag on until the arrival quoting an 1890 colonial-era But this tale, along with China henceforth will refrain
intermediaries and India’s top companies have been able to benefit While existential stakes drove of the harsh winter accord, offer India important President Xi Jinping’s vow not to from unilaterally disturbing the
from the current environment. It is the smaller companies, the ones India to halt China’s construction forces the rival troops to lessons. It is standard Chinese permit the loss of “any piece” of territorial status quo anywhere
most dependent on banks, which have missed out. of a strategic highway through strategy to play the victim in Chinese land, deepens China’s in the Himalayan borderlands.
Doklam, Beijing made a serious retreat, thus restoring any conflict or dispute, as China discomfiture by undermining Implicitly, if not explicitly,
The benign environment for borrowers has not translated into a strategic miscalculation by the status quo ante brazenly did even in 1962. the image it has sought to project China must come out a signifi-
revival of investment demand. MPC’s statement pointed out intruding there: It anticipated Mounting frustration has at home and abroad – Asia’s cant loser in order to help rein in
that the number of new investment announcements fell to a 12-year Bhutan’s diplomatic protest but China were to initiate hostilities sharpened Beijing’s war rhetoric. pre-eminent power that no its creeping, covert encroach-
low in April-June quarter. Part of the problem can be traced to the not India’s swift, stealthy military at the tri-border, it will likely be To compound matters, the stand- neighbour will mess with. ments. There should be no more
collapse in global trade following the financial crisis, but there intervention. The Indian army left, as in 1967, with a bloodied off is imposing reputational In sum China, if it is to save Depsangs, Chumars and Doklams
are levers the government can use to improve the situation. The had long geared up to respond to nose, given the Indian army’s costs on a power that supposedly face, needs India’s help to or the quiet chipping away at
such a contingency. terrain and tactical advantages. brooks no challenge and is ever extricate itself from a mess of its Indian and Bhutanese lands.
immediate need is to carry through with the resolution process of No Indian government can willing to wreak punishment. own making. Beijing’s coarse
Politically Beijing has boxed The writer is a geostrategist
bad loans following the promulgation of an ordinance in May. This countenance the construction of a itself in a corner, with its intense India, in the face of vitriolic statements and threats, while in- and author
must be supplemented with measures to ease doing business, which
would substantially improve the investment climate. dilbert Sacredspace
Tree Of Life
Mourning cuppa We are all but recent leaves
on the same old tree of life
If its tea goes downhill, can bracing and if this life has adapted
Darjeeling be far behind? itself to new functions
Bachi Karkaria
and conditions, it uses
the same old basic principles
My cup fell to the ground in dismay and shattered like our over and over again.
current relationship with China. Or to pluck a leaf from Keats,
‘My heart ached and a dreary numbness pained/ My sense as
though of Assam I had drunk.’ What occasioned this sinking Albert Szent-Györgyi
heart and rising dread? The news that the auctions and private
sale of Darjeeling tea may cease from the second week of

Dream On, But Sleep Is Very Important, Too

August; by September, retail shelves will be empty. An indefinite strike led by
the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has shut down since early June the terraced
gardens around the hill station of my childhood. Soon, the last fragrant, long-
leaved lots will be put on the block. My heady joy will be there too. It’s all due to
the provocations of that kulhar-chai-quaffing La Belle Dame Sans Mamata. Anil K Rajvanshi sleep, neural pathways have free run. creating long-term memory. But it is the dreaming process.
Yes, i’m aware of the impact on, and of, suddenly jobless tea-garden Thus, day-long experiences or existing dreams we remember that make life During sleep, neural pathways are

workers. Unlike Mumbai’s millhands thrown to the wolves by Datta Samant’s verybody dreams. Some remember memories are the driving force for interesting. We still don’t know why we active without ego, so circuit production is
fatal strike of 1982, the Gorkhas will not go sheepishly to their fate. A rebellious their dreams; others don’t. The brain internal dreams. When there is sanyam dream. A possible answer may lie in how quite random. But only those pathways
kettle is already on the boil; it will speed to a gallop with the infusion of hundreds never sleeps; neural pathways are or tremendous thinking activity on a synapses behave during sleep. produce circuits in which neural connec-
with time – and kukris – on their hands. But my concern is more selfish always active, whether mediated by ego particular thought during waking time, Synapses are connections between two tions are still strong. Thus “loosened”
since my morning doesn’t become electric without my two, during waking state or without it, as it leads sometimes to solution-dreams. neurons; they allow the transfer of synapses or those with increased synaptic
single-estate cups brewed to perfection. Tea-bags? Eeuw! happens during sleep. Activation of neural Several great inventions and information through passage of neuroche- cleft might not take part in the information
erratica This woman’s home is her Castleton, a brand which i can’t pathways produces dreams. discoveries have come through micals across the synaptic cleft, transfer and hence, in the dreaming pro-
find in Mumbai, and so must depend on the kindness of friends to During sleep, we go through four to five such dreaming process. the distance (about 0.02 micron) cess. So dreams could be random in nature.
ferry supplies from Kolkata. The obliging Sanjay Kapur from Delhi offers me his cycles of deep sleep and dreaming Externality of dreams comes between neuron and synapse Besides, this loosening of neural pathways
finest first flush, but i blush to say i prefer my tin, black like its contents. At a pinch episodes, each of roughly 90 minutes because brain is both receiver that exchanges neurochemicals. may also explain the removal of some
i will drink his jasmine. No other Chinese green. No black oolong-shoolong or lap- duration. Electro-encephalography (EEG) and transmitter of human Scientists have found that during memories of day-long experiences. Sleep is
sang souchong either. Forget their health benefits; call me an ‘anti-Occident’ like studies done on the human brain during thought. Hence during sleep, deep sleep, the synaptic cleft therefore necessary to remove clutter or
their emperors of yore. Closer home, a ‘free radical’ has become an oxymoron. sleep, show that deep sleep is characterised memories or signals from widens by about 20%. Perhaps it irrelevant information from the brain.
Of all legal stimulants, tea takes the cake, and i will go to any lengths for my by production of low frequency (1-4 Hz) knowledge-space impinge on the helps in allowing the cerebro- Too often, we have dreams connected
Darjeeling, though i might draw the line at flying all the way to Boston for a tea Delta waves, known to help produce life brain and may modify neural spinal fluid to flow through it and with our suppressed desires; most are
party. They probably serve some atrocious concoction, pretentiously called and mood-enhancing chemicals. At this pathways. This can give rise to the to remove toxins from the brain. based on unfulfilled emotional needs and
‘chai’. Which reminds me of a name that Bengalis once gave their daughters:
‘China’, which was actually ‘Chai na’, ‘don’t want’.
stage, we are totally unaware of our
surroundings. But, dreaming episodes
strange dreams of events and
places never visited or interacted speaking The more we dream during
the night, the less restful is the
psychological knots based on strong
memories that do not get loosened during
*** characterised by rapid eye movement with. This is also the mechanism tree sleep. A really restful sleep is sleep and cause recurring dreams.
Alec Smart said: “With all this cow-chauvinism, will foreign breeds (REM), are of light sleep kind, from which of getting prophetic dreams of which there deep sleep without dreams. This helps in Resolution of these knots through wisdom
get ‘desimated’?” one can be woken up quite easily. are many instances. flushing out toxic material from major part allows the loosening of strong memories
bachi.karkaria@timesgroup.com Dreams are both internal and external. Why don’t we remember dreams? of the brain. Besides this, the increase of and helps in brain detoxification,
http://blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/erratica Since ego, the director, is absent during Brain scientists say part of it is to do with synaptic cleft may also help in explaining producing dreamless sleep.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 2 Page: CPP17 User: raghuvansh.mathur Time: 08-03-2017 00:41 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel




Why bald men have a business advantage
US Data Scientist Says Shaved-And-Dominant Link Comes From Cultural Associations

mazon CEO Jeff Bezos. taller, and stronger than their When guys decide to shave hair. Not only that, but the for whether they had thick ha-
Goldman Sachs head authentic selves” and “men off their hair, they’re tapping bald dudes were found to be ir, thinning hair, or shaved he-
Lloyd Blankfein. Net- experiencing natural hair loss into a cultural history of close- less attractive. ads — and rated them on diffe-
scape founder Marc Andrees- may improve their interperso- cropped dominance, from Mi- To get to those conclusions, rent aspects of personality,
sen. FUBU founder and nal standing by shaving”. chael Jordan imposing his will Mannes did a number of expe- from dominance to agreeabili-
“Shark Tank” investor Day- Mannes, a data scientist on the basketball court to Bru- riments. In the first experi- ty to attractiveness.
mond John. Lots of heavy hit- for the US government, said ce Willis saving the day on the ment, participants were The takeaways are practi-
ters in business are bald guys. the shaved-and-dominant link silver screen. shown photos of men with ha- cal: Shaving it off is probably
And not just balding, but came from cultural associa- In fact, Mannes said that ir and men with shaved heads a better bet for your well-be-
completely bare up there. tions, in the same way that be- he was inspired to do the rese- and asked to rate their levels ing than watching it thin
You could argue that it’s ing tall and having a deep voice arch when people were more of dominance and agreeabili- away. “Instead of spending
symptomatic of male privile- BARE REALITY: Jeff Bezos signal dominance. “In US soci- deferential to him after he ty. In the second, participants billions each year trying to re-
ge. But according to research
by University of Pennsylva-
nia, there’s something power-
ful about having a smooth do-
und that “men with shaved
heads were rated as more do-
minant”, “men whose hair
ety... shaved heads are often fo-
und on men in traditionally
masculine professions,” he sa-
id, “so dominance may emerge
shaved his head. Mannes also
discovered that while men
with shaved heads were seen
as more dominant, they were
were shown photos of the
same men with hair and with
hair digitally removed, so they
looked shaved. In the third,
verse or cure their hair loss,”
he said, “the counterintuitive
prescription of this research
to men experiencing male
Hyperloop pod hits
me. In three experiments, re-
searcher Albert Mannes fo-
was digitally removed were
perceived as more dominant,
through stereotypical associa-
tions with these figures”.
also perceived as looking four
years older than guys with
participants read identical
descriptions of men — except
pattern baldness is to shave
their heads”. BUSINESS INSIDER 310 kmph in first test
New York: High-speed trans-
portation system Hyperloop
One, passengers and cargo
are loaded into a pod, and ac-
One has successfully tested celerate gradually via elec-
New app to help you take from Alzheimer’s too its prototype passenger pod,
reaching a speed of up to 310
tric propulsion through a
low-pressure tube. The pod
perfect selfies developed
himpanzees may suffer from Alzheim- km per hour. “This is the be- then lifts above the track us-
er’s disease, just as humans do. ginning and the dawn of a ing magnetic levitation and

S cientists have developed a new app that

would help people to learn the art of taking
perfect selfies. The app is integrated with an
Scientists studying the brains of 20
elderly chimpanzees found certain plaques
new era of transportation,”
said Shervin Pishevar, execu-
glides at airline speeds for
long distances due to ultra-
and other abnormalities that indicate they tive chairman and co-founder low aerodynamic drag.
algorithm that directs the user where to position experience Alzheimer’s. The finding was of Hyperloop One, in a state- “We’ve proven that our
the camera, allowing them to take the best shot published in Neurobiology of Ageing. In peo- ment on Wednesday. The star- technology works, and we’re
possible. “Unlike other apps that enhance a photo ple suffering from Alzheimer’s, clusters of tup tested its first-generation now ready to enter into dis-
after you take it, this system gives direction, proteins called beta-amyloid build up be- ‘XP-1’ passenger pod and trav- cussions with partners, cus-
meaning the user is learning why their photo will tween nerve cells. The clumps may block cells elled for 300 metres as it levi- tomers and governments
be better,” said Dan Vogel, a professor at Uni- signalling to each other or activate immune tated off the track. around the world about the
versity of Waterloo in Canada. In developing the system cells, triggering inflammation. “We’ve reached historic full commercialisation of our
algorithm, Vogel and Qifan Li, a student, used 3D Melissa Edler, of Northeast Medical Uni- speeds of 310 km an hour and Hyperloop technology,” said
digital scans of “average” looking people. versity, and her team studied four areas of the we’re excited to finally show Rob Lloyd, Hyperloop One
chimps’ neocortex and hippocampus — re- the world the ‘XP-1’ going into CEO. Last month, Hyperloop
Tutankhamun’s furniture inspired gions of the human brain known to be affect- the Hyperloop One tube. One had announced the suc-
modern folding beds: A foldable bed belong- ed by Alzheimer's. She found plaques and oth- When you hear the sound of cessful completion of the
ing to King Tutankhamun — who ruled Egypt 3,300 er abnormalities associated with the condi- the Hyperloop One, you hear world’s first full systems Hy-
years ago — may have inspired modern camping tion in 12 of the 20 chimpanzees they studied. the sound of the future,” Pish- perloop test in a vacuum envi-
beds. UK archaeologist Howard Carter had discov- But Mary Ann Raghanti, of Kent State evar added. With Hyperloop ronment. IANS
ered the three-fold bed made of lightweight University, whose lab ran the tests, said they
hardwood when he entered Tutankhamun’s tomb could not know whether the primates suf-
in 1922. The bed was smaller and sat lower to the
ground. An ingenious mechanism allows the bed
to be folded up into a Z shape, the study showed.
fered from the same cognitive deterioration
These smart undies
A woman rides a bike in Underwater Park in Pula, Croatia, on Wednesday

