Week 21 Newsletter

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Year 3/4, Week 21 News

What’s Happening This Week

• Monday 11th February DAY 5 Montenegrin, Art
• Tuesday 12th February DAY 6 Montenegrin, Music
• Wednesday 13th February DAY 1 Montenegrin , Library (Early Dismal)
• Thursday 14th February DAY 2 Mother Tongue, P.E.
• Friday 15th February DAY 3 ART, Montenegrin

Starting to See More Sunny Days!

Important notices:

• Most permission forms have been received for our overnight stay in Lovcen for
Discovery Week. Please do not forget to send in the 35euros. It is only a couple
weeks away now.

Last week in Maths, we enjoyed the sunshine at school and started making simple
maps of our school grounds. We discussed the many purposes of maps and key
vocabulary (perspective, symbols, keys, compasses and scales). Please take notice
of any maps you might see within our local area and their purpose.

Many of the children have also brought in their family trees. This project has driven a
lot of conversation. They have been sharing where members of their family have lived
and making many connections with family names. Thank you greatly for all the
assistance you gave your child/children with these projects!

This week I would like to send home the children’s Identity Boxes, small clay pieces
and any other objects brought in from home for previous units (model buildings, art,
etc.). Some of the children may need a little help carrying their things. If you are
collecting your child from school and have the time and space to assist them then
please come into the classroom after dismissal.

Kind regards, Miss Katrina.

Home Learning

• Spelling: Year 3 Focus (Long e sound ‘ee’ / ‘ea’ )

Year 4 Focus (Long o sound ‘ow’, 'oa', ‘o_e’)

MUST DO: All ‘spelling / vocabulary’ activities in homework folder.

OPTIONAL EXTRA: Spelling City - Week 21 Spelling assignment tasks.
Spelling test will be on MONDAYS.

• Reading (20 minutes daily):

1. Read at least 5 times a week for approximately 20 minutes.
***Record reading in Reading Log, write a reflection sentence and ask adult
to sign.

Week 21* Complete 2 or more assignments on Raz Kids (read book + quiz).
*Always look for Assessment / Flight Check reading

• Maths (10-15minutes daily):

1. Study Ladder: All activities in ‘Set Tasks’ under the sub-heading “HOMEWORK”.
*Study Ladder helps students revise and consolidate concepts already taught.

Unit of Inquiry: ‘Family Tree’

• Research members of your family from different generations

to complete a family tree.

• On a map, identify the locations where members of your

family have settled throughout time and why.

Due: 11 February “COMPLETED’

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