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Methodology of the Study:

Methodology of the study this is a socio-legal research. This essay is Descriptive and suggestive
in nature. This study is based on both primary and secondary data collected from law reports,
text-books, journals, Newspaper, websites, and training workshops on ADR. The collected data
have been processed and prepared in the present form in order to make the study more
informative, analytical and useful for the users.

1.3 Scope and objective of the study

The object of the study to compare the ADR system of Bangladesh. In this sector Bangladesh
are new but the government of Bangladesh try to make an impact of ADR in our judicial system.
By studying about ADR try to find out the lack in this sector and try to solve this problem and
also find out the away by which system it may be solved.

The research paper shall be furnished through the following table of content:-
1. Introduction
2. Historical background and development of the concept of ADR in Bangladesh of ADR
3. Definition of ADR
4. Goals and Objectives of ADR
5. Types of ADR in legal framework of Bangladesh
6. Characteristics of ADR
7. Necessity of Alternative Dispute Resolution
8. Mechanisms of ADR in Bangladesh
10. Merits and Demerits of the ADR System
11. The role of ADR towards Access to Justice
12. Barriers in the way of Access to Justice
13. The Way to Make ADR system more effective
14. Conclution

14. Barriers in the way of Access to Justice…………………………………………….

15. The Way to Make ADR system Valuable
Research Aims:
Following the omnibus study it was determined that a very low rate of incidence would not
produce an adequate sample size for sub level analysis for ADR Users, within reasonable time
and cost parameters of the study With this background, it was therefore decided that the
research should focus on understanding the experience of consumers who were eligible for
ADR referral • To better understand the general effectiveness of complaints handling o
Awareness of ADR among Eligible Complainants o The complaint process: channels used,
when notification was received, complaint resolution o Satisfaction with the complaints process •
To gauge compliance with recently introduced measures, particularly GC 14 and the complaints
handling code o Promoting awareness of ADR among customers o Providing information on
ADR at the appropriate time o Reasons consumers did not proceed to ADR • If possible, to
measure consumer satisfaction with the two existing ADR schemes o Comparison of
satisfaction levels among those who are in/went through the ADR process and those who
aren’t/did not

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General objective of the study
The general objective of the study was to evaluate the strength of the legal and institutional
framework governing settlement of land disputes through ADR.

The objective of the study is to evaluate the concept of ADR in Bangladesh. The main objective of this
paper are to know the real scenario of ADR process and analyze its role towards access to justice.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

The study had two specific objectives:

1. To examine the strength of the legal framework for ADR in Tanzania in promoting the use of ADR
in land matters.
2. To examine the extent to which the legal and institutional framework for administration of justice
in land matters embedded ADR.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The main objectives of the work are to know the present scenario of ADR
process and how effectively it is working. It is also designed to address the
following issues:
 What is the main perception of employer and employee regarding ADR
process of the disputant parties?
 What is the impediment of ADR for resolving disputes?
 To find out the reality for solving dispute through ADR.
 Is there any duress by either of the disputant parties to resolve dispute

through ADR?

Alternative Dispute Resolution is a practice that has been brought with the evolution of history to
bring real peace to human existence through consensus. People have been searching for a real
alternative to resolve oppression in social, political and economic area and to make litigation
process much cheaper, quicker and more effective. These lead to the concept of Alternative
Dispute Resolution.1 In cases where the exploited wish to challenge the actions of a powerful
oppressor, they would be wise to look to revolutionary tactics to address their problems. Current
legal systems must be revolutionized, because at present our legal institutions primarily protect
property rights, not human liberty. Today, the worldwide alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
movements function as a strong disempowering device. Various effective tools are used in ADR
to create a better harmonious society.

1 Prein, H. 1984. “A contingency approach for conflict intervention.” Group and Organization Studies, 9:

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