Isa Gomez

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The acid water is made when sulfur dioxide (toxic gas) and nitrogen oxides (oxides that are
most relevant for air pollution) emitted into the atmosphere and transport it by wind air
This rain is very harmful to everyone's health, it can cause problems and respiratory diseases
that can cause life for many, diseases such as asthma or bronchitis and can worsen those that
already have.
As the acid water affect us, it cause to the plants dying and to the animal diseases and could
cause to so many rivers and lakes do dry.

So what we start doing was to investigate on a website that the teacher send us, we wanted an
environmental or natural project because it is important to think in that and mentalize our
community about the problem we are going through, after that we had 5 options of
experiments and of each one we had 2 investigation questions, then we just choose one of all
the 5 experiments, after choosing we based all in our science questions. The second thing that
we did was to investigate how the acid water was made, not the real one, an “imitation” of
that, we saw how many plants we would need to do our experiment and what more material
we would need.
When we already know what we need, one integrant of the group buy all what we need, our
materials were: Sponges (17 packages with 3 in each one), 6 medium bottles of vinegar, 6
medium bottles of water of 600 milliliters, 6 packages of lemons, 1 package of white chalk, 3
medium carton boxes, 9 Sweet William plant, soil (1 big bag), scissors, tape, ruler and a
measuring cup of 200 milliliters, some materials we get them on the school like the ruler,
measuring cup, scissors and all the bottles of vinegar. Adding the prices at last it was just 80
thousandths pesos.
The first thing that we did was to paste the boxes good, for the soil didn't get out and we cut
the sponges and just cut the green part, after doing that we put in each box 3 plants and then,
we fill the holes with the extra soil, doing that you have your first part of the experiment, now
you have to do the acids, the first acid would be the vinegar so in your measuring cup you put
200 milliliters of vinegar and put 1 chalk inside the vinegar, you have to wait 4 minutes and
then you apply the mix to one of the groups, this you have to do it 2 times because the plant
need 400 milliliters, before you apply it pass it through a strainer so any piece of chalk pass
to the plants, the next acid is the lemon one, so you have to do the same just that with lemon
and after that to the last group put the same amount that you put to all groups but of water.
After all that we take the data of growing of each group for 6 days, the results were this ones:
vinegar plant died, the lemon one was the healthiest one, the one that grow the most and the
water one was healthy but we all think that the sun is a very important resource but we don't
used so they didn't receive sun probably that affect.

At last we just do the graphs of all the information that we had collect in all the 6 days of
experiment. This were the information:


reloaded=1 the vinegar is good for fruits plants, medicine and some more specific, but in
some plants the effect that it do is not good and kill them like a very hard acid, the vinegar is
composed of carbon, hydrogen, alcohol, water, acetobacter bacteria's (that bacteria's make
that the vinegar become in acetic acid) and ethyl alcohol (is a alcohol of strong smell that
makes that the vinegar smell like that) and the chalk is just made with cast and water, we
think that what maybe kill the plants was the vinegar because the chalk don't have a lot of
materials or bacteria's, what probably kill them was the acetobacter bacteria's because that
made de vinegar an acid so that probably kill the group of the vinegar.
The lemon is composed by citric acid (organic acid), vitamin C, glucose ( a type of sugar that
honey have), fructose ( other type of sugar that is made with other components) and
saccharose ( a sugar that is made of glucose and fructose), we think that what left the plants
healthy was the amount of sugar they had and the vitamin C.
And at last it was the water that it is composed by 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 of oxygen,
that's normal so the plants were good.
Both lemon juice and vinegar contain acids: the former has citric acid and the latter has acetic
acid. Both are relatively weak, but citric acid is slightly stronger. However, the strength of an
acid is much more complicated than most people understand.
Lemon juice contains high levels of citric acid, with around .05 grams per milliliter. The
exact level of citric acid in lemon juice may vary; but in general, lemon juice is very acidic,
with a pH of 2, due to the high percentage of acid it contains.
Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid and water. Acetic acid is much weaker than citric acid.
Some vinegars can be almost as acidic as lemon juice, with a pH of around 2.4, almost equal
to that of lemon, while others are much more basic, with a pH of over 3. It is important to
remember that small increments on the pH scale they represent a big difference in acidity. A
solution with a pH of 2 is ten times more acidic than one with a pH of 3.
(The pH is a measure of acidity)
Our hypothesis was that all the plants were going to die because the acid would be so strong
that would kill them, our hypothesis was bad because not all the plants died, 2 groups of
plants stay alive and the other group were overblow and not healthy as we thought.

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