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Republic of the Philippines

Notre Dame Village National High School

#6 San Herminigildo St. Rosary Heights 8, Cotabato City



This research is presented to the faculty of Notre Dame Village

National High School – Senior High School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject

Practical Research in Daily Life I


Jazztyne Carl R. Gomez

Esnaira L. Malagonoy
Mary Rose S. Laranjo
Karen L. Dalimbang
Ivan Jhake N. Galo
Hazelynne I. Apus
Nesrin Mangakop
Jimlani Hatta

March, 2019



Research Abstract



Statement of the Problem

Significance of the study

Scope and Limitation

Definition of terms


Review of Related Literature



Research Design

Research Participants
Research Materials

Locale of the study

Data Collection Procedures



Table 1


Discussion and Analysis, Implication of Study, Concluding Remarks


Output Rationale

Appendix A


Curriculum Vitae

Despite of sleepless night and worrisome hours, this qualitative research will

not be realized without the endless support of the following valuable person

particularly to;

Our research teacher for his endless support and untiring strategic

suggestions that made us courageous to do well while doing this burdensome

study to make it more satisfying;

Our beloved and untiring supportive parents for their financial support and

their prayers to make this research magnificent. The students of Notre Dame

Village National High School for their cooperation and their feedback to make our

research complete.


This descriptive qualitative research is humbly dedicated to the following:

To Notre Dame Village National High School – Senior High School

students, who actively participated as respondents in the study.

Parents and Teachers, who believed in our capability and capacity as

researchers, inspired is to do well, and supported us morally, wholeheartedly,

and financially.

Future researchers, who will trust and use this research study as their

guide and basis for their researches.







This study was conducted at Notre Dame Village National High School in 2019.

Specifically, the study aimed to: determine the reactions of teachers toward World Teacher’s

Day in terms of program and surprises; determine the reactions of students in terms of program

and student’s participation; what action can be planned after conducting the study, a descriptive-

survey method was used in this study.

The results showed the feedbacks of the participants toward the 2018 World

Teacher’s Day.

This research implies that knowing the perception of students toward in their

level of satisfaction in World Teacher’s Day is helpful in showing what could be the

possible plans and innovation for the program. For future researches, the

researchers are recommending that one must deeply understand the significance

of World Teacher’s Day and why this ceremony is important among the teachers

especially students


Background of the Problem

Teachers are the way for everyone to be a successful. They are teaching

for the betterment of our future by sharing their knowledge to their students. this

will lead the student to good life and good future.

Every year, Each school celebrated Teachers day. This is to give them

importance. At least for one day they will feel so important. They deserved the

program because they are believed to be the hero of the community.

The students are preparing every year for the satisfaction of the teachers,

the students are always doing their best for that program because it is just once a

year and worth to be prepared.

Notre Dame Village National High School is one of the school which

always gives love for the teachers. The students are glad and willing to give their

best to entertain their beloved teachers because its only happens once so they

give effort for the teachers.

Last October 5,2018 the Supreme Student Government of the school

gave tribute of the teachers they prepared activities like MR and MRS Pakaragian,

song writing contest, Bulletin, Slogan, Parlor games etc.

With this yearly celebration of the institution the researches would like to

find out the feedback of the teachers and student by identifying and describing the

satisfaction felt by the teachers on the activity.

The result of the study will help the student to be aware on how important

the teachers are. In line with the mentioned facts the researcher believe that it is

finely to evaluate the program. Therefore, it was conducted.

Statement of the problem

The study generally saught to describe the views of students and teachers,

during the celebration of 2018 Worlds Teachers day in Notre Dame Village

National High School.

Specifically the researchers saught to answer the following questions:

1. What are the reactions of teachers on the 2018 Teachers Day Celebration in

terms of:

A.) Program

B.) Surprises

2. What are the reactions of students in terms of:

A.) Program

B.) Students Participation

Significance of the Study

The study can be beneficial to the school, students, teachers, and future


To the students this study can help them to know how to give value to the

teachers. The result will also help them to improve or strengthen their activities.
To the school, with this study the school can suggest others activities that

will be appreciated by teachers.

To the teachers this study will help them realize that their student gave

them also value and feel them special. With the result this will evaluate on how

satisfied they are where during the program.

To the future research this study can contribute and help them to know

what are the possible activities. It can serve as a guide for the future related study.

Scope of Limitation

This study is limited only to the students of Notre Dame Village National

High School. This study was conducted on School year 2011-2019.

