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oo pb eS 20 pds ghee 4S go “3 Proverbs with English Equivalent If you want any thing done well, do it yourself. itis no use crying over spelt milk. Lesser things make room for greater ones. What help can any penurious person render the ea needy Bhi Ise Neon, 8m i bse sos) oy “Sle Those who live in glass ede be Sis rosperity. iP Perity. ~o houses should not throw AG stones at others. Charity begins at home. “<2 We ete? ob Ja! ea Adversity is followed by Ga(CON) 1 gan ge -6 It takes two to make a quarrel Cut your Coat according to You clothes OR The escpes mouse ever feels taste of the bait. LL -———__ A burnt child dreads the fire. SSeS algo Jat oy tm 3 Ld > - $2 IK DAP Sp > lyr le ~x8 ——————— eee Patience hath a reward “20s? oot mes] Prevention is better than ep 8 a3 Seeds ly cure L_ | Achieve the object without | o> eS st fe 4 se IP sustaining any loss. sale (ASE 4 53-3! EB sr) Munificence apart, account | HL> - 595% bor S299] Im must be clear ese) PS Intruders are always 5 2b sa bes S uy “ unwelcome $3 He The more the wealth, the [es ws be sae am greater the worry. ~$3 Barking dogs seldom bite. RD wk ws 23 ZF le G54 Jee (S238 $9523) | talk of the chalk and you of ort gle 73 2s alsg| =! the cheese -gt ard [He who digs a well for others, often falls himself into it Necessity is the mother of invention. 4 ahd aS de oS ib ges “GaN yg age ay ecole It is not lost that comes at last lag coat Jost 2 oe oe BI 53 5 To a jaundiced eye] oJ Gb Jo a ded ou everything is yellow u GIN | GK sydbsoal iui dad Fonce bitter twice shy. He who has need must take the initiative. One who tries to emulate es ow Sy x 43, oh ie aed Jee “Simos WS 35 Safe ES] We 293 See gi soa] or] Gas ans others blindly. eh Qe gabe One's own burden feels “67 3% sey S| 1 light. Why resort to harsh words re BoP sp Sa wl] "4 where sweet words succeed. -eiteb is Deny not the little if much is | 95> 63 dy) A ge weal -rA | not forthcoming FP Sods ag Time past is gone for ever. ns Bde i ps cle 55 rg (OR) It is no use crying over spelt milk An open door tempts the saint. (OR) A free offer is welcomed by everybody. Non-cooperation by one can Not upset the whole show. A wise foe is better than a foolish friend. Flys! SS 2 > tal. Fate can ‘not be changed. Union is strength pF ED) LST 45 yb Lusl gpa a gas yo Ae gore $39 9 G2 Ae 053 59S pp AS HG el

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