Into The Philippine Islands. - It Shall Be Unlawful For Any Person

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G.R. No.

L-45685 65 Phil 56 November 16, 1937 Among other things in the allegation of the petition, it is asserted
that "Act No. 3155 of the Philippine Legislature was enacted for
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS and HONGKONG & SHANGHAI the sole purpose of preventing the introduction of cattle diseases
BANKING CORPORATION, petitioners, into the Philippine Islands from foreign countries, as shown by
an explanatory note and text of Senate Bill No. 328 as introduced
vs. in the Philippine Legislature, ... ." The Act in question reads as
JOSE O. VERA, Judge . of the Court of First Instance of Manila, and MARIANO
CU UNJIENG, respondents. SECTION 1. After March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and
twenty-five existing contracts for the importation of cattle into
Facts:Mariano Cu Unjieng was convicted by the trial court in Manila. He filed this country to the contrary notwithstanding, it shall be strictly
for reconsideration and four motions for new trial but all were denied. He then prohibited to import, bring or introduce into the Philippine
elevated to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court remanded the appeal Islands any cattle from foreign countries: Provided, however,
to the lower court for a new trial. While awaiting new trial, he appealed for That at any time after said date, the Governor-General, with the
probation alleging that the he is innocent of the crime he was convicted of. concurrence of the presiding officers of both Houses, may raise
The Judge of the Manila CFI directed the appeal to the Insular Probation Office. such prohibition entirely or in part if the conditions of the
The IPO denied the application. However, Judge Vera upon another request country make this advisable or if decease among foreign cattle
by petitioner allowed the petition to be set for hearing. The City Prosecutor has ceased to be a menace to the agriculture and live stock of the
countered alleging that Vera has no power to place Cu Unjieng under lands.
probation because it is in violation of Sec. 11 Act No. 4221 which provides that
the act of Legislature granting provincial boards the power to provide a system SEC. 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this Act are
of probation to convicted person. Nowhere in the law is stated that the law is hereby repealed.
applicable to a city like Manila because it is only indicated therein that only
SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect on its approval.
provinces are covered. And even if Manila is covered by the law it is
unconstitutional because Sec 1 Art 3 of the Constitution provides equal Approved, March 8, 1924.
protection of laws. The said law provides absolute discretion to provincial
boards and this also constitutes undue delegation of power. Further, the said The respondent demurred to the petition on the ground that it
probation law may be an encroachment of the power of the executive to did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. The
provide pardon because providing probation, in effect, is granting freedom, as demurrer was based on two reasons, namely, (1) that if Act No.
in pardon. 3155 were declared unconstitutional and void, the petitioner
would not be entitled to the relief demanded because Act No.
Issues: 3052 would automatically become effective and would prohibit
the respondent from giving the permit prayed for; and (2) that Act
Whether or not Act No. 4221 constituted an undue delegation of legislative No. 3155 was constitutional and, therefore, valid.
The court sustained the demurrer and the complaint was
Whether or not the said act denies the equal protection of the laws dismissed by reason of the failure of the petitioner to file another
complaint. From that order of dismissal, the petitioner appealed
Discussions: to this court.

An act of the legislature is incomplete and hence invalid if it does not lay down The appellee contends that even if Act No. 3155 be declared
any rule or definite standard by which the administrative officer or board may unconstitutional by the fact alleged by the petitioner in his
be guided in the exercise of the discretionary powers delegated to it. The complaint, still the petitioner can not be allowed to import cattle
probation Act does not, by the force of any of its provisions, fix and impose from Australia for the reason that, while Act No. 3155 were
upon the provincial boards any standard or guide in the exercise of their declared unconstitutional, Act No. 3052 would automatically
discretionary power. What is granted, as mentioned by Justice Cardozo in the become effective. Act No. 3052 reads as follows:
recent case of Schecter, supra, is a “roving commission” which enables the
provincial boards to exercise arbitrary discretion. By section 11 if the Act, the SECTION 1. Section seventeen hundred and sixty-two of Act
legislature does not seemingly on its own authority extend the benefits of the Numbered Twenty-seven hundred and eleven, known as the
Probation Act to the provinces but in reality leaves the entire matter for the Administrative Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:
various provincial boards to determine. "SEC. 1762. Bringing of animals imported from foreign countries
into the Philippine Islands. — It shall be unlawful for any person
The equal protection of laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws. The
or corporation to import, bring or introduce live cattle into the
classification of equal protection, to be reasonable, must be based on
Philippine Islands from any foreign country. The Director of
substantial distinctions which make real differences; it must be germane to
Agriculture may, with the approval of the head of the department
the purposes of the law; it must not be limited to existing conditions only, and
first had, authorize the importation, bringing or introduction of
must apply equally to each member of the class. various classes of thoroughbred cattle from foreign countries for
breeding the same to the native cattle of these Islands, and such
Republic of the Philippines
as may be necessary for the improvement of the breed, not to
exceed five hundred head per annum: Provided, however, That
the Director of Agriculture shall in all cases permit the
EN BANC importation, bringing or introduction of draft cattle and bovine
cattle for the manufacture of serum: Provided, further, That all
G.R. No. L-34674 October 26, 1931 live cattle from foreign countries the importation, bringing or
introduction of which into the Islands is authorized by this Act,
MAURICIO CRUZ, petitioner-appellant, shall be submitted to regulations issued by the Director of
vs. Agriculture, with the approval of the head of the department,
STANTON YOUNGBERG, Director of the Bureau of Animal prior to authorizing its transfer to other provinces.
Industry, respondent-appellee.
"At the time of the approval of this Act, the Governor-General
Jose Yulo for appellant. shall issue regulations and others to provide against a raising of
Office of the Solicitor-General Reyes for appellee. the price of both fresh and refrigerated meat. The Governor-
General also may, by executive order, suspend, this prohibition
for a fixed period in case local conditions require it."
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect six months after approval.
This is a petition brought originally before the Court of First
Instance of Manila for the issuance of a writ of mandatory Approved, March 14, 1922.
injunction against the respondent, Stanton Youngberg, as
Director of the Bureau of Animal Industry, requiring him to issue The petitioner does not present any allegations in regard to Act
a permit for the landing of ten large cattle imported by the No. 3052 to show its nullity or unconstitutionality though it
petitioner and for the slaughter thereof. The petitioner attacked appears clearly that in the absence of Act No. 3155 the former
the constitutionality of Act No. 3155, which at present prohibits act would make it impossible for the Director of the Bureau of
the importation of cattle from foreign countries into the Animal Industry to grant the petitioner a permit for the
Philippine Islands. importation of the cattle without the approval of the head of the
corresponding department.
An unconstitutional statute can have no effect to repeal former PHILIPPINE RACING COMMISSION, MANILA JOCKEY CLUB,
laws or parts of laws by implication, since, being void, it is not INC., and PHILIPPINE RACING CLUB, INC.,Respondents.
inconsistent with such former laws. (I Lewis Sutherland,
Statutory Construction 2nd ed., p. 458, citing McAllister vs. DECISION
Hamlin, 83 Cal., 361; 23 Pac., 357; Orange Country vs. Harris,
97 Cal., 600; 32 Pac., 594; Carr vs. State, 127 Ind., 204; 11
L.R.A., 370, etc.) The subject of this petition for certiorari is the decision1 of the Court of Appeals
in CA-G.R. SP No. 95212, affirming in toto the judgment2 of the Regional Trial
This court has several times declared that it will not pass upon
Court of Makati in Civil Case No. 04-1228.
the constitutionality of statutes unless it is necessary to do so
(McGirr vs. Hamilton and Abreu, 30 Phil., 563, 568; Walter E. The controversy stemmed from the 11 August 2004 directive3 issued by the
Olsen & Co. vs. Aldanese and Trinidad, 43 Phil., 259) but in this Philippine Racing Commission (Philracom) directing the Manila Jockey Club,
case it is not necessary to pass upon the validity of the statute Inc. (MJCI) and Philippine Racing Club, Inc. (PRCI) to immediately come up
attacked by the petitioner because even if it were declared with their respective Clubs’ House Rule to address Equine Infectious Anemia
unconstitutional, the petitioner would not be entitled to relief (EIA)4 problem and to rid their facilities of horses infected with EIA. Said
inasmuch as Act No. 3052 is not in issue. directive was issued pursuant to Administrative Order No. 55 dated 28 March
1994 by the Department of Agriculture declaring it unlawful for any person,
But aside from the provisions of Act No. 3052, we are of the firm or corporation to ship, drive, or transport horses from any locality or place
opinion that Act No. 3155 is entirely valid. As shown in paragraph except when accompanied by a certificate issued by the authority of the Director
8 of the amended petition, the Legislature passed Act No. 3155 of the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI).6
to protect the cattle industry of the country and to prevent the
introduction of cattle diseases through importation of foreign In compliance with the directive, MJCI and PRCI ordered the owners of
cattle. It is now generally recognized that the promotion of racehorses stable in their establishments to submit the horses to blood sampling
industries affecting the public welfare and the development of the and administration of the Coggins Test to determine whether they are afflicted
resources of the country are objects within the scope of the police with the EIA virus. Subsequently, on 17 September 2004, Philracom issued
power (12 C.J., 927; 6 R.C.L., 203-206 and decisions cited copies of the guidelines for the monitoring and eradication of EIA. 7
therein; Reid vs. Colorado, 187 U.S., 137, 147, 152; Yeazel vs.
Alexander, 58 Ill., 254). In this connection it is said in the case of Petitioners and racehorse owners William Dagan (Dagan), Carlos Reyes,
Punzalan vs. Ferriols and Provincial Board of Batangas (19 Phil., Narciso Morales, Bonifacio Montilla, Cezar Azurin, Weitong Lim, Ma. Teresa
214), that the provisions of the Act of Congress of July 1, 1902, Trinidad and Ma. Carmelita Florentino refused to comply with the directive.
did not have the effect of denying to the Government of the First, they alleged that there had been no prior consultation with horse owners.
Second, they claimed that neither official guidelines nor regulations had been
Philippine Islands the right to the exercise of the sovereign police
issued relative to the taking of blood samples. And third, they asserted that no
power in the promotion of the general welfare and the public
documented case of EIA had been presented to justify the undertaking. 8
interest. The facts recited in paragraph 8 of the amended petition
shows that at the time the Act No. 3155 was promulgated there Despite resistance from petitioners, the blood testing proceeded. The horses,
was reasonable necessity therefor and it cannot be said that the whose owners refused to comply were banned from the races, were removed
Legislature exceeded its power in passing the Act. That being so, from the actual day of race, prohibited from renewing their licenses or evicted
it is not for this court to avoid or vacate the Act upon from their stables.
constitutional grounds nor will it assume to determine whether
the measures are wise or the best that might have been adopted. When their complaint went unheeded, the racehorse owners lodged a complaint
(6 R.C.L., 243 and decisions cited therein.) before the Office of the President (OP) which in turn issued a directive
instructing Philracom to investigate the matter.
In his third assignment of error the petitioner claims that "The
lower court erred in not holding that the power given by Act No. For failure of Philracom to act upon the directive of the OP, petitioners filed a
3155 to the Governor-General to suspend or not, at his petition for injunction with application for the issuance of a temporary
discretion, the prohibition provided in the act constitutes an restraining order (TRO). In an order9 dated 11 November 2004, the trial court
unlawful delegation of the legislative powers." We do not think issued a TRO.
that such is the case; as Judge Ranney of the Ohio Supreme
Court in Cincinnati, Wilmington and Zanesville Railroad Co. vs. Dagan refused to comply with the directives because, according to him, the
Commissioners of Clinton County (1 Ohio St., 77, 88) said in same are unfair as there are no implementing rules on the banning of sick horses
such case: from races. Consequently, his horses were evicted from the stables and
transferred to an isolation area. He also admitted that three of his horses had
The true distinction, therefore, is between the delegation of power been found positive for EIA.10
to make the law, which necessarily involves a discretion as to
Confronted with two issues, namely: whether there were valid grounds for the
what it shall be, and conferring an authority or discretion as to
issuance of a writ of injunction and whether respondents had acted with whim
its execution, to be exercised under and in pursuance of the law.
and caprice in the implementation of the contested guideline, the trial court
The first cannot be done; to the latter no valid objection can be
resolved both queries in the negative.
The trial court found that most racehorse owners, except for Dagan, had already
Under his fourth assignment of error the appellant argues that
subjected their racehorses to EIA testing. Their act constituted demonstrated
Act No. 3155 amends section 3 of the Tariff Law, but it will be
compliance with the contested guidelines, according to the trial court. Hence,
noted that Act No. 3155 is not an absolute prohibition of the
the acts sought to be enjoined had been rendered moot and academic.
importation of cattle and it does not add any provision to section
3 of the Tariff Law. As stated in the brief of the Attorney-General: With respect to the subject guidelines, the trial court upheld their validity as an
"It is a complete statute in itself. It does not make any reference exercise of police power, thus:
to the Tariff Law. It does not permit the importation of articles,
whose importation is prohibited by the Tariff Law. It is not a tariff The Petitioner’s submission that the subject guidelines are oppressive and hence
measure but a quarantine measure, a statute adopted under the confiscatory of proprietary rights is likewise viewed by this Court to be barren
police power of the Philippine Government. It is at most a of factual and legal support. The horseracing industry, needless to state, is
`supplement' or an `addition' to the Tariff Law. (See MacLeary vs. imbued with public interest deserving of utmost concern if not constant
Babcock, 82 N.E., 453, 455; 169 Ind., 228 for distinction between vigilance. The Petitioners do not dispute this. It is because of this basic fact that
`supplemental' and `amendatory' and O'Pry vs. U.S., 249 U.S., respondents are expected to police the concerned individuals and adopt
323; 63 Law. ed., 626, for distinction between `addition' and measures that will promote and protect the interests of all the stakeholders
`amendment.')" starting from the moneyed horse-owners, gawking bettors down to the lowly
maintainers of the stables. This is a clear and valid exercise of police power
The decision appealed from is affirmed with the costs against the with the respondents acting for the State. Participation in the business of
appellant. So ordered. horseracing is but a privilege; it is not a right. And no clear acquiescence to this
postulation can there be than the Petitioners' own undertaking to abide by the
Avanceña, C.J., Johnson, Street, Malcolm, Villamor, Romualdez, rules and conditions issued and imposed by the respondents as specifically
Villa-Real, and Imperial, JJ., concur. shown by their contracts of lease with MCJI.111avvphi1

G.R. No. 175220 February 12, 2009 Petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals. In its Decision dated 27 October
2006, the appellate court affirmed in toto the decision of the trial court.
BONIFACIO MANTILLA, CESAR AZURIN, WEITONG LIM, MA. The appellate court upheld the authority of Philracom to formulate guidelines
TERESA TRINIDAD, MA. CARMELITA FLORENTINO, Petitioners, since it is vested with exclusive jurisdiction over and control of the horse-racing
vs. industry per Section 8 of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 8. The appellate court
further pointed out that P.D. No. 420 also endows Philracom with the power to setting forth therein the policy to be executed, carried out, or implemented by
prescribe additional rules and regulations not otherwise inconsistent with the the delegate; and (b) fixes a standard—the limits of which are sufficiently
said presidential decree12 and to perform such duties and exercise all powers determinate and determinable—to which the delegate must conform in the
incidental or necessary to the accomplishment of its aims and objectives.13 It performance of his functions. A sufficient standard is one which defines
similarly concluded that the petition for prohibition should be dismissed on the legislative policy, marks its limits, maps out its boundaries and specifies the
ground of mootness in light of evidence indicating that petitioners had already public agency to apply it. It indicates the circumstances under which the
reconsidered their refusal to have their horses tested and had, in fact, legislative command is to be effected.32
subsequently requested the administration of the test to the horses.14
P.D. No. 420 hurdles the tests of completeness and standards sufficiency.
Aggrieved by the appellate court’s decision, petitioners filed the instant
certiorari petition15 imputing grave abuse of discretion on the part of Philracom was created for the purpose of carrying out the declared policy in
respondents in compelling petitioners to subject their racehorses to blood Section 1 which is "to promote and direct the accelerated development and
testing. continued growth of horse racing not only in pursuance of the sports
development program but also in order to insure the full exploitation of the sport
In their amended petition,16 petitioners allege that Philracom’s unsigned and as a source of revenue and employment." Furthermore, Philracom was granted
undated implementing guidelines suffer from several infirmities. They maintain exclusive jurisdiction and control over every aspect of the conduct of horse
that the assailed guidelines do not comply with due process requirements. racing, including the framing and scheduling of races, the construction and
Petitioners insist that racehorses already in the MJCI stables were allowed to be safety of race tracks, and the security of racing. P.D. No. 420 is already
so quartered because the individual horse owners had already complied with the complete in itself.
Philracom regulation that horses should not bear any disease. There was neither
a directive nor a rule that racehorses already lodged in the stables of the racing Section 9 of the law fixes the standards and limitations to which Philracom must
clubs should again be subjected to the collection of blood samples preparatory conform in the performance of its functions, to wit:
to the conduct of the EIA tests,17petitioners note. Thus, it came as a surprise to
horse owners when told about the administration of a new Coggins Tests on old Section 9. Specific Powers. Specifically, the Commission shall have the power:
horses since the matter had not been taken up with them.18 No investigation or
a. To enforce all laws, decrees and executive orders relating to horse-racing that
at least a summary proceeding was conducted affording petitioners an
are not expressly or implied repealed or modified by this Decree, including all
opportunity to be heard.19 Petitioners also aver that the assailed guidelines are
such existing rules and regulations until otherwise modified or amended by the
ultra vires in that the sanctions imposed for refusing to submit to medical
examination are summary eviction from the stables or arbitrary banning of
participation in the races, notwithstanding the penalties prescribed in the b. To prescribe additional rules and regulations not otherwise inconsistent with
contract of lease.20 this Decree;
In its Comment,21 the PRCI emphasizes that it merely obeyed the terms of its c. To register race horses, horse owners or associations or federations thereof,
franchise and abided by the rules enacted by Philracom.22 For its part, and to regulate the construction of race tracks and to grant permit for the holding
Philracom, through the Office of the Solicitor-General (OSG), stresses that the of races;
case has become moot and academic since most of petitioners had complied
with the guidelines by subjecting their race horses to EIA testing. The horses d. To issue, suspend or revoke permits and licenses and to impose or collect
found unafflicted with the disease were eventually allowed to join the fees for the issuance of such licenses and permits to persons required to obtain
races.23 Philracom also justified its right under the law to regulate horse the same;
racing.24 MJCI adds that Philracom need
e. To review, modify, approve or disapprove the rules and regulations issued by
not delegate its rule-making power to the former since MJCI’s right to any person or entity concerning the conduct of horse races held by them;
formulate its internal rules is subsumed under the franchise granted to it by
Congress.25 f. To supervise all such race meeting to assure integrity at all times. It can order
the suspension of any racing event in case of violation of any law, ordinance or
In their Reply,26 petitioners raise for the first time the issue that Philracom had rules and regulations;
unconstitutionally delegated its rule-making power to PRCI and MJCI in
issuing the directive for them to come up with club rules. In response to the g. To prohibit the use of improper devices, drugs, stimulants or other means to
claim that respondents had merely complied with their duties under their enhance or diminish the speed of horse or materially harm their condition;
franchises, petitioners counter that the power granted to PRCI and MJCI under
their respective franchises is limited to: (1) the construction, operation and h. To approve the annual budget of the omission and such supplemental budgets
maintenance of racetracks; (2) the establishment of branches for booking as may be necessary;
purposes; and (3) the conduct of horse races.
i. To appoint all personnel, including an Executive Director of the Commission,
It appears on record that only Dagan had refused to comply with the orders of as it may be deem necessary in the exercise and performance of its powers and
respondents. Therefore, the case subsists as regards Dagan. duties; and

Petitioners essentially assail two issuances of Philracom; namely: the Philracom j. To enter into contracts involving obligations chargeable to or against the
directive27 and the subsequent guidelines addressed to MJCI and PRCI. funds of the Commission. (Emphasis supplied)

The validity of an administrative issuance, such as the assailed guidelines, Clearly, there is a proper legislative delegation of rule-making power to
hinges on compliance with the following requisites: Philracom. Clearly too, for its part Philracom has exercised its rule-making
power in a proper and reasonable manner. More specifically, its discretion to
1. Its promulgation must be authorized by the legislature; rid the facilities of MJCI and PRCI of horses afflicted with EIA is aimed at
preserving the security and integrity of horse races.
2. It must be promulgated in accordance with the prescribed procedure;
Petitioners also question the supposed delegation by Philracom of its rule-
3. It must be within the scope of the authority given by the legislature; making powers to MJCI and PRCI.

