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study("Pin bar")

>= xor (a, b)

(a and not b) or (not a and b)

>= long_bar(complete_body, tail_length)

)tail_length > 3 * complete_body(

>= bullish_bar(third_part_pos)

complete_body_length = 0

tail_length = 0

is_pin_bar = (open >= third_part_pos) and (close >= third_part_pos)

bullish_body = close > open

if open > close

complete_body_length := high - close

tail_length := close - low


complete_body_length := high - open

tail_length := open - low

long_tail = long_bar(complete_body_length, tail_length)? true: close < open

is_pin_bar and (long_tail or bullish_body)

>= bearish_bar(third_part_pos)

complete_body_length = 0

tail_length = 0

is_pin_bar = (open <= third_part_pos) and (close <= third_part_pos)

bearish_body = close < open

if open > close

complete_body_length = high - close

tail_length = close - low


complete_body_length = high - open

tail_length = open - low

long_tail = long_bar(complete_body_length, tail_length)? true: close < open

is_pin_bar and (long_tail or bearish_body)

>= )(isPinBar

range = high - low

third_part_range = range / 3

third_part_pos_bullish = high - third_part_range

third_part_pos_bearish = low + third_part_range

bullish_pin_bar = bullish_bar(third_part_pos_bullish)

bearish_pin_bar = bearish_bar(third_part_pos_bearish)

result = xor(bullish_pin_bar, bearish_pin_bar)? 1: 0

if result and bearish_pin_bar

result := -1


barcolor(isPinBar() == 1 or isPinBar() == -1? red: na)


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