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1A A biota from rest and ater aetng along a sraight path a distance of 20” reaches f 30 km/h, Determine his acsleraton if ts conan, Als, how ong docs it ake to reach he speed of 50 keh 12-2, A carstarts from rest and reaches a speed of 80 fus after traveling 500 ft along a straight road. Determine its ‘constant acceleration and the time of travel 12-3. A baseball is thrown downward from a SO-ft tower with an initial speed of 18 fs. Determine the speed at which it hits the ground and the time of travel. n= some + a0 wavte2a 9 35" = 04 2400-0) ume ae asa 0+ 1740 Wed eten a (0 = 0+ 24 (500-0) w= 0+ 6a tense “ane Wade aqenn af = an + 2¢22900- Yess sn Am rene sae 8+ 32200 *12-4. A particle travels along a straight line such that in 2 sit moves from an initial position s4 = +0.5 m toa Position s» = ~1.5 m. Then in another 4' it moves from nape Sa t0 sc = 425m. Determine the particle's average 7! @wlacieet(se~ 4) = 2m velocity and average speed during the 6 time interval. hed due ead (05 + 15+ 154-25) « 6m ee ‘Tal ine eave 2 + 4) = 68 = 2 ver? 220mm kw wwednten fee 12-8. Traveling with an initial speed of 70 knvh, a car ee Accelerates at 6000 km/h along astraight road. How long 120-7 cary will it take to reach a speed of 120 knv/h? Also, through what distance does the car travel during this time? $4000 w= 308 nS Peds reann (12 = 1 + ae000)¢2-0) 5072 m= He a 126. A freight train travels at v= 60(1 — e*) fs, where 1 is the elapsed time in seconds. Determine the distance traveled in three seconds, and the acceleration a Sa os a an Beary Prob, 1246 an Oe = 29996 ane 12-7. The position of a particle along a straight line is given by s = (13 — 91? + 154) ft, where ¢ is in seconds. Determine its maximum acceleration and maximum velo- ty during the time interval 0 <1 = 10s, po +15 ds ap Hse liwsis a a ea aws Aryan = 6(10) ~ 18 Ans eae Coeur whe SUF — 1810) + 18= 1351s Ans *12-8. From approximately what floor ofa building must car be dropped from an at-rest position so that it reaches a speed of 80.7 fls (55 mifh) when it hits the ground? Each floor is 12 ft higher than the one below it, (Note: ‘You may want to remember this when traveling 55 mish.) GY Pa +2et— a 897" =0+202.2)¢-0) #10113 f W113 _ 5 45 ‘ot oon = 1 ‘The car ust be dropped from the th oor. Ans 12.9. A car is to be hoisted by elevator to the fourth floor of a parking garage, which is 48 ft above the ground, If the elevator can accelerate at 0.6 fUs, decelerate at 0.3 fils, and reach a maximum speed of 8 fs, determine the shortest time to make the lift, starting from rest and fending at rest. tte Fee iP + Dates) +2061 —0) Bay $200.38 = 9) = 0) 2y ~ 06148 ~ ») 382 fs < 8 Ws 160 tae = 12-10, A particle travels in a straight line such that for a short time 28 165 its motion is described by v= (4/a) ft/s, where a is in fY/s?. It » = 6 fk/s when ', determine the particle's acceleration when ¢ = 3s. -weare Pa arem [Att = 36 chosing te pete rot + x oem? ans I2AL The acceleration of a particle as it moves along 8 straight line is given by a = (2r ~ 1) my/s?, where ¢is in seconds Ifs = 1 mand v = 2 m/s whens = 0, determine the particle's velocity and position when 1 = 6s. Also, ee determine the total distance the particle travels during this time period. faefiarnne Mare fie-eene pelea }teaes vesams au forrs am da er-i= 66m Aa 12.12. When a train is traveling along a straight track at 2 mus, it begins to accelerate at a = (60) m/s', where vis in m/s, Determine its velocity ¥ and the position 3s after the acceleration Prob, 12-12, 12-13, ‘The position of a particle along a straight line is siven by s = (15° ~ 1357 + 2251) ft, where ¢ is ‘seconds. Determine the position of the particle when t = 65 and the total distance it travels during the 6-3 time interval. Hint Plot the path to determine the total distance traveled. ‘Postion Tse posion ofthe parce when = 648 Fagg *15(6) ~18.5(61) 422.5(6 82708 Ane ‘Total Distance Trav led: The voc of the pace cn be deeined by wppting By. 12—1. 