Women with attractive spouses more likely to diet can reduce back pain

Washington: Scientists ha- sturdy straps across the

Sarah Young eat healthily or lose weight. To reach this conclusion, the part on their desire to have a thin ve developed a smart under- middle back, with natural
Startlingly, it also revealed team examined 113 newlywed cou- body, including options like “I feel garment that can help reduce rubber pieces at the lower

omen with attractive that men are very rarely motiva- ples who had been married less extremely guilty after eating,” “I stress and pain on the lower back and glutes. The device
partners are more likely ted to do the same regardless of than four months and in their like my stomach to be empty,” and back muscles. Engineers at can be controlled by an app.
to suffer from poor self-es- how attractive their wives are con- twenties by rating them on attrac- “I’m terrified of gaining weight.” Vanderbilt University in the Eight subjects tested the
teem and develop eating disor- sidered to be. While the findings tiveness and asking question’s Andrea Meltzer, assistant US combined biomechanics device leaning forward and
ders, according to a new study. about their motivations to eat professor of psychology at Flor- and advances in wearable lifting weights while holding
Published in Body Image jour- EATING DISORDERS healthily. A full-body photograph ida State University and co-au- technology to create the un- their position at 30, 60 and 90
nal earlier this month, the re- was taken of every participant thor of the study, said in a press dergarment. degrees. Using motion captu-
search found that in hetero-sexual might sound like a load of sexist and rated on a scale of one to 10 release, “The results reveal that The wearable device con- re, force plates and electromy-
Motorists cover their faces as ashes blanket Tiga relationships, women who are nonsense, the researchers from with one focusing on facial attrac- having a physically attractive sists of two fabric sections, ography, researchers showed
Pancur village in Karo, Sumatra, on Wednesday after deemed less attractive than their Florida State University insist tiveness while the other looked at husband may have negative con- made of nylon canvas, Lycra, that the device reduced acti-
Mount Sinabung volcano erupted. Sinabung roared partners are more likely to diet, that it is key to improving re- body attractiveness. sequences for wives, especially if polyester and other materi- vity in the lower back exten-
back to life in 2010 for the first time in 400 years while those who are better looking sources for women who suffer eat- Each person also completed a those wives are not particularly als, for the chest and legs. The sor muscles by an average of
than their partners felt no need to ing disorders. lengthy questionnaire focusing in attractive.” THE INDEPENDENT sections are connected by 15 to 45% for each task. PTI
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP18 User: rashi.sinha Time: 08-02-2017 23:50 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



Trump signs Russian sanctions into law In a first, experts

Calls Bill Flawed, Says Signing This For Sake Of National Unity As It Represents Will Of Americans
‘edit’ faulty gene in
Washington: President Do-
nald Trump signed legisla-
tion on Wednesday imposing
sanctions on Russia and limi-
Trump administration likely to open
inquiry into China’s trade practices
blems,” he added, “I am sig-
ning this bill for the sake of
national unity. It represents
the will of the American peo-
human embryos
ting his own authority to lift
them, but asserted that the
measure included “a number
U S President Donald Trump is close to a decision on how to
respond to what he considers China’s unfair trade practices, a
senior Trump administration official said on Tuesday. Trump is
ple to see Russia take steps to
improve relations with the
US. We hope there will be coo- U
S scientists, for the first
time, have succeeded
in altering the genes of
Use of gene editing
technology in
of clearly unconstitutional considering encouraging US trade representative Robert Lighthizer peration between our two co- a human embryo to correct a human embryos,
provisions” and left open the to initiate an investigation of Chinese trade practices under the 1974 untries on major global issu- disease-causing mutation, has often raised
possibility that he might cho- Trade Act’s section 301, the official said. An announcement could es so that these sanctions will making it possible to prevent
ose not to enforce them as come as early as this week, the official said. Section 301of the Trade no longer be necessary.” the defect from being passed
concerns it could
lawmakers intended. Act of 1974 allows the president to unilaterally impose tariffs or other Reacting to the develop- on to future generations. The be used to create
The legislation, which al- trade restrictions to protect US industries from “unfair trade prac- ment, Kremlin spokesman milestone, published this we- ‘designer babies’
so includes sanctions on Iran tices” of foreign countries, such as trade agreement violations, or Dmitry Peskov said the new ek in the journal Nature, was
and North Korea, represen- “discriminatory” actions that burden US commerce. The US has a sanctions against Russia does confirmed last week by Ore- vitro fertilization process.
ted the first time that Cong- long list of grievances about China on trade, including accusations of not change anything “de fac- gon Health and Science Uni- They found that the embryo
ress had forced Trump to sign steel dumping and theft of US intellectual property. China has said to”. In response to a question versity (OHSU), which colla- used the available healthy
a bill over his objections with PLANES BUILT FOR RUSSIAN AIRLINE MAY BE NEXT AIR FORCE ONE that trade between China and the US benefits both sides. The US has from reporters about what borated with the Salk Institu- copy of the gene to repair
bipartisan, veto-proof majo- Facing pressure from President Trump to cut the cost of new Air Force One pressed China to exert more pressure on North Korea to help rein in steps Russia could take to re- te and Korea’s Institute for the mutated part.
rities. Even before he signed aircraft, the US air force is negotiating with Boeing to purchase two 747-8 its nuclear and missile programmes. Susan Thornton, acting taliate, Peskov said: “What re- Basic Science to use a techni- The Salk/OHSU team al-
it, the Russian government jetliners that were built for a Russian airline that went bankrupt before assistant secretary of state for East Asia, told a congressional taliatory measures? There is que known as CRISPR-Cas9 so found that its gene correc-
retaliated by seizing two they were delivered. Trump rattled Boeing before taking office by tweet- hearing that new US sanctions aimed at curbing North’s weapons nothing new. Retaliatory mea- to correct a genetic mutation tion did not cause any detec-
American diplomatic proper- ing: ‘Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presi- programmes, including measures aimed at Chinese financial sures were already taken.” for a heart condition. table mutations in other
ties and ordering the United dents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!’ institutions, could be expected “fairly soon.” REUTERS Meanwhile, Jean-Claude CRISPR-Cas9 works as a parts of the genome — a ma-
States to reduce its overall Juncker, European Union’s type of molecular scissors jor concern for gene editing.
staff in Russia by 755 people. to Congress interfering with governments, including their executive branch’s authority ve’s flexibility, this bill makes chief executive, said the US that can selectively trim Still, the technology was
But a signing statement the president’s power to set fo- territorial boundaries, clear- to negotiate,” Trump said in a it harder for the United States had taken into account some away unwanted parts of the not 100% successful — it in-
released by the president rai- reign policy by imposing wai- ly a reference to Russia’s sei- separate statement to repor- to strike good deals for the of the bloc’s concerns over genome, and replace it with creased the number of repa-
sed questions about how he ting periods before he can su- zure of Crimea from Ukraine. ters. “Congress could not American people and will dri- new sanctions on Russia but new stretches of DNA. ired embryos from 50%,
would observe the require- spend or remove sanctions “This bill remains serio- even negotiate a healthcare ve China, Russia and North that it was ready to retaliate if “We have demonstrated which would have occurred
ments in the measure. and by effectively subverting usly flawed — particularly bill after seven years of tal- Korea much closer together. the measures hurt EU econo- the possibility to correct naturally, to 74%.
In particular, he objected his right to recognize foreign because it encroaches on the king. By limiting the executi- “Yet despite its pro- mic interests. NYT & AGENCIES mutations in a human em- Washington’s National
bryo in a safe way and with a Academy of Sciences earlier
certain degree of efficien- this year softened its opposi-

Lawmakers ask Trump calls White House a dump

cy,” said Juan Carlos Izpisua tion to the use of gene editing
Belmonte, a professor in technology in human embry-
Salk’s Gene Expression La- os, which has raised concerns
boratory and a co-author of it could be used to create “de-
the study. signer” babies — blonde hair,

Trump to stop
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Chidanand.Rajghatta To increase the success athleticism, perhaps even in-
@timesgroup.com rate, his team introduced telligence. There is also a fear
the genome editing compo- of introducing unintended

H-1B visa abuse B

ill Clinton thought the White nents along with sperm mutations into the “germli-
House is either the “finest public from a male with the targe- ne,” meaning cells that beco-
housing in America or the crown ted gene defect during the in me eggs or sperm. REUTERS
jewel of the American penal system.”
AFP Donald Trump has a simpler descrip-

‘Venezuela poll
Washington: A bipartisan tion for it: A dump.
group of influential lawma- America’s 45th President has caused
kers has urged US President consternation among political elites by
Donald Trump to stop the abu- disparaging the White House, an execu-
se of H-1B and L-1 visas by out-
sourcing firms to replace Ame-
rican workers with cheap fore-
tive mansion he often flees from, raising
renewed questions about whether he re-
ally respects the office that some com-
turnout figures
ign labour.
In a letter dated July 27,
which was released on Tues-
day, the group said a legislation
The Trump administration is
reviewing the H-1B visa policy
mentators believe he lucked into acci-
dentally. Trump is said to have made the
comments to some of his patrons at his
club in Bedminster, New Jersey, before a
A magazine reported Trump as telling his New Jersey golf club patrons that he makes frequent
appearances at the property because ‘that White House is a real dump’. By one account, Trump
were manipulated’
London: Turnout figures in
introduced by them close these recent round of golf, according to an ar- has spent 58 of his 193 days in office away from the White House at his own properties Venezuela’s Constitutional
loopholes and overhaul these Congressmen Dave Brat, Ro ticle by Golf Magazine published this Assembly election were ma-
visa programmes to protect Khanna and Paul A Gosar week. He reportedly told members he slept there,” he said in one interview. cum-office, which boasts of 355 rooms nipulated up by least 1 mil-
American workers and crack among others. The lawmakers makes such frequent appearances at the But the New Yorker president has spread over 200,000 square feet set in so- lion votes, Smartmatic, a
down on outsourcing compa- said their legislation provides property in Bedminster because “that spent nearly every weekend of his presi- me 330 acres. In contrast, the White Ho- company which has worked
nies which deprive qualified protections for American wor- White House is a real dump”. dency visiting various properties he use had a mere 132 rooms and 35 bathro- with Venezuela since 2004 on
Americans of high-skill jobs. kers and visa holders as it calls The White House did not explain or owns and leases, mostly going to Mar-a- oms spanning 55,000 square feet and set its voting system, said on
“We write because, for far for more transparency in the elaborate on Trump’s comments and it is Lago in Florida, and Bedminster in New in 18 cramped acres, a little more than Wednesday.
too long, the H-1B visa has been recruitment of foreign wor- not clear if he meant it to be taken serio- Jersey. By one account, he has spent 58 of Rashtrapati Bhavan’s Mughal Gardens. “We know, without any
abused as a way to displace kers. The bill, they said, add- usly or was just shooting his mouth to a his 193 days in office away from the Whi- It looks even smaller because it tapers doubt, that the turnout of the Venezuelan President Maduro
American workers with cheap resses gaps in the current law captive audience. The White House has te House at his own properties. to the sides and several floors are under- recent election for a National
foreign labour. We urge you to by requiring that the employ- had to frequently clarify that some of The put-down did not go well with at- ground, including the famed “Situation Constituent Assembly was rence between the actual
use your authority as presi- ers make a good faith effort to Trump’s off-the-cuff remarks were jokes least one former White House resident, Room” and infamous “secret undisclo- manipulated,” Smartmatic participation and the one an-
dent to the greatest extent pos- recruit and hire American not meant to be taken seriously. who also saw it as an insult to the per- sed locations”. It also has a movie theatre, CEO Antonio Mugica said at nounced by authorities is at
sible to stop H-1B abuses,” the workers first. Early in his presidency, Trump ex- manent White House staff, who Trump a bowling alley, a jogging track, and a put- a news briefing in London. least 1million votes,” he said.
lawmakers said in the letter to In addition, the bill also pressed awe at some of the White House does not seem to care much for. ting green, among other frills. Mugica said Smartma- Mugica declined to di-
the president. “This biparti- asks for prohibiting employ- trappings, gushing about its telephones “Thank you to all the White House Evidently, that’s not enough to im- tic, which has provided elec- rectly answer whether the
san bill will restore the H-1B vi- ers from replacing American (“These are the most beautiful phones ushers, butlers, maids, chefs, florists, press President Trump, who is known tronic voting technology for manipulated turnout num-
sa programme to its original workers or giving preference I’ve ever used in my life. The world’s most gardeners, plumbers, engineers & cura- for preferring gauzy, glitzy properties elections around the world, bers changed the result of
intent, protect American wor- to visa holders. It also propo- secure system. The words just explode in tors for all you do every day,” Chelsea and shows little or no sense of history. was able to detect the the election, in which autho-
kers, and preserve the limited ses to modify existing H-1B wa- the air!”) and recounting how people who Clinton tweeted shortly after the com- Incidentally, Trump hosted China’s overstated officially anno- rities said 8.1 million people
H-1B visas,” the letter said. ge requirements to ensure visit stare at things for a long time. ments were reported. President Xi JinPing and Japan’s Prime unced turnout because of voted. The election of the le-
Led by Congressman Bill employers pay foreigners com- “It’s a beautiful residence, it’s very The White House is a rather modest Minister Shinzo Abe at Mar-a-Lago. In- Venezuela’s automated elec- gislative super-body has be-
Pascrell, the letter was signed parable wages in the area of elegant. There’s something very special building compared to Rashtrapati Bha- dia’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi tion system. en decried by critics as ille-
by Senator Richard Durbin, employment. PTI when you know that Abraham Lincoln van, the Indian President’s residence- was received in the “dump”. “We estimate the diffe- gitimate. REUTERS