4. It must be reasonable.28 There is no delegation of power to speak of between Philracom, as the delegator
and MJCI and PRCI as delegates. The Philracom directive is merely instructive
All the prescribed requisites are met as regards the questioned issuances. in character. Philracom had instructed PRCI and MJCI to "immediately come
Philracom’s authority is drawn from P.D. No. 420. The delegation made in the up with Club’s House Rule to address the problem and rid their facilities of
presidential decree is valid. Philracom did not exceed its authority. And the horses infected with EIA." PRCI and MJCI followed-up when they ordered the
issuances are fair and reasonable. racehorse owners to submit blood samples and subject their race horses to blood
testing. Compliance with the Philracom’s directive is part of the mandate of
The rule is that what has been delegated cannot be delegated, or as expressed in
PRCI and MJCI under Sections 133 of R.A. No. 795334 and Sections 135 and
the Latin maxim: potestas delegate non delegare potest. This rule is based upon
236 of 8407.37
the ethical principle that such delegated power constitutes not only a right but a
duty to be performed by the delegate by the instrumentality of his own judgment As correctly proferred by MJCI, its duty is not derived from the delegated
acting immediately upon the matter of legislation and not through the authority of Philracom but arises from the franchise granted to them by
intervening mind of another.29 This rule however admits of recognized Congress allowing MJCI "to do and carry out all such acts, deeds and things as
exceptions30 such as the grant of rule-making power to administrative agencies. may be necessary to give effect to the foregoing."38 As justified by PRCI,
They have been granted by Congress with the authority to issue rules to regulate "obeying the terms of the franchise and abiding by whatever rules enacted by
the implementation of a law entrusted to them. Delegated rule-making has Philracom is its duty."39
become a practical necessity in modern governance due to the increasing
complexity and variety of public functions.31 More on the second, third and fourth requisites.

However, in every case of permissible delegation, there must be a showing that

the delegation itself is valid. It is valid only if the law (a) is complete in itself,
As to the second requisite, petitioners raise some infirmities relating to In addition, all CMTS operators are reminded that all SIM packs used by
Philracom’s guidelines. They question the supposed belated issuance of the subscribers of prepaid cards sold on 07 October 2000 and beyond shall be valid
guidelines, that is, only after the collection of blood samples for the Coggins for at least two (2) years from date of first use. Also, the billing unit shall be on
Test was ordered. While it is conceded that the guidelines were issued a month a six (6) seconds pulse effective 07 October 2000. For strict compliance.
after Philracom’s directive, this circumstance does not render the directive nor
the guidelines void. The directive’s validity and effectivity are not dependent On October 20, 2000, petitioners ISLACOM and PILTEL filed against the
on any supplemental guidelines. Philracom has every right to issue directives NTC, Commissioner Joseph A. Santiago, Deputy Commissioner Aurelio M.
to MJCI and PRCI with respect to the conduct of horse racing, with or without Umali and Deputy Commissioner Nestor C. Dacanay, an action for declaration
implementing guidelines. of nullity of NTC Memorandum Circular No. 13-6-2000 (the Billing Circular)
and the NTC Memorandum dated October 6, 2000, with prayer for the issuance
Petitioners also argue that Philracom’s guidelines have no force and effect for of a writ of preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order at the
lack of publication and failure to file copies with the University of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 77.
Philippines (UP) Law Center as required by law.
Petitioners Islacom and Piltel alleged, that the NTC has no jurisdiction to
As a rule, the issuance of rules and regulations in the exercise of an regulate the sale of consumer goods such as the prepaid call cards since such
administrative agency of its quasi-legislative power does not require notice jurisdiction belongs to the Department of Trade and Industry under the
7and hearing.40 In Abella, Jr. v. Civil Service Commission,41 this Court had the Consumer Act of the Philippines; that the Billing Circular is oppressive,
occasion to rule that prior notice and hearing are not essential to the validity of confiscatory and violative of the constitutional prohibition against deprivation
rules or regulations issued in the exercise of quasi-legislative powers since there of property without due process of law; that the Circular will result in the
is no determination of past events or facts that have to be established or impairment of the viability of the prepaid cellular service by unduly prolonging
ascertained.42 the validity and expiration of the prepaid SIM and call cards; and that the
requirements of identification of prepaid card buyers and call balance
The third requisite for the validity of an administrative issuance is that it must announcement are unreasonable. Hence, they prayed that the Billing Circular
be within the limits of the powers granted to it. The administrative body may be declared null and void ab initio. Globe Telecom and Smart filed a joint
not make rules and regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of the Motion for Leave to Intervene which was granted by the trial court. On October
Constitution or a statute, particularly the statute it is administering or which 27, 2000, the trial court issued a temporary restraining order enjoining the NTC
created it, or which are in derogation of, or defeat, the purpose of a statute.43 from implementing Memorandum Circular No. 13-6-2000 and the
Memorandum dated October 6, 2000.
The assailed guidelines prescribe the procedure for monitoring and eradicating
EIA. These guidelines are in accord with Philracom’s mandate under the law to In the meantime, respondent NTC and its co-defendants filed a motion to
regulate the conduct of horse racing in the country. dismiss the case on the ground of petitioners' failure to exhaust administrative
remedies. Subsequently, the trial court denied the defendant’s motion to
Anent the fourth requisite, the assailed guidelines do not appear to be dismiss. Defendants filed a motion for reconsideration, which was denied in an
unreasonable or discriminatory. In fact, all horses stabled at the MJCI and Order dated February 1, 2001.
PRCI’s premises underwent the same procedure. The guidelines implemented
were undoubtedly reasonable as they bear a reasonable relation to the purpose Respondent NTC thus filed a special civil action for certiorari and prohibition
sought to be accomplished, i.e., the complete riddance of horses infected with with the Court of Appeals, which was granted and annulled the injunction
EIA. issued by the lower court.
It also appears from the records that MJCI properly notified the racehorse
owners before the test was conducted.44Those who failed to comply were
repeatedly warned of certain consequences and sanctions. Petitioners' motions for reconsideration were denied in a Resolution dated
January 10, 2002 for lack of merit. Hence, the instant petition for review filed
Furthermore, extant from the records are circumstances which allow by Smart and Piltel.
respondents to determine from time to time the eligibility of horses as race
entries. The lease contract executed between petitioner and MJC contains a
proviso reserving the right of the lessor, MJCI in this case, the right to determine
whether a particular horse is a qualified horse. In addition, Philracom’s rules ISSUES:
and regulations on horse racing provide that horses must be free from any
contagious disease or illness in order to be eligible as race entries. WON Respondent court erred in holding respondents failed to exhaust
administrative remedy.
All told, we find no grave abuse of discretion on the part of Philracom in issuing
the contested guidelines and on the part MJCI and PRCI in complying with WON NTC has Jurisdiction over the case.
Philracom’s directive.
WON the Billing Circular issued by NTC is unconstitutional.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. Costs against petitioner William
1ST ISSSUE – Administrative agencies possess quasi-legislative or rule-making
SMART VS. NTC; G.R. No. 151908
powers and quasi-judicial or administrative adjudicatory powers. Quasi-
legislative or rule-making power is the power to make rules and regulations
which results in delegated legislation that is within the confines of the granting
PARTIES: statute and the doctrine of non-delegability and separability of powers.

SMART & PILTEL – petitioners, The rules and regulations should be within the scope of the statutory authority
GLOBE & ISLACOM – petitioners, granted by the legislature to the administrative agency. It is required that the
NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (NTC) regulation be germane to the objects and purposes of the law, and be not in
– respondent. contradiction to, but in conformity with, the standards prescribed by law.17 They
must conform to and be consistent with the provisions of the enabling statute in
order for such rule or regulation to be valid. The administrative body exercises
its quasi-judicial power when it performs in a judicial manner an act which is
PONENTE: YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: essentially of an executive or administrative nature, where the power to act in
such manner is incidental to or reasonably necessary for the performance of the
FACTS:Pursuant to its rule-making and regulatory powers, the National executive or administrative duty entrusted to it.
Telecommunications Commission (NTC) issued Memorandum Circular No.
13-6-2000, promulgating rules and regulations on the billing of In questioning the validity or constitutionality of a rule or regulation issued by
telecommunications services. On August 30, 2000, the NTC issued a an administrative agency, a party need not exhaust administrative remedies
Memorandum to all cellular mobile telephone service (CMTS) operators which before going to court. This principle applies only where the act of the
contained measures to minimize if not totally eliminate the incidence of stealing administrative agency concerned was performed pursuant to its quasi-judicial
of cellular phone units. This was followed by another Memorandum dated function, and not when the assailed act pertained to its rule-making or quasi-
October 6, 2000 addressed to all public telecommunications entities, which legislative power.
Even assuming that the principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies
This is to remind you that the validity of all prepaid cards sold on 07 October apply in this case, the records reveal that petitioners sufficiently complied with
2000 and beyond shall be valid for at least two (2) years from date of first use this requirement. Petitioners were able to register their protests to the proposed
pursuant to MC 13-6-2000. billing guidelines. They submitted their respective position papers setting forth
their objections and submitting proposed schemes for the billing circular. After
the same was issued, petitioners wrote successive letters dated July 3, 2000 and
July 5, 2000, asking for the suspension and reconsideration of the so-called On August 30, 2000, the NTC issued a Memorandum to all cellular mobile
Billing Circular. This was taken by petitioners as a clear denial of the requests telephone service (CMTS) operators which contained measures to minimize if
contained in their previous letters, thus prompting them to seek judicial relief. not totally eliminate the incidence of stealing of cellular phone units. The
Memorandum directed CMTS operators to:
2ND ISSSUE – In like manner, the doctrine of primary jurisdiction applies only
where the administrative agency exercises its quasi-judicial or adjudicatory a. strictly comply with Section B(1) of MC 13-6-2000 requiring the
function. The objective of the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is to guide a court presentation and verification of the identity and addresses of prepaid SIM card
in determining whether it should refrain from exercising its jurisdiction until customers;
after an administrative agency has determined some question or some aspect of
some question arising in the proceeding before the court. b. require all your respective prepaid SIM cards dealers to comply with Section
B(1) of MC 13-6-2000;
However, where what is assailed is the validity or constitutionality of a rule or
regulation issued by the administrative agency in the performance of its quasi- c. deny acceptance to your respective networks prepaid and/or postpaid
legislative function, the regular courts have jurisdiction to pass upon the same. customers using stolen cellphone units or cellphone units registered to
The determination of whether a specific rule or set of rules issued by an somebody other than the applicant when properly informed of all information
administrative agency contravenes the law or the constitution is within the relative to the stolen cellphone units;
jurisdiction of the regular courts.
d. share all necessary information of stolen cellphone units to all other CMTS
3RD ISSSUE – In the case at bar, the issuance by the NTC of Memorandum operators in order to prevent the use of stolen cellphone units; and
Circular No. 13-6-2000 and its Memorandum dated October 6, 2000 was
pursuant to its quasi-legislative or rule-making power. As such, petitioners were e. require all your existing prepaid SIM card customers to register and present
justified in invoking the judicial power of the Regional Trial Court to assail the valid identification cards.[3]
constitutionality and validity of the said issuances. Hence, the Regional Trial
This was followed by another Memorandum dated October 6, 2000 addressed
Court has jurisdiction to hear and decide the case. The Court of Appeals erred
to all public telecommunications entities, which reads:
in setting aside the orders of the trial court and in dismissing the case.
This is to remind you that the validity of all prepaid cards sold on 07 October
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the consolidated petitions are
2000 and beyond shall be valid for at least two (2) years from date of first use
GRANTED. The decision of the Court of Appeals are REVERSED and SET
pursuant to MC 13-6-2000.
In addition, all CMTS operators are reminded that all SIM packs used by
PRINCIPLE INVOLVED: Doctrine of Administrative Exhaustion.
subscribers of prepaid cards sold on 07 October 2000 and beyond shall be valid
[G.R. No. 151908. August 12, 2003] for at least two (2) years from date of first use. Also, the billing unit shall be on
a six (6) seconds pulse effective 07 October 2000.
TELEPHONE CORPORATION (PILTEL), petitioners, vs. NATIONAL For strict compliance.[4]
TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (NTC), respondent. On October 20, 2000, petitioners Isla Communications Co., Inc. and Pilipino
[G.R. No. 152063. August 12, 2003] Telephone Corporation filed against the National Telecommunications
Commission, Commissioner Joseph A. Santiago, Deputy Commissioner
GLOBE TELECOM, INC. (GLOBE) and ISLA COMMUNICATIONS Aurelio M. Umali and Deputy Commissioner Nestor C. Dacanay, an action for
CO., INC. (ISLACOM), petitioners, vs. COURT OF APPEALS (The declaration of nullity of NTC Memorandum Circular No. 13-6-2000 (the
Former 6th Division) and the NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS Billing Circular) and the NTC Memorandum dated October 6, 2000, with prayer
COMMISSION, respondents. for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction and temporary restraining
order. The complaint was docketed as Civil Case No. Q-00-42221 at the
DECISION Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 77.[5]

YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: Petitioners Islacom and Piltel alleged, inter alia, that the NTC has no
jurisdiction to regulate the sale of consumer goods such as the prepaid call cards
Pursuant to its rule-making and regulatory powers, the National since such jurisdiction belongs to the Department of Trade and Industry under
Telecommunications Commission (NTC) issued on June 16, 2000 the Consumer Act of the Philippines; that the Billing Circular is oppressive,
Memorandum Circular No. 13-6-2000, promulgating rules and regulations on confiscatory and violative of the constitutional prohibition against deprivation
the billing of telecommunications services. Among its pertinent provisions are of property without due process of law; that the Circular will result in the
the following: impairment of the viability of the prepaid cellular service by unduly prolonging
the validity and expiration of the prepaid SIM and call cards; and that the
(1) The billing statements shall be received by the subscriber of the telephone requirements of identification of prepaid card buyers and call balance
service not later than 30 days from the end of each billing cycle. In case the announcement are unreasonable. Hence, they prayed that the Billing Circular
statement is received beyond this period, the subscriber shall have a specified be declared null and void ab initio.
grace period within which to pay the bill and the public telecommunications
entity (PTEs) shall not be allowed to disconnect the service within the grace Soon thereafter, petitioners Globe Telecom, Inc and Smart Communications,
period. Inc. filed a joint Motion for Leave to Intervene and to Admit Complaint-in-
Intervention.[6]This was granted by the trial court.
(2) There shall be no charge for calls that are diverted to a voice mailbox, voice
prompt, recorded message or similar facility excluding the customers own On October 27, 2000, the trial court issued a temporary restraining order
equipment. enjoining the NTC from implementing Memorandum Circular No. 13-6-2000
and the Memorandum dated October 6, 2000.[7]
(3) PTEs shall verify the identification and address of each purchaser of prepaid
SIM cards. Prepaid call cards and SIM cards shall be valid for at least 2 years In the meantime, respondent NTC and its co-defendants filed a motion to
from the date of first use.Holders of prepaid SIM cards shall be given 45 days dismiss the case on the ground of petitioners failure to exhaust administrative
from the date the prepaid SIM card is fully consumed but not beyond 2 years remedies.
and 45 days from date of first use to replenish the SIM card, otherwise the SIM
card shall be rendered invalid. The validity of an invalid SIM card, however, Subsequently, after hearing petitioners application for preliminary injunction as
shall be installed upon request of the customer at no additional charge except well as respondents motion to dismiss, the trial court issued on November 20,
the presentation of a valid prepaid call card. 2000 an Order, the dispositive portion of which reads:

(4) Subscribers shall be updated of the remaining value of their cards before the WHEREFORE, premises considered, the defendants motion to dismiss is
start of every call using the cards. hereby denied for lack of merit. The plaintiffs application for the issuance of a
writ of preliminary injunction is hereby granted. Accordingly, the defendants
(5) The unit of billing for the cellular mobile telephone service whether are hereby enjoined from implementing NTC Memorandum Circular 13-6-2000
postpaid or prepaid shall be reduced from 1 minute per pulse to 6 seconds per and the NTC Memorandum, dated October 6, 2000, pending the issuance and
pulse. The authorized rates per minute shall thus be divided by 10. [1] finality of the decision in this case. The plaintiffs and intervenors are, however,
required to file a bond in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS
The Memorandum Circular provided that it shall take effect 15 days after its (P500,000.00), Philippine currency.
publication in a newspaper of general circulation and three certified true copies
thereof furnished the UP Law Center. It was published in the newspaper, The SO ORDERED.[8]
Philippine Star, on June 22, 2000.[2] Meanwhile, the provisions of the
Memorandum Circular pertaining to the sale and use of prepaid cards and the Defendants filed a motion for reconsideration, which was denied in an Order
unit of billing for cellular mobile telephone service took effect 90 days from the dated February 1, 2001.[9]
effectivity of the Memorandum Circular.
Respondent NTC thus filed a special civil action for certiorari and prohibition delegated legislation that is within the confines of the granting statute and the
with the Court of Appeals, which was docketed as CA-G.R. SP. No. 64274. On doctrine of non-delegability and separability of powers.[16]
October 9, 2001, a decision was rendered, the decretal portion of which reads:
The rules and regulations that administrative agencies promulgate, which are
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition for certiorari and the product of a delegated legislative power to create new and additional legal
prohibition is GRANTED, in that, the order of the court a quo denying the provisions that have the effect of law, should be within the scope of the statutory
petitioners motion to dismiss as well as the order of the court a quo granting the authority granted by the legislature to the administrative agency. It is required
private respondents prayer for a writ of preliminary injunction, and the writ of that the regulation be germane to the objects and purposes of the law, and be
preliminary injunction issued thereby, are hereby ANNULLED and SET not in contradiction to, but in conformity with, the standards prescribed by
ASIDE. The private respondents complaint and complaint-in-intervention law.[17] They must conform to and be consistent with the provisions of the
below are hereby DISMISSED, without prejudice to the referral of the private enabling statute in order for such rule or regulation to be valid. Constitutional
respondents grievances and disputes on the assailed issuances of the NTC with and statutory provisions control with respect to what rules and regulations may
the said agency. be promulgated by an administrative body, as well as with respect to what fields
are subject to regulation by it. It may not make rules and regulations which are
SO ORDERED.[10] inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution or a statute, particularly the
statute it is administering or which created it, or which are in derogation of, or
Petitioners motions for reconsideration were denied in a Resolution dated defeat, the purpose of a statute. In case of conflict between a statute and an
January 10, 2002 for lack of merit.[11] administrative order, the former must prevail.[18]
Hence, the instant petition for review filed by Smart and Piltel, which was Not to be confused with the quasi-legislative or rule-making power of an
docketed as G.R. No. 151908, anchored on the following grounds: administrative agency is its quasi-judicial or administrative adjudicatory
power. This is the power to hear and determine questions of fact to which the
legislative policy is to apply and to decide in accordance with the standards laid
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN down by the law itself in enforcing and administering the same law. The
HOLDING THAT THE NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS administrative body exercises its quasi-judicial power when it performs in a
COMMISSION (NTC) AND NOT THE REGULAR COURTS HAS judicial manner an act which is essentially of an executive or administrative
JURISDICTION OVER THE CASE. nature, where the power to act in such manner is incidental to or reasonably
necessary for the performance of the executive or administrative duty entrusted
B. to it. In carrying out their quasi-judicial functions, the administrative officers or
bodies are required to investigate facts or ascertain the existence of facts, hold
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ALSO GRAVELY ERRED IN hearings, weigh evidence, and draw conclusions from them as basis for their
HOLDING THAT THE PRIVATE RESPONDENTS FAILED TO EXHAUST official action and exercise of discretion in a judicial nature. [19]
In questioning the validity or constitutionality of a rule or regulation issued by
C. an administrative agency, a party need not exhaust administrative remedies
before going to court. This principle applies only where the act of the
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING administrative agency concerned was performed pursuant to its quasi-judicial
THAT THE BILLING CIRCULAR ISSUED BY THE RESPONDENT NTC function, and not when the assailed act pertained to its rule-making or quasi-
IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND CONTRARY TO LAW AND PUBLIC legislative power. In Association of Philippine Coconut Dessicators v.
POLICY. Philippine Coconut Authority,[20] it was held:
D. The rule of requiring exhaustion of administrative remedies before a party may
seek judicial review, so strenuously urged by the Solicitor General on behalf of
respondent, has obviously no application here. The resolution in question was
issued by the PCA in the exercise of its rule- making or legislative
power. However, only judicial review of decisions of administrative agencies
made in the exercise of their quasi-judicial function is subject to the exhaustion
Likewise, Globe and Islacom filed a petition for review, docketed as G.R. No. doctrine.
152063, assigning the following errors:
Even assuming arguendo that the principle of exhaustion of administrative
1. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS SO GRAVELY ERRED remedies apply in this case, the records reveal that petitioners sufficiently
BECAUSE THE DOCTRINES OF PRIMARY JURISDICTION AND complied with this requirement. Even during the drafting and deliberation
EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES DO NOT APPLY stages leading to the issuance of Memorandum Circular No. 13-6-2000,
SINCE THE INSTANT CASE IS FOR LEGAL NULLIFICATION petitioners were able to register their protests to the proposed billing
(BECAUSE OF LEGAL INFIRMITIES AND VIOLATIONS OF LAW) OF A guidelines. They submitted their respective position papers setting forth their
PURELY ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION PROMULGATED BY AN objections and submitting proposed schemes for the billing circular. [21] After
AGENCY IN THE EXERCISE OF ITS RULE MAKING POWERS AND the same was issued, petitioners wrote successive letters dated July 3,
INVOLVES ONLY QUESTIONS OF LAW. 2000[22] and July 5, 2000,[23] asking for the suspension and reconsideration of
the so-called Billing Circular. These letters were not acted upon until October
2. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS SO GRAVELY ERRED 6, 2000, when respondent NTC issued the second assailed Memorandum
BECAUSE THE DOCTRINE ON EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE implementing certain provisions of the Billing Circular. This was taken by
REMEDIES DOES NOT APPLY WHEN THE QUESTIONS RAISED ARE petitioners as a clear denial of the requests contained in their previous letters,
PURELY LEGAL QUESTIONS. thus prompting them to seek judicial relief.

3. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS SO GRAVELY ERRED In like manner, the doctrine of primary jurisdiction applies only where the
BECAUSE THE DOCTRINE OF EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE administrative agency exercises its quasi-judicial or adjudicatory
REMEDIES DOES NOT APPLY WHERE THE ADMINISTRATIVE function. Thus, in cases involving specialized disputes, the practice has been to
ACTION IS COMPLETE AND EFFECTIVE, WHEN THERE IS NO OTHER refer the same to an administrative agency of special competence pursuant to
REMEDY, AND THE PETITIONER STANDS TO SUFFER GRAVE AND the doctrine of primary jurisdiction.The courts will not determine a controversy
IRREPARABLE INJURY. involving a question which is within the jurisdiction of the administrative
tribunal prior to the resolution of that question by the administrative tribunal,
4. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS SO GRAVELY ERRED where the question demands the exercise of sound administrative discretion
BECAUSE PETITIONERS IN FACT EXHAUSTED ALL requiring the special knowledge, experience and services of the administrative
ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THEM. tribunal to determine technical and intricate matters of fact, and a uniformity of
ruling is essential to comply with the premises of the regulatory statute
5. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS SO GRAVELY ERRED IN administered. The objective of the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is to guide a
ISSUING ITS QUESTIONED RULINGS IN THIS CASE BECAUSE GLOBE court in determining whether it should refrain from exercising its jurisdiction
AND ISLA HAVE A CLEAR RIGHT TO AN INJUNCTION. [13] until after an administrative agency has determined some question or some
aspect of some question arising in the proceeding before the court. It applies
The two petitions were consolidated in a Resolution dated February 17, 2003.[14]
where the claim is originally cognizable in the courts and comes into play
On March 24, 2003, the petitions were given due course and the parties were whenever enforcement of the claim requires the resolution of issues which,
required to submit their respective memoranda.[15] under a regulatory scheme, has been placed within the special competence of
an administrative body; in such case, the judicial process is suspended pending
We find merit in the petitions. referral of such issues to the administrative body for its view.[24]

