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Introduction pg. 9

Figures and Charts pg. 11

- Comparative chart of executions 2006-2007

- Statistical view of human rights violations in Iran

Facts pg. 13

I. Systematic violations of the right to life pg. 15

- Executions pg. 17
- Death sentences pg. 33
- Stoning and stoning sentences pg. 46

II. Inhumane treatment and cruel punishments pg. 49

- Amputations pg. 51
- Flogging pg. 53
- Humiliating treatment of youths pg. 58

III. Arbitrary arrests pg. 61

- Summoning pg. 63
- Political arrests pg. 75
- Social arrests pg. 92

IV. Prison pg. 105

- Political prisoners pg. 107
- Prison conditions pg. 118

V. Suppression of religious and ethnic minorities pg. 135

VI. Suppression of protests pg. 151

Appendices pg. 159

- List of executions in 2007

- List of political arrests in 2007
- List of political prisoners in Iran




One of the most frequently seen images in Iran over the past year, was the scene of young men
wearing loose pants and slippers, with their feet chained, walking to the square. A thick, blue
noose placed around their neck, and only moments after, they're up, hanging in the air and their
pants blowing with the wind.

Talented photographers have shot hundreds of startling pictures of these scenes, mostly zooming
on their feet, some times two, some times four, ten or even twenty in a row, not bothering that
these pairs of feet used to belong to persons who walked alive just a few minutes before.

And so, 404 persons, mostly young men between 20 and 30 years of age, were victims of such
executions in 2007 in Iran. This shows a clear increase compared to the number of executions in
2006. It does not take into account at least 1256 counts of death sentences issued by various
court branches; neither does it count for those executions that are not published in the press, and
are carried out in secret. It does include however, five women, and five men who were under 18
years of age at the time of committing the crime for which they were executed.

Another shocking image of Iran last year was the image of young women and men brutalized and
bloodied by the State Security Force on the street or at home at midnight. In these so-called
campaigns to right the wrong, thousands of people have been arrested, imprisoned and some
times executed. We registered 727,933 arrests made during such campaigns, but again, this
should be considered the minimum because not all arrests are reported in the press and not
always do the agencies in charge announce them.

Parallel to these developments are the medieval punishments like stoning, cutting of hands and
feet, flogging, throwing off heights, and the humiliating practice of dressing the "mischievous"
youths like a clown and taking them round the streets to set a lesson for others.

Another major and ongoing event in Iran is the summoning and subsequent arrest of women,
students, workers and teacher activists and those who dare to demand and practice their basic
human rights. Again, the numbers we have registered should be considered incomplete and the

So, the book you have in hand is only a selective, however shocking, compilation of facts and
figures that give you a glimpse of the dreadful situation of human rights in Iran. It is an effort to
draw attention to the tragedy that jeopardizes the lives of millions of people right at this moment
and needs to be brought to end, urgently and immediately.




Figures & Charts



‐  2007 


Comparative chart of executions in Iran







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2006 13 16 9 18 11 27 14 19 28 7 42 41
2007 34 11 11 28 47 31 39 38 45 56 34 30










Systematic Violations

of the Right to Life




  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Executed for believing in another religion
A man identified as Mohammad Daroozi was publicly
hanged along with two other men from Yasouj City.
Mr. Mohammad Daroozi, 45, from Dehdasht Village and
known as Mohammad Khan was severely bludgeoned in
Gatchsaran Prison the night before his execution for
refusing to repent and convert to Islam. (Peyk-e Iran – Jan.
24, 2007)

20 year old boy executed

A 20-year-old man by the name of Arash was executed in Isfahan Prison on Tuesday,
January 16. (Hambastegi Melli – Jan. 18, 2007)

Three youths hanged in public and prison

Three of the leaders of a gang known as ‘Violent West’ were hanged in Noor City in
Mazandaran. The three young men were convicted of abduction and armed robbery
and were sentenced to death. The death penalties were carried out on January 14.
(Radio Farda – Jan. 15, 2007)

Hanging in Tonekabon
A man was publicly hanged in Tonekabon, Mazandaran Province, for killing a police
agent. The man was identified as Mehdi Soosan Bahari. (Peyk-e Iran – Jan. 10, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Minor executed
A Kurdish boy, 22, was hanged in the Central Prison of Sanandaj.
Naser Batmani was arrested and imprisoned five years ago at the time of the crime.
(Human Rights Defense Organization of Kurdistan – Jan. 2, 2007)


Political prisoner dies in prison

A political prisoner, Firooz Kheradmand, was slain on May 17, 2007, under severe torture
by agents of Qodusi Prison in Gatchsaran, in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province,
after served nine years of his sentence. He had been arrested during the February 1998
anti-government protest in Gatchsaran and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for
acting against national security and participating in big gatherings. (Roshangari website
– Feb. 27, 2007)

Cleric's mother tortured to death

The European office of Ayatollah Kazemini Boroujerdi issued a statement on February
17, announcing that Mrs. Zahra Saadat Boroujerdi, the mother of Seyed Hossein
Kazemini Boroujerdi, had died after weeks of torture in Evin Prison. She had been
interrogated and severely tortured for four weeks along with the rest of her family, just
for being related to Ayatollah Boroujerdi. (Iran Press News – Feb. 19, 2007)

Young man executed in Zahedan

Nasrollah Shanbeh Zehi, son of Faqir Mohammad, was publicly
hanged in Zahedan on the charge of killing four State Security
agents in the bombings occurred in Bozorgmehr Boulevard.
(Baztab website – Feb. 19, 2007)

Four hanged in Evin Prison

Four men were hanged in Evin Prison on February 12. The four
men were Najmoddin, 24, Behrouz, 27, Mohammad and Reza. (Fars news agency – Feb.
12, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life


Kurdish youth dies under torture

Shahu Fatehi from Kamiz District of Sanandaj, who had just received his Bachelors
degree and finished his term in the army, was abducted 50 days ago from his residence
by unknown people. Since that day, his family had been constantly referring to the
intelligence department without receiving any clear answer on whereabouts of their
son. After several times, they were told to leave and that they would be informed of any
new information… Immediately afterwards, the family was told to go and collect their
son’s body.
Scars of torture could be seen all over Shahu’s body. His doctor said: “This youth was
killed yesterday, because he has been bleeding until now.” (Resistance supporters in Iran
– March 16, 2007)

Two men die under brutal torture

According to the People's Party of Balouchestan, security forces secretly killed two
innocent Balouchies under torture. The two had been arrested for having ties to the
bombings in Zahedan. (Iran Press News – March 16, 2007)

Youth are victims of execution in mullahs’ regime

A 26-year-old man was publicly hanged in Ardebil. Another man,
Mehdi, 27, was sentenced to death in Tehran. (Hambastegi Melli –
March 2, 2007)


Prisoner, 25, killed in Sanandaj Prison

Prison wards severely bludgeoned a young prisoner and transferred him to solitary
confinement. He died in solitary confinement in suspicious conditions. The young man
was Ramyar Mokhtarzadeh, 25, from Sanandaj; he was sentenced to one year in prison.
(Human Rights Defense Organization of Kurdistan – April 27, 2007)

Three hanged in public

Three persons were hanged in public in Bandar Abbas. They were identified as Ainollah
G., 55, Abdulrahman N., 33, and Abulhassan Sh. (Hambastegi Melli – April 24, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Political activist hanged for opposing regime’s forces

Khaled Zarkandi was sentenced to five years imprisonment and death on the charge of
opposing the Islamic Republic's forces. His death penalty was carried out recently.
(Human Rights Defense Organization of Kurdistan – April 17, 2007)

46 year old man hanged to death

A man was hanged in the city of Manjil, in the northern
Province of Gilan. He was identified as Habib and was 46
years old. (Hambastegi Melli – April 16, 2007)

A man publicly hanged

A man was hanged in public in Golbaf City, Kerman.
Ramezan Ibrahimi was accused of engaging in armed
attacks. (Hambastegi Melli – April 13, 2007)


17 year old boy executed

The Islamic Republic hanged a 17 year old boy by the name of Saied Qanbar-zehi on
Sunday, May 27, in Zahedan Prison. He was convicted of cooperating with hooligans.
Saied was arrested after the bombings that took place last February in Ahwaz and
resulted in the deaths of a number of revolutionary guards. Others arrested included
Nasrollah Shanbeh-zehi who was hanged the next day in public.
Saied Qanbar-zehi and a number of others were badly tortured after arrest, just for being
related to Baluchi opponents of the regime. (Iran Press News – May, 28, 2007)

30 year old man hanged for clashing with regime’s agents

The mullahs’ regime hanged a 30 year old young man by crane in Prince Qasem Square
in Shiraz. He was left hanging in the air for 15 minutes.
The man was convicted of banditry and attacking regime’s
security forces, announced by Ahmad Siavash-pour, head of
the Ministry of Justice. (Association of Prisoners in Exile –
May 25, 2007)

Medieval execution by throwing off heights

The mullahs’ regime sentenced two young men to death by
throwing off heights. “With a majority of votes, the judges
sentenced Tayeb and Yazdan to death being thrown off a
height,” wrote IRNA.


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Based on another report, the Judicial System issued a death penalty for a 21 year old
youth in Sistan and Balouchestan. (Iran Press News – May 25, 2007)

15 hanged to death in Mashhad

Over the past week, the Islamic Republic hanged 15 persons in Mashhad.
"The Judiciary will deal decisively with those who create disorder. To this end, 15 were
hanged over the past week in Mashhad," said Qolam Hossein Ismaili, the regime's public
prosecutor in Mashhad. (Iran Press News – May 14, 2007)

Five executed in public in Kerman

The clerical regime publicly executed five persons in Ravar, Kerman. Kerman's public
prosecutor reported the execution of five thugs and drug traffickers and said: "These
criminals were active in drug trafficking gangs and were on record for numerous cases
of public disorder."
It is worth mentioning that over the past week, the mullahs' regime hanged two others
in Hormozgan Province and sentenced seven to death. (Hambastegi Melli – May 9,

30 year old woman hanged in Bandar Abbas Prison

The Islamic Republic hanged a woman in the central prison of Bandar Abbas on
Monday, May 7, for drug trafficking. The woman was Zahra Nazari and 30 years old.
Based on reliable information, 50 others are on the death row in the central prison of
Bandar Abbas and are waiting for their sentences to be upheld. (Iran Press News – May
9, 2007)


Four hanged in Bandar Abbas Prison

Four persons were hanged in Bandar Abbas Prison. The four were identified as Malek S.,
Javad S., 23, Qasem, 24, and Kavoos, 24.
They were arrested following an armed clash with the security forces at Faryab check
point in Roodan on December 20, 2005. They were hanged after the Supreme Court
upheld their sentences. (Hambastegi Melli – June 17, 2007)

Seven hanged in Tehran and Karaj

Seven persons were hanged in Tehran and Karaj.
Four of them were publicly hanged in Karaj. Their names
were Shakoor, 40, Mansour A., 30, Safdar Eskandari and
Seyed Shokrollah Hosseini.


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

The other three were hanged in Evin Prison and were identified as Muslim, 22,
Abdulreza, 27 and Reza, 30. (Hambastegi Melli – June 15, 2007)

Five executed in Evin Prison

Iran hanged two drug traffickers and three murderers in Tehran's Evin prison on
Thursday, June 14, 2007. (Emrooz newspaper – June 14, 2007)

20 year old youth executed

Mohammad Mousavi, who was 16 at the time of the crime, was convicted of murder. He
was recently executed at the age of 20. (Radio Farda – June 9, 2007)

Man hanged for apostasy

Based on information received from Evin Prison, a prisoner by the name of Mohammad
Jaberi was hanged in the prison's courtyard on May 11, 2007.
The Special Court for the Clergy sentenced Mohammad Jaberi (known by Safa Baba) to
death last year for apostasy. His daughter, Roqieh Jaberi, is presently in cellblock 3 of the
women's cell block. She is sentenced to five years in prison. (Iran Press News – June 1,


Iran executes 12 men

On Sunday, July 22, Iran hanged 12 criminals in
Tehran after they were convicted of rape, drug
trafficking and kidnapping, state media quoted
the city's chief prosecutor as saying.
Prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi said they had been
executed for committing several kidnappings,
dozens of rapes and trading and selling
hundreds of kilos of drugs.… (AFP - July 22, 2007)
[Among the 12 executed, two were political prisoners by the
names of Fazel Ramezani and Hajat Morad Mohammadi, who
were hanged under the pretext of thugs.]

Three youths hanged in Evin Prison

Three youths were hanged in Evin Prison. They were 23, 25 and
27 years old. The three were arrested on the charge of murder.
(Iran Press News – July 18, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Three publicly hanged in Tabriz

The mullahs’ regime hanged in public a female prisoner identified as Hurieh and two
male prisoners identified as Farhad and Reza in the northeastern city of Tabriz, mid-day,
July 14. (Iran Press News – July 14, 2007)

Public hanging in Shiraz

Navid Parham, a 22-year-old “thug” was publicly hanged in Darvazeh Kazeroon of Shiraz.
One midnight in one of the streets of Shiraz, the 22-year-old boy attacked 28-year-old
Hojatollah Shahbazi and injured him seriously…. The court subsequently ruled for
retribution and sentenced him to death. (Jomhouri newspaper – July 10, 2007)

23 year old boy executed

A thug, called the "Vulture of Isfahan", was hanged in the yard of the Central Prison of
Isfahan. Akbar A., 23, was sentenced to death for disrupting social security, disturbing
women and terrorizing families. (Fars news agency – July 7, 2007)


Man hanged in Ilam for participating in demonstration

On August 19, Hassan Jostoju, 40, was hanged in Ilam for participating in a
demonstration in September 2006. (Peyk-e Iran – Aug. 20, 2007)

Three hanged in Saveh

Three young men, who had been sentenced
to death in Saveh, were hanged on Sunday,
August 19, at 5 a.m. in a square near the
former Water Organization. The men were 24,
27 and 28 years old; two brothers and their
The three men were supposed to be hanged
on Monday, however, they were executed a day earlier for some unknown reason.
(Resistance supporters in Iran – Aug. 19, 2007)


Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Assassins of Judge Moqaddas hanged

Two young men convicted of murdering Hassan Moqaddas, Tehran’s deputy public
prosecutor and head of the Department of Guidance, were hanged in public at 9.40 a.m.
outside the Department of Guidance.
The two were Majid Kavoosifar, 28, and his nephew, Hossein Kavoosifar, 24. (Fars news
agency – Aug. 2, 2007)

Majid Kavoosifar Hossein Kavoosifar


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life


Three publicly hanged in Babol

On September 27, three convicted rapists were hanged in
public in Babol. The three men executed were Hadi G., single,
Mirshojah M. known by Ibrahim, married, and Hadi M., married
and a villager in Babol. They were convicted of raping 12 girls,
mostly students and were hanged in the presence of judicial
authorities in the Shohada ye Haft e Tir Stadium in Babol. (Fars
news agency – Sept. 27, 2007)

Four publicly hanged in Shiraz

German weekly, Stern, published an article entitled “death in dawn” on the executions of
four men in Shiraz. The article wrote: White thick nooses around the necks and hands
tied in the back are the ending moments of the lives of four men who were hanged last
Wednesday, September 12, in Shiraz. They were found guilty of resisting the
government. (German Stern weekly – Sept. 15, 2007)

Seven publicly hanged in Kerman

Seven convicted thugs and drug smugglers were publicly hanged this morning,
September 12 in Mahan [25 kilometers east of Kerman].
“These seven persons were hanged on charges of troublemaking and armed drug
trafficking,” said head of the Revolutionary and Public Court in Mahan to Fars news
agency reporters.
Ali Salari added: “The seven smugglers by the names of Ali Orang, Davood Talebi, Majid
Barzkar, Mohammad Bameri, Omar Bameri and Mehdi Pourshiek-ali were convicted of
drug trafficking and Majid Manaami was convicted of drug trafficking and participating
in a murder case." (Fars news agency – Sept. 12, 2007)

Fortuneteller executed in public

On Tuesday September 11, a fortuneteller by the name of Hossein-zadeh, 49, from Qom,
was publicly hanged by crane at 6.45 a.m. in Nobahar Street and in front of Zeinabieh
Mosque. (Resistance supporters in Iran – Sept. 12, 2007)

21 persons hanged in Mashhad and Shiraz

On September 5, 21 persons were hanged in Mashhad and Shiraz.
17 of these people were hanged before dawn in Mashhad, capital of Khorasan Razavi
Province. They were convicted of "corrupting the earth".
They were Masoumeh Aramideh, Rahandel Shiri, Gholam Hossein Saljouqi, Hossein
Gholami, Seyed Hossein Hosseini, Reza Davoodi, Mohsen Afshar Borji, Mohammad


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Borqani, Hassan Reza Saiedi, Ismail Khosh-kerdar, Sharafoddin Gol Majdi, Mahmoud
Hafezi-far, Mohammad Sarai, Javad Khayat-Azad
(known as Khayat-zadeh), Reza Jaafari-zadeh, Ali
Nederian-zou and Mohammad Saied Zabi-ollah
In addition, four others were hanged in public in
Darvazeh Saadi of Shiraz around 9 a.m. Their names
were Mohammad Q., Alireza B., Goz-Auv M. and
Abdulrassoul Q. and they were accused of being
thugs, of armed clashes with security forces and
disrupting public order. Their sentences were issued by the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz.
(INTV – Sept. 5, 2007)

Every week one is executed in Shiraz

Judge Najibi stated: Since the beginning of this year, an average of one or two criminals
have been hanged in Fars Province everyday. This shows the Judiciary's hard work in
dealing with those who disrupt public security and order. (ISNA – Sept. 4, 2007)

28 year old man executed

On Sunday, September 2, the clerical regime hanged Amir
Hossein Rooh-afza, 28, at 7:30 a.m., in front of Qarchak-e
Varamin’s Department of Justice, near the police station.
He was convicted of stabbing Javad Jafarpour, the judge of
the Department of Justice in Qarchak, on July 20, 2007. He
was hanged by crane in public. The place was surrounded
by scores of State Security forces, plain clothes agents and
anti-riot forces. The district’s Public Prosecutor personally
oversaw the execution. (ISNA – Sept. 2, 2007)

Amir Hossein Rooh-afza


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life


A thug executed in city center

On October 30, a thug convicted of rape was hanged in Farahan Square in Arak,” said
the head of the information center of the Social and Security Department of the State
Security Forces.
The convict was identified as Ahmad D. and from Arak. He was charged with several
cases of troublemaking, rape and other corrupt behavior. (IRNA – Oct. 31, 2007)

Two hanged in Zahedan, Bojnourd

Two persons were executed in Zahedan and Bojnourd and death sentences were issued
for two others in Tehran and North Khorasan provinces.
Jom-e’ Gomshad-zehi was hanged in the central prison of Zahedan
and the other person, identified as Rasool Tokhmtash, was hanged in
Bojnourd. (IRNA – Oct. 30, 2007)

Iran executes two drug traffickers

Iran executed two convicted drug-traffickers on Sunday October 28 in
the southern Kerman province, the Kayhan daily reported on Monday.
The two men, who were not identified, were found guilty of drug-
trafficking and killing an Iranian soldier in a clash last year. (AFP – Oct.
29, 2007)

Three hanged in prisons in Yazd Province

Three men were hanged on Saturday in prisons in Yazd Province, central Iran, state
media reported.
One of the men was hanged in a prison in the town of Ardekan, while the other two
men were hanged in a prison in the city of Yazd.
They were accused of drug trafficking. (IRNA – Oct. 25, 2007)

Man, 20, hanged in public

A 20 year old man identified as Hamed was publicly
hanged in Shiraz. (Hambastegi Melli– Oct. 25, 2007)

Five hanged in one day

Five people were hanged in Birjand, in Southern
Khorasan province, eastern Iran, state media reported
on Sunday.
They had been charged with drug smuggling. (Mehr
news agency – Oct. 22, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

10 hanged in Evin Prison

Judge Esmatollah Jaberi, Prosecutor in charge of implementing criminal verdicts in
Tehran, reported the execution and retribution by death of nine persons who were
sentenced to death. They were hanged in the yard of Evin Prison at 5.30 a.m. on
October 17.
One of the convicts was Fakhteh Samadi 24, (female) who was accused of murdering Dr.
Mohammad P., 80, in his house in Vali-asr Street. In the legal procedures, she had stated
that she was working as a nurse in the old man’s house and when the old man tried to
rape her, she hit him in the head with a metal rod… Fakhteh’s lawyer said Fakhteh was
executed despite orders by Shahrudi, head of the Judiciary, to halt her execution.
Among the 10 persons executed was an 18-year-old boy by the name of Amir Asgari.
One of the others hanged was Morteza R., 28. He had said that the murdered man by
the name of Sadrollah, 27, had given him 5000 cupboard handles to sell; however, since
he had not managed to sell them on time, they got into a fight and Morteza stabbed
Sadrollah 11 times and killed him.
Another convict was Behzad M. He was accused of adultery and raping an old lady and
a young girl.
Another executed on this day, was Hossein. He had claimed that in 2004, the murdered,
Mahmoud, 20, had harassed him and intended to rape him in a park in Islamshahr,
therefore he killed him.
Hamid, 20, accused of murdering Mehrdad, 13, was another person hanged on this day.
Hamid was convicted of crushing Mehrdad's head with a stone and burning his dead
body when Mehrdad stole his bird in 2003.
The next convict was a young boy who was sentenced to retribution by death for killing
his room-mate. Babak, 23, was accused of killing his room-mate, Hazratollah, 35, (an
Afghan man) in 2001, when he had asked him to have a sexual relationship. He tied
Hazratollah’s hands and feet to the bed and chocked him.
Mohammad Reza Sh., 25, accused of murdering Hamid, 37, is another convict of this file.
He was accused of stabbing Hamid during a fight in the office of a lawyer located in the
surrounding area of police station 124 of Qalhak.
Another convict accused of murdering his wife was also hanged on this day. Kian, 33,
was accused of murdering his wife, Soheila, 37, with a knife, during a family fight.
The last convict in this case was Sediq Q., 29, who was accused of murdering Shahram,
28, during a clash. (ISNA – Oct. 17, 2007)

Three publicly hanged in Shiraz

Three prisoners identified as Vahid H., Mohammad A., and Ahmad H. were hanged in
public in the southern city of Shiraz, the state-run news agency Fars reported on October
17. They were accused of rape. The clerical regime also issued death penalties for three
persons in Tehran. (NCRI – Oct. 17, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Two Kurdish members of Kurdistan’s Democratic Party executed

Kurdistan’s Department of Justice announced the hanging of two ‘terrorist’ members of
Kurdistan’s Democratic Party of Iran, an outlawed party, who had murdered a member
of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps last year. (ISNA – Oct. 17, 2007)

Two executed in Iran on World Day against Death Penalty

The clerical regime hanged Kiumars Mohammadi and
Nader Mohammadi on Wednesday, October 10, on the
World Day against Death Penalty.
Regime’s Intelligence Ministry threatened their families that
if they held any ceremony for their executed relatives, they
would face new problems. (Association Defending Rights of
Women – Oct. 10, 2007)

Man hanged in public

A man was hanged in public in Sahneh.
Shahrooz Morovati was sentenced to death for forming a
gang, drinking alcoholic beverages, bullying and deliberate murder. (Jomhouri
newspaper – Oct. 4, 2007)


Man hanged in prison

A man was hanged in Isfahan’s Prison. He was identified as Ahmad K. and 37 years old.
(Iran daily – Nov. 26, 2007)

Two prisoners hanged and seven sentenced to death

The inhumane mullahs’ regime hanged two prisoners in Zahedan and issued death
penalties for seven persons in Karaj and Tehran.
The two hanged in Zahedan were identified as Shams-o-din Darvakh and Mahmoud
Three persons including a woman were sentenced to death in Karaj. The other four are
from Tehran also including a female. The woman from Tehran is 38 years old and the
other three men from Tehran are Ali Akbar, 26, Ali, 31, and Alireza, 35. (Mojahedin
website – Nov. 27, 2007)

Man hanged in public in northern Iran

Iranian authorities hanged a man in public in the province of Golestan, northern Iran,
state media reported on Tuesday.


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

The man, only identified by his initials A. A., 29, was hanged in the city of Gonbad, the
daily Kayhan wrote. He was accused of murder. (Iran Focus – Nov. 21, 2007)

Iran hangs drug trafficker in public

Iran hanged a convicted drug trafficker in a square in the clerical
capital Qom on Wednesday.
The man, identified by his first name of Gholam Reza, was sent to
the gallows for trafficking 90 kilogrammes (198 pounds) of
narcotics, state media reported. (AFP – Nov. 21, 2007)
Five prisoners hanged in Birjand
The mullahs' henchmen hanged five prisoners without
identifying them in the northeastern city of Birjand, the state-run
news agency Fars reported on Tuesday. (NCRI – Nov. 20, 2007)

Three hanged in Hamedan Prison

Three men identified as Mohammad Reza Tork, 18, Manouchehr Tork, 30 and SafarAli
Varmarzyar, 31, were hanged in prison in Hamedan on Thursday November 16.
Mohammad Reza Tork was 16 when he committed the crime. (Roshangari – Nov. 16,

Iran executes two in public and one in prison

Iran hanged a convicted drug trafficker and two other men charged with killing and
armed robbery, media reports said Thursday.
The first man was hanged in prison in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan
Thursday, the state IRNA news agency reported.
Rostam Sepahi, known as Mola Moussa, was hanged in the city of Zahedan for armed
trafficking of 274 kilos (600 pounds) of opium and carrying guns.
Mardomsalari newspaper reported that two men had been executed in public in the
western city of Sahneh in Kermanshah province for several counts of robbery and three
counts of murder.
The pair identified as Saeed Moradi and Hamid Fallahi had been convicted of being
'Mohareb' an enemy of God, a charge that is subject to execution based on Islamic law.
(AFP – Nov. 15, 2007)

Four hanged in Bandar Abbas

The Revolutionary Court in Bandar Abbas sentenced four persons to death. The death
penalties were carried out after the General Prosecutor upheld the verdict. The executed
were convicted of armed drug-smuggling. (Roshangari website – Nov. 3, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life


Youth hanged in public

The clerical regime publicly hanged a youth in Kazeroon. He was identified as Abuzar
and was 25 years old. (Mojahed website – Dec. 25, 2007)

Four prisoners including a female hanged

Today, the Islamic Republic hanged four prisoners
including a female in Evin Prison.
The four prisoners were identified as: Ali Akbar,
Alireza, Qasem and Zahra (female). (Etemaad state
controlled newspaper – Dec. 20, 2007)
Zahra N.
Four hanged in two provinces
“The death penalties of two men identified as Khodadad Shah Bakhsh – known as Dar
Mohammad – and Mohammad Reza Saleh, were carried out in Zahedan’s Prison on
December 18. They were accused of ‘Moharebeh’ (enmity towards God) and corruption
by participating in armed robbery and drug smuggling,” said the Public and
Revolutionary Prosecutor of Zahedan.
In addition, two brothers, who killed a 35 year old woman and her child on intentions of
robbery, were hanged in the Central Prison of Isfahan on December 17. (Fars news
agency – Dec. 17, 2007)

Four hanged in north-east Iran

Four people were hanged on Tuesday in the province of Khorrasan Shomali, north-
eastern Iran, state television reported.
One of the men was hanged in public in the city of Bojnourd. The three others were
hanged inside a prison. All four were accused of drug trafficking. (Fars News agency –
Dec. 11, 2007)

Man hanged in Qazvin

The clerical regime hanged a prisoner in the Central Prison of Qazvin. His verdict was
upheld by the Supreme Court. (Mojahedin website – Dec. 9, 2007)

Young man hanged in Kermanshah

An Iranian man has been hanged for rape despite his alleged victims withdrawing their
complaints and a judicial review being ordered on the sentence. Makwan
Mouloudzadeh, 20, had been found guilty of raping three teenage boys when he was
13 years old.