New Pak PM Teen jumps out

consults Sharif
Lawmaker: Imran sends vulgar of taxiing plane’s
on cabinet pick
Islamabad: Pakistan’s new
texts to women party workers emergency door
San Francisco: A 17-year-old
PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi be- Omer Farooq Khan TNN set and could not bear to be boy opened the emergency do-
gan his first full day in office on part of that corrupt cultu- or of a plane minutes after it
Wednesday by meeting his ous- Islamabad: Pakistan Teh- re,” she said, accusing the landed in San Francisco, slid
ted former boss Nawaz Sharif, reek-i-Insaf (PTI) issued a cricketer-turned politician down the wing and jumped on-
a signal the ex-premier would legal notice on its woman of introducing western cul- to a tarmac, authorities said.
continue to wield influence. lawmaker for levelling alle- ture in Pakistan. “He wants The teen, a US citizen, was
Television broadcasts sho- gations of harassment aga- to corrupt us, to corrupt Is- flying by himself from Panama
inst party chief Imran Khan lamic culture and Pashtun City to San Francisco and appe-
Graft probe against Abbasi on Wednesday, asking her to culture,” she said. ared to be in emotional distress
was closed in Dec: Pakistan’s submit an apology and re- Gulalai alleged that PTI during the flight, said San
anti-corruption watchdog closed sign from her National As- leaders were corrupt. She Francisco airport spokesman
a probe in December against PM sembly seat. Imran Khan’s party issued a legal said that Khan’s kitchen Doug Yakel. An airfield const-
Shahid Khaqan Abbasi for his Ayesha Gulalai, a PTI notice to lawmaker Ayesha Gulalai was run on illegal money. ruction crew confronted the
alleged role in awarding a Rs 220 lawmaker from South Wazi- and asked her to apologise Imran has not yet com- boy and held him until police
billion contract for the import ristan tribal region, has alle- mented on the allegations arrived and arrested him. He
and distribution of liquefied ged that Khan was an “im- conference on Tuesday, a but female workers of his was not injured. Passengers sa-
natural gas in 2013, the Dawn moral and characterless per- day after meeting PML-N of- party were quick to jump to id the teen seemed anxious
reported on Wednesday. PTI son” who had sent her and ficials from NWFP in Pesha- his defence, with many of throughout the flight that he
other women in party vulgar war. There was speculation them posting videos on acted so quickly, no one had a
wed images of Abbasi’s mo- text messages. She did not that she was quitting PTI af- Twitter to counter attack. chance to stop him.
torcade at Muree, where Sha- reveal any other details to ter the party had asked her While serving her a legal The airline said that a crew
her plans for parenthood “I do,” as they plummeted 20
rif is staying. A new cabinet
was due to be sworn in later,
support her allegations.
“Khan would forward in-
to explain why she had skip-
ped party meetings and na-
notice, PTI spokesperson
Fawad Chaudhry said that
member on Copa Airlines
Flight 208 closed the door and
Sexism: NZ oppn before they decided whether stories on a roller coaster.
with media saying Abbasi wo- appropriate and explicit tional assembly sessions. since Gulalai has accused the plane then taxied to the ga- leader asked or not to vote for her as PM. “It
is totally unacceptable in 2017
Ashley Schiller and Thom
Marchetti, of North Kingstown,
uld make the decision in con- text messages to party wo- “I was staying away from the party and its chief of mo- te. But a passenger said there
sultation with Sharif and re- men. I received the first party meetings because ral and financial corrup- was no door to close and a about baby plans to say that women should have were married on a Superman-
tain most of the former PM’s such message in October they were held at Khan’s Ba- tion, she should resign from flight attendant blocked the to answer that question in the themed roller coaster at
loyalists. REUTERS 2013,” she claimed at a press nigala residence. I was up- her National Assembly seat. gap with her body. AP
N ew Zealand’s freshly
installed opposition leader
Jacinda Ardern was drawn into
workplace,” she said.

Chinese man pays $10,000

Six Flags New England
in Agawam.

a sexism row on Wednesday for whisky shot: A young Welsh priests walk into bar,

Now, Pakistan Taliban launches women’s magazine after being asked if having a
baby would affect her chances
of becoming PM. Just one day
Chinese man paid 9,999 Swiss
francs ($10,000) at a Swiss
hotel for a glass of whisky
mistaken for stag party:
Seven Roman Catholic priests
were refused service in a
into her new job with the made in 1878 by the Scotch Welsh pub after staff mistook

he Pakistani Taliban on ek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have to understand that matu- ads the opening editorial of The English-language ma-
Tuesday released the features a picture of a women re boys and girls if left unmar- the magazine, which includes gazine also includes an article centre-left Labour Party, maker Macallan, the 20Min- them for a stag party in
first edition of a magazi- veiled from head to toe on its ried for too long can become a an advice column for would-be written by a Pakistani female Ardern had already been asked uten website said. The report fancy dress. After realising a
ne for women, apparently ai- front cover. Inside is an inter- source of moral destruction of lady jihadis. “Organise secret doctor describing her decision twice in separate interviews was confirmed by an employee mistake had been made,
ming to convince its target rea- view with the TTP’s leader’s the society,” the militant lea- gatherings at home and invite to shun her western education about whether she intended to of the Waldhaus Hotel in St Cardiff’s City Arms offered the
dership to join the militant wife, who is not named, in like-minded jihadi sisters,” and embrace Islam, titled “My become a parent. Ardern Moritz, northeast Switzerland. clergymen a round of free
responded graciously to the drinks to apologise, the
group and take up jihad. which she talks about being JIHADI GLAMOUR the column suggests. “Distri- journey from ignorance to gui-
initial line of questioning, Newlyweds in US take the Archdiocese of Cardiff said
The first edition of “Sun- married to the head of the mi- bute literature reflecting on dance”. At the height of the Ta-
nat E Khaula” — which trans- litant group, Fazlullah Khora- der’s wife tells the interviewer. the obligation of jihad, arran- liban’s influence in Pakistan, saying it was a dilemma lots of plunge on roller coaster: A in a blog post on Tuesday.
lates as ‘The Way of Khaula’, sani, at the age of 14. “We want to provoke women of ge physical training classes the militant group regularly career women faced. But she thrill-seeking Rhode Island Arriving at the pub, the priests
referring to an early female fol- “I ask you why now every- Islam to come forward and jo- for sisters. Learn how to ope- put out publications in Urdu took exception when told on couple has taken the were told by a bartender that
lower of the Prophet Muham- where there is hue and cry abo- in the ranks of mujahideen e rate simple weapons. Learn and English, hoping to attract the same network that New plunge at a Massachusetts the City Arms did not serve
mad — published by the Tehre- ut underage marriages... We (holy warriors of) Islam,” re- the use of grenades.” recruits to its ranks. AFP Zealanders had a right to know amusement park, screaming, large groups in fancy dress.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 2 Page: CPP19 User: alok.sharma2 Time: 08-03-2017 00:56 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



Govt disappointed with RBI plans

to set up
NSEL scam: Sebi Essar Steel
to face SBI’s
small cut in interest rates public credit indicts ex-FTIL, bankruptcy

Feels Historic Low Inflation Gave Room For 100Bps Reduction

MCX officials proceedings

TIMES NEWS NETWORK Mumbai: The creation of a pa- Orders 13 Entities To Deposit Mumbai: A bankruptcy court
Fall in inflation may have ...but banks haven’t passed ...or borrowers from nel to consider creation of a on Wednesday admitted proce-
New Delhi: The official state- demanded a deeper rate on full rate cut to either industry SBI base rate (%) Public Credit Registry (PCR) `126Cr Made Via Insider Trading edings against Essar Steel and
ment from the finance mini- cut by RBI... household borrowers... 10 operated by the re- approved the interim insolven-
stry welcomed RBI’s rate cut 8 10 SBI home loan rate (%)* 9 gulator is one of TIMES NEWS NETWORK res of MCX and FTIL. cy resolution professional cho-
by 25 basis points (100bps = 1 (Repo rate %) the development Sebi has directed these sen by SBI to run the beleague-
percentage point) on Wednes- initiatives anno- Mumbai: Sebi on Wednes- people to open an escrow ac- red steel company. Lenders led
day, but overall there was a sen- unced by the Re- day ordered 13 former offici- count and transfer about by SBI are proceeding against
se of disappointment within 6 serve Bank of India (RBI). The als with Multi Commodity Rs 126 crore into that. Of the the company to recover debts of
(%age (%age (%age
the government over the cen- point change) point change) point change) central bank has also asked for Exchange (MCX) and Finan- total, about Rs 80 crore is the around Rs 45,000 crore.
tral bank’s move to opt for a
“small cut”.
2 1.65 1 credit bureaus to provide more
comprehensive reports and ta-
cial Technologies (now 63
Moons Technologies) to
loss averted by these entiti-
es, while the balance, Rs 41
Essar Steel is likely to go in
for appeal as the appointment of
Sections within the go- ke further steps to develop the deposit Rs 126 crore, which crore, is the interest on the a resolution professional would
vernment said with inflation corporate debt market. Anno- was made through insider losses avoided. Sebi has also result in the board of directors
28 4 5 2 1 3 9 7 3 1
at historic lows, there was eno- Apr Oct May Nov Oct Jul uncing this in the monetary po- trading in the shares of the directed these entities not to being dissolved. On Wednesday
Jan Mar Apr Aug
ugh room for a “drastic cut” ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’14 ’15 ’17 ’13 ’15 ’17 licy press conference, RBI de- two entities. dispose of or alienate any of evening, company officials refu-
and it could have been as much * Rates on Rs 50 lakh home loan where there is at least one woman borrower; New loans to industry are at
puty governor Viral Acharya Sebi said these 13 entities their assets, properties, se- sed to comment on whether the-
as 100 basis points. “It seems marginal cost of lending rate; MCLR has fallen 115 bps to 8% since launch in May 16
said that the registry will be ne- had advance information curities, till they transfer re would be an appeal stating
that RBI feels that pushing ar real-time and will aid credit about the National Spot Ex- their individual amounts to that they are still studying the or-
growth is the duty of the go- assessment not just by lenders change (NSEL) case and had the escrow account. der. Essar Steel is among the 12
vernment alone and that RBI RBI panel to find ways to push banks into passing lower rates but of the lenders themselves. sold the stocks of MCX and companies recommended by the
should only be concerned with Mumbai: The RBI on Wednesday reiterated an old grouse that banks were not passing on rate cuts The PCR will be an extensi- FTIL after the government NSEL SCAM RBI for initiating insolvency
fighting inflation,” said a sour- and has set up another panel to find ways to force banks to do so. “The experience with the Marginal ve database of credit informa- sent a show-cause notice to proceedings.
Sebi indicts 13 people in
ce, giving the reasons why the Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate (MCLR) system introduced in April 2016 for improving the tion for India that is accessible the spot exchange for viola-
MCX, FTIL insider trading case
central bank should have gone monetary transmission has not been entirely satisfactory, even though it has been an advance over to all stakeholders. The idea ting trading laws. However, Essar Steel is likely
These ex-directors &
in for a substantial reduction. the Base Rate system,” the RBI said in a statement. Speaking to newspersons after the monetary is to capture all relevant infor- these entities did not inform
relatives of promoters had
to go in for appeal
Subhash Chandra Garg, se- policy committee decision, RBI governor Urjit Patel said that interest rate cuts have been passed on the exchanges about the go-
sold MCX, FTIL shares as the appointment
cretary, economic affairs, issu- in segments where there is strong competition like home loans and less in other. Also pricing of loans NEAR REAL-TIME vernment’s show-cause no-
before the NSEL scam of a resolution
ed a statement welcoming the linked to the older benchmark — the base rate — have been slow to respond to rate cuts. TNN tice since they had anticipa-
was out in the open
rate decision, articulating the mation in one large database ted a sharp fall in the stocks professional would
official stand of the finance mi- converge towards the appropri- the government. Some policy- Differences between the on the borrower and, in of these companies. They had info about govt
notice to NSEL for rule violations
result in the board
nistry. “We have taken note of ate real monetary conditions makers said they appreciated RBI and the government over particular, the borrower’s FTIL was the main pro-
statement of MPC (monetary for sustained growth, consis- the disappointment that mar- the extent of an interest rate cut entire set of borrowing cont- moter of NSEL as well as Sebi has asked these entities being dissolved
policy committee) and its as- tent with India’s potential and kets have displayed. In the run- have come out in the open in the racts and outcomes. MCX and hence the infor- to transfer about Rs 126cr in an In an interim order, the Ah-
sessment of the inflation and for stable, moderate inflation,” up to rate decision, a wide sec- past few months with the chief In India, as of date, there ex- mation about the show cau- escrow account medabad bench of the National
growth outlook. We welcome he said. tion within the government economic adviser in the finance ist four credit bureaus — CI- se notice was a price-sensiti- Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
the 25bps cut in repo rate as an But there was huge disappo- was expecting at least a 50bps re- ministry, Arvind Subramani- BIL, Equifax, Experian and ve information. Following a Those named in the Sebi appointed Satish Kumar Gupta
important step necessary to intment across a wide section of duction to help spur growth. an, expressing disappointment. CRIF Highmark. Within the major payment crisis at the orders include MCX CEO of Alvarez & Marsal as interim
RBI, there is a Central Reposi- bourse, on July 31, 2013, Shreekant Javalgekar and insolvency resolution professio-