Administrative agencies possess quasi-legislative or rule-making powers and However, where what is assailed is the validity or constitutionality of a rule or
quasi-judicial or administrative adjudicatory powers. Quasi-legislative or rule- regulation issued by the administrative agency in the performance of its quasi-
making power is the power to make rules and regulations which results in legislative function, the regular courts have jurisdiction to pass upon the
same. The determination of whether a specific rule or set of rules issued by an A brief historical backgrounder is in order. SSS Resolution No. 56,[3] approved
administrative agency contravenes the law or the constitution is within the on January 21, 1971, provides financial incentive and inducement to SSS
jurisdiction of the regular courts. Indeed, the Constitution vests the power of employees qualified to retire to avail of retirement benefits under RA 660 as
judicial review or the power to declare a law, treaty, international or executive amended, rather than the retirement benefits under RA 1616 as amended, by
agreement, presidential decree, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation in giving them financial assistance equivalent in amount to the difference between
the courts, including the regional trial courts.[25] This is within the scope of what a retiree would have received under RA 1616, less what he was entitled to
judicial power, which includes the authority of the courts to determine in an under RA 660. The said SSS Resolution No. 56 states:
appropriate action the validity of the acts of the political departments. [26]Judicial
power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies RESOLUTION NO. 56
involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to
determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting WHEREAS, the retirement benefits of SSS employees are provided for under
to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of Republic Acts 660 and 1616 as amended;
the Government.[27]
WHEREAS, SSS employees who are qualified for compulsory retirement at
In the case at bar, the issuance by the NTC of Memorandum Circular No. 13-6- age 65 or for optional retirement at a lower age are entitled to either the life
2000 and its Memorandum dated October 6, 2000 was pursuant to its quasi- annuity under R.A. 660, as amended, or the gratuity under R.A. 1616, as
legislative or rule-making power. As such, petitioners were justified in invoking amended;
the judicial power of the Regional Trial Court to assail the constitutionality and
WHEREAS, a retirement benefit to be effective must be a periodic income as
validity of the said issuances. In Drilon v. Lim,[28] it was held:
close as possible to the monthly income that would have been due to the retiree
We stress at the outset that the lower court had jurisdiction to consider the during the remaining years of his life were he still employed;
constitutionality of Section 187, this authority being embraced in the general
WHEREAS, the life annuity under R.A. 660, as amended, being closer to the
definition of the judicial power to determine what are the valid and binding laws
monthly income that was lost on account of old age than the gratuity under R.A.
by the criterion of their conformity to the fundamental law. Specifically, B.P.
1616, as amended, would best serve the interest of the retiree;
129 vests in the regional trial courts jurisdiction over all civil cases in which the
subject of the litigation is incapable of pecuniary estimation, even as the WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Social Security Commission to promote and
accused in a criminal action has the right to question in his defense the to protect the interest of all SSS employees, with a view to providing for their
constitutionality of a law he is charged with violating and of the proceedings well-being during both their working and retirement years;
taken against him, particularly as they contravene the Bill of Rights. Moreover,
Article X, Section 5(2), of the Constitution vests in the Supreme Court appellate WHEREAS, the availment of life annuities built up by premiums paid on behalf
jurisdiction over final judgments and orders of lower courts in all cases in which of SSS employees during their working years would mean more savings to the
the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or executive SSS;
agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction,
ordinance, or regulation is in question.[29] WHEREAS, it is a duty of the Social Security Commission to effect savings in
every possible way for economical and efficient operations;
In their complaint before the Regional Trial Court, petitioners averred that the
Circular contravened Civil Code provisions on sales and violated the WHEREAS, it is the right of every SSS employee to choose freely and
constitutional prohibition against the deprivation of property without due voluntarily the benefit he is entitled to solely for his own benefit and for the
process of law. These are within the competence of the trial judge. Contrary to benefit of his family;
the finding of the Court of Appeals, the issues raised in the complaint do not
entail highly technical matters. Rather, what is required of the judge who will NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That all the SSS employees who
resolve this issue is a basic familiarity with the workings of the cellular are simultaneously qualified for compulsory retirement at age 65 or for optional
telephone service, including prepaid SIM and call cards and this is judicially retirement at a lower age be encouraged to avail for themselves the life annuity
known to be within the knowledge of a good percentage of our population and under R.A. 660, as amended;
expertise in fundamental principles of civil law and the Constitution.
RESOLVED, FURTHER, That SSS employees who availed themselves of the
Hence, the Regional Trial Court has jurisdiction to hear and decide Civil Case said life annuity, in appreciation and recognition of their long and faithful
No. Q-00-42221. The Court of Appeals erred in setting aside the orders of the service, be granted financial assistance equivalent to the gratuity plus return of
trial court and in dismissing the case. contributions under R.A. 1616, as amended, less the five year guaranteed
annuity under R.A. 660, as amended;
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the consolidated petitions
are GRANTED. The decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. RESOLVED, FINALLY, That the Administrator be authorized to act on all
64274 dated October 9, 2001 and its Resolution dated January 10, 2002 are applications for retirement submitted by SSS employees and subject to
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Order dated November 20, 2000 of the availability of funds, pay the corresponding benefits in addition to the money
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 77, in Civil Case No. Q-00-42221 value of all accumulated leaves. (underscoring supplied)
is REINSTATED. This case is REMANDED to the court a quo for
Long after the promulgation of SSS Resolution No. 56, respondent Commission
continuation of the proceedings.
on Audit (COA) issued a ruling, captioned as 3rd Indorsement dated July 10,
SO ORDERED. 1989,[4]disallowing in audit all such claims for financial assistance under SSS
Resolution No. 56, for the reason that: --
[G.R. No. 116422. November 4, 1996]
x x x the scheme of financial assistance authorized by the SSS is similar to those
AVELINA B. CONTE and LETICIA BOISER-PALMA, petitioners, vs. separate retirement plan or incentive/separation pay plans adopted by other
COMMISSION ON AUDIT (COA), respondent. government corporate agencies which results in the increase of benefits beyond
what is allowed under existing retirement laws. In this regard, attention x x x is
DECISION invited to the view expressed by the Secretary of Budget and Management dated
February 17, 1988 to the COA General Counsel against the proliferation of
PANGANIBAN, J.: retirement plans which, in COA Decision No. 591 dated August 31, 1988, was
concurred in by this Commission. x x x.
Are the benefits provided for under Social Security System Resolution No. 56
to be considered simply as financial assistance for retiring employees, or does Accordingly, all such claims for financial assistance under SSS Resolution No.
such scheme constitute a supplementary retirement plan proscribed by Republic 56 dated January 21, 1971 should be disallowed in audit. (underscoring
Act No. 4968? supplied)
The foregoing question is addressed by this Court in resolving the instant Despite the aforequoted ruling of respondent COA, then SSS Administrator
petition for certiorari which seeks to reverse and set aside Decision No. 94- Jose L. Cuisia, Jr. nevertheless wrote[5] on February 12, 1990 then Executive
126[1]dated March 15, 1994 of respondent Commission on Audit, which denied Secretary Catalino Macaraig, Jr., seeking presidential authority for SSS to
petitioners request for reconsideration of its adverse ruling disapproving claims continue implementing its Resolution No. 56 dated January 21, 1971 granting
for financial assistance under SSS Resolution No. 56. financial assistance to its qualified retiring employees.
The Facts However, in a letter-reply dated May 28, 1990,[6] then Executive Secretary
Macaraig advised Administrator Cuisia that the Office of the President is not
Petitioners Avelina B. Conte and Leticia Boiser-Palma were former employees
inclined to favorably act on the herein request, let alone overrule the
of the Social Security System (SSS) who retired from government service
disallowance by COA of such claims, because, aside from the fact that
on May 9, 1990 and September 13, 1992, respectively. They availed of
decisions, order or actions of the COA in the exercise of its audit functions are
compulsory retirement benefits under Republic Act No. 660. [2]
appealable to the Supreme Court[7] pursuant to Sec. 50 of PD 1445, the benefits
In addition to retirement benefits provided under R.A. 660, petitioners also under said Res. 56, though referred to as financial assistance, constituted
claimed SSS financial assistance benefits granted under SSS Resolution No. 56, additional retirement benefits, and the scheme partook of the nature of a
series of 1971. supplementary pension/retirement plan proscribed by law.
The law referred to above is RA 4968 (The Teves Retirement Law), which took GSIS while those under RA 1616 are entirely shouldered by SSS except the
effect June 17, 1967 and amended CA 186 (otherwise known as the return of contribution by GSIS.
Government Service Insurance Act, or the GSIS Charter), making Sec. 28 (b)
of the latter act read as follows: Resolution No. 56 came about upon observation that qualified SSS employees
have invariably opted to retire under RA 1616 instead of RA 660 because the
(b) Hereafter, no insurance or retirement plan for officers or employees shall be total benefit under the former is much greater than the 5-year lump sum under
created by employer. All supplementary retirement or pension plans heretofore the latter. As a consequence, the SSS usually ended up virtually paying the
in force in any government office, agency or instrumentality or corporation entire retirement benefit, instead of GSIS which is the main insurance carrier
owned or controlled by the government, are hereby declared inoperative or for government employees. Hence, the situation has become so expensive for
abolished; Provided, That the rights of those who are already eligible to retire SSS that a study of the problem became inevitable.
thereunder shall not be affected. (underscoring supplied)
As a result of the study and upon the recommendation of its Actuary, the SSS
On January 12, 1993, herein petitioners filed with respondent COA their letter- Management recommended to the Social Security Commission that retiring
appeal/protest[8] seeking reconsideration of COAs ruling of July 10, employees who are qualified to claim under either RA 660 or 1616 should be
1989 disallowing claims for financial assistance under Res. 56. encouraged to avail for themselves the life annuity under RA 660, as amended,
with the SSS providing a financial assistance equivalent to
On November 15, 1993, petitioner Conte sought payment from SSS of the the difference between the benefit under RA 1616 (gratuity plus return of
benefits under Res. 56. On December 9, 1993, SSS Administrator Renato C. contribution) and the 5-year lump sum pension under RA 660.
Valencia denied[9] the request in consonance with the previous disallowance by
respondent COA, but assured petitioner that should the COA change its The Social Security Commission, as the policy-making body of the SSS
position, the SSS will resume the grant of benefits under said Res. 56. approved the recommendation in line with its mandate to insure
the efficient, honest and economical administration of the provisions and
On March 15, 1994, respondent COA rendered its COA Decision No. 94-126 purposes of this Act. (Section 3 (c) of the Social Security Law).
denying petitioners request for reconsideration.
Necessarily, the situation was reversed with qualified SSS employees opting to
Thus this petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. retire under RA No. 660 or RA 1146 instead of RA 1616, resulting in substantial
savings for the SSS despite its having to pay financial assistance.
The Issues
Until Resolution No. 56 was questioned by COA. (underscoring part of original
The issues[10] submitted by petitioners may be simplified and re-stated thus: Did text; italics ours)
public respondent abuse its discretion when it disallowed in audit petitioners
claims for benefits under SSS Res. 56? Although such financial assistance package may have been instituted for noble,
altruistic purposes as well as from self-interest and a desire to cut costs on the
Petitioners argue that the financial assistance under Res. 56 is not a retirement part of the SSS, nevertheless, it is beyond any dispute that such package
plan prohibited by RA 4968, and that Res. 56 provides benefits different from effectively constitutes a supplementary retirement plan. The fact that it was
and aside from what a retiring SSS employee would be entitled to under RA designed to equalize the benefits receivable from RA 1616 with those payable
660. Petitioners contend that it is a social amelioration and economic upliftment under RA 660 and make the latter program more attractive, merely confirms the
measure undertaken not only for the benefit of the SSS but more so for the foregoing finding.
welfare of its qualified retiring employees. As such, it should be interpreted in
a manner that would give the x x x most advantage to the recipient -- the retiring That the Res. 56 package is labelled financial assistance does not change its
employees whose dedicated, loyal, lengthy and faithful service to the agency of essential nature. Retirement benefits are, after all, a form of reward for an
government is recognized and amply rewarded -- the rationale for the financial employees loyalty and service to the employer, and are intended to help the
assistance plan. Petitioners reiterate the argument in their letter dated January employee enjoy the remaining years of his life, lessening the burden of
12, 1993 to COA that: worrying about his financial support or upkeep.[13] On the other hand, a pension
partakes of the nature of retained wages of the retiree for a dual purpose: to
Motivation can be in the form of financial assistance, during their stay in the entice competent people to enter the government service, and to permit them to
service or upon retirement, as in the SSS Financial Assistance Plan. This is so, retire from the service with relative security, not only for those who have
because Government has to have some attractive remuneration programs to retained their vigor, but more so for those who have been incapacitated by
encourage well-qualified personnel to pursue a career in the government illness or accident.[14]
service, rather than in the private sector or in foreign countries ...
Is SSS Resolution No. 56 then within the ambit of and thus proscribed by Sec.
A more developmental view of the financial institutions grant of certain forms 28 (b) of CA 186 as amended by RA 4968?
of financial assistance to its personnel, we believe, would enable government
administrators to see these financial forms of remuneration as contributory to We answer in the affirmative. Said Sec. 28 (b) as amended by RA 4968 in no
the national developmental efforts for effective and efficient administration of uncertain terms bars the creation of any insurance or retirement plan -- other
the personnel programs in different institutions.[11] than the GSIS -- for government officers and employees, in order to prevent the
undue and inequitous proliferation of such plans. It is beyond cavil that Res. 56
The Courts Ruling contravenes the said provision of law and is therefore invalid, void and of no
effect. To ignore this and rule otherwise would be tantamount to permitting
Petitioners contentions are not supported by law. We hold that Res. 56
every other government office or agency to put up its own supplementary
constitutes a supplementary retirement plan.
retirement benefit plan under the guise of such financial assistance.
A cursory examination of the preambular clauses and provisions of Res. 56
We are not unmindful of the laudable purposes for promulgating Res. 56, and
provides a number of clear indications that its financial assistance plan
the positive results it must have had, not only in reducing costs and expenses
constitutes a supplemental retirement/pension benefits plan. In particular, the
on the part of the SSS in connection with the pay-out of retirement benefits and
fifth preambular clause which provides that it is the policy of the Social Security
gratuities, but also in improving the quality of life for scores of retirees. But it
Commission to promote and to protect the interest of all SSS employees, with
is simply beyond dispute that the SSS had no authority to maintain and
a view to providing for their well-being during both their working and
implement such retirement plan, particularly in the face of the statutory
retirement years, and the wording of the resolution itself which states Resolved,
prohibition. The SSS cannot, in the guise of rule-making, legislate or amend
further, that SSS employees who availed themselves of the said life annuity
laws or worse, render them nugatory.
(under RA 660), in appreciation and recognition of their long and faithful
service, be granted financial assistance x x x can only be interpreted to mean It is doctrinal that in case of conflict between a statute and an administrative
that the benefit being granted is none other than a kind of amelioration to enable order, the former must prevail.[15] A rule or regulation must conform to and be
the retiring employee to enjoy (or survive) his retirement years and a reward for consistent with the provisions of the enabling statute in order for such rule or
his loyalty and service. Moreover, it is plain to see that the grant of said regulation to be valid.[16] The rule-making power of a public administrative
financial assistance is inextricably linked with and inseparable from the body is a delegated legislative power, which it may not use either to abridge the
application for and approval of retirement benefits under RA 660, i.e., that authority given it by the Congress or the Constitution or to enlarge its power
availment of said financial assistance under Res. 56 may not be done beyond the scope intended. Constitutional and statutory provisions control with
independently of but only in conjunction with the availment of retirement respect to what rules and regulations may be promulgated by such a body, as
benefits under RA 660, and that the former is in augmentation or well as with respect to what fields are subject to regulation by it. It may not
supplementation of the latter benefits. make rules and regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of the
Constitution or a statute, particularly the statute it is administering or which
Likewise, then SSS Administrator Cuisias historical overview of the origins and
created it, or which are in derogation of, or defeat, the purpose of a
purpose of Res. 56 is very instructive and sheds much light on the
statute.[17] Though well-settled is the rule that retirement laws are liberally
interpreted in favor of the retiree,[18] nevertheless, there is really nothing to
Resolution No. 56, x x x, applies where a retiring SSS employee is qualified to interpret in either RA 4968 or Res. 56, and correspondingly, the absence of any
claim under either RA 660 (pension benefit, that is, 5 year lump sum pension doubt as to the ultra-vires nature and illegality of the disputed resolution
and after 5 years, life time pension), or RA 1616 (gratuity benefit plus return of constrains us to rule against petitioners.
contribution), at his option. The benefits under RA 660 are entirely payable by
As a necessary consequence of the invalidity of Res. 56, we can hardly impute WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit, there
abuse of discretion of any sort to respondent Commission for denying having been no grave abuse of discretion on the part of respondent
petitioners request for reconsideration of the 3rd Indorsement of July 10, Commission. The assailed Decision of public respondent is AFFIRMED, and
1989. On the contrary, we hold that public respondent in its assailed Decision SSS Resolution No. 56 is hereby declared ILLEGAL, VOID AND OF NO
acted with circumspection in denying petitioners claim. It reasoned thus: EFFECT. The SSS is hereby urged to assist petitioners and facilitate their
applications under RA 1616, and to advance to them, unless barred by existing
After a careful evaluation of the facts herein obtaining, this Commission finds regulations, the corresponding amounts representing the difference between the
the instant request to be devoid of merit. It bears stress that the financial two benefits programs. No costs.
assistance contemplated under SSS Resolution No. 56 is granted to SSS
employees who opt to retire under R.A. No. 660. In fact, by the aggrieved SO ORDERED.
parties own admission (page 2 of the request for reconsideration dated January
12, 1993), it is a financial assistance granted by the SSS management to its G.R. No. L-32166 October 18, 1977
employees, in addition to the retirement benefits under Republic Act No.
660. (underscoring supplied for emphasis) There is therefore no question, that THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellant,
the said financial assistance partakes of the nature of a retirement benefit that vs.
has the effect of modifying existing retirement laws particularly R.A. No. 660. HON. MAXIMO A. MACEREN CFI, Sta. Cruz, Laguna, JOSE
Petitioners also asseverate that the scheme of financial assistance under Res. 56 NAZARIO AQUINO and CARLO DEL ROSARIO, accused-appellees.
may be likened to the monetary benefits of government officials and employees
who are paid, over and above their salaries and allowances as provided by Office of the Solicitor General for appellant.
statute, an additional honorarium in varying amounts. We find this comparison
Rustics F. de los Reyes, Jr. for appellees.
baseless and misplaced. As clarified by the Solicitor General:[19]

Petitioners comparison of SSS Resolution No. 56 with the honoraria given to

government officials and employees of the National Prosecution Service of the AQUINO, J.:têñ.£îhqwâ£
Department of Justice, Office of the Government Corporate Counsel and even
in the Office of the Solicitor General is devoid of any basis. The monetary This is a case involving the validity of a 1967 regulation, penalizing electro
benefits or honoraria given to these officials or employees are categorized as fishing in fresh water fisheries, promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture and
travelling and/or representation expenses which are incurred by them in the Natural Resources and the Commissioner of Fisheries under the old Fisheries
course of handling cases, attending court/administrative hearings, or Law and the law creating the Fisheries Commission.
performing other field work. These monetary benefits are given upon rendition
of service while the financial benefits under SSS Resolution No. 56 are given On March 7, 1969 Jose Buenaventura, Godofredo Reyes, Benjamin Reyes,
upon retirement from service. Nazario Aquino and Carlito del Rosario were charged by a Constabulary
investigator in the municipal court of Sta. Cruz, Laguna with having violated
In a last-ditch attempt to convince this Court that their position is tenable, Fisheries Administrative Order No. 84-1.
petitioners invoke equity. They believe that they are deserving of justice and
equity in their quest for financial assistance under SSS Resolution No. 56, not It was alleged in the complaint that the five accused in the morning of March 1,
so much because the SSS is one of the very few stable agencies of government 1969 resorted to electro fishing in the waters of Barrio San Pablo Norte, Sta.
where no doubt this recognition and reputation is earned x x x but more so due Cruz by "using their own motor banca, equipped with motor; with a generator
to the miserable scale of compensation granted to employees in various colored green with attached dynamo colored gray or somewhat white; and
agencies to include those obtaining in the SSS.[20] electrocuting device locally known as sensored with a somewhat webbed
copper wire on the tip or other end of a bamboo pole with electric wire
We must admit we sympathize with petitioners in their financial predicament attachment which was attached to the dynamo direct and with the use of these
as a result of their misplaced decision to avail of retirement benefits under RA devices or equipments catches fish thru electric current, which destroy any
660, with the false expectation that financial assistance under the disputed Res. aquatic animals within its cuffed reach, to the detriment and prejudice of the
56 will also materialize. Nevertheless, this Court has always held that equity, populace" (Criminal Case No. 5429).
which has been aptly described as justice outside legality, is applied only in the
absence of, and never against, statutory law or judicial rules of procedure. [21] In Upon motion of the accused, the municipal court quashed the complaint. The
this case, equity cannot be applied to give validity and effect to Res. 56, which prosecution appealed. The Court of First Instance of Laguna affirmed the order
directly contravenes the clear mandate of the provisions of RA 4968. of dismissal (Civil Case No. SC-36). The case is now before this Court on
appeal by the prosecution under Republic Act No. 5440.
Likewise, we cannot but be aware that the clear imbalance between the benefits
available under RA 660 and those under RA 1616 has created an unfair situation The lower court held that electro fishing cannot be penalize because electric
for it has shifted the burden of paying such benefits from the GSIS (the main current is not an obnoxious or poisonous substance as contemplated in section
insurance carrier of government employees) to the SSS. Without the corrective I I of the Fisheries Law and that it is not a substance at all but a form of energy
effects of Res. 56, all retiring SSS employees without exception will be conducted or transmitted by substances. The lower court further held that, since
impelled to avail of benefits under RA 1616. The cumulative effect of such the law does not clearly prohibit electro fishing, the executive and judicial
availments on the financial standing and stability of the SSS is better left to departments cannot consider it unlawful.
actuarians. But the solution or remedy for such situation can be provided only
by Congress. Judicial hands cannot, on the pretext of showing concern for the As legal background, it should be stated that section 11 of the Fisheries Law
welfare of government employees, bestow equity contrary to the clear prohibits "the use of any obnoxious or poisonous substance" in fishing.
provisions of law.
Section 76 of the same law punishes any person who uses an obnoxious or
Nevertheless, insofar as herein petitioners are concerned, this Court cannot just poisonous substance in fishing with a fine of not more than five hundred pesos
sit back and watch as these two erstwhile government employees, who after nor more than five thousand, and by imprisonment for not less than six months
spending the best parts of their lives in public service have retired hoping to nor more than five years.
enjoy their remaining years, face a financially dismal if not distressed future,
It is noteworthy that the Fisheries Law does not expressly punish .electro
deprived of what should have been due them by way of additional retirement
fishing." Notwithstanding the silence of the law, the Secretary of Agriculture
benefits, on account of a bureaucratic boo-boo improvidently hatched by their
and Natural Resources, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of
higher-ups. It is clear to our mind that petitioners applied for benefits under RA
Fisheries, promulgated Fisheries Administrative Order No. 84 (62 O.G. 1224),
660 only because of the incentives offered by Res. 56, and that absent such
prohibiting electro fishing in all Philippine waters. The order is quoted
incentives, they would have without fail availed of RA 1616 instead. We
below: ñé+.£ªwph!1
likewise have no doubt that petitioners are simply innocent bystanders in this
whole bureaucratic rule-making/financial scheme-making drama, and that SUBJECT: PROHIBITING ELECTRO FISHING IN ALL
therefore, to the extent possible, petitioners ought not be penalized or made to WATERS ñé+.£ªwph!1
suffer as a result of the subsequently determined invalidity of Res. 56, the
promulgation and implementation of which they had nothing to do with. OF THE PHILIPPINES.