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

The hanging took place on Wednesday morning at a prison in Kermanshah province in

western Iran. (BBC News – Dec. 6, 2007)

Five hanged in Iranian prisons

The clerical regime hanged four prisoners identified as Abdullah N., Mohammad Reza B.,
Alikhan N. and Amir P. in Bam. Another prisoner named Hamid B. was hanged in Baft,
Kerman Province.
The mullahs’ regime has hanged 13 prisoners over the past
week in different cities across the country. (Mojahedin website
– Dec. 6, 2007)

Three convicted drug traffickers hanged

The mullahs' henchmen hanged in public three men identified
as Yahya Madadi, Atta'ollah Poolzehi, and Hossein Safarlou in
the Motahari Square in the holy city of Qom, the official news
agency IRNA reported on Sunday. (NCRI – Dec. 4, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life
Death Sentences


15 year old teenager awaits execution

Tehran’s Penal Court sentenced to death a 15 year old boy who unintentionally killed his
nine year old friend by wrapping his belt around the boy’s neck. (Iran Press News – Jan.
23, 2007)

26 year old youth to be hanged

Clerical regime’s Judicial System issued a death sentence for a youth in Tehran. The
youth is named Safar-Ali and is 26 years old. (Hambastegi Melli - Jan. 22, 2007)

28 year old youth sentenced to death

Regime’s Judicial System issued a death sentence for a person in Tehran. The youth is
identified as Daryoush and is 28 years old. (Hambastegi Melli - Jan. 14, 2007)

Guilty for killing deputy Police Chief of Islamshahr

Islamshahr's Penal Court judge sentenced a man to retribution by death for killing the
deputy Police Chief.
Following his escape from Sanandaj Prison on charges of several robberies, Akbar, 82,
hid in a house in the town of Vavan in Islamshahr. The police later found him and
surrounded the house; finding himself in a siege, he shot and killed one of the officers.
He was immediately arrested by the other police officers… (Khorasan newspaper – Jan.
11, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Seven Arabs from Khuzestan Province await execution

According to HRW, the Iranian government is going to
execute seven Arabs of Khuzestan, after holding a
clandestine court for them. (Radio Farda – Jan. 11, 2007)

Three youths await hanging

Mostafa 20, Mohammad 32 and Behzad are waiting for
their retribution sentence to be carried out after their
sentence is verified by the chairman of the Judicial System.
(Khorasan Daily – Jan. 9, 2007)

31 to be hanged soon
The public prosecutor and the Islamic Revolutionary in Tehran demanded an execution
sentence to be held for 31 persons in Tehran. These people are related to Ali Mikrob’s
gang and are accused of rape.
Demanding the execution of all the members of this gang, Tehran’s public prosecutor
sent their files to the province’s Penal Court… (Iran Press News – Jan. 7, 2007)

Minor, 17, sentenced to death

A 17 year old youth who unintentionally committed murder is sentenced to retribution
by death. (Peyk-e Iran – Jan. 4, 2007)

At least 300 people are on death row

At least 300 people who are in the dungeons of the Islamic Republic are waiting to be
These people have been arrested and sentenced to death in relation to drugs. Chairman
of the Security Committee of Majlis urged the urgent execution of these people and said:
“It should be harshly dealt with those engaged in drug smuggling…” (Iran Press News –
Jan. 3, 2007)


Five youths sentenced to death

The inhumane regime issued a death sentence for five youths including a woman in
The woman who is sentenced to death is named ‘Leila’ and is 20 years old. The four
other youths are: Panjali 20, Siamak 34, Saeed 32 and Ali 26. (Hambastegi Melli – Feb. 26,


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Two 19 year old youths to be executed

Regime’s Judicial System issued a death sentence for two youths in
Tehran. The two youths are identified as Ibrahim and Majid and they
are both 19 years old. (Iran Press News – Feb. 21, 2007)

Young man to be hanged twice

A prisoner identified as Mohammad Mahmoudi, who had been
executed once before but remained alive in a surprising manner; is in
an imminent danger of execution again. (Iran Press News – Feb. 20,

Two youths sentenced to death

The clerical regime sentenced a young woman and a man to death in Tehran.
The young woman is identified as Zahra 27, and the boy is named Faraz. (Hambastegi
Melli - Feb. 19, 2007)

Pregnant girl awaits hanging

A 21 year old girl is sentenced to death for becoming pregnant without being married.
The girl is named Ameneh Salam and is from Mir Abad Village in Naqadeh. Based on the
same report, the girl has been in prison for more than 30 months. The man who had sex
relationship [made her pregnant] with the girl is sentenced to 99 lashes. (Peyk-e Iran –
Feb. 5, 2007)

Teenagers on death row

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, 23 girls and 18 boys under the age of 18 are waiting for
their death sentence to be upheld. (Third World Committee ‘against death sentence’ –
Feb. 5, 2007)

26 year old girl sentenced to death

On February 3, Judges of Penal Court branch 71 sentenced a girl to retribution by death
on charges of murdering her own mother during a family quarrel.
As said by the girl: “My mom intended to tie me up to the gas pipes…” The girl’s lawyer
stated that: “my client had been harmed twice, and was rejected by her family…”
The girl is identified as S. H. and is 26 years old. (ISNA – Feb. 3, 2007)


Women sentenced to death

A Kurdish woman, Mohebbat Mahmoudi from Urumieh was sentenced to death for


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

committing murder in 2004. The Supreme Court upheld her death sentence which was
reportedly announced to her some time between 12 and 17 February. She is presently at
imminent risk of execution. (Women’s website – March 7, 2007)

Minor waiting to be executed

Regime’s Judicial System issued a death penalty for a youth in Islamshahr named
Hossein. The youth was only 16 years old when he committed the crime. (Hambastegi
Melli – March 2, 2007)


Four sentenced to death

A youth named Mohammad 21 and a woman named Zahra 27 were sentenced to death
in Tehran. Another man identified as Hassan 40 was also sentenced to death in
In addition to the above, another man is also sentenced to death in Minab identified as
Ahmad 76. 38 years has passed from when he committed the crime. (Hambastegi Melli –
April 24, 2007)

Man, 26, sentenced to retribution by death

The judiciaries of Tehran's Penal Court branch 74 issued a retribution sentence for a
person who is accused of entering a fight in order to prevent the quarrel. The youth is
identified as Saeid and is 26 years old.
As quoted by the youth: "On the day of my interrogation, they [regime' forces] closed my
eyes and tied my hands and threw me in the trunk of their car and took me from
Kuhdasht to Varamin and threw me in the Intelligence office… I was under great
pressure throughout the way such that all the marks of their kicks and beatings are still
present on my body…" (Roshangari website – April 11, 2007)

Death penalty for minors

The Iranian regime's Judiciary issued death sentences for a teenager and a youth. The
two are identified as Mohammad Hassan and Amir. The teenager that is sentenced to
death was 15 when he committed the crime. (Iran Press News – April 9, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Teenagers under 18 are also executed in the Islamic Republic

Below is a list of names of 23 teenagers under 18 years of age who are sentenced to
death in the Islamic Republic.
1. Binyamin Rasouli 17 years old
2. Hossein Tourani 17
3. Hossein Haqi 17
4. Morteza Faizi 16
5. Saeid Jazi 17
6. Ali Mahin Torabi 16
7. Millad Bakhtiari 16
8. Farshad Saidi 17
9. Mostafa 16
10. Mahmoud 17
11. Saber
12. Hamid 17
13. Sajad 17
14. Farzad 15
15. Hossein Qareh-baghloo 16
16. Asghar 16
17. Iman 17
18. Nemat 15
19. Mohammad Mousavi
20. Delara Darabi 17
21. Hamzeh 17
22. Shahram Pourmansouri 17
23. Hedayat Niroumand
(Iran Press News – April 8, 2007)

700 youths are waiting to be executed

Based on the confessions made by regime's representative from Zahedan, the
Department of Justice has issued death penalties for 700 youths in Balouchestan for
unsubstantial reasons. (Iran Press News – April 15, 2007)


30 teenagers await execution

Amnesty International writes in its yearly report that there are many cases of teenagers
being executed in Iran, those under 18 at the time of the crime. Presently there are 30


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

young victims in the prisons who are sentenced to death and are waiting for their verdict
to be upheld. (Iran Press News – May 24, 2007)

Two university students sentenced to death

Regime’s judicial system issued death penalties for two university students in Isfahan. The
two are named Ali 24 and Kiarash 25. (Hambastegi Melli – May 22, 2007)


Twenty death sentences issued in North Khorasan

The clerical regime issued death sentences for 20 persons in North Khorasan.
(Hambastegi Melli – June 29, 2007)


Two writers and human rights activists sentenced to death

Adnan Hassan pour, reporter and writer, is
sentenced to death convicted of writing. Hassan
pour has been in prison for the past six months.
Adnan Hassan pour’s relatives say that the Islamic
Republic has told his mother and family to remain
quiet about his arrest and not to call international
authorities and human rights defense institutes.
Haiva Bootimar, another human rights activist, is
facing execution. Haiva has been in Sanandaj and
Haiva Bootimar - Adnan Hassan-pour
Marivan prisons for a long time; he is sentenced
to death on charges of having ties with opposition groups. (Iran Press News – July 19,

17 year old boy sentenced to death

After years of captivity, Mosleh Zamani is sentenced to death for having sex with his girl
friend. The 17 year old boy served four years in Sanandaj Prison and was then sentenced
to death. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – July 13, 2007)

20 “thugs” sentenced to death

20 thugs will be executed pretty soon. Spokesman of the Judicial System acknowledged
the accusations of these 20 persons as rape, violating divine laws and child abuse and

  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

said: The sentence will be carried out by Tehran’s public prosecutor within the next few
days. (Baztab website – July 10, 2007)

Death retribution for third time

The retribution sentence to death of Shahla Jahed was verified for the third time in the
third branch of the Supreme Court for murdering Laleh Saharkhizan [the former wife of a
famous soccer player of Iran’s soccer team]. (Hamshahri newspaper – July 6, 2007)

Four young boys sentenced to death in Tehran

The clerical regime issued death penalties for four young boys in Tehran. The four are
named Alireza 22, Kiarash S. 32, Alireza 25 and Hossein. (Hambastegi Melli – July 5,

More executions of minors

A 16 year old boy, who has been in prison for murder, was sentenced to retribution by
death for the second time in Tehran’s Penal Court branch 74. Benyamin is accused of
stabbing to death a 16 year old boy named Hossein in defense of his friend in Robat
Abad Sultan Karim on July 28, 2004. (Roshangari – July 4, 2007)


12 teenagers under 18 sentenced to death

12 teenagers under the age of 18 are sentenced to death. Mohammad Mostafaii, the
attorney of these teenagers objected this ruling and wrote: Death sentence should not
be issued for the crimes that individuals under 18 have committed.
The names of the 12 youth awaiting their execution are as follows:
1. Saied (17)
2. Reza (16)
3. Hossein (16)
4. Safar (17)
5. Hossein (16)
6. Ali (17)
7. Reza (17)
8. Mohammad (16)
9. Behnam (15)
10. Del Ara (17)
11. Mahyar (17)
12. Mohammad (15)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

(Etemad daily state-run newspaper – Aug. 27, 2007)

18 year old boy sentenced to death

Based on published news, a young 18 year old boy by the name of Behnam Zare’ who
was convicted of murder at the age of 14, is sentenced to death. He served four years in
Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz.
An attorney reported the imminent possibility of the boy’s execution and said in grief
that he might be executed on the next day. (Iran Press News – Aug. 21, 2007)

Young girl sentenced to retribution by death

A young girl who is sentenced to retribution by death for killing her boyfriend… has only
one month time to pay the blood money [dieh] in order to escape
death. (Etemad newspaper – Aug. 19, 2007)

Four sentenced to death in Tehran

The clerical regime sentenced four persons to death in Tehran. The
four are Amir H. 28, Hassan 22, Ali 37 and Abulfazl.
Amir is convicted of killing Javad Jafaar-pour, Judge of Qarchak
Varamin. (Hambastegi Melli – Aug. 18, 2007)


Youth to be publicly hanged for killing a Basiji force

Judges of Penal Court in Fars Province sentenced a thug to death in public for killing a
Basiji force in Shiraz. (Qods newspaper – Sept. 25, 2007)

16 year old boy sentenced to death

Regime’s Supreme Court verified the death penalty issued for a 16 year old boy.
Judges of Supreme Court branch 28 verified the retribution sentence of a person
accused of murder during a group fight. Faramarz H. 16, the son of Mohammad is
accused of intentionally murdering Mohammad A, the court voted.
On the day of the incident, the victim and the criminal clashed with each other during a
group fight in Ferdis, Karaj. The victim and his friends started annoying Faramarz and
suddenly attacked him. They stabbed him twice in the neck and shoulder. Faramarz
picked up the knife and threw it towards them [in defense, but resulted in the
opponent’s death]…. (ISNA – Sept. 18, 2007)

Four political prisoners sentenced to death

Four political prisoners in Karoon Prison, Ahwaz are in imminent danger of execution.


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

The four prisoners were first imprisoned in the secrete prisons of the Intelligence Ministry
and then were transferred to Karoon Prison. During their time in prision, they were
under brutal physical and mental tortures to confess alleged accusations claimed by the
Intelligence Ministry via the television.
The four prisoners are Hamzeh Savari, Zamol Bavi, Abdulmam Zaeri and Nazem Barihi.
Last week two other members of Savari family (Mohammad Ali and Jafaar Savari) were
hanged in Ahwaz… (Human Rights activists and Democracy in Iran – Sept. 17, 2007)

Seven youths sentenced to death

The mullahs’ Judicial System issued death penalties for seven youths in Tehran, Fars and
Isfahan provinces.
Four of the youths sentenced to death in Tehran are identified as Sajad, Hamid, Sasan
and Reza. Sajad is 20 years old and Sasan is 27.
The other three are from Fars and Isfahan provinces. The three are named Reza,
Mohammad and Mehdi. (Hambastegi Melli – Sept. 17, 2007)

Two Arab youths from Ahwaz face imminent execution

The Human Rights Organization in Ahwaz wrote a letter to U.N. High Commissioner on
Human Rights concerning the executions carried out without due process and the
imminent execution of two young ethnic Arabs of Ahwaz. The letter writes, two young
Arabs from Ahwaz by the names of Abdulreza Sanavati and Mohammad Ali Savari are in
imminent danger of execution. Abdulreza Sanavati is 34 years old, married and a resident
of Ahwaz and Mohammad Ali Savari is 37 years old, a married teacher, and has five
children. (Akhbar-e Rooz – Sept. 7, 2007)

Five sentenced to death

The mullahs’ Judicial System issued death penalties for five persons in Tehran and
Hormozgan. The five are named Ardalan, Ali, Mohammad, Shahriar and Parviz. (Iran
Press News – Sept. 6, 2007)


Youth who committed crime at age of 13, sentenced to death

In a statement, the Amnesty International demanded to halt the execution of a young
Kurdish Iranian sentenced to death.
The youth is identified as Makwan Moloudzadeh and is 21 years old. He was 13 at the
time of the crime… The boy is presently serving sentence in Kermanshah Prison.
According to Amnesty International’s report, the execution verdict of Makoan is already
referred to the Implementation Bureau and he will soon be executed in a place near his


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

house in Paveh City.

Before his court trial in 2006, the inhumane agents of the Judicial System Street-paraded
the young boy on a donkey with a shaved head. (Mojahedin website – Oct. 31, 2007)

16 year old sentenced to death

Judges of the 74th branch of Tehran’s penal court sentenced Khosro, a 16 year old boy,
to death. He was charged with complicity in the murder of Amin, his 20 year old
roommate. (Roshangari Website – Oct. 30, 2007)

31 thugs sentenced to death

Head of the Moral Security Police Department in the State Security Forces announced
that until now death sentences have been issued for 31 thugs in the country, excluding
Tehran. (Jam-e-Jam Online – Oct.30, 2007)

75 youths await execution

Philip Altson, independent representative of UN in human rights affairs, greatly criticized
Iran regarding the execution of youths and said: Iran is the only country that
systematically carries out executions. Presently, 75 youths are waiting their death
penalties to be carried out… (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Oct. 27, 2007)

Assassins of Mahan’s State Security Commander sentenced to death

The death penalties for two drug-traffickers who had also murdered the State Security
Commander of Mahan District this year, were issued on Tuesday October 23, said head
of the Revolutionary and Public Court in Kerman Province.
Their death penalties will soon be carried out in public. (IRNA – Oct. 24, 2007)

20 year old girl and her boyfriend sentenced to retribution by death

With a majority of votes, Judges of Tehran Province’s Penal Court sentenced a girl to
retribution by death for poisoning her guardian in complicity with a young boy that
resulted in the death of the guardian father.
Lida 20 and her boyfriend Saber, who had been under the pursuit of the police from
2005, were sentenced to retribution by death after being trialed in the 71st branch of
the court. (Etemaad state-run newspaper – Oct. 22, 2007)

18 thugs on death row

The deputy public prosecutor of the prisons in Tehran
announced that 18 files related to the plan to Promote
Social Security were examined in the province’s Penal
Court. He said: The verdicts for these cases will be issued
pretty soon.
“Some think that since they haven’t witnessed any thugs


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

sentenced to death and/or executed over the past weeks, then dealing with these
criminals has come to a halt!” he emphasized. “Such an impression is completely wrong.
Presently, 18 important cases related to the plan to Promote Social Security, especially
regarding the thugs is under investigation in the Penal Court.”(Iran Press News – Oct. 19,

Two times retribution by death and 30 years imprisonment for two men
The Public Court of Shahriar City sentenced two male murderers to retribution by death
– the two men had abducted two brothers and killed them – and 30 years in prison for
abduction. [They had a fight over drugs] (Etemaad state-run newspaper – Oct. 10, 2007)

Man accused of murdering a Basiji force, sentenced to death

Hamid Reza 29 is accused of stabbing to death a 27 year old Basiji force by the name of
Ruhollah, during a group fight last year. After the Supreme Court verified his death
sentence and his file was sent to the Implementation Bureau of Tehran’s Criminal
Prosecutor’s Office, the countdown to his execution started. (ISNA – Oct. 2, 2007)

51 year old man sentenced to death

The clerical regime sentenced a man to death. He is Ali and is 51 years old. (Hambastegi
Melli – Oct. 1, 2007)


Lives of 6 imprisoned Iranian Arabs in danger

The life of six Iranian Arabs from Ahwaz is in danger. The news of these prisoners’s
execution was published by their families and international human rights organizations
such as Human Rights Federation, Amnesty International and human rights activists in
Iran and also Mosa Piriayi, Khozestan’s prosecutor.
According to their families, these six people were sent to solitary confinement in
preparation for their execution.
The names of these six people are as follows:
1- Rasoul Ali Mazra-e- 65
2- Ahmad Marmazi- 35 married with two children
3- Hamze Savari- 20
4- Zamol Bavi
5- Abdol-Raheem Zaviri
6- Nazem Barihi (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Nov. 18, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

Three including a woman sentenced to death

The mullahs’ Judiciary in Tehran issued death penalties for three young persons
including a young lady.
The woman who is sentenced to death is identified as Shabnam and is 31 years old.
The two others are Ali and Mohammad. They were both 16 and 14 respectively at the
time of the crime. The Supreme Court has verified the ruling on the two young boys and
their death penalties will soon be carried out. (Mojahedin website – Nov. 14, 2007)

10 sentenced to death
The clerical regime issued death penalties for 10 persons in Zanjan and Taft cities.
Nine of them are from Zanjan and one is from Taft. The man sentenced to death in Taft is
identified as Abdulzahra and is 31 years old. (Mojahedin website – Nov. 12, 2007)

Death sentence for Adnan Hassan pour upheld

Adnan Hassan pour and Haiva Bootimar’s lawyer announced that the
Supreme Court verified death sentence for Adnan Hassan pour. (Amir
Kabir newsletter – Nov. 9, 2007) [Adnan Hassan pour and Haiva Bootimar
were the two Kurdish journalists that were on death row… and in order to
put a halt to their sentence they went on a hunger strike for almost 50

17 year old youth sentenced to death

The Islamic Republic’s Judicial System sentenced a 17 year old Afghan youth to death.
The boy is convicted of drug smuggling. (Iran Press News – Nov. 3, 2007)

Four sentenced to death
The Islamic Republic issued death penalties for four persons in Hamedan. The four boys
are Reza. F., Arash G., Hassan Sh. and Amin D.
The sentences have been upheld by the Supreme Court of Justice and will be
implemented soon. (Emrooz state-run newspaper – Dec. 30, 2007)

17 year old teenager sentenced to retribution

The Supreme Court of Justice issued a death penalty for a 17-year-old teenager who had
raped and murdered an eight year old boy. (Hamvatan Salam – Dec. 28, 2007)

Youth sentenced to death in Isfahan


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

The mullahs’ Judicial System issued a death penalty for a youth in Isfahan. The youth is
identified as Mehdi and is 24-years-old. His sentence is to be carried out soon. (Mojahed
website – Dec. 27, 2007)

Two young cousins sentenced to death

Judges of the 33rd branch of the Supreme Court verified the death sentence for two
young cousins who had abducted and raped a girl under the pretext of giving ride to
passengers. The two cousins are 24 and 27 years old. (Etemaad state-controlled
newspaper – Dec. 11, 2007)

Youth sentenced to three times retribution by death

A convicted murderer who had killed three women with a knife and a red rope is
convicted to three times retribution by death. His verdict will be carried out soon.
On January 15, 2006, the police finally identified and arrested Alireza and his compiler
Aazam (female) in Saadat Abad Town. Alireza is a Bachelors graduate in Agronomy and
his colleague Aazam is 24 years old and a university student. They both worked in a film
taking – photography office in Tehran…. The first row convict
revealed that he was in a 20 million toman debt, so he planned the
murder of the housewives (selling their house) with his colleague to
steal their wealth and money and his only intention was stealing…
The convicts were finally trialed in the 71st branch of the Penal Court
in Tehran and Alireza was sentenced to three times retribution by
death and Aazam to 15 years in prison. (Etemaad state-controlled
newspaper – Dec. 3, 2007)


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life
Stoning & stoning sentences


A woman with four children faces stoning

Kobra N. was born in Sanandaj and is a mother of four children. She is presently facing
death by stoning. Kobra was forced to marry and she was later forced to prostitution by
her addicted husband. Being crushed under this pressure every day, she finally met one
of her customers named Habib, and they became friends. Habib then killed her husband.
After both were imprisoned, Habib paid blood money and was released but Kobra is still
in prison and is sentenced to death by stoning on charges of extra-marital sex. (Iran Press
News – June 2, 2007)


Man stoned to death in Takestan

A man convicted of adultery was stoned to death in
Takestan. The couple had reportedly been imprisoned for
11 years. Mokarrameh Ebrahimi [his female companion] is
still in prison waiting for her unknown future. (Iran Press
News – July 8, 2007)
place where man was stoned
8 women awaiting their stoning punishment
Eight women in the prisons across the country are sentenced to be stoned. Two women
in Evin prison, two others in Ahwaz Sepidar prison, one in Tabriz prison, one in Varamin,
one in Qazvin Choubin prison and another woman in Urumieh prison are practicing


  Systematic Violations of the Right to Life

bitter experience everyday. (Etemad Meli newspaper – July 12, 2007)


Stoning sentence for woman with three children

The court sentenced a married woman with three children to death for committing a sin.
After a woman made a complaint about a man who had harassed her, a case was
opened in Mashhad’s Department of Justice and the accused man was identified and
arrested. The case was then referred to the fifth branch of Khorasan Razavi’s Penal Court.
In the hearing, the said: The complainant had an affair on her own desire.
After looking into the case several times in court, the court sentenced the woman to
stoning for extramarital relationship and the man to
100 lashes. (Qods state-run newspaper – Sept. 27,


Seven women and two men sentenced to stoning

Regime’s Judicial System in Mashhad passed a verdict
for seven women and two men to be stoned.
The seven women sentenced to stoning are Kobra Najar, Khairieh, Iran, Malakeh
Qorbani, Ashraf Kalhori, Fatemeh and Leila Qomi in Tehran prison and the two men are
Abdullah Farivar in Sari and an Afghan man in Mashhad. (Mojahedin website – Nov. 15,

Man faces death by stoning
A 48-year-old man with two children faces death by stoning in Iran after he was accused
of having had extra-marital sex.
Iran's Supreme Court has sentenced Abdollah Farivar Moghaddam to death by stoning
in the city of Sari, in the north of the country.
Abdollah was accused of adultery and the Supreme Court confirmed the sentence that
was passed by the judges in the tribunal in Sari. (Iran Focus – Dec. 11, 2007) 


  Treatment and Cruel Punishments

and Cruel

Inhumane Treatment
Cruel Punishments


Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments

Treatment and

  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments



Amputation of hands in public for several people

Head of the Administration of Justice in Kermanshah said: “The sentence to amputation
of the hands of some people charged with robbery in this province will be carried out in
public in the near future.”
He added: “Thieves who relentlessly steal people’s belongings, the judicial system will
amputate that very same hand that stole the stuff so that it will be an example for the
others.” (IRNA – Jan. 10, 2007)


A thief’s hand amputated in Kermanshah Province

The verdict of amputating the hand of a professional thief in Kermanshah Province was
executed. (Jomhouri newspaper – Feb. 28, 2007)

Gouging eye, night before execution

The mullahs’ regime issued a death sentence for a youth and
sentence to gouge the eyes of another youth before his execution
in Tehran. The youth who is sentenced to eye gouging is identified
as Ali and is 27 years old. The other youth who is only sentenced
to death is named Saber and is 22 years old. (Hambastegi Melli –
Feb. 27, 2007)


  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments


Youth's hand amputated in public

The Islamic Republic publicly amputated the hands of a youth in Kermanshah and issued
verdicts for amputation of the hands of two other youths in Tehran.
The youth who had his hand amputated in Kermanshah is identified as Arash and the
other two sentenced to amputation in Tehran are named Rahman and Hafiz respectively.
(Iran Press News – May 15, 2007)


A man’s hand amputated

The sentence to amputate a man’s hand was carried out
in Zahedan. The man was accused of robbery. (Iran
Press News – June 10, 2007)


Fingers of four thieves amputated in Mashhad

Four professional thieves in Mashhad by the names of A. K., H. F., M. D. and Gh. R. were
sentenced to amputation of fingers on charges of multiple robberies, Public Relations of
Khorasan Razavi Province’s Department of Justice reported.
The deputy prosecutor of Mashhad also said, the penalty of these criminals was carried
out on Tuesday September 11 in Mashhad and their fingers were amputated. (Radio
Farda – Sept. 13, 2007)


  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments



Three flogged in public

Three persons were publicly flogged in Qaemshahr City. (Fars news agency - Jan. 14,
100 lashes in public
The Islamic Republic’s Judicial System sentenced a man to 100 lashes in Beshahr and
carried out the verdict in public. (Iran Press News – Jan. 7, 2007)