Re gains 38p, hits 2-yr high of 63.70

tory of Information on Large NSEL had to suspend tra- his wife Asha, Manish Shah, nal. The court also ordered
Credits (CRILC), which has be- ding. Subsequently, Sebi, Prakash Shah, three FTIL SBI to make a public announce-
en created to cater to superviso- Mumbai city police’s econo- employees Hariharan Vai- ment of the commencement of
ry needs by tracking large ex- mic offences wing (EOW) dyalingam, Mehmood Vaid, the insolvency process and call
TIMES NEWS NETWORK posures. The RBI also has a and regulatory agencies had V Arvindkumar Iyengar for all creditors to submit claims
Rs vs $ (inverse scale) Sensex dips 98pts comprehensive Basic Statisti- started their probes into the and his wife Dhanashri, under Section 15 of the Bank-
Mumbai: The rupee staged its cal Return (BSR-1) database scam that was estimated at Bharat Kanaiyalal Sheth ruptcy Code.
best performance in 2017, gai-
The Indian currency is gaining
64.14 63.70 Mumbai: The 25-bps rate cut
with granular account level in- about Rs 5,600 crore. (brother of FTIL director As part of the process, the
from record-high forex reserves, 64 July 31, ’15
Aug 2, ’17 by the RBI disappointed Dalal
ning 38 paise on Wednesday to Street that was expecting a formation on credit. In two separate orders Ravi Sheth), former MCX court also declared a moratori-
breach the psychological barri- strong macro fundamentals A PCR can potentially help passed by Sebi whole-time chief Joseph Massey, ex-di- um prohibiting the institution
65 50-basis-point cut in rates to
er 64-level to close at a two-year It's also getting support from boost the stagnating banks in credit assessment and member S Raman, the regu- rector at MCX Paras Ajme- of suits or continuation of su-
high of 63.70 — up from Tuesda- huge FPI inflows, mainly in debt 66 economic growth. At close pricing of credit as well as in lator found that these 13 peo- ra, former NSEL CEO Anja- its against the corporate deb-
y’s close of 64.08 against the US sensex was down 98 points at making risk-based, dynamic ple had traded in these ni Sinha, and former FTIL tor, including execution of any
But all exporters — mainly IT,
dollar . The rupee gained after 67 32,477, with rate sensitive and counter-cyclical provisio- stocks when in possession of director Tejal Shah. judgment, decree or order in
pharma & jewellery — will be hit
the RBI cut its repo rate by 25 ba- stocks as well as IT leading the ning. The PCR can also help the ‘unpublished price sensiti- Sebi has also asked these any court of law, tribunal, ar-
in rupee-denominated revenue 68 RBI in understanding if trans- ve information’. The orders 13 people as to why these bitration panel or other autho-
sis points (100 bps = 1percentage slide. While banking stocks fell
point), citing a positive macro The good news is that all after less-than-expected rate mission of monetary policy is said that these people were amounts should not be dis- rity. There is also a ban on Es-
environment in terms of infla- imports will be cheaper 69 working, and if not, where are able to avoid any potential gorged for violating its insi- sar Steel disposing or dealing
cut, software stocks lost as the
tion, monsoon and smooth GST rupee strengthened. TNN the bottlenecks. loss in the holdings of sha- der trading laws. with any asset.
Foreign tours or studying abroad will be cheaper in rupee terms
transition. Dealers said that the
RBI’s observations were positi- local corporates have started DBS. According to Vaidya, the selling dollars in the hope that
ve for the currency market. selling, they appear to have current strengthening was not the rupee would weaken, deci-
“Until yesterday, the RBI stepped back,” said Ashish Va- an inter-bank play but selling ded to cut their losses and sell
was intervening. Today mor- idya, head of trading and as- by corporates. Exporters who dollars. Such selling sprees
ning, when they realised that set-liability management at had been holding back from usually last a couple of days.

$1.3bn Fosun-Gland Pharma deal was

kept in abeyance for almost a year
Rupali.Mukherjee by the Chinese. TOI could not,
@timesgroup.com ‘Govt’s dilly-dallying very distressing’ however, confirm this, as he-
alth and pharma ministry offi-
Mumbai: There’s more to the
government’s stalling of Chi-
T he promoter of the Rs 1,500-crore Gland Pharma, Ravi
Penmetsa, told TOI, “The government’s dilly-dallying on the
deal for over a year is very distressing.” He added that there is no
cials were not available for com-
ments, and calls made by TOI
nese conglomerate Fosun’s were not returned.
clarity (on which way it will go). The company had provided all
$1.3-billion bid to buy Hydera- A standard evaluation for
answers to CCI’s concerns raised last year, after which
bad-based Gland Pharma than what an FDI proposal brings
the proposal was vetted by the home affairs ministry,
meets the eye. Sources told in terms of foreign invest-
and then by the FIPB. Brushing aside speculation that
TOI the twin ministries of he- ment, employment and tech-
Fosun was keen to access niche technology for
alth and pharmaceuticals had nology, has to be done before gi-
manufacturing major injectables like
reservations about the deal as ving any approval. “In this ca-
it did not offer much, and was a EXCLUSIVE heparin (through his company), he said
se, the ministries felt there
China was already a major supplier
mere “transfer of ownership”, was none,” with these con-
globally of the raw material (API) for heparin, and commands a
while a section of the industry cerns somehow getting lost
major share in the global market along with the US. This is Fosun’s
feels the rejection was mostly with the FIPB being wound up,
22nd acquisition of a pharma company, mainly to allow the Chinese
due to geo-political reasons the person aware of the deve-
conglomerate to utilise established US FDA-approved facilities,
and not because Gland Phar- lopment added.
which would give it access to lucrative markets like the US, he said.
ma owns “proprietary and ni- The government could ha-
He added that the company has 200 filings in the US, with 100
che technology”. ve become “edgy” with India
approvals of key products. — Rupali Mukherjee
Initially, Gland was a key losing control over a critical
manufacturer of a critical drug injectable, a CEO with a lea-
heparin, also its flagship pro- jor competitor (for India) in for- ter acquired generic injectab- ding player said, adding, it’s
duct used in major surgeries. mulations, the person quoted in les business of Claris Lifesci- better to keep a “hostile count-
But industry experts say its sha- the first case said. ences for $625 million. ry” away. The border tensions
re has now reduced to 20-25% of TOI studied a clutch of The deal faced issues from between the two countries
the heparin market, with seve- pharma deals over the recent the start and was kept in abey- may have added “fuel to fire”,
ral players having come up, in- years and found — though de- ance for almost a year, mainly an industry expert said.
cluding Biological Evans, Sam- lays (in approvals) are pretty because the government was A majority of industry pla-
arth Lifesciences and Swiss Pa- routine (Mylan’s takeover of using it as a “negotiating tool” yers whom TOI contacted said
renterals. China, which cont- Strides Agila unit) — this ca- in their scheme of “give and ta- on condition of anonymity
rols a major supply of key raw se does seem a bit unusual ke”, two people familiar with that they do not consider the
materials and intermediates and could have been kept in the deal said. India, for long, has Hyderabad-based company “a
for manufacturing drugs, wo- abeyance due to “complexiti- been trying to establish a drug flag-bearer of intellectual pro-
uld have also accessed “key es” at play. In a similar acqui- regulatory office in China — a perty, or of any niche, hard-to-
technology” and become a ma- sition recently, US-based Bax- request which has been ignored access technology”.

Very bullish on India: Apple CEO

Anand.J@timesgroup.com ding our go-to-market in gene-
3RD COUNTRY TO ASSEMBLE iPHONES ral. And we began to produce
Bengaluru: The India mar- Revenue up by 6% to $45.4bn We began to produce the the iPhone SE there during
ket is where the China market iPhone SE there (in India) the quarter, and we’re really
was several years ago, Apple India became third happy with how that’s going.
country to assemble iPhones during the quarter, and
CEO Tim Cook said, adding we’re really happy with And so we’re bringing all of
that he was very bullish about Profits rise 12% to $8.7bn how that’s going... our energies to bear there. I
the country. The company saw CHINA SALES INDIA SALES we’re bringing all our see a lot of similarities to whe-
its emerging markets’ unit sa- 2.1 million units re China was several years
les outside of China reaching
2.65 energies there. I see
ago. And so I’m very, very bul-
in the last quarter million a lot of similarities to
of 2011 where China was lish and very, very optimistic
units in
 Apple powers Dow past several years ago about India,” Cook said.
22,000 mark, P 18
46.5 million units full year
Apple saw its revenue gro-
in full year 2016 2016 Tim Cook | CEO, APPLE
wing by 6% and profits 12% ye-
a record growth of 18% year- During the quarter, India Apple was happy with the In- ar-on-year. It reported over $45
on-year during the second qu- became only the third count- dian unit’s functioning. billion in revenue and $8.7 bil-
arter of the year. Cook, who ry to assemble iPhones, un- “We are investing in India. lion in profit for the second qu-
was speaking to investors du- derscoring how important We have already launched an arter. Slowing sales in the US
ring the quarterly earnings the country has become for app accelerator centre. That’s and China is forcing Apple,
call, said Apple would conti- one of the world’s most valu- on top of working with the and its investors, to look to In-
nue to invest in India. ed companies. Cook said that channel and looking at expan- dia as the next big sales engine.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP20 User: alok.sharma2 Time: 08-02-2017 23:47 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



Radio Mirchi
Q1 revenue RBI to be vigilant on India moved from slow follower
falls 5.8%
inflation, says Patel to a fast innovator: Chambers
Mumbai: Entertainment
Network (India) Ltd, the ope-
Asks States To Facilitate Affordable Housing Sidhartha &
Surojit Gupta TNN
There are hundreds of are-
as that this business group co-
uld focus on. Not do everything
ment, startups, win-win for
How would you sum up
further and how we do it at a
larger scale.
How do you see the impact
 Continued from P 1 the Indian government’s of technology on jobs, parti-

rator of India’s No. 1 FM radio window clearance by state isco chairman John like peanut butter but focus on
channel Radio Mirchi, anno- governments of this very im- Chambers is in India to where we can make the diffe- performance in the last three cularly when India needs to
years? create jobs?

unced on Wednesday its result ndia’s inflation has under- portant initiative which has unveil the recently set up rence and it has to be inclusive.
for the quarter ended June 30, gone a structural shift, the potential for growth,” sa- US-India Strategic Partners- The Indian companies A+. India has moved in This is where I think every
2017 (Q1FY18). with the emergence of id Patel. hip Forum. In an interview to concerns are over visas. three years from a slow follo- country has to set their prece-
The company posted a deg- ‘new normal’ at lower levels. In the policy statement on TOI, Chambers said a strategic How would you approach wer to a fast innovator. India is dents. Technology will likely
rowth of 5.8% in total revenu- This reinforces my view of Wednesday, the Reserve partnership between the Uni- this issue? no more the place where most help your family like you never
es at Rs 104.4 crore as compa- room for incremental rate Bank of India said that some ted States and India isn’t about dreamed of. It will allow you to
red to Rs 110.8 crore in Q1FY17. cuts to the tune of 50-75 bps in RBI governor Urjit Patel of the upside risks to infla- business or trade, it’s about ON TECH MAKING IT DIFFICULT TO CREATE JOBS be entertained differently and
The company reported opera- coming months,” said Rana tion have either reduced or transforming society, it’s about if done right, it will allow you to
ting an ebitda of nearly Rs 17 Kapoor, managing director & While government not materialised. In fact, the a whole new opportunity bet- I think it actually makes it easier. make more income. There will
crore and a profit after tax CEO, Yes Bank. (100 basis po- nominee Ravindra path of inflation was below ween two countries. He also sa- So, let’s just use the example of be job displacements. Yes, but
(PAT) of Rs 4.4 crore for the qu- ints = 1 percentage point) H Dholakia voted the projection made in June. id he would give A+ to the Na- farming. If you can make it dramatically also job creation.
arter ended June 30, 2017. The Monetary Panel Also the rollout of GST has rendra Modi government for more productive, if your farmer, he or she Does technology make it
Commenting on the re- Committee’s (MPC’s) 5:1 vote for 50 basis points been smooth and the monso- the pace of reforms. Excerpts: difficult for countries like
cut, RBI member can get the produce to the market and get
sults, ENIL MD & CEO Pras- in favour of a rate cut by the on normal. “Consequently, India to create jobs?
better price because of technology. If they
hant Panday said, “Q1 was a MPC marks a dramatic tur- Michael Debabrata some space has opened up for What was the need for this
can move into new segments and markets
I think it actually makes it
forgettable quarter. All the top naround from the panel’s
Patra voted for monetary policy accommo- new forum? easier. So, let’s just use the ex-
advertising categories on ra- stance in June when it voted dation, given the dynamics of It’s a whole different con- in ways they couldn’t do before, I ample of farming. If you can
dio recorded degrowth. The 5:1to keep rates on hold. Whi- status quo the output gap. Accordingly, cept. If you watch this organi- think it changes everything make it dramatically more pro-
biggest advertiser — the Cen- le government nominee Ra- caused by temporary factors the MPC decided to reduce zation, it is focussed entirely on —JOHN CHAMBERS | CHAIRMAN, CISCO ductive, if your farmer, he or
tral government — cut its ad- vindra H Dholakia voted for or a structural change. He al- the policy repo rate by a strategic partnership betwe- she can get the produce to the
vertising by nearly 35% com- a policy rate reduction of 50 so warned that it would con- 25bps,” the Reserve Bank of en the United States and India. You know my views on im- foreign direct investment market and get better price be-
pared to last year. In large basis points, Reserve Bank of tinue to be vigilant in respect India said in the statement. It’s a mission that reflects the migration. We will prioritise had lost confidence in. You cause of technology, if they can
part, the poor results of the India member Michael Deba- of inflation which was likely RBI however warned that inflexion points between our the issues and say how do we watch Prime Minister Modi move into new segments and
quarter can be attributed to brata Patra voted for status to rise from present levels. the trajectory of inflation two countries, the inflexion po- work through in a way which with 20 CEOs and he went aro- markets in ways they couldn’t
the lingering effects of demo- quo. The rate cut is the first The governor also made a in the baseline projection int of technology, and the in- works for everyone. und to each 20 and asked for do before. I think it changes
netisation, the rollout of RE- by the RBI since a similar cut strong pitch to states to ease is expected to rise from flexion point of businesses You said this group is not our views and thoughts — everything.
RA (Real Estate Regulation in October 2016. bottlenecks to facilitate af- its current low and the working together in way they going to be a lobby group? what we wanted to see India do One of the criticisms of this
Act) and run-up to GST in Ju- However, Patel said that it fordable housing which wo- central bank would be focu- have never done before. It’s not It’s not going to be a lobby differently and all 20 of these government is that it is not
ne. We believe this is a tempo- was not yet clear whether the uld boost growth. “I think we sed on keeping inflation at alobbying group. It was needed group at all. It is going to be all companies are going to bet on very ‘tolerant’. How do fore-
rary slowdown and business reduction in inflation was need a time-bound single close to 4%. for the future. about action and outcomes. India. The progress has been ign investors view this?
should return to normal from The USIBC could not do Not asking governments to do tremendous. I have tremendous confi-
September, when the festive The 25 bps reduction in the repo rate takes into account The RBI decision to cut the job? anything but businesses part- What are the three things dence in the inclusiveness
season sets in. On the positive
the success of the past RBI policies to rein in overall repo rate was a No. Not at the same level nering with citizens and go- you want Modi to do diffe- of this government. Every
side, our new stations and our
welcome move and will perk and scale. It was focussed on vernment and other busines- rently and faster? conversation that I have had
non-radio verticals have done price pressures and govt policies in containing food trade and so we decided at the ses to lead for outcomes. Every country in the world with the prime minister and
well during the quarter.” inflation. The RBI’s approach to segregate the up market sentiments. The executive committee to break So you will set targets for has to move faster. It’s about his team it is about the 1.3
structural and transitory factors impacting inflation policy commentary was away. companies? speed. If we look at 3-5 years, billion people. Period. I have
is prudent and reinforces the data dependency nuanced and balanced, What are the areas that you We will set targets for outco- looking at how we keep the not seen any divisiveness at the
indicating upside risks to
Sanjaya Baru of the MPC
CHANDA KOCHHAR | MD & CEO, ICICI BANK inflation have waned, whereas
would focus on? mes. GDP growth, employ- startup engine accelerated very top.