And here is where equity may properly be invoked: since SSS employees who Pursuant to Section 4 of Act No. 4003, as amended, and Section 4 of R.A. No.
are qualified for compulsory retirement at age 65 or for optional retirement at a 3512, the following rules and regulations regarding the prohibition of electro
lower age are entitled to either the life annuity under R.A. 660, as amended, or fishing in all waters of the Philippines are promulgated for the information and
the gratuity under R.A. 1616, as amended,[22] it appears that petitioners, being guidance of all concerned.ñé+.£ªwph!1
qualified to avail of benefits under RA 660, may also readily qualify under RA
1616. It would therefore not be misplaced to enjoin the SSS to render all SECTION 1. — Definition. — Words and terms used in this Order 11 construed
possible assistance to petitioners for the prompt processing and approval of their as follows:
applications under RA 1616, and in the meantime, unless barred by existing
regulations, to advance to petitioners the difference between the amounts due (a) Philippine waters or territorial waters of the Philippines' includes all waters
under RA 1616, and the amounts they already obtained, if any, under RA 660. of the Philippine Archipelago, as defined in the t between the United States and
Spain, dated respectively the tenth of December, eighteen hundred ninety eight consistent with the purpose for the creation of the Fisheries Commission and
and the seventh of November, nineteen hundred. For the purpose of this order, for the development of fisheries (Sec. 4[c] and [h] Republic Act No. 3512; (3)
rivers, lakes and other bodies of fresh waters are included. the declared national policy to encourage, Promote and conserve our fishing
resources (Sec. 1, Republic Act No. 3512), and (4) section 83 of the Fisheries
(b) Electro Fishing. — Electro fishing is the catching of fish with the use of Law which provides that "any other violation of" the Fisheries Law or of any
electric current. The equipment used are of many electrical devices which may rules and regulations promulgated thereunder "shall subject the offender to a
be battery or generator-operated and from and available source of electric fine of not more than two hundred pesos, or imprisonment for not more than six
current. months, or both, in the discretion of the court."
(c) 'Persons' includes firm, corporation, association, agent or employee. As already pointed out above, the prosecution's reference to section 83 is out of
place because the penalty for electro fishing under Administrative order No. 84
(d) 'Fish' includes other aquatic products. is not the same as the penalty fixed in section 83.
SEC. 2. — Prohibition. — It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in We are of the opinion that the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources
electro fishing or to catch fish by the use of electric current in any portion of and the Commissioner of Fisheries exceeded their authority in issuing Fisheries
the Philippine waters except for research, educational and scientific purposes Administrative Orders Nos. 84 and 84-1 and that those orders are not warranted
which must be covered by a permit issued by the Secretary of Agriculture and under the Fisheries Commission, Republic Act No. 3512.
Natural Resources which shall be carried at all times.
The reason is that the Fisheries Law does not expressly prohibit electro fishing.
SEC. 3. — Penalty. — Any violation of the provisions of this Administrative As electro fishing is not banned under that law, the Secretary of Agriculture and
Order shall subject the offender to a fine of not exceeding five hundred pesos Natural Resources and the Commissioner of Fisheries are powerless to penalize
(P500.00) or imprisonment of not extending six (6) months or both at the it. In other words, Administrative Orders Nos. 84 and 84-1, in penalizing electro
discretion of the Court. fishing, are devoid of any legal basis.
SEC. 4. — Repealing Provisions. — All administrative orders or parts thereof Had the lawmaking body intended to punish electro fishing, a penal provision
inconsistent with the provisions of this Administrative Order are hereby to that effect could have been easily embodied in the old Fisheries Law.
That law punishes (1) the use of obnoxious or poisonous substance, or explosive
SEC. 5. — Effectivity. — This Administrative Order shall take effect six (60) in fishing; (2) unlawful fishing in deepsea fisheries; (3) unlawful taking of
days after its publication in the Office Gazette. marine molusca, (4) illegal taking of sponges; (5) failure of licensed fishermen
to report the kind and quantity of fish caught, and (6) other violations.
On June 28, 1967 the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, upon the
recommendation of the Fisheries Commission, issued Fisheries Administrative Nowhere in that law is electro fishing specifically punished. Administrative
Order No. 84-1, amending section 2 of Administrative Order No. 84, by Order No. 84, in punishing electro fishing, does not contemplate that such an
restricting the ban against electro fishing to fresh water fisheries (63 O.G. offense fails within the category of "other violations" because, as already
9963). shown, the penalty for electro fishing is the penalty next lower to the penalty
for fishing with the use of obnoxious or poisonous substances, fixed in section
Thus, the phrase "in any portion of the Philippine waters" found in section 2,
76, and is not the same as the penalty for "other violations" of the law and
was changed by the amendatory order to read as follows: "in fresh water
regulations fixed in section 83 of the Fisheries Law.
fisheries in the Philippines, such as rivers, lakes, swamps, dams, irrigation
canals and other bodies of fresh water." The lawmaking body cannot delegate to an executive official the power to
declare what acts should constitute an offense. It can authorize the issuance of
The Court of First Instance and the prosecution (p. 11 of brief) assumed that
regulations and the imposition of the penalty provided for in the law itself.
electro fishing is punishable under section 83 of the Fisheries Law (not under
(People vs. Exconde 101 Phil. 11 25, citing 11 Am. Jur. 965 on p. 11 32).
section 76 thereof), which provides that any other violation of that law "or of
any rules and regulations promulgated thereunder shall subject the offender to Originally, Administrative Order No. 84 punished electro fishing in all waters.
a fine of not more than two hundred pesos (P200), or in t for not more than six Later, the ban against electro fishing was confined to fresh water fisheries. The
months, or both, in the discretion of the court." amendment created the impression that electro fishing is not condemnable per
se. It could be tolerated in marine waters. That circumstances strengthens the
That assumption is incorrect because 3 of the aforequoted Administrative Order
view that the old law does not eschew all forms of electro fishing.
No. 84 imposes a fm of not exceeding P500 on a person engaged in electro
fishing, which amount the 83. It seems that the Department of Fisheries However, at present, there is no more doubt that electro fishing is punishable
prescribed their own penalty for swift fishing which penalty is less than the under the Fisheries Law and that it cannot be penalized merely by executive
severe penalty imposed in section 76 and which is not Identified to the at revolution because Presidential Decree No. 704, which is a revision and
penalty imposed in section 83. consolidation of all laws and decrees affecting fishing and fisheries and which
was promulgated on May 16, 1975 (71 O.G. 4269), expressly punishes electro
Had Administrative Order No. 84 adopted the fighter penalty prescribed in on
fishing in fresh water and salt water areas.
83, then the crime of electro fishing would be within the exclusive original
jurisdiction of the inferior court (Sec. 44 [f], Judiciary Law; People vs. Ragasi, That decree provides: ñé+.£ªwph!1
L-28663, September 22,
SEC. 33. — Illegal fishing, dealing in illegally caught fish or fishery/aquatic
We have discussed this pre point, not raised in the briefs, because it is obvious products. — It shall he unlawful for any person to catch, take or gather or cause
that the crime of electro fishing which is punishable with a sum up to P500, to be caught, taken or gathered fish or fishery/aquatic products in Philippine
falls within the concurrent original jurisdiction of the inferior courts and the waters with the use of explosives, obnoxious or poisonous substance, or by the
Court of First instance (People vs. Nazareno, L-40037, April 30, 1976, 70 use of electricity as defined in paragraphs (1), (m) and (d), respectively, of
SCRA 531 and the cases cited therein). Section 3 hereof: ...
And since the instant case was filed in the municipal court of Sta. Cruz, Laguna, The decree Act No. 4003, as amended, Republic Acts Nos. 428, 3048, 3512 and
a provincial capital, the order of d rendered by that municipal court was directly 3586, Presidential Decrees Nos. 43, 534 and 553, and all , Acts, Executive
appealable to the Court, not to the Court of First Instance of Laguna (Sec. 45 Orders, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with it (Sec. 49, P. D.
and last par. of section 87 of the Judiciary Law; Esperat vs. Avila, L-25992, No. 704).
June 30, 1967, 20 SCRA 596).
The inclusion in that decree of provisions defining and penalizing electro
It results that the Court of First Instance of Laguna had no appellate jurisdiction fishing is a clear recognition of the deficiency or silence on that point of the old
over the case. Its order affirming the municipal court's order of dismissal is void Fisheries Law. It is an admission that a mere executive regulation is not legally
for lack of motion. This appeal shall be treated as a direct appeal from the adequate to penalize electro fishing.
municipal court to this Court. (See People vs. Del Rosario, 97 Phil. 67).
Note that the definition of electro fishing, which is found in section 1 (c) of
In this appeal, the prosecution argues that Administrative Orders Nos. 84 and Fisheries Administrative Order No. 84 and which is not provided for the old
84-1 were not issued under section 11 of the Fisheries Law which, as indicated Fisheries Law, is now found in section 3(d) of the decree. Note further that the
above, punishes fishing by means of an obnoxious or poisonous substance. This decree penalty electro fishing by "imprisonment from two (2) to four (4) years",
contention is not well-taken because, as already stated, the Penal provision of a punishment which is more severe than the penalty of a time of not excluding
Administrative Order No. 84 implies that electro fishing is penalized as a form P500 or imprisonment of not more than six months or both fixed in section 3 of
of fishing by means of an obnoxious or poisonous substance under section 11. Fisheries Administrative Order No. 84.
The prosecution cites as the legal sanctions for the prohibition against electro An examination of the rule-making power of executive officials and
fishing in fresh water fisheries (1) the rule-making power of the Department administrative agencies and, in particular, of the Secretary of Agriculture and
Secretary under section 4 of the Fisheries Law; (2) the function of the Natural Resources (now Secretary of Natural Resources) under the Fisheries
Commissioner of Fisheries to enforce the provisions of the Fisheries Law and Law sustains the view that he ex his authority in penalizing electro fishing by
the regulations Promulgated thereunder and to execute the rules and regulations means of an administrative order.
Administrative agent are clothed with rule-making powers because the intended by the legislature. The details and the manner of carrying out the law
lawmaking body finds it impracticable, if not impossible, to anticipate and are oftentimes left to the administrative agency entrusted with its enforcement.
provide for the multifarious and complex situations that may be encountered in In this sense, it has been said that rules and regulations are the product of a
enforcing the law. All that is required is that the regulation should be germane delegated power to create new or additional legal provisions that have the effect
to the defects and purposes of the law and that it should conform to the standards of law." The rule or regulation should be within the scope of the statutory
that the law prescribes (People vs. Exconde 101 Phil. 1125; Director of Forestry authority granted by the legislature to the administrative agency. (Davis,
vs. Muñ;oz, L-24796, June 28, 1968, 23 SCRA 1183, 1198; Geukeko vs. Administrative Law, p. 194, 197, cited in Victories Milling Co., Inc. vs. Social
Araneta, 102 Phil. 706, 712). Security Commission, 114 Phil. 555, 558).

The lawmaking body cannot possibly provide for all the details in the In case of discrepancy between the basic law and a rule or regulation issued to
enforcement of a particular statute (U.S. vs. Tupasi Molina, 29 Phil. 119, 125, implement said law, the basic law prevails because said rule or regulation
citing U.S. vs. Grimaud 220 U.S. 506; Interprovincial Autobus Co., Inc. vs. cannot go beyond the terms and provisions of the basic law (People vs. Lim,
Coll. of Internal Revenue, 98 Phil. 290, 295-6). 108 Phil. 1091).

The grant of the rule-making power to administrative agencies is a relaxation This Court in its decision in the Lim case, supra, promulgated on July 26, 1960,
of the principle of separation of powers and is an exception to the nondeleption called the attention of technical men in the executive departments, who draft
of legislative, powers. Administrative regulations or "subordinate legislation rules and regulations, to the importance and necessity of closely following the
calculated to promote the public interest are necessary because of "the growing legal provisions which they intend to implement so as to avoid any possible
complexity of modem life, the multiplication of the subjects of governmental misunderstanding or confusion.
regulations, and the increased difficulty of administering the law" Calalang vs.
Williams, 70 Phil. 726; People vs. Rosenthal and Osmeñ;a, 68 Phil. 328). The rule is that the violation of a regulation prescribed by an executive officer
of the government in conformity with and based upon a statute authorizing such
Administrative regulations adopted under legislative authority by a particular regulation constitutes an offense and renders the offender liable to punishment
department must be in harmony with the provisions of the law, and should be in accordance with the provisions of the law (U.S. vs. Tupasi Molina, 29 Phil.
for the sole purpose of carrying into effect its general provisions. By such 119, 124).
regulations, of course, the law itself cannot be extended. (U.S. vs. Tupasi
Molina, supra). An administrative agency cannot amend an act of Congress In other words, a violation or infringement of a rule or regulation validly issued
(Santos vs. Estenzo, 109 Phil. 419, 422; Teoxon vs. Members of the d of can constitute a crime punishable as provided in the authorizing statute and by
Administrators, L-25619, June 30, 1970, 33 SCRA 585; Manuel vs. General virtue of the latter (People vs. Exconde 101 Phil. 1125, 1132).
Auditing Office, L-28952, December 29, 1971, 42 SCRA 660; Deluao vs.
Casteel, L-21906, August 29, 1969, 29 SCRA 350). It has been held that "to declare what shall constitute a crime and how it shall
be punished is a power vested exclusively in the legislature, and it may not be
The rule-making power must be confined to details for regulating the mode or delegated to any other body or agency" (1 Am. Jur. 2nd, sec. 127, p. 938; Texas
proceeding to carry into effect the law as it his been enacted. The power cannot Co. vs. Montgomery, 73 F. Supp. 527).
be extended to amending or expanding the statutory requirements or to embrace
matters not covered by the statute. Rules that subvert the statute cannot be In the instant case the regulation penalizing electro fishing is not strictly in
sanctioned. (University of Santo Tomas vs. Board of Tax A 93 Phil. 376, 382, accordance with the Fisheries Law, under which the regulation was
citing 12 C.J. 845-46. As to invalid regulations, see of Internal Revenue vs. issued, because the law itself does not expressly punish electro fishing.
Villaflor 69 Phil. 319, Wise & Co. vs. Meer, 78 Phil. 655, 676; Del March vs.
The instant case is similar to People vs. Santos, 63 Phil. 300. The Santos case
Phil. Veterans Administrative, L-27299, June 27, 1973, 51 SCRA 340, 349).
involves section 28 of Fish and Game Administrative Order No. 2 issued by the
There is no question that the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources pursuant to the aforementioned
has rule-making powers. Section 4 of the Fisheries law provides that the section 4 of the Fisheries Law.
Secretary "shall from time to time issue instructions, orders, and regulations
Section 28 contains the proviso that a fishing boat not licensed under the
consistent" with that law, "as may be and proper to carry into effect the
Fisheries Law and under the said administrative order may fish within three
provisions thereof." That power is now vested in the Secretary of Natural
kilometers of the shoreline of islands and reservations over which jurisdiction
Resources by on 7 of the Revised Fisheries law, Presidential December No.
is exercised by naval and military reservations authorities of the United States
only upon receiving written permission therefor, which permission may be
Section 4(h) of Republic Act No. 3512 empower the Co of Fisheries "to prepare granted by the Secretary upon recommendation of the military or naval
and execute upon the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural authorities concerned. A violation of the proviso may be proceeded against
Resources, forms instructions, rules and regulations consistent with the under section 45 of the Federal Penal Code.
purpose" of that enactment "and for the development of fisheries."
Augusto A. Santos was prosecuted under that provision in the Court of First
Section 79(B) of the Revised Administrative Code provides that "the Instance of Cavite for having caused his two fishing boats to fish, loiter and
Department Head shall have the power to promulgate, whenever he may see fit anchor without permission from the Secretary within three kilometers from the
do so, all rules, regulates, orders, memorandums, and other instructions, not shoreline of Corrigidor Island.
contrary to law, to regulate the proper working and harmonious and efficient
This Court held that the Fisheries Law does not prohibit boats not subject to
administration of each and all of the offices and dependencies of his
license from fishing within three kilometers of the shoreline of islands and
Department, and for the strict enforcement and proper execution of the laws
reservations over which jurisdiction is exercised by naval and military
relative to matters under the jurisdiction of said Department; but none of said
authorities of the United States, without permission from the Secretary of
rules or orders shall prescribe penalties for the violation thereof, except as
Agriculture and Natural Resources upon recommendation of the military and
expressly authorized by law."
naval authorities concerned.
Administrative regulations issued by a Department Head in conformity with
As the said law does not penalize the act mentioned in section 28 of the
law have the force of law (Valerie vs. Secretary of culture and Natural
administrative order, the promulgation of that provision by the Secretary "is
Resources, 117 Phil. 729, 733; Antique Sawmills, Inc. vs. Zayco, L- 20051,
equivalent to legislating on the matter, a power which has not been and cannot
May 30, 1966, 17 SCRA 316). As he exercises the rule-making power by
be delegated to him, it being expressly reserved" to the lawmaking body. "Such
delegation of the lawmaking body, it is a requisite that he should not transcend
an act constitutes not only an excess of the regulatory power conferred upon the
the bound demarcated by the statute for the exercise of that power; otherwise,
Secretary but also an exercise of a legislative power which he does not have,
he would be improperly exercising legislative power in his own right and not
and therefore" the said provision "is null and void and without effect". Hence,
as a surrogate of the lawmaking body.
the charge against Santos was dismiss.
Article 7 of the Civil Code embodies the basic principle that administrative or
A penal statute is strictly construed. While an administrative agency has the
executive acts, orders and regulations shall be valid only when they are not
right to make ranks and regulations to carry into effect a law already enacted,
contrary to the laws or the Constitution."
that power should not be confused with the power to enact a criminal statute.
As noted by Justice Fernando, "except for constitutional officials who can trace An administrative agency can have only the administrative or policing powers
their competence to act to the fundamental law itself, a public office must be in expressly or by necessary implication conferred upon it. (Glustrom vs. State,
the statute relied upon a grant of power before he can exercise it." "department 206 Ga. 734, 58 Second 2d 534; See 2 Am. Jr. 2nd 129-130).
zeal may not be permitted to outrun the authority conferred by statute." (Radio
Where the legislature has delegated to executive or administrative officers and
Communications of the Philippines, Inc. vs. Santiago, L-29236, August 21,
boards authority to promulgate rules to carry out an express legislative purpose,
1974, 58 SCRA 493, 496-8).
the rules of administrative officers and boards, which have the effect of
"Rules and regulations when promulgated in pursuance of the procedure or extending, or which conflict with the authority granting statute, do not represent
authority conferred upon the administrative agency by law, partake of the nature a valid precise of the rule-making power but constitute an attempt by an
of a statute, and compliance therewith may be enforced by a penal sanction administrative body to legislate (State vs. Miles, Wash. 2nd 322, 105 Pac. 2nd
provided in the law. This is so because statutes are usually couched in general 51).
terms, after expressing the policy, purposes, objectives, remedies and sanctions
In a prosecution for a violation of an administrative order, it must clearly appear other hand, under §103(b) the sale of agricultural food products
that the order is one which falls within the scope of the authority conferred upon in their original state is exempt from VAT at all stages of
the administrative body, and the order will be scrutinized with special care. production or distribution regardless of who the seller is.
(State vs. Miles supra).
The question is whether copra is an agricultural food or non-food
The Miles case involved a statute which authorized the State Game product for purposes of this provision of the NIRC. On June 11,
Commission "to adopt, promulgate, amend and/or repeal, and enforce 1991, respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue issued the
reasonable rules and regulations governing and/or prohibiting the taking of the circular in question, classifying copra as an agricultural non-food
various classes of game. product and declaring it "exempt from VAT only if the sale is
made by the primary producer pursuant to Section 103(a) of the
Under that statute, the Game Commission promulgated a rule that "it shall be
Tax Code, as amended." 2
unlawful to offer, pay or receive any reward, prize or compensation for the
hunting, pursuing, taking, killing or displaying of any game animal, game bird The reclassification had the effect of denying to the petitioner the
or game fish or any part thereof." exemption it previously enjoyed when copra was classified as an
agricultural food product under §103(b) of the NIRC. Petitioner
Beryl S. Miles, the owner of a sporting goods store, regularly offered a ten-
challenges RMC No. 47-91 on various grounds, which will be
down cash prize to the person displaying the largest deer in his store during the
presently discussed although not in the order raised in the
open for hunting such game animals. For that act, he was charged with a
petition for prohibition.
violation of the rule Promulgated by the State Game Commission.
First. Petitioner contends that the Bureau of Food and Drug of
It was held that there was no statute penalizing the display of game. What the
the Department of Health and not the BIR is the competent
statute penalized was the taking of game. If the lawmaking body desired to
prohibit the display of game, it could have readily said so. It was not lawful for government agency to determine the proper classification of food
the administrative board to extend or modify the statute. Hence, the indictment products. Petitioner cites the opinion of Dr. Quintin Kintanar of
against Miles was quashed. The Miles case is similar to this case. the Bureau of Food and Drug to the effect that copra should be
considered "food" because it is produced from coconut which is
WHEREFORE, the lower court's decision of June 9, 1970 is set aside for lack food and 80% of coconut products are edible.
of appellate jurisdiction and the order of dismissal rendered by the municipal
court of Sta. Cruz, Laguna in Criminal Case No. 5429 is affirmed. Costs de On the other hand, the respondents argue that the opinion of the
oficio. BIR, as the government agency charged with the implementation
and interpretation of the tax laws, is entitled to great respect.
We agree with respondents. In interpreting §103(a) and (b) of the
NIRC, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue gave it a strict
construction consistent with the rule that tax exemptions must
G.R. No. 108524 November 10, 1994 be strictly construed against the taxpayer and liberally in favor
of the state. Indeed, even Dr. Kintanar said that his classification
MISAMIS ORIENTAL ASSOCIATION OF COCO TRADERS, of copra as food was based on "the broader definition of food
INC., petitioner, which includes agricultural commodities and other components
vs. used in the manufacture/processing of food." The full text of his
letter reads:
ORIENTAL, respondents.
Damasing Law Office for petitioner. Chairman VAT Review Committee
Bureau of Internal Revenue
Diliman, Quezon City
Dear Mr. Deoferio:
This is a petition for prohibition and injunction seeking to nullify
This is to clarify a previous communication made by this Office
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 47-91 and enjoin the about copra in a letter dated 05 December 1990 stating that
collection by respondent revenue officials of the Value Added Tax copra is not classified as food. The statement was made in the
(VAT) on the sale of copra by members of petitioner context of BFAD's regulatory responsibilities which focus mainly
organization. 1 on foods that are processed and packaged, and thereby copra is
Petitioner Misamis Oriental Association of Coco Traders, Inc. is a not covered.
domestic corporation whose members, individually or However, in the broader definition of food which include
collectively, are engaged in the buying and selling of copra in agricultural commodities and other components used in the
Misamis Oriental. The petitioner alleges that prior to the issuance manufacture/ processing of food, it is our opinion that copra
of Revenue Memorandum Circular 47-91 on June 11, 1991, should be classified as an agricultural food product since copra
which implemented VAT Ruling 190-90, copra was classified as
is produced from coconut meat which is food and based on
agricultural food product under $ 103(b) of the National Internal available information, more than 80% of products derived from
Revenue Code and, therefore, exempt from VAT at all stages of
copra are edible products.
production or distribution.
Very truly yours,
Respondents represent departments of the executive branch of
government charged with the generation of funds and the QUINTIN L. KINTANAR, M.D., Ph.D.
assessment, levy and collection of taxes and other imposts. Director
Assistant Secretary of Health for Standards and Regulations
The pertinent provision of the NIRC states:
Moreover, as the government agency charged with the
Sec. 103. Exempt Transactions. — The following shall be exempt
enforcement of the law, the opinion of the Commissioner of
from the value-added tax: Internal Revenue, in the absence of any showing that it is plainly
wrong, is entitled to great weight. Indeed, the ruling was made by
(a) Sale of nonfood agricultural, marine and forest products in
their original state by the primary producer or the owner of the the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in the exercise of his
power under § 245 of the NIRC to "make rulings or opinions in
land where the same are produced;
connection with the implementation of the provisions of internal
(b) Sale or importation in their original state of agricultural and revenue laws, including rulings on the classification of articles for
marine food products, livestock and poultry of a kind generally sales tax and similar purposes."
used as, or yielding or producing foods for human consumption,
Second. Petitioner complains that it was denied due process
and breeding stock and genetic material therefor;
because it was not heard before the ruling was made. There is a
Under §103(a), as above quoted, the sale of agricultural non-food distinction in administrative law between legislative rules and
products in their original state is exempt from VAT only if the sale interpretative rules. 3 There would be force in petitioner's
is made by the primary producer or owner of the land from which argument if the circular in question were in the nature of a
the same are produced. The sale made by any other person or legislative rule. But it is not. It is a mere interpretative rule.
entity, like a trader or dealer, is not exempt from the tax. On the
The reason for this distinction is that a legislative rule is in the case of agricultural food products their sale in their original state
nature of subordinate legislation, designed to implement a is exempt at all stages of production or distribution. At any rate,
primary legislation by providing the details thereof. In the same the argument that the classification of copra as agricultural non-
way that laws must have the benefit of public hearing, it is food product is counterproductive is a question of wisdom or
generally required that before a legislative rule is adopted there policy which should be addressed to respondent officials and to
must be hearing. In this connection, the Administrative Code of Congress.
1987 provides:
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED.
Public Participation. — If not otherwise required by law, an agency
shall, as far as practicable, publish or circulate notices of SO ORDERED.
proposed rules and afford interested parties the opportunity to
G.R. No. 95832 August 10, 1992
submit their views prior to the adoption of any rule.
MAYNARD R. PERALTA, petitioner,
(2) In the fixing of rates, no rule or final order shall be valid unless
the proposed rates shall have been published in a newspaper of vs.
general circulation at least two (2) weeks before the first hearing
thereon. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, respondent.

