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0 (14th December 2004)

(Set word wrap on your text viewer for best results
when reading this file. The menu option to do this
when using Notepad is Format->Word Wrap.)
This is version 7.0 of ER Viewer. ER Viewer allows you to easily view, zoom, and
roam around large images. It also lets you embed these images in applications t
hat support OLE (for example Word and PowerPoint). Please read the rest of the i
nformation in this file.

- Requirements
- Getting Started
- Notes on ER Viewer TIFF support
- Notes on ER Viewer OLE support
- New in release 7.0
- Known problems
- Contact details for ER Viewer comments and problem reports

O/S: Windows 98 (Second Edition)
Windows ME
Windows NT 4 SP6a (or later)
Windows 2000 (Installation: Administrator or
Standard User privileges)
Windows XP

Using ER Viewer
Start ER Viewer (Start->Programs->ER Mapper->ER Viewer). Select File->Open and s
elect an image to display. As well as selecting a local file, you can also speci
fy a file being served by an Image Web Server across the internet (e.g. ecwp://w See for other exampl
es of images you can view across the internet.
Using the ER Viewer OLE Server to embed images in Word and PowerPoint
From within Word or PowerPoint, select Insert->Object. To insert a local image,
select the Create From File tab and select a file to display. To insert an image
being served across the internet, select the Create New tab, select "Ecw File",
and then specify the file using the "ecwp://" prefix (e.g. ecwp://www.earthetc.
com/images/world/gtopo30.ecw). If your connection is slow, you may have to hit t
he refresh button a few times in order to see the image.


ER Viewer supports most common TIFF and extended GeoTIFF variants with both Mac
and Intel byte orders and with or without LZW compression. The following varian
ts have been tested:
24 bit RGB
8 bit color mapped
8 bit 1 band greyscale
16 bit 1 band greyscale
4 bit color mapped (ala Landinfo)
1, 8 and 16 bit tiled TIFFs
Save Support:
The maximum size of a saved Tiff file is 2GB
ER Viewer is implemented as a full OLE server. This means that you can embed alg
orithm (.alg), dataset (.ers), and compressed dataset (.ecw) files into other do
cuments using standard OLE methods (insert object, or drag-and-drop). In additio
n, during setup, you have the option to allow ER Viewer to act as a server for T
iff (.tif) and ESRI BIL/GeoSPOT (.hdr) files.


1. Support for JPEG 2000 formats
2. Support for secure remote ECW and URL (ecwps://) formats
3. Updated ER Mapper and ECW runtime.


1. Updated ER Mapper and ECW runtime.
2. Updated End Splash Bitmap with correct contact details for the Americas Regio
n Office.
1. Updated ER Mapper and ECW runtime.
2. WinXP support, previous versions of ER Viewer terminated abnormally during no
rmal operation.
3. Fixed Error when displaying BMP file: ""ERS Raster error. Error reading line
648 from file
4. Fixed Error when displaying more that 50 view windows caused ER Viewer to cra
sh. If more than 50 view windows are open, a warning message is issued, but does
not crash.
1. Updated ER Mapper and ECW runtime. The raster translators have been updated a
s well for improved image support.
2. Changed "Save Copy As..." to "Save As..." to be consistent with the documenta
1. Prevent user from attempting to overwrite their original file when saving (th
is was causing an error and the loss of the original file).
2. When viewing non-byte images (e.g. 16 bit or float), the image data is automa
tically scaled to 0-255. If the "Automatically adjust contrast on dataset load"
tickbox is ticked", then a contrast enhancement is applied to the rescaled image
1. The document type identifiers stored in the registry have been prefixed with
"ERViewer." (e.g. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\JpegFile is now HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ERViewer.J
PEGFile). This is to reduce the chances of conflict with other applications (the
re seemed to be a conflict on Windows 98 with Jpegfile also being used by Intern
et Explorer).
2. Allow user to choose during setup whether to override an existing association
in order to associate ER Viewer with JPEG files. Note: If there is no existing
association (an unusual circumstance), then ER Viewer will automatically associa
te itself with JPEG (and several other supported file types) when it is run.
3. Files written out in multi-layer mode could not be displayed correctly unless
the order of the bands was red-green-blue. This has been fixed.


