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Stand-alone System with Battery and AD or DC Load (based on assumed values)

Step 1: Determining the load (Wh) and system voltage

Step 2: Determining the battery size (capacity, number, voltage and amperage rating)
Step 3: Determining the PV panel size (no, capacity, voltage and current ratings)
1. Assuming total daily load (in Wh) as 2820 Wh
 Assuming inverter size (with 97% efficiency) = 2820/0.97 = 3032 Wh
 System voltage of 24 V

2. Required Charge capacity = 3032Wh/24V = 126 Ah

 Taking battery with a rating of 12 V and 100 Ah.
 If DoD of battery is 70% then required no. of batteries = 126 Ah/(100 Ah × 0.7) =
 Therefore 2 batteries with 100 Ah rating are required. As system voltage is 24 V
so the batteries shall be connected in series.
3. Considering the battery charging-discharging cycle efficiency of 85%
 Energy supplied by PV modules at battery input terminals = 3032Wh/0.85 = 3567
 MPPT Efficiency + Charge controller efficiency = 90%
 Energy after MPPT and Charge controller = 3567 Wh/0.9 = 3967 Wh
 Thus 3967 Wh shall be generated by PV modules daily in order to feed the load.
 Total amperage generated by PV modules = 3967 Wh/24V = 165 Ah
 Considering location with solar irradiation of 6 KWh/m2 with (1000W/m2) 6
equivalent sunshine hours.
 Total amperes produced by PV modules = 165 Ah/6 h = 27.5 A
 Consider using 75 Wp of solar module with Impp = 5A and Vmpp = 15V
No. of modules in parallel = 27.5/5A = 5.5 ~ 6
No. of modules in series = 24V/15V = 1.6 ~ 2

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