TI0118 HW1 Assignment

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Homework I

Exercise 1 20 Points

Consider the two tanks system arranged as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Two-tank system for Exercise 1.

The two tanks have cross-sectional areas S1 and S2 [m2 ], respectively; their liquid heights
are, respectively, h1 (t) and h2 (t) [m]; v1 (t) and v2 (t) [m3 ] are the liquid volumes.

The first tank is fed by the flow-rate q(t) [m3 /s] and its output flow-rate is given by
the expression q1 (t) = K1 h1 (t) [m3 /s]. The first tank feeds the second one. The output
flow-rate of the second tank is given by the expression q2 (t) = K2 h2 (t) [m3 /s]. Assuming
an incompressible fluid, the mass conservation law for each tank is given in (1)

dvi (t)
= qi,in (t) − qi,out (t) for i = 1, 2 (1)
1. Define a state space model for the system where x1 (t) = h1 (t) and x2 (t) = h2 (t)
are the state variables, u(t) = q(t) is the input and y(t) = h2 (t) as output.

2. Simulate1 the system, given the following values S1 = 0.5 m, S2 = 2 m, K1 = 0.02
m2 /sec, K2 = 0.5 m2 /sec and the following inputs:

(a) A step with amplitude2 2 [m3 /s]

(b) A square signal3 with period 15 seconds, duration 150 seconds, and sampling
every 0.1 second.

3. Discuss your results.

Exercise 2 20 Points

Consider the input-output model in (2):

d2 y(t) dy(t) du(t)

+4 + 5y(t) = + 5u(t) (2)
dt dt dt
1. Define the characteristic polynomial and classify the system modes.

2. Given the initial conditions in (3), find the free evolution of the system in (2):
y(t) = 2, =1 (3)

dt t=0


3. Find the forced response of the system subject to a unit step input.

4. Plot the response and comment your results.

Exercise 3 20 Points

Find the inverse Laplace transform by hand calculations and verify your results using the
Symbolic toolbox for the following functions:
2s + 5
1. F1 (s) =
s3 + 6s2 + 21s + 26
s2 + 4s
2. F2 (s) =
(s + 2)3

2s3 + 5s2 + 7s + 6
3. F3 (s) = 3
s + 5s2 + 8s + 4
Hint: In Matlab/Octave use the command lsim to simulate the system
Hint: In Matlab use the option stepDataOptions for modifying the step amplitude in the step
command; in Octave construct the step of an amplitude different to 1 can be constructed by hand.
Hint: In Matlab/Octave use gensig to generate the input signal for lsim.

Exercise 4 20 Points

Given the state-space model in (4):

ẋ1 (t) = x2


ẋ2 (t) = −4x1 (t) − 5x2 (t) + u(t) (4)

 4
y(t) = 13x (t) + 9x (t)
1 2

1. Find a the corresponding transfer function.

2. Find an input-output model equivalent to the state-space model.

3. Find the state and output forced evolution as response of the input u(t) = e−t .

Exercise 5 20 Points

For a system with the transfer function in (5):

αs2 + s + 3
G(s) = (5)
s2 + 2s + 10
1. For α = 1, find and plot the unit step and impulse responses.

2. For α = [−2, −1, 0, 1, 2], plot and compare the unit step response.

3. Discuss how the system varies its response for the different values of α.

You must solve each exercise using hand calculations and compare/simulate your re-
sults on Matlab/Octave or a programming language of your choice. The report for the
homework must be sent in a single document in .pdf format. It must include:

• The relevant steps of your hand calculations, the results and your comments on each
exercise. Note that pictures of your hand written papers will be not considered.

• The graphs required in the exercises.

• The code developed for solving each exercise, which can be included as part of the
single exercise or in a separate section of the report (for instance, as an appendix).

The report for the homework must be sent through SIGAA by April 7, 2019. Note that
delays will be penalized (<24h: 20% penalty; <48h: 40% penalty; etc.).

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