growth impulses in industry

new secy RBI cut the repo rate, and left a window open
and services are weakening.
This measure should enable a
Apple powers India among top 10 focus mkts: Mars
gen of Ficci to further cuts in the future. The govt has also
undertaken many measures to boost economic
gradual recovery in
credit cycle with a
Dow past 22k John.Sarkar@timesgroup.com are becoming more deman- M&M’s falls, from1% currently
ding of the right brands and the to around 35%.” Globally, the
growth, which are likely to prove beneficial to

New Delhi: Sanjaya Baru, who revival of demand pple Inc’s surprising- New Delhi: Indian consumers right marketplace. They want Rs 7,000 crore Indian chocolate
was media advisor to former PM segments like affordable housing and provide a ly strong quarterly re- are becoming choosy when it to see somet- market is one of the few that is
ARUNDHATI sults and forecast pus-
Manmohan Singh, boost to the construction industry comes to buying chocolates hing new and witnessing growth. Consump-
has been named
BHATTACHARYA hed the iPhone maker’s sha- and this is enabling foreign fresh.” tion in the US, the world’s lar-
new secretary gen- SHIKHA SHARMA | MD & CEO, AXIS BANK | CHAIRMAN, SBI res to a record high, helping chocolate makers to bring in Mars ente- gest chocolate market, declined
eral of the Federa- the Dow Jones Industrial their billion-dollar brands into red India in 3% on an average over the past
tion of Indian Average breach the 22,000 the country. A current example 2004 and cur- decade, according to UBS.
RBI’s repo rate cut does not bring While the RBI has maintained a neutral
Chambers of Com- mark for the first time ever. is M&M’s, the iconic colourful rently sells con- “The chocolate market in
down cost of funds for banks. That is stance, continuation of current The stock rose as much
merce and Industry. Baru will button-shaped chocolates, fectionery brands such as India is growing at around
assume the charge from Septem- dependent on cost of deposits. The inflationary trends, we hope, will as 6.4% at $160 in early tra- from the US-based candy pro- Twix, Bounty, Mars and Ga- 6-7%,” said Leaky. “We will be
ber 1, Ficci President Pankaj Pa- policy statement shows the RBI is provide room for further cuts later ding, boosting market capi- ducer Mars, the maker of laxy here. India contributes introducing more brands from
tel said. He will replace A Didar concerned about inflation. If in the year. We welcome the study talisation of world’s most Snickers, Twix and Wrigley around 5% to Mars’ revenues the Mars portfolio.” India con-
Singh. The Ficci committee inflation trajectory changes from to explore linking of bank rates to valuable company by about and its namesake chocolate. globally, according to industry sumed around 2.2 lakh tonnes
“has decided to appoint the re- here it is quite likely that this rate market determined benchmarks $50 billion to $832 billion. “The chocolate category is estimates. worth of chocolates in 2016, ac-
nowned economist and journal- “The Appleverse is expan- getting sophisticated in India,” “India is one of our top ten cording to London-based firm
cut might be the last
ist Sanjaya Baru at the helm of PRAMIT JHAVERI | ding with all segments gro- said Andrew Leaky, GM, In- focus markets,” said Leaky. Mintel, and along with Poland,
Ficci as its Secretary General,” KEKI MISTRY | VC & CEO, HDFC CEO, CITI INDIA wing,” UBS analyst Steven dia & Indian subcontinent of “We want to grow the bite-sized was among the only two mar-
the chamber said. AGENCIES Milunovich said. AGENCIES Mars Chocolate. “Consumers chocolate segment, in which kets to witness growth last year.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP21 User: arani.basu Time: 08-02-2017 22:39 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel




Photos: Getty Images

Neymar Move
To PSG: An tells Barca
Transfer Deal 186 he is leaving

Ed Malyon Madrid: Neymar’s record-breaking 222
GAMES million euros ($263 million) transfer to

f you do not feel the earth French side Paris Saint-Germain moved

move beneath your feet then a step closer on Wednesday when Barce-
you are simply not paying at- lona said he had informed them of his
tention. intention to leave.
Neymar’s move to Paris “The player Neymar Jr, accompanied
Saint-Germain is an era-defin- by his father and agent, has informed FC
ing transfer, a deal that most, includ- GOALS Barcelona this morning of his decision to
ing much of the Barcelona hierarchy, leave the club in a meeting held at the
never thought would happen and now club’s offices,” Barcelona said in a state-

a clear signpost in the history of mod- ment. “The club refer to the buy-out clause
ern football. We are already well along of his existing contract which as of 1 July
the path to financial absurdity. totals 222 million euros.”
PSG can be excited about where Earlier the 25-year-old arrived at the
they are. They drained Serie A of some
of its prime talent but fell flat, they
ASSISTS club’s training ground to tell team mates
he was moving to Paris, Catalan radio
signed veteran superstars, but got no- RAC1 reported. The Brazilian striker left

where. Now they are signing a super- the training area minutes later, it said,
star in his prime for a world-record fee with the club confirming on Twitter that
— 222m euros to be precise. They have he had been given permission not to train.
arrived, for sure, but where? In October, the player signed a Barce-
PSG will now reassert their dom- lona contract until 2021 in which his buy-
inance in Ligue 1 after last year’s slip,
€550,000 A WEEK? TREBLE out clause was raised to more than double
dutifully aided by those clubs that the biggest transfer fee in soccer history.

have so readily circled the wagons to edia sources across Europe reported that However, UEFA said on Wednesday

keep the Parisians out of the conti- Neymar will now head to Paris to continue that no complaint had been received, add-
nental elite. Manchester City, Chel- negotiations on a potential six-year deal worth ing that European football’s governing
sea, Real Madrid and others have more than 550,000 euros a week. The striker body would not block any potential deal
picked off Monaco’s young up-and- only arrived back in Spain on Tuesday after in advance. “UEFA will look into the de-
comers, priming PSG for a waltz to trips to China and the West Asia. TROPHIES tails of this transfer in due course to en-

Neymar has been active on social media, sure PSG are compliant with FFP require-
ments,” the UEFA statement said.
sharing an excerpt from the New Testament
Under the fair play rules - which
(Philippians 4:11) on Instagram which said “I
Andrea Traverso, Uefa’s FFP project
am not saying this because I am in need, for I leader, was last week quoted by Italian
have learned to be content whatever the
newspaper Gazetta dello Sport as saying
circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, PSG were currently following — club’s
and I know what it is to have plenty. I have wage bill must not exceed 70 percent of
learned the secret of being content ...whether its revenue.
living in plenty or in want.”
A PSG spokesman declined to comment. WHAT WILL PSG’s 2015/16 revenue came to 521
million euros, according to Deloitte’s
TAKING LEAVE: Neymar arrives for REUTERS BARCELONA Football Money League report issued
training in Barcelona on Wednesday in January.
the French title and installing them €150m
as a sort of Bayern-on-Seine. Their Neymar is one third THE MSN AXIS
financial might and playing squad of Barcelona's 'MSN' La Liga assists for each other
should now be far too good for their RECORD Bale Pogba strikeforce, which also MESSI NEYMAR SUAREZ
rivals and the domestic trophies a €100m Ronaldo includes Lionel Messi
formality. Europe is where they will TRANSFER and Luis Suarez. In the
measure themselves.
There is something poetic too that
FEES SINCE Zidane past three seasons, they
have scored 250 goals
this is Barcelona who are getting one 1992 Figo
between them in 299
in the eye. PSG were humiliated at the Vieri appearances. But they
hands of the Azulgrana in European €50m Crespo
do more than just score... 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
football’s greatest-ever comeback last Denilson
season. Barca then tried to take their Shearer
best player away from them in the Ronaldo HOW PRODUCTIVE ARE MSN
shape of Marco Verratti. PSG have Papin Vialli Lentini Ronaldo It was an enormous Chances For
not only stood up to that challenge,
pleasure to have shared WHAT NEYMAR 7 created for
Others 12
they’ve fought back and they have CREATES each other in
taken an axe to the legs of their Cata- all these years with you Assists for Barca Suarez
past three La
lan adversaries who, for their part,
should have seen it coming. Neymar. I wish you luck in this teammates in last 11 Liga seasons
PSG’s Qatari owners have always
had an in-built insecurity about how
new stage of your life —LIONEL MESSI three La Liga seasons
they were perceived by the biggest Courtesy: Sky Sports Courtesy: BBC

clubs in Europe and they are stub-

born — and rich — enough to hold
firm. When it came to Verratti, the THE POLITICS OF IT ALL Uefa’s Financial Fair Play regulations have
certainly tempered PSG’s elaborate spending in La Liga to denounce
response was always more likely to
be nuclear and, for Barcelona, this
does feel like they simply didn’t see
Pupstarts within the European game and determined
SG’s owners, Qatari Sports Investment (QSI), are the recent seasons, and Neymar’s arrival would
represent a serious challenge to the club in
‘state-backed teams’
to disrupt the old order. QSI is an arm of Qatar’s this respect — but there’s confidence within
the Parisians coming.
sovereign wealth fund — so PSG’s ambitions are backed PSG’s boardroom that it will not be a

For Barca, it means another season avier Tebas, the president of La Liga, told Diario
where Real Madrid have strengthened by the enormous natural gas wealth of the Gulf state. significant issue. AS they will present a complaint to UEFA in light
and they have got weaker. Not only are Qatar is locked in a bitter dispute with its Arab Ultimately this deal will not be of PSG’s pursuit of the Brazilian, and Tebas con-
Real getting stronger but they’re get- neighbours — so this transfer has a distinct political judged in Doha nor on a firmed that the organisation he heads will not accept
ting younger. The strategy is clear and overtone as it seeks to show it will not be diminished or spreadsheet. Instead, success the 222m euros for Neymar’s release clause, if PSG pay.
Real want to buy up all of Europe’s best cowed by an ongoing trade blockade and a diplomatic must be delivered through PSG “The complaint is ready and will be presented to
young players. They can afford to do so war of words. Having secured the World Cup in 2022, capturing arguably the club Uefa, the European Union, and the Swiss Courts,
because their present is so secure. With Doha sees PSG as one of the ways through which the game’s greatest trophy, the those are the tribunals that have power. Basically,
Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale, Karim state can achieve its ambitions. Champions League. La Liga will denounce the unfairness of competing
Benzema, Luka Modric, Toni Kroos against state-backed clubs; the teams that receive
and company, it is only natural to spend economic investment from countries that gift play-
your time recruiting for the future and empire-building, is Neymar, who will seasons, Neymar has been the best ers to their fans at the cost of taking them from
simply enjoy the present. be the face and heart of his new team. player on the planet, outperforming other clubs,” Tebas told AS.
The Nou Camp club is wracked by While it has always seemed he was his teammate Messi and outperform- “In terms of PSG, it is a clear case of ‘financial
internal politics and Pep Segura has learning well in Messi’s shadow and ing Cristiano Ronaldo. In a vacuum, doping’, with the club and the state. PSG’s accounts
a lot to do in his new, senior role. The that he would one day step out of it, potentially the best player on the show that they have a larger commercial income than
pipeline from La Masia to the first this decision appears to be recogni- planet becoming the most expensive Real Madrid and Manchester United, which is to say
team is blocked as Madrid’s academy tion that with the Argentinean’s new player in football makes all the sense. that the value of their brand is greater than those
flourishes, Barca have bought poorly deal, that might never happen at Bar- But it’s just about the only thing clubs. Well, that is impossible. If Uefa don’t react, we
and, simply put, Barcelona have less celona. It also appears to be motivated in this whole saga that it is easy to will present the claim immediately. We haven’t done
money to spend. Perhaps the forgot- by truckloads of money. make sense of. A transfer that will it yet because we thought that UEFA were going to
ten man here, in the centre of this But the most important part of it cause seismic shifts and change the take measures to ensure that Financial Fair Play (FFP)
whirlwind of money, revenge and all is this: for stretches of the last two European game. THE INDEPENDENT is respected, and this ‘financial doping’ is avoided.”