4.50 -27.04225 ‘The tines when he pari stops are 4302-2700022.5=0 fal wd teSe ‘The positon of te paricieatr= 0s, Le 1085 #6 aay #1.5(08)~13 (0) +22.5(0)=0 day #13()-135(18) 422501) «1058 15(3)-135(s') 22515-3750 From the pais's path, he wa dtr is Ao: * 10.54.4804 105469.08 Ane wO) vatsme=3930 fos arn odo OT st SHER SH 50 Suohe L165 tees ho tals 2-14. The position of a particle on a straight line is given by s= (0 — 9+ 189 ft, where is the position of the particle when listance it travels during the 6-8 time interv Hint: Plot the path to determine the total distance traveled. IZAS. A particle travels to the right along a straight line with a velocity » = [5/(4 + s)] m/s, where sis in meters Determine its position whens = 6 sifs = 5 mwhens = 0, *IZ16. A particle travels to the right along a straight line with a velocity v = [5/(4 + s)} m/s, where s is in meters. Determine its deceleration when 5 seh -9P +18 ye0 when te sandinSs ta, s00 rely s278 taSu east tabu a-1f Am sp2T47425¢@5-10) 6468 Ame | Sarna ise seas? 08654 wate se aoe ns0 Saving forte pekive rot pate kw sae wa wales 2 12-17. Two particles A and B start from rest atthe origin 5 =O and move along a straight line such that a4 = (6? — 3) fils? and ag = (121? — 8) fuS*, where ¢ is in seconds. Determine the distance between them when 1 = 4 s and the total distance each has traveled in r s Velocity: The velocity of particles A and B can be determine using Eq 122 dey sand [feu [oo yada ‘The times when particle 4 stops are 32 -5=0 r= Osan = ‘The times when particle B stops are 48-120 = 0sandr= vie Postion: The position of panicles 4 and B can be detenmine using Bq. 121. sy = vad [ane [or—aoar 3 dsp = bpd tue fae wn Bae Tsand 4s are 0.500 5y=-80R S=0 tevis ta0s Particle A has traveled dy =205)+40.0= 41.080 Ans ‘The postions of panicle # sts = V3s and 4s are BY ASB m= 4 elas saline =) — 407? = 192-8 Particle B has travel dy =24)+ 192 =200 f Ans ALE = 45. the distance botween A and 2 is Asyp = 192 40= 15241 Ans 32-18. A car starts from rest and moves along a straight, line with an acceleration of a = (3s""9) m/s*, where s is in meters. Determine the car's acceleration when t= 4 5. shies Qapt=2e=26m hgg = 302.6275 = 1,06 /s? Ane 12:19. A stone A is dropped from rest down a wel, and 1 in 1 another stone B is dropped trom rest, Determine steeatniefa? the distance between the stones another second later. n.2020¢ Jeane neman tenor 0s donne? nie aon ete s61e ae "12-20, A stone A is dropped from rest down a well, and | in 1's another stone B is dropped from rest. Determine | the time interval between the instant A strikes the water | and the instant B strikes the water. Also, at what speed | 1 cropped one second er A, 3 at do they srke the water? arte km shasmonsedee t= 0404 taaayey tera sbeensas y= 0+ m2a2291) vaTaen ame Aa, u Vee ge f= oF + 2682.29 vemsae Ane 12.21. A particle travels in a straight line with sone accelerated motion such that a = ks, where s is the ats va tance from the starting point and k isa proportionality, too constant which is to be determined. For s = 2t the tM stem Siva velocity is 4 us, and for s = 35 ft the velocity is 10 fus. What is s when » = 02 Sar=35% ye 10%, Tank * -1018 = 10264 ane Wren = 0 vena 12-22, The acceleration of a rocket traveling upward is given by a= (6 + 0.02s) m/s*, where 5 is in meters Determine the rocket’s velocity when s = 2 km and the time needed to reach this altitude. Initially, » = 0 and = 0 when t = 0, [ravamnes fra sesame = woe = 2000 vemms A : Igoe MTOR + 11+ sar= 200m a3 an 12-23, The acceleration of a rocket traveling upward is given by a= (6 + 002s) m/s’, where s is in meters. Determine the time needed for the rocket to reach an altitude of s = 100m. Initially, © = 0 and s = 0 when r=. ve rome fave