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1. The fourth term of an AP is 0. Prove that its 25th term is triple its 11th term.
2. Find the 20th term from the end of the AP 3, 8, 13……..253.
3. A man arranges to pay a debt of RM 3600 in 40 monthly instalments which are in
an arithmetic progression. When 30 instalments are paid he dies leaving one third
of the debt unpaid. Find the value of the first instalment.
4. Find the sum of all 3 digit numbers which leave remainder 3 when divided by 5.
5. Find the value of x if 2x + 1, x2 + x +1, 3x2 - 3x +3 are consecutive terms of an
1 2 3
6. Find the sum of (1  )  (1  )  (1  ) ……. up to n terms.
n n n
7. If the following terms form an AP. Find the common difference & write the next
3 terms3, 3+ 2, 3+22, 3+32……….
8. Find the sum of a+b, a-b, a-3b, …… to 22 terms
9. Write the next two terms 12, 27, 48, 75……………….
1 1 1
10. If , , are in AP find x.
x2 x3 x5
11. Find the common difference of an AP whose first term is 100 and sum of whose
first 6 terms is 5 times the sum of next 6 terms.
12. The 5th, 8th and 11th term of a G.P. are p, q and s. Show that q2 = ps.
13. 200 logs of wood are stacked in the following manner 20 logs in the bottom row,
19 in the next row, 18 in the row next to it and so on. In how many rows 200 logs
are placed and how many logs are there in the top row.
14. An equilateral triangle has perimeter p cm. The midpoints of the sides are joined
to form another triangle, and the process is repeated. Find the perimeter and the
area of the nth triangle and find the limits as n→ ∞ of the sum of the perimeters
and the sum of the areas of the first nth triangle.
15. If lg x+ lg x2 +lg x3+…= n (n+1), find the value of x.
16. sin θ, 2 cos θ and 2 sin θ are 3 consecutive terms in an arithmetic progression.
Find the value of θ in degree and in radian.
17. 3, 5, 7, … are 3 consecutive terms in an arithmetic progression. Find
a) Sum from Tn to T2n
b) Difference of T2n and Tn
in terms of n.
18. The 4th and 54th term of an A.P. are 0 and -125 respectively. Find the 42nd term
19. An A.P. consists of 21 terms. Sum of three terms in the middle is 129 and of the
last three terms is 237. Find the first term and the common difference.
20. Sum of five numbers in an A.P. is 75. The product of the greatest and the least
number is 161. Find all five terms.
21. Given 𝑘 = 1. 0̇1̇ is a recurring decimal. Find the value of k.
1. If the equation (1 + m2) x2 + 2m cx + (c2 – a2) = 0 has equal roots, prove that c2 =
a2 (1 + m2).
2. Two trains leave a railway station at the same time. The first train travels due west
and the second train due north. The first train travels 5km/h faster than second
train. If after two hours, they are 50 km apart. Find the speed of each train.
3. Solve : 2x4 – 9x3 + 14x2 – 9x + 2 = 0
4. The equation of a parabola-shaped building is y   x 2  4 . The distance
between the two ends of the curve, which is located on the bridge is 400 meters
and the height of the bridge is 5 meters from the ground. Find the maximum
height of the building from the ground by completing the square.
5. A water rocket is launched from a platform. The relationship of the height of the
rocket from the platform, h, and time, t, is h=-2t2+3t+2. When will the rocket hit
the platform?
6. If x and y are the roots of the equation 2p2 -4p+6 = 0, find the new equation for
the roots (x+2y) and (y+2x).
7. A function is defined as 𝑔(𝑥) = |𝑥 2 − 4𝑥 + 3|. Point Q is the point on the curve
g(x) such that it lies on the axis of symmetry. Find the coordinates of point Q.

