Unit Plan Template

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Unit Plan Template

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Author Information

First and Last Name: JENNY JOY L. PEREZ

Email Address: jennyjoy.perez26@yahoo.com
Name of School: Sacred Heart de Iloilo
Division: ILOILO
Municipality/City, Province, Region: Pavia, Iloilo, VI
Country: Philippines


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Unit Overview
Unit Plan Title: Your “eX” is just a variable, don’t ask me “Y”
Curriculum-Framing Questions
How to express algebraic expression?
Essential Question

What are the classifications of algebraic expressions?

Unit Questions How to solve problems involving algebraic expressions?

What is an algebraic expressions?

What are the difference between constant and variable?
What are the steps in adding and subtracting polynomials?
Content Questions
What are the steps in multiplying and dividing polynomials?
What is the difference between algebraic expressions and
algebraic equation?
Unit Summary:
In this Unit the students will able to understand the concept of algebraic expressions
and incorporate the four fundamental operations in solving problems involving
algebraic expressions.
Subject Area(s): Click box(es) of the subject(s) that your Unit targets
Business Education Drama Other: English
Engineering Foreign Language Other: Filipino
Home Economics Industrial Technology Other: Makabayan
Language Arts Mathematics
Music Physical Education
School to Career Science
Social Studies Technology
Grade Level: Click box(es) of the grade level(s) that your Unit targets
Kindergarten 2nd Year High School Gifted and Talented
Grade 1 -3 3rd Year High School Resource
Grade 4 - 6 4th Year High School Other
1st Year High School English as a Second
Targeted Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Competencies
Differentiates between algebraic expressions and equations and solves problems involving
algebraic expressions.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
1. Defined algebraic expression.
2. Classified algebraic expression according to degree and number of terms.
3. Add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials
4. Utilized models and algebraic methods to find the: (a) product of the sum and
difference of two terms; (c) square of a binomial; (d) cube of a binomial; (e) product of


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a binomial and a trinomial
5. Solved problems involving algebraic expressions.
6. Applied the concept of algebraic expression to real life situations.

DAY 1:
1. The teacher will orient the students about the rules and regulations, grading system,
materials needed in the topic to be discussed using power point presentation.
2. The teacher will group the students into four groups by counting off to conduct the
activity regarding algebraic expressions.
3. The teacher will analyze the procedures design by the students and present a rubrics
for that certain activity.
4. The teacher will assign certain topics for each designated groups to explore.

DAY 2:
1. The teacher will facilitate about the students’ activity.
2. The students in each designated groups will conduct the activity on their own.

DAY 3:
1. The teacher will follow up or have a consultation regarding students output and

DAY 4:
1. Each group will present their designated assigned task using the power point
presentation, video presentation, etc.
2. The teacher will rationalized the consolidated reports of the students and discuss the
essential points of the topic.

DAY 5:
1. The teacher will be discussing about algebraic expression.
2. The teacher will incorporate a game related to algebraic expression.

DAY 6:
1. The teacher will demonstrating the steps in adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing algebraic expressions.
2. The students will conduct a practice skill in solving the algebraic expressions involving
the four fundamental operations.

DAY 7:
1. The students will have a return demonstrations about the proper way of solving
algebraic expressions using the four fundamentals operations.
2. Each member of the designated teams will brainstorm about the problems that they
encountered during the activity and they should formulate solutions to the problems.
3. The teacher will provide rubrics for students’ project.
4. The students should plan out the needed materials and their chosen approach to
come up with their group project.


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DAY 8:
1. The students as a group work on their output and the teacher will supervised the
students’ progress and activities.

DAY 9:
1. The teacher will conduct a unit review to the students.

DAY 10:
1. The teacher will provide a written examination to the students in regards with the
topics discussed throughout the unit to assess students’ learning.
Approximate Time Needed:
Example: 50-minutes per session (for mathematics) class period
2 weeks
Prerequisite Skills:
Organizational skills, planning, logical skills and critical thinking skills, develop and improve
skills in making power point presentations.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology – Hardware: (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

Camera Laser Disk VCR
Computer(s) Printer Video Camera
Digital Camera Projection System Video Conferencing
DVD Player Scanner Equipment.
Internet Connection Television Other:

Technology – Software: (Click boxes of all software needed.)

Database/Spreadsheet Multimedia Web Browser
Web Page Development E-mail Software Desktop Publishing
Image Processing Word Processing Other:
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM

Printed Materials: Textbook for grade 8 mathematics, curriculum guide

Supplies: Bondpaper, cartolina, construction paper, marker, glue

Internet Resources: www.google.com, www.youtube.com

Others: Project-basd approach, mathematics teacher

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

This types of learners need direct, specialized instructions,
Resource Student: and emediate teacher assistance. Provide related homework
and activities as of individuals or groups.


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This types of learners require high-ordered thinking skills,
Gifted Student: differentiated instructions, and activity/tasks that will challenge
their thinking skills.

Student Assessment: interview, observations, tests, quizzes, reportings, outputs

Algebraic expression, constant, variable, algebraic equation,

Key Word Search:

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