Definition of terms:

The following terms are operationally and technically defined by the

researches to aid the readers.

Feedback –

the reaction or comments about the program

Teachers -

Refers to a person who deserve to be surprise


Refers to a person who give importance to their teachers.

Teachers’ Day –

A program that will realize to our teachers they’re important.



This chapter of the study is subdivided into subheadings that presents

related literature and studies that ware excavated together in order to provide a

comprehensive and conceptual understanding about the study collected from

reference from various sources.

Teachers are the part of our daily lives, because we spent a lot of tome

in school rather than to our house that’s why the teachers known as the second

parent or (Pangalawang Nanay), they are sharing their knowledge for us to be

good role model, better future, and to be a successful one. Respecting teachers is

a biggest thing that we give so that their endless love will be paid off.

Doctors, Engineer, Fireman, Soldier, Nurse etc. are the product of

teachers, all of our learnings and success are come from to our teachers, before

you will be successful; you will go first to the teachers to teach you and give

advices. We should appreciate the efforts our teacher because without them our

future is nothing like a blank space.

Teachers are getting angry when you are doing that think it will can cause

a bad future for you. Teachers are advising is their way to enlighten your mind,

love our teachers is the best way to return back their effort to share their knowledge
Teachers Change Lives

It is not an exaggeration to say that a great teacher can change a student’s

life. There are an endless amount of great teacher stories that attest to the benefits

of a strong relationship between an educator and pupil.

As some of the most influential role models for developing students,

teachers are responsible for more than just academic enrichment. If you want to

be a great educator, you must connect with your pupils and reach them on multiple

levels, because the best teachers are committed to their students’ well-being both

inside and outside the classroom. By forging strong relationships, educators are

able to affect virtually every aspect of their students’ lives, teaching them the

important life lessons that will help them succeed beyond term papers and

standardized tests.

It is not always easy to change a student’s life, which is why it takes a great

teacher to do so. Some just need an extra push like the student whose math grade

is just a few points shy from the A that will give them a 4.0 GPA; others may be

going through something troubling in their personal lives and need someone to talk

to. Whatever the student needs to help them excel, a life-changing teacher will be

there for them.

While you will spend your entire career learning the different ways you can change

your students’ lives, here are three aspects that are directly affected by great

Education. A great teacher makes learning fun, as stimulating, engaging

lessons are pivotal to a student’s academic success. Some students who are more

prone to misbehavior, truancy or disengagement are more dependent on an

engaging teacher. Making your classroom an exciting environment for learning will

hold the students’ fascination, and students learn best when they are both

challenged and interested. It’s part of motivating students, which may not be easy,

but which will benefit students immeasurably in the long run.

Inspiration. Have you ever had a teacher who inspired you to work harder

or pursue a particular goal? Were you inspired to become an educator by one of

your own great teachers? Inspiring students is integral to ensuring their success

and encouraging them to fulfil their potential. Students who are inspired by their

teachers can accomplish amazing things, and that motivation almost always

stays with them. Inspiration can also take many forms, from helping a pupil

through the academic year and their short-term goals, to guiding them towards

their future career. Years after graduation, many working professionals will still

cite a particular teacher as the one who fostered their love of what they currently

do and attribute their accomplishments to that educator.

Guidance. Teachers can also be a trusted source of advice for students

weighing important life decisions. Educators can help their pupils pursue higher

education, explore career opportunities and compete in events they might

otherwise have not thought themselves able to. Students often look to their

teachers as mentors with experience and knowledge, and, as an educator, you will
almost definitely be asked for advice at some point during your career.(Charles


Did you know that one in four students drops out of school or that every nine

seconds, another student drops out? Dropping out is a decision that students won’t

likely come to you about, but an adept teacher can notice the indications that a

student is struggling and intervene before it’s too late. Aside from educating them

on the hard facts about dropping out, teachers can also help assess the problem

and figure out an alternative. In such situations, teachers undoubtedly have the

ability to change the lives of students.

Teachers’ Day- I’m extremely happy to be amongst you and talk on this

coveted occasion.

Unlike any other international days, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on different dates

in different countries. In our country, on this day- the 5th of September, some of the

students and friends of our former president Dr. S Radhakrishnan approached him

to celebrate his birthday. But the genial teacher refused and asked to observe this

day as a national Teachers day instead of his birthday. Such was the love and

respect of a teacher for his profession. (Maria Salazar, brainly website)

- Every individual is an enlarged replica of their teachers.

