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Anat Sci Int (2016) 91:1–7

DOI 10.1007/s12565-015-0299-5


History and future of human cadaver preservation for surgical

training: from formalin to saturated salt solution method
Shogo Hayashi1 • Munekazu Naito2 • Shinichi Kawata1 • Ning Qu1 •

Naoyuki Hatayama1 • Shuichi Hirai1 • Masahiro Itoh1

Received: 18 July 2015 / Accepted: 18 August 2015 / Published online: 1 September 2015
 Japanese Association of Anatomists 2015

Abstract Traditionally, surgical training meant on-the- noteworthy features that expand the capability of clinical
job training with live patients in an operating room. training. The saturated salt solution method will contribute
However, due to advancing surgical techniques, such as to a wider use of cadavers for surgical training.
minimally invasive surgery, and increasing safety demands
during procedures, human cadavers have been used for Keywords Cadaver  Embalming  Formaldehyde 
surgical training. When considering the use of human Organ preservation  Solutions  Training techniques
cadavers for surgical training, one of the most important
factors is their preservation. In this review, we summarize
four preservation methods: fresh-frozen cadaver, formalin, Surgical training and human cadaver models
Thiel’s, and saturated salt solution methods. Fresh-frozen
cadaver is currently the model that is closest to reality, but Expertise in dissection, tissue handling, and suturing are
it also presents myriad problems, including the requirement difficult tasks to learn in an operating room and even more
of freezers for storage, limited work time because of rapid difficult to learn theoretically (Reed et al. 2009). Tradi-
putrefaction, and risk of infection. Formalin is still used tionally, surgical training (ST) meant on-the-job training
ubiquitously due to its low cost and wide availability, but it with live patients in an operating room. However, the
is not ideal because formaldehyde has an adverse health practice of surgery has changed dramatically (Cosman
effect and formalin-embalmed cadavers do not exhibit et al. 2007), and the traditional apprenticeship approach is
many of the qualities of living organs. Thiel’s method now shifting toward training in laboratories before
results in soft and flexible cadavers with almost natural embarking on living patients (Shiwani 2010). The two
colors, and Thiel-embalmed cadavers have been appraised main driving forces behind these changes have been
widely in various medical disciplines. However, Thiel’s advances in medical technology and greater public
method is relatively expensive and technically compli- expectations (Cosman et al. 2007). First, surgical tech-
cated. In addition, Thiel-embalmed cadavers have a limited niques are constantly advancing; thus, surgeons require
dissection time. The saturated salt solution method is training and practice to achieve mastery of the new pro-
simple, carries a low risk of infection, and is relatively low cedures (Cosman et al. 2007; Hayashi et al. 2014). Mini-
cost. Although more research is needed, this method seems mally invasive techniques, such as microsurgery, fiber-
to be sufficiently useful for surgical training and has optic endoscopy, laparoscopic and arthroscopic surgery,
and interventional radiology, have broadened the range of
therapeutic options. Although each technique requires a
& Shogo Hayashi different set of skills, practitioners often need to be profi-
cient in a wide variety of skill categories (Cosman et al.
Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Medical University, 6-1-1 2007). At the same time, demanding and increasingly
Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160-8402, Japan informed public expects consistent patient safety during
Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Aichi Medical procedures, operating efficiency, and reduced complica-
University, Aichi, Japan tions (Cosman et al. 2007; Jansen et al. 2011). Thus, almost