52 years imprisonment and 1.750 lashes for nine people in Minab

The Islamic Republic’s Judicial System in Minab, Hormozgan,
sentenced nine youths to 52 years imprisonment and 1750
lashes for creating public disorder and mischievousness.
Regime’s head of public prosecutor in Minab said: “The
leader of the gang is sentenced to 17 years in prison and
302 lashes and the rest of the members are sentenced to 2
to 11 years in prison and flogging.” (Iran Press News –
March 2, 2007)


  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments


Flogging-in-public sentences for two men and a woman

The State Security Forces (SSF) arrested two men and a woman on charges of immoral
behaviors in South Khorasan and sentenced them to 100 lashes. The sentence for the
two men was carried out in public in Ashkhaneh Square, downtown of Maneh and
Samalqan City (North Khorasan) on April 23, 2007. (ISNA – April 24, 2007)

20 lashes for a 19 year old

A 19 year old youth who had broke into his neighbor's house
and did stealing on March 8, 2007, was sentenced to six
months imprisonment and 20 lashes on April 16. (Iran Press
News – April 16, 2007)

Young boy and girl sentenced to flogging

A girl accused of corruption [having relationship with a man outside marriage] is
sentenced to two years imprisonment, 99 lashes and two years banishment from Anzali
Harbor. Mokhtar Tahmasebi, the girl's lawyer objected to the case and stated: "Assal 20
and Nima 27 have been together for four years and they have arranged for marriage…"
(ISNA – April 12, 2007)

21 year old youth sentenced to 74 lashes

The Islamic Republic's Judicial System sentenced a youth to three years imprisonment
and 74 lashes. The youth is identified as Saeid 21, from Tehran and is accused of robbery.
(Iran Press News – April 11, 2007)


Young thief flogged in public

The mullahs' regime publicly whipped a youth 74 lashes in Khorasan. The Public – Penal
Court branch 101 sentenced the victim 'A. A.' to two years in prison, one year
banishment to Lordegan and 74 lashes. The sentence to be flogged for this youth who is
presently in Shirvan Prison was carried out in front of the public eye in Farouj. (Iran Press
News – May 14, 2007)


  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments

130 lashes in public

Regime's revolutionary guards arrested Mamand Mamandi on charges of drinking
alcoholic beverages and sentenced him to 130 lashes in public. Mamand Mamandi is a
Norwegian resident who had traveled to Iran to see his mother. The verdict was so
brutally carried out that after he returned to Norway, he became hospitalized. The traces
of the lashes could be seen on his body. (Iran Asrar website – May 13, 2007)

Mamand Mamandi


Execution, banishment, prison and flogging sentences for youths in Tehran

One of the days in September 2006, a girl came along her father to Tehran’s Police
Station and complained about some young troublemaking boys. [The boys had troubled
the girl and sexually abused her]
After the complaint, the officers began their search until finally the convicts were
arrested…. The reports state that the case of the two gangs was sent to the public
prosecutors’ office of Tehran’s Mehr-Abad Airport. The province’s Penal Court branch 71
issued death penalties for two of the youths. Heavy punishments were issued for 15
members of this gang.
The first row convict was sentenced to 180 days in prison and 179 lashes, the second
row convict to 360 days in prison, 99 lashes and 600,000 tomans fine, third row convict
to 240 days in prison, 600,000 tomans fine and 249 lashes and the fourth, fifth and sixth
row convicts each to 300,000 tomans fine. (Jam-e Jam state-run newspaper – Aug. 27,


  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments

80 lashes in public
A man was flogged 80 lashes in public in Qazvin. He was
identified as a thug. (Fars news agency – Aug. 22, 2007)


222 lashes for three persons in public

In line with the Plan to Promote Social Security, the State Security Forces (SSF) arrested
three persons in a park who were disrupting the public security and order, stated the
Public Relations of Ardebil’s Department of Justice. The Department of Justice of Pars
Abad sentenced each to 74 lashes. Their sentence was executed in public in the park
they were arrested.
Based on this report, another person who was arrested after causing trouble for the
ladies on the streets was also sentenced to 91 days in prison and 40 lashes. (ISNA state-
run news agency – Sept. 24, 2007)

60 lashes for filming a neighbor

A man, who had filmed his neighbor from the roof of his house while she was in shower,
was trialed in the 1148 branch of the state court. Judge Alvandi sentenced the man to
60 lashes after he was pardoned by the complainant. (Asre Iran state-run website – Sept.
19, 2007)

23 year old youth flogged in public

The Islamic Republic’s Judiciary sentenced a 23 year old boy to 100 lashes in public on
charges of immoral behaviors.
The sentence was carried out in Shahid Beheshti town in Mashhad, on September 6, at
7.30 in the morning. The judicial authority and the security forces were present at the
scene. (Entekhab state-run news agency – Sept. 7, 2007)


Man receives 74 lashes for throwing egg

A man, who threw eggs at bank customers to steal money from
them, was trialed at Tehran’s Judicial Court Complex and
Inhumane Treatmenttoand
5 years
Cruel in prison, and 74 lashes. (Jam-e-Jam Online –
Nov.27, 2007)



A Kurdish activist sentenced to flogging and two others sentenced to prison

Qahreman Qanbar-pour (Qanbari), Azerbaijan’s National Movement activist, was
flogged 50 lashes. Qahreman Qanbar-pour was arrested on 21 February, 2006 for
participating in the demonstration held for the International Day of Native Languages in
Naqadeh City, in the south of Urumieh Lake; and was released on bail a few weeks later.
The Revolutionary Court sentenced this political activist from Naqadeh to 50 lashes and a
fine payment of one million Riyals.
The Revolutionary Court also sentenced Amir Farahani, political activist from Naqadeh, to
one year in prison. He was arrested in Naqadeh, during the protests held in cities across
Azerbaijan last May.
Sirous Siami, cultural activist, artist and a music composer from Naqadeh, was also
arrested during the protests held last May in Azerbaijan and was released on bail after
serving a few weeks in prison. The Revolutionary Court sentenced him to three months
and one day in prison and a fine payment of three million Riyals. Sirous Siami has been
continually under the pressure of the regime forces for composing national Azeri music
and performing them in the student ceremonies. (Salam Democrat website – Nov. 26,

50 lashes for employees at Salman Farsi Hospital Emergency room

The Department of Justice in Bushehr ruled the employees of the Emergency room in
Salman Farsi Hospital in Bushehr to be flogged 50 lashes for violating their professional
obligations. (Fars news agency – Nov. 14, 2007)

50 lashes for a political prisoner

The verdict of 50 lashes for Abbas Lasani, a known Azeri activist, will be carried out after
his 18 months’ prison term is over.
Abbas Lasani was arrested last year in June 2007 for participating in the peaceful protest
in Ardebil, following Azerbaijan’s string of protests. He was sentenced to 18 months in
prison and 50 lashes in a private court convicted of abet in firing and destroying the
public and state chattels and also in disrupting the public order. (Iran Press News – Dec.
29, 2007)

Young woman flogged 100 times

A young woman who was exonerated from stoning was sentenced to 100 lashes. Her
verdict was carried out yesterday in the Execution of verdicts of the Criminal Court in
Tehran. This woman is identified as Aazam and is 28 years old. (Etemaad state-controlled
newspaper – Dec. 4, 2007)


  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments

Street parading


A youth street-paraded
In order to punish and teach other thugs, a thug was street-paraded on the orders of the
judicial system in Tehran-Pars District while having half of his head shaved. The accused
is identified as Ismail B., famous by ‘Esi Kosh’. (Etemad daily newspaper – Jan. 28, 2007)

Two thugs street-paraded

Two thieves identified as Ibrahim and Behzad, who
created fear and anxiety among people, were street-
paraded in Amol City having signs hanged on their chest
that wrote “wallet thieves”. The verdict was upheld on
the orders of the judicial officials and under great security
and military measures. (Qods newspaper – Jan. 21, 2007)

Seven street-paraded in Tehran

In an inhumane act the mullahs’ regime street-paraded 7
people in Nemat Abad District in Tehran.
Revolutionary Guard Mehdi Ahmadi said: “Agents of the fifth station of the Security
Police arrested seven people in a surprising manner. The completed files of these people
were transferred to the judicial sources. The seven were street-paraded at the place of
clash and then sent to jail on the orders of the judiciary. (Mehr news agency - Jan. 5,

  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments

Three thugs street-paraded

Agents of the sixth station of the Public Security Police of Greater Tehran, street-paraded
three thugs at the crime scene. The three, Abulfazl famous by Abul Khangeh, Abdullah
famous by Black Abdullah and Reza famous by Reza Morghi were arrested by the police
of Police Station 159 on charges of armed robbery with a knife, creating public disorder
and providing and distributing drugs. After their arrest they were street-paraded and
then transferred to prison. (Fars news agency – Jan. 3, 2007)


4 persons street-paraded
Commander of the State Security Forces in Pakdasht reported of four thugs being street-
paraded across the city. The arrested men were accused of having had armed clashes in
2005 and having tattoos on their body. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – June 30,

Two young boys street-paraded

Regime’s suppressive security forces, street-
paraded two young boys in Astara City. The two
were 23 and 25 years old. (Iran Press News –
June 14, 2007)

Youths were street-paraded in Isfahan

A large number of youths were street-paraded
in down town Isfahan under the pretext of thugs. The thugs were street-paraded in
groups of four and six and circled around the town as a lesson for others to learn. (Fars
news agency – June 3, 2007)

70 thugs arrested and several paraded in streets as a lesson for others

“During the campaign to ‘Promote Social Security’, 70 youth were arrested in Varamin
under the pretext of thugs,” said Varamin’s governor. “Five of them were also street-
paraded in order to give a lesson to the others who are on loose disrupting the society.”
(IRNA – June 2, 2007)


  Inhumane Treatment and Cruel Punishments


Five thugs street-paraded in Isfahan

Five famous thugs were street-paraded in different districts of Isfahan on August 23,
reported the public relations of the State Security Command in Isfahan. (Fars news
agency – Aug. 23, 2007)


Youths in Kermanshah insulted and humiliated

Every day, regime’s suppressive forces in Kermanshah
abuse, insult and arrest the youths under the pretext of
thugs. Young protesters in Kermanshah, who do not
obey the rules and regulations of the government, are
humiliated and then street-paraded across the city.
“A few days ago… I witnessed them [SSF] arresting some
young boys under the pretext of thugs, putting
women’s clothing and makeup on them and placing a
stick in their sleeves and street-parading them (in that
look) on the back of their car,” said a merchant in
He added: I have also witnessed them behaving harshly
with the women and youth. I have seen with my own eyes that they savagely kick young
girls and women.
In another case I saw that they had arrested one of our neighbor’s son’s on charges of
drug abuse and were hitting his head hard to the wall in a very brutal manner. They beat
him very hardly just because he ran away while they were trying to arrest him….
(Resistance supporters in Iran – Sept. 2, 2007)



Arbitrary Arrests



Arbitrary Arrests

  Arbitrary Arrests


11 students at Shahr-e Kurd Medical Science University summoned

11 students at Shahre-Kurd Medical Science University were summoned to the
disciplinary committee for holding a ceremony on ‘Shabe
Yalda’ [the longest night of the year- December 30 – which
Iranians celebrate].
Arash Kuhi, Secretary General of the Student Islamic
Association at this university stated that the ceremony was
not the real reason the students were summoned for. He
said: the reason to the summoning is most probably the
complaints made by the University’s Cultural Council
against the students for holding the December 7 ceremony
[University students’ Day] and Shab-e Yalda. (ILNA – Jan. 3, Shahr-e Kurd University

Editor-in-chief of student newspaper ‘Farhang-e Mobareze’ summoned

The editor-in-chief and the owner of the student newspaper ‘Farhang-e Mobarezeh’ at
Shahrud University were summoned to the disciplinary committee. Ali Qoli-zadeh
explained that this newspaper is a religious publication with intellectual pretences. “The
Director General of the University’s Cultural Affairs and the head of the Committee
Supervising the Student newspapers, orally announced the summoning and the closure
of the newspaper …” he said. [The name of the newspaper verbally means the ‘culture of
resistance’] (Amir Kabir newsletter – Feb. 1, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


Editor-in-chief and Managing Director of Alborz-e Varzeshi newspaper summoned

Saied Taqilou, Managing Director and Naser Ahmad-pour, editor-in-chief of the athletic
newspaper Alborz-e Varzeshi were summoned to the seventh branch of the Special
Interrogation Department of the court for which is for government employees.
The charges held against Taqilou and Ahmad-pour in this file are misinformation, inciting
the public opinion and insulting the complaints made by the private complainants. (ILNA
state-run news agency – Feb. 27, 2007)

Summoning, threats and terrifying Turkish activists in Ahar

On the threshold of the International Day of Native Languages, in a widespread attempt,
the Intelligence Ministry and the State Security Forces (SSF) began to summon and
threaten the activists of Azerbaijan’s National Movement, by phone.
On Wednesday January 15, the security forces summoned 75 to 100 of the ethnic
Turkish activists to the Intelligence Ministry of the SSF in Ahar and forced them to give
written pledges to remain in this city and not to leave for Tabriz, Ardebil or other cities of
Azerbaijan…. (Resistance supporters in Iran – Feb. 17, 2007)

Three members of Kurdish Writers’ Association summoned

Three members of the newly established association of the Kurdish Writers by the names
of Payman Yaran, Leila Madani and Mohammad Ali Tofiqi were summoned to the
information center.
On the announcement of the establishment of the Kurdish Writers’ Association, Payman
Yaran, spokesman and temporary head of the association and Leila Madani, member of
the Institution Delegation and the Managing Director of Krefto weekly newspaper, were
summoned to the information center of Kurdistan’s General Department of Intelligence.
After they were summoned, the two were forced to announce the dissolution of their
association as soon as possible; otherwise, they would be decisively dealt with. (Kurdish
news Human Rights Watch – Feb. 17, 2007)


Member of Central Council of Consolidation of Unity summoned to court

Member of the Central Council of the Consolidation of Unity (Tahkim-e Vahdat) -
Allameh branch - was summoned to the 101 branch of Arak’s Penal Court.


  Arbitrary Arrests

This student activist announced his accusations as misinformation and insulting members
of the Governing Council. His first hearing was held in November 2005. (Peyk-e Iran –
March 4, 2007)


Managing Director, editor-in-chief and writer of Asr-e Roshangari newspaper summoned

The Managing Director, editor-in-chief and the writer of Asr-e Roshangari domestic
newspaper published in Kohgiluieh and Boyer Ahmad were summoned to the court.
Ali Mousavi-nour, Managing Director of this newspaper said that they were summoned
for publishing an article titled as “The right faction suffers from both Opportunism and
“Our judge accused us of inciting the public opinion and reminded that we will soon be
summoned to the court for the second time,” he said. (Association of Prisoners in Exile –
April 26, 2007)

Members of Managing Board of Teachers’ Association summoned

Security Department of the Ministry of Education in Ilam summoned eight members of
the Managing Board of the Teachers’ Association.
“We are urged to put an end to our activities demanding the basic and civil rights of
teachers,” said one of the summoned teachers…. (VOA – April 23, 2007)

Journalists and women activists summoned to court

A number of women’s rights activists including five journalists and weblog writers, Asieh
Amini, journalist and weblog writer, Jilla Bani-Yaqoub journalist of Sarmayeh newspaper
and the Managing Director of Iranian Women’s Association website, Noushin Ahmadi
Khorasani, Jelveh Javaheri and Sousan Tahmasebi, three weblog writers of ‘Change for
Equality’ website, were summoned to the Revolutionary Court. They are accused of
action against the National Security by participating in illegal gatherings. (Akhbar-e Rooz
website – April 17, 2007)

Noushin Ahmadi Sousan Tahmasebi Jila Bani Yaqoub Jelveh Javaheri Asieh Amini


  Arbitrary Arrests

20 students at Sharif Industrial University summoned

Following the widespread summoning of the university
students to the disciplinary committees; the disciplinary
committee of Sharif Industrial University summoned
more than 20 students.
These students were summoned due to their
participation in the protest gathering held against the
interment ceremony of the unknown victims of war at
this university, stated Reza Delbari, student activist and
Sharif Industrial University former member of the Consolidation of Unity (Radio
Farda – April 15, 2007)

Widespread summoning of drivers of Tehran’s bus drivers Syndicate

The clerical regime summoned a number of members of
Tehran’s bus drivers Syndicate.
“They summoned the drivers under different pretexts
informing them orally, while oral summoning is illegal. The
drivers were also mistreated during their interrogation,” said
Ibrahim Madadi, chief deputy of Tehran’s bus drivers
He referred to the tortures imposed on the drivers by the
security agents and said: Carrying out long and savage
interrogations, the agents have created fear among the workers and as the summoning
were orally informed; no traces are left what so ever…. (Iran Press News – April 15, 2007)

Seven students at Mazandaran University summoned to disciplinary committee

Seven students at Mazandaran University were summoned to the university’s disciplinary
committee for interrogation. The seven students are, Arash Pakzad, Hadith Zaher, Nina
Batabi, Millad Moini, Hamed Mohammadi, Sara Khademi and Sadeq Hakimzadeh. It is
anticipated that the reason to most of these summoning is because of the December 7th
commemoration [students Day]. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – April 10, 2007)

Ministry of Education summons Kurdish teachers

The Security Department of the Ministry of Education in Sanandaj summoned seven
teacher activists of Kurdistan’s Teachers’ Association on Saturday April 7. These teachers
had participated in the March 18 gathering held outside this department [teachers’
widespread gathering]. The seven teachers are Mr. Baha-odin Maleki, Haidar Zaman,
Sediq Sadeqi, Reza Hatami, Ramin Zandi-nia and Hamed Abedi. (Roshangari website –
April 7, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


93 students summoned in one week

The Office of Consolidation of Unity issued a statement, reporting that 93 students had
been summoned to disciplinary committee over the past week. It also reported that
students across the country had been mistreated in various ways. In its statement, the
Office of Consolidation of Unity harshly criticized the officials of the Ministry of Sciences.
The statement said: "Last week we witnessed 93 student activists summoned to the
disciplinary committee or harsh verdicts being issued for them.” (ILNA – May 20, 2007)

35 students summoned at Zanjan University

"According to one of the members of the university's
disciplinary committee, 35 students at this university have
been summoned to the disciplinary committee. Among
these students some are members of the Central Council
and active members of the Student Islamic Association,"
claimed the spokesman of 'Zanjan' University’s Student
Islamic Association. (Asman Daily news – May 17, 2007)
Zanjan University
40 Polytechnic University students summoned
"More than 40 students including several members of the Islamic Association's Central
Council were summoned to the disciplinary committee," said former member of the
Central Council of the Students Islamic Association at Polytechnic (Amir Kabir) University.
"These students are convicted of taking part in the open forum of Polytechnic University
and the protest gatherings," he added. (ILNA – May 13, 2007)

Three women activists summoned

Talaat Taqi-nia, Mansoureh Shojaii and Farnaz Saifi were summoned to the assistant
security office of the Revolutionary Court. Prior to this, they were arrested at the airport
on January 27, on their way to India to participate in a journalism workshop and were
then transferred to Evin Prison. They were later released on bail. Their accusations were
action against the National Security. (Women’s website – May 10, 2007)


Akbar Mohammadi’s lawyer summoned to public prosecutor’s office

Mr. Khalil Bahramian, Akbar Mohammadi’s lawyer was summoned to the Government
employees’ Public Prosecutor. He was accused of insulting Evin Prison officials. (Radio


  Arbitrary Arrests

Farda – June 19, 2007) [Akbar Mohammadi is the student who was arrested and
imprisoned on the July 19, 1999 Tehran University Dormitory uprising and died in prison
last year while he was on a hunger strike]

Members of Workers Syndicate Founding Delegation summoned

The Revolutionary Court summoned several members of the Workers Syndicate
Founding Delegation. During the summoning, the workers were interrogated and
questioned about their activities. (Iran Press News – June 16, 2007)

Five protesting workers summoned

Five worker activists in Saqez that had participated in the protest against the arrest of
Mahmoud Salehi [head of Workers’ Syndicate in Kurdistan] were summoned to regime’s
court on Wednesday, June 13. (Payam website – June 14, 2007)


Widespread summoning of students across the country

The fourth branch of Isfahan’s Revolutionary Court summoned Maisam Golestani and
Hassan Talebi, members of the Student Islamic Association at Isfahan University, to court
on July 26 and 29 respectively.
Reza Abbasi, member of Asmak in Zanjan was summoned for the second time he was
released from Zanjan Prison in May. He had served one year in prison.
The Committee Supervising the Student newspapers summoned Ibrahim Shahbazi,
Managing Director of the student newspaper ‘Qichaq’ on charges of promoting Turkish
Nationalist Chauvinism and ruining the Farsi identity.
The court in Maragheh summoned Olshan Roshani pour, Babak Moradi, Saied
Mohammad pour, Majid Qareh-daghi and Mostafa Qolizadeh, Turkish nationalist
students at Maragheh Free University, for inviting the students to participate in the
student protest held at the university. They were transferred to the Intelligence Ministry
for interrogation. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – July 20, 2007)

Summoned for press activities

The Revolutionary Court in Ahwaz summoned Mr. Abulfazl Abedini, a reporter in Ahwaz,
on Saturday July 17. Mr. Abedini has been abducted twice so far by agents of the
Intelligence Ministry for his press activities. (Human Rights activists and Democracy in Iran
– July 18, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


Student activist in Isfahan summoned to Revolutionary Court

Mohammad Hassan Talebi, head of the political section of the Student Islamic
Association at Isfahan’s Medical Science University, is summoned to the Revolutionary
Mohammad Hassan Talebi, medical student, has been arrested once before in 2001 by
the Intelligence and Security forces for
boycotting the National Prayer Seminar. He was
in custody for a week. In 2004, simultaneous
with the elections of city and village councils, he
was summoned to branch 4 of Isfahan Province’s
Revolutionary Court following his efforts to hold
a seminar called, ‘The Islamic Republic, Threats
and Opportunities’. The recent summoning is a
follow up to the same case. (Students Committee
Isfahan University of Human Rights Reporters – Sept. 16, 2007)

A teacher summoned to Revolutionary Court in Hamedan

Nine members of the Managing Board of the Teachers’ Association, Mr. Nader Qadimi,
Yousof Refahiat, Yousof Zareii, Ali Sadeqi, Hadi Qolami, Jalal Naderi, Ali Najafi, Majid
Forouzanfar and Mahmoud Jalilian were summoned to the Revolutionary Court in
Hamedan on Monday September 9. (Iran Press News – Sept. 10, 2007)

Two teachers summoned to court

Assadollah Hairani and Mohammad Tavakoli, two members of the Central Council of the
Teachers’ Association in Kermanshah, were summoned to the Revolutionary Public
Prosecutor’s office on Tuesday September 3. The two had been in jail in the first few
months of 2006. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Sept. 8, 2007)


Five student activists summoned

Following the students protest at Hamedan’s Bu-Ali
University and a statement issued by the university’s
Student Islamic Association, five students by the names of
Amin Nazari, Reza Jaafarian, Siavash Hatam, Mohammad
Sayadi and Najmeh Masoumi were summoned to the
disciplinary committee. The students were charged with Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan


  Arbitrary Arrests

insulting the government. (VOA – Oct. 23, 2007)

Seven persons defending ‘equal rights’ summoned to court

A date was set for the court session handling the cases of Noushin Ahmadi Khorasani,
Elnaz Ansari, Zara Amjadian, Sara Loqmani, Niloufar Goldar and Maryam Mirza which is
related to last year’s March 3rd incident, and the case of Ehteram Shadfar for collecting
signatures (for the one million signature campaign) last April.
On March 3, when a court trial was held for five of the women activists, Parvin Ardalan,
Shahla Ansari, Noushin Ahmadi Khorasani, Sousan Tahmasebi and Fariba Davood
Mohajer, who had participated in the June 12 gathering outside the Revolutionary
Court, 29 persons along with four of them, were arrested. A while later they were
released on bail. Recently a court session was held for them in October.
The court trial for the seven activists of the one million signature campaign was held on
October 27.
Court sessions for Elnaz Ansari, Zara Amjadian and Sara Loqmani will also be held in the
following weeks. Niloufar Golkar, Maryam Mirza and Noushin Ahmadi Khorasani are
summoned to the court in December and the court session for Ehteram Shadfar will be
held next January. (Women’s website – Oct. 22, 2007)

Teachers summoned to security department of Education Ministry

Over the past few days, three teachers by the names of Baha-oddin Maleki, Ramin Zand
Nia and Haidar Zaman, were summoned to the security section of the Education
Ministry’s Administration in Kurdistan. Reports claim that the teachers were summoned
because of their activities in the Teachers’ Association in Sanandaj and for distributing
their association’s manifest. (Mukerian news agency – Sept. 17, 2007)

Two women activists summoned to Court of Appeal

Mansoureh and Talaat Taqi-nia, two activists from the
Women’s Movement, were summoned for the second
time to the Revolutionary Court for more
The last time that Shojaii and Taqi-nia appeared in
court, the judge did not show up.
The two are also active members of the ‘One million
signature campaign to change the misogynist laws’.
Talaat Taqi-nia Mansoureh Shojaii
(Association of Iranian Women – Oct. 12, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


Political activist summoned to court

Amir Parviz Sehati, brother of Koroush Sehati, a student activist and former political
prisoner, was summoned to Tehran’s Revolutionary Court.
It seems that his summoning was due to his brother’s political and press activities outside
of the Iran and also related to recent students protests. (Roshangari Website – Nov.27,

Widespread summoning of students at Allameh University

Following the recent student protests at Allameh
University, Sadeq Shojaii, the president of the Student
Islamic Association at this university, was summoned to the
Revolutionary Court. On the other hand, Rashid Ismaili,
senior expert student majoring in human rights, was also
summoned to the Security Department of the
Revolutionary Court. So far, Soleiman Mohammadi, student
at this university, has been interrogated in the court twice
and Sadeq Shojaii once; Sadeq Shojaii must appear in court
Allameh Tabatabai University
again on the following day and Rashid Ismaili must appear
in Tehran’s Revolutionary Court on Sunday.
In addition to the above summoning, the university officials have so far summoned six
other students from the Social Sciences and Communication College to the disciplinary
committee. The students are accused of participating in the recent university events
(student protests). (Amir Kabir newsletter – Nov. 25, 2007)

Increase in arrest and summoning of workers activists

The arrest and summoning of the workers have increased, said a worker from Shoush.
Mr. Rahim Basaq, a worker activist at Haft-Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory, was arrested on
Sunday November 18 and transferred to the Intelligence Bureau in Shoush City.
Additionally, Mr. Jalil Ahmadi, another worker activist, is on the threshold of being
It is worth mentioning that over the past weeks, several worker activists were arrested
and imprisoned. Mr. Fereidoon Nikoofard, Ramezan Alipour and Mohammad Haidari are
among the arrested. (Iran Press News – Nov. 19, 2007)

Eight student activists of Allameh University summoned

One student activist was summoned to the Revolutionary Court and six others to the
disciplinary committee. Babak Zamanian, former member of the Central Council of the
Student Association, was also summoned to the Revolutionary Court.