“We cannot always build the future for our youth,

But we can build our youth for the future.”

Teachers are the ones who establish young minds and thus indeed are the Nation-

“A teacher is the one who knows the way, shows the way, goes the way,

and leads others through the way.”

Sir Isaac Newton once said-“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the

shoulders of giants.

- - What we gain from our teachers, our parents, everyone who

guides us is no less than that from a giant. Teachers are the beacons who

empower us to make the wind favorable to our journey and help us set sail to reach

further academically and socially.

I myself am a teacher’s son. My father is a teacher at an ‘Industrial Training

Institute’. I remember his words when I asked him – ‘What do you get by teaching

them? They get a job and then they forget you.’

The “teacher-he” said- ‘That is the greatest sign of success for a teacher, when he

can say that the children he once taught are now working as if he doesn’t exist!’

A teacher affects eternity. You can never tell where his influence stops.

Thankyou teachers for your valuable contribution, guidance and encouragement

that have given new impetus to our work.

As they say- ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’

All our teachers have dedicated their time and energy to shape our college as a

reputable one. We are grateful to all the teachers who make us so extra-ordinary

and who are gracing the hall with such amazement.(Scarlet Fernandez)

All about Teacher’s Day

The birthdate, [5 September 1888], of the second President of India, academic

philosopher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. It is considered a “celebration” day,

where teachers and students report to school as usual but the usual activities and

classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance. At

some schools on this day, the responsibility of teaching is taken up by the senior

students to show appreciation for their teachers.

The first vice president of India and the second President of India, Dr.Sarvepalli

Radhakrishnan was born in a poor Brahmin family of South India on 5th September

1888. His father earned very less income through zamindari and had to take care

of a big family. Though his father wanted him to become a priest and not join school

and learn English, Radhakirshnan was finally sent to school of the local area itself.

Radhakrishnan was a brilliant student from the very start and most of his studies

were covered through scholarships. At the age of 17, he joined the Madras

Christian College and attained his bachelors and masters in the field of philosophy.

The 21-year-old Radhakrishnan, after graduating with good marks from the

Madras University, got selected as an Assistant lecturer at the Madras presidency

college and chose to work there.

On a mere salary of just Rs.17 per month, Radhakrishnan faced hardships in

managing a house of around 8 people. With time, his hard work, intelligence and

wonderful and famous ways of teaching lessons paid him back and he was chosen

as the Vice Chancellor of Andhra University when he was around 40 years of age.

After 3 years, he was appointed as the Vice Chancellor of Banaras Hindu

University. He actively participated in the protests when the Banaras Hindu

University was fighting against getting shut. He rapidly got renowned amongst the

British Bureaucrats as well the then Indian leaders.

The Bharat Ratna Awardee (1954), held the position of the Vice President of India

from May 1952 to May 1962. He was then made the President of India from May

1962 to May 1967. At the age of 86, he peacefully died on 19 April 1975.

On the birth occasion of Dr. Radhakrishnan, that is the 5th September, India

celebrates its Teacher’s Day where students across the country participate in

certain programs prepared exclusively for their teachers. Students make their

teachers feel special in the form of flowers and hand made cards too. “My class

representative has collected money from the whole class and we will be gifting our

department teachers something special. I am also part of a dance performance on

this teacher’s day in college.” says Aishwarya, a North-Campus student.

“In school, we used to become the teachers and teach our juniors on Teacher’s

Day. We will be having a grand function for the teachers at college this year.” says

Shivani, a JMC student. On the birthday of Dr. Radhkrishnan, lets conclude this on

his famous quote, “It is not God that is worshipped but the authority that claims to

speak in His name. Sin becomes disobedience to authority not violation of

integrity.”( Robert Lucrafan)



Research Design

This research used a qualitative descriptive method employing

phenomenology design in determining the struggles and coping strategies of the

student of Notre Dame Village National High School they used in saving their


Research Participants

The participants are the students and teachers of Notre Dame Village Dame

National High School.

Research Materials

The researcher used an interview guide questionnaire to the students while

the researcher verbally ask the teachers that compose of two question. The

researcher also used a recording device to record all the answer of participant

“word-by-word” so that it would be indicated in our research paper a verbatim.

