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- El verbo to be significa ser o estar.

- Cambia según el sujeto

- Siempre debe tener un sujeto

- Cambia para el pasado

- Algunas veces tiene otros significados en español

(tener o hacer)

- La forma negativa es con not después del verbo

I. Escribe el pronombre personal que corresponde según la oración que está a un

1. _______ play tennis. Yo juego al tenis

2. _______ are French. Tú eres francés
3. _______ have a car. Nosotros tenemos un coche
4. _______ is blond. Ella es rubia
5. _______ go to the movies. Ustedes van al cine
6. _______ study English. Yo estudio inglés
7. _______ speak Italian. Ellos hablan italiano
8. _______ watch TV. Nosotros vemos la tele
9. _______ are students. Vosotros sois estudiantes
10. _______ plays football. Él juega al fútbol

II. Escribe el verbo “to be” que corresponde según el sujeto que está escrito.

1. Your father: _________

2. María: _________
3. Cecilia and me: _________
4. Peter, John and Mario: _________
5. The dogs: _________
6. Horses: _________
7. Ralph and me: _________

Hi, my name’s Luisa Reyes. I’m from Chile and I live in Valdivia. I’m eighteen years old. I’m a
student at Inacap Institute. My favorite subject is Spanish. My favorite sport is volleyball. There
are six people in my family. My father is a teacher and my mother is a doctor. I would like to
be a teacher but I don´t have patience. My hobby is running.

I don’t like playing football. My favorite food is hamburger. My favorite drink is orange juice.
My favorite day of the week is Wednesday because I go to the cinema. I like action movies. My
favorite month is September because it is my birthday. My favorite singer is Ricardo Arjona.
My favorite place is the mall. I like it because I can buy things.

I’m small and slim, I have green brown eyes, brown hair and small nose. I am an active and
happy person.

• We are studying English at University. We are not wasting our time

• I am not joking. I’m serious.
• Carlos and Miguel are talking about a TV show. They aren’t paying attention.
• María Paz was my friend. Now she’s my enemy.
• Where is the cat? It’s eating.
• This year will be my best year. I promise.

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