Barca turn to youthful duo Spain federation prez Te quiero mucho: Messi bids
leaves prison on bail farewell to Neymar with love
Getty Images
Miguel Delaney

arcelona are looking at
Borussia Dortmund’s Madrid: The suspended presi- brilliance, insects only attack
Ousmane Dembele and dent of the Spanish football fe- lamps that shine!!!!” the Portu- Barcelona: Lionel Messi quiero mucho” (I love you prepared to fly out of the
Juventus’ Paulo Dybala as deration and his son have left a guese wrote in an Instagram bid farewell to Neymar on loads). Catalan capital to an as yet
potential replacements for Madrid prison a day after being message that received over a Instagram Wednesday after "Thanks brother. I will unconfirmed destination.
Paris Saint-Germain-bound granted bail. million likes within an hour of the Brazilian striker told miss you man," Neymar re- Earlier on Wednesday,
Neymar. Angel Maria Villar and his being posted. “I am only here him and other Barcelona plied on Instagram. Barca publicly confirmed
Senior Camp Nou offi- son Gorka Villar left the Soto de because my name is Cristiano teammates he was leaving, Speculation over Ney- for the first time after weeks
cials and players grew in- Real prison on Tuesday. They Ronaldo,” Ronaldo told the jud- saying it was a “huge plea- mar's future has dominated of speculation that Neymar
creasingly irritated by the had spent 12 days in custody ge, according to the newspaper. sure” to have played with the first few weeks of new wants to leave the Spanish
stance taken by the Brazi- since a court sent them to pri- him. Barca boss Ernesto Val- giants. However, they insist-
lian’s entourage. There was son while investigators conti- Sturridge suffers thigh injury The Catalan club con- verde's reign. ed that his buyout clause be
been a distinctive shift in the nued their probe into alleged as Reds beat Bayern firmed Wednesday that Neymar's world record met rather than enter into
mood at the club over the past corruption. London: Liverpool striker Da- Neymar wanted to leave af- 222 million euro ($260 mil- negotiations with PSG.
few days, with those at the top Angel Maria Villar told jo- niel Sturridge was substituted ter weeks of intense specu- lion) transfer from Barcelo- “Neymar Jr, accompanied
REPLACEMENT KILLERS? Juventus’ Paulo Dybala (L) has a close
getting fed up with what was urnalists that he wanted “to with a thigh injury as the Pre- lation, taking the 25-year- na to Paris Saint-Germain by his father and represen-
relationship with Messi because of the Argentina connection but
seen as little more than greed thank all those who had pri- mier League club beat Bayern old closer to a potential could be completed by the tative, communicated to FC
Dortmund’s Ousmane Dembele is likely to be cheaper
from the 25-year-old’s entour- vately and publicly believed Munich 3-0 in a pre-season world record move to Paris end of the week, the player's Barcelona this morning his
age. As one figure close to the in me, in Mr. Juan Padron, match in Germany on Tuesday. Saint-Germain. “It was a advisor Wagner Ribeiro decision to leave the club,”
situation said, the question that this entire episode re- is not seen as a direct replace- and my son.’’ huge pleasure having said on Wednesday. Barca said in a statement.
now is “what is his problem mains about finance rather ment for Neymar as they ‘Kane put Morata off Spurs’ shared all those years with Ribeiro told reporters at “The club have informed
with Barca?” than any actual sporting de- would then have the money to My brilliance bothers London: New Chelsea striker you, my friend @neymarjr," Barcelona's El Prat airport them that the buyout clause
While figures like Ney- sire to go to Paris. Even senior buy another elite striker. people: Cristiano Alvaro Morata turned down a Messi wrote on Instagram that PSG would pay Ney- in his contract that from Ju-
mar’s prospective PSG team- teammates became aggravat- Dybala has a close relation- Lisbon: Real Madrid forward move to Tottenham Hotspur next to a montage of pic- mar's buyout clause "in the ly 1 is 222 million euros must
mate Dani Alves have made ed by the situation, and saw no ship with Lionel Messi, who he Cristiano Ronaldo said Tues- because he feared the competi- tures of both football stars coming hours" and that the be paid in full.”
justifiable complaints about great harm in him leaving. texts and plays computer day his “brilliance” annoys pe- tion from striker Harry Kane, high-fiving, embracing or 25-year-old could be pre- Such a fee would smash
how they have been treated by Barca have turned to the games with regularly, but 20- ople, a day after he was quizzed Spurs manager Mauricio Poc- laughing. sented in Paris "this week- the current record £89.3 mil-
the Camp Nou board in the alternatives now. They have year-old Dembele is currently by a Spanish judge investiga- hettino has claimed. “Two ye- “I wish you lots of luck in end." lion ($111 million, 105.2 mil-
past, there is still a feeling that already started the process of seen as much easier to pur- ting whether he evaded paying ars ago, ee said to me: ‘Why do this new stage in your life. Neymar was joined by lion euros) Manchester
they have generally bent over trying to prise Philippe Cou- chase, and likely cheaper at millions of euros in taxes. you want me if you have Harry See you soon tkm,” he add- his father, Ribeiro and the United paid for Paul Pogba
backwards for Neymar, and tinho from Liverpool, but he around £70m. © THE INDEPENDENT “What bothers people is my Kane?” AGENCIES ed. “Tkm” stands for “te rest of his entourage as they last year.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP22 User: saumyajit.basu Time: 08-02-2017 22:31 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel



Monkey off his back,

Shiv looks to sizzle SSP, Kapur lead charge INDIA FILE

Prannoy, Kashyap
enter last 16
pionship in Manchester on
Wednesday. The number two
seeds topped the three-team
Group B by beating Tesni
Evans and Deon Saffery of
because the expectations are
high and suddenly from being
Chikka And Khalin Too Capable Of Springing A Surprise Syed Asif Auckland: HS Prannoy and Harikrishna beats
an underdog you are going in R.Satya@timesgroup.com new-found confidence after Parupalli Kashyap reached Ponomariov: Grandmaster
Bengaluru: In the middle of a as a favourite. After the Tai- ending his drought in Taipei. the pre-quarterfinals in men’s Pentala Harikrishna registe-
brilliant run after having en- wan victory, I found it hard to Bengaluru: It’s been nearly “It's not a golf course you can singles of the New Zealand red a victory over former FIDE
ded his winless streak at the concentrate as I felt drained four since years since an in- overpower,” the Delhi pro sa- Grand Prix Gold in Auckland World Chess champion Ruslan
Yeangder Heritage in Chine- out but it proved that (win) ternational golfer lorded id. “It takes a lot of careful on Wednesday. Prannoy beat Ponomariov of Ukraine in the
se Taipei in April, the in-form wasn’t just a flash in the pan. over the field on Indian soil. planning and execution. It's Indonesia’s Firman Abdul eighth round to consolidate
Shiv Kapur was in two minds How did you overcome the The home talents have enjoy- the kind of course I like be- Kholik 23-21, 21-18. Kashyap his position at the top of the
whether to enter the $300,000 doubts? ed a sweep of the seven cause I don’t overpower any defeated New Zealand's table in the 50th Biel Chess
TAKE Solutions Masters at The win! Everyone can sit events since Md. Siddikur golf course.” Oscar Guo 21-9, 21-8. Sourabh, Festival in Switzerland.
the KGA or not. He got the go- there and tell you about magic Rahman’s Indian Open tri- Having had two top-5s on seeded 7th, posted a 21-16,
ahead from his wife. The 35- formulas and I did this and I umph in 2013. the Asian Tour this season, 21-16 win over Indonesia's Concern in RS over
year-old spoke to the media af- did yoga and all that. I have be- The strong Indian pre- Kapur, who missed the Bri- Henrikho Kho Wibowo, while non-inclusion of Chitra
ter the Pro-Am on Wednesday. en doing the same things for 11 sence of 81 pros, including 15 tish Open cut by a stroke, will 16th seeded Siril Verma beat Non-inclusion of PU Chitra in
Excerpts: years. There was no differen- winners on the Asian Tour, look to add a second title of another Indonesian Saputra the Indian squad for World
The win after a 11-year wait ce but it takes the results to would hope to keep it that the season. “You come to any Vicky Angga 21-14, 21-16. Athletic Championship figu-
must have felt like a huge get that validation. If you tournament in the hope of red in the Rajya Sabha on
weight off your shoulders? don’t do well you get frustra- ASIAN TOUR winning. I’m in this bubble Gulia wins bronze in Wednesday, with several
A big load! I have been clo- ted on the course, that’s when right now and the game is go- Junior World Wrestling: members demanding govern-
se so many times. When you you get second guesses. way when the inaugural od,” the 35-year-old said. Veer Dev Gulia bagged a ment’s intervention in the
are not been able to win you How was the British Open $300,000 TAKE Solutions Take Solutions, who ca- bronze on the opening day of working of Athletic Federation
start questioning yourself. experience? Masters gets under way at me on board to sponsor the the Junior World Wrestling of India. Deputy Chairman P J
Going into Taiwan I was de- It was wonderful. I was un- the par-71 KGA course here Shiv Kapur during a practice round at KGA in Bangalore event, will hope to make it a championships in Tampere, Kurien too said that the
jected after having missed the fortunate to miss the cut by a on Thursday. Leading the family affair this week. Besi- Finland. However, Ravinder, government should enquire
cut in Japan a week before shot. Anirban (Lahiri) and I charge of the Indians will be nai, to victory in the LP Cup a well. These days Indians are des Chawrasia, they have fo- who also made it to the into the activities and func-
and I thought do I really want both probably got the worst of SSP Chawrasia, the reigning little over a year ago here. good enough to win anywhe- ur youngsters — S Chikka- bronze medal round in men's tioning of the sports federa-
to continue playing golf like the conditions but that’s the two-time Indian Open cham- Ranked second on the re in Asia,” Chawrasia said rangappa, Khalin Joshi, 60kg freestyle, lost to Japan's tion “because P U Chitra
this. Then a win and suddenly luck of the draw and that’s the pion, and the red-hot Shiv Asian Tour Order of Merit, after the Pro-Am on Wednes- Shubhankar Sharma and Hiromu Sakaki 6-9. Deepak stood first and secured a gold
there is a new spark of life. Open Championship. Given Kapur, who ended an 11-year Chawrasia is coming off two day. “Besides being my spon- Chiragh Kumar – capable of Punia (84kg) entered the medal in the Bhubaneswar
You nearly won the next the conditions, I played quite and four months drought on missed cuts on the European sor event, I have a chance to emerging on top. bronze medal play-off round Sports Meet, but she was
tournament as well? well. It gave me this belief the continent’s premier Tour Tour. For the record, he came top the Order of Merit if I do And local boys Chikka after losing his semifinal bout excluded.” K Somaprasad
That was the toughest week that when I play well. at the Yeangder Heritage in off three straight missed well here.” and Khalin know the course to Zahid Valencia of USA 0-11. (CPM) said, “Questions were
Chinese Taipei in April. cuts on the Asian Tour before Known for his short-ga- better than most pros. Altho- raised that the selection
Chawrasia has won three winning the Indian Open in me prowess, Chawrasia wo- ugh Chikka hasn’t had a gre- Joshna-Dipika duo in process was not transparent.
of the seven titles in the last 2016. The diminutive pro has uld look to make it count at a at year in Asia, he has always quarters: Joshna Chinappa It is believed that the office-
four years. The six-time Asi- the added incentive of win- course where putting will be done well at home. Winner of and Dipika Pallikal advanced bearers of Indian Athletic
an Tour winner may not have ning his sponsor’s event. the key. With the roughs up, the Take Open on the PGTI to the the women's doubles Federation have made some
a great record at the KGA, “Playing in front of the premium will be on accuracy Tour last year, the 23-year-old quarterfinals at the WSF foul play in the selection of
but played a huge role in po- home fans is always a thrill at the spruced up course. will hope to land his maiden World Doubles Squash Cham- the team.” AGENCIES
wering his team, Take Chen- and we know the layouts here Kapur, meanwhile, has Asian Tour title.
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP23 User: devadyuti.das Time: 08-02-2017 22:04 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel




IAF chief felicitates cricketer Flt Lt Shikha Pandey, a member of nesday at Air Headquarters in the
Shikha Pandey: Chief of Indian Indian women’s cricket team who national capital. Shikha took three
Air Force Air Chief Marshal Biren- finished as the runner-ups in the wickets against SA and two wick-
der Singh Dhanoa has felicitated ICC Women’s World Cup, on Wed- ets against England. ANI
Getty Images

That’s How Bolt Wants To Retire From Sprinting

London: As his long, illustrious interview. Gatlin gunning for
career reaches its end, Usain “For me, I’m always confi- Usain one last time
Bolt is confident he will not be dent. I go there to win at all ti- London: Justin Gatlin has beco-
overwhelmed by emotion at the mes. I’m always ready to go, I’m me increasingly irritated at being
World Athletic Championships looking forward to the competi- labelled the dope cheat contras-
in London on Saturday and has tion so for me that’s it. I’m just ting with Usain Bolt’s superhero
his sights set firmly on signing going out there to win this Satur- image in the sprinting world, but
off with victory. In a career span- day.” he can set that aside by spoiling
ning over 13 years, Bolt has Bolt’s final season has been the latter’s farewell at the world
amassed 11 world titles and eight marked by tragedy, with the Ja- athletics championships.
Olympic gold medals along with maican having to come to terms It will be asking a lot of Gatlin
the world records for the with the death of his fri- — who served a four-year ban re-
100 and 200 metres, beco- end, former Britain high duced from eight for doping from
ming one of the most fa- jumper Germaine Ma- 2006-2010 — to achieve that having
mous athletes in the son, who died in a motor only beaten Bolt once in nine pre-
world in the process. crash in April. “I deal vious meetings over the shorter
On the eve of his final with situations one step sprint distance, and that was four
two races - the 100m and at a time, so I didn’t real- years ago in Rome. “I personally
the 4x100m relay - the 30- ly think that but it has think he’s a great athlete,” said
year-old told Reuters TV been tough, a really up Bolt after Rio. “He shows up and
that he would be as focu- and down season. It has pushes you to run fast and be at
sed on the finish line as always. been rough but for me, I just try your best at all times.”
“I can’t approach it any diffe- to look at the positives,” he said. Gatlin too is gushing about
rent. It’s just a championship, I On Tuesday night, Bolt said Bolt, whose crowd-pleasing an-
have to come out here and look at a press conference, “Usain tics have gilded his image as the
at it and deal with it like a cham- Bolt has retired unbeaten in an good guy whilst the American
pionship so I’m just really focu- individual event, unbeatable, has often been cast as a pantomi-
READY FOR THE SWANSONG: Usain Bolt prepares to sed, I’ve been training hard and unstoppable -- for me that would me villain. “I have the utmost re-
run in a training session in London on Wednesday I’m ready to go,” Bolt said in an be the best headline!” spect for Usain.” AGENCIES

Chopra ready for the big stage PTI

Young Javelin Star nipat. “As a kid I used to play wrest-

ling, kabbadi and volleyball like
Hopes To Make A Mark most kids in Haryana. Then in 2011, I
got hooked to javelin throw. I had go-
At His Maiden Worlds ne to Panipat ground to do some fit-
ness workouts and there I met my se-
Biju.BabuCyriac@timesgroup.com nior Jaiveer Singh. I saw him hur-
ling the javelin and I was impressed.
Bengaluru: Haryana’s Rewari is known I then tried my hand and the javelin
for its soldiers who have contributed to the flew quite a distance. Soon I got hoo-
might of Indian Army. Now, it has recrui- ked and began training with Jaiveer
ted one more soldier who is billed to conqu- based on his feedback that I could do
er new frontiers for India in athletics. well in the sport.”
The world got to know the prowess of Chopra, who passed his BA from
Neeraj Chopra when he set a junior world DAV College, Chandigarh, laughed
record at the IAAF World U-20 Cham- when asked out his family’s sporting back-
pionships in Poland last July. A year later, ground. “Not just my family, nobody has
the 19-year-old Haryana lad is set to im- done well in sports in Rewari village. It was
press in the big league as he competes in abit tough in the beginning to convince my
the World Championships beginning in family and friends but in the end my hard
London on Friday. work paid off. And now due to achieve-
Chopra is the best hope of the 24-mem- ments in sports I can help my family a bit,”
ber Indian squad – the selection of which he said.
saw the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) Chopra said the stint with Aussie coach
getting pulled by the Kerala High Court – to Calverthelped a lot. “Yes it was a great lear-
get past the preliminary round. With a sea- TIME TO SHINE: Neeraj Chopra ning experience. Though he has left, I have
son’s best of 85.63m, the Indian flag bearer continued my training. The federation has
is 11th in the world list headed by German Chopra, who honed his skills with Aus- also promised to get me a new coach and
Johanes Veter with a clearance of 94.44m. sie coach Garry Calvert, said competing in that will help as I prepare for next year’s
“I’m aware that the competition is very the Diamond League last month was a gre- Asian and Commonwealth Games.”
tough. But I promise that I will try my best. at learning curve. “It was a great experien- India’s finalists in World
I’ll go all out to make my country proud,” ce to compete in the Diamond League as I Championships: Bronze: Anju Bobby Geor-
Chopra told TOI from London after finis- got to compete with most of the throwers ge (long jump) Paris 2003; 4th: Anju Bobby Geor-
hing his day’s training. “This will be my who are competing in London. The more I ge (long jump) Helsinki 2005; 7th: Vikas Gowda
first World Championship and my target play in such competitions my standard (discus throw) Daegu 2011& Moscow 2013; 8th:
will be to get my season best. If that results will improve and give me the confidence to Mayookha Johny (long jump) Daegu 2011 & Lali-
in a medal, I’ll be doubly happy. It is true take on the best in the world.” ta Babar (steeplechase) Beijing 2015; 9th: Anju
that it will be tough to win a medal even Bobby George (long jump), Osaka 2007 & Vikas
with an effort of 87m. You can’t predict the BATTLE AT PANIPAT Gowda (discus throw) Beijing 2015; 11th: Inder-
day as sometimes the quality of the compe- Chopra recalled how he won the mind ga- jeet Singh (shot put) Beijing 2015;12th: Neelam J
tition goes up and down.” mes after watching his seniors train in Pa- Singh (discus) Paris 2003
CCI NG 3.7 Product: TOIDelhiBS PubDate: 03-08-2017 Zone: Delhi Edition: 1 Page: CPP24 User: arani.basu Time: 08-02-2017 22:48 Color: C
M https://t.me/BrightFuturechannel




KL Rahul Set To Play; Sri Lanka
bowlers is right
9.30 AM

Skipper Chandimal Talks Tough

way forward for India 1 7
up a wicket. HEAD TO HEAD
Left in tatters after the heavy defe- Sourav Ganguly down in due course. It will be
Gaurav.Gupta @timesgroup.com
at at Galle and the finger injury
which ruled out in-form Asela Guna-
ratne from the series itself, Sri Lanka
would be boosted by the return of
skipper Chandimal, after the bats-
he first Test against Sri
Lanka was a perfect ga-
me for India. When a te-
am scores 600 runs batting
hard to ignore Murali Vijay
and KL Rahul simply because
of the sheer number of runs
they have scored in tough con-
Colombo: How much interest this man missed the first match because first, it allows you to domina- Cheteshwar Pujara also
series has generated after getting off of pneumonia, and the recovery te the match and India did needs a special mention: he do- SSC is a good cricket
to an hopelessly but expectedly one- shown by veteran left-arm spinner just that. esn’t play all formats, but he is pitch. Helps seamers
sided start can be gauged by the short Rangana Herath after suffering a Shikhar Dhawan has to be never behind when it comes to and has good bounce.
length (eight minutes) of Virat Koh- finger injury while fielding at Galle. congratulated for his magni- making the best of the oppor-
li’s press conference ahead of the se- Chandimal’s match-turning 162 ficent batting. It was not so tunities he gets in Tests. For In- WEATHER
cond Test against Sri Lanka at the against India at Galle in 2015, and his much about the runs he sco- dia, the balance of attack with
Sinhalese Sports Club (SSC) ground similarly decisive hundred against Showers are predicted right
red; it is the situation in five bowlers is the right way
here. Australia after the Lankans were re- which he scored them that forward in all conditions. The through the Test
There wasn’t much to ask the In- duced to 26 for five on Day One at this stands out. It is never easy second Test is in Colombo, and match, but then
dia skipper, who didn’t have much to very ground last year, will give the when you are not picked in India will go into the match fa- showers were forecast
tell either. Having dominated a lack- hosts some heart ahead of what sho- the first team. Despite that, cing conditions which are lot in Galle too and the
lustre, below-par Lankan team, uld be another big test against the he went on to play such a blis- different than they were in Test was completed well
which is far inferior to the side that world’s No.1side. tering knock. It is a tremendo- Galle, conditions that will assi- inside four days.
the islanders possessed till a few ye- The Lankan captain hinted that us illustration of his state of st fast bowlers.
ars back, in the first Test at Galle, his the hosts may play even two left-arm mind. His performance in the Sri Lanka, however, will
team will now look to close out what spinners in their bad to save the seri- recently concluded Cham- have to find a way to play diffe- ODDS: INDIA 7/10;
could turn out to be one of the most es, even though traditionally, the SSC pions Trophy is one of the re- rently, not just in the second SL 9/1; DRAW 7/4
boring India-Sri Lanka series ever. has always been kind to batsmen and asons he is playing so well. Test, but also in the rest of the
The present scenario is in comp-
lete contrast to the time when India
assisted the seamers well too. That
means uncapped spinner Malinda
What this has done is crea-
te competition for places for
series as they need assistance
from the pitch to get 20 wick- NUMBERS
last played here, in 2015. With India
having just squared the series 1-1 at
Pushpakumara, who’s taken as ma-
ny as 558 first-class wickets @ 19.85,
the openers’ spots. It will settle ets. GAMEPLAN GAME

the P Sara Oval, the SSC hosted the could finally make his debut and Number of hundreds
‘decider,’ which went deep into the partner the experienced Herath. scored by Sachin
fifth day before Virat Kohli & Co eked “Most probably, Malinda will co- Tendulkar in five Tests
out a hard-fought win by 117 runs. me into the side. Dhananjaya (de Sil-
at SSC, Colombo —
The hero with the bat for India was va) may replace Asela (Gunaratne).
the most by a visiting
Cheteshwar Pujara, who slammed We’ll have to see the surface,” said
an unbeaten 145, carrying his bat Chandimal. batsman in Tests at this
through in India’s first innings as an The captain knows that with the BACK IN FRONT: KL Rahul during a nets session at the SSC Ground in Colombo on Wednesday venue. His tally of 698 runs
opener to script a memorable come- Lankan bowling lacking firepower, at an average of 99.71 is also
back for him. It’s a happy co-inciden- it’s the batsmen who’ll need to score the highest by a visiting
ce then that the unassuming Sau-
rashtra batsman will play his 50th
big to put pressure on India. “We just
want to improve as a batting unit. Skipper Kohli nursing Pandya the bowler batsman here.

Test at the same venue which resu- Everyone has scored 50-60 runs, but Number of Tests
scitated his Test career back then. they couldn’t make big scores, and played between the
There could be, however, a couple that’s what we’ve been discussing. Sunil Gavaskar try getting wickets. Dhawan took vid was at the crease and like Dra- ar that Kohli is nursing him as a
the game away from the Lankans vid, Pujara will never get the credit bowler, bringing him on only when
two countries at this
of changes to the XI for this game in We’ve been doing all the tough work
venue. Both

the Indian XI. While Kohli confirmed (at the nets) like preparing for tur- ndia hold all the aces as they pre- on the first day with his splendid that he deserves. the top batsmen are back in the pa-
that the fit-again KL Rahul would re- ning pitches, and playing reverse pare to take on Lanka in the se- attacking batting, especially after Hardik Pandya had a terrific vilion. The point is, if he is going to teams have won two Tests
place Abhinav Mukund, who did rea- sweeps and sweeps,” explained cond Test match. They have ple- lunch when he toyed with the Lan- debut batting in his usual aggressi- bat at number eight then he needs each while the remaining
sonably well as a batsman and fielder Chandimal. asant selection headaches, like kan bowlers. ve manner, taking full advantage of to bowl a lot more else it’s a better four could not produce
in the Galle Test in the opening slot, Responding to suggestions that who should KL Rahul replace for Cheteshwar Pujara has been a by then demoralised attack. He idea to get a regular bowler in the results. India recorded their
the bald nature of the surface here India may effect a clean sweep in the the opening batting slot, and whet- the bulwark of the Indian batting also picked up a wicket but it’s cle- team be it a spinner or a seamer. wins — by 235 runs in 1993 &
(Kohli felt that there was a lot of series, Chandimal retorted: “Who is her they should go in with an extra for the last couple of Be that as it may, by 117 runs in 2015 while
grass on it, whereas his Sri Lankan saying that? They are a very talented bowler or go with the same combi- years. It is his solidity these are minor both their defeats were by
counterpart Dinesh Chandimal ter- team, but we aren’t going to lose 0-3. nation that won them the first Test that gives the stroke aches compared to an innings margins — by an
med it as a dry surface, where the ball We want to go and win. We are loo- inside four days. players the confidence what the home team innings and 77 runs in 2001
may turn after Day Two) means that king to give our best and win this ga- Mukund will unfortunately ha- to go for their shots, has. If anything, they
& by an innings and 239 runs
chinaman Kuldeep Yadav may repla- me, level the series and then go to the ve to make way, for he got runs in knowing that one end need huge surgery if
the easier second innings when the is secure while Pujara they are going to
in 2008.
ce seam bowling all-rounder Hardik third match.”
Pandya. The youngster made an im- Hopefully, the Lankans will show Lankans were simply trying to pre- is there. It’s much the challenge this Indian
—Rajesh Kumar
pressive Test debut in the first game, some resilience in standing up to In- vent the flow of runs rather than same when Rahul Dra- team. PMG
hammering a quick fifty and picking dia’s heavy arsenal.

