This Training Manual Is Not The Author, Her Sostovlyaet Those Who Took Training Courses in Bronniokva Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

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This training manual is not the author, her sostovlyaet those who took training courses in

Bronniokva Vyacheslav Mikhailovich.

The method of VM Bronnikov

"Informational human development"

II-III degree of learning

Exercise 1. The positive psychological adjustment.

Starting position: Exercise is performed while sitting, standing, lying down.

Method of execution:

Teacher shows and pronounces, and then offers the student with this exercise. In the future, a
student performs his own when a bad mood.

Raising his hands up and away, stretch and bend, and even enjoyed yawn, imagining that he
had just woken up after a pleasant sweet sleep on her face to represent the broadest smile,
presenting in front of a huge warm gentle sun. Feel like the happiest person in the most
healthy and powerful, the richest, most intelligent and beautiful, the most free and joyous,
and around him see only the kind of beautiful and wonderful friends ...

To bring into operation a couple of times to take a deep breath and calm exhalation, and then
finally tune in for the teacher announced a moment of silence.

Exercise 2. "Energy Hands"

Starting position: The student stands, feet shoulder width apart, arms down.

Methods of execution.

A student throws up his hands to the sides, and then brings them in front of him, then raises
up and lowers down. Remembers feeling at each position of the hands.After that mentally
separates the parties in the hands of their material, and virtual (energy), draws attention to
the preservation of sensation. Mentally brings "energy hands" in front of them and lifts them
up, and finally drops down.

The student is doing any power hand manipulation, extending their thoughts, touches, such
as walls, ceiling of the room, telling the teacher about their feelings.

Exercise 3. "Conscious of the phantom"

Starting position: The student stands, arms down.

Methods of execution.

The student mentally picks up in the right side of the virtual hand, it extends to the right wall
and touches the wall, without turning his head toward her, describes his feelings out loud,
for, remembers them. Similarly, the virtual hand touches the left wall of the left and also
remembers his feelings.

The student then observes the feeling of the floor under his feet, takes a step forward with
right foot and brings the virtual center of gravity of the virtual body in the new
position. Compares a new sense of the previous one. The student can mentally walk through
the room, watching their feelings of sex (a virtual body will be called "conscious of a

Further, a student extends his neck and a virtual lack the parietal part of the virtual head of
the ceiling, describes his feelings out loud.

Finally, the student fills out all of their virtual body space of the room and tries to experience
the same time (at once) all internal surfaces of the room.

The student may increase the height of the phantom and partly to be in the upper room, or on
the roof. Then the student observes that part of the phantom, which was outside the room
with his physical body, and describes his feelings out loud (seen, heard, etc.). With the same
success phantom student gets on the ground floor.

Exercise 4. Management "screen out of the eye"

(Or "screen personal biocomputer" / LBK / "screen vision," "inner vision screen")
Starting position: Posture, "the coachman." Eyes closed pupil


Methods of execution.

After the teacher has the psychological adjustment to consider carefully the pupil dark
comfortable space (or a dark background, dark screen, black screen) and describe
what they see. Then, the teacher encourages the student to submit (to form, remove
from memory, draw, feel), white point, to deploy this point in the horizontal white
line, and then expand the line (vertical rolling) in the white screen. First, all operations
are performed by a team teacher. At subsequent sessions of the team teachers "to
include a personal bio-computer" (LBK), a student performs a program including the
screen itself. The process of "inclusion" is typically 3-5 seconds. At the end of the
screen, its "off" in reverse order. For a complete view of the physiological transition
from the regime of "screen LBK" to "eye" to the student to remove the blindfold and
make an "energy surge". In most children the operation "on", "off" and "work with the
screen" happen very easily. Many adults can be a difficult, in some people, the screen
does not appear, which can be explained by the following reasons: the relatively low
brain activity, the presence of insurmountable psychological barriers, religious
facilities, etc.

When you see the screen, it becomes possible to obtain with the help of imagination vivid
pictures, animate them, record the necessary information, etc.

Exercise 5. "The coloring of the screen"

Starting position: Student in the attitude of "driver". In the eyes of the student band.

Methods of execution.

The teacher gives the command, and the student after each of the reports confidently and
succinctly: "There." If you experience any difficulties (partial fulfillment of the tasks, pain in
the head, etc.) a student must immediately inform the teacher.

1. Include LBK, white screen.

2. White screen change to blue.
3. Blue screen change to red.
4. Red screen change to green.
5. Green screen change to white.
6. Turn off the LBK. Remove the bandage to make a "splash"
1. Tell the teacher about their observations, written in
a notebook and sketch color screens on the album.

Please note:

The duration of employment less than 10 minutes. After the lesson may be yawning. Success
comes only when the regular and successive classes. The first difficulty of the operation may
be "on" or "off" LBK, in this case it is necessary to work on appropriate exercise.