2 S. Hayashi et al.

all general surgical procedures and the majority of surgical However, they also present myriad problems, including the
procedures in various subspecialties are being performed requirement of freezers for storage and limited work time
using a minimal access approach. Surgeons are moving (a few weeks at the most) because of rapid putrefaction
toward scarless surgery worldwide (Shiwani 2010). following thawing. The risk of infection from unembalmed
This advancement requires different training. Most ST tissue is also significant (Anderson 2006; Reznick and
programs make use of various models, including inanimate MacRae 2006; Rosen et al. 2009; Eisma and Wilkinson
models, virtual reality, live animals, and human cadavers, 2014; Hammer et al. 2015). For the abovementioned rea-
to simulate living human tissue and anatomy (Reznick and sons, the use of fresh-frozen cadavers is subject to the
MacRae 2006; Goyri-O’Neill et al. 2013), and the use of restriction of facilities and situations where ST occurs.
cadavers for ST has been compared with that of other An alternative to fresh-frozen cadavers is embalmed
methods, such as live animals and low- and high-fidelity cadavers (Jaung et al. 2011). The desired properties required
simulators (Anastakis et al. 1999; Reznick and MacRae for successful cadaver embalming include good long-term
2006; Cosman et al. 2007). Although human cadavers structural preservation of organs and tissues with minimal
currently represent the closest model to reality found in distortion and prevention of over-hardening or alteration of
clinical practice, the cost, limited availability, infection appearance. This needs to take place while maintaining the
risk, and poor compliance of cadaveric tissue restrict their flexibility of internal organs, preventing desiccation, and
use (Reznick and MacRae 2006; Cosman et al. 2007; limiting fungal or bacterial growth and spread within a
Rosen et al. 2009; Goyri-O’Neill et al. 2013). Particularly specific cadaver and to other cadavers in the dissection room
in Japan, it was conventionally considered that the ille- (Coleman and Kogan 1998). Scientists are trying to develop
gality of using human cadavers in training other than an ideal embalming solution to preserve the human body.
anatomy practice could not be denied because there were Such a solution would preserve bodies in a condition com-
no clear guidelines (Japan Surgical Society and Japanese parable to that of an unembalmed cadaver, and the chemicals
Association of Anatomists 2012). Nevertheless, to provide used in the solution should be nonhazardous to eliminate any
sufficient realism and clinical context, several authors have health risks that persons might encounter during handling.
suggested that the use of human cadavers is valuable in The embalmed cadaver should be relatively bacteria free and
training and development of surgical techniques (Reed the embalming solution should prevent the growth of
et al. 2009; Shiwani 2010; Yang et al. 2010; Eisma and microorganisms that may accelerate the decomposition
Wilkinson 2014); thus, it has become a growing trend. In process (Coleman and Kogan 1998; Balta et al. 2015a).
addition, in Japan, the publication of ‘‘guidelines for One of the most important chemicals used for
cadaver dissection in education and research of clinical embalming is formaldehyde (Brenner 2014). Formalde-
medicine’’ in 2012 (Japan Surgical Society and Japanese hyde was first discovered by August Wilhelm von Hof-
Association of Anatomists) clarified and confirmed that mann in 1869 (Hess 1901), and its introduction as a
even under current law, ST training using cadavers con- formalin fixative in 1893 was an important step in preser-
ducted under adequate procedures and rules is lawful. vation (Blum 1893; Binawara et al. 2010; Balta et al.
Therefore, many medical universities are now adopting ST 2015b). Since then, very little has changed in the basic
using human cadaver models. chemistry or technique of formalin preservation of human
cadavers (Brenner 2014), and it is still used ubiquitously
now in the twenty-first century due to its low cost and wide
Cadaver preservation methods for ST: fresh- availability (Benkhadra et al. 2011a; Hammer et al. 2015;
frozen, formalin, and Thiel’s method Balta et al. 2015a). The extensive use of formalin as a
preserving agent is based on the fact that formalin has
An important factor when considering the use of human excellent bactericidal, fungicidal, and insecticidal proper-
cadavers for ST is their preservation (Hayashi et al. 2014). ties, thus preventing the entry of organisms (Brenner 2014;
Because realistic tissue properties are of principal interest Balta et al. 2015a). However, the relatively high levels of
for clinicians when performing ST (Hammer et al. 2015), a formalin harden the tissues (Hart 1990), thus its use is
large number of studies have used fresh-frozen cadavers generally associated with extreme rigidity (Richins et al.
(Macchi et al. 2003; Jacobs et al. 2003; Supe et al. 2005; 1963) and has been found to severely affect the quality of
Ocel et al. 2006; Ali et al. 2008; Benkhadra et al. 2009; cadaveric tissue, particularly soft tissues (Wilke et al.
Gunst et al. 2009; Kang et al. 2009; Leblanc et al. 2010a, b; 2011). Formalin-embalmed cadavers do not exhibit many
Yang et al. 2010; Mitchell et al. 2011; Holland et al. 2011; of the qualities of living organs, among which are color,
Lewis et al. 2012; Sharma and Hogan 2012; Stefanidis softness, pliability, pulsatile nature of the heart and arter-
et al. 2013). Fresh-frozen cadavers initially ‘‘exhibit life- ies, and the expansion of aerated lungs (Hubbell et al.
like color, softness, and pliability’’ (Macchi et al. 2003). 2002). Moreover, besides hardening, formaldehyde has

