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Welcome all angels to this beautiful angelic worksho, There are 72 Guardian angels and 22 are healing angels! will introducen attune you with these 22. angels in this workshop so for new members, am Ritu Ramaani SaxenaReiki Grand Master 18 Band ,Laama Fera Master, HealerCounselor, Life coach Multi modalities healer, Hypnotherapist, Angel Therapist Card Reader,Long list this muchis sufficient Be ready to enjoy peace, serenity, harmony, joy, love n healings The glance of angels ‘Amethod to welcome the Angels of Healingin yourllife, and to receive their spiritual help. To meet the angels Where would you go if you wanted to meet an Angel? In a sacred place? In a wonderful natural environment? In the infinite space? Yes, all these places are perfect, and they allow you to meet the angelic energies, but there is one even better: your innerlife, the place of absolute peace that exists inside of you Although the tradition introduces us the angels as tall, blonds, with plumed wings and the ‘nightdress', actually they don't have an outward appearance, they are pure energy, but we can also visualize them in human appearance, or animals, if this helps our mind to contact them better. The Cosmic Energy is divided in many branches, each of which presides to brain functions, character traits, emotions... itis like a huge database that contains the qualities, human and not, existing To know the angeliceneraies The angelsare considered as 'messengers', that bring the knowledges and the intuitions from the Superior Spiritual Plan to our awareness. For this reason they are identified mainly as ‘invisible assistants’, thatassist during theneed, but only/f they are called (the free will is always respected). According to my experience, it is not essential 'to believe' in the angels to be able to have @ contact with them. In fact, everyone has his own perception, whichis correct, and if a person feels uncomfortable or hasa reject for the figures of angels, itis useless to force him to accept the idea. We can see the angels as a ‘support Energy’, from which draw with gratitude at the time of need, theimportant thing is that everything takes place in respect of the Balance of the Universe, and not based on mere personal profit.. The Universe is not offended if we have our personal point of view, but the balance breaks if we use the energy for non ethical purposes, or arrogance, assuming that everything is due to us. The most balanced thing, in every case, it is ‘experimenting’, as we don't need to BELIEVE in something that we have experienced personally, we LIVE it and that's enough. Those who lives in-person experience, goes out of the necessity to believe previously in something about the word, and his ‘experience becomes deeper and total. When can we receive the angelichelp? ‘The best way to receive the energy of Angels s' lett go’, or free ourself from the emotion of the moment. The not-attachment leaves the green light for the entrance of the ' assistant ', while the permanence in the ‘emotion, especially if negative, closesthe doors and it hampers the roads. Often it is not easy to detach from feelings, but when we do so, we experiment really a situation that someone defines ' as if things begin to go ALONE right '. However, we don't have to forget that the right direction' is not always what we desire, sometimes the best possible solutions, for The Angelsof Healing Angelic energies answer quickly to every call, coming to bring, first, serenity and tranquility. Then they are precious collaborators for all those situations where we need some help or support. The angels are many, but in this course we focus our attention on the Angels of Healing. They are 22 in particular, and have specific tasks of harmonization of personality, emotion, psychosomaticdisorders, etc. Let's see them one by one. The Angels of Healing Angelic energies answer quickly to every call, coming to bring, first, serenity and tranquility. Then they are precious collaborators for all those situations where we need some help or support. The angels are many, but in this course we focus our attention on the Angels of Healing. They are 22 in particular, and have specific tasks of harmonization of personality, emotion, psychosomatic disorders, etc. Let's see them one by one. ALADIAH Aladiah Angel of Divine Grace. Aladiah Angel of Divine Grace is the 10th name of God. The Bible scripture according to the name Aladiah is: “Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.” The meaning of this name is The Favorable God (Deus Propitiabilis). Also, he is one of the Cherubims. Aladiah represents the Divine Grace that absolves and pardons all faults. Therefore, he can dissolve your karma brought with you from a past life. Aladiah Angel of Divine Grace is the one who answers the prayers of innocent people. You can pray to him or contact him through meditation when you need spiritual or material abundance. The angel of regeneration, he will answer your prayers for healing powers and health. Aladiah Angel of Divine Grace is the protector of those who need reinsertion into society. He helps the underprivileged, gives second chance to those who need new beginnings. Aladiah Angel of Divine Grace is the one you need to call when you meet dangerous spirituality, false gurus and moral decadence. He will help you to face and fight broken promises, negligence, nonchalance, indifference and|axness. Aladiah will help you with difficult situations such as hidden crimes, prisoners or lawbreakers. He is next to you and answer your prayers when you have poor health, bulimia, lust or dificult karma. Aladiah Angel of Divine Grace is the protector of those who were born between May 6 and May 10. Those influenced by Aladiah have a good heart. They are always seeking to live with inte These persons are like angels on earth. They are comprehensive, reserved and dedicated to their beloved. They are gifted with great imagination, flexibility, self control, being able to choose the best path or opportunity. The people influenced by Aladiah Angel of Divine Grace workhard and want to create a fairer society. They understand natureand the cycle of life. ALADIAH - Help us in starting from zero, as purifies from negativity, and helps the energetic regeneration to all thelevels. EVAEL Eyael Angel Of Sublimation is the 67th name of God. The Bible scripture according to the name is: “Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart”. Firstly, the meaning of the name Eyael is God The Pleasure Of The Children Of Man (Deus Deliciae Filiorum Hominum). He is one of the Cherubims (Jewish) and Angels (Christian) aelis, the angel of transformation to the sublime. He is the angel of every transformation that can take place within and around us. Eyael Angel Of Sublimation is the patron of transformation, mutation, transubstantiation, transfer, metamorphosis, etc. He can help you understand the Universal History. He can allow you the ability to find your origins. Eyael Angel Of Sublimation can teach you and help you understand the law of attraction. We resonate with things we want to create. He can teach youto attract and resonate only with positive things you need in your life. When he is present in your life, you have the ability to observe and recognize with ease the affinities. Eyael Angel Of Sublimation can bring joy and understanding in your life. Eyael Angel Of Sublimation is the angel you need to protect you when you face negative transformations in your life. He can protect you from manipulation. Pray for his guidance when you have lack of exchanges, light, morals, principles, knowledge, etc. Eyael Angel Of Sublimation can cure those who are afraid of changes. He can help you get rid of negativity in your life and to bring positive changes. He can helpyou notice, understand and learn from every change that you face in your life. Eyael can remedy sadness, worry, fear and absence of joy in your life. Pray for his guidance to get out of isolation. Eyael Angel Of Sublimation is the guardian angel of those who were born between February 20 and February 24. In conclusion, those who were born in this period will be illuminated. They love to study andresearch esoteric sciences. They know how to transform their dreams into goals and achievements. Those who are influenced by Eyael Angel Of Sublimation are always happy. They know no limits. Therefore, these people know that they have endless possibilities to transform their lives in a happy and balanced one. They can achieve anything. Also, they respect their body, knowing that it is the temple of the soul. They will have a happy life witha guardian angel that will always be by their side. They will be confident in everything they have to do. EYAEL : his energy is in unity with the Bach remedy ‘Walnut’, that transmits adaptability, ability of acceptance and transformation; so is a support in the moments of change, bringing serenity, optimism and trust, and helps to overcome the difficulties and the obstacles. DANIEL Guardian Angel Daniel is the angel of eloquence. Firstly, the meaning of his name is God The Merciful Judge. He belongs to the Elohims, in the Jewish culture. This choir of angels is ruled by Archangel Raphael. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Daniel belongs to the Principalities. They are ruled by Archangel Haniel. Daniel is the angel of eloquence. He is the angel who improves our communication skills. Guardian Angel Daniel brings inspiration into our lives. He is the one who fills us with harmony, goodness and beauty. This amazing angel is the patron of leaders and speakers. He can help us when we have important announcements to make. Guardian Angel Daniel helps us to express ourselves in the most efficient way. He can teach us to express ourselves easily and beautifully. Daniel helps us to speak and talk to someone in an easy way, without hurting somebody. With the angel of eloquence in our life, we will always speak the truth. Angel Daniel is the angel who helps us make decisions. He can make us see a situation from different perspectives. This amazing angel is the patron of speakers, singers, musicians and artists. He is the protector of every artistic ay of expressing ourselves. Guardian Angel Daniel is the protector of those who were born between November 28 and December 02. If you are lucky to born in this period, than your guardian is the angel of eloquence. This way, Daniel influences your personality. You are a goad person full of mercy. You know the importance of mercy in your life, But you also know that if we want to show mercy to others, we have to show mercy to ourselves first. The presence of your Guardian Angel Daniel in your life brings God’s mercy with him,You feel the comfort of being always protected, You are a great speaker. Therefore, you always know the right way to express your feelings. You are a real inspiration for others. The main purpose of your lifeisto teach others to express themselves. You have big chances to become a good artist. Because you have the ability to express your feelings in yourart. You love everything that is beautiful. Daniel brings harmony in your life, always protecting and teaching you. Even if you were not born under the influence of Guardian Angel Daniel, you can still enjoy his help. If you express yourself hardly, Daniel will improve your communication skills. If you are an artist who lost his muse, this amazing angel willinspire you. DANIEL: helps to understand in depth the events, reflecting and taking the spiritual meaning of them; messenger of devotion and mercy, promotes the contact heart-to-heart, the he harmonization, and hands suggestions that communicate harmony. ANAUEL Guardian Angel Anauel is the angel of unity. Firstly, the meaning of his name is The Gentle God. In the Jewish culture, he is one of the Beni Elohims, ruled by Archangel Ariel. But in the Christian culture, Guardian Angel Anauel belongs to the Archangels. Being ruled by Archagel Michael. Anauel is the angel of perception of unity. He is often linked to money and exchange. Guardian Angel Anauel brings unity by easing the communication between you and other people and by creating successful relationships. He brings you the initiative you need for a successful business or enterprise. Anauel increases your practical intelligence, global vision and logic. Being linked to money, this amazing angel has also the ability to teach you to materialize your dreams in a responsible manner, without hurting others. Guardian Angel Anavel is patron of administrators, planners and coordinators. He can help you to become a great leader who inspires others. When the angel of unity sin your life, you are filled with altruism and sense of organization. Guardian Angel Anauel is the protector of those who were born between January 31 and February 04. If you were born in this period, then you are influenced by the angel of unity. You are a very intuitive person who loves to work. You understand the earth andthe heaven and you know howto live between these two worlds. The presence of your Angel Anavel in your life will influence you to start a spiritual or occult practice. In many of your incarnations, you tried to use these practices for the good of others. You have a huge thirst for knowledge. You study all your life. And you love reading. For you, change is not something to be afraid of. The process of adaptation to a new place or situation is easy and quick in your world. You have a very good immune system. But ifit happensto you togetll, you already know how to cure yourself. Your purpose in your lifeisto help others and spread the huge amount of goodness that hides in your heart.even if you were not born in the influential period of Guardian Angel Anauel, you can pray for his help anytime. He can help you with your relationship issues by bringing unity. He will help you to communicate properly and with ease. 1as the principal assignment of messenger, bringing us the more urgent spiritual messages; helps to receive inspiration, promotes logical abilities.

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