Exercise 6. "A table with numbers"

Starting position: Student in the attitude of "driver". In the eyes of

student band.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. On a white screen, draw a square frame with black lines (cell).
3. In the middle frame with black paint figure 1.
4. Puncture needle in the middle of figure 1 and turn a digit, as the arrow of the
mechanical clock, in a horizontal position.

5. Erase the arrow.

6. Draw two adjacent cells.
7. Draw the four adjacent cells in the two floors.

5. Fill in the resulting table of single digits (the teacher calls a number and its place in
the table after each student placement number in the appropriate box informs the word
6. To call all the numbers and their place in the table (student looks at his screen and
reports about the contents of the table).
7. Remove a table with a white screen (moves the student table, for example, right).
8. Turn off the LBK.

5. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, write in a notebook his impressions
and sketch created on-screen table, on the album.

Please note: in the first table and the figures may be fuzzy. From classes to engage in
progressively increase the number of cells in the table, and the numbers can be recorded and
Exercise 7. "A table with colored cells"

Starting position: Student in the attitude of "driver". In the eyes of the student band.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. On a white screen, draw a table (grid) consisting of four squares.
3. Fill each cell of a monochromatic color tables filled (teacher calls a color and place
cells, and student fill after the operation, said "there").

4. Name the colors of the cells (a student looks at the LBK.

calls the place cells, and its color).
5. If successful, the job to the table pririsovat two cells and continue the exercise of
paragraph 3.
6. Turn off the LBK.
7. Tell about the difficulties to record their impressions in
a notebook, sketch the cells of the table on the album.

Please note: in case of fatigue or pain sensations a student ceases to exercise.

Exercise 8. "Table with color pictures"

Starting position: Student in the attitude of "driver", a bandage on his eyes.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. On a white screen, draw a table of four cells.

1. Draw in each table cell color image

(a simple arrangement of two or three items).
2. Describe in detail each picture to indicate its place in the table.
3. If successful, the job, you can add two more cells, and to continue the exercise with
paragraph 3.
4. Turn off the LBK.

1. Tell about the difficulties to record their impressions in a notebook and sketch a table
with pictures in the album.

Exercise 9. "Spatial imagination"

(Or "volume memory")

Starting position: Student in the attitude of "driver", a bandage on his eyes.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.

1. On a white screen, draw a hollow cube (someone easier to

imagine, for example, a wooden box, glass aquarium).
2. Bypass the cube clockwise by marking the outside of his face, the cover and the
bottom of the original drawings.
3. Describe all the faces of a cube.

1. If successful, the job, check the inside face of the cube with new pictures and to
continue the exercise with paragraph 4.
2. Turn off the LBK.

1. Tell about the difficulties to record their impressions in a notebook and sketch a cube
with pictures in the album.

Exercise 10. "Track (or route) memory"

Starting position: Student in the attitude of "driver", a bandage on his eyes.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.

1. Choose a theme for the route (eg, visiting a museum, a trip by public transport,
inspection and storage, etc.). Let's look around in a clockwise direction museum
exhibits, placed on the floor, on the left wall, the ceiling and on the right side.
2. On a white screen, we see a picture of the front door of the museum premises. Virtual
hand, open the door, and enter the museum (the teacher describes the fictional
exhibits: "Under his feet a green rubber mat. Left on the wall hanger. Whist on the
light. right a wooden chair. "student places on the screen (" virtual room "), in
appropriate order, the images of objects).
3. Describe aloud the images of objects.

3. If successful, the job moving forward (the teacher describes the following fictional
exhibits: "On the floor, cast-iron core. Left on the wall
hangs an old map of the city. On the ceiling there is a nest with a stuffed crow. right
on the bedside table is a small basket of fruit. "student places on the screen - in the
"virtual room" - these new images.)
4. Successfully moving this way for a "virtual museum room", a student captures images
of objects and describes them aloud.

3. Close LBK.

Describe the difficulties encountered, record their impressions in a notebook, sketch images
to an album recorded by subjects.

Exercise 11. "To see the color of his hand"

Starting position: The student sits at a table in front of the bandage. Prepared a set of sheets
of colored paper.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. Set bioenergetic contact with the surface of the palm leaf (see Exercise 12).
3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of color. (A student talks about
his feelings and determines the color names. Teacher "corrects" color).
4. The teacher puts the student under the palm of the other sheet of colored paper, and
the exercise continues with step 2.
5. Turn off the LBK.
6. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, write in a notebook his
impressions, sketch their observations to the album on-screen colors.

