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ORDINANCE NO. _ OF 2018 [AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SHREVEPORT UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE. BY | REZONING PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN DREXEL DRIVE AND MONTROSE DRIVE, “SHREVEPORT, CADDO PARISH, LA, FROM RA-7, SINGLE Fait (CT, TO ¢-UC," URBAN COE DISTRIGT, AND TO OTHERWISE PROVIDE WITH RESPECT THERETO. ey: SECTION |: BE IT ORDAINED by the Cty Council ofthe Cy of Shreveport, Caddo Parish, LA, in us, gal and regular session convened, thatthe zoning claefcation of property located between Drexel Dive ahd Montrose Drive, Shreveport, Caddo Parsh, Louisiana legally described below: be and the same ls hereby changed fom A17 Single Family Residential District to C-UC, Urban Corridor District ‘As three parcels located in Lots 196 and 197 of Southem Heights, as recorded in Plat Book 60, Page 73 ofthe records of Caddo Parsh, Lousiana, being located inthe west half ofthe northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 7 North Range 13 West f the Lousiana Prine Mercian, Northuestem Land District. Cty of Stevepan, Caddo Parish, Lousiana the tree parcels each being mare particulary dascbed as folows: the east 60 fet ofthe west 100 fet ofthe south 100 feet of sald Lot 196, tho east 24 fect of said Lot 196 and the wes 9 fet of sa Lat 197; the east 30 fet of eat Lot 197; the three parcels logetner containing 0.874 aces more or ess, SECTION I: THAT the ezoning of the property described herein is approved subject to compliance ith he folowing stipulations: + Administrative roview and approval of the submitted replat application, verification of the {eared landscape butler and screaning, and provision of «ighting plan wl be required pio to {BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that f any provision ote of his ordinance or the application thereat is held invalid, such invabdty shall not afect cher provisions, tems, or appleations of ths ornance which can De given tect without te invalid prousons, tems, or applications and fo thie end the provisions of th ordnance are hereby Seclared severable BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all odnances or parts thereof in confict herewith are hereby repeales cae SUPERIOR BAR & GRILL, INC. ec Sia opr seen jx METROPOLITAN rama commssion raceme swensheroraahge con STAFF REPORT — CITY OF SHREVEPORT may 2.2018 GENOA TEM NUMBER: 6 BC Stat Mambo: Alcs Corea Cty Counc Dist: lover ens Parish Commision Dist. Bicoen (CASE NO, ¢2348: ZONING REQUEST ‘APPLICANT: SUPERIOR BAA & GRLL NC ‘OWNER: Super Bar& Gil. ed PSC Peper, LLC LOCATION: 6123 Lire ve. (Glee Dele. ana Mentose Dr) OSTINGZONING! R17 REQUEST: R47 to CUC ‘PROPOSED USE: Parking Lot Expansion DESCRIPTION: The appear is equsing epprova lo change tha zag of approximately OTS axes tom ‘Sale-Faly Reset (1-7) degen Uban Cader Conmacal(C-).Sapeaaly, the apicant has alo spl an scminsatve ello ate 8 ifs (Case No. SAC. S18, The property 1 be read cents of 3 een os ha re ntendd ered win 4 ace! saredy zoned 38 CU, oso expansion of fe Super Bar & Gi poking TU vecainy o epe eue ae proves reat el en Coy the ele east sl of na Avnue tne Dro Dread Mentos ive The ts be rezoned are scat oC ar Ro he eh, R17 othe eat Manos Dive th souh, and C-UC fo tha west They a vacant of ay suches and ae acess one Ove tome estauraparking ard porary a salsa zared as CUC. The C- ‘Uc properties ote rat and west ae Bote al robe ned nda fo equa el Provo cas isons fr ie propery include the orginal requt o pen fhe reat (Case No, BAC-S42 an appro sie yr and pang saback variance (Case No. BAC74.0), an ‘wo aon varance requests ha wee witaun byte aplean(Case Ne, GAC-50.00 and BAC-5-09, Neay cases roca 200, equesing rezoning fom resident commer we ‘tong Une Avenue and pei exepns opertestauans or patos sang cha, REMARKS: The propery eqs obo rezoned ajacet ote roar ofthe ing Supatr Bar & Gait rexaurenln Line Avenue. The esalshent sequent ty aumaous osama tu ces rt have sient paring capacity to suppor the number cf stor. Ca ar een sped on entose Ov ad Line Avenue, cig urn no he patna Rezoing the lts would low expansion ofthe parking lt and aleve rae backup on the sige tats and main ‘horoughare, tus reducing ote suey nin ‘Theres ome conc tha as bss expand, coir depth coud Beg eosin no “Tetternonsnndbonn ee al deny ao wan Th Pu sine ees Aca tlie ing ce Pang armen fe oo Tete est sapoane ah ache ‘Sect ty urn osname or nf ane oo Sosets Opton hah eraae ‘Shere ene mp Ansan Sam ast Bah eh don Co Pc sat Raper Cy st METROPOLITAN PLANNING COMMISSION (hye Sheept Cao Pach Shemtia it rashes ‘STAFF REPORT ~ CITY OF SHREVEPORT ‘he rece nigtncds tein the carmel properties, The calenge wih dveopmer Inthese cod is frcing 2 talance betwee eps that woul aw the buses propre to emineommeraly viable vss pole adverseingct to he nigarend og hs Un Avenue urten cri utc stehs fom Azalea Dive E67 See Be average ph commercial popoty on assis eughly 363 ot wh ret dopo he met ie of Une ve. The west dmensons one east se ae Sand 50 a ac a of he err, ‘2d the narowest prion 5112p he cero he cre, wth the fot dete general increasing as ne moves fom fe ca ofthc the end caps. Th requested rezoning forthe Superior Gil ste would esultin ste depth of 32 fet, hich is early the average caidr depth or the eastside. The crise ness of ho conmecal ropes on ther sido he se are 235 ard 300. Atugh he resus dps ge than th UC ic on eer i,t wine range feng C-UC developmen on he es sie ari ih 1 fe averge. To be more compatibe wth he neighborhood, and to mitigate poten adverse inpacts of encroaching Ino the neighborhoe, the expanded parting rea wl, requ a 10 wide landscape bur and a8 high sali screaning fence long the propery lines that abut the accent resident estes, The landscape bufer and eceting requirements wil be evaluate a8 part ofthe buling permit review proces. Shou th ‘er desire further expansion ofthe stein the future, earl scrutiny regarding residential encroachment shouldbe given high roy. Unter the UDO, be crural propre tet had deloed along hs etn of Une Avene ere converte o GUC, wh he popes rey the rear renad a8 R17 sional ‘The C-UC delgaton was spectaly cine 2s a mod use dst prowte tedsna busess eveopmant while mananing conpabity wih resMental sireunsng, Kaeo obs many aviocotc uss, us, making mr congo wih he paeshen rau of ‘esta envtonments. The aplant's request for CLC rezoning Is consistent wth the pattem of development slong the coro, andi ls compatible wth he fat land wee indicate inthe 208 Great Expectations Master Pan. Furthermore, rezoning an reat the subject lots wih the existing Suprie Bar & Geil properties would cesta single Cohesive te otiag Line Avenue, STAFF ‘RECOMMENDATION: Tho staff recommends approval ofthis applstin, as submited. Administrative review and approval ofthe submited replat appltion and verifeation ofthe rqured landscape buf and srening wl be aque pir tothe nsuance of ny paris. PUBLIC ASSESSMENT: Che sok in suppor 8 spteinoposon “Tima sa rent eit econ yo even wa The Pang Carman odie Mentos weirs ne "ub nh neg st non. Peg Comm sro 2 epee sat saan cae ache ‘Spa Orns murs cag tvemnay somes oe ops ek east ecm, ase ‘is eee ci ay sonar sry em or ana rennet ease Og

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