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Science Questions

Phase 4

Diego Alejandro Cosma Pérez

1. How did you first decide on your idea?

I decided my idea by when we were doing the phase 1, I

was deciding the que questions, I saw that creating
biogas through organic trash was a very good idea, but
I thought it will be so difficult. I discus all and a get
conclusion that the experiment it was possible so I
decided to do the experiment.
2. What was your favorite
aspect of the experiment?

My favorite aspect of the

aspect of the experiment
was that when all was at the
trash can ( With the organic
trash and the fertilizer) I saw
that the bomb was inflated
so I was so happy because a
did it, I create the Biogas.
3. What was something new that you learned?

Something new I learned was that thought organic trash

and with fertilizer we can generate Biogas, Another think I
learned That we need to Wait that the food decomposed for
put in the fertilize.
4. What was something
unexpected that happened?

Something unexpected that

happened is that we wait so
much to bring the
materials, another thing
was is that we take a long
time to collect the garbage,
we the a long time to
crashing the food, but all
was so good finally
5. What were the ups and
downs of the whole

The ups is that we generate

bio gas thought organic
trash and the downs is that
the group doesn’t integrate
as much.
6. What did your data show?

Data showed the qualitative and the quantitive and sample size in our
project. My quantitative was 2 garbage bags 6 weight measured 3 bomb
used 1 newton Meter Garbage Weight: 1.30 Kg / 1.35 Kg Ferlitizer
Weight: 1.25 Kg / 1.30 Kg Total Weight: 2.55 Kg / 2.65 Kg Biogas: 0 /
0.05 Kg / 0.50 Kg 1 stir 1 trash can.

The qualitative of my science project is organic

waste from the cafeteria Chicken Meat Spinach Pie
Lemon Plums Desserts Rice Carrot Arverja. When
we crushed the food everything was wet and very
disgusting .When we checked the garbage was full
of white mushrooms and smelled disgusting. The
fertilizer was brown with yellow dots. The bomb
was white, the PVP tube was white with a blue key
and the trash can was blue with a black cap
7. What would you do differently
next time?

I will try to don't waste so much time

and do it fast also, I will improve the
measurements of the biogas and
improve the way we get the trash

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