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Faculty of Computers and Information

Course Code: BSC 125 Course Title: Physics I

Dr/ Ahmad Taher

Assignment 6

1. How much charge is represented by 4,600 electrons?

2. Calculate the amount of charge represented by four million protons.

3. The total charge entering a terminal is given by q 5t sin 4t mc . Calculate the current at t= 0.5s.

4. Determine the total charge entering a terminal between t = 1 s and t = 2 s if the current passing
the terminal is i 3t 2 t A

5. Find the charge q(t) flowing through a device if the current is:

6. The charge entering a certain element is shown in Fig. 1. Find the current at:
a) t = 1 ms
b) t = 6 ms
c) t = 10 ms

Figure 1 for Problem 6

7. The charge flowing in a wire is plotted in Fig. 2. Sketch the corresponding current.

Figure 2 for Problem 7

8. The current flowing past a point in a device is shown in Fig. 3. Calculate the total charge
through the point.

Figure 3 for Problem 8

9. The current through an element is shown in Fig. 4. Determine the total charge that passed
through the element at:

(a) t= 1 s
(b) t= 3 s
(c) t = 5 s

Figure 4 for Problem 9

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