Please note: at first, the duration of the exercise is recommended to not exceed 10-15
minutes, and repeat the exercise after every half-hour of rest. Quality "of his hand,"
significant increases in the heave and roll hands (horizontally and vertically) of the observed
object. The teacher encourages student morale by "good", "well done", etc. To test their
color sensations a student can touch the surface of the sheet, pick up a sheet, applying it to
any part of the head.

Exercise 12. "To see a simple hand signs"

Starting position: The student sits at a table in front of the bandage. Prepared a set of maps

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.

1. Set bioenergetic contact with the palm of your hand on the

surface of Zener cards.
2. On a white screen, carefully observe the emergence of
eating shapes (student talks about his feelings, called the figure of the observed, the
teacher "corrects" the figure).
3. The teacher puts the student under the palm of the other
Zener card, the exercise continues with step 2.
4. Turn off the LBK.

1. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, to write

about their impressions, sketch on the album its on-
screen figures observation.

Exercise 13. "To see the hand written signs"

Starting position: The student sits at a table in front of the bandage. Prepared card on which
are written as separate letters and separate words fonts of different sizes.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.

1. Set bioenergetic contact with the surface of the palm cards.

3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of the letters or words. We read
4. The teacher puts the next card, continue to exercise with paragraph 2.
5. Turn off the LBK.
6. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, written in the notebook of your
impressions, sketch in an album seen on the internal screen plots.
Please note: At first, the student observes the large letters and words, gradually
moving to read words written in smaller type.

Exercise 14 . "To see any part of the body"

Starting position: The student sits at a table in front of the bandage. Prepared sheets of
colored paper, card and Zener cards with letters and words.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. Pick up an object, set the bioenergetic contact, such as the forehead with the surface
of the observed object.
3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of color, character, characters,
words. Talking out loud about the observed.
4. The teacher gives another subject, the exercise continue with step 2.
5. Turn off the LBK.

6. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, written in the notebook of your
impressions, sketch in an album seen on the internal screen, colorful scenes.

Please note: Do this exercise by observing objects such as fingers, neck, parietal part of the
head, nose, ears, back, chest, abdomen, legs and soles, etc.

Exercise 15 . "To see their internal organs"

Starting position: The student sits, stands or lies in front of the bandage.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. Attach the palm of one hand, for example, on the other hand hand, to establish contact
between the bioenergetic
3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of the outlines of the fingers,
hairs on the skin, curly white bones of the phalanges of fingers, the red lines of blood
vessels. The student describes the observed aloud part of the body.
4. Turn off the LBK.
Five. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, written in the
notebook of your impressions, sketch in an album seen on the inner
screen of colorful stories about
their individual bodies.

Please note: This exercise can be recommended for use in anatomy classes in high school
and other specialized medical schools.

Exercise 16 . "To see through any object"

Starting position: The student is sitting, standing or lying down. In the eyes of a bandage in
his hand an object (a stick, pencil, ruler, etc.)

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. Set bioenergetic contact between the end of the arm is in the subject and the observed
3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of images aloud to describe the
visual sensations.
4. Turn off the LBK.
5. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, written in the notebook of your
impressions, sketch in an album seen on the internal screen plots.

Please note: At first, perform an exercise in simple objects (colored paper, card Zener,
individual letters).

The screen image can be observed in the reduced size of icons under study with respect to
the original.

Exercise 17. "Changing the size and position of

the image on the screen"
(Or "Copy Image")

Starting position: The student sits, stands or lies in front of the bandage. Zener cards are

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.

1. Set bioenergetic contact with the surface Zener cards.

2. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of images, called aloud to a
student figure.
3. Increase (decrease) the size of the figure, keeping the original and a copy placed on
the right (left, top, bottom, etc.) from the original. Fill the screen copies of different
4. Turn off the LBK.

1. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, record their impressions in a
notebook, sketch the album seen on the internal screen plots.

Exercise 18 . "Draw colored letters and words"

Starting position: The student sits at a table in front of the bandage. Prepared colored
markers, the album and cards with painted different colors on them letters and
words. procedure execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. Set bioenergetic contact with the surface cards.

3. On a white screen, carefully look at the letter, word and color parts.
4. Similarly, see the colored pens and start drawing the colored letters and words on the
5. Turn off the LBK.
6. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, analyze their drawings in a
notebook to record their impressions.

Pay attention: At first the pictures of letters and words may be formed irregular, and
sometimes even upside down.
Exercise 19. "Turns the text"

Starting position: The student sits at a table in front of the bandage. Prepared an album,
pens, cards with words written in large print.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. Set bioenergetic contact with the surface cards.
3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of the word.
4. Turn the word "upside down".
5. Sketch the word on the album in its normal position and inverted.
6. Turn off the LBK.
7. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, analyze their drawings in a
notebook to record their impressions.

Please note: Exercise can be diversified, turning, turning the tables of numbers, letters,
words, pictures.