(3) In case of opposition, the rules on contested cases shall be Tranquilino F. Meris Law Office for petitioner.
observed. 4
In addition such rule must be published.5 On the other hand,
interpretative rules are designed to provide guidelines to the law Petitioner was appointed Trade-Specialist II on 25 September
which the administrative agency is in charge of enforcing. 1989 in the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). His
appointment was classified as "Reinstatement/Permanent".
Accordingly, in considering a legislative rule a court is free to Before said appointment, he was working at the Philippine Cotton
make three inquiries: (i) whether the rule is within the delegated Corporation, a government-owned and controlled corporation
authority of the administrative agency; (ii) whether it is under the Department of Agriculture.
reasonable; and (iii) whether it was issued pursuant to proper
procedure. But the court is not free to substitute its judgment as On 8 December 1989, petitioner received his initial salary,
to the desirability or wisdom of the rule for the legislative body, covering the period from 25 September to 31 October 1989. Since
by its delegation of administrative judgment, has committed he had no accumulated leave credits, DTI deducted from his
those questions to administrative judgments and not to judicial salary the amount corresponding to his absences during the
judgments. In the case of an interpretative rule, the inquiry is not covered period, namely, 29 September 1989 and 20 October
into the validity but into the correctness or propriety of the rule. 1989, inclusive of Saturdays and Sundays. More specifically, the
As a matter of power a court, when confronted with an dates of said absences for which salary deductions were made,
interpretative rule, is free to (i) give the force of law to the rule; are as follows:
(ii) go to the opposite extreme and substitute its judgment; or (iii)
give some intermediate degree of authoritative weight to the
interpretative rule. 6
1. 29 September 1989 — Friday
In the case at bar, we find no reason for holding that respondent
2. 30 September 1989 — Saturday
Commissioner erred in not considering copra as an "agricultural
food product" within the meaning of § 103(b) of the NIRC. As the 3. 01 October 1989 — Sunday
Solicitor General contends, "copra per se is not food, that is, it is
not intended for human consumption. Simply stated, nobody 4. 20 October 1989 — Friday
eats copra for food." That previous Commissioners considered it
so, is not reason for holding that the present interpretation is 5. 21 October 1989 — Saturday
wrong. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue is not bound by
the ruling of his predecessors. 7 To the contrary, the overruling 6. 22 October 1989 — Sunday
of decisions is inherent in the interpretation of laws.

Third. Petitioner likewise claims that RMC No. 47-91 is

Petitioner sent a memorandum to Amando T. Alvis (Chief,
discriminatory and violative of the equal protection clause of the
General Administrative Service) on 15 December 1989 inquiring
Constitution because while coconut farmers and copra producers
as to the law on salary deductions, if the employee has no leave
are exempt, traders and dealers are not, although both sell copra
in its original state. Petitioners add that oil millers do not enjoy
tax credit out of the VAT payment of traders and dealers. Amando T. Alvis answered petitioner's query in a memorandum
dated 30 January 1990 citing Chapter 5.49 of the Handbook of
The argument has no merit. There is a material or substantial
Information on the Philippine Civil Service which states that
difference between coconut farmers and copra producers, on the
"when an employee is on leave without pay on a day before or on
one hand, and copra traders and dealers, on the other. The
a day immediately preceding a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday,
former produce and sell copra, the latter merely sell copra. The
such Saturday, Sunday, or Holiday shall also be without pay
Constitution does not forbid the differential treatment of persons
(CSC, 2nd Ind., February 12, 1965)."
so long as there is a reasonable basis for classifying them
differently. 8 Petitioner then sent a latter dated 20 February 1990 addressed
to Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chairman Patricia A. Sto.
It is not true that oil millers are exempt from VAT. Pursuant to §
Tomas raising the following question:
102 of the NIRC, they are subject to 10% VAT on the sale of
services. Under § 104 of the Tax Code, they are allowed to credit Is an employee who was on leave of absence without pay on a day
the input tax on the sale of copra by traders and dealers, but before or on a day time immediately preceding a Saturday,
there is no tax credit if the sale is made directly by the copra Sunday or Holiday, also considered on leave of absence without
producer as the sale is VAT exempt. In the same manner, copra pay on such Saturday, Sunday or Holiday?1
traders and dealers are allowed to credit the input tax on the sale
of copra by other traders and dealers, but there is no tax credit if Petitioner in his said letter to the CSC Chairman argued that a
the sale is made by the producer. reading of the General Leave Law as contained in the Revised
Administrative Code, as well as the old Civil Service Law
Fourth. It is finally argued that RMC No. 47-91 is (Republic Act No. 2260), the Civil Service Decree (Presidential
counterproductive because traders and dealers would be forced Decree No. 807), and the Civil Service Rules and Regulation fails
to buy copra from coconut farmers who are exempt from the VAT to disclose a specific provision which supports the CSC rule at
and that to the extent that prices are reduced the government issue. That being the case, the petitioner contented that he
would lose revenues as the 10% tax base is correspondingly cannot be deprived of his pay or salary corresponding to the
diminished. intervening Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays (in the factual
situation posed), and that the withholding (or deduction) of the
This is not so. The sale of agricultural non-food products is
same is tantamount to a deprivation of property without due
exempt from VAT only when made by the primary producer or
process of law.
owner of the land from which the same is produced, but in the
On 25 May 1990, respondent Commission promulgated absent without pay on day immediately preceding or succeeding
Resolution No. 90-497, ruling that the action of the DTI in Saturday, Sunday or holiday, he shall not be considered absent
deducting from the salary of petitioner, a part thereof on those days." Memorandum Circular No. 16 Series of 1991
corresponding to six (6) days (September 29, 30, October 1, 20, dated 26 April 1991, was also issued by CSC Chairman Sto.
21, 22, 1989) is in order. 2 The CSC stated that: Tomas adopting and promulgating the new policy and directing
the Heads of Departments, Bureaus and Agencies in the national
In a 2nd Indorsement dated February 12, 1965 of this and local governments, including government-owned or
Commission, which embodies the policy on leave of absence controlled corporations with original charters, to oversee the
without pay incurred on a Friday and Monday, reads: strict implementation of the circular.
Mrs. Rosalinda Gonzales is not entitled to payment of salary
corresponding to January 23 and 24, 1965, Saturday and
Sunday, respectively, it appearing that she was present on Because of these developments, it would seem at first blush that
Friday, January 22, 1965 but was on leave without pay beginning this petition has become moot and academic since the very CSC
January 25, the succeeding Monday. It is the view of this Office policy being questioned has already been amended and, in effect,
that an employee who has no more leave credit in his favor is not Resolutions No. 90-497 and 90-797, subject of this petition for
entitled to the payment of salary on Saturdays, Sundays or certiorari, have already been set aside and superseded. But the
holidays unless such non-working days occur within the period issue of whether or not the policy that had been adopted and in
of service actually rendered. (Emphasis supplied) force since 1965 is valid or not, remains unresolved. Thus, for
reasons of public interest and public policy, it is the duty of the
The rationale for the above ruling which applies only to those Court to make a formal ruling on the validity or invalidity of such
employees who are being paid on monthly basis, rests on the questioned policy.
assumption that having been absent on either Monday or Friday,
one who has no leave credits, could not be favorably credited with The Civil Service Act of 1959 (R.A. No. 2260) conferred upon the
intervening days had the same been working days. Hence, the Commissioner of Civil Service the following powers and duties:
above policy that for an employee on leave without pay to be
entitled to salary on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays, the same Sec. 16 (e) with the approval by the President to prescribe,
must occur between the dates where the said employee actually amend and enforce suitable rules and regulations for carrying
renders service. To rule otherwise would allow an employee who into effect the provisions of this Civil Service Law, and the rules
is on leave of absent (sic) without pay for a long period of time to prescribed pursuant to the provisions of this law shall become
be entitled to payment of his salary corresponding to Saturdays, effective thirty days after publication in the Official Gazette;
Sundays or holidays. It also discourages the employees who have
xxx xxx xxx
exhausted their leave credits from absenting themselves on a
Friday or Monday in order to have a prolonged weekend, resulting (k) To perform other functions that properly belong to a
in the prejudice of the government and the public in general. 3 central personnel agency. 5
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration and in Resolution No. Pursuant to the foregoing provisions, the Commission
90-797, the respondent Commission denied said motion for lack promulgated the herein challenged policy. Said policy was
of merit. The respondent Commission in explaining its action embodied in a 2nd Indorsement dated 12 February 1965 of the
held: respondent Commission involving the case of a Mrs. Rosalinda
Gonzales. The respondent Commission ruled that an employee
The Primer on the Civil Service dated February 21, 1978,
who has no leave credits in his favor is not entitled to the
embodies the Civil Service Commission rulings to be observed
payment of salary on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays unless
whenever an employee of the government who has no more leave
such non-working days occur within the period of service actually
credits, is absent on a Friday and/or a Monday is enough basis
rendered. The same policy is reiterated in the Handbook of
for the deduction of his salaries corresponding to the intervening
Information on the Philippine Civil Service. 6 Chapter Five on
Saturdays and Sundays. What the Commission perceived to be
leave of absence provides that:
without basis is the demand of Peralta for the payment of his
salaries corresponding to Saturdays and Sundays when he was 5.51. When intervening Saturday, Sunday or holiday
in fact on leave of absence without pay on a Friday prior to the considered as leave without pay — when an employee is on leave
said days. A reading of Republic Act No. 2260 (sic) does not show without pay on a day before or on a day immediately preceding a
that a government employee who is on leave of absence without Saturday, Sunday or holiday, such Saturday, Sunday or holiday
pay on a day before or immediately preceding Saturdays, Sunday shall also be without pay. (CSC, 2nd Ind., Feb. 12, 1965).
or legal holiday is entitled to payment of his salary for said days.
Further, a reading of Senate Journal No. 67 dated May 4, 1960 It is likewise illustrated in the Primer on the Civil Service 7 in the
of House Bill No. 41 (Republic Act No. 2625) reveals that while section referring to Questions and Answers on Leave of Absences,
the law excludes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays in the which states the following:
computation of leave credits, it does not, however, include a case
where the leave of absence is without pay. Hence, applying the
principle of inclusio unius est exclusio alterius, the claim of
Peralta has no merit. Moreover, to take a different posture would 27. How is leave of an employee who has no more leave
be in effect giving more premium to employees who are frequently credits computed if:
on leave of absence without pay, instead of discouraging them
from incurring further absence without
(1) he is absent on a Friday and the following Monday?
pay. 4
(2) if he is absent on Friday but reports to work the
Petitioner's motion for reconsideration having been denied,
following Monday?
petitioner filed the present petition.
(3) if he is absent on a Monday but present the preceding
What is primarily questioned by the petitioner is the validity of
- (1) He is considered on leave without pay for 4 days
the respondent Commission's policy mandating salary
covering Friday to Monday;
deductions corresponding to the intervening Saturdays, Sundays
or Holidays where an employee without leave credits was absent - (2) He is considered on leave without pay for 3 days from
on the immediately preceding working day. Friday to Sunday;

- (3) He is considered on leave without pay for 3 days from

Saturday to Monday.
During the pendency of this petition, the respondent Commission
promulgated Resolution No. 91-540 dated 23 April 1991 When an administrative or executive agency renders an opinion
amending the questioned policy, considering that employees paid or issues a statement of policy, it merely interprets a pre-existing
on a monthly basis are not required to work on Saturdays, law; and the administrative interpretation of the law is at best
Sunday or Holidays. In said amendatory Resolution, the advisory, for it is the courts that finally determine what the law
respondent Commission resolved "to adopt the policy that when means. 8 It has also been held that interpretative regulations
an employee, regardless of whether he has leave credits or not, is need not be published. 9
In promulgating as early as 12 February 1965 the questioned The law actually provides for sick leave and vacation leave of 15
policy, the Civil Service Commission interpreted the provisions of days each year of service to be with full pay. But under the
Republic Act No. 2625 (which took effect on 17 June 1960) present law, in computing these periods of leaves, Saturday,
amending the Revised Administrative Code, and which stated as Sunday and holidays are included in the computation so that if
follows: an employee should become sick and absent himself on a Friday
and then he reports for work on a Tuesday, in the computation
of the leave the Saturday and Sunday will be included, so that he
will be considered as having had a leave of Friday, Saturday,
Sec. 1. Sections two hundred eighty-four and two hundred
Sunday and Monday, or four days.
eighty-five-A of the Administrative Code, as amended, are further
amended to read as follows:

The purpose of the present bill is to exclude from the computation

of the leave those days, Saturdays and Sundays, as well as
Sec. 284. After at least six months' continues (sic)
holidays, because actually the employee is entitled not to go to
faithful, and satisfactory service, the President or proper head of
office during those days. And it is unfair and unjust to him that
department, or the chief of office in the case of municipal
those days should be counted in the computation of leaves. 12
employees may, in his discretion, grant to an employee or laborer,
whether permanent or temporary, of the national government, With this in mind, the construction by the respondent
the provincial government, the government of a chartered city, of Commission of R.A. 2625 is not in accordance with the legislative
a municipality, of a municipal district or of government-owned or intent. R.A. 2625 specifically provides that government
controlled corporations other than those mentioned in Section employees are entitled to fifteen (15) days vacation leave of
two hundred sixty-eight, two hundred seventy-one and two absence with full pay and fifteen (15) days sick leave with full
hundred seventy-four hereof, fifteen days vacation leave of pay, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays in both cases.
absence with full pay, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Thus, the law speaks of the granting of a right and the law does
holidays, for each calendar year of service. not provide for a distinction between those who have
accumulated leave credits and those who have exhausted their
leave credits in order to enjoy such right. Ubi lex non distinguit
Sec. 285-A. In addition to the vacation leave provided in nec nos distinguere debemus. The fact remains that government
the two preceding sections each employee or laborer, whether employees, whether or not they have accumulated leave credits,
permanent or temporary, of the national government, the are not required by law to work on Saturdays, Sundays and
provincial government, the government of a chartered city, of a Holidays and thus they can not be declared absent on such non-
municipality or municipal district in any regularly and specially working days. They cannot be or are not considered absent on
organized province, other than those mentioned in Section two non-working days; they cannot and should not be deprived of
hundred sixty-eight, two hundred seventy-one and two hundred their salary corresponding to said non-working days just because
seventy-four hereof, shall be entitled to fifteen days of sick leave they were absent without pay on the day immediately prior to, or
for each year of service with full pay, exclusive of Saturdays, after said non-working days. A different rule would constitute a
Sundays and holidays: Provided, That such sick leave will be deprivation of property without due process.
granted by the President, Head of Department or independent
office concerned, or the chief of office in case of municipal
employees, only on account of sickness on the part of the Furthermore, before their amendment by R.A. 2625, Sections
employee or laborer concerned or of any member of his immediate 284 and 285-A of the Revised Administrative Code applied to all
family. government employee without any distinction. It follows that the
effect of the amendment similarly applies to all employees
enumerated in Sections 284 and 285-A, whether or not they have
The Civil Service Commission in its here questioned Resolution accumulated leave credits.
No. 90-797 construed R.A. 2625 as referring only to government
employees who have earned leave credits against which their
absences may be charged with pay, as its letters speak only of As the questioned CSC policy is here declared invalid, we are next
leaves of absence with full pay. The respondent Commission confronted with the question of what effect such invalidity will
ruled that a reading of R.A. 2625 does not show that a have. Will all government employees on a monthly salary basis,
government employee who is on leave of absence without pay on deprived of their salaries corresponding to Saturdays, Sundays
a day before or immediately preceding a Saturday, Sunday or or legal holidays (as herein petitioner was so deprived) since 12
legal holiday is entitled to payment of his salary for said days. February 1965, be entitled to recover the amounts corresponding
to such non-working days?