Locale of the study

It was conducted at Notre Dame Village National High School (NDVNHS)

San Herminigildo Street, Cotabato City. The school is one of the most competitive

school in its locality and was given the name as the “School of Excellence”. The

school has a well strained teachers that make each student more than a champion;
teacher guide the students lead them to propagate their intellectual skills with the

proper regards od their behavior and attitudes. They also Provides their students

to some-real-life experienced regarding business ventures. Most especially, in the

students who look the Accountancy, Business and Management at Senior High


Data Collection Procedures

Prior to data collection to determine the problem of Accountancy, Business

and Management Students of Notre Dame Village National High School to how to

save their money. The researcher went to the field were they conducted. Upon the

construction of questions the researcher immediately created the statement of the

problem. Proper interview was done together with the actual recording of the final

interview. After this, the researcher proceeded to the transaction to secure the

accuracy of interpretation, the researchers went back to the participants to approve

the interpretation they made out of the given data. Upon securing the accuracy,

finalization of the proper was done followed by the publication of the study.


This chapter consist of the result that had been made based on the study of

narratology, among the reaction of the students of Notre Dame Village National

High School during the Teachers day 2018 celebration.

The researchers interviewed some of the students who witness the celebration

of Teachers day 2018 at Notre Dame Village National High School. The interviews

focused on the reaction of the students and what are contribution of the students

on the said program. After conducting in-depth interviews with the informants

which resulted in several pages of transcript, format analysis of the data began. It

started with becoming familiar with the transcribed data from video recorder. The

following results indicated the different reaction of the students during the program.

The guide questions were answered honestly by the informants.

The result Were divided into two tables. Table 1 shows the reaction of the

students on the celebration of Teachers day 2018 at Notre Dame village national

high school and the table 2 shows the contribution of the students on the said


The reaction of the students about the 2018 Teachers day celebration at Notre
Dame Village National High School

Essential Statement Thematic theme
“I’m happy because they enjoyed and
Enjoyed rest”
Participant #1

“I was amazed during the Teachers

Appreciate day celebration”
Participant 2

“teachers day celebration was

Sentimental successful”
Participant 3

The table shows the result of researchers interview with the twelve Students
participants of Notre Dame Village National High School during the Teachers day

Most of the student of Notre Dame Village National High School had
participated during the celebration of Teachers day 2018. many of the students
say that they enjoyed the program like participant #1 said “I’m happy because they
enjoyed and rest”

Some of the students appreciate the program very much like Participant #2
said “I was amazed during the Teachers day celebration”. everyone had enjoyed
during the Teachers day 2018 program both teachers and students have fun during
that day.
Table 1: the reaction of the teachers during the 2018 teachers day celebration.
Essential Statement Thematic Statement
I like the search of Ms. And Mr. Pakaraguian, I
like also the idea ofcourse the food and the
Appreciated the food and the game. All and all I like the program.
games Participant 2

I enjoyed the activities like the search and also

Like and enjoy the program the activities and exciting.
Participant 4

The table shows the result of the researchers interview with the five
teachers’ participants of Notre Dame Village National High School during
Teachers day 2018
Most of the teachers of Notre Dame Village National High School had
participated during the celebration of the teachers’ day 2018. Many of the
teachers extremely enjoyed the said program like participant 4 said “I enjoyed the
activities like the search and also the activities and exciting”.
Also, many of the teachers very much appreciated the program like
participant 2 said “I like the search of Ms. And Mr. Pakaraguian I also like the
idea ofcourse the food and the game. All and all I like the program”.

Table 2: the recommendation of the teachers on the next teachers’ day

Essential statement Thematic statement
Ang gusto naming mangyari sana ay maibalik
yung mga free refles sa amin at sana
Add more wellness services comfortable kami at the wholeday. At sana
bonggang bongga ang mga pagkain, and add
more wellness and services
Participant 1
I suggest na san isali parin yung search kasi
Pageant again sobrang saya. In short pageant again.
Participant 3

The participant no.1 stated that “ang gusto naming mangyari, sana ay ibalik yung
mga free reflex sa amin at sana comfortable kami at the whole day. At sana
bogngang bongga ang mga pagkain, and add more wellness and services”.
The participant no. 2 said “I suggest n asana isali parin yung search kasi sobrang
saya. In short pageant again”. The participant no.2 simply stated that she like
very much the pageant.

Essential Statement Thematic theme

I fully engaged myself to the whole

duration of the activity even for the
preparation and restoration.
Participant 1

. The table shows the result of researchers interview with the 12 Students

participants of Notre Dame Village National High School during the Teachers day


Most of the student of Notre Dame Village National High School had

participated during the celebration of Teachers day 2018. Many of the students

said that the contribution of them said they spent their time to the Teachers day

like participant #1 said I fully engaged my self to the whole duration of the activity

even for the preparation and restoration.