Exercise 20. "To see into the depths of the brain"

Starting position: The student is sitting or standing, in front of the bandage. Zener cards are
prepared, colored objects of large size (eg, ball, book, cup, vase, etc.).

Methods of execution.

A. Enable LBK.

Two. The student picks up an object and places it in front of his face, establishes contact
with the subject of bio-energy.

Three. On a white screen, closely following the appearance of the image object, this object
describes aloud.

4. Slowly pushing the hands of the person and the subject of bringing it to the person to
monitor the clarity of the image on the screen. The teacher helps the student under the
supervision of the subject, the subject of removing a person from the partner and bringing-
to-face at a distance of one to two meters. A student is continuously reported their
observation object, the distance to the object-definition images on the screen.

Five. Turn off the LBK.

6. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, written in the notebook of your
impressions, sketch in an album seen on the internal screen plots.

Please note: In order to exercise power "outside of the eye," the ability to see the brain is
recommended to use a variety of board games (checkers, chess, cards, dominoes, bingo,
etc.), computer games.

Exercise 21. "Moving blindfolded"

Starting position: The student stands in front of the bandage. Planned route of travel.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.

1. Set bioenergetic contact with the nearest objects, located on the intended route.
2. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of the outlines of objects, tell the
teacher about their observations.
3. With the support of the teacher to make a few steps and then "look" around.
4. Turn off the LBK.

1. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, written in the notebook of your
impressions, sketch in an album seen on-screen stories.

Please note: The student trains daily, except for walking, running down the hall, riding a
bike, playing mini-soccer, basketball, etc.

Exercise 22. "Distant-penetrating vision"

Starting position: The student sits at a table in front of the bandage. Prepared a card with
writing on them big, colored sheets of paper.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. The teacher covers the card with a record sheet of colored paper and invites the
student to read the word. The student establishes a bioenergetic contact with the
surface of the sheet.
3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of the image, the student tells the
teacher about what they saw.
4. The teacher encourages or corrects the student, the exercise continues with step 2.
5. Turn off the LBK.
6. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, written in the book about their
experiences, the album sketch seen on-screen stories.

Please note: Cards with a record can be covered by several sheets of paper, cloth, plates of
different materials.

Exercise 23 . "To see and to paint in the dark"

Starting position: The student sits at a table in front of dressing room lights
extinguished. Zener cards are prepared, colored sheets of paper, card stock with a major
record words, colored pens, an album.

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. Set bioenergetic contact with the observed surface.
3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of images, to inform the teacher
about what they saw.
4. The student sketches in his observation of the album.
5. The teacher has to address another subject, the exercise continue with step 2.
6. Turn off the LBK.
7. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, written in the notebook of his

Landscape analysis of their drawings.

Exercise 24 . "see through walls"

Starting position: The student is sitting or standing, in front of a bandage, his head covered
by special bag or blanket. Cooked color paper, Zener cards, cards with a major record words,
colored pens, an album.

Methods of execution.
A. Include LBK.

Two. Set bioenergetic contact with the object.

Three. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of images, to inform the teacher
about what they saw. The student sketches markers observed object to the album.

4. The teacher corrects the student and provides for the consideration of another subject, the
exercise continue with step 2.

Five. Turn off the LBK.

6. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, record their impressions in a notebook,
an analysis of his drawings.

Please note: In the future, instead of a bag, bedspreads, before the student can set a screen
on which is hung, for example, paper, cardboard, cloth, etc.

Exercise 25. "To see around us"

(Or "spherical vision")

Starting position: The student sits in front of bandage around his head hangs a cylindrical
bar, which are drawn around the perimeter of pictures and words.Cooked color pens, sketch

Methods of execution.

1. Include LBK.
2. Set bioenergetic contact with the surface of the cylinder.
3. On a white screen, carefully observe the appearance of images, to inform the teacher
about what they saw.
4. The teacher corrects the student, who then sketched a fragment of the album and the
torsion of the head moves to the observation and drawing the next track, depicted on
the cylinder. (Thus the entire visible band is cylindrical, we sketch all the pictures and
words on the album. As a result of the exercise are viewing around the head and
around it).
5. Turn off the LBK.
6. Tell the teacher about the difficulties encountered, record their impressions in a
notebook, review an album causes the painted garland of words and pictures.


A. The psychological barrier.

Two. Internal and common diseases.

Three. The weakness of the body (starvation, overeating, drowsiness,


4. Misunderstanding of the job.

Five. Perevozbuzhennost (stress - anger, fear, grief, passion,

physiological needs, etc.).

6. Apathy, lack of desire to do, and aversion to the teacher, etc.

7. Environmental factors (cold, heat, loud noise, odors, magnetic storms,

changes in atmospheric pressure).

Eight. Inability to focus the student.

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