Administrative construction, if we may repeat, is not necessarily

binding upon the courts. Action of an administrative agency may The general rule vis-a-vis legislation is that an unconstitutional
be disturbed or set aside by the judicial department if there is an act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it
error of law, or abuse of power or lack of jurisdiction or grave affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal
abuse of discretion clearly conflicting with either the letter or the contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.
spirit of a legislative enactment. 10 13

We find this petition to be impressed with merit. But, as held in Chicot County Drainage District vs. Baxter State

As held in Hidalgo vs. Hidalgo: 11

. . . . It is quite clear, however, that such broad statements as to

the effect of a determination of unconstitutionality must be taken
. . . . where the true intent of the law is clear that calls for the
with qualifications. The actual existence of a statute, prior to
application of the cardinal rule of statutory construction that
such determination is an operative fact and may have
such intent or spirit must prevail over the letter thereof, for
consequences which cannot always be ignored. The past cannot
whatever is within the spirit of a statute is within the statute,
always be erased by a new judicial declaration. The effect of the
since adherence to the letter would result in absurdity, injustice
subsequent ruling as to invalidity may have to be considered in
and contradictions and would defeat the plain and vital purpose
various aspects — with respect to particular relations, individual
of the statute.
and corporate; and particular conduct, private and official.
The intention of the legislature in the enactment of R.A. 2625
may be gleaned from, among others, the sponsorship speech of
Senator Arturo M. Tolentino during the second reading of House To allow all the affected government employees, similarly situated
Bill No. 41 (which became R.A. 2625). He said: as petitioner herein, to claim their deducted salaries resulting
from the past enforcement of the herein invalidated CSC policy, Before us are two consolidated[1] Petitions for Review[2] filed under
would cause quite a heavy financial burden on the national and Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, assailing the August 8, 2003
local governments considering the length of time that such policy Decision[3] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR SP No. 71392.
has been effective. Also, administrative and practical The dispositive portion of the assailed Decision reads as follows:
considerations must be taken into account if this ruling will have
a strict restrospective application. The Court, in this connection,
calls upon the respondent Commission and the Congress of the
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed decision
Philippines, if necessary, to handle this problem with justice and
of the Court of Tax Appeals is ANNULLED and SET
equity to all affected government employees.
ASIDE without prejudice to the action of the National Evaluation
Board on the proposed compromise settlement of the Maria
C. Tancinco estates tax liability.[4]
It must be pointed out, however, that after CSC Memorandum
Circular No. 16 Series of 1991 — amending the herein invalidated
policy — was promulgated on 26 April 1991, deductions from
salaries made after said date in contravention of the new CSC
policy must be restored to the government employees concerned.

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED, CSC Resolutions No. The Facts

90-497 and 90-797 are declared NULL and VOID. The
respondent Commission is directed to take the appropriate action
so that petitioner shall be paid the amounts previously but
unlawfully deducted from his monthly salary as above indicated. The CA narrated the facts as follows:
No costs.

On July 8, 1993, Maria C. Tancinco (or decedent) died, leaving a
COMMISSIONER OF G.R. No. 159694 1,292 square-meter residential lot and an old house thereon (or
subject property) located
INTERNAL REVENUE, at 4931 Pasay Road, Dasmarias Village, Makati City.

Petitioner, Present:

Panganiban, CJ, On the basis of a sworn information-for-reward filed on February

17, 1997 by a certain Raymond Abad (or Abad), Revenue District
- versus - Chairman, Office No. 50 (South Makati) conducted an investigation on the
decedents estate (or estate). Subsequently, it issued a Return
Verification Order. But without the required preliminary findings
Austria-Martinez, being submitted, it issued Letter of Authority No. 132963 for the
regular investigation of the estate tax case.Azucena T. Reyes (or
AZUCENA T. REYES, Callejo, Sr., and [Reyes]), one of the decedents heirs, received the Letter of
Authority on March 14, 1997.
Respondent. Chico-Nazario, JJ

x -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- x
On February 12, 1998, the Chief, Assessment Division, Bureau
of Internal Revenue (or BIR), issued a preliminary assessment
notice against the estate in the amount of P14,580,618.67. On
AZUCENA T. REYES, G.R. No. 163581
May 10, 1998, the heirs of the decedent (or heirs) received a final
Petitioner, estate tax assessment notice and a demand letter, both dated
April 22, 1998, for the amount of P14,912,205.47, inclusive of
- versus - surcharge and interest.


INTERNAL REVENUE, On June 1, 1998, a certain Felix M. Sumbillo (or Sumbillo)

protested the assessment [o]n behalf of the heirs on the ground
Respondent. January 27, 2006 that the subject property had already been sold by the decedent
sometime in 1990.
x -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- x

On November 12, 1998, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue

DECISION (or [CIR]) issued a preliminary collection letter to [Reyes], followed
by a Final Notice Before Seizure dated December 4, 1998.

On January 5, 1999, a Warrant of Distraint and/or Levy was

served upon the estate, followed on February 11, 1999 by Notices
of Levy on Real Property and Tax Lien against it.

U nder the present provisions of the Tax Code and pursuant On March 2, 1999, [Reyes] protested the notice of levy. However,
to elementary due process, taxpayers must be informed in on March 11, 1999, the heirs proposed a compromise settlement
writing of the law and the facts upon which a tax assessment is of P1,000,000.00.
based; otherwise, the assessment is void. Being invalid, the
assessment cannot in turn be used as a basis for the perfection
of a tax compromise. In a letter to [the CIR] dated January 27, 2000, [Reyes] proposed
to pay 50% of the basic tax due, citing the heirs inability to pay
the tax assessment. On March 20, 2000, [the CIR] rejected
The Case [Reyess] offer, pointing out that since the estate tax is a charge
on the estate and not on the heirs, the latters financial incapacity
is immaterial as, in fact, the gross value of the estate amounting
to P32,420,360.00 is more than sufficient to settle the tax
liability. Thus, [the CIR] demanded payment of the amount On February 19, 2001, [Reyes] filed a Motion to Declare
of P18,034,382.13 on or before April 15, 2000[;] otherwise, the Application for the Settlement of Disputed Assessment as a
notice of sale of the subject property would be published. Perfected Compromise. In said motion, she alleged that [the CIR]
had not yet signed the compromise[,] because of procedural red
tape requiring the initials of four Deputy Commissioners on
relevant documents before the compromise is signed by the
On April 11, 2000, [Reyes] again wrote to [the CIR], this time
[CIR]. [Reyes] posited that the absence of the requisite initials
proposing to pay 100% of the basic tax due in the amount
and signature[s] on said documents does not vitiate the perfected
of P5,313,891.00. She reiterated the proposal in a letter
dated May 18, 2000.

Commenting on the motion, [the CIR] countered that[,] without

As the estate failed to pay its tax liability within the April 15,
the approval of the NEB, [Reyess] application for compromise
2000 deadline, the Chief, Collection Enforcement Division, BIR,
with the BIR cannot be considered a perfected or consummated
notified [Reyes] on June 6, 2000 that the subject property would
be sold at public auction on August 8, 2000.

On March 9, 2001, the CTA denied [Reyess] motion, prompting

On June 13, 2000, [Reyes] filed a protest with the BIR Appellate
her to file a Motion for Reconsideration Ad Cautelam. In a
Division. Assailing the scheduled auction sale, she asserted that
[R]esolution dated April 10, 2001, the CTA denied the [M]otion for
x x x the assessment, letter of demand[,] and the whole tax
[R]econsideration with the suggestion that[,] for an orderly
proceedings against the estate are void ab initio. She offered to
presentation of her case and to prevent piecemeal resolutions of
file the corresponding estate tax return and pay the correct
different issues, [Reyes] should file a [S]upplemental [P]etition for
amount of tax without surcharge [or] interest.
[R]eview[,] setting forth the new issue of whether there was
already a perfected compromise.

Without acting on [Reyess] protest and offer, [the CIR] instructed

the Collection Enforcement Division to proceed with the August
On May 2, 2001, [Reyes] filed a Supplemental Petition for Review
8, 2000 auction sale. Consequently, on June 28, 2000, [Reyes]
with the CTA, followed on June 4, 2001 by its Amplificatory
filed a [P]etition for [R]eview with the Court of Tax Appeals (or
Arguments (for the Supplemental Petition for Review), raising the
CTA), docketed as CTA Case No. 6124.
following issues:

On July 17, 2000, [Reyes] filed a Motion for the Issuance of a Writ
1. Whether or not an offer to compromise by the [CIR], with the
of Preliminary Injunction or Status Quo Order, which was
acquiescence by the Secretary of Finance, of a tax liability
granted by the CTA on July 26, 2000. Upon [Reyess] filing of a
pending in court, that was accepted and paid by the taxpayer, is
surety bond in the amount of P27,000,000.00, the CTA issued a
a perfected and consummated compromise.
[R]esolution dated August 16, 2000 ordering [the CIR] to desist
and refrain from proceeding with the auction sale of the subject
property or from issuing a [W]arrant of [D]istraint or
[G]arnishment of [B]ank [A]ccount[,] pending determination of 2. Whether this compromise is covered by the provisions of
the case and/or unless a contrary order is issued. Section 204 of the Tax Code (CTRP) that requires approval by the

[The CIR] filed a [M]otion to [D]ismiss the petition on the grounds

(i) that the CTA no longer has jurisdiction over the case[,] because Answering the Supplemental Petition, [the CIR] averred that an
the assessment against the estate is already final and executory; application for compromise of a tax liability under RR No. 6-2000
and (ii) that the petition was filed out of time. In a and RMO No. 42-2000 requires the evaluation and approval of
[R]esolution dated November 23, 2000, the CTA denied [the CIRs] either the NEB or the Regional Evaluation Board (or REB), as the
motion. case may be.

During the pendency of the [P]etition for [R]eview with the CTA, On June 14, 2001, [Reyes] filed a Motion for Judgment on the
however, the BIR issued Revenue Regulation (or RR) No. 6-2000 Pleadings; the motion was granted on July 11, 2001. After
and Revenue Memorandum Order (or RMO) No. 42-2000 offering submission of memoranda, the case was submitted for
certain taxpayers with delinquent accounts and disputed [D]ecision.
assessments an opportunity to compromise their tax liability.

On June 19, 2002, the CTA rendered a [D]ecision,

On November 25, 2000, [Reyes] filed an application with the BIR the decretal portion of which pertinently reads:
for the compromise settlement (or compromise) of the assessment
against the estate pursuant to Sec. 204(A) of the Tax Code, as
implemented by RR No. 6-2000 and RMO No. 42-2000.
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the instant
[P]etition for [R]eview is hereby DENIED. Accordingly, [Reyes] is
hereby ORDERED to PAY deficiency estate tax in the amount of
On December 26, 2000, [Reyes] filed an Ex-Parte Motion for Nineteen Million Five Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Nine
Postponement of the hearing before the CTA scheduled on Hundred Nine and 78/100 (P19,524,909.78), computed as
January 9, 2001, citing her pending application for compromise follows:
with the BIR. The motion was granted and the hearing was reset
to February 6, 2001.

On January 29, 2001, [Reyes] moved for postponement of the

hearing set on February 6, 2001, this time on the ground that
[Reyes] is likewise ORDERED to PAY 20% delinquency interest
she had already paid the compromise amount of P1,062,778.20
on deficiency estate tax due of P17,934,382.13 from January 11,
but was still awaiting approval of the National Evaluation Board
2001 until full payment thereof pursuant to Section 249(c) of the
(or NEB). The CTA granted the motion and reset the hearing
Tax Code, as amended.
to February 27, 2001.
In arriving at its decision, the CTA ratiocinated that there can The foregoing issues can be simplified as follows: first, whether
only be a perfected and consummated compromise of the estates the assessment against the estate is valid; and, second, whether
tax liability[,] if the NEB has approved [Reyess] the compromise entered into is also valid.
application for compromise in accordance with RR No. 6-2000,
as implemented by RMO No. 42-2000. The Courts Ruling

The Petition is unmeritorious.

Anent the validity of the assessment notice and letter of demand First Issue:
against the estate, the CTA stated that at the time the questioned
Validity of the Assessment Against the Estate
assessment notice and letter of demand were issued, the heirs
knew very well the law and the facts on which the same were The second paragraph of Section 228 of the Tax Code [12] is clear
based. It also observed that the petition was not filed within the and mandatory. It provides as follows:
30-day reglementary period provided under Sec. 11 of Rep. Act
No. 1125 and Sec. 228 of the Tax Code.[5] Sec. 228. Protesting of Assessment. --


The taxpayers shall be informed in writing of the law and the

facts on which the assessment is made: otherwise, the
Ruling of the Court of Appeals assessment shall be void.

In the present case, Reyes was not informed in writing of the law
and the facts on which the assessment of estate taxes had been
made. She was merely notified of the findings by the CIR, who
In partly granting the Petition, the CA said that Section 228 of had simply relied upon the provisions of former Section
the Tax Code and RR 12-99 were mandatory and unequivocal in 229[13] prior to its amendment by Republic Act (RA) No. 8424,
their requirement.The assessment notice and the demand letter otherwise known as the Tax Reform Act of 1997.
should have stated the facts and the law on which they were
First, RA 8424 has already amended the provision of Section 229
based; otherwise, they were deemed void.[6] The appellate court
on protesting an assessment. The old requirement of
held that while administrative agencies, like the BIR, were not
merely notifying the taxpayer of the CIRs findings was changed
bound by procedural requirements, they were still required by
in 1998 to informing the taxpayer of not only the law, but also of
law and equity to observe substantive due process. The reason
the facts on which an assessment would be made; otherwise, the
behind this requirement, said the CA, was to ensure that
assessment itself would be invalid.
taxpayers would be duly apprised of -- and could effectively
protest -- the basis of tax assessments against them.[7] Since the It was on February 12, 1998, that a preliminary assessment
assessment and the demand were void, the proceedings notice was issued against the estate. On April 22, 1998, the final
emanating from them were likewise void, and any order estate tax assessment notice, as well as demand letter, was also
emanating from them could never attain finality. issued. During those dates, RA 8424 was already in effect. The
notice required under the old law was no longer sufficient under
the new law.
The appellate court added, however, that it was premature to
To be simply informed in writing of the investigation being
declare as perfected and consummated the compromise of the
conducted and of the recommendation for the assessment of the
estates tax liability. It explained that, where the basic tax
estate taxes due is nothing but a perfunctory discharge of the tax
assessed exceeded P1 million, or where the settlement offer was
function of correctly assessing a taxpayer. The act cannot be
less than the prescribed minimum rates, the National Evaluation
taken to mean that Reyes already knew the law and the facts on
Boards (NEB) prior evaluation and approval were
which the assessment was based. It does not at all conform to
the conditio sine qua non to the perfection and consummation of
the compulsory requirement under Section 228.Moreover, the
any compromise.[8] Besides, the CA pointed out, Section 204(A) of
Letter of Authority received by respondent on March 14,
the Tax Code applied to all compromises, whether government-
1997 was for the sheer purpose of investigation and was not even
initiated or not.[9]Where the law did not distinguish, courts too
the requisite notice under the law.
should not distinguish.

The procedure for protesting an assessment under the Tax Code

Hence, this Petition.[10]
is found in Chapter III of Title VIII, which deals with
remedies. Being procedural in nature, can its provision then be
applied retroactively? The answer is yes.