  Arbitrary Arrests

A student activist announced that six student activists from the Social Sciences and
Communication College of Allameh Tabatabai University were summoned to the
disciplinary committee. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Nov. 13, 2007)

New wave of students summoned to disciplinary committee

Instead of solving the problems, the management of Shahroud University has taken
advantage of calm and adopted a policy of widespread suppression of critical students. It
is following the example of management of Amir Kabir and Allameh universities and
seeks to respect their experience in Shahroud.
The students at Shahrud University staged a two-day sit-in to object disbanding of the
Students Islamic associations and councils, unprecedented and illegal pressure imposed
on student newspapers and most importantly, the sentences of two terms suspension
from education for Ali Qoli zadeh, spokesman of the Student Islamic Association at this
university, and one term suspension from education for Farkhondeh Bakhtiar zadeh.
However, four more students were summoned following the sit-in.
Members of the elected council of the students participating in the sit-in, Seyed Ashkan
Madani, Saman Firoozi, Seyedeh Fahimeh Mirlouhi and Javad Safdar were summoned to
the disciplinary committee. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Nov. 9, 2007)

Workers’ spokesman summoned to court

Abulfazl Abedini Nasr, a journalist from Khuzestan, who was chosen by workers of Haft-
Tapeh Sugarcane Factory as their spokesman, was summoned to the Revolutionary
Court by the Intelligence Ministry.
He had interviewed many different Media defending the rights of workers of Haft-Tapeh
Sugarcane Factory. He was accused of action against the national security in court. (Amir
Kabir newsletter – Nov. 3, 2007)

Woman activist summoned for participating in a protest

Sara Laqai, an activist of the women’s movement who was also arrested on March 4
(demonstration held against the captivity of several women activists), was summoned to
the Revolutionary Court. So far, a trial date has been set for 13 persons who were among
the arrestees on the March 4 gathering and one of them has been tried. (Maidan-e
Zanan – Nov. 2, 2007)

Workers activist summoned to court

A worker activist who is also a member of the Workers’ Syndicate was summoned to the
court. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Nov. 2, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

More than 30 students of Isfahan University summoned
Over the past two months, Isfahan University has held three legal protests on purpose of
obtaining their demands, primary rights of the students including the establishment of
the Student Council and the Student Islamic Association and also their political demands
including the release of the imprisoned Amir Kabir University students and Adnan
Hassanpour and also lifting the repressional atmosphere of the country.
After suppressing the students’ protests, the appointed authorities at this university
summoned more than 30 students to the disciplinary committee and threatened them of
heavy punishments. (Amir Kabir / Bu Ali Sina Newsletter – Dec. 25, 2007)

Six political activists summoned

Six political activists received a warning summoning them to the Revolutionary Court in
Taher Mahdavi Chiziq, Yusouf Lotfi-haq, Khosro Derakhshi, Mohammad Ali Javadi, Mehdi
Afsari and Javad Kanaani must show up at the Revolutionary Court in Tabriz on
December 14 for trial. (Amir Kabir newsletter - Dec. 22, 2007)

Revolutionary Court summons Kayvan Rafiee

The assistant security of the Revolutionary Court summoned Kayvan
Rafiee, President of The Human Rights Activists in Iran.
This is while Kayvan Rafiee was released last month after enduring a
year and a half of prison. In addition, the directorate of Security of the
Revolutionary Court usually arrests and detains those summoned. (Amir
Kabir Newsletter – Dec. 20, 2007)

Three students at Mashhad Azad University summoned

Amir Hossein Nourbaksh, president of the Student Association at the Law and Political
Science College, Adel Taeni, political head of this association and Mohammad Mizban, a
leftist student activist at Mashhad Azad University, were summoned to the disciplinary
committee for publishing the association’s statement regarding the ‘Students Day’
gathering, disrupting the university’s order and insulting the president (Ahmadinejad),
and participating in the ‘Student Day’ gathering respectively. (Amir Kabir newsletter –
Dec. 19, 2007)

More than 30 students summoned for attending party

The Disciplinary Committee of Shiraz University summoned more than 30 students of the
Dentistry College for attending a mixed-sex party and disobeying the Islamic norms.
(Amir Kabir newsletter – Dec. 18, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

Four students at Kerman University summoned

Following the open forum of the Student Association at Kerman University
commemorating the ‘Student Day’, the disciplinary committee of the university
summoned Mohsen Khosravi, President of the Association’s Organization, Hassan
Hassani, member of the Association’s Central Council, Mahmoud Hadi-pour and Hessam
Saiedi, members of the Association’s Public Council. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Dec. 17,

Students summoned for participating in university gatherings

Eight students at Bu Ali Sina University (Hamedan) have been summoned to the
disciplinary committee over the recent months for
participating in the university’s student gatherings. Pooria
Sharifian (member of the student council at Bu Ali Sina
University), Najmeh Masoumi, Mohammad Siadi, Amin
Nazari (president of the Student Islamic Association of
Hamedan), Mehdi Jamalvand, Seyed Reza Jafaarian,
Siavash Hatam and Mehdi Mosafer are the eight students
summoned to the disciplinary committee. (Bu Ali Sina
newsletter – Dec. 13, 2007)

Father of imprisoned student summoned to Intelligence Ministry

On Monday, December 10, the student protest at Shiraz University enjoyed a moving
and sympathetic speech by Mr. Iraj Saf-shekan (Roozbeh’s father, who was imprisoned
on the Students’ Day) in support of the ‘Students Day’ demonstrations and
condemnation of the widespread arrests of the University students…
Mr. Saf-shekan was then summoned to the Intelligence Ministry through a phone call a
day after this gathering. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Dec. 11, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

Political arrests


Three women activists arrested

Talaat Taqi Nia, Mansoureh Shojaii and Farnaz Saifi, journalists, activists from the
Women’s Movement and members of the Women Cultural Center were arrested while
leaving the country. The purpose to their trip was to go to a ‘Journalism Tutoring Center’
in New Delhi, India.
After they were arrested, the agents took them first to their house and after a complete
search of their house the agents confiscated their personal belongings such as their
computer, books and written materials and then transferred them to cell no. 209 in Evin
Prison. (Iran Press News – Jan. 28, 2007)


26 arrested during gathering held on ‘International Day of Native Languages’

Based on received information, Saeed Matin pour, journalist and writer
in Zanjan, has been in a solitary confinement over the past three days.
Matin pour was arrested along with 26 other activists during the
gathering held on ‘International Day of Native Languages’ in Zanjan
City. (Iran Press News – Feb. 29, 2007)

Saeid Matin-pour


  Arbitrary Arrests

Three arrested during protest gatherings in Ardebil Province

Based on received information from ‘Tabriz’, Davood Mohammadi, Hossein Mohammadi
and Payman Bahrami, three activists from Azerbaijan National Movement in Tabriz who
had gone to Ardebil to participate in a protest gathering, were arrested during the
gathering in front of Ardebil’s Prison. The protestors objected to Abbas Lasani’s prison
sentence, the inhumane conditions imposed on him in prison and the failure to respect
his legal rights. (Resistance supporters in Iran – Feb. 11, 2007)

15 female journalists arrested

The Intelligence Ministry agents arrested and
interrogated 15 female journalists who intended to flee
Tehran to participate in a ‘Journalism Tutoring Center’
in India. (Iran Press News – Feb. 9, 2007)


Two Kurdish journalists arrested

Two Kurdish journalists were arrested. The two are Asu Saleh
reporter of Didgah weekly and Mansour Tifouri journalist from
Sanandaj, who were arrested on Thursday March 7 and Sunday
March 20 in Sanandaj and Marivan cities respectively.
Mr. Asu Saleh, student at Kurdistan’s Free University, was arrested
once, six months ago on charges of participating in a sit-in held in
Asu Saleh
front of the university and sentenced to six months suspension from continuing
education. In the recent months he was active as a reporter in a two language
newspaper called ‘Didgah’. On March 8 he had gone to the women’s gathering in
Sanadaj to cover a report, in which he was arrested along with some other women who
were arrested at the scene…. (BBC radio (Farsi) – March 13, 2007)

1000 persons arrested during Iranian ‘Fire Festival’

“1000 persons were arrested during the night of the
Iranian ‘Fire Festival’ [last Wednesday of the year],” said
head of the police information center in Tehran (Baztab
website – March 13, 2007)

55 persons in Isfahan and nine in Kerman were arrested

during ‘Fire Festival’
Head of Isfahan Province’s Department of Justice reported


  Arbitrary Arrests

the arrest of 55 persons during the night of the ‘Fire Festival’.

Toiser Kani, head of Kerman’s Department of Justice, also reported the arrest of nine
youths aging 18 to 21, on the night of the ‘Fire Festival’. (ISNA – March 13, 2007)

Active teachers arrested in Kermanshah

Based on the report given by Tehran’s Teachers’ Association, Mr. Heshmati, Tavakoli and
Sadeqi, three teacher activists in Kermanshah were arrested on Monday March 11.
The three teachers are accused of inciting the teachers to gather outside the Education
Dept. on Tuesday March 6, to protest (government’s) failure to implement the bill on
coordinated regime of salary payment. (Iran Press News – March 12, 2007)

50 women activists arrested on the eve of March 8

50 women activists from the Women Movement held a gathering in front of the
Revolutionary Court on March 3 to express full solidarity with five women activists who
were court trialed on charges of attending the peaceful demonstration held on June 12,
in ‘Hafte Tir’ Square. However, they were arrested very soon by the police security.
(Women’s website – March 3, 2007)


Arrests and summoning of teachers in Tehran

A teacher activist announced that the mullahs' regime began its widespread arrest and
summoning of teachers from April 14, 2007. He said, last night the intelligence forces
arrested a teacher activist in Karaj, another teacher activist in Islam Shahr and Robat
Karim cities and two other teacher activists in Kerman. The teachers are still in the
detention centers. There have been extreme arrests in other cities as well. (Homa news
agency – April 16, 2007)

45 teachers arrested during a meeting

45 teachers in Hamedan were arrested on Saturday April 18,
at the place where 'Hamedan Teachers' Association' meeting
was held. “The SSF intruded a meeting held by the teachers
and arrested 30 of them present in the meeting. The agents
also raided the other teachers' residences and arrested
another 15 teachers,” Aftab website reported. (Rooz
newspaper – April 9, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

Five arrested collecting signatures against discriminatory laws against women

Some women activists who were busy collecting signatures for the 'One million
Signature Campaign to Change the Prejudice Laws against Women' in 'Laleh' Park, were
Nahid Keshavarz, Sara Imanian and her husband, Mahboubeh Hosseinzadeh and
Saeedeh Amin, the five arrested, were first transferred to the Ministers' Social Corruption
Bureau and then to police station 100. (Zanestan website – April 3, 2007)

7 youths and teenagers arrested in Dehgalan

Seven youths and teenagers named, Arman Mohammadi, Muslim Ahmadi, Parviz
Qasemi, Momen Mohammadi, Sirvan Alizadeh, Mohsen Hadi and Abedin Karimi were
arrested during the 'Fire Festival' in Dehgalan. (Asman Daily news – April 3, 2007)


Five Polytechnic University students arrested

The mullahs' regime arrested five students at Polytechnic University.
"Five instigators of university riots at Polytechnic University have been
arrested. Judges in the Prosecutor's Office issued instructions for this
university, and a number of persons were placed under control,"
announced Alireza Jamshid, spokesman of regime's judicial system.
(Hambastegi Melli – May 3, 2007)
Amir Kabir University


24 year old activist arrested

Amir Janat Abadi, a 24 year old political activist, who had been threatened and arrested
many times before by the Intelligence Ministry, has disappeared over a month.
(Committee of human rights student reporters – July 15, 2007)

17 year old teenager arrested for political activities

Qaneh Mohammad Rezaii, 17 from Sanandaj was arrested and sent to prison for having
ties with opposition groups. (Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan – July 1, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


Mother arrested for defending her son

Maysam Lotfi, a former political prisoner, who was arrested as a thug
during a Plan called Promoting the Social Security, is presently in a
solitary confinement in cellblock 240 of Evin Prison and is kept under
very bad condition.
Maysam’s mother was also arrested by the intelligence and security
forces after revealing her son’s true political identity and background.
She is transferred to the same cell. (VOA – Sept. 28, 2007)

Maysam Lotfi
Another political activist arrested in Ardebil
Agents of the Intelligence Ministry arrested Vodood Saadati, a political activist in Ardebil,
on Monday September 17 at his shop without offering a legal warrant. So far he has had
no permission to neither contact his lawyer nor his family. He had been arrested several
times before. Saadati was arrested and imprisoned the first time last year on charges of
participating in the public demonstration held in Ardebil. He was sentenced to six
months in prison, 50 lashes and a fine payment of 300,000 toman in a private court.
He was arrested for the second time in the protest held last May in Ardebil and after a
few days, he was released on bail. (Iran Press News – Sept. 19, 2007)

Civil activists beaten and arrested in Khoram Abad

The workshop of women’s rights in Khoram Abad was ended after the police violently
attacked the meeting and bludgeoned and arrested the participants and members of the
‘One million signature Campaign’. 25 of the participants were kept in custody until late
They were convicted of holding a meeting, lecturing on the unequal laws such as
polygamy, death and unequal blood money etc.
The meeting started a little late. Around 11.40 a.m., their came a hard knock on the door.
When Bahman Azadi, the husband of one of the participants, opened the door, 10
armed police with military clothing and plain clothes agents and three policewomen
violently entered the house and started kicking and beating Bahman with the stock of
their gun.
The police insulted the participants and violently threw the men and women in two
different rooms. In one of the rooms, the police brutally unclothed the women and
began a body search. The same was done with the men in the other room. They also
threw out all the belongings of the house owner and the participants and searched
them. They were continuously insulting the participants.


  Arbitrary Arrests

After one hour of insult, search, beating and bludgeoning and confiscation of the
participants’ personal belongings, a lot of handcuffs was brought. They first handcuffed
the men and took them out of the house…
While the other participants were leaving the meeting, they saw a crowd being violently
arrested and the police told them that they had been incarcerated for participating in a
The minibuses carrying the arrestees went to the police station in Khoram Abad and
dropped off their passengers at the detention center of drug abusers and smugglers.
The men were taken to another place and the 14 women were kept in suspension in
narrow and dark hallways. They had squeezed the women in two 3 * 3 meter cells. The
women were called two by two out of their dark and narrow cells and sent for
interrogation. After the interrogation, the women were taken to the minibuses and
transferred to another place; they were told on the way to keep their heads low. “They
continuously threatened us not to look outside. They said, if you get your heads up, you
will be hardly hit in the head!!” The next stop was the Intelligence Bureau. They kept all
14 women together in a very large and bright room.
Nothing happened until 4.30 p.m.; the women then started persisting, heating hard on
the door and calling out the guards; they came taking the women one by one for more
interrogations. After interrogating everyone, especially the women from Khoram Abad,
they were forced to give written pledges not to participate in illegal gatherings anymore.
The agents paid no attention to the women’s objections explaining that their meetings
were legal…. (Change for equality website – Sept. 16, 2007)

Two political activists arrested

Two political activists were arrested in the western parts of the country.
Mansour Faraji, political activist, was arrested on September 11 in Kurdistan. He was then
transferred to Evin Prison in Tehran.
Abbas Khorsandi, another political activist, was also arrested on September 11 in
Firoozkooh by the security forces. (Iran Press News – Sept. 13, 2007)

Four human rights activists arrested

The security forces arrested at least four human rights activists.
Sepideh Pour-Aqaai, human rights activist, was arrested Sunday
September 9, during an attack made to her house by the security forces
in Karaj. The agents, who entered her house without a legal warrant,
introduced themselves as Intelligence forces of NAJA (Ground Forces of
Islamic Republic Army).
During this attack, the forces searched the activist’s house and
confiscated all her belongings including her computer, some books and
Sepideh her written papers.
The SSF also attacked and searched the house of Qasem Shirzadian, a


  Arbitrary Arrests

weblog writer, on the same day and arrested him.

Maysam Roodaki and Bahram Rasekhi-far are the other two human rights activists whom
were arrested on Sunday and Monday, September 9 and 10. (Amir Kabir newsletter –
Sept. 14, 2007)

Teacher activist arrested and transferred to unknown place

Based on received information from Shahr Reza City, the State Security Forces (SSF)
arrested Mr. Hamid Rahmati, teacher activist, in his house on Thursday September 6 at
12.15 p.m. and transferred him to an unknown place.
His house is still surrounded by the SSF. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Sept. 7, 2007)


New wave of Suppression against Boroujerdi’s Supporters

According to recent reports, a new wave of arrests of supporters of Ayatollah Kazemeini
Boroujerdi has been triggered.
With the upcoming of the anniversary of suppressing Ayatollah Kazemeini Boroujerdi
and his supporters over the past week, security forces attacked residents of some of his
supporters and arrested them. Some sources report that seven of his followers have been
arrested thus far. Some of the detained men and women are Yasaman Rezaie, Fatemeh
Abdollah Vand, Narges Ghafar Zadeh, Maryam Azimi, Amin Alizadeh, Morteza Hosseini,
and Mohammad Reza Sadeghi. (Amir Kabir Newsletter – Oct. 31, 2007)

Political Science professor at Tabriz University arrested

Mohammad Ali Haidari, Political Science Professor at Tabriz University and head of
Azerbaijan’s Student Newspaper Association was arrested in Tehran and transferred to
an unknown place. (Iran Press News – Oct. 28, 2007)

Four student activists at Ahwaz University arrested

On Monday October 21, the security forces arrested four students by the names of
Roozbeh Rahimi, Javad Ali-khani, Mehdi Masoumi and Raii at Ahwaz Chemran University.
So far their friends and family have not been able to receive any information on their
condition. These students are among the active students especially in the student
newspaper section at this university. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Oct. 25, 2007)

Widespread arrest of students at Ahwaz Chamran University

On Wednesday October 24, the suppressive intelligence forces inhumanely arrested 14
student activists from the dormitory at Ahwaz Chamran University and transferred them
to an unknown place. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Oct. 24, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

Three Amir Kabir University students arrested during gathering

After the Student Islamic Association of Polytechnic University in Tehran called on all
students to stage a protest at this university on Monday October 21, a number of
students from universities across the city gathered at Amir Kabir University (Polytechnic)
and protested against the heavy sentences imposed on the three imprisoned students
Ahmad Ghasaban, Ehsan Mansouri and Majid Tavakoli.
The university management had forbidden the entry of all student activists on this day…
Following the protest gathering, the university’s security forces arrested three student
activists. (Radio Farda – Oct. 22, 2007)

Student activists arrested

Yaser Goli, student activist and former president of the Kurdish Student
Democratic Union, was arrested on October 12 in front of Sanandaj
Free University. Following his arrest, the security agents went to his
house searching the whole place and confiscated his personal
computer and written notebooks. Yaser Goli, who was a Ph.D.
student, was suspended from education a few months ago and was
considered a starred student. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Oct. 12, 2007)
Yaser Goli
[Starred students are students whom the regime has forbidden them
to enter the university because of their political activities]

Member of ‘million-signatures-campaign’ arrested

The security forces in Sanandaj arrested Ms. Ronak Safa-zadeh,
woman activist and member of the ‘One million signature
campaign’, and transferred her to an unknown place.
At 7 a.m., the security forces went to Ronak’s house and searched
the whole place, confiscating all the signatures collected by this
campaign and her personal computer. They then transferred her to
the Intelligence Bureau in Sanandaj. It has been reported that the
security forces searched this woman activist’s house without a legal
Ronak Safa-zadeh
warrant and violently behaved her family while entering the house.
Ms. Ronak Safa-zadeh was a Masters Degree student majoring in Graphics; she is also a
women’s activist and member of the Azar-mehr Women’s Association in Kurdistan.
(Kurdish News HRW – Oct. 10, 2007)

Widespread arrest of teachers in Tabriz

Following the legal and peaceful protests of the teachers in Tabriz in the academic year
2006 – 2007, the summoning of the teachers to the security office and the province’s
Infraction of the Department of Education is extremely continuing. Moreover, in the
upcoming days, heavy sentences or even dismissal orders will be issued for the
summoned teachers. In line with this, the principal of Hazrat Abulfazl High-school in the


  Arbitrary Arrests

fourth district of Tabriz was also fired from work for cooperating with the protesting
teachers. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Oct. 2, 2007)


Negation of freedom of speech for journalists

Agents of the Judicial System arrested Reza Vali-zadeh, journalist and
weblog writer, after the Government Institution made a complaint on
him. He was convicted of inciting the public opinion.
Mr. Valizadeh has a weblog by the name of Istgah and writes articles
on literature and communication; some time ago he wrote an article
titled as “Four dogs pricing 600 million toman bodyguard
Ahmadinejad”. This was a report on the four dogs bought for
Ahmadinejad as his guarding team… It is assumed that he was
Reza Vali-zadeh
arrested for writing this article. (Norouz website – Nov. 28, 2007)

Student journalists sentenced to prison

The Penal Court of branch 106 ruled Arash Bahmani, the Chief Editor of ‘A better Gillan’
weekly and member of the Central Council of the Alumni Office for the Consolidation of
Unity - the Gillan branch, to 16 months in prison, Babak Mehdizadeh, journalist and
member of the Central Council of the Alumni Office for the Consolidation of Unity - the
Gillan branch and Kuhzad Ismaili, another member of this unity to four months in prison.
Arash Bahmani is accused of insulting the last Imam and misinformation and Babak
Mehdizadeh and Kuhzad Ismaili are both accused of publishing misinformation.
Prior to this, Arash Bahmani, Babak Mehdizadeh and Kuhzad Ismaili were arrested on the
eve of Ahmadinejad’s trip to Gillan and spent some time in prison. (Amir Kabir newsletter
– Nov. 16, 2007)

Two reporters of Bahar-e Ahwaz weekly arrested

Agents of the Intelligence Ministry arrested Abulfazl Abedini, a reporter from Khuzestan,
on Tuesday November 13 near his office (the office of Bahar-e Ahwaz weekly) in Ahwaz
and transferred him to an unknown place.
Following Mr. Abedini’s arrest, one of his co-workers, Kasra Allah Sond, who approached
the information center in Ahwaz to follow up on his colleague’s condition, was also
arrested by the agents of Intelligence Ministry. (Human Rights activists and Democracy in
Iran – Nov. 15, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

Relatives arrested for following up on condition of kins

Mr. Ali Saremi was arrested on November 2 after participating in the commemoration of
the 19th anniversary of the 1988 massacres of the political prisoners, and transferred to
cellblock 209 of the notorious Evin Prison.
Matin Rasekh, interrogator of first branch of the Revolutionary Court, refused to give any
information on the condition of Mr. Saremi to his family and humiliated them. Rasekh
had threatened this family many times and warned them that if they continue to
approach the court on Mr. Saremi’s condition, they will be arrested. He later met his
terms and arrested Mrs. Mahin Saremi, 54, who suffered from physical illness, and
transferred her to an unknown place.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Saremi were left unanswered after referring to the
Revolutionary Court on their parent’s condition. Rasekh also threatened and arrested the
children and said: “If you continue to follow up on your parent’s condition, it will be your
turn next…” (Human Rights activists and Democracy in Iran – Nov. 13, 2007)

Student arrested for handing out newspaper

The security agents at Sharif Industrial University arrested Mehdi Allah Yari, a senior
expert student at this university, on Saturday November 10 for distributing a legal
newspaper among the students. (Avayeh Daneshgah – Nov. 12, 2007)

Students arrested after Ahmadinejad’s visit to Elm-o Sanaat University

Ahmadinejad entered the Science and Industrial University (Elm-o Sanaat) at 8 O’clock in
the morning on November 12, on a pre-planned program to give out a speech to a
group of hand-picked students. These students were all students of Bassij and the
university’s security system.
It is worth mentioning that all classes were cancelled
from a day before and only a certain number of
people knew of the place where Ahmadinejad was
going to give out his speech; the university’s
management did not know of the place either!
Reporters and news agencies were also not
permitted to enter the conference. Reporters were
told that any news and information on this seminar
will be sent to them through the Presidential
Institute. Science & Industrial University (Elm-o Sanaat)
In fear of the students’ protests against Ahmadinejad, regime’s forces undertook security
measures at Polytechnic and Tehran universities to counter the students.
Following the clashes between the students and the Bassij force, three students were
arrested. Majid Sheikh-pour and another student, from Polytechnic University and Majid
Ansari, member of the Student Islamic Association at Khajeh Nasir University were
arrested. (Resistance supporters in Iran – Nov. 12, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

Member of Central Council of Consolidation Unity arrested

The security forces raided Ali Nekoonesbati’s house, member of
the Central Council and head of the Public Relations of the
Consolidation of Unity [Tahkim-e Vahdat], and after searching
the whole place, they confiscated some of his personal
belongings and arrested him. Ali Nikoonesbati had been arrested
and imprisoned along with five other members of the Central

Ali Nekoonesbati Council in July after holding a peaceful sit-in in front of Amir Kabir
University in Tehran. He was then released on a 50 million toman bail in August.
Mohammad Nikoonesbati explained about the conditions of his brother’s arrest and said:
it was about 1.30 on Thursday November 8 that about six or seven security forces
attacked our house. My mother who opened the door had no veil on, but they paid no
attention and just busted in.
“They behaved very badly. They were armed. They told my brother to sit and shut his
mouth. They then searched the whole house and they even looked inside the cups,” he
Mohammad Nikoonesbati stated that the forces that had come for his brother’s arrest
showed no legal warrant. He continued: “they told us that they can do what ever they
want. They said exactly, ‘We can even set fire to this place if we want and you still can’t
want any warrants from us’. The forces arresting my brother were agents of the
Intelligence Ministry. Judge Hassan Hadad, deputy security of Tehran’s public prosecutor,
even called one of the agents at the scene and asked about Ali’s arrest and the agent
told him that the operation was successful…” (Advar news – Nov. 9, 2007)

Former political prisoner arrested

Agents of the Intelligence Ministry in Qazvin violently attacked and arrested Mrs. Marzieh
Pourtaghi, 46, on Saturday afternoon, November 4 and transferred her to an unknown
The Intelligence Ministry agents searched her house and intentionally ruined all her
furniture. They also confiscated many of her personal belongings such as her family
photo album and films, books, CDs and Cellphone. The agents behaved very cruelly with
her family when they came to arrest Mrs. Pourtaghi.
Mrs. Marzieh Pourtaghi was a political prisoner during the 1980’s.
Over the past weeks, the Intelligence Ministry has been arresting former political
prisoners in an unprecedented manner and transfers them to its secret prisons. (Human
Rights activist and Democracy in Iran – Nov. 8, 2007)

Press freedom suppressed and journalists arrested

One week after the EP resolution urging Iran to respect and observe international norms
and standards, Yaqoub Saleki-nia, journalist, was arrested on October 31. With the arrest


  Arbitrary Arrests

of Yaqoub Saleki-nia, the number of journalists imprisoned in Iran reached 10 persons.