History and future of human cadaver preservation for surgical training: from formalin to… 3

several other disadvantages for embalming purposes might be due to a considerable fragmentation of muscle
(Mayer 2012). It coagulates the blood rapidly, converts proteins caused by the boric acid, where the muscle fibers
tissues to a gray hue when it mixes with blood, fixes dis- show a cut-up ‘‘minced’’ appearance. Fessel et al. (2011)
colorations, dehydrates tissues, constricts capillaries, found no major changes in collagenous tissues but reported
deteriorates with age, and has an unpleasant odor (Brenner that Thiel-embalmed tendons did not completely represent
2014). While imaging techniques such as ultrasound and the biomechanical characteristics of fresh-frozen tendons.
radiography are preferable for a quick overview of cadaver Although Thiel’s method shows significant changes in
condition, including skeletal structures, effusion in the biomechanical properties (Benkhadra et al. 2011b; Fessel
body cavities, adhesion of pleura and peritoneum, and et al. 2011) and the visible and tactile feel of Thiel-embalmed
distribution of gas content in the gut before dissection, a cadavers are not necessarily close to those of living patients
report analyzing the possibilities and limitations of imaging (Hayashi et al. 2014), this method is praised for resulting in
techniques in formalin-embalmed human cadavers soft and flexible cadavers with almost natural colors (Ben-
(Schramek et al. 2013) concluded that the quality of khadra et al. 2011a; Brenner 2014). Thiel-embalmed
ultrasound and radiography images was poor, although cadavers have been appraised widely in various medical
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance disciplines (Benkhadra et al. 2011a; Brenner 2014; Eisma
imaging (MRI) images were of good quality. In particular, and Wilkinson 2014), such as thyroid surgery (Eisma et al.
in ultrasound, severe gas artifacts up to the small renal 2011), laparoscopy (Giger et al. 2008; Kerckaert et al. 2008;
blood vessels and in the surrounding tissue were found in Prasad Rai et al. 2012), tendon repair (Hassan et al. 2015),
images of the examined kidneys. In radiography, the flap raising and microsurgery (Wolff et al. 2008), and oral
lumbar spine and pelvic bones were poorly detectable in surgery (Hölzle et al. 2012), in comparison with alternative
anteroposterior views and structures were rarely identifi- soft embalming methods (Hammer et al. 2015). Further-
able in lateral views (Schramek et al. 2013). In addition, more, the flexibility of Thiel-embalmed cadavers makes
formaldehyde is an irritant for the nose, eyes, skin, and them suitable for intubation and ventilation (Eisma et al.
airways (Chia et al. 1992; Kriebel et al. 2001; Tanaka et al. 2013), ultrasound-guided anesthesia (Benkhadra et al. 2009;
2003; Lakchayapakorn and Watchalayarn 2010; Wolkoff McLeod et al. 2010), suturing, biopsies, and various forms of
and Nielsen 2010) and compromises pulmonary function endoscopies (Eisma and Wilkinson 2014). It is also reported
(Whitehead and Savoia 2008; Akbar-Khanzadeh et al. that chest radiographs of Thiel-embalmed cadavers with
1994). Furthermore, formaldehyde is classified as a prob- inflated lungs are of high quality (De Crop et al. 2012). In
able human carcinogen by the US Environmental Protec- contrast, Thiel’s method has recently come under scrutiny
tion Agency (1999), as a carcinogen by the International for other aspects such as histology, cost, and the chemicals
Agency for Research on Cancer (2006), and as a Class II used (Hammer et al. 2015; Balta et al. 2015b). Hammer et al.
specified chemical substance by the Ministry of Health, (2015) reported that neither cell membranes nor nuclei were
Labour and Welfare, Japan (2007), which highlights the found in the hematoxylin–eosin-stained histology samples
need for alternative fixatives (Hammer et al. 2015). obtained from Thiel-fixed tissues, which appeared to be
To reduce the formaldehyde concentration, a variety of washed out by the fixatives, generating blurry structural
fixative agents have been proposed (Hayashi et al. 2014; borders. On a technical level, Thiel’s solution is quite com-
Balta et al. 2015a; Hammer et al. 2015). However, only a few plicated to make, and the process is relatively expensive,
of these solutions have been tested for embalming purposes time consuming, and difficult to perform (Wolff et al. 2008;
(Brenner 2014), and there is a paucity of literature con- Hammer et al. 2015). Thiel-embalmed cadavers have also
cerning the different embalming methods for use in ST been known to have the drawbacks of muscular disintegra-
(Whitehead and Savoia 2008; Jaung et al. 2011; Hammer tion and a limited time for dissection (Brenner 2014).
et al. 2015). One of the best embalming methods investigated Moreover, some of the chemicals used to prepare Thiel’s
is Thiel’s method (1992, 2002) where the solutions are solution are poisonous, very flammable, explosive, extre-
composed mainly of large amounts of salts, such as ammo- mely hazardous to health, and environmentally unfriendly
nium nitrate, potassium nitrate, and sodium sulfite, together (Janczyk et al. 2011; Hammer et al. 2015).
with small percentages (*0.6 %) of formaldehyde,
ethylenglyol, boric acid, and p-chlorocresol (Thiel 1992,
2002; Eisma et al. 2013; Hammer et al. 2015). The nitrites Back to the future: introducing the saturated salt
and myoglobin in muscles form nitrosomyoglobin and stain solution method in ST
the tissue an intense red color (Hammer et al. 2015).
Ethylenglycol is related chemically to trivalent glycerin, and The use of salt in the embalming of cadavers has a long
is thus responsible for the soft haptics of the tissue (Thiel history. Since Egyptians reports of the successful
1992). According to Benkhadra et al. (2011b), the flexibility embalming of cadavers, and the earliest Biblical texts