a Jaren "1224 At r= 0 bullet A is fired vertically with an initial (muzzle) velocity of 450 m/s. When 1 = 3, bullet B is fired upward with a muzzle velocity of 600 mis. Determine the time f, after A is fired, as to when bullet B passes bullet A. At what altitude does this occur? "12-25. A particle moves along a straight line with an acceleration of a= $/(3s" + 3°) m/s, where s is in ‘meters, Determine the particle's velocity when ¢ = 2m, i it starts from rest when $= 1 m. Use Simpson's rule to evaluate the integral 1226, Ball A is released from rest at a height of 40 ft at the same time that a second ball B is thrown upward ' ft from the ground. Ifthe balls pass one another at a height of 20 ft, determine the speed at which ball B was thrown upward, PT = de #8 +hae pewor etre oom? staal jae fy = 0+ OME 3) + HeBEME-37 Rogues, = * 4s01~ 49087 = 6004 1800 ~ 49051 + 29491 - 64145 se au wa adavav Sarah asstely vel2om/s Ane reat Dem teereda? meosorgorn? Den teatede? se o+eyc1aido e fos2ay L146? bess am a 912-27. A projectile, initially at the origin, moves vertically downward along a straight-line path through a vases” fluid medium such that its velocity is defined as v= 3(8e" +1)! m/s, where £ is in seconds. Plot the Position s of the projectile during the fist 2 s. Use the sng He Rasee-Kona neo Runge-Kutta method to evaluate s with incremental values of h = 0.25 5. "12:28 The acceleration of a particle along a straight line is defined by a = (2¢ ~ 9) m/s, where risin seconds. At r= 0, s=1m and v= 10m/s, When 1 = 95, ‘determine (a) the particle's position, (b) the total distance traveled, and (c) the velocity anm-9 na vetoe P91 eel veh 91410 A. ashe [fare fe -s9 198 Je -ase sor se Paes? stored Note weeny = 097994100 fe 1286 and = 17018 Wat = 77014, 2 -3608m Womte9, re -m50m @ pe-msm Am 0) fg = (ADD #713 + 3665 + 3668 - 3050) tr =$60m me (@ y=wm Aw 1229. A particle is moving along a straight line such that when itis atthe origin ithasa velocity of 4 mys. Ifit begins to decelerate at the rate of a = (1.50!) m/s?, where v is in m/s, determine the distance it travels before it stops. ea-o98tan fae [a-ene' ae oseosast) a sucisevoune® enh (epee \ ona-a7e snes ta2ear © 42. 667)~1 502.667} +0,1875(2.667) 3.56 Ane 12,30. A particle moves along a straight line with an acceleration of a = 5/(3s43 + 5°) mst, where s is in meters. Determine the particle's velocity when s = 2m, if it starts from rest when s = 1m, Use Simpson's rule to evaluate the integral wa adsnvdv Seite 1 osssiely ye129mie Ane 12:31. Determine the time required for a car to travel 1 kn along a road ifthe car starts from rest, reaches a ‘maximum speed at some intermediate point, and then sops at the end of the road. The car can accelerate at 1.5/8? and decelerate at 2 m/s. lng format of conan: 1000-1384 = 2g - 8 weiss a= had ese On m 2h ee ee SM cota ei fetta nea seisd f= mas 34 = 276056 ene aman kw 12-32, When two cars A and B are next to one another, they are traveling in the same direction with speeds v4 and vg, respectively. If B maintains its constant speed, while A begins to decelerate at a, determine the distance d between the cars at the instant A stops. Motion ech veya Oem -at wevberqe-s) Om rh -aNe4-) aah aa, eon 08 APs] 12.3. If the effects of atmospheric resistance are [accounted for, freely falling body has an acceleration defined by the equation a ~ 98i[1 ~ v*(10-*)} m/s*, ‘where vis in m/s and the postive direction is downward. tthe body is released from rest ata very high atiude, determine (a) the velodty when = 5 sand (b) the body's terminal or maximum attainable velocity (as > =) w eeSean(i 200) [pte fener © mG + )=(.si(107)) @ [ esaico): = toounk(9.81(10%)¢9) = 100 wah(0 4005) =48.Sm/s Ame ©) From, @, wit, y= 100m == 100m/s Ane 12-34, As a body is projected to a high altitude above the earth's surface, the variation of the acceleration of gravity with respect to