1. You can now specify a URL to view ECW images served by an Image Web Server. S
ee for some demo images.
2. Local images larger than 4GB can now be viewed.
3. The option to adjust an image's contrast on the file open dialog is now disab
led by default.
4. A refresh button has been added which will redisplay an image. This is useful
when displaying an image over a slow internet connection. If the connection is
slow, then only a portion of the image may be displayed, or it may be blurry. Pr
essing the refresh button will often result in better image quality. This button
also reflects the processing status (active when processing) of ER Viewer which
is useful when using the OLE functionality.
5. Improved OLE functionality. The "create new" option within the OLE dialog is
now functional and is used for entering URL images (as well as local). The ERM O
LE file dialog now appears faster and doesn't get "hidden" behind other windows
when switching applications.
6. The latest version of the ER Mapper runtime is included (resulting in improve
d TIFF support).
7. Now supports saving of images in popular formats such as TIFF, BMP, JPG, HDR,
8. The key mappings for the tools have been re-mapped to allow the refresh butto
n to be assigned to 'F5'. The new mappings are as follows:
- Hand Tool 'F6'
- Zoom Tool 'F7'
- Zoom Box Tool 'F8'
- Measure Tool 'F9'
1. Print and Save functionality is disabled for ECW images specified by an URL.
2. Cannot save (compress) an image to disk in ECW format (.ecw) or JPEG 2000 for
mat (.jp2, .jpc, .jpf, .j2c, .j2k, .jpx) within ER Viewer. To compress images in
ECW and JPEG 2000 formats, it is recommended that the free stand-alone ECW JPEG
2000 Compressor is used. This can be downloaded from our web site at www.ermapp
3. A restricted user on Windows 2000 cannot install the software. It can only be
installed by a standard user or an administrator.
4. If you are displaying an image from a URL on a slow link, you sometimes need
to hit the refresh button repeatedly to get a reasonable quality image.
5. If you are using ER Viewer as an OLE server (e.g. inside Word or PowerPoint),
you cannot resize the window while you are in roaming/zooming mode. This appear
s to be standard behaviour for OLE servers.
6. ecwp(s) URL image addresses are not saved under the recently opened file list
in File menu
7. ecwp(s) URL images cannot be launched via the command line as local files can
e.g. "$<ER Viewer Installation Directory>\Bin\ERViewer.exe C:\Images\Image1.ecw
" will work but ""$<ER Viewer Installation Directory>\Bin\ERViewer.exe ecwp://ww" will not work.

1. If using the OLE functionality and you need to insert a local image greater t
han 4GB you must use the "create from file" option within the OLE dialog. If the
"create new" option is used, an empty object will appear.
2. When inserting an image that requires significant amount of time to process (
extremely large files or URL with slow connection) you might get a message from
the OLE client imforming that "IUnknown is busy" with several options. Select "S
witch to" as this will continue with the processing.
3. The image may not redraw correctly if it is moved behind other windows while
being drawn. The workaround is not to move the image window while it is being up
4. When printing an image, a message might appear informing there is not enough
virtual memory to complete the print job. This will occur with machines that hav
e limited space on their system drive (print spooling) or have low virtual memor
5. Distance measurements using the Measure Tool are incorrect on the initial loa
ding of an image. Once you Pan/Zoom/Roam/Refresh, correct values will be returne

Contact details for ER Viewer comments and problem reports

For BETA and RELEASE CANDIDATE (RC) products, please fill out a feedback form at
For OFFICIAL RELEASES you can find the answer to common problems by consulting t
he help documentation or our Knowledge Base at:
If the problem persists, please submit the details to our support query page at

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