CoA asks states to

give members’ names
Chandimal & Rahul: Time to Former official blames SLC for mess
Indranil.Basu@timesgroup.com grow beyond the ‘promise’ Reuters

Colombo: If cricket in Sri Lanka is

Test between India and Sri Lanka
from Thursday.
“People call me outspoken, but
as, and the Lankan Under-19 team
in the past, tells TOI.
Ridiculing the decision to appo-
New Delhi: In a decision which could Gaurav.Gupta@timesgroup.com in trouble today, then much of it has the truth can’t be hidden. There’s int former South African batsman
help in ensuring transparency and also to do with the way the game is being plenty of talent here, but our admi- Nic Pothas as the coach of the Sri
curb the malpractice of proxy voting, Colombo: A few days back, both KL Rahul and run by the Thilanga Sumathipala- nistrators are making many blun- Lankan team, Bernardus says: “Af-
the Committee of Administrators (CoA) Dinesh Chandimal were busy gulping medici- headed Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) ad- ders in running the game here. The ter a few eyebrows were raised
has sent a email to all state affiliated nes while watching India hammer Sri Lanka in ministration, feels Carlton Bernar- SLC has halved the national team’s when he was named as the fielding
units of the Board of Control for Cricket the first Test in Galle. While ‘KL’ was suffering dus, who was the general manager salary recently, while reducing the coach of the Lankan team initially,
in India (BCCI) to upload the names of from fever, Chandimal was struck by pneumo- of cricket operations in the Lankan salaries of the local players by he was shifted to our Under-19 team.
all general body members of the associa- nia. In fact, if not for the International Cricket board till December last year. 75%, citing lack of money. This However, he was again promoted to
tions and also hand over the lists to CoA Council (ICC) giving him a “special permis- Bernardus now takes care of the will make the players prone to cor- the senior team. And suddenly,
chairman Vinod Rai by August 8. Sour- sion” to use an inhaler, the Sri Lankan captain SSC School of Cricket, a cricket aca- ruption at all levels, and the do- when Graham Ford quit as the co-
ces in BCCI said that this decision was would have struggled to breathe properly. demy with impressive indoor facili- mestic players may even quit the ach recently, he was made the head
taken by the CoA to ensure that those sta- Both can be excused for being anxious about ty at the Sinhalese Sports Club game,” Bernardus, who’s coached coach the team, when he clearly
te associations, which have less than 50 their recovery. In Rahul’s absence, India’s repla- (SSC), which will host the second left-arm pace great Chaminda Va- isn’t good enough for the job.”
members, are not able to form a coterie cement openers Shikhar Dhawan and Abhinav
and run the association with their dum- Mukund made their opportunity count, while Dinesh Chandimal prepares for nets

BCCI brings back captains’

my candidates. Lanka crashed without much fight and missed
States like Saurashtra, Himachal their captain’s solidity. en hard for him, because he was batting so well
Pradesh and Andhra are run by small The careers of both these talented batsmen and then he was out because of this (illness).
groups of persons, while associations have run parallel to each other, even though “It’s very important to make him feel secure
like Delhi are run by proxies. Even the
Hyderabad Cricket Association (HCA)
is plagued with the issue of people ow-
ning multiple clubs and thereby crea-
Chandimal bats at No. 4, has played 20 Tests mo-
re than Rahul, and has begun leading the Lan-
kan Test team after Angelo Mathews quit capta-
incy following the ODI series loss to Zimbabwe.
and he deserves it because he has given us those
big performances when the team has required
them. He is a guy that needs to be backed and we
as a team, as management and me as captain all
report to curb umpiring howlers
ting a lobby which dictates terms. Both started promisingly: After falling for back him 100%,” Kohli said about Rahul. Arani.Basu@timesgroup.com It was earlier believed that the in between the Ranji Trophy and Vi-
single-digit scores in his debut Test in Melbour- Chandimal, on the other hand, fell so much captains’ reports were driven by bi- jay Hazare Trophy over the past two
ne against Australia in Dec 2014, Rahul slam- off the radar that he even lost his place. Howe- New Delhi: The Indian cricket bo- as and didn’t reflect the exact scena- seasons. “Teams end up playing five
med 110 in Sydney to show his mettle. Chandi- ver, he’s shown glimpses of his class in recent ti- ard (BCCI) is in course correction rio. “There was a point that it see- back-to-back matches. Players have
GALLERY mal began by scoring fifties in both innings aga- mes. There was that magnificent 162 he hit aga- mode as far as its domestic cricket med that the losing captain would raised objections and it has been no-
inst South Africa in Durban in the 2011. inst India in Galle in 2015 which swung the first structure is concerned. After the give an extremely negative report. ted. This time the tournament will
However, both have struggled to sustain mo- Test in Lanka’s favour before Rangana Herath idea of neutral venues failed to take The aggrieved cricketers struggled be planned accordingly,” a top BCCI
Federer to play in mentum and have dazzled sporadically. spun India out. “There was a lot of turn on that off and the board reverted to home- to write a balanced report,” the offi- office-bearer informed.
Montreal after 6 years When he last toured here, Rahul was a ‘fami-
ne or feast’ batsman, as his scores (7, 5, 108, 2, 2, 2)
pitch. We were about 150 runs behind. I wanted
to attack quickly and wipe out that deficit. I took
and-away format, it has also decided
to go back to having captain’s report
cial said.
Over the past two seasons, tho- Ranji venues to have neutral
Montreal: World No. 3 Roger Federer, suggest. In both innings of the SSC Test, he was arisk as I thought if I tried to just stay, I would al- on umpiring and playing conditions ugh, players voiced their displeasu- curators from same zone
who captured his record 19th Grand out leaving deliveries which hit the stumps. For so get out,” he recalled. after every match. re over the standard of umpiring. While the board has decided to
Slam singles crown last month at Wim- the past year, though, he’s become more consis- His other classy effort was the 132 and the 211- The board had done away with With big matches and IPL being tele- abolish playing at neutral venues, it
bledon, said he will play in next week’s tent. He slammed six 50s in seven innings in a to- run partnership he shared with the other centu- the system a couple of seasons ago vised, the frequent glaring mistakes is likely to have neutral curators
ATP event at Montreal. ugh series against Australia at home, before rion Dhananjaya de Silva, against Australia he- but the spurt in the number of comp- have come to light. “The umpiring operating in the same zone. “Cura-
The Rogers Cup event marks the 35- hamstring and shoulder injuries happened. re at the SSC last year, which came after the Lan- laints against the quality of umpi- committee will look into the details. tors will be shortlisted. Working in
year-old Swiss star’s first tuneup event It’s a delicate phase for the 25-year-old, but kans were reduced to 26 for five on Day One by a ring forced the administrators to ha- This is only the first step in rectify- the same zone will help the curators
for the US Open, which starts August 28, he’s lucky that Kohli backs him to the hilt. “He rampaging Mitchell Starc and Nathan Lyon. “I ve a rethink. ing the system,” the BCCI official understand the nature of the soil
and will be his first visit to Montreal played the practice game and he looked solid. He thought that if I can keep Australia in the heat “It is assumed that the umpires stated. and climate and adjust accordingly.
since 2011. has batted really well in the last couple of sea- for (at least) one day, I would be able to score runs started to take things lightly as they If a Ranji Trophy match is played in
The Canadian hardcourt event alterna- sons for us. It’s important for us to make him feel in the third session,” he recollected. knew no player was authorized to fi- Mushtaq Ali ties need breathers Haryana, the curator from Hima-
tes between Montreal and Toronto with that this is his spot. And it won’t be changed be- It’s time Chandimal churned out those spe- le an official complaint. It had to be The board is also concerned abo- chal Pradesh can come and oversee
a WTA event every year. cause of unfortunate events that happen outsi- cials more regularly. It’ll be interesting to see in checked,” a BCCI functionary close ut the scheduling of the Syed Mush- the pitch preparation rather than so-
de of the playing field or injuries that you can’t which direction the careers of both these talen- to the development told TOI on Wed- taq Ali T20 matches — a domestic to- meone coming from Kolkata,” BCCI
Harmanpreet meets Punjab CM control. He has stuck it out in that phase. It’s be- ted batsmen go from here. nesday. urnament which has been squeezed acting president CK Khanna said.
Amarinder, gets Rs 5 lakh
Chandigarh: Fresh from her successful
performances in the recently concluded
Women’s World Cup, cricketer Harma-
preet Kaur was on Wednesday handed
Sridhar in trouble over ACB cases, HCA connections PKL: Haryana force
over a cheque of Rs five lakh by Punjab
Chief Minister Amarinder Singh here.
The Punjab chief minister directed
Director General of Police (DGP) Suresh
Solomon S Kumar
& Indranil Basu TNN
complete disclosure and had left
out two important facts — that he
was an accused in the Anti-Corrup-
However, sources insisted that
there were two ACB cases pending
against Sridhar and he has been
Sridhar also has a stake in six
clubs – he is the president of them –
even though it is learnt that he now
a tie with Gujarat
Arora to complete the necessary forma- Hyderabad/New Delhi: Is MV tion Bureau (ACB) cases involving named as an accused alongwith a claims that he has nothing to do Hyderabad: Having lost their trailing 26-27, should thank
lities for Harmanpreet’s appointment as Sridhar, GM, cricket operations of the HCA and that he controled mul- few other HCA officials. Besides, with any club in the HCA. debut match against U Mum- Mahendra Ganesh Rajput (5
a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) the BCCI, guilty of deliberately hi- tiple clubs in the state association. acording to sources, Sridhar has However, the bank statements ba by just one point, Haryana points) for the successful raid
in the state police. Amarinder said her ding facts relating to his associa- Sridhar was the joint secretary of not yet given his reply to the notice (copies of which are in the posses- Steelers on Wednesday sho- with hardly a minute left on
police training could be completed later tion with the Hyderabad Cricket the HCA from 2000-06, vice-presi- even though there seems to be a de- sion of ToI) reveal that Sridhar wed they indeed have nerves the clock that helped them
and she could concentrate on her crick- Association (HCA)? The former se- dent from 2010-12 and secretary adline to do so. has been operating the accounts of of steel as they come-from-be- draw parity.
eting career. TNN & AGENCIES cretary of the HCA seems to be hea- from 2012-14. To make matters worse for Srid- the following clubs: Vijaynagar hind to tie the game (27-27) “We played well for almost
ding for big trouble because of his BCCI CEO Rahul Johri had issu- har, former office-bearers of the Cricket Club, Safilguda Cricket against another first time te- 30 minutes of the game and
‘active role’ in the affairs of the sta- ed Sridhar a notice asking for expla- HCA, led by president Arshad Ay- Club, Deccan Colts Cricket Club, am, Gujarat Fortunegiants, in had a nine point lead but failed
ACTION TODAY te association. Sources in the BCCI nation regarding the omissions. ub, have dashed off a letter to the Consult Colts Cricket Club, Nata- the Pro Kabaddi League here. to keep the momentum going.
said thsat Sridhar has a conflict of “It is an old case and there is not Committee of Administrators and raj Cricket Club and Satyam Colts This was incidentally the first We made a few mistakes in the
INTERNATIONAL: CRICKET: Sri Lanka interest issue and it could have se- much substance in the allegations. BCCI officials about Sridhar’s ‘in- Cricket Club. tied match of Season 5. last 10 minutes and that cost
vs India, 2nd Test Day 1, 10 am (Live on rious repercussions on his position I am not directly involved in the volvement in HCA affairs.’ They al- The latest statement (June 30, The Giants, fresh from the- us. But it is a consolation to
Sony Six, HD, Sony Ten 3); in the board. ACB case and have sought a dis- lege that Sridhar is controlling the 2017) of the bank accounts of the ir 26-20 win over Dabang Delhi escape with a draw,” said Gi-
NATIONAL: KABADDI: Pro Kabaddi, Earlier this year, the BCCI had charge from it," Sridhar had told apex council of the HCA from be- clubs show Sridhar as the presi- on Tuesday, dominated the ants skipper Sukesh Hegde.
7.50 pm (Live on Star Sports 2, HD2); asked all its employees to submit a ToI a couple of days ago, adding that hind the scenes. dent of all the six clubs. Ironically, proceedings for most of the Hosts Telugu Titans yet
CRICKET: Tamil Nadu Premier League, 7 disclosure form to eliminate con- he had replied to the notice. "I have Interestingly, some of those who all the accounts are in the same game but it was the Steelers again bit the dust – this time
pm (Live on Star Sports 1, HD1) flict-of-interest issues. It is learnt explained my stance to the board have signed the letter too are accu- branch of Syndicate Bank, Banja- who stole the thunder in the surrendering meekly to Beng-
that Sridhar had failed to make a and the matter is settled." sed in the same cases. ra Hills. dying moments. The Giants, al Warriors 24-30. TNN

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