altitude y must be taken into Srcount, Neglecting air resistance, this acceleration is Gerermined from the formula a= ~gli@/(R + yF) sehere go isthe constant gravitational acceleration at sea evel, Ris the radius of the earth, and the positive rection is measured upward. If gy = 9.81 m/s? and R = 16356 km, determine the minimum initial velocity (escape Velocity) at which a projectile should be shot vertically Trom the earth’s surface so that it does not fall back to the earth, Hin: This requires that = 03s y > ®. ve ne tt (in be we a of at a0! olla MGS) 7" sofn( 0222) mi] =o. When 1258, uae, oo om 22667 i 10047=266.7-2.6679 166.7 va WBZ aas.smre Ame = VIS RTETHTOP 11167 mem 12k Ane 12.35, Accounting for the variation of acceleration a with respect to altitude y (see Prob. 12-34), Serive an equation that relates the velocity of a freely falling particle to its altitude, Assume that the particle is released from rest at an altitude y from the earth’s Surface. With what velocity does the particle strike the ‘earth fit is released from rest at an altitude yo = 500 km? Use the numerical data in Prob. 12-34 From Prob, 12-34, on ee -aghe OD ss -aghs Sine gay = va en "42.36, When a partic falls Ubrough the a its initial fccceration a= diminishes until it is zero, and thereafter it falls ata constant of terminal velocity 1. It this variation ofthe acceleration canbe expressed as @ GiedNer~ v?). determine the time needed for the Serocity to become v < 0. Initially the particle falls trom When yy = S00 km, y= 0, €386(10'y|_ OOOO Bsesse+ soo; v= -2016 m/s 3.02 km/s Ane 1237. An airplane starts (rom rest, travels 5000 ft down a runway, and after uniform acceleration, takes off with ‘a speed of 162 mi/h. It then climbs ina straight line with ‘uniform acceleration of 3 ft/s® until it reaches a constant speed of 220 mi/h. Draw the s-1, vf, and a+ graphs that describe the motion. nao tim sm ve Cae Weds 2atn—4) eno? = 6 + xqs0-0) sd = seis . sue nena eo ans = 0+ sass 4 tapes wth, wm UN S008 ean vs = 205 goat m a Bed s2e-a care tay cen? = a9" + 218 500, es) p= nsaue as wentat : +0 mae + 276431 ae 70k tats 12,38. The clevator starts from rest atthe first floor of the building. It can accelerate at 5fy/s? and then | decelerate at 2 ft/s’. Determine the shortest time it takes toreach a floor 40 ft above the ground. The elevator starts ‘from rest and then stops. Draw the a-, »-,and s-t graphs for the motion. 408 Henan 0455 stensar = mu = 25 = Oy, stay en nts ted bn 002 Lene) « 259 TO be OF aah HOVE Tavis aae-a9 a an = 0+ 25KK-0) the 108 Om wha + H-2KH0-m) Wa = 10-48 To, 10h 160-0 Aa naon Yan = 1008 te per 4 = 53450 pen ey tate a ye) vate toa: 1239, A freight train starts from rest and travels with 8 constant acceleration of O5 ft/s? After a time fit ‘maintains a constant speed so that when ¢ = 160 sit has traveled 2000 ft, Determine the time and draw the ‘raph for the motion, ‘Total Distance Traveled : Toe dstence for prone ofthe motion can be ‘lad to tenet =” by aplyng By, 12—5 wih = and ty =O. o a sn s0soehaso?=oase? 1 ptoyredae “The veloc atte canbe obuine by aplying Bq 124 with Up =0. (A) vavtqreoraseose a) “Te tine fo te seoond stage of motion t= 1601 and he nin teeing contunt velokyof 0 = 057 (By 1). Ths, te distance ox this pat of motion is (3) avg 205¢060-1 =0¢-05007 etal anc tree fq," 2000, en eel 2000 = 02561774 807 -05(09? 