4 S. Hayashi et al.

Fig. 1 Macroscopic and histological observations of a saturated salt solution (SSS)-embalmed human cadaver. a Thoracic cavity, heart, and
lungs after clamshell opening. b Horizontal section of the kidney. c Renal corpus section stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Bar 50 lm

referring to this practice, salt appears to have been used in tissues prevented any further significant desiccation; thus,
the embalming process (Mayer 2012). Ambroise Paré cadavers were excellently preserved, they had minimal
(1510–1590), considered as one of the fathers of surgery, a structural distortion, their tissues were supple, there was
pioneer in surgical techniques, and an anatomist, described little desiccation, and their colors remained natural.
that he used ‘‘common salt’’ as a component of his Moreover, common salt is readily available and is very
embalming solution (Mayer 2012). In 1998, Coleman and cheap (Coleman and Kogan 1998).
Kogan (1998) developed an embalming solution with high These characteristics of their saturated salt solution
salt content and low formaldehyde (0.75 %) content. Their (SSS) method seem to be ideal for ST. However, there
solution, a simple modification of the one described by had been no follow-up report on their method (not only
Logan (1983), consisted of formalin, isopropyl alcohol, for ST but also for anatomical teaching) before we
glycerine, phenol, and a vast amount of sodium chloride. investigated the suitability of the SSS method for ST by
They argued that the high salt content retained in the comparing it with other commonly used embalming

History and future of human cadaver preservation for surgical training: from formalin to… 5

