UTS Bahasa Inggris

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Language is a tool of human interaction to convey messages or ideas that exist in his mind, with

language will be easy to get along with and adjust to the surrounding environment. Language is very
important to human life because without this language life will become silent. Hasanaini (1984) cited
in Muflihah 2014 p.337 suggests the existence of two functions of language namely (a) as a means of
communication and (b) as a means of expressing culture and civilization. Children can learn language
better than adults. Foreign language learning at school should start as early as possible, easier to
attract children's attention and interest than adults. Early childhood education is an education that is
held to develop personal, knowledge, and skills that underlie basic education and develop
themselves as a whole in accordance with the principle of education as early as possible and lifetime.
Early age is a good age for children to learn the language. Foreign language learning in early
childhood under 6 years is done as a language introduction. According to Christina (2010) that
children aged 3-6 years most quickly understand English, if they are accustomed to express words or
phrases in English. Some time ago was thrown off with the elimination of English in elementary
school subjects in the curriculum 2013. Dardjowidjojo (2003a, p.50) states that it is a mistake to look
at English as a threat to the development of the Indonesian language. However, some Indonesian
educators feel anxious about the development of English usage in Indonesia. They argue that English
is a threat to Indonesian culture and values (Lauder, 2008). Foreign language in Indonesia is English
because English is included in the national curriculum of Indonesia, as a foreign language that must
be studied in high school (Simatupang, 1999, 64). Because it is mandatory, English is also one of the
areas studied in schools nationwide. English may also be taught in primary school from grade 4
(Komaria, 1998, p 29). Even some universities in Indonesia set English as a compulsory local subject,
meaning as one of the subjects that must be studied at the university.

Undeniable language skills become important and the ability of foreign languages to be so important
that the younger generation can take a role in the era of globalization. The problem is the ability of
foreign languages, English in particular is still very low. The world education institute EF (English First)
announces a comprehensive third edition report on the English proficiency index (EF EPI) in 60
countries. English in those countries is not the mother tongue or the first language used. English
ability in Indonesia is very low in the order of 25, while Malaysia penetrate in order to-11. Looking at
the fact hope that English can be better in the future because inevitably the fact of low English ability
can not be separated from the less optimal role of schools in teaching English. In addition English is
an International language that dominates the era of communication to connect and transfer
knowledge to the world. Therefore, mastery of English is a very important skill in the current era of
information and communication. This foreign language skills are required to master the science, have
a wide range of relationships and a good career. This makes everyone from all walks of life motivated
to learn English from an early age.

The success of the learning process of English in early childhood is of course influenced by many
factors, such as qualified Teachers, teachers who can turn on the process of teaching and learning
activities, Resources and learning facilities are adequate and qualified, a good curriculum, simple,
and attractive (attractive) . Early childhood English education requires appropriate and effective
teaching methods and processes. There are several methods and techniques suitable for teaching
English for early childhood, among others, in a communicative context covering the context of social,
cultural, game, song and music situations, story reading, artistic experiences, handicrafts and physical
movement. And among these methods and techniques, the approach with song and motion song is a
very appropriate and successful method in English language education for early childhood. Because
basically children like to sing and do physical activities that are fun for them. six characteristics of
children and how they learn theoretically: 1. Children are always active in exploring the environment,
gaining knowledge and experience. The environments explored here include physical, social,
informational, and ideological. Children build their understanding of how things work, including
language as a system and how to communicate. 2. Children know things before school. For example,
knowledge of traffic signs, traffic lights, and the names of favorite toys and food brands. 3. Children
tend to learn things in the form of scripts holistically. This tendency is well reflected in children's
games: "Schools, teachers and students," "doctors and patients" etc. In this concept children learn
well when learning meaning, interesting, and fun. 4. Learning becomes meaningful to children when
decision-making is related to their needs. Based on this opinion, children should be given different
formats of learning activities so they can choose based on what they consider important and useful.
Children learn best when they make their own choices. 5. Children tend to do things and relate to
others in a cooperative way, unlike adults who can benefit from a competition to raise the motivation
for achievement. One important implication for the context of language teaching in the classroom is
that instead of encouraging children to compete with each other, it is more productive to work
together toward the achievement of common goals. 6. Children learn best by talking and doing in a
social context. By using language for social communication in groups, children acquire language. In
the context of classes, this means that English as a foreign language should be treated as a tool for
communication and children should be encouraged to use different social languages with different
goals by speaking and doing things in a social context using English.

Based on the characteristics of students at an early age, Scott and Ytreberg (1990: 5-6) some
statement of the things that should be done in teaching for English children: 1. Limited vocabulary.
Do not rely on spoken words. 2. Play with language. Through fun activities such as play, children have
a great ability to absorb language. 3. Class diversity. Because of the low concentration and attention
of children, a must for a teacher makes diversity, whether it be activity, speed, organization, media,
or otherwise. 4. Routines. Children know about rules and situations. 5. Cooperation. Most children
want to share with other children around them, and sit with others to work together. According to
Brumfit, the reason for teaching English at the elementary level is to learn other cultures and to gain
maximum study time. This means that the best time to learn the language is early age. Elementary
School is the best place to start teaching and learning English. Another reason to start learning
foreign languages at an early age is the irrefutable fact that children have greater facilities to
understand and imitate what they hear from teenagers, and adults. According to Brewster's, Girard,
and Ellis's theories, the length of study is to be judged by the frequency and regularity of teaching.
Learning a language at a basic level is effectively done because children are in a golden age when
they acquire a native language naturally. It is believed that when a child is introduced to a second
language at an early age they are likely to become more proficient in the target language. With this
theory, it can be seen that it will be effective if one learns a second language at an early age.

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