Two other newspapers were also closed by the Press Supervision Board.
On November 6, the Press Supervision Board also withdrew the license and closed
Madresseh Quarterly. This philosophic publication was closed reportedly for publishing
an interview with a prominent religious intellectual, Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari.
In the international ranking of Press Freedom published in October 2007 by Reporters
without Borders, Iran ranks 166 among 169 countries.
With 10 journalists in prison, Iran is the biggest prison for journalists in the Middle East.
(Reporters without borders – Nov. 9, 2007)

Former editor-in-chief of a student newspaper arrested

Security agents abducted Mir Qasem Seyedin-zadeh on October 30. He is from Jolfa,
Isfahan and is a graduate student in Political Sciences at Tehran University. Seyedin-
zadeh presently resides in Tehran and is an employee of the Municipality. Prior to this, he
was the managing director and editor-in-chief of the student newspaper ‘Dozgon news’
at Tehran University. He is reportedly in cellblock 209 of Evin Prison. (Resistance
supporters in Iran – Nov. 7, 2007)

Student at Payam-e Nour University arrested

One month after the arrest of Ronak Safazadeh, Hana Abdi,
another woman activist and member of the one million signature
campaign, was arrested on November 4 in Kurdistan. She was
Ronak’s friend and team-mate and one of the members of ‘Azar
Mehr Women’s Association’ in Kurdistan. According to her family,
Hana was arrested at her grandfather’s house in Sanandaj. After
Hana was arrested, the agents, who were seven persons, went to
her father’s house and searched the entire house confiscating her
personal computer and a few legal notebooks on the campaign.
Hana Abdi
Hana is 21 years old and is a psychology majoring student at
Payam-e Nour Bijar University. She had also been active in collecting signatures for the
one million signature campaign. (Women’s website – Nov. 5, 2007)

Deputy Chair of Consolidation of Unity arrested

The security forces attacked Ali Azizi’s house and arrested him on
November 4. Ali Azizi is the Deputy Chairman and member of the
Central Council of the Consolidation of Unity and former member of
the Central Council of Amir Kabir University’s Student Islamic
Association. The security forces searched his house and confiscated
his personal computer, notebooks and other stuff….
Ali Azizi is the fourth student that has been arrested by the security
forces over the past week. Arman Sedaqati, Behnam Sepehrmand Ali Azizi

  Arbitrary Arrests

and Maziar Samii were arrested last week by the security forces and there is no
information on their release yet. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Nov. 5, 2007)

Student activist at Amir Kabir University arrested

Agents of the Intelligence Ministry arrested Pedram Rafaati, student
activist at Amir Kabir, on November 3 and transferred him to an
unknown place.
Pedram Rafaati was first arrested during the students protest at Allameh
Tabatabai University a few days ago, but was then released.
The suppressive institutions in the university had suspended him a few
times from education during his academic years. (Human Rights activists
Pedram Rafaati and Democracy in Iran – Nov. 3, 2007)

Five students arrested for publishing caricatures of government authorities

“After we were notified of the plan…, the public prosecutor ordered the arrest of those
involved in supplying these leaflets and prevented its publication. The (Intelligence
Ministry agents) then received an order from the judicial authorities and arrested five
students from different colleges at Chemran Ahwaz University,” said the deputy
prosecutor of the Revolutionary and Public Court in Ahwaz. (Association of Prisoners in
Exile – Nov. 2, 2007)

Azeri human rights activist arrested

Following the attack of the Intelligence Ministry forces, Yaqoub Saleki-nia, journalist and
an Azeri human rights activist, was arrested on Wednesday October 31 and transferred
to an unknown place. Yaqoub Saleki-nia was one of the members of the Founding Board
of the Committee Defending Azerbaijan’s Political Prisoners (Asmak). (Iran Press News –
Nov. 1, 2007)


Student arrested after appearing in court as summoned

Bahram Shojaii, student at Azad University, was arrested after he was summoned to the
Revolutionary and Public Prosecutor’s Office yesterday. Shojaii is Chemical Engineering
student at Technical College – Tehran University. He was also arrested on Thursday
December 13 by the security forces while distributing leaflets that wrote objectives to the
arrest of the students, outside a religious center. He was interrogated for hours … (Amir
Kabir newsletter – Dec. 17, 2007)
He was then transferred to Evin Prison on December 18.


  Arbitrary Arrests

Bahram Shojaii is presently in the custody of the Intelligence Ministry on charges of

public activities against the government, publishing misinformation and membership in
opposition groups. (Advar news – Dec. 19, 2007)

Two more students arrested

One week after the disappearance of Mehdi Allahyari, university student, his worried
family was informed on Saturday, December 15 that he has been arrested.
In addition, the security forces at the Technical College, Mazandaran University, arrested
Parsa Kermanian (Kermanjan) in the university campus while distributing a statement
among the students and transferred him to an unknown place. Parsa was one of the
sponsors of the gathering staged on the Student Day. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Dec. 16,

Four worker activists arrested

The State Security Forces (SSF) arrested four worker activists of the Workers’ Movement.
When the Workers’ Movement had gathered in Chitgar Park, Tehran, today, the agents
positioned in the park stormed the gathering and arrested Mr. Ibrahim Norouzi Gohari,
member of the board of directors of Tehran’s Bus Drivers’ Syndicate, and took him to a
police station.
His colleagues, Mohsen Hakimi, member of the coordinating committee, Alireza Asgari
and Hossein Gholami, worker activists, then referred to the police station (where Mr.
Gohari was taken to) to follow up on his condition, but they were all arrested as well.
(Salam Democrat – Dec. 15, 2007)

Three Kurdish students arrested

Three Kurdish students, who called for human rights for their ethnic group at Tehran
University protest, have been arrested.
Farshad Doostipour, Javad Alizadeh and Sohrab Karimi, spoke in support
of human rights for ethnic Kurds during the protest that drew 1500
young people at the University of Tehran on Sunday.
They also called for the immediate release of four jailed journalists, three
students and one female Kurd, and the suspension of the death penalty
imposed on Adnan Hassanpour. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Dec. 10, 2007)
Farshad Doostipour

Five students arrested during protest marking ‘Student Day’

More than 2000 students from all universities across the country staged a big
demonstration at Tehran University commemorating ‘Student Day’….
Reports state that five students of Allameh University were arrested immediately after the
demonstration at Tehran University. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Dec. 9, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

More than 30 students arrested

Based on the latest information, the students who had been arrested over the past three
days in Tehran and other cities are still in the detention centers.
List of the names of the students arrested so far are as follows:
1. Mehdi Gerayelou – senior student majoring in Geophysics at Tehran University
2. Nader Ehsani – graduate student of Natural Resources College at Mazandaran
3. Anoushe Azadbar – student at Social Sciences College, Tehran
4. Elnaz Jamshidi – student at Communication College, Tehran Free University
5. Behrooz Karimi-zadeh – expelled student at Economics, Tehran University
6. Saied Habibi – former secretary of the Office for Strengthening Unity
7. Ali Salem – Polytechnic University student
8. Mohsen Ghamin – Polytechnic University Student
9. Younes Mir Hosseini – student at Technical College, Bahonar University – Shiraz
10. Millad Omrani – Rajai University student
11. Abed Tavanche – expelled student at Polytechnic University
12. Sadra Pirhayati – Shahed University student
13. Roozbeh Saf-shekan – senior student majoring in Political Sciences at Tehran
14. Saied Aqa Ali – Honar University student – Yazd
15. Roozbahan Amiri – student at Science College, Tehran University
16. Nasim Soltan Beigi – student at Social Sciences College, Allameh University
17. Mahsa Mohebi – Sharif Industrial University student
18. Keyvan Amiri Elyasi – senior student at Sharif Industrial University
19. Hadi Salari – Rajai University student
20. Amir Aqai - Rajai University student
21. Farshid Farhadi Ahangaran - Rajai University student
22. Saied Aqakhani
23. Ukhta Hosseini – Azad (Free) University student
24. Suroush Hashem-pour – Chemran University student – Ahwaz
25. Hamed ohammadi – student at Economics College, Mazandaran University
26. Arash Pakzad – student at Social Sciences College, Mazandaran University
27. Millad Moini – student majoring in anthropology Mazandaran University
28. Behrang Zandi - student majoring in anthropology Mazandaran University
29. Hassan Moarefi – Mazandaran University student
30. Kaveh Abbasian
31. Mousavi Nasr Abadi
32. Parisa Nasr Abadi
It has been reported that some of the arrested students are held captive in the
Intelligence Ministry Bureau and some are imprisoned in cellblock 209 of Evin Prison…
(Association of Prisoners in Exile – Dec. 7, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


  Arbitrary Arrests

Widespread arrests of leftist student activists in universities across country

Based on the recent reports, about 10 leftist student activists are in the detention centers
and some others are summoned to the intelligence and security centers.
Six students, Anoushe Azadfar, Elnaz Jamshidi, Ehsan Azadfar, Mehdi Gerayelou, Nader
Ahsani and Saied Habibi were arrested on Sunday. Following these arrests two other
students, Arash Pakzad and Hassan Moarefi from Mazandaran University were arrested
at home on Monday. Behrouz Karimizadeh (student) was also arrested on this day.
The leftist student activists at Polytechnic and Tehran universities were also summoned
to the intelligence Bureau. The summoned students include Sadra Pirhayati, Mohsen
Ghamin, Babak Pasha Javid, Behzad Mousavi and Parisa Nasr Abadi, Kaveh Abbasian,
Morteza Eslahchi, Mohammad Yousef Rashidi and many others…. (Avayeh University –
Dec. 4, 2007)

Journalists arrested
Jelveh Javaheri, 30, a women’s rights defender and member of the
editorial board in ‘Change for Equality’ website, was summoned to the
public prosecutor’s first branch of Tehran’s Security on Saturday
December 1. After the interrogations, she was issued a prison sentence
and sent to Evin Prison on charges of instigating riots, publicizing
against the government and publishing misinformation in the ‘Change
for Equality’ website.
On the other hand, agents of the Intelligence Ministry in Sanandaj arrested Omid
Ahmad-zadeh, journalist for Didgah and Aasoo newspapers, after searching and
investigating his house and transferred him to an unknown place. This journalist has
been under great pressures by the intelligence and judicial agents over the past months.
(Peyk-e Iran – Dec. 4, 2007)

Three active workers arrested

Three active workers of Haft Tapeh Sugarcane Factory were arrested. The arrested
workers are Mr. Nejat Dehli, Fereidoon Nikoofard and Ali Nejati. (Human Rights Activists
and Democracy in Iran – Dec. 3, 2007) 


  Arbitrary Arrests

Social arrests


Regime’s forces attack a party in Mashhad

Regime’s suppressive forces in Mashhad attacked a party and arrested 38 people.
Among the arrestees, 23 were men and 15 were women. The arrestees were handed in
to the mullahs’ Judicial System and then transferred to jail. (Hambastegi Melli – Jan. 15,

Over 130 people arrested as thugs and drug abusers in East Azerbaijan
During the plan to ‘Promote Social Security’, regime’s security forces arrested 61 people
under the pretext of thugs and drug abusers in Gojil Street, Tabriz. (ISNA - Jan. 12, 2007)

30 arrested for having satellite dishes

During the plan on collecting satellite equipment,
the agents of ‘Section of fight against social
immorality’ in Bojnourd, North Khorasan Province
were successful to discover nine satellite
equipment, eight dishes and seven LNBs and arrest
30 people in this regard. (Khorasan newspaper –
Jan. 9, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


Dozens arrested for distributing ‘inappropriate’ clothing

SSF Director General Supervising the Public Places announced that five organized
networks distributing illegal clothing across the country were discovered and
demolished. He said: “So far 70 members of this network have been arrested.” (Iran Press
News – Feb. 9, 2007)

Widespread arrests in Khorasan Razavi Province

The police chief in Khorasan Razavi Province stated: “In the
first stage of the eighth plan, the operation teams were
successful to discover 2,200 satellite equipment, 140,000
vulgar CDs, 65 illegal guns and 64 stolen motorbikes. In this
regard, 230 smugglers were arrested and five drug
traffickers killed.” He added: “during this plan, 386 thugs
and street troublemakers were also turned in to the legal
system along with their files.” (Jomhouri state-run
newspaper – Feb. 7, 2007)

37 arrests in 24 hours for illicit relationship

Tehran’s security police agents arrested 37 persons over the past 24 hours for having
extramarital sex relationship (Peyk-e Iran – Feb. 2007)

322 street women and 1,892 residents arrested

Following the continuation of arrests during the Plan
to Promote Social Security in Tehran, Tehran’s police
chief reported the arrest of 322 street women.
During the plan, 3000 cars were stopped for creating
noise pollution and 1892 persons were introduced to
the legal system filing a criminal record on them. (Iran
Press News – Jan. 21, 2007)


Widespread arrest of youths in Isfahan for not carrying conscription IDs

On Sunday February 25, one of the State Security institutes in Isfahan began questioning
men and young boys about their conscription condition in a very surprising and
widespread move; and if anyone failed to give answers, they would be arrested.


  Arbitrary Arrests

It has been reported that many of the arrestees did not have their IDs indicating
exemption from completion of conscription along with them or their student cards were
expired. (Iran Press News – Feb. 27, 2007)

100 arrested as thugs in Zanjan

Regime’s SSF in Zanjan arrested more than 100
persons on Tuesday February 20, during a
suppressive plan called the ‘Social Security Plan’.
Revolutionary Guard Nouri nejad, head of the SSF
information center in Zanjan called the arrestees
thugs and said: “In line with the implementation of
developing and increasing the Social Security Plan,
40 districts of the province were purged from the
presence of any thugs and troublemakers and in this
regard 115 persons were arrested. (Iran Press News
– Feb. 22, 2007)


53 addicts who quitted drugs were arrested in a party

"53 members of an NGO for addicts who quitted drugs, were arrested during the
birthday party of a member," Tehran Province's State Security Commander announced.
On Saturday April 7, Commander Reza Zarei, Tehran Province's State Security
Commander told the reporters: "… It was a mixed-sex night party and they were drinking
alcoholic beverages…" (Baztab website – April 7, 2007)


1,100 thugs arrested in Tehran

"The SSF will continue encountering the thugs
decisively until there isn't even one left in Tehran,"
said Greater Tehran's State Security Commander.
Commander Radan emphasized: "Presently, 100
thugs have been arrested from group one,
however, there are 20 to 30 more left from this
group. 300 have been arrested from the second
group and 700 from the third group." He added:


  Arbitrary Arrests

"Some of these thugs have around 10 to 99 traces of knife stabbing and tattoos on their
bodies in order to frighten the public…" (Fars news agency – May 19, 2007)

70% of Tehran's thugs arrested

"During a crackdown on Wednesday May 16, 70% of the thugs in Tehran were arrested,"
said Radan, Greater Tehran's State Security Commander. "Operations to counter and
arrest these thugs and rascals will continue until they are thoroughly purged from the
Capital," he said. (Jomhouri newspaper – May 17, 2007)

2,008 foreigners arrested in Mashhad

Mashhad City's police arrested 2008 foreign citizens for not having traffic papers. (ISNA –
May 8, 2007)

5,000 women arrested in Gillan Province during campaign 'against

"5,637 women who had not obeyed the Islamic norms were warned
on streets. In addition, 584 were arrested in this regard," said head of
the public Intelligence and Security Police of the State Security
Command in Gillan Province, Colonel Hosseini (Iran Press News –
May 7, 2007)

40 men and women arrested in a party in Urumieh

The government forces raided a party held in Urumieh and arrested 40 men and
The Intelligence and Security police chief in West Azerbaijan announced: "During a swat
operation last night, 40 men and women including three Turkish citizens were arrested
in a Garden [having held the party there]." (Iran Press News – May 6, 2007)

1,300 improperly veiled women arrested

On the first day of the campaign 'against mal-veiling' which is called the 'National Day of
Hijab', 1300 women were arrested, Italian La Reppublicca newspaper reported from
Tehran. These women were also threatened to be banished from Tehran to other cities.
(La Reppublicca – April 28, 2007)

172 improperly dressed persons arrested on second day

of campaign
"On the first day of the campaign, 20 stores and on the
second day 45 stores selling indecent products and
clothing were sealed," said head of the information
center of Greater Tehran's SSF. "On the second day of
the campaign, 161 women and 12 men with improper


  Arbitrary Arrests

clothing were arrested," he added. (Peyk-e Iran – April 25, 2007)

1,347 improperly veiled warned and 117 arrested

In an interview with Mehr news agency,
Colonel Ahmadi (head of Greater Tehran's
Police Information Center), referred to the
last figures and results of the campaign
'against mal-veiling' and said: "From the
beginning of this campaign until now, 1347
people have received warnings for improper
veiling by the security forces and 117 have
been arrested and transferred to the police
"In line with the campaign to 'Promote Social Security', 544 different stores received
warning regarding indecent clothing and 20 shops were sealed fro this reason,"
emphasized head of Greater Tehran's Police Information Center. (ILNA – April 23, 2007)


80% of “thugs” in Tehran arrested

During the campaign to ‘Promote Social Security’ more than 80% of Tehran’s thugs were
arrested. (Channel one state-run television – June 14, 2007)

Over 100 soccer match spectators arrested

After the soccer match was over between Piroozi and
Sepahan teams, the police arrested 117 spectators who
had wrecked and ruined a great number of Tehran’s line
one buses, and were transferred to police station 135
Azadi. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – June 7, 2007)

Over 14,000 arrested during ‘campaign against mal-

A month after the campaign to ‘fight against mal-
veiling’ started in other provinces – a week after
Tehran –14,635 women and men were arrested in 10
provinces such as Isfahan, Kurdistan, Ardebil,
Mazandaran, Gillan, North Khorasan, Central, Semnan,
Khuzestan, Fars and airports and train stations. (Rooz
newspaper – May 29, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


125 arrested for illicit relationship

Following the arrest of 43 persons, the number of arrestees in Mashhad over the past
week on charges of having sex relationship reached 125 persons. Among them were 23
men and 20 women. On July 17, security agents arrested 26 persons and 56 on the day
before. (ISNA – July 22, 2007)

Tehran regime suppresses any protest

Le Figaro, French newspaper published an article in its
newspaper referring to the widespread suppression in Iran and
wrote, Tehran’s regime suppresses any protest. The newspaper
continued writing, one of the signs of suppression that has
shook the country in the past weeks is the arrest of about
150,000 women under the pretext of mal-veiling. (Iran Press
News – July 13, 2007)

100 youths arrested as rascals

During the attack of the SSF to the recreational sites in Kordkuy City, more than 100
youths were arrested under the pretext of rascals. (Association of Prisoners in Exile –
June 27, 2007)

Regime’s forces attack a party

“…The police force identified and arrested 105 persons in different night parties,” said
Colonel Radan, Commander of the SSF in Tehran. (Iran Press News – June 25, 2007)


430 mal-veiled women and girls arrested in Urumieh

The guidance police warned 430 women and girls under the
pretext of mal-veiling and then arrested them. (Association of
Prisoners in Exile – Aug. 17, 2007)

More than 11,000 people arrested in Khuzestan

The SSF arrested more than 1000 beggars in Khuzestan.
From the beginning of the so called plan to ‘Promote Social
Security’ in Khuzestan, 11,157 people have been arrested so far.
Street troublemakers or any one who intended to clash with the


  Arbitrary Arrests

security forces were forced to give written pledges. Among the arrestees 1,684 persons
were turned in to the legal authorities, said the coordinating deputy of the SSF in
Khuzestan. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Aug. 27, 2007)


More than 260 persons arrested in Kerman

The SSF in Kerman Province arrested 158 persons who were under pursuit, 45 street
trouble-makers and 59 drug abusers yesterday across the province. “These persons were
arrested in line with the plan to Promote Social Security,” said the Social and Guidance
deputy of Kerman’s State Security Commander. (Fars state-run news agency – Sept. 27,

Arrest of youths still continues

The Islamic Republic security agents arrested seven youths in Golestan Province under
the pretext of street trouble-makers on Monday September 24.
In Mashhad, the security agents also arrested five persons as thugs in Siman region and
four persons in Abuzar district of Tehran and Silk Garden of Kermanshah under the same
pretext. (Payam website – Sept. 25, 2007)

Youths arrested as thugs in a park in Mashhad

The Public Park in Mashhad is purged from thugs.
The operation to purge Mashhad’s Public Park
was executed arresting a number of famous thugs
and troublemakers.
The police, the exploration patrol team and the
medical police team in Mashhad, patrolled the
park area and arrested six persons who bothered
the women, eight for using illegal stuff and five
drug abusers. A number of people were also
given written and oral warnings. (Mehr news
agency – Sept. 19, 2007)

114 thugs arrested in Bushehr

“From the beginning of the plan to Promote Social Security in Bushehr, 114 thugs have
been arrested so far,” said the head of the security police in Bushehr. (Fars news agency
– Sept. 19, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

13 girl students arrested in Karaj

13 high school girls, who had attended a classmate’s birthday party, were arrested. The
party was held in a villa in the fourth district of Mehr-Shahr town of Karaj.
Arriving at the house where the party was held… the State Security Forces arrested 13
girls, eight young boys and the daughter and son of the house owner. (Aseman Daily
news website – Sept. 16, 2007)

36 arrested for noise pollution

The State Security Forces arrested 36 people in Ardebil.
With the efforts of the social prevention and security headquarters in Ardebil, 36 persons
were arrested for creating noise pollution [loud music] and their cars were suspended.
(Fars news agency – Sept. 14, 2007)

35 girls and boys arrested in a wedding party

The Revolutionary Public Prosecutor of Mazandaran Province announced that 35 girls
and boys were arrested during a wedding party in Sari City. (Keyhan newspaper – Sept.
13, 2007)

16 arrested during a party

The State Security Commander of West Azerbaijan reported the arrest of 16 persons
during a night party.
“These people had held a night party in one of the gardens in Urumieh with the
participation of youth and college girls, dancing and drinking alcoholic beverages. With
the interruption of the police, 13 men and three women were arrested,” said Colonel
Karami. (Fars news agency – Sept. 11, 2007)

1,410 persons arrested as thugs

The State Security Commander of Tehran Province
announced that 1410 persons were arrested under the
pretext of thugs and among them 1340 were
imprisonment. In a news conference he also spoke of
dealing with mal-veiling and said, from 113,454 persons
who have received warnings, more than 1000 were
dealt with the security forces and 1690 were
introduced to the legal authorities. (VOA – Sept. 10,

Scores of youths arrested across the country

Following the so called plan to combat thugs, regime’s
SSF arrested more than 10 youths in Qom on Sunday September 2. They also arrested 24
other youths in cities Shahre Kord and Qazvin. (Payam website – Sept. 3, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests


16 arrested under pretext of causing trouble for girls

The public prosecutor in Ardebil announced that it will be decisively dealt with street
troublemakers, especially those causing trouble in front of the girls’ schools. In line with
this, 16 were arrested making trouble in front of the girl schools. (ISNA – Oct. 31, 2007)

35 arrested and 54,000 CDs destroyed

“The anti-vice police destroyed 54,000 vulgar CDs and 5000 unlicensed cassette tapes in
Rasht and arrested 35 persons in this regard,” said the deputy public prosecutor in Rasht.
(ISNA – Oct. 20, 2007)

Five persons arrested for unknown reasons

On October 8, the Intelligence Bureau arrested five
persons in Piranshahr and Sardasht and transferred
them to Evin Prison in Tehran. The reason for their
arrest is still unknown. (Kurdistan media website – Oct.
15, 2007)

36 thugs arrested in Kerman

36 thugs were arrested in Kerman. “Those arrested were on record for troublemaking,
drinking, causing trouble for women, group fights, robbery and creating public
disorder,” said Colonel Chenarchian. (IRNA state-run news agency – Oct. 11, 2007)

Thugs affiliates arrested in Khuy

“The plan to arrest the thugs in Khuy was executed,” said the commander of Khuy’s
border regiment. During this plan which took 20 days, 48 of those affiliated with the
thugs were arrested and turned in to the judicial officials. (Fars state-run news agency –
Oct. 10, 2007)

Over 250 persons arrested during Plan to Promote Social Security in Khorasan
During the Plan to Promote Social Security in
Khorasan Province, the state police along with 183
patrol teams purged 19 corrupted districts in the
province, stated the information center of the State
Security Command in Khorasan Razavi Province.
During this measure, two famous and under
pursuit thugs, 190 drug abusers and 20 thieves
were identified and arrested and 63 drug addicts
were collected across the parks and recreation


  Arbitrary Arrests

The police in Mashhad also arrested three persons convicted of drinking. Some amount
of alcoholic beverages was discovered searching their houses. (Fars news agency – Oct.
3, 2007)


Over 3,520 people arrested on narcotic

Head of the SSF Department of Anti-
Narcotics said, “In the execution of the
plan to collect drug traffickers from the
streets, police have arrested 3,520 people
so far in the country”. (Fars Newsagency –
Nov. 28, 2007)

More than 200 persons arrested in South Khorasan

Operation and Intelligence units of the State Security Commanding in South Khorasan
arrested 208 persons over the past six days in this province, SSF commander in South
Khorasan reported. (Iran Press News – Nov. 28, 2007)

State Security Forces crack down on dissent

The Inhumane agents of the mullahs’
regime have once again launched a
crackdown on people’s residence in
Tehran and ferociously bludgeon them in
their houses and in front of their wife and
children, arresting many in this regard.
The clerical regime implemented this
crackdown under the pretext of
combating drugs and arrested and
imprisoned 427 persons. (Mojahedin
website – Nov. 27, 2007)

More than 700 persons arrested on drug matters

During the Plan ‘combating drug-traffickers’, the State Security Forces arrested 746 drug
abusers and 77 drug-traffickers over the past month. Files were issued for the arrested
and they were turned in to the judicial authorities. (Fars news agency – Nov. 25, 2007)


  Arbitrary Arrests

More than 450 were arrested over a night on drug matters

Last night, the Plan to ‘combat drug-traffickers’ was
implemented in many parts of Tehran. During this
operation, that began at 11 p.m. and continued
through 3 O’clock in the morning, the security agents
of Greater Tehran were successful to identify and
arrest 479 drug-traffickers. Among those arrested, 357
were drug-smugglers (including 340 men and 17
women) and 122 were drug abusers (including 112
men and 10 women). (Mehr news agency – Nov. 25, 2007)

125 foreigners arrested in Kerman

Deputy of the Social and Guidance Department of the State Security Commander in
Kerman announced that 125 foreigners without a driver’s license were arrested in this
province. (IRNA – Nov. 7, 2007)

32 students arrested during graduation party

On Thursday October 27, the security agents in Karaj were informed of a night party
held in one of the residents in Gohardasht Karaj. Subsequently, the agents went to the
house where the party was held and arrested 11 girls and 21 boys. After the girls and
boys were interrogated, it was noticed that they are computer majoring students that
had attended the graduation party of one of their classmates. (Association of Prisoners in
Exile – Nov. 3, 2007)

400 arrested in Kerman

The SSF in Kerman started a new round of suppressive maneuvers in the province. 400
persons were arrested over the past few days. This number was announced by the SSF
commander and broadcasted in the state-run media. (Mojahedin website – Nov. 1,


  Arbitrary Arrests


18 girls and boys arrested during a night party in Ahwaz

The security police in Ahwaz arrested 18 girls and boys while dancing together, during a
night party. (Jam-e Jam state-run newspaper – Dec. 31, 2007)

More than 150 men and women arrested in printing houses

The commander of Tehran’s SSF referred to the results of the Plan to Promote Social
Security in report given out in December and said: “… Following the Plan to Promote
Social Security in Tehran Province, 500 printing houses are under
control, 117 public places sealed for discovering vulgar CDs, the
presence of runaway children and for disobeying the rules and 218
places received warnings by the police. In this line, 94 men and 57
women were arrested for appearing in an unsuitable manner in the
printing houses and for carrying drugs.” (ISNA – Dec. 25, 2007)

28 arrested during a party

The State Security Forces of the Islamic Republic attacked a party in Shahrood on
Saturday night, December 22 and arrested 28 persons in this regard. (Payam website –
Dec. 24, 2007)

More than 70 youth arrested as thugs

Agents of the State Security Forces in Kerman arrested 73 youths in different cities of this
province on Tuesday, December 18.
The security forces arrested nine youths under the pretext of thugs and 64 youths as
trouble makers on streets in cities Kerman, Sirjan, Rafsanjan, Bam, Jiroft, Kohnouj and
Baft. (Payam website – Dec. 20, 2007)

Dissidents arrested for using internet

The security forces in Tehran closed down several internet
cafés on December 16 and arrested 23 persons including 11
women in this regard. (Asr-e Iran state-run website – Dec. 18,

50 youths arrested in Mashhad

Over the past few days, the SSF arrested more than 50 youths from different districts of
Mashhad under the pretext of trouble makers on streets. (Payam website – Dec. 10,


  Arbitrary Arrests

7,000 injecting drug users arrested

“During the Plan to Promote Social Security, 7000 injecting drug users in the capital have
been identified and arrested,” said State Security Commander of Greater Tehran. (IRNA –
Dec. 7, 2007)

Six girl and boy students arrested in Babolsar

The State Security Forces (SSF) in Babolsar attacked a residential house and arrested six
girl and boy students.
The students’ deputy at Babolsar University referred to some of the materials published
in the foreign websites trying to show the arrest politically and said: The Law is equal to
everyone; unfortunately some groups are trying to confuse the university students on
the threshold of the Students’ Day and take advantage of them to follow their goals.
(Jomhouri Islami newspaper – Dec. 5, 2007)

Youths arrested under pretext of thugs

The State Security Forces of the Islamic Republic arrested 24 youth under the pretext of
thugs from different cities of Sistan and Balouchestan Province on Friday November 30
and Saturday December 1st. (Payam website – Dec. 3, 2007)







Political Prisoners


Two PMOI supporters imprisoned

Two political activists are sentenced to six years in prison and one year banishment to a
city with bad climate in Bandar Abbas (Minab City). The two men are Mr. Ali Saremi, who
is a long time supporter of the PMOI and a former prisoner during Shah’s time, and Mr.
Mahmoud Mousavi, an honorable teacher from South Tehran and a supporter of the
PMOI. (Faryad website – Jan. 25, 2007)

One year imprisonment for defending Shoan Qaderi

Based on received reports from Ashnavieh, Mr. Sallah Gagani was transferred to
Urumieh Prison on charges of action against the National Security.
The Revolutionary Court sentenced Mr. Sallah Gagani 35, from Ashnavieh, to one year in
prison for objecting to the slain of Shoan Qaderi. On January 16 he was transferred to
Darya Prison in Urumieh. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – Jan. 17, 2007) [Shoan Qaderi
was a young Iranian Kurdish political activist from the north-western town of Mahabad,
who was gunned down last year by State Security Forces and then tied to the back of a
Toyota jeep and dragged in nearby streets…]

Two years imprisonment for an 18 year old youth

The Court of Appeal in Kurdistan Province issued a sentence
of two years imprisonment for a young 18 year old boy from
Saqez identified as Shahu Maleki. The two years
imprisonment consists of one year imprisonment with
physical punishment and one year suspended prison time.



