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When you see your friend(s) does not want to attend to class, what will you do?

Follow to not attend to class(es)

Go to class


Pie chart shows the effect of friend to absent class. In this pie chart, 54% of student said
that they will not follow their friend that not attends to class. This percent is follow by 32%
student will follow their friend to absent class. Lastly, about 14% are never seen their friend
absent. By our research, we can conclude that the friend effect or not the main reason the student
willing to absent. Although the effect of friend is not the main factor, but it still can be worried.
32% is quite big number and this may bring negative effect.

How many times (in percent) do you skip from class last semester?

0-10 %


Above 40%



This pie chart shows how many time students absent class last semester. In our research,
number of student that always absent is about 0-10 % only. About 54% respondents are absent in
this range. This follow by 20-30% and 16% respondents are in range. The number of student
who had the most terrible absent problem which is 30-40%, 10-20% and above 40% is the least.
All of it carries 10% respondents. By this pie chart, we can state that students of mechanical
automotive year 2 are not always absent to class.
What is your overall rating about lecture teaching skill?

Very good




This pie chart is referring to the overall rating of lecture teaching skill. About 52%
respondents agree that their lecture teaching skill is in good level. 22% agree that the lecture
teaching skill is in very good level. This follow by respondents that agree their lecture teaching
skill is worst. It only takes about 10% respondent who said that their lectures teaching plan are
extremely worst. The problem from lecture is not the reason why student are always absent. It is
because most respondents agree that their lectures teaching skill are in good level. Only 10%
respondents agree that their lecture teaching skill is extremely worst. In our opinion, the 10%
students is the one that not pay attention in class.
Usually why did you absent in class (es)?


Not finish assignment



Friend ask to

In this pie chart, it show the reason of student when they absent class. The common reason
is the lazy factor. 38% percent respondents said this. This follows by reason of overslept which is
34% respondent. About 12 % respondent give reason not finish assignment for their reason to
absent. 10% give sickness and the last one is because friend asking to. Absent problem always
occur because of laziness and this can be proving by our research. Most respondent said they
absent because lazy. Second most common reason is overslept. Overslept can only occur if
students always sleep late. There are lots of reason why the doing this and by our opinion, one of
reason is because too much playing video game.

Do you invite your friends to absent when you do so?



Pie chart shows the probability to student to invite their friends to absent class. 68% is
not inviting their friend and 32 % will invite their friends. Most respondent always absent by
their own reason. Factor of friend invitation is not the main factor why absenteeism occurs.

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