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Valenzuela, Erin Trillium Woods ES AT Mrs.

Ma FDK 1


October 2017
Curriculum Area: Language Provocation “Alphabet Snowflake” Date: December 8, 2017

Valenzuela, Erin Trillium Woods ES AT Mrs. Ma FDK 2

Overall Expectations: 11: demonstrate an understanding and critical awareness of a variety of
written materials that are read by and with their educators

Specific Expectations: 11.8: demonstrate knowledge of most letters of the alphabet in different
Learning Goals:
Today we are learning to recognize and label letters in the alphabet.
Date: December 8, 2017 Task: Letter Identification – Snowflake

Student Name Participated Letters Recognized

Success Criteria: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

We are successful when we can identify letters from the alphabet.


Teacher Questions/Prompts:
This is a provocation I will put out for students when I return from planning time. I will “hide” the
letters from A to Z and encourage students to look around the classroom to find letters. I could say “I
spy with my little eye, the letter A” or when the students bring me a letter they have found, I could say,
“tell me which letter you have found”.

CianAssessment :
Mode – This activity could be assessment of learning as I observe how the students are learning and
whether or not the students are able to label the letters they find. I will stay at the table and have
Ella students bring me the letters they find and then I will place them in another area for the next students
to find.
Strategy – I will talk with the students about the letters in the alphabet and as they bring me the
Ethanletters they find I will prompt them to identify the letter or the sound it makes.

Evan Tool – I will use a checkbric system to identify the letters the students know.
Materials required:
-26 snowflakes with upper and lower case letters listed on them
-checkbric to track letter knowledge
Possible learning experiences:
Students will build on knowledge and understanding of both upper and lower case letters. They may
also extend this to combine letters they find to make popcorn words like “it”, “is”, or “the” depending
on the letters they find around the classroom.
Pierce Next steps & extensions:
Next steps include exploring letters in other areas of the classroom such as on the word wall or
through activities such as alphabet puzzles.
MINDS ON (11:00-11:05am)
I will greet the students as they arrive at the table during play and inquiry.
Skylar“Hello boys and girls. I have hidden the letters of the alphabet around the classroom and I need you to
help me find them. All of the letters from A to Z are written on snowflakes waiting to be found. Do you
think you can help me find them?”
-I expect the students will be eager to help me find the letters. October 2017
“Great! Today when you have found letters, please bring them back to me and tell me which letters
you have found. I cannot wait to hear which letters you discover!”
Valenzuela, Erin Trillium Woods ES AT Mrs. Ma FDK 3



October 2017

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