Chapter V



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter. Some

limitations have been identified. The effectiveness of the Teachers day celebration

on the student of Notre Dame Village National High School.

Discussion and Analysis

The focus of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Teachers

day Celebration from a pat on the back to warm handshakes, from long

assignments to tough papers, our mentors have given us all. They have put on

different hats to bring the best out of us. SSG especially the adviser of the SSG

has some of the best mentors and Teachers’ Day on 5th September was

celebrated with much fun and gaiety. The day reflected the strong bonding within

the students

A short & sweet program was in store for our Faculty members. The show

started with a beautiful video that showcased our adoration for them and touched

their heart. We got them intensely engaged in dumb charades which also brought

back memories of the 90s and also the filmy side our beloved mentors. Students

thoroughly enjoyed the proceedings as moderators & spectators. An intense game

of musical chairs was up next. We made them move around the progressively
reducing line-up of chairs enjoying the tunes while strategically planning their

positions alongside. Some did not hold back and ended up lightly grooving to the

music. The highlight of the day was the pageant of the teacher that makes the

students enjoyed the day.

As we interview the students of Notre Dame Village National High School

their comments about the program was the best Teachers day celebration they

ever had. The purpose of the program was to give essence to the teacher so that

they can feel that they are important even for that day, the program was the one

of the successful Program based on our research.

The question of our research Are the following:

What is your reaction about 2018 Teachers day celebration?

The majority of the answer of this question is, the student really appreciated

the program which is mean they have fun and enjoyed the day.Here’s the Some

answer of the student based on our interview:I enjoyed the program and was the

successful day,my reaction is fun because the activities are really entertaining and

not bored, It was fun and full of activities,Teacher’s day celebration was successful,

I was amazed during the teacher’s day celebration, I’m happy because they

enjoyed and rest. This are the result of researchers interview with the five Students

participants of Notre Dame Village National High School during the Teachers day

what is your contribution during Teachers day?

This question will explain on how the students will give effort to their

teachers it will determine or telling if they have contribution during the program. So

here Are the Some answer of the students based on our interview.

I prepared the surprises in our classroom, I gave flowers, I fully engaged myself to

the whole duration of the activity, even for the preparation and restoration, I helped

on the preparation of the whole program, I give flowers and buy ticket to support

the Teachers choice award.

This are the result of researchers interview with the five Students

participants of Notre Dame Village National High School during the Teachers day


Implication of the Study

According to the opinions of the respondents and the findings of this

research the teacher’s day celebration was the important thing because it give

essence to our beloved teacher, in every day they teach us and give knowledge

they are trying to give knowledge to their students, the teachers goals is to give

the best future for their student, and be the part for the student success so that’s

why respondents really appreciated the program because they feel what a hard

working their teacher. The school conducting the teacher’s day every year by that

it makes them feel that they are Important to us so students of Notre Dame Village

National High School thank you for your cooperation during the program.

Teachers day will always be Celebrate in every campus, this research will

make our mind that our teachers are important and they are part of our successful

in life, this research is the way to give essence to our teachers, this research can

make the teachers feel important, teachers are Deserve to give effort for them.

Respecting our teachers is a biggest gift that we can give, the material thing is just

like a remembrance but respect is a great thing that we can give and will surely

remain in their hearts. Cherish our teachers by that it will make them feels how

important they are.

Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, entrepreneurs, and more profession are the

product of teachers, without teachers they’re not in their professions. Teachers are

the one of our success in life because without their knowledge you never achieve

the goals that you want, appreciate the teachers’ effort don’t hate our mentors who

guide to the right path.


The possible output for this study is the students who gave their efforts

during teacher’s day celebration. Conducting this program is worth it because the

endless love of our teacher is to be paid off, this program is very important in any

school so that we can return back the effort of our teachers.



Maria Salazar,

January 11, 2019 at 8 PM

Christian Talusob

Retrieval; January 27, 2019 at 8;15 AM

Charles Simon, https://wwwgoogle.brainy/teachers-day-article.Retrieval; January

27, 2019 AT 10;30

Scarlet Fernandez.https://wwwgoogle.siledshare/teachers-day-article.Retrieval:
January 28, 2019 at 6;25 PM

Robert lucrafan,https://wwwgoogle.brainy/teachers-day-article.Retrieval:
February 01, 2019

https://wwwgoogle.wikipedia/teachers-day-article.Retrieval: February 01, 2019 at

6:24 PM

Actual Responses Translation Essential Theme

Question 1

What is your reaction

about the 2018 Teachers
Day Celebration?

