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Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

Topic: Natural Resources of Idaho Grade Level: Name: Taylor Smith

4th Grade
Lesson 10 in a series Grouping: Groups of 4
Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably
2 Literacy Strategies: Brainstorming web and summary
Social Studies Standard: 4.SS.2.1.4 Describe the physical regions of Idaho, and identify major natural resources.
Social Studies Objective: Students will be able to identify four major resources of Idaho with 100% accuracy. 20/20
Vocabulary terms and definitions:
Natural Resources- materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be
used for economic gain.
Renewable Resource- a substance of economic value that can be replaced or replenished in the same or less amount of time as
it takes to draw the supply down.
Nonrenewable Resource- comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes.
Silver- a precious shiny grayish-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 47.
Gold- a yellow precious metal, the chemical element of atomic number 79.
Zinc- the chemical element of atomic number 30, a silvery-white metal that is a constituent of brass.
Lead- a heavy, bluish-gray, soft, ductile metal, the chemical element of atomic number 82.
Lumber- timber sawn into rough planks or otherwise partly prepared.
Technology Integration: ICT.3-5.3.c Using a variety of strategies, students organize information and make meaningful connections
between resources. The following websites will be used to do so:

Visually impaired student:

Strategy 1: The teacher or presenter should verbalize all information as it is written on the board or overhead.
Strategy 2: Use a slant-board to position papers appropriately for reduced visual strain and to avoid glare.
Strategy 3: Give the student Time and a half or double time.
Strategy 4: Modified assignments (when appropriate and needed) to accommodate visual fatigue (extended time and/or shortened
amount of assignments).

Student lacking interpersonal skills:

Strategy 1: Include rubrics to help them understand what is expected.
Strategy 2: Praise for the things they do well to help them stay motivated.
Strategy 3: Help the student identify goals, consequences and/or reinforcement.
Strategy 4: Have the student engage with others for short periods of time and increase time as behavior is successful.
Strategy 5: Role-play how to disagree respectfully.
Time What the teacher will say and What the student will say and do. Materials
5 min. Gain Attention: Natural Resources Students will take notes of four common This video:
Video natural resources as they watch the video.
3 min. Recall Prior Knowledge: Give the See attached “natural resources word find” Natural Resources Word
students 3 minutes to fill out the worksheet Find Worksheet
word search for natural resources
1 min. Teacher Input: Today you will be Students will say, "Hip hip hooray, I love being N/A
put into groups of four, which I have an expert!"
already assigned to do what is called
a brainstorming web. You will
become experts in one of the
following resources: air, water,
minerals, and forests. You will then
fill out the brainstorming web
together with the resource you
learned about.
3 min. Group Organization: Groups of 4-peopled heterogeneous groups N/A
three students, which I have Previously chosen by me
previously chosen based on varying
skill level. Their role will be to
become an expert in their chosen
resource, while using the
brainstorming web in order to teach
30 min. Positive Interdependence: Students will refer to their specific “expert” Packet (See packet for links)
Packet and summary sheet attached, which will aid them in the
completion of the brainstorming web.
Students will then create a summary to teach
each other the information.
Individual Accountability: Individual Accountability- Packet
Teach what they learned Students return to their small group and teach
the resource that they had learned by sharing
their worksheet. They will then fill out the
group worksheet using each other's
5 min. each (20 Equal Participation: Equal Participation: Lined Papers
total) 100/4 Pass out papers. Tell the students that if they
could distribute $100 between group
members, how much money would they pay
each member for their effort.
3 min. Simultaneous interaction: Simultaneous interaction Brainstorming Web
Brainstorming Web Students will complete their summary by
filling out the attached brainstorming web for
all four major resources.
10 min. Curricular assessment: Curricular assessment: Attached Quiz

Pass out the “Idaho’s Natural Students will take the attached "Idaho’s
Resources Quiz” to individuals. Natural Resources Quiz" and should score

3 min. Closure & Debriefing: Ask 1 student Student: N/A

to raise their hand and name the four The four major resources are air, water,
major land resources of Idaho. minerals, and forests.

F ind worksheets, games, lessons & more at
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Name:_________________________________________________ 7. Which group includes ALL nonrenewable resources?
a. Coal, trees, water, and sun
Idaho’s Natural Resources Quiz b. Carbon, sun, water, oil
c. Oil, coal, natural gas
Read each question and circle the correct answer. d. Water, wind, sun

1. What is a resource that can be easily replaced? 8. Plants, water, solar (sunlight) energy are examples of
a. Renewable resource what kind of resources?
b. Non-renewable resource a. Renewable resources
b. Nonrenewable resources
2. What is a resource that cannot be easily replaced? c. Soil and land
a. Non-renewable resource
b. Renewable resource 9. Preserving and protecting the natural environment is
called ___________.
3. ____________________ is any useful material found in nature. a. Science
a. Natural resource b. Conservation
b. Human resource c. Sustainability
c. Capital resource
10. Which of the following resources is renewable?
4. Diamonds and other minerals are a __________________. a. Coal
a. Non-renewable resource b. Petroleum
b. Renewable resource c. Trees
c. Resource d. Natural gas

5. _______________ take millions of years to form. 11. Which of these is a nonrenewable resources?
a. Fossil fuels a. Plants
b. Renewable resources b. Water
c. Animals
6. The following resources are classified as a renewable d. Natural gas
resource except _________________________.
a. Coal 12. Animals are what type of resource?
b. Wind a. Renewable resources
c. Solar (sunlight) b. Nonrenewable resources
d. Water
13. Rivers are which type of alternative energy? 19. Energy from the sun is known as __________________.
a. Wind a. Hydroelectric energy
b. Solar b. Geothermal energy
c. Hydroelectric (Hydro means water) c. Solar energy
d. Geothermal d. Wind energy

14. The Jones family cares about the environment. They run 20. Why are trees a natural resource?
their dishwasher only when it us full. Which of the a. The leaves are green
following best explains why they do this? b. We use them to make paper, lumber, and other
a. To conserve water products
b. To save money c. They are beautiful
c. To recycle dish soap d. They grow back after they are cut down
d. To reduce sewage

15. Nonrenewable resources can be used up. Once they are

gone, there will be no more.
a. True
b. False

16. Metals, oils, and natural gas are nonrenewable resources.

One day they could all be used up.
a. True
b. False

17. We dig metal out of the Earth to make steel for buildings,
cars and buses. Metal is a nonrenewable resource.
a. True
b. False

18. We call oil, coal, and natural gas fossil fuels because they
are made from dead organisms that died a long time ago.
a. True
b. False
Answer Key

1. a
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. b
10. b
11. d
12. a
13. c
14. a
15. a
16. a
17. a
18. a
19. c
20. b

(Summary is attached to the assignment submission)

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