Prior to this, the Islamic Revolutionary Court had sentenced the youth to two years in
prison on charges of action against the National Security. (Peyk-e Iran – Jan. 16, 2007)

Prison sentence for three student political activists in Ahwaz

Some time ago the Court of Appeal branch 13 in Khuzestan had
sentenced Hani Bavi to 11 years in prison, Lafteh Sorkhe to 10 years
and four months in prison and Qasem Karshavi to three years in
prison. Examining the case, the court issued verdicts for the three
students at Chamran University, Ahwaz. The three students, who
are presently serving their sentence, are accused of ‘participating
and organizing an illegal gathering and action against the National
Security and public activities against the government. (ILNA – Jan.
15, 2007)


Students imprisoned for attending protest gatherings

The clerical regime sentenced three students at Amir Kabir University to prison. The
charges held against the students are, action against the National Security, associations
and collusions to lobby against the regime and insulting regime’s officials. The students
were sentenced to two and a half and three and a half years of in prison. (Amir Kabir
newsletter – Feb. 26, 2007)

Two youths imprisoned for political activities

Two youths identified as Haiman Arrests
Kia and Siavash Khandani
were sentenced to one year imprisonment with physical
torture and one year suspended prison time respectively.
Haiman Kia 18, from Baneh, has been in custody over the
past month. The Revolutionary Court in Saqez sentenced
him to one year in prison on charges of public activities
against the Islamic government.
Siavash Khandani is sentenced to one year suspended
prison time on charges of political activities in favor of
opposition groups. (Iran Press News – Feb. 19, 2007)

Three years imprisonment for a Kurdish citizen

A resident from Kamyaran City in Kurdistan named as Makael Gholami, is sentenced to
three years in prison on charges of having ties to Kurdish parties. (Iran Press News – Feb.
19, 2007)




40 arrested teachers transferred to Evin Prison

“Last night I went to the Intelligence Bureau’s detention
center on ‘Islamic Vahdar’ Road to look for my brother
who was among the arrested teachers and I found him
there. There was also a list of names of 200 arrested
teachers posted on the entrance door…. Meanwhile,
around 10.30 p.m., the prison wards announced that 40
of the teachers including my brother are going to be
transferred to Evin Prison…” said a family member of one
of the teachers. (Resistance supporters in Iran – March
14, 2007)

More than 700 political prisoners in Ahwaz prisons

Based on information from Ahwaz, more than 700 political prisoners are in the detention
centers or serving their sentences issued by the Revolutionary Courts. The majority of
these prisoners were deprived of having a lawyer or being tried in a public court in the
presence of a jury. Many others are kept in secret detention centers of the Revolutionary
Guards, the Intelligence Ministry and or solitary confinements in Sepidar and Karoon
Prisons for months under severe physical torture. (Human Rights activists and Democracy
in Iran – March 5, 2007)


Imprisonment for participating in protest gatherings

Tehran's Revolutionary Court branch 6 sentenced
two women activists, Noushin Ahmadi and Parvin
Ardallan, who had participated in the 'Hafte-Tir'
Square gathering, to three years in prison on
charges of public activities against the government
and attending 'illegal' (protest) gatherings. (Radio
Noushin Ahmadi Parvin Ardallan BBC Farsi lang. – April 24, 2007)

Imprisonment for attending Women's Day gathering

Tehran's Revolutionary Court sentenced two women activists to prison [on charges of
participating in a gathering].
Tehran's Revolutionary Court branch 6 sentenced Fariba Davoodi Mohager to three
years suspended prison time and one year imprisonment and Soosan Tahmasebi to 1.5


years suspended prison time and six months

imprisonment. These two women had been
arrested on the June 12, 2006 gathering in 'Hafte
Tir' Square in Tehran and released on bail. (Radio
Farda – April 20, 2007)

Sousan Tahmasebi
Fariba Davood

33 years in jail for a 25 year old political activist

Saeid Sulaimani, a 25 year old youth and a member of a Kurdish Party that opposes the
Islamic Republic, was arrested. He was sentenced to 33 years in prison and banishment
to Semnan Prison. (Kurdistan's Human Rights Defense Organization – April 12, 2007)

Active worker imprisoned

Agents of the Judicial System arrested Mahmoud Sallehi
[representative of the Workers' Syndicate in Saqez], an active worker,
and sent him to Sanandaj City's prison.
Mahmoud Sallehi is sentenced to four years in prison for calling the
people to participate in the demonstration held on 'International
Labor Day'. (Kurdistan's Human Rights Defense Organization – April 9,
2007) Mahmoud Salehi

Five Kurds imprisoned

Five Kurdish citizens, Suran Mehrshad, Adnan Ahmadi, Mohammad Ali Mohammadi,
Pooriya Mohammadi and Fayeq Zolgaqari are sentenced to one and five years
imprisonment and banishment to Zanjan and Mahabad cities on charges of political
activities and having connections with Kurdish groups that oppose the Islamic Republic.
(Asman Daily news – April 3, 2007)


Mansour Osanloo faces five years in prison

Tehran’s Revolutionary Court branch 14 sentenced Mansour
Osanloo, president of Tehran’s bus drivers Syndicate, to five
years in prison with physical torture.
This worker activist was sentenced to four years in prison for
action against the national security and one year in prison with
for public activities against the government. (Etemad-e Meli –
Mansour Osanloo May 29, 2007)



An attorney sentenced to five years in prison

A court session to handle the accusations of Abdul Fatah, attorney, was held on May 25
in Tehran’s Public Court branch 1004. The court sentenced Abdul Fatah to five years in
prison and five years deprivation from social rights on charges of revealing confidential
documents and publicizing against the government. (Association of Prisoners in Exile –
May 27, 2007)

Two years imprisonment for a female member of ‘Consolidation of Unity’

Following arrest and imprisonment of women activists, Bahareh
Hedayat, member of the Women’s Committee in the ‘Consolidation of
Unity’, is sentenced to two years imprisonment on charges of action
against the National Security by participating in the June 12 Women’s
gathering in 7-Tir Square. (VOA – May 26, 2007)

Bahareh Hedayat

Political prisoners not permitted to work

Two brothers, Saadoon Mazouchi and Asaad Mazouchi who spent nine and ten years of
their lives in Mahabad and Urumieh prisons respectively on charges of cooperating with
Kurdish groups, were not allowed to work in transportation and building maintenance
areas. (Iran Press News – May 15, 2007)

Seven students at Amir Kabir University arrested and imprisoned

Pooyan Mahmoudian, editor-in-chief of 'Rivar' Student newspaper, Majid Shiekhpour,
editor-in-chief of 'Sarkhat' Student newspaper and Majid Tavakoli, member of the Student
Islamic Association’s Central Council at Amir Kabir University, were arrested and sent to
jail after approaching the Revolutionary Court officials.
With the arrest of these three, the number of Amir Kabir University students arrested
reaches seven. Keyvan Ansari, Babak Zamanian, Ahmad Qasaban, Meqdad Khalilpour,
Pooyan Mahmoudian, Majid Sheikhpour, and Majid Tavakoli are the seven students from
Polytechnic University that are in prison. (Amir Kabir newsletter – May 10, 2007)

Ahmad Babak Keyvan Pooyan Majid Majid

Qasaban Zamanian Ansari Mahmoudian Sheikhpour Tavakoli



16 arrested teachers imprisoned

16 teachers among the arrested teachers were sent to jail on Wednesday May 9.
(Association of Prisoners in Exile – May 10, 2007)


Six Kurdish youths sentenced to prison

Six youths by the names of Kaveh Anouri, Khalid Rasooli, Haiva Nouri, Vatan Abadi, Varia
Karimi and Jian Kamkar were sentenced to one to five years in prison for political
publicizing activities. (Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan – June 30, 2007)


A man convicted of having ties to Kurdish parties sentenced to eight years in prison
The Revolutionary Court in Mahabad ruled to imprison Mohammad Saleh Kuikhashireh
from Bukan. Mohammad has been in prison for the past four months. The Revolutionary
Court convicted him of having ties to one of the Kurdish opposition groups and
sentenced him to eight years in prison. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – July 9, 2007)


Kurdish activist sentenced to 15 years in prison

The Revolutionary Court in Saqez sentenced Khalil Mostafa
Rajab, from Syria to 15 years in prison for cooperating with
Kurdish groups. Mostafa was arrested in Baneh and has
been in Saqez Prison for the past two years. (Kurdish news
Human Rights Watch – Aug. 31, 2007)

Two years in prison for a Kurdish citizen

Mahabad’s Revolutionary Court sentenced a citizen from Mahabad to prison. His name is
Mozaffar Qader Raihani (He-jar) and is the son of Hassan.
Mozaffar has been in custody for over six months on charges of cooperating with one of
the Kurdish opposition groups. He is banished to Maraqeh and sentenced to two years in
prison. (Iran Press News – Aug. 23, 2007)

Six months imprisonment for a student activist

The court issued six months imprisonment for a student activist at the Islamic Free
University in Tabriz.


In an interview with ISNA, Younes Zareiyoon, former director of the Student Islamic
Association at this university said: “I was summoned to the court on June 18, 2007 on
the complaints of one of the university professor’s; and yesterday I received a verdict
ordering six months imprisonment with physical torture…” (Peyk-e Iran – Aug. 20, 2007)

Human rights activist faces one year in prison

The sixth branch of the Revolutionary Court sentenced Dr. Hissam
Firoozi, human rights activist and Ahmad Batebi’s doctor, to one year
in prison on charges of action against the national security, instigating
riots, and publicizing against the government.
The sixth branch of the Revolutionary Court announced that the
interviews of Dr. Hissam Firoozi with different Media explaining about
the conditions of Ahmad Batebi, is one of the examples of action
Hissam Firoozi against national security. In another file that was being revised in the
Public Court, Dr. Hissam was accused of medically treating Ahmad Batebi, which the
court considered it as hiding the prisoner… (Amir Kabir news letter – Aug. 18, 2007)


Five workers activists receive jail sentences

The 102nd branch of the Penal Court in Saqez sentenced five worker activists to prison.
These workers are Atta Hosseini, Rahim Hosseini, Kamel Hakimi, Khaled Bikhali and
Anvar Hossein-zadeh.
The court sentenced the workers to 91 days imprisonment, 40 lashes and three years
suspended prison time on charges of creating disturbance in the public order. (Iran Press
News – Sept. 27, 2007)

Three years imprisonment for a Kurd

The Revolutionary Court in Mahabad sentenced a man by the name of Rahim
Rahimzadeh, from Bukan to jail. He is sentenced to three years in prison for cooperating
with one of the Kurdish opposition groups. (Human Rights activists and Democracy in
Iran – Sept. 16, 2007)

Student political activist sentenced to two years in jail

The Revolutionary Court branch 15 in Tehran sentenced Amir Hossein Etemadi,
graduate student at Tehran University Technical College, to two years in prison.
He is convicted of action against national security by participating in “illegal” gatherings
and disrupting the public order by clashing with security forces in summer of 2003.
(Students Committee of HR reporters – Sept. 6, 2007)




June 19, 1999 Student Uprising prisoner arrested again

Intelligence Ministry agents once again arrested and transferred Mr.
Mehrdad Lahrasbi to Tehran’s police station 118 on Thursday October
25, when he had approached the pharmacy to receive his
medications. Mr. Mehrdad Lahrasbi was arrested before on June 19,
1999 during the Student Uprising and spent several years in prison
under brutal physical and mental tortures. After world wide protests,
Mehrdad was sent on a sick leave to treat the multiple diseases he

Mehrdad Lahrasbi
suffered. [He was arrested while on his sick leave] (Human Rights
activists and Democracy in Iran – Oct. 27, 2007)

Member of Association of Journalists sentenced to three years in prison

The lawyer of Aku Kord Nasab, member of the Journalist’s
Association, announced his client’s verdict and said: “The first
branch of the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj sentenced my client
to three years in prison with physical torture for spying for the PMOI
and gathering information on gatherings, protests and illegal
parties.” Ahmadi added: “However, my client is actually punished for
the news and articles in his personal computer.” (ISNA – Oct. 14,
Aku Kord Nasab 2007)

Two teachers sentenced to prison

With the imprisonment of two other teachers, the number of imprisoned teachers
accused of participating in protest gatherings and activities have reached to seven
The fifteenth branch of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran sentenced Mohammad Reza
Rezaii Gorkani and Rasool Badaqi, two teachers, to two and three years in prison
Rasool Badaqi was accused of action against the National Security, disruption in the
public order and disobeying the police; and Mohammad Reza Rezaii Gorkani, teacher
activist from the Teachers’ Association, to action against the national security. (Radio
Farda website – Oct. 10, 2007)



Two years imprisonment for a political activist in Tabriz

Amir Abbas Banai Kazemi, a political activist from Azerbaijan, was trialed in the
Revolutionary Court of Tabriz on September 16 and sentenced to two years in prison
after being in custody for four months.
Agents of the Intelligence Ministry arrested this political activist at his house on May 14.
He served a month under torture in one of the detention centers of the Intelligence
Ministry. After he was transferred to cell no. 9 of Tabriz Prison, he was still sometimes
taken to the Guards Corps detention centers.
The mother of this political activist, who had only visited his son once in prison, said, he
has been severely tortured, his teeth broken and his faced bruised. (Iran Press News –
Oct. 3, 2007)


Iran arrests women's activist

Iran has arrested a journalist and women's rights activist for
writing articles on "discriminatory laws" for women in the Islamic
republic, a press report said on Tuesday.
"Maryam Hosseinkhah, journalist and women's activist was
arrested on Sunday," the reformist Sarmayeh newspaper said.
"She was issued with a one-billion-riyal (107,000 dollar) bail,
which she could not afford and so was taken to prison.
"The revolutionary court told Hosseinkhah she was accused of
propaganda against the system and spreading lies by publishing
false news on Zanestan and Change-For-Equality websites," the
Maryam Hosseinkhah report said.
Hosseinkhah, who also works for the reformist daily Etemad, was a regular contributor to
the feminist website Zanestan and Change-For-Equality. (AFP – Nov. 20, 2007)

Imprisoned students locked up in solitary confinements

Ismail Shadi and Parviz Satari, students at Technical College, Khebat Yousefi, Electrical
Engineering student and Houshyar Shabadi are held captive in the solitary confinements
of Kermanshah’s Intelligence Bureau.
It is worth mentioning that Kermanshah’s Intelligence Bureau is where many political
activists are brutally tortured. Two methods of torture used in this detention center is
pouring boiling water and electrifying the prisoner. (Association of Prisoners in Exile –
Nov. 19, 2007)



Student journalists sentenced to prison

The Penal Court of branch 106 ruled Arash Bahmani, the Chief Editor of ‘A better Gillan’
weekly and member of the Central Council of the Alumni Office for the Consolidation of
Unity - the Gillan branch, to 16 months in prison, Babak Mehdizadeh, journalist and
member of the Central Council of the Alumni Office for the Consolidation of Unity - the
Gillan branch and Kuhzad Ismaili, another member of this unity to four months in prison.
Arash Bahmani is accused of insulting the last Imam and misinformation and Babak
Mehdizadeh and Kuhzad Ismaili are both accused of publishing misinformation.
Prior to this, Arash Bahmani, Babak Mehdizadeh and Kuhzad Ismaili were arrested on the
eve of Ahmadinejad’s trip to Gillan and spent some time in prison. (Amir Kabir newsletter
– Nov. 16, 2007)

Writer and translator receives jail term

The first branch of the Revolutionary Court in Saqez sentenced a
female writer and translator, Ms. Chanour Fathi, to prison. By virtue of
article 499 of the Islamic Punishment Law, Ms. Fathi is sentenced to
five years in prison for being a member of a Kurdish opposition group.
(Association of Prisoners in Exile – Nov. 3, 2007)

Journalist sentenced to three years in jail Chanour Fathi

I, Mohammad Hassan Falahieh-zadeh, am sentenced to three years in prison and a fine
of 30,000 dollars on charges of action against the national security. (Association of
prisoner in exile – Nov. 3, 2007)


Jailed for commemorating political prisoners massacred in 1988

Mohsen Naderi, 48 and a former political prisoner, was sentenced to one year in prison
for participating in the ceremony commemorating the 1988 massacre of the political
prisoners. Some of his friends and relatives were among the massacred in 1988.
Agents of the Intelligence Ministry arrested Mohsen Naderi after he had participated in
the commemorating ceremony on September 9, and transferred him to cellblock 209 of
the notorious Evin Prison. He endured most brutal physical and mental tortures for three
weeks. In result of his critical condition from torture, the Intelligence Ministry was
compelled to release him on bail.
In his hearing, Mousavi insulted him and said: “We should have executed all of you back
in 1988 and become relieved”. (Activists for Human Rights and Democracy in Iran – Dec.
20, 2007)



Several Azeri activists sentenced to prison

Shirzad Hajiloo, student at Azad University and an active Azeri student, was arrested and
sent to Khuy Prison.
The Revolutionary Court in Shabestar also sentenced four Azeri activists by the names of
Behnam Nourmohammadi, Qahreman Soltani, Behzad Khorshidzadeh and Parviz Soltani
to one year suspended prison time. Prior to this, the students were arrested in March
2005 for distributing pamphlets inviting people to participate in the demonstration held
for the International Day of Native Languages, and released on bail after two weeks.
The 118 branch of the Penal Court sentenced a 16 year old student, Mohammad Reza
Avazpour, from Tabriz to five months in prison for being a member in the groups and
societies that “intend to disrupt the national security”. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Dec. 13,

18 year old ethnic Kurd sentenced to five years in prison

Foad karimi-nia, an 18 year old boy from Saqez City, was arrested by the security forces
in Baneh in October 2007 on charges of having ties with the Kurdish groups. He was
sentenced to five years in prison. (Iran Press News – Dec. 11, 2007)

Political activist accused of membership in PMOI, sentenced to 10 years in prison

Saleh Kohandel, political activist, is sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of being a
member of the PMOI. Yesterday, December 10, this political prisoner was trialed before
branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court presided by Judge Salavatian and sentenced to 10
years in prison and banishment. Kohandel had been in cellblock 350 of Evin Prison over
the past 11 months. This is while he is only a supporter of this organization and has only
carried out public activities in its favor. (Human Rights activists in Iran – Dec. 11, 2007)



Prison Conditions


50% of prisoners are youths

“Presently more than 50% of the prisoners are the youths,” said
Naser Jafarqoli, Directing General of Fars Province prisons.
“These youths age between 19 and 32.” (Faryad website – Jan.
26, 2007)

Political prisoners pressured to make false confessions

The inhumane clerical regime has imposed pressure on political and
Mojahed prisoners in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj to force them into
confessing that slain Mojahed Valiollah Faise Mahdavi was not
executed under torture, yet he committed suicide in prison.
The Judge to this case threatened the prisoners that if they do not
confess to such statement, they will face bad consequences. (Faryad
website - Jan. 24, 2007) Valiollah Faise
Transferring political prisoners to cells for drug addict
Based on received information from Ardebil, Abbas Lessani, Behrooz Alizadeh and
Vadood Saadati (three political prisoners) are transferred to the cells belonging to the
drug addicts. (Iran Press News – Jan. 17, 2007)

Horrible condition of cells belonging to criminals and drug abusers

In the cellblock holding the criminals and drug abusers, each cell contain more than 500
prisoners. Drugs such as Crack, Marijuana and opium are used more and easier than


food. A [political] prisoner who was transferred to this cell said: “The crowd is so much
that many people, who come new, like me, have to sleep by the door. There are more
than 50 people in each cell…” (Amir Kabir newsletter – Jan. 17, 2007)

Prisons more crowded than country

“The population growth rate in the prisons has risen to
nine percent; this figure is much higher than the
population growth of the country (Iran), said Director
General of all the prisons in Fars Province.
He said, reducing the prisons’ population is one of the
important policies of the Judicial System. Methods
considered in this regard include: imprisonment in
residences, electronic prisons, district prisons, prisons without bared wires, exile, half-time
prisons, weekend prisons and end of the month prisons. (Fars news agency – Jan. 16.


Political prisoner, Farhad Vakili, brutally tortured

Based on received information from Kermanshah’s Prison, Mr. Farhad Vakili, who was
arrested on charges of having ties to opposition groups, has been under different
physical and mental tortures many times by the interrogators of the Intelligence Ministry.
Due to the tortures imposed on him, he suffers from a great deal of diseases and needs
to be sent to a specialist doctor outside the prison; however, the prison officials not only
paid no attention to his illness, but also abused and physically tortured him many times.
(Peyk-e Iran – Feb. 27, 2007)

Political prisoners made to drink poisonous sodas

Two political activists from Azerbaijan by the names of Mehdi Mollai and Jafar Abedini,
who were recently arrested in Qom, after their release from prison on bail, revealed that
while in custody the Intelligence Bureau agents forced them to drink sodas that made
them feel horrible after 10 minutes and felt like vomiting.
It comes in the report that prior to this, other prisoners arrested during the June events in
Azerbaijan had also reported that they were forced to drink sweet sodas that made them
feel like vomiting…. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Feb. 18, 2007)

Prisoners bludgeoned in front of their relatives

Based on published reports, government suppressive forces bludgeon the political
prisoners of Ahar Prison in Azerbaijan. One of the political prisoners identified as Saied



was brutally beaten by the prison guards in front of his family during his visit. (Iran Press
News – Feb. 12, 2007)


Political prisoner in great danger

Behrooz Javid Tehrani, a political activist, is serving his sentence in the
horrifying prison of RajaiShahr Karaj. His life is in great danger. A while
ago, the prison thugs attacked and severely injured him on a pre-
planned act. (Iran Press News – March 23, 2007)

Behrooz Javid
Ayatollah Kazemini Boroujerdi and his family in prison
Based on recent information received from Evin Prison in Tehran, the
physical condition of Ayatollah Boroujerdi is reported critical and
dangerous, on the 10th day of his hunger-strike.
After several weeks of torture, Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s wife, Akram
Saadat Vali pour, suffered a stroke last week and was transferred to an
unknown hospital.
In addition to the above, three weeks ago, Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s son,
Seyed Mehdi Boroujerdi, was arrested again. He is suffering serious
injuries after being severely tortured. Cleric Kazemini
The prison officials prevent any news about the Boroujerdi family to
leak out the prison. (Iran Press News – March 4, 2007)


Three Kurdish prisoners burnt with electricity

Ali Haidarian, Farzad Kamangar and Farhad Vakili are three Kurdish activists who have
been in custody for eight months. Based on reliable information from Evin Prison, after
Haidarian and Kamangar were arrested, they were brutally tortured and their bodies
burnt using electricity. The traces of torture can easily be seen on their body.
After the three were arrested, they were kept in Cellblock 209 of Evin Prison for four
months and then transferred to Sanandaj Prison (Sanandaj). They were kept in solitary



confinements of dimension 1 × 1 and were brought back to Evin Prison again.

(Association of Prisoners in Exile – April 26, 2007)

Keyvan Rafii transferred to drug addicts' block

In a phone call made by Mr. Keyvan Rafii to the Human Rights activists
on April 19, he said that he was transferred to cell no. 7 which is the
detention where dangerous and drug addicted prisoners are kept.
This is while, due to his hunger strikes, he suffers 'IBS' and must be
transferred to a hospital outside the prison for Mr. Keyvan Rafii,
spokesman of the Human Rights Activists in Iran, was arrested on July
9, 2006 on the commemoration of the student uprising (Tehran

Keyvan Rafii University Dormitory incident) by the Intelligence Ministry. (Human

Rights Activists in Iran – April 20, 2007)

Political prisoners attacked

On Tuesday April 17, a group of Rajai Prison guards in Rajai City, headed by Mr.
Shahbazi, Counter Intelligence Unit of the Revolutionary Guard, attacked the cell where
Khaled Hardani and other political prisoners were kept and bludgeoned them.
Khaled Hardani's lawyer announced that in protest to this attack his client went on a
hunger-strike. (Radio Israel – April 18, 2007)

Psychological pressure imposed on Evin political prisoners

Dr. Keyvan Ansari, Dr. Saeid Masouri, Keyvan Rafii, Abulfazl Jahandar, Saeid
Derakhshandi, Mohammad Ibrahimi, who have been under continuous pressures by the
Intelligence Ministry in cellblock 209 of Evin Prison for months, have objected many times
towards their undetermined conditions in prison. However, the prison officials have paid
no attention to their objections and in some cases they have given them tranquilizers or
bludgeon them in order to quell their protest. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – April 11,

Illegal trial held for a student activist

Saeid Derakhshandi, a former student activist, has been in Evin
Prison, cellblock 209 over a year. He was sentenced to three years in
prison last month and was severely bludgeoned two days before the
start of the New Year.
His family emphasized, in result of this beating his back and spinal
cord are severely injured in such a way that his left hand has
Saeid Derakhshandi become disabled.
One of Derakhshandi's family members said: "In order to be cured he needs to visit a
specialist doctor of brain and nervous system; however, the prison officials refused to
transfer him to the hospital."