Participant #1

Masaya ako dahil I’m happy because they

- Enjoyed
nakapagpahinga sila at enjoyed and rest.

Participant #2

I was amazed during the - Appreciate

Teacher’s Day
Participant #3
It was fun and full of
- Enjoyed
It was fun and full of activities

Participant #4
It was fun and happy - Enjoyed
It was fun and happy

Participant #5
Teacher’s Day
Celebration was - Sentimental
Isang maganda at
successful event
successful event

Actual Responses Translation Essential Theme

Question 2

- Care
What is your contribution
during Teacher’s Day?

Participant #1

I fully engaged myself to

the whole duration of the - Care
activity even for the
preparation and

Participant #2

I help the on the - Care

preparation of the whole
Participant #3

I give flowers and I buy - Care

ticket to support the
Teacher’s Choice Award

Participant #4

My contribution during
- Care
Teacher’s Day is making
my teachers happy

Participant #5

- Care
As gave my full support
and time effort
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Detail

Name: Liela Jane D. Giosol

Address: Ortouste St. RH7
Contact: 09650977056
Birth Date: June,30 2002
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Islam
Father’s Name: Pingan Dakula
Mother’s Name: Sorayda De Guzman

Educational Background

Elementary School: Address: Year:

Sero Central School Sinsuat Avenue 2014
Junior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City 2017
National High School
Senior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City
National High School

Special Skills

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Detail

Name: Mary Rose S. Laranjo

Address: Purok Katahimikan R.H.2
Cotabato City
Contact: 09057474651
Birth Date: August,7 2001
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Elezer Maata Laranjo Sr.
Mother’s Name: Marly Saranillo Laranjo

Educational Background

Elementary School: Address: Year:

Junior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City 2017
National High School
Senior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City
National High School

Special Skills

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Detail

Name: Karen Lagney Dalimbang

Address: Brgy, Awang Datu Odin
Maguindanao Cotabato
Contact: 09107426936
Birth Date: January,12 2002
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Episcopal
Father’s Name: Julito Dalimbang
Mother’s Name: Emma Dalimbang

Educational Background

Elementary School: Address: Year:

Looy Elementary Looy South UPI
School Maguindanao
Junior High School:
Lebak, Legislated
Lebak Sultan Kudarat 2017
National High School
Senior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City
National High School

Special Skills

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Detail

Name: Hazelynne I. Apus

Address: Saturn Street Zenaida Subdivision
R.H.8 Cotabato City
Contact: 09067386592
Birth Date: January,2 2002
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Jose M. Apus
Mother’s Name: Jane I. Apus

Educational Background

Elementary School: Address: Year:

Notre Dame Village
Central Elementary R.H. 8, Cotabato City 2014
Junior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City 2017
National High School
Senior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City
National High School

Special Skills

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Detail

Name: Jazztyne Carl Gomez

Address: Pansacala, Cotabato City
Contact: 09265052567
Birth Date: April,4 2002
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Gary Gomez
Mother’s Name: Janice Gomez

Educational Background

Elementary School: Address: Year:

Notre Dame Village
Central Elementary R.H. 8, Cotabato City 2014
Junior High School:
Ateneo De Davao
Boulevard, Davao City 2017
Senior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City
National High School

Special Skills

Dance Sport
Curriculum Vitae

Personal Detail

Name: Ivan Jhake N. Galo

Address: Krislamville R.H.6
Contact: 09361621862
Birth Date: December,14 2001
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Benjieziel Wahing Galo
Mother’s Name: Rizha Nacional Galo

Educational Background

Elementary School: Address: Year:

Brgy, Gaya-gaya San
Marangal Elementary
Jose Del Monte 2014
School Bulacan
Junior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City 2017
National High School
Senior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City
National High School

Special Skills

Playing Online Games
Curriculum Vitae

Personal Detail

Name: Bai Esnaira L. Malagonoy

Address: R.S Buan St. Cotabato City
Contact: 09757812583
Birth Date: June,3 2002
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Islam
Father’s Name: Esmael Malagonoy
Mother’s Name: Rahmia Malagonoy

Educational Background

Elementary School: Address: Year:

Cotabato City Nacional Sinsuat Avenue
High School Cotabato City
Junior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City 2017
National High School
Senior High School:
Notre Dame Village
R.H. 8, Cotabato City
National High School

Special Skills


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