1. Solve : 2x + 3y = 17, 2x+2 – 3y+1 = 5
1. In a photo there are three families (six Greens, four Browns, and seven Grays)
arranged in a row. The Browns have had an argument so no Brown will stand next
to another Brown. How many different permutations are permitted?
2. If all permutations of the letters of the word AGAIN are arranged in the order as
in a dictionary. What is the 49th word?
3. A boy has 8 books of his interest in the library. Of these 8, he does not want to
borrow Mathematics Part II, unless Mathematics Part I is also borrowed. If he is
only borrow one once at a time, in how many ways can he choose the three books
to be borrowed?
4. Ten different letters of alphabet are given. Words with five letters are formed
from these given letters. Then how many number of words which have at least
one letter repeated can be formed?
5. If the letters of the word RACHIT are arranged in all possible ways as listed in
dictionary. Then what is the rank of the word RACHIT?
6. Find the number of positive integers greater than 6000 and less than 7000 which
are divisible by 5, provided that no digit is to be repeated.
7. In how many ways can a football team of 11 players be selected from 16 players?
How many of them will
(i) Include 2 particular players?
(ii) Exclude 2 particular players?
8. How many number of words which can be formed out of the letters of the word
ARTICLE, if vowels occupy the even place?

1. Given function g(x) =2x+1, determine the function gn(x) such that n is a positive
2. Given function f -1g(x) =3x2 and gf(x) =12x-8. Find g2(x).
3. Given f(x) = x+1 and g(x) = x-1, express h(x) in terms of x , where
ℎ(𝑥) = 𝑓 3 𝑔2 𝑓 2 𝑔2 𝑓 2 𝑔3 (𝑥)


1. Given that log2 X=p and log4 Y=q, express the following in terms of p and q:
a) log2 XY
b) log4 𝑌
c) logx 4Y
d) X2 Y
2. Given p=log10 5 and q=log3 2, express log3 5 in terms of p and q.
3. Solve: log5 p + log7 p = log 25 p
1. Prove that cot x sin 2x = cos 2x +1.
2. The triangle ABC has three distinct integer sides. The length of AB and BC are
3cm and 5cm respectively. It is given that sin(∠ 𝐴𝐵𝐶 ) = . Find the length of
3. Prove that cos 3x = 4 cos4 x -3 cos x

Number 10 n+2 6 n-1 2 1
Frequency 1 2 2 3 1 1
1. The table shows a set of numbers arranged in descending order where n is a
positive integer.
a) Express median in terms of n.
b) Find the possible values of n.
2. The mean and standard deviation of a set of 5 numbers are p and√𝑝 − 1 . When a
number, p is added into the set of numbers, the mean remains unchanged and the
standard deviation becomes√ . Find the value of p.


1. The top surface of ice cream can be represented by the equation 𝑦 = − 2 𝑥 2 + 9.
Given the height and the radius of the ice cream cone are 7 units and 2 units
respectively. Determine the volume, in terms of π, of the ice cream.
2. Given 𝑓(𝑥) = , find f ’ (x).
3. A printing company prints diary and calendar. The amount of diary and calendar
that could be printed in one day is 200 copies. The company gets order of at least
50 dairy and 30 calendars in a day. If the profit of each dairy and calendar is RM
1.00 and RM 2.00 respectively, find the amount of the dairy and the calendar
must be printed to get the maximum profit. What is the maximum profit gained
from the sales of diary and calendar?

1. In a game, the probability of winning a game is 0.25. A series of n games were
played and it was found that the probability of winning once in the game is equal
to the probability of losing 8 times in all games.
a) the value of n
b) the probability of winning more than 2 but less than 6 games.
1. Point P moves such the distance from the point (2,3) is 5 units. Point Q moves
such the distance from (8,3) is 5 units. The locus of point P intersects the locus of
point Q at two distinct point, A and B. Find the equation of straight line which
passes through A and B.
2. Four straight lines are drawn in a Cartesian plane and intersects to form a
quadrilateral. The equations of the straight lines are y = -x+4, y = -x +14,
y= 4x+4 and y = 4x-16. Find the area of the quadrilateral.

1. Diagram 1.2 shows a circle with diameter 8 cm. The chord divides the circle into
two arcs, minor arc ARB and major arc ASB.

4 cm

Given the length of chord AB is 4 cm, find the difference between length, in m, of
the minor arc and major arc.

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