Saeid Derakhshandi has been illegally trialed and has not had any sick-leaves so far. (Iran
Press News – April 11, 2007)


Prison crowd in Iran grown by seven folds

“Since the 1979 Revolution in Iran, the country’s population has grown two folds, while
the prison crowd has grown seven folds!” said the advisor of the head for the
Organization of Prisons in Iran.
Presently, there are 150,000 prisoners in Iran, whereas the actual capacity of these
prisons fit 60,000 persons. (BBC Radio (Farsi) – May 27, 2007)

Prison conditions in Iran

The condition of some of the prisons in the country is so horrible that the prison wards
can hardly tolerate it as well.
Below is part of the speech given by Ayatollah Dori Najaf Abadi, the country's public
prosecutor, regarding the terrible conditions of the prisons and detention centers.
Dori Najaf Abadi expressed regret over the prison conditions across the country and said:
"For example in the prison in Kohnouj, on one hand the hot temperature reaches 50
degrees (Celsius) and on the other hand the sewage overflows. Our agents hardly
tolerate this situation, what about families of the prisoners who must regularly visit the
prison." (Etelaat net – May 18, 2007)

Evin Prison water poisoned – political prisoners unaware

Following the poisoning of the water in Evin Prison, agents of the Intelligence Ministry in
Cellblock 209 did not inform the political prisoners of this issue and forced them to drink
the poisoned water.
It is worth mentioning that the water in Evin Prison is the unfiltered water of the
aqueducts; and every now and then the animals die in this water canal, making it
poisonous. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – May 10, 2007)

Political prisoners attacked in Evin Prison

Based on reliable information from Evin Prison, the Prison wards
attacked the cell of the political prisoners on May 8. In line with the
attack, the security agents began searching their rooms and their
personal belongings; during the search, the agents found a short
wave radio transistor and confiscated it. The agents then abused,
threatened and harmed the prisoners for this excuse. (Iran Press Evin Prison
News – May 9, 2007)



Expired hamburgers distributed in prison and 120 poisoned

Based on received information, expired hamburgers with expiration date (August 9,
2006) were distributed among the prisoners in Evin Prison, especially in cell numbers 6, 7
and 8, which caused poisoning of over 120 persons. The prison officials have so far taken
no measures for medical treatment of the prisoners. (Iran Press News – May 3, 2007)


40% of prisoners in Iran have not been tried yet

“Out of the 140,000 prisoners in the Iranian prisons, 40% have not
been tried yet,” said the advisor of the head for the Organization of
Prisons in Iran and the Security and Educational measures. (Keyhan
newspaper – June 20, 2007)

Political prisoners in Urumieh Prison, savagely attacked

Based on received information from Urumieh Prison, the prison guards in complicity with
the head of the cellblock and a man named Fathi and also the Director General of all the
prisons in the province, attacked the political prisoners’ cellblock and bludgeoned and
insulted them under the pretext of visiting the cells. They also ruined and or confiscated
the little facilities that their relatives had provided them.
After the political prisoners objected to this act, they faced more brutal attacks by the
agents. (Human Rights and democratic activists in Iran – June 19, 2007)

Hideous detention centers of State Security Forces (SSF)

One of the SSF’s detention centers is positioned on Islamic Vahdat Street in Tehran. It is
named, The Central Bureau of the SSF, famous by Shapour Bureau. Presently, 18 of its
branches deal with social crimes. Colonel Khuini is the head of all its branches.
The detention center in this branch is controlled by Colonel Niroomand and it consists of
10 general cellblocks, a cellblock for the teenagers, a solitary confinement, 4 cells and 3
The area that is named the cellblock comprises closed rooms of 3 * 4
meters that lack any light or fresh air. Its floor is also covered with a
very dirty carpet. These rooms also lack any cooling or heating
systems and equipment. The crowd held in these rooms is something
between 17 and 25 persons or even higher.
Shower is not allowed and bathrooms could only be used three times
a day, excluding 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. the next morning. The quality of
food is far below standard and rationed. Every cellblock is given only
three loaves of bread for breakfast!!



The cells are small rooms of 1.5 m² that hold a number of prisoners at the same time. A
suite is a room 2 m² that does not have a carpet. Prisoners kept in these rooms must
always have a sack over their head.
The prisoners in these rooms are allowed to use the bathroom only once every 24 hours.
They are kept cuffed and enchained at all times. Just like the cellblocks and the cells,
these rooms also lack any light, fresh air and cooling and heating systems. The rooms are
also extremely insanitary.
Beatings and mistreatment begins immediately upon arrival. When ever a prisoner wants
to use the bathroom, he is first bludgeoned and insulted and then allowed to go.
There is no medical care available in this center. After completion of civil investigations,
the victim is held in a cell until his physical condition improves and traces of beatings
There have been many cases of suicide under torture…. Some prisoners are kept
undetermined for months in these detention centers…. (Iran Press News – June 10, 2007)

Prisoners deprived of medical treatment and doctor

Reports from prison indicate that over the past weeks worker activists and journalists
were imprisoned; however, they haven’t had any access to medical treatment and
specialist doctors… (Radio Farda – June 10, 2007)

Imprisoned “thugs” deprived of privileges

“Thugs who are imprisoned are deprived from prison
privileges such as private meetings, amnesty, conditional
freedom and prison leaves,” said Director General of all
the prisons in Tehran. (Fars news agency – June 6, 2007)


Preventing transfer of political prisoners to hospital

Prison officials of Gohardasht Prison, also known as the Rajai-e Shahr, averted transfer of
a political prisoner to the hospital. Alireza Karami Khair Abadi [the political prisoner]
suffers from various mental and physical diseases and has been recently affected to
Kidney disease, claimed by human rights organizations. (Radio Israel – July 6, 2007)

Prisoners beaten until disabled

In a statement, the Political prisoners of Gohardasht Karaj Prison, warned about the
savage tortures imposed on prisoners who are arrested by Tehran’s intelligence
department and brought to this prison.



It further comes in the statement: “Around 70 to 80 percent of the prisoners, who are
arrested by Tehran’s intelligence department or any other branch and transferred to
Gohardasht prison, are disabled due to severe bludgeoning. This measure is
implemented on the orders of the interrogators.” (Hambastegi Melli – July 5, 2007)

Life of worker activist in great danger

The life of Mahmoud Salehi, one of Kurdistan’s worker activists, is in
great danger. The kidneys of Mahmoud Salehi are both out of
function. His body has swollen so greatly due to severe tortures that
no clothes fits him. His judge officially told his colleagues that, “we
will keep him in prison until he dies.” (Iran Press News – July 4, 2007)
Mahmoud Salehi


New methods used to impose pressure on political prisoners

Based on reports received from Gohardasht Karaj Prison, pressures imposed on political
prisoners have increased in various ways. Over the past weeks, the quality and quantity
of the political prisoners’ food ration has been reduced greatly. In another inhumane
measure, all public stores belonging to the prisoners in Tehran were announced private,
being owned by a man named Nasiri [Intelligence Ministry representative].
From the time the stores were announced private, the price of goods has become
excessively expensive. This is in such a way that some goods are sold seven times its
actual price to political prisoners. On the other hand, the Intelligence Ministry has made
drugs available at these stores. Heroin and Crack are widely used in prisons. (Human
Rights and Democratic activists in Iran – Aug. 28, 2007)

Northern Iranian Prisons over crowded

The head of prisons in Mazandaran confessed to arbitrary arrests. He said: “The number
of prisoners in this province is four times greater than the
prisons' actual capacity.”
In a speech to wardens of Mazandaran prisons, Ali Akbar
Ghaffarian noted the presence of 5,200 prisoners in the
province and said: “There are 1,200 more prisoners detained
compared to last year and this is four times greater than the
actual capacity of prisons.” (Hambastegi Melli – Aug. 24,



Increased pressure on political prisoners in Urumieh Prison

Based on received information from Urumieh Prison, the pressures imposed on political
prisoners in this prison has increased intolerably.
In order to isolate the political prisoners, any contact with other prisoners is forbidden,
ordered by Fathi, head of the prison. He and the head of the prison’s information
security, Fardin Kordlor, showed up in cell no. 12, where the political prisoners are kept,
and in an insulting and threatening manner told the prisoners that they want to close
cell no. 12 and transfer the political prisoners to the other general cells in the prison…
Presently, more than 30 political and conscience prisoners including Ahle-Haq
(Dervishes) are sentenced to death. The majority of the political prisoners are sentenced
to life time and long term imprisonments; also more than 33 prisoners in this cell are
members of the PKK group from Turkey, Iraq and Syria. (Association of Prisoners in Exile –
Aug. 21, 2007)


Political activists bludgeoned in Ardebil

Creating fear and beating the political prisoners in Azerbaijan, including in Ardebil Prison
is still continuing.
Based on received information from Ardebil Prison, three activists by the names of
Vodood Saadati, Asef Ibrahim-zadeh Niari and Reza Ghani-zadeh, who were arrested on
Monday September 17, were transferred from Ardebil Prison to an unknown place which
is said to be one of the detention centers of the Intelligence Ministry and were severely
beaten by the agents.
Asef Ibrahim-zadeh was transferred to prison after being bludgeoned and interrogated.
He was severely injured in the face and a number of his teeth were broken. The prison
agents also refused to transfer him to the prison clinic. He is presently in a very bad
physical condition and is still on hunger-strike. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Sept.
26, 2007)

Life of political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison in great danger

Based on received information from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, the prison officials
refrained from giving food to the political prisoners on Saturday September 22. After Mr.
Afshin Baimani inquired the reason to this act, a man named Abbas Ahad-zadeh and six
others attacked him. Mr. Baimani was severely injured in the face and nose.
This is the second attack that has been carried out against the political prisoners on the
orders of Saied Mortazavi, Tehran’s Public Prosecutor and Hassan Zareh-dehnavi,
Tehran’s Judge and under the supervision of the Prison Manager, Prison Deputy, head of



the prison security and head of cell no. 2 of this prison. (Human Rights activists and
Democracy in Iran – Sept. 24, 2007)

Political prisoner prevented from being transferred to hospital

Based on received information from Evin Prison, Mr. Abdulreza Rajabi, a political prisoner,
must be medically treated outside prison by a specialist doctor.
Mr. Abdulreza Rajabi is a political prisoner and a member of the PMOI who was arrested
in 2001. He was severely injured in the back during a clash with the government forces
and six of his vertebras broke. After he was arrested, he was only hospitalized for two
hours. The officials of Dizel Abad Prison in Kermanshah had told him that since six of his
vertebras were broken, they used palatine in his back. However, feeling pain in his back,
he later realized in Evin Prison that no palatine had been used and the doctors had
instead kept the six broken vertebras back in its places.
He suffers great pain in his back. Not only did the prison officials refuse to transfer him to
a hospital outside the prison, but also prevented giving him pain reliefs. (Human Rights
Activists in Iran – Sept. 13, 2007)

Agents savagely attacked and bludgeoned a political prisoner

Afshin Baimani, a political prisoner and supporter of the PMOI, went to the prison’s
hospital to be treated; however, despite his bad physical condition he was not treated
and taken care of. One of his cell mates, Behrouz Javid Tehrani, that had accompanied
him to the clinic, objected to the situation. The supposedly nurses of the prison threw
Afshin towards the glasses in such a way that all the glasses shattered and little glass
pieces went in his body causing deep cuts in his stomach, hands and body. The nurses
then began beating him in that state.
Bleeding severely and having a torn stomach, the prison wards took Afshin for
interrogation and did not give him any treatment. His cuts were so deep that he had 50
stitches only in his stomach; the deepness of his cuts was 8 millimeters… (Human Rights
activists and Democracy in Iran – Sept. 11, 2007)

Neglecting conditions of two prisoners after ending hunger-strike

A Kurdish journalist, Adnan Hassan pour, and civil activist, Haiva Bootimar, put an end to
their huger-strike after 50 days. This is while none of their demands has been met.
Based on this report, during a visit with the families of the two Kurdish prisoners, the
court had promised to send a team of medical doctors to give them treatment if they
ended their hunger-strike; however, no doctors have visited the two Kurdish prisoners
yet and their health condition is in great danger.
In addition, when the family of Haiva Bootimar met with him, they noticed that the two
prisoners are still in solitary confinements and have not been transferred to the general



After 50 days of huger-strike, the two prisoners have become very weak and need
healthy food; yet, the prison officials only gave them the ordinary prison food and not
only did they not provide them with healthy food, but also prevented them from
receiving the food stuff that was sent to them by their family. They were also not allowed
to buy food from the prison shop. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Sept. 5, 2007)


Political activist’s mother pressured and tortured

Based on received information from ward three of the notorious Evin Prison, Mrs. Zahra
Aliqoli, 64, who was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison on charges of
intending to see her child, has been serving sentence in prison for almost two years. Mrs.
Aliqoli served a long term in cellblock 209 of Evin Prison under physical and mental
The Intelligence Ministry forces had told her that to be released alive from prison she
must make a televised confession. She was later transferred to cellblock 3 of Evin Prison
where dangerous prisoners and criminals were kept. During this time she was beaten
and insulted many times by these prisoners and incited and provoked by the prison
The condition in this cell was so overbearing that Mrs. Aliqoli had requested many times
in written and orally to be transferred to a solitary confinement. However, this was what
Judge Hadad had answered her: “we will not transfer you to anywhere unless you write
a confession paper and interview in the television.” Mrs. Aliqoli suffers severe pains in the
bones and joints and other diseases and she must use medications; however, it has been
two months that the prison officials have cut her off from her medicines and imposed
great pressures on her. Her physical condition is so critical that she needs a person along
in order to walk… (Resistance supporters in Iran – Oct. 22, 2007)

Unexpected transfer of a political prisoner to solitary confinement

Mohammad Nikbakht, a PMOI member, who is presently serving his sentence in Isfahan’s
Prison, was transferred to a solitary confinement on October 30, for unknown reasons.
While being transferred to the solitary confinement, this political prisoner said that the
security forces had also approached his house and arrested his 67 year old father who is
suffering from cancer.
Nikbakht, who had been sentenced to eight years in prison by the 2nd branch of
Isfahan’s Revolutionary Court presided by judge Mirzaii on September 10, was sentenced
to an additional year in prison on charges of action against the national security.
(Students Committee of Human Rights reporters – Oct. 21, 2007)



Mahmoud Salehi hospitalized only for four hours

Based on received information from Sanandaj, Mahmoud Salehi, a
worker activist, who was abducted from his house on April 11,
2007 and sentenced to one year in prison, was hospitalized on
October 18 for having pain in his kidneys and a fall in blood
pressure. However, he was transferred back to his cell after four
hours. Mahmoud Salehi in
It is worth mentioning that one of Mahmoud Salehi’s kidneys is out hospital
of function and his other kidney only has a 25% function. (Association Defending the
political prisoners and Human Rights in Iran – Oct. 18, 2007)

Political prisoners violently attacked in prisons

The clerical regime violently attacked the political prisoners when they were on a
hunger-strike, in Gohardasht Karaj Prison and severely bludgeoned them.
The security agents attacked the political prisoners on Wednesday October 10, a few
hours after they had gone on a hunger-strike. The attack was on the orders of Hassan
Zareh Dehnavi, famous by Judge Hadad – who is the one in charge of the files of the
political prisoners – and under the surveillance of the prison director, his deputies and
the head of the cellblock, who is a henchman called Mohammad Moghnian. Naser
Amanian, Revolutionary Guard commanded the attack.
During this attack, the agents ruined the little facilities the political prisoners had,
confiscated their written notes and broke the cell’s window.
In addition, based on a report received from Urumieh Prison, regime’s agents severely
bludgeoned two political prisoners in the Central Prison of Urumieh who were on a
hunger-strike and transferred them to solitary confinements.
In Isfahan Prison the regime agents reportedly imposed various pressures on the political
prisoners for being on a hunger-strike…. (Association of Prisoners in Exile – Oct. 12, 2007)

Nightmare in Kahrizak Prison

Five months after the implementation of the plan to
combat thugs and the execution of at least 81 of them in
public, no change has occurred in their trial procedure,
imprisonment and their condition in prison.
Some of these convicts, such as Maisam Lotfi, are still under
death row and efforts to set them free have been abortive.
The widespread implementation of this plan had many
victims and all their human rights were violated. A number
of these men accused of thugs are still kept under
inhumane conditions in Kahrizak Prison in Karaj.
In an interview with one of the news agencies, one of the victims of this plan made
shocking revelations about this prison. M. A. was in Kahrizak for 50 days and in Evin



Prison for 80 days. He was released on a 50 million toman bail. During the interview, he
continuously asked: What does Human Rights mean? Who does this right belong to?
Weren’t we humans?!
He is a construction worker with three daughters. He was arrested on the first night the
plan was implemented in one of the southern streets of Tehran. During his arrest in
Kahrizak Prison, he lost one of his ill kidneys and was transferred to Evin Prison for this
reason. After his release, his medical treatment was also suspended because he had no
insurance. He also approved the death of eight prisoners in Kahrizak Prison and said:
“Previously, this prison was used to keep Iraqi captives. The prison had no water pipelines
and water was brought for the prisoners in fuel tanks, smelling like gas oil, which was
undrinkable. Our food ration was a potato and one fourth dry bread. During the days of
my imprisonment, it was the hottest days of summer and the water pipes had cracked
and we had no water. In those days we were all dying from thirst and the sanitation
condition of the cells. We did not have water every other day and quota of two cups of
water was not enough for us in that condition.”
He explained about the daily tortures and said: “We were arrested being beaten with
batons, cursed and sometimes fired with gun shots. The agents then transferred us to
the prison on minibuses. We were taken off the bus one by one and forced to pass
through a tunnel we called the ‘meat tunnel’. The masked mercenaries carrying batons
had build this tunnel and they beat us with their batons as we passed. Many suffered
broken bones and severe injuries passing this tunnel. The tunnel stage was repeated
every day. Each person was allowed to use the bathroom only twice in one 24 hour day
and on each turn, we were beaten on the way to and back. If anyone stayed over two
minutes in the bathroom, he would be beaten more. Among all, those who had more
tattoos or were famous among the public, such as Maisam Lotfi, were bludgeoned the
most. Nevertheless, we all had a permanent beating ration without any exceptions
He further continued that those who were beaten more for any reason were then forced
to roll over the hot rocks in the prison yard with their bruised naked bodies for a few
hours, all the while being beaten and kicked.
M. A. said that he had not seen any women in that prison, but many under 18 prisoners
were kept there. The capacity of the cell was up to 80 to 100 prisoners. This means that
presently some 80 children are kept in the cell. He estimated the number of prisoners
kept in this prison as up to 600 prisoners and said, there are underground floors with the
same capacity, but he does not know if anyone is kept there or not.
He added: “We all slept on mosaic floors because the blankets were soaked in blood and
had a fetid smell. The condition was so hard and the atmosphere was so insanitary that
the prison wards were also tired. One day we heard that they had pulled out all the nails
of Hani Kordeh….” (Iran Press News – Oct. 2, 2007)




36 percent of prisoners in West Azerbaijan are drug addicts

“36 percent of the prisoners in West Azerbaijan are drug addicts,” said the police chief
combating drugs in West Azerbaijan. (Fars news agency – Nov. 25, 2007)

Ehsan Mansouri, Majid Tavakoli and Ahmad Qasaban not allowed visits
The prison officials announced that the Judge
presiding and examining the case of the three
imprisoned Amir Kabir students, Ehsan Mansouri,
Majid Tavakoli and Ahmad Qasaban, in Shahid
Qodousi Complex, have told them that from
today, November 24, the students are forbidden
Ahmad Qasaban-Ehsan Mansouri-Majid Tavakoli
of any visitors.
The head and deputy in chief of cellblock 8 of
Evin Prison, Bozorgnia and Ziaii, severely bludgeoned Majid Tavakoli and Ahmad
Qasaban on Wednesday November 21 (while being transferred to this cellblock). Reports
from prison state that the physical condition of Majid Tavakoli is still critical. The prison
officials refuse transfering the injured students to the prison clinic. (Amir Kabir newsletter
– Nov. 24, 2007)

Two political prisoners brutally tortured

Abdullah Haidarian and Shokrollah Haidari, two political prisoners, who were arrested
three days ago by the State Security Forces (SSF), are under severe torture.
Reports from prison state that the tortures imposed were so harsh that Shokrollah
Haidari could hardly walk and the left arm of Abdullah Haidarian broke from two places.
His right fist was also injured badly from the rope tied to his hand, in which it might have
infected. (Payam website – Nov. 17, 2007)

Inhuman treatment of Kurdish journalist

During a visit with his family, Adnan Hassanpour explained that his treatment is illegal
and inhumane and is being closely controlled in jail.
This Kurdish journalist sentenced to death, said that all his movements and daily
activities, even when he goes to the bathroom, is controlled and observed and he is not
allowed to use the phone, GYM and the library just like the other prisoners… (Iran Press
News – Nov. 16, 2007)




Sick prisoner not allowed transfer to hospital

On Wednesday, December 19, the prison wards of Sanandaj’s
prison transferred Mahmoud Salehi to a Medical Jurisprudent
to be examined. However, they did not take his medical
records along, reported by the Committee Defending
Mahmoud Salehi. Eventhough the Medical Jurisprudent
verified that Mahmoud Salehi has a severe kidney disease, his
blood pressure unstable and he has diabets, his testicles has
enlargened, his urinary canal does not function properly and
his intestines have swollen, but the patient can remain in
prison, the report added. Mahmoud Salehi
It is worth mentioning that this Medical Jurisprudent is not a kidney professional and
only those can have such position who obey the above instructions.
Mahmoud Salehi fainted twice in prison on Saturday, December 22 and was transferred
to the prison clinic with the help of other prisoners. Based on the doctors’ prescriptions
in Tohid Hospital, Mahmoud Salehi must have been transferred outside prison on
December 22, to take blood testing; however, the prison officials did not allow him to
leave prison for treatment and blood testing. They also rejected Najibeh Salehzadeh’s
(Mr. Salehi’s wife) request on visiting Mr. Salehi.
Based on the last information on Mahmoud Salehi, he faints more than two times in a
day due to his unstable blood pressure and hid kidney failure. (Association of Prisoners in
Exile – Dec. 27, 2007)

Students arrested on ‘Students’ Day’ under torture

Based on received information from Evin Prison, the leftist students, who were arrested
on the days leading up to the demonstration on ‘Students’ Day’, are serving their second
week in prison and enduring severe physical and mental tortures.
Saied Habibi, a student activist who was abducted on the street by the Intelligence
Ministry forces, Behrouz Karimizadeh and Mehdi Gerayelou (the leftist student activists)
are presently under the control of the IRGC’s intelligence department. Over the past
days, the students were transferred to the prison clinic many times due to tortures
imposed on them.
Examples of such tortures are sleeplessness for long hours (sometimes up to 72 hours)
and brutal beatings and bludgeoning by their interrogators. This is such that the
tortured students were transferred to the prison clinic many times for excessive bleeding.
Other arrested students are still in the solitary confinements of cellblock 209 of Evin
Prison and under continuous interrogation. (Students Committee of Human Rights
Reporters – Dec. 15, 2007)



Saied Habibi Behrouz Karimizadeh Mehdi Gerayelou

Jailed journalist in deteriorating condition

Ejlal Qavami, a journalist from Sanandaj and member of the Supreme Council of Human
Rights Organization of Kurdistan, is presently in Sanandaj Prison and is in urgent need of
treatment because he is in a critical condition and his tear duct has jammed and his eyes
infected. Despite the letter written by the Journalist Association and
the Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan to the Judicial System
[demanding medical treatment for Ejlal Qavami], a sick leave has not
been approved for him yet. According to his family, if he is not
operated soon, he will go blind.
Ejlal Qavami was sentenced to three and a half years in prison on
charges of action against the national security. (Human Right
Ejlal Qavami
Organization of Kurdistan – Dec. 13, 2007)

Killing of citizens in security detention centers continues

The State Security Forces arrested an Engineer identified as Mehdi Hossein Pour and
took him to an unknown detention center. After four days of his arrest, the agents
informed his family to refer to Sajad Hospital in Tehran in order to see their son. On the
family’s approach to the hospital, they were accosted with the dead body of the young
engineer. The body was delivered to the family for burial without even having explained
the reason to his death. (Human Rights activists in Iran – Dec. 13, 2007)

Regime forces threatened Mahmoud Salehi to death

Agents of the Central Prison in Sanandaj attacked cellblock seven of this prison on
Tuesday December 4 and bludgeoned the prisoners. During this attack one of the
agents by the name of Qasem Rahmani insulted and cursed the prisoners and got into a
quarrel with Mahmoud Salehi threatening him to death… (Payam website – Dec. 7,


 Arbitrary Arrests



Suppression of Religious
Ethnic Minorities


Arbitrary Arrests

y Arrests

  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

Suppression of Religious and Ethnic Minorities


Religious minorities suppressed in Hamedan

The suppression of religious minorities has greatly increased in Hamedan. Christians, Ali
Allahis, Jews, Baha’is and…are day by day becoming more deprived from all their social
and civil rights…
One of the residents in Hamedan said that the present condition against religious
minorities is in a way that one should either retreat from his beliefs and repent and regret
from his religion and old beliefs or become deprived from all his social or civil rights and
die slowly. (Resistance supporters in Iran – Jan. 23, 2007)

Breaking up an organization for being Turk

Reports from Medical Science University in Hamedan show that the university officials
have imposed pressure on members of ‘Shahriar’ Organization (the Student Turk
Organization in Hamedan’s Medical Science University) to omit one of the articles of their
organization’s constitution based on allowing only Turks to be members of its Central
Council. They warned the organization’s officials that if they fail to bring the Fars and the
Kurds in their new Central Council, their organization will be disintegrated. (Roshangari
website – Jan. 15, 2007)

Imprisonment for having ties to Turkish associations

One month after their arrest and imprisonment by the agents of the Intelligence Bureau,
Khodayar Taimouri, Eliaz Yekaneli and Salman Sarkhosh, three students who were
arrested during the December 11 ceremony, were transferred to Urumieh’s Public Prison.