025(¢)'~$0r'+2000=0 (Chote rotates han 1605, ten fanstser3s Ane ‘0-4 Graph : The eatin fo te veloc i given by (1), When t= 2734s,9 8050730 = 137 12-40, If the position of a particle is defined by = [2sin (7/5) + 4) m, where ris in seconds, construct the s-t:o-4,and ant graphs for 0-=¢= 108 sunk > Peashe 12-41, The v-t graph for a particle moving through an electric field from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure. The acceleration and deceleration that occur are consiant and both have a magnitude of 4 m/s. Ifthe plates are spaced 200 mm apart, determine the maximum velocity tqux and the time r for the particle to travel from one plate to the other. Also draw the 5-1 graph. When ¢ = 1/2 the particle is at s = 100 mm. ante = 0mm = o1m 3 Ved +2q0-5) = 0+ 2401-0) vn = 089402 0/4 Ame feaumte am Poor, peor os ha! 12-42, The 1+ graph for a particle moving through an electric field from one plate to another has the shape shown in the figure, where 1’ = 0.2 and tay = 10 m/s. Draw the s+ and a-t graphs for the particle. When 1 = 1°72 the particle is at 5 = 0.5m, b$—$Snu—< ’ @ Reocre ole ane ata) Frae= fore lee sa 98 mei en t= Ot 100 pa 05m Reais craze am) v= 1001+ 20 ' a= f -10 est a oreo [oj e= Sf, cory aoe 2-05 = (50 + 201-15) be -08 +001 tee 12-48, ‘The as graph fora ep traveling alongastaight | food igen fore fist 20 of ts mation Contract oo) | | the vs graph. At s = 0,0 = = (002146) mie? 1-8 Graph : Tue funcion of voy v intems of can be obne by seplyag Uo = ar Forte interval 0 m <1 <200 m, ny [lose oats o=(0n me ew200m,———v=0100(200)=200m/6 Fert ineval200 mcr 300 m, | do ate Sindee [shir 9=( JHOGFTTE=T) als Ms=300m, vm y=DORSOOT TSO TDG = 24.5 mle ‘1244 A motorcycle starts from rest at s = 0 and travels along a straight road with the speed shown by the v-t graph. Determine the motoreycle’s acceleration and position when! = 8s ands = 12s, ane foe 0 fein +c-m9 <0 same a st ve ts ase are fre 0 = Lays) + 0-945) + Las-r0x5 - S292 5-0 = Fens) + 10-99 + Jus-10n9 - Feo 1245, An airplane lands on the straight runway originally traveling at 110 fi/s when s = 0. If itis subjected to the (Cara shad of xB. ieee S22 5t-02 12-54. A two-stage rocket is fired vertically from rest at s=0 with an acceleration as shown, After 30 s the first stage A burns out and the second stage B ignites. Plot the v-1 and s~1 graphs which describe the motion of the second stage for 0.< 1 < 60 s. For <1 < 30s =0.00333") When [[4e= [ome = 900083344 05, ve 90 mis When 1 =308, 5 = 675m For 0551 < 60s [n= [os 15 —360 When t= 608. [or= [los soe £752 — 3600 +4725 540 mis When t= 60s, ¢= 10125 m > & fo Le 1sr=30 1s) sn) y= 7512-36014 4725, 10,128 ors ti 1.008334 "12-58. The a-s graph for @ boat moving along a straight path is given. If the boat starts at s = 0 when v =O, determine its speed when it is at s = 75 ft, and 125 ff, respectively. Use Simpson’s rule with » = 100 to evaluate v at 5 = 125 ft Velocity: The velocity v in terms of s ean be obtained by applying ‘ads. For the interval 0 ft ¢s < 100 (WR) ts JOST 274 fe Ans Avs 1008, y= YTOTOOT 31.62 fs Ans For the interval 100 ft <5 = 128 ft, edu = ads Lesnar [Eo tere - 10" ]a0 actus) a Evaluating tho integal on the right using Simpson's rae, we have 2888.53 = 823 fs Ans "12-86. The jet plane starts from rest at s = 0 and is subjected to the acceleration shown. Determine the speed of the plane when it has traveled 200 ft Also, how much time is required for it to travel 200 ft? cats?) . sit on 75-015 [fede Slas-o1syar vs O=Oe ats = 2008, = VOGT = OTRO = 15500 Aas pee de 0 Tir ose = 2582 wat eye a9 Ans ie traveling song Theo gph of car wilt : i ‘had eshown Drow he tande-tgapio ore mon 19) a2 Peat alms Ay 20-20 $51520 ante OP og 4 ostss Ay _ 0-20 sts ae ER aaa Fromitev-rerphat h =Ss, m= 20s, and» =30, 5 (920) =50m 4s i ase 228A hy =5042000-5) 350m . eA sh thy = 3804130~-2900 «480m ‘Tee equations defining te portions of he +t gph ae OSSSE vets dave [dem fluids nae Ur — RSH y82G0-9; deevd [del 200- pd ener e50 12.58 A motorcyclist at A is traveling at 60 ft/s when hhe wishes to pass the truck T which is traveling at @ REastant speed of 60 ft/s To do so the motorcyclist Seeeterates at 6 fi/? until reaching a maximum speed of is /s ithe then maintains this speed, determine the time ected for him to reach a point located 100 fin front of the track, Draw the v-t and s-f graphs for the motorcycle

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