methods (Hayashi et al. 2014). The following is a brief procedures, no significant difference was found between
summary of our study. Thiel- and SSS-embalmed cadavers. Furthermore, the
Six cadavers were embalmed using three methods: for- evaluation of SSS-embalmed cadavers did not vary much
malin (4.4 % formaldehyde), Thiel’s (0.6 % formalde- between surgeons in comparison with that of Thiel-em-
hyde), and SSS (0.75 % formaldehyde) methods. Although balmed cadavers. Ultrasound images of the formalin-em-
no known instance of transmission of bacterial or viral balmed cadavers were not as clear for the heart, liver, and
disease has been recorded in Thiel-embalmed cadavers, kidneys. However, those organs could be clearly observed
little antimicrobial testing has been performed on Thiel’s in Thiel- and SSS-embalmed cadavers, with no difference
and the SSS method (Anderson 2006). Therefore, we first between the two methods. In addition, in cervical regions,
performed bacterial and fungal tests in the pharynx, rec- the ultrasound image in SSS-embalmed cadavers was very
tum, pleural fluids, and ascites of each cadaver embalmed clear. Because the SSS method liquefies the blood, a
by formalin, Thiel’s, and SSS methods to investigate their catheter could be inserted into the internal jugular vein.
infectious risk. All cadavers showed positive growth of Chest X-ray images were also so clear in the SSS-em-
microorganisms before embalming, whereas bacterial and balmed cadaver that the tip of the catheter could be seen in
fungal culture tests proved that all three solutions have the superior vena cava. Use of an electrosurgical knife and
sufficient bactericidal effects. Next, we held a special ST autosuture-stapling devices were possible for both Thiel-
session. As Coleman and Kogan (1998) described, the and SSS-embalmed cadavers. Furthermore, pulmonary
gross anatomy of organs showed minimal structural dis- ventilation was also applied with both Thiel- and SSS-
tortion (Fig. 1a, b) and the histology of necropsy samples embalmed cadavers (unpublished data).
confirmed the excellence of the fixation in a wide range of
tissues (Fig. 1c). Because the softness of tissues and joints
in a cadaver is an important factor for ST, the range of Conclusions and future directions
motion (ROM) of the joints of each cadaver was measured.
The joints of SSS-embalmed cadavers tended to be softer The four preservation methods reviewed so far, i.e., fresh-
than those of formalin-embalmed cadavers but harder than frozen, formalin, Thiel’s, and SSS methods, are summa-
those of Thiel-embalmed cadavers, whereas there was no rized in Table 1. The SSS method is sufficiently useful for
significant difference in ROM between Thiel- and SSS- general ST, and certainly no less useful than any other
embalmed cadavers. In terms of visual and tactile assess- method (Hayashi et al. 2014). In addition, some features of
ment, skin incision and suture, vessel ligation and suture, the SSS method may expand the capability of the human
decollement, and usefulness for ST, SSS and Thiel-em- cadaver model in ST. For example, the histological supe-
balmed cadavers were evaluated to be similar by 14 sur- riority of the SSS method may make it possible for sur-
geons. With regard to usefulness for mastering each of 21 geons in training to evaluate their skills postoperatively.

Table 1 Comparison of different preservation methods for cadavers

Method Formaldehyde Cost Advantages Disadvantages

Fresh- 0% Very high initial cost Flexible joints and tissues, realistic color, Infection risk, deterioration throughout
frozen and running cost minimal tissue change, well studied usage period (on an hourly basis),
cadaver (cost per cadaver mounting of body parts when not using
inestimable) full cadaver
Formalin About 4–8 % Initially low (about Longevity, minimal infection risk, good Stiff joints and tissues, discolored,
1500 yen per histological quality, very well studied unnatural texture, poor imaging, quality,
cadaver) not suitable for insufflation or ventilation,
health hazards including carcinogenic
Thiel’s 0.6 % High (about 30,000 Flexible joints and tissues, almost realistic Deterioration throughout usage period (on a
method yen per cadaver) color, good imaging quality, ability to daily basis), poor histological quality,
ventilate, well studied technically difficult and need time for
embalming process
Saturated 0.75 % Low (about 3000 yen Natural color, comparatively low Somewhat rigid joints and tissues,
salt per cadaver) deterioration throughout usage period (on edematous (particularly subcutaneous
solution a monthly basis), good imaging and tissue), change in state during storage
method histological quality, ability to ventilate period, not well studied
(not well validated)

6 S. Hayashi et al.

However, more research is needed for the SSS method to ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia of the cervical region.
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some types of clinical training, including echo-guided Benkhadra M, Bouchot A, Gerard J et al (2011b) Flexibility of Thiel’s
peripheral nerve block, wherein probe handling and skin embalmed cadavers: the explanation is probably in the muscles.
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Acknowledgments This paper is based on the winning lecture of Eisma R, Mahendran S, Majumdar S, Smith D, Soames RW (2011) A
encouragement award of the JAA at the 120th annual meeting of the comparison of Thiel and formalin embalmed cadavers for
Japanese Association of Anatomists held at Kobe Convention Center thyroid surgery training. Surgeon 9:142–146
on 22 March 2015. This work was supported by the Japan Society for Eisma R, Lamb C, Soames RW (2013) From formalin to Thiel
the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grant Numbers embalming: what changes? One anatomy department’s experi-
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study (Hayashi et al. 2014) was held with support from the Ministry Fessel G, Frey K, Schweizer A et al (2011) Suitability of Thiel
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