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

Taimour was accused of being affiliated with the Independent South Azerbaijan Party
(Gayp), secessionism and ‘Pan-Turkism’. While in custody, in the Intelligence Bureau’s
detention center, the students were severely bludgeoned and forbidden to visit their
family and lawyers. (Roshangari website – Jan. 15, 2007)


Kurds and Azeris arrested on ‘International Day of Native Languages’

Kurdish and Turkish students held a gathering on the ‘International Day of Native
Languages’ at Tehran University and other cities and protested to the failure of their
languages being taught at schools and universities and demanded the government to
obey principle 15 of the constitution.
During these gatherings, a number of human rights activists, students, journalists and
participants in different parts of Azerbaijan, Ardebil and Zanjan provinces were arrested.
(Rooz State-run newspaper – Feb. 25, 2007)

Unprecedented and violent suppression in Sistan and Balouchestan

In the recent days, suppression and repression has taken
up a new dimension in Sistan and Balouchestan. The
regime’s agents attacked and raided hundreds of youths’
houses, bludgeoning and arresting them. The brutal
attacks by the Revolutionary Guards is so drastic that in
most cases the children were also arrested and sent to
prison along with their families.
Meanwhile, the clerical regime has set up martial courts
to terrorize people of this region and quickly execute a number of those arrested. (NCRI
secretary – Feb. 24, 2007)

Bookstore sealed for selling Turkish language books

The State Security Forces in Tabriz went to ‘Zeinab
Pasha’ Bookstore, which is under the management
of Ms. Zohreh Vafai, on February 16, and said “We
are going to take you to the province’s Location
Bureau for selling illegal (Turkish language books
and literatures) books in your bookstore.” The head
of the Location Bureau, General Mahmoudzadeh,
who spoke in Farsi, threatened Ms. Vafai of selling
Turkish language books in her bookstore and said “if


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

don’t collect and purge these illegal books as soon as possible, we will seal the
bookstore.” (Resistance supporters in Iran – Feb. 17, 2006)

An 18 year old youth killed by government forces in Mahabad

The State Security Forces (SSF) raided a protest gathering held
on Thursday and Friday, February 15 and 16, in Mahabad and
attacked the protestors firing gunshots at them. An 18 year old
youth identified as Bahman Moradi, who was just passing by,
was aimed at and killed. During this raid at least three were
injured and 80 people were arrested. (Human Rights
Bahman Moradi Organization in Kurdistan – Feb. 16, 2007)


Bahais deprived from educating in Iran

Members of the religious minority Baha’is say that despite some changes made in the
[Education Ministry] rules and regulations and that they have the opportunity to attend
university admission tests; however, they are still banned from educating in universities
and centers for higher education.
In the present academic year, 369 Baha’is were accepted to attend universities and
centers for higher education in different parts of Iran; however, 191 of them were
prevented from admission and at least 70 of them whom their religious identity was
known, were deprived from education for half a year, in a report given by the ‘Baha’i
International Society’ Bureau at the U.N.
The bureau gave a version of the confidential letter written by Payame Nour University’s
fifth district security to BBC. This letter cites the ruling of the Supreme Council for the
Cultural Revolution, the Intelligence Ministry’s order and Payame Nour University’s
Central Organization for General Protection as: “if a Baha’i is registered, the case will be
reported and the registration prevented. If a Baha’i is already registered, he/she would
be discharged.” (BBC Farsi website – March 6, 2007)


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities


Widespread arrest of ethnic Arabs on crackdown anniversary

On the commemoration of 'suppressing the ethnic Arabs
of Khuzestan' Province, the suppressive forces of regime
extensively arrested the Arab people of Ahwaz, including
youths of Hamidieh town and its suburbs. In the past
two days, more than 150 people were arrested. It has
been said that the arrests will continue until April 15.
(Homa news agency – April 11, 2007)

Double oppression imposed on Baha’i religious minorities in Iran

Based on reports recently sent from Iran, Baha’i students in elementary and junior high
schools across the country are abused and insulted day after day.
In a time period of 30 days, i.e. from mid January to mid February, at least 150 cases of
insult, abuse and even physical abuse on Baha’i students by the school officials has been
reported in at least 10 cities.
Bani Dogal, senior representative of International Baha’i Society at the U.N. said: "Baha’i
children are forced to specify their religion and after that they are insulted, humiliated
and threatened to be expelled. In some cases they are expelled from school immediately.
Great pressures are imposed on Baha’is to convert to Islam and they are urged to tolerate
the accusations said towards their religion by their religious instructors. In the History
books taught at schools the religious legacy of Baha’ism is humiliated and shamelessly
Attacks on high schools mostly target girls. Out of 76 cases of abuse, 68 are against the
Bahai girls…
Presently, more than 120 Baha’is that were arrested before, are waiting to be trialed just
for their religious beliefs and activities…." (Iran Press News – April 7, 2007)


More than 500 political activists in Azerbaijan arrested

and abducted
Over the past 10 days, more than 500 political activists
in different cities of Azerbaijan were arrested and
abducted [these arrests were intended to prevent
ceremonies marking the anniversary of the uprising in


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

The Islamic Republic has also extensively censored any news broadcasting the protests
held in different cities of Azerbaijan by banning the newspapers, threatening and
arresting the reporters, forbidding foreign reporters to come, threatening the families of
those arrested in case they intend to call or interview with foreign and even domestic
medias, ordering and issuing straight directives to avoid any political reportage for even
semi-official news agencies and domestic newspapers. (Iran Press News – May 30, 2007)

Brutal murder of a 12 year old Balouchi girl by regime's agents

On Wednesday May 16, the security forces in Zahedan who are
plenipotentiary in firing at Balouchi citizens chased a car that was
being driven by a youth named Alyas Sarani without a driver's license.
Arriving at his house in Barq Boulevard, the youth got out of the car
and turned in. Becoming certain that the driver and the passengers
are Balouchis, the commander of the SSF, Keshtgar, immediately
opened fire on the driver's little sister named Roya who was only 12

Roya Sarani
years old and killed her instantly. (ILNA – May 18, 2007)

Three imprisoned for raising Kurdistan's flag

The security forces arrested three members of the Hosseini Village Council named
Ibrahim Amiri, Abdullah Amiri and Farouq Amiri and transferred them to an unknown
place. The three were charged with raising the flag of Kurdistan in their village. (Human
Rights Defense Organization of Kurdistan – May 10, 2007)

Kurdish poets banned from reading poems

The Students Poetry and Literature Center of Kurdistan University held a night of poetry
called the 'Baraneh Poem' with the presence of some prominent Kurdish poets in the
Amphitheatre of the university on May 15.
According to those in charge of this ceremony, many other poets from Ilam and
Kermanshah provinces were invited to this night of poetry; however, the university's
guidance department did not allow them to read their poems.
It is worth mentioning that the restrictions held over the Kurdish associations and
student newspapers in Kurdistan University are increasing day by day. For example, the
demands of the Kurdish associations are always interfered by security institutes outside
the university and their requests are rejected or not considered at all in the meetings of
the Cultural Council. However, on the other hand, institutes and associations such as
Bassij, the Leadership Institute and the Islamic Society, hold their meetings without any
problem. These restrictions which began several years ago, led to a student sit-in last
April in protest to the cultural situation of this university. As a result, 18 students were
banned from entering the university and a number of others were summoned to the
disciplinary committee. (Iran Press News – May 16, 2007)

  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

Gonabadi Dervishes deprived from attending International Book Fair

Haqiqat Publishes affiliated with the Nematollahi Dervishes dynasty of Gonabad was
banned in the last moment from participating in the International Book fair held in
Tehran. (Iran Press News – May 9, 2007)

Church member in Kermanshah arrested

Based on the Farsi-Speaking Christians’ news agency, the SSF arrested one of the
members of 'Pentikasti' Church in Kermanshah on his way to Kermanshah City on April
28, and was then taken to the detention center, handcuffed and blindfolded.
After the regime's agents confiscated his belongings including documents and CDs
regarding his work and his cell phone and passport, and after several long sessions of
interrogation under unsuitable conditions, they released him on Wednesday, May 2.
(Iran Press News – May 4, 2007)


60 followers of Yarsin religion arrested and imprisoned

On June 14, more than 5000 followers of Yarsin (Ahl-e Haq) religion gathered in protest
in front of Kermanshah’s Governor’s Office to show their discontent towards the SSF for
shaving the (traditional) mustaches of 15 of their companions.
Regime’s forces then arrested 60 of the protesters and tortured them. (Kurdistan Media-
affiliated to Kurdistan’s Democratic Party in Iran – June 18, 2007)

Continued oppression and abuse of Baha’i Society in Iran

The mullahs’ regime is continuously attacking the Iranian Baha’is from its elderly to its
elementary school children.
Official Media reported of the Iranian government’s bid to monitor and identify the
Baha’i individuals, abuse and discriminate Baha’i students in all ranks, increase measures
to deprive the Baha’is from basic living needs and continuous attacks to the values of the
The clerical regime intends to create suspicion, distrust and even hatred among the
Baha’i society with the other Iranians in order to separate them from the public and to
prevent social, economical and cultural development of this religion and to create
insecurity in their social life. (Iran Press News – June 9, 2007)


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities


Baha’i students expelled from universities

The International Society of Baha’is in Iran announced in a statement that it has got hold
of a confidential letter stating that the Science Research and Technology Ministry of Iran
has ordered 81 universities in 2005 to expel all Baha’i students. (Radio Farda – Aug. 28,

Baha’i students not granted diplomas

Two months after the country-wide examinations [pre-university exams] in Iran and the
results were announced during the past two weeks. However, hundreds of Baha’i
students who attended this examination across the country have not received their
certificates yet and as a result they have not been appointed for a major in order to
register for university. (VOA – Aug. 24, 2007)

Bookstore in Ahwaz sealed and employees arrested

The State Security Forces (SSF) in Ahwaz raided Ishraq
bookstore on Naderi Street on Wednesday August 15 and
arrested its employees.
The Big Ishraq Bookstore, which is located downtown of
Ahwaz, is owned by an ethnic Arab. The bookstore is very
special among the intellectuals and educates of Ahwaz
citizens, because it offers books on the culture and literature
of the ethnic Arabs of Ahwaz….
The SSF arrested 50 of its employees and sealed the door of
the bookstore without showing any legal warrants…. (Rooz
news – Aug. 17, 2007)


Two Kurdish students expelled from university

Two Kurdish students at the Teacher’s Training University were expelled for ideological
and political beliefs. The two students, Masoud Mansouri and Shomal Rostami were
convicted of inviting the students to a peaceful protest, publishing a student newspaper
and disobeying the Islamic norms. (VOA – Sept. 28, 2007)


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

Baha’is not allowed to bury their dead in public cemeteries

Baha’i students and university students are greatly discriminated in provinces West and
East Azerbaijan and Ardebil. Of coarse this type of discrimination also exists in other
provinces such as Hamedan, Tehran and Kermanshah etc. Baha’i students are deprived
from educational rights and registering at schools and universities only for their religion.
Yet, this discrimination is not restricted to the live people only; if any Baha’i person dies,
their relatives are not allowed to burry the dead in public cemeteries and they are forced
to take the body to a far village around Mahabad and burry it there. (Resistance
supporters in Iran – Sept. 27, 2007)

800 Baha’i students not given pre-university examination results

The International Organization of Baha’is and the Baha’i students in Iran informed HRW
that high officials of the country’s National Education and Evaluation Organization
deprived 800 Baha’i students from receiving their pre-university examination results. This
is a countrywide examination that in order to be accepted for university, one needs to
pass this test.
With the start of the new academic year this week, hundreds of university students are
not able to attend classes due to religious discrimination.
Two such students personally inquired the National Education and Evaluation
Organization in Tehran. One of them said a responsible official told him that they had
received orders from higher officials not to evaluate and assess the examination papers
of Baha’i students. Another student cited an official of the organization as telling him that
he could receive the results of his exam if his family renounced the Baha’i faith…. (Amir
Kabir newsletter – Sept. 21, 2007)

Baha’i cemetery ruined in Isfahan

About four days ago, the inhumane clerical regime attacked the Bahai cemetery in Najaf
Abad, Isfahan and wrecked all the graveyards with heavy and equipped tools,
demolished all the trees from its roots and turned the place into a land of soil in such a
way that no traces were left of those buried there.
The mullahs’ regime had repeated the same inhumane measure last month in Yazd City.
(Iran Press News – Sept. 15, 2007)

Gonabadi Dervishes under pressure

Following the pressures imposed on the Gonabadi
Dervishes, the mullahs’ regime sentenced Ahmad Shari-at,
the Sheikh of Nematollahi Gonabadi Dervishes in Qom, to
nine years banishment from that city and cash fine.
It is worth mentioning that in February 2005, the State
Security Forces had attacked the Dervishes mosque in


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

Qom, demolishing the mosque and arresting more than 1000 supporters of the
Gonabadi Dervishes. (Hambastegi Melli – Sept. 5, 2007)

New wave of suppression against Azeri minority

Branch 102 of the Penal Court in Ahar issued several sentences for 25 Azerbaijani
The Azerbaijani activists were accused of disrupting the public order and creating chaos,
participating in an “illegal” gathering on 25 May, 2006 and demolishing the government
and public belongings.
The names of the activists are as follows:
Afshin Bazaz Qadim: six months imprisonment and 70 lashes
Karim Karegar: six months imprisonment and 70 lashes
Morteza Shokri Sarqini: six months imprisonment and 70 lashes
Awaz Hassan-pour: six months imprisonment and 70 lashes
Farhad Haidari: two and six months of imprisonment and 70 lashes
Anushirvan Tahmasebi: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended
prison time and 50 lashes
Ramin Iil Ghomi: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison
time and 50 lashes
Ramin Bakhshi: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison time
and 50 lashes
Hossein Saffarnia: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison
time and 50 lashes
Farid (Vahid) Barzegan: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended
prison time and 50 lashes
Mehrdad Haidar pour: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended
prison time and 50 lashes
Mohammad Jaffari: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison
time and 50 lashes
Mehdi Suleimani: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison
time and 50 lashes
Abulfazl Assad-zadeh: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended
prison time and 50 lashes
Parviz Baqeri: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison time
and 50 lashes
Jalal Esfandiari: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison time
and 50 lashes
Reza Salmanzadeh: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison
time and 50 lashes
Nar Akheshi: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison time
and 50 lashes


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

Abulfazl Doost Mohammadi: six months imprisonment commuted to five years

suspended prison time and 50 lashes
Reza Suleimani: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison time
and 50 lashes
Parviz Qaneh: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison time
and 50 lashes
Ibrahim Zelfi: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison time
and 50 lashes
Omid Saifi: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison time and
50 lashes
Mojtaba Jamlou: six months imprisonment commuted to five years suspended prison
time and 50 lashes
Amir Mohammadi: due to lack of witness, the court did not rule to exonerate
(Akhbar-e Rooz – Sept. 4, 2007)


Increased pressure on Azeri activists

Following the arrest and imprisonment of Saleh Kamrani, Abdullah Abbasi Javan, Saied
Matin Pour and Jalil Ghani-lou, Azeri activists, some of their relatives were also arrested.
Committee defending the political prisoners in Azerbaijan published a report that
reported new cases of banned newspapers, closed art and cultural centers, sealed NGO
offices, issuance of new verdicts and bad condition of prisoners of conscience in
Azerbaijan Province. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Oct. 15, 2007)

Imprisoned Kurdish activists not allowed visitors

Three Kurdish activists, who were transferred to the Intelligence Bureau
in Sanandaj, are still forbidden from having visitors.
Mr. Farzad Kamangar, human rights activists and member of the
Teachers’ Association, has been transferred to Sanandaj’s Intelligence
Bureau for weeks. However, he is still in a solitary confinement and
under mental and physical tortures. (Kurdistan media website – Oct. 15,
Farzad Kamangar

Mullahs’ regime suppresses and threatens Kurdish people

Over the past few days, the clerical regime arrested more than 150 Kurds under different
pretexts and transferred them to prisons in Maku and Khuy to create fear among the


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

public. During the past week, a few were secretly transferred to the prisons in Karaj,
Tehran, Qom, Zanjan and Tabriz. (Kurdistan media website – Oct. 15, 2007)

Christian couple flogged

The Islamic Republic Revolutionary Court ruled to flog a Christian couple. The court
accused them of apostasy for participating in an underground church.
On March 26, 2005, the State Security Forces (SSF) arrested a Christian couple by the
names of N. V. M. along with a group in an underground church in Gohardasht.
Two years later, in July 2006, their case was referred to the third branch of the
Revolutionary Court. The court accused them of participating in an illegal underground
church and punished them for apostasy.
The Christian couple had intended to marry one another seven years ago; however,
since the female Christian was Assyrian and her husband Persian, the churches in Iran
did not accept to wed the couple because its internal laws did not permit such a
marriage. Hence, the couple decided to marry under Islamic law….
Based on the court, until the court’s vote was not finalized, the couple was sentenced to
probation, reporting to an office specified by the court in a building. The building had no
official signs and security forces only stood there with plain clothes. The last time the
woman reported to this building, she was harassed by one of the agents (whom they
called Haj Aqa). As a result, the couple decided to stop its report, fearing that it might
happen again.
After a while the couple failed to report, two female agents in complicity with four male
agents went to their house in September 2006, carrying a warrant from the Judicial
Court having their punishment written. The two were flogged immediately at their
home. (News network of Farsi-speaking Christians – Oct. 11, 2007)


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

Followers of Quran beaten and arrested

The mullahs’ regime forces arrested the followers of Ahmad Mofti-zadeh.
Followers of Quran (disciples of Ahmad Mofti-zadeh) held a religious ceremony in several
cities of Kurdistan on the commemoration of the holy month of Ramadan and the nights
when Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad.
Based on this report, the Intelligence Forces arrested members of the Council of this new
school in Dehgalan. In Kamyaran also the ceremony was held with the disturbance of
the SSF and threats made by some people.
In Saqez, the Intelligence and the Security Forces also arrested about 200 of the followers
of Quran (one night before the ceremony). (Kurdistan Media website – Oct. 9, 2007)


Lawyer of Gonabadi dervishes arrested

Mostafa Daneshjoo, one of the lawyers of Gonabadi dervishes was arrested yesterday in
the city of Karaj and taken to an unknown location.
The regime’s security forces fired shots in Daneshjoo’s neighborhood creating an
atmosphere of fear and panic, beat him and took him to an unknown location. (Iran
Press News – Nov.21, 2007)

Sunni School violently attacked

A group of armed persons commanded by Cleric Moulavi Abdullah Hasnavi, attacked a
School of Religious Science of Sunnis in Zabol and took possession of the school on
October 27.
The forces threatened the scholars and professors and threw them out of the school and
did not allow anyone to enter the school for three night and days. (Mojahedin website –
Nov. 13, 2007)

500 Dervishes arrested

On Sunday, The State Security Forces (SSF) in a
brutal attack leveled Dervishes' Mosque in
Boroujerd and set it ablaze. More than 400
members of paramilitary Bassij Forces were
mobilized by the regime for the crackdown.
During this attack, more than 500 Dervishes were
arrested and transferred to Khoram Abad on
minibuses. They also displaced the soil of the
‘Khanqah’ (house of Dervishes) outside the city
with a loader.


  Suppression of Religious & Ethnic Minorities

“Presently the city and its entrance are under security control,” eye witness said. During
the clash, more than 200 people, from both sides, were injured. The condition of some is
reported critical. (Resistance supporters in Iran – Nov. 11, 2007)

Threats and pressure imposed on Armenians living in Isfahan

The Majlis representative of Armenians in Isfahan and southern part of the country said:
Over the past years, the city management was in such a way that it caused much
problem for the cultural texture of Armenians living in Jolfa.
Robert Biglarian stated that buying the lands in Jolfa and turning them into parking lots,
is one of the examples of this management.
The Armenian population rate in Isfahan has dropped from 8,000 people in 1978 to
5,500 persons at the present time. (ISNA – Nov. 2, 2007)

Security forces prevent Eid al-Adha prayers

The security institutes prevented the Eid al-Adha prayers to be held in Hosseinieh Ershad
(religious center). On December 21, when the people came to this religious center for
the Eid al-Adha prayers, they were faced with the security and intelligence forces urging
them to leave the place. Based on previous announcements, the Eid al-Adha prayers was
supposed to be held at nine O’clock, Friday morning in the Hosseinieh Ershad; however,
the security forces imposed pressure on those in charge of the center and dispersing the
people approaching the center, prevented the prayer from taking place. (Iran Press
News – Dec. 22, 2007)


Arbitrary Arrests

Arbitrary Arrests


Suppression of Protests


 Arbitrary Arrests

Arbitrary Arrests
  Suppression of Protests
Suppression of Protests


40 labors arrested during a sit-in

40 labors of Weaving, Velvet and Silk Factories in Kashan, who have been in a strike and
sit-in for weeks, were arrested [during their sit-in]. (Payam website – Feb. 2007)


Widespread arrest of teachers

A number of teachers were arrested during the teachers’ gathering in Tehran and
Kermanshah. Their names are as follows.
Those arrested in Tehran:
Mahmoud Behshti Langroudi, Ali Akbar Baghani,
Karim Qashqavi, Mohammad Reza Rezai, Rasoul
Badaqi, Mohsen Kamali, Nourollah Akbari, Sajad
Khaksari, Sorouj Jaafari, Rabi-pour, Khakbazan and
Those arrested in Kermanshah:
Mohammad Tavakoli, Sadeqi, Heshmati, Abbasi,
Lorestani and …
Based on received information, 15 teachers were arrested in Kermanshah. (Peyk-e Iran –
March 16, 2007)


  Suppression of Protests


Widespread arrests of workers in Marivan, Saqez and Sanandaj

On International Labor Day a sum of workers and their families gathered in front of the
Labor bureaus in Sanandaj, Marivan and Saqez cities to commemorate this day and to
object towards their horrible employment and living conditions.
Amongst this, the intelligence and security forces attacked the workers protest and
arrested a number of them.
In Marivan, 50 workers were arrested. Bakhtiar
Rahimi, Salam Qaderi, Sarkan Yusoufi, Karvan
Dastoor and Kamel Hemati are among the
arrested workers. In Sanandaj, Sediq Karimi, Iqbal
Latifi, Yadollah Moradi, Saleh Rahimi, Najmodin
Rajabi, Farouq Govili, Anvar Mofakheri, Shams
Amani, Sediq Amjadi and Jamil Khodakarami
were arrested; and in Saqez, Omar Sharkari and
some others were also arrested. (Iran Press News
– May 3, 2007)

12 workers imprisoned on International Labor Day

11 workers of the 'Union of Dismissed and Jobless Workers' along with the head of the
management delegation, who were arrested before, are presently in prison and have
not been released yet," said Spokesman of the 'Association defending the rights of the
He added: "The imprisoned workers have been deprived from having legal lawyers and
only some of them were able to contact their families."
(ILNA – May 9, 2007)

350 teachers arrested in teachers' gathering

The teachers held a gathering on May 8. Simultaneously,
the SSF and the anti-riot police attacked the gathering.
A teacher activist from Tehran said: "The crowed of
teachers that came from Tehran and other parts of the
country gathering outside the Majlis were more than
60,000 people."
He continued, based on reliable sources until now,
around 350 teachers are arrested. Many were beaten


  Suppression of Protests

during the protest. The security forces closed the train station entering the area and the
main door of 'Majlis'; they dispersed any 10 to 15 persons gathering around each other….
(Resistance supporters in Iran – May 8, 2007)


3,000 workers of Haft Tapeh Cane Factory bludgeoned

Around 3000 workers of Haft Tapeh Cane Factory gathered and staged a sit-in in front of
the factory’s main entrance and demanded their requests. The State Security Forces,
which were more than 100 agents, attacked the protesters and bludgeoned them. They
arrested a number of workers. (Human Rights Activists in Iran – June 14, 2007)


Regime’s agents attack a demonstration

Following the restrictions the mullahs’ regime has imposed
on the youth in Iran, on Monday July 2, the State Security
Forces (SSF) clashed with a group of young boys who had
gathered in Mother Square.
In order to disperse the young boys, the SSF and the Special
Forces used tear gas and batons, and arrested a number of
them. (Payam website – July 4, 2007)

SSF attacks taxi drivers gathered in Kermanshah

On June 30, more than 100 taxi drivers in Kermanshah gathered in protest outside the
Traffic Bureau and objected towards the small amount of fuel and gas rationing. The SSF
attacked the protesters with batons and tear gas and dispersed the crowd. (Iran Press
News – July 2, 2007)


  Suppression of Protests

500 were arrested in gas clashes in Yasouj

During the public protest in Yasouj against fuel rations, more than 500 persons were
arrested and five including a 12 year old boy were killed. (Resistance supporters in Iran –
June 28, 2007)

Widespread protest against fuel ration in June


150 workers in Ahwaz bludgeoned

The peaceful protest of 150 workers of Shushtar Karoon Paper-making Factory that was
held on Tuesday September 25 was violently attacked by the security forces with batons
and teargases and the workers were severely bludgeoned. (Association of Prisoners in
Exile – Sept. 27, 2007)

SSF violently attacks protesters in Mahabad

Based on received information from Mahabad, the SSF violently attacked the sit-in of a
group of Bazaar merchants on Sunday September 2.
It comes in the report, a group of Bazaar merchants in Mahabad had called on the
people in this city to stage a hunger strike and close their stores in objection to poverty,
unemployment and widespread distribution of drugs in this city and the negligence of
the government towards these issues.
Fearing the increase of the protest movements, the SSF arrested a number of the activists
in this strike. (Hambastegi Melli – Sept. 4, 2007)

Relatives of political prisoners attacked outside UN office

Scores of relatives of the political prisoners including the families of Osanloo, Hassan
Pour, Saied Masouri, Ahmad Qasaban, Majid Tavakoli and Ehsan Mansouri had gathered


  Suppression of Protests

outside the UN office in Tehran to meet with Ms. Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner
on Human Rights. The gathering was violated by the SSF.
The protesters had told one of the employees at this office that they demanded meeting
with Ms. Louise Arbour; however, before Ms. Louise Arbour exits the building, the
security forces and plain clothes agents attacked the protesters and brutally arrested
them…. (Democracy and Human Rights activists in Iran – Sept. 3, 2007)


De facto state of emergency in Bukan and Saqez

The mullahs’ regime turned cities Bukan and
Saqez to a state of Martial Law in order to deal
with the people’s protests and prevent any
protest gatherings from taking place…. One of
the activists in Kurdistan said, the people of
Kurdistan, especially in cities Bukan, Saqez and
Mahabad etc, have no comfort and are
deprived and under pressure in all ways… The
regime brought in more security forces from
other cities including Urumieh, Miando-ab and
Tabriz to control the people and to prevent any protest gatherings from taking place.
Bukan and Saqez are presently in an unannounced state of emergency. (Resistance
supporters in Iran – Oct. 23, 2007)

State Security Forces beat students

Following the heavy prison sentences issued for the three Amir Kabir University students,
Majid Tavakoli, Ahmad Qasaban and Ehsan Mansouri, the representatives of the
Managing Directors of the student newspapers staged a gathering and held an open
Forum on the second day of the meeting of this group.
The security and intelligence forces violated the protest gathering and began to beat the
students. As a result, some of the students were injured…. (Amir Kabir newsletter – Oct.
20, 2007)

MISS attacked gathering of Haft-Tapeh Sugarcane Factory workers

The special guards forces, state and security forces attacked the sit-in of Taft-Tapeh
Sugarcane Factory workers, on its sixth day, and bludgeoned them. Security forces
attacked the workers with batons, injuring many. Some were also arrested and taken to
unknown places. Mr. Ramezan Ali-pour was among the arrestees [a well-known worker
activist]. Following the crackdown on the workers, the State Security Forces and the


  Suppression of Protests

special guards’ forces ruled an unannounced state of siege across the city…. (Human
Rights activists and Democracy in Iran – Oct. 5, 2007)


Crackdown on Haft-Tapeh Sugarcane Factory workers protest

According to information from Shoush, workers of Haft-Tapeh Sugarcane Factory quit
work on Wednesday November 7 and staged a widespread protest outside the
company’s management office against the arrest of Mr. Ramezan Ali-pour and the
threats and pressures imposed on other workers.
A night before the sit-in, Zibdari and Esfandeh, heads of the company’s security forces
and Intelligence guards, arrested Mr.
Mohammad Haidari, a worker activist who was
the night shift at work, and turned him in to the
Intelligence Bureau in Shoush. These two agents
also summoned the other night shift workers,
warned them against participating in the protest
that was going to be held the following day and
told some of them that they must report to the
Intelligence Bureau. (Human Rights activists and
Democracy in Iran – Nov. 7, 2007)





Suppression of Protests

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