The general rule is that statutes are prospective. However,

statutes that are remedial, or that do not create new or take away
The Issues vested rights, do not fall under the general rule against the
retroactive operation of statutes.[14] Clearly, Section 228 provides
for the procedure in case an assessment is protested. The
provision does not create new or take away vested rights. In both
instances, it can surely be applied retroactively. Moreover, RA
In GR No. 159694, petitioner raises the following issues for the 8424 does not state, either expressly or by necessary implication,
Courts consideration: that pending actions are excepted from the operation of Section
228, or that applying it to pending proceedings would impair
vested rights.

I.Whether petitioners assessment against the estate is valid.

Second, the non-retroactive application of Revenue Regulation

(RR) No. 12-99 is of no moment, considering that it merely
II. implements the law.

A tax regulation is promulgated by the finance secretary to

implement the provisions of the Tax Code.[15] While it is desirable
Whether respondent can validly argue that she, as well as the for the government authority or administrative agency to have
other heirs, was not aware of the facts and the law on which the one immediately issued after a law is passed, the absence of the
assessment in question is based, after she had opted to propose regulation does not automatically mean that the law itself would
several compromises on the estate tax due, and even prematurely become inoperative.
acting on such proposal by paying 20% of the basic estate tax
due.[11] At the time the pre-assessment notice was issued to Reyes, RA
8424 already stated that the taxpayer must be informed of both
the law and facts on which the assessment was based. Thus, the It would be premature for this Court to declare that the
CIR should have required the assessment officers of the Bureau compromise on the estate tax liability has been perfected and
of Internal Revenue (BIR) to follow the clear mandate of the new consummated, considering the earlier determination that the
law. The old regulation governing the issuance of estate tax assessment against the estate was void. Nothing has been settled
assessment notices ran afoul of the rule that tax regulations -- or finalized. Under Section 204(A) of the Tax Code, where the
old as they were -- should be in harmony with, and not supplant basic tax involved exceeds one million pesos or the settlement
or modify, the law.[16] offered is less than the prescribed minimum rates, the
compromise shall be subject to the approval of
It may be argued that the Tax Code provisions are not self- the NEB composed of the petitioner and four deputy
executory. It would be too wide a stretch of the imagination, commissioners.
though, to still issue a regulation that would simply require tax
officials to inform the taxpayer, in any manner, of the law and Finally, as correctly held by the appellate court, this provision
the facts on which an assessment was based. That requirement applies to all compromises, whether government-initiated or
is neither difficult to make nor its desired results hard to achieve. not. Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemos. Where
the law does not distinguish, we should not distinguish.
Moreover, an administrative rule interpretive of a statute, and not
declarative of certain rights and corresponding obligations, is WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby DENIED and the assailed
given retroactive effect as of the date of the effectivity of the Decision AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to costs.
statute.[17] RR 12-99 is one such rule. Being interpretive of the
provisions of the Tax Code, even if it was issued only SO ORDERED.
on September 6, 1999, this regulation was to retroact to January
G.R. Nos. 94878-94881 May 15, 1991
1, 1998 -- a date prior to the issuance of the preliminary
assessment notice and demand letter. NORBERTO A. ROMUALDEZ III, petitioner,
Third, neither Section 229 nor RR 12-85 can prevail over Section
228 of the Tax Code.
No doubt, Section 228 has replaced Section 229. The provision
Fernando T. Collantes for petitioner.
on protesting an assessment has been amended. Furthermore,
in case of discrepancy between the law as amended and its GANCAYCO, J.:
implementing but old regulation, the former necessarily
prevails.[18] Thus, between Section 228 of the Tax Code and the By this petition the intervention of public respondent Civil
pertinent provisions of RR 12-85, the latter cannot stand because Service Commission (SCS) is sought to compel public respondent
it cannot go beyond the provision of the law. The law must still Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) to reinstate and extend a
be followed, even though the existing tax regulation at that time permanent appointment to petitioner as Deputy Administrator
provided for a different procedure. The regulation then simply for Industrial Research and Market Development.
provided that notice be sent to the respondent in the form
prescribed, and that no consequence would ensue for failure to Petitioner was appointed and served as a Commercial Attache of
comply with that form. the Department of Trade continuously for twelve years from
September, 1975 to August 30, 1987. His civil service eligibilities
Fourth, petitioner violated the cardinal rule in administrative law are: Patrolman of the City of Manila (1963 CS Exam) and a
that the taxpayer be accorded due process. Not only was the law Commercial Attache (1973 CS Exam).
here disregarded, but no valid notice was sent, either. A void
assessment bears no valid fruit. On September 1, 1987, he was transferred to the respondent PCA
whereby he was extended an appointment as Deputy
The law imposes a substantive, not merely a formal, Administrator for Industrial Research and Market
requirement. To proceed heedlessly with tax collection without Development.1 The nature of his appointment was
first establishing a valid assessment is evidently violative of the "reinstatement" and his employment status was "temporary," for
cardinal principle in administrative investigations: that the period covering September 1, 1987 to August 30, 1988. His
taxpayers should be able to present their case and adduce appointment was renewed for another six months from
supporting evidence.[19] In the instant case, respondent has not September 1, 1988 to February 28, 1989 also on a "temporary"
been informed of the basis of the estate tax liability. Without status and subject to certain conditions to which petitioner
complying with the unequivocal mandate of first informing the agreed.
taxpayer of the governments claim, there can be no deprivation
of property, because no effective protest can be made.[20] The When his appointment expired on February 28, 1989, the
haphazard shot at slapping an assessment, supposedly based on Governing Board did not renew the same so he was promptly
estate taxations general provisions that are expected to be known informed thereof by the Acting Chairman of the Board of the
by the taxpayer, is utter chicanery. PCA, Apolonio V. Bautista.2

Even a cursory review of the preliminary assessment notice, as On February 6, 1990, petitioner appealed to respondent CSC He
well as the demand letter sent, reveals the lack of basis for -- not requested reinstatement to his previous position in PCA and in
to mention the insufficiency of -- the gross figures and details of support of the request, he invoked the provisions of (CSC)
the itemized deductions indicated in the notice and the Memorandum Circular No. 29 dated July 19, 1989.3
letter. This Court cannot countenance an assessment based on
estimates that appear to have been arbitrarily or capriciously Respondent CSC denied petitioner's request for reinstatement on
arrived at. Although taxes are May 2, 1990 by way of its Resolution No. 90-407, holding that
the lifeblood of the government, their assessment and collection CSC Memorandum Circular No. 29 was not applicable to
should be made in accordance with law as any arbitrariness will petitioner's case because it took effect on July 19, 1989 when
negate the very reason for government itself.[21] petitioner had long been out of the government service since
February 28, 1989 and that his reappointment was essentially
Fifth, the rule against estoppel does not apply. Although the discretionary on the part of the proper appointing authority.
government cannot be estopped by the negligence or omission of
its agents, the obligatory provision on protesting a tax On May 11, 1990, respondent PCA appointed Mr. Roman Santos
assessment cannot be rendered nugatory by a mere act of the to the contested position.
Petitioner moved for a reconsideration of Resolution No. 90-407
Tax laws are civil in nature.[22] Under our Civil Code, acts but it was denied by respondent CSC in Resolution No. 90-693
executed against the mandatory provisions of law are void, except dated July 31, 1990.4
when the law itself authorizes the validity of those acts.[23] Failure
Hence, petitioner filed this petition for certiorari, prohibition
to comply with Section 228 does not only render the assessment
and mandamus with a prayer for the issuance of a writ of
void, but also finds no validation in any provision in the Tax
preliminary injunction and/or temporary restraining order,
Code. We cannot condone errant or enterprising tax officials, as
raising the following issues—
they are expected to be vigilant and law-abiding.
l. Public Respondent Civil Service Commission committed grave
Second Issue:
abuse of discretion amounting to capricious, whimsical, and
Validity of Compromise despotic refusal to perform a legal/constitutional duty to enforce
the Civil Service Law and/or constituting non-feasance/mis- the position. If the legal rights of the petitioner are not well-
feasance in office in issuing Resolution Nos. 90-407 and 90-693; defined, clear and certain, the petition must be dismissed.12

2. The legal issue of the applicability of Civil Service Commission WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit.
Circular No. 29, Series 1989 on the appointment of petitioner as
PCA Deputy Administrator for Industrial Research and Market SO ORDERED.

3. The legal issue as to whether it is mandatory for an appointing

authority to extend permanent appointments to selected [G.R. No.133842. January 26, 2000]
appointees with corresponding civil service eligibilities;
4. Public respondent Civil Service Commission committed grave ELECTIONS and CANUTO SENEN A. ORETA, respondents.
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction and/or non-
feasance/misfeasance of official functions in not exercising its
authority to enforce/implement the Civil Service Law and in not PUNO, J.:
affording petitioner who belongs to the career service in the
government the protective security of tenure and due process The petition at bar assails the order of the Commission on Elections
clause of the Philippine 1987 Constitution as well as the Civil , (COMELEC) en banc dated June 2, 1998 nullifying and setting
Service Law under P.D. 807; aside the proclamation of petitioner Federico S. Sandoval as
congressman-elect for the Malabon-Navotas legislative district.
5. Public respondent Philippine Coconut Authority unlawfully
and maliciously deliberately failed/refused to strictly comply with The facts are as follows:
the provision of par. a, Section 25 of P.D. 807 in the matter of
extending permanent appointment to petitioner constituting Petitioner Federico S. Sandoval and private respondent Canuto
likewise grave abuse of discretion on the part of public Senen Greta, together with Pedro Domingo, Mariano Santiago,
respondent Civil Service Commission amounting to gross Symaco Benito and Warren Serna, vied for the congressional seat
ignorance of the law in not correcting/rectifying such malicious for the Malabon-Navotas legislative district during the election
and deliberate non-compliance, in view of the mandatory
held on May 11, 1998.
directive of Section 8, Rule III of the Civil Service Rules on
Personnel Actions and Policies.5 On election day, after the votes have been cast and counted in
the various precincts in the two municipalities, their respective
The petition is devoid of merit.
board of canvassers convened to canvass the election returns
No doubt the appointment extended to petitioner by respondent forwarded by the board of election inspectors.
PCA as PCA Deputy Administrator for Industrial Research and
Market Development was temporary. Although petitioner was In Malabon, a reception group and several canvassing
formerly holding a permanent appointment as a commercial committees were formed to expedite the canvass. The reception
attache, he sought and accepted this temporary appointment to group received, examined and recorded the sealed envelopes
respondent PCA. containing the election returns, as well as the ballot boxes coming
from the precincts. The reception group then distributed the
His temporary appointment was for a definite period and when it election returns among the canvassing committees. The
lapsed and was not renewed on February 28, 1987, he complains committees simultaneously canvassed the election returns
that there was a denial of due process. This is not a case of assigned to them in the presence of the lawyers and watchers of
removal from office. Indeed, when he accepted this temporary the candidates.
appointment he was thereby effectively divested of security of
tenure.6 A temporary appointment does not give the appointee On May 16, 1998, counsels for private respondent made a written
any definite tenure of office but makes it dependent upon the request upon Malabon Election Officer Armando Mallorca to
pleasure of the appointing power.7 Thus, the matter of converting furnish them with a complete list of the statement of votes so that
such a temporary appointment to a permanent one is addressed they could verify whether all statements of votes have been
to the sound discretion of the appointing authority. Respondent tabulated.[1] They likewise requested for a complete list of
CSC cannot direct the appointing authority to make such an precincts in the municipality together with the number of
appointment if it is not so disposed.8 canvassed votes for petitioner and private respondent as of May
16, 1998. They also sought permission to conduct an audit of the
The duty of respondent CSC is to approve or disapprove an
appointment.1âwphi1 Its attestation is limited to the tabulation reports made by the municipal board of
determination whether the appointee possesses the required canvassers.[2] These requests, however, were denied by the
qualifications for the position as the appropriate civil service municipal ,board of canvassers on the following grounds: (1) that
eligibility.9 any counsel for a candidate has neither personality nor right to
conduct an audit of the tabulation report as the proceedings of
Petitioner invokes CSC Memorandum Circular No, 29, S. 1989, the board are presumed to be regular, and (2) that the granting
dated July 19, 1989 which provides— of the requests would delay the proceedings of the board to the
prejudice of the will of the people of Malabon.[3] Calrky
(a) A permanent appointment shall be issued to a person who
meets all the requirements for the position to which he is being On May 17, 1998, the Malabon municipal board of canvassers
appointed, including the appropriate eligibility prescribed, in concluded its proceedings. The board issued a certificate of
accordance with the provisions of law, rules and standards canvass of votes stating that it canvassed 804 out of 805 precincts
promulgated in pursuance thereof. (Section 25 (a), P.D. 807). in the municipality. The certificate of canvass showed that private
respondent obtained the highest number of votes in Malabon
(b) While the appointing authority is given a wide latitude of
discretion in the selection of personnel for his department or with 57,760 votes, with petitioner coming in second with 42,892
agency, in the exercise of this discretion he shall be guided by votes.[4]
and subject to the Civil Service Law and Rules.10
On the same day, after obtaining copies of the statements of
As aptly observed by respondent CSC said circular cannot be votes, Ma. Rosario O. Lapuz, authorized representative of private
given retrospective effect as to apply to the case of petitioner who respondent wrote then COMELEC Chairman Bernardo
was separated from the service on February 28, 1989. And even Pardo[5] and informed him that several election returns were not
if the said circular may apply to petitioner's situation, under said included in the canvass conducted by the Malabon municipal
circular it is recognized that "the appointing authority is given a board of canvassers. She moved that the certificate of canvass
wide latitude of discretion in the selection of personnel of his issued by said board be declared "not final."[6]
department or agency." Respondent PCA exercised its discretion
and opted not to extend the appointment of petitioner. It cannot On May 19, 1998, Ms. Lapuz again wrote Chairman Pardo. The
be compelled to extend petitioner's appointment, much less can letter reiterated the allegations in her letter dated May 17, 1998
it be directed to extend a permanent appointment to petitioner. and requested that the Malabon municipal board of canvassers
A discretionary duty cannot be compelled by mandamus.11 More be ordered to canvass the election returns which it allegedly
so when as in this case petitioner has not shown a lawful right to failed to include in its canvass.[7]
On May 23, 1998, private respondent filed with the COMELEC an Private respondent's counsel sought reconsideration of the
Urgent Petition entitled "In re: Petition to Correct Manifest Error in decision of the district board' of canvassers but it was likewise
Tabulation of Election Returns by the Municipal Board of denied by the board.
Canvassers of Malabon, NCR. Canuto Tito Oreta vs. Municipal
Board of Canvassers of Malabon." The petition was docketed as After canvassing the municipal certificates of canvass, the district
SPC No.98-143. It alleged that while the certificate of canvass board of canvassers proclaimed petitioner the duly elected
showed that 804 election returns were canvassed and tabulated, congressman of the legislative district of Malabon-Navotas. The
only 790 election returns were actually canvassed. Private board declared that petitioner obtained a total vote of 82,339
respondent contended that there was a manifest error in the non- over private respondent's 80,319 votes.[13] Petitioner took his oath
recording or copying of the results in 14 election returns from 14 of office on the same day.[14] Slxs c
precincts into the statement of votes. It prayed: (1) that the
The following day, on May 29, 1998, private respondent filed with
municipal, board of canvassers of Malabon be reconvened to
the COMELEC in connection with SPC No.98-143 an "Urgent
correct said manifest error by entering the results of the elections
Appeal from the Decision of the Legislative District Board of
in the 14 election returns into the statement of , votes and that the
Canvassers for Malabon and Navotas with Prayer for the
certificate of canvass be corrected to reflect the complete results
Nullification of the Proclamation of Federico S. Sandoval as
in 804 precincts; and (2) that the canvass of the results for the
Congressman." It alleged that there was a verbal order from the
congressional election by the district board of canvassers for
COMELEC Chairman to suspend the canvass and proclamation
Malabon and Navotas be suspended until the alleged manifest
of the winning candidate for congressman of the Malabon-
error is corrected.[8] Mesm
Navotas legislative district; that the district board of canvassers
Meanwhile, the proceedings of the municipal board of proceeded with the canvass and proclamation despite the
canvassers of Navotas were disrupted by the riotous exchange of verbal order; and that the non-inclusion of the 19 election returns
accusations by the supporters of the opposing mayoralty in the canvass would result in an incomplete canvass of the
candidates. The COMELEC had to move the venue to the election returns. It prayed that the decision of the district board of
Philippine International Convention Center in Manila to finish the canvassers be reversed and that the municipal board of
canvass. On May 27, 1998, Chairman Pardo issued a canvassers of Malabon be reconvened to complete its canvass.
memorandum to Atty. Ma. Anne V. G. Lacuesta, Chairman, It also prayed that the proclamation of petitioner as congressman
District Board of Canvassers for Malabon-Navotas, authorizing her be annulled.[15]
to immediately reconvene the district board of canvassers,
On May 30, 1998, private respondent filed with the COMELEC an
complete the canvassing of the municipal certificate of canvass
Urgent Petition docketed as SPC No.98-206. The petition sought
and supporting statement of votes per municipality , and
the annulment of , petitioner's proclamation as congressman. It
proclaim the winning candidate for the congressional seat of the
alleged that at about 4:00 in the afternoon on May 28, 1998, the
Malabon-Navotas legislative district.[9]
COMELEC Chairman directed the district board of canvassers to
On May 28, 1998, private respondent filed with the COMELEC an suspend the canvass and proclamation pending the resolution of
Urgent Manifestation/Motion in connection with SPC No.98-143. It the petition for correction of manifest error in the municipal
prayed that the canvass of the, results of the congressional certificate of canvass of Malabon; that the district board of
election by the district board of canvassers be suspended until the canvassers still proceeded with the canvass in spite of the order;
alleged manifest error in SPC No.98-143 is corrected.[10] that the proclamation was made despite the non-inclusion of
election returns from 19 precincts in Malabon; and that the non-
At 4:15 in the afternoon on May 28, 1998, the district board of inclusion of these election returns will materially affect the result of
canvassers convened at the Philippine International Convention the election. Private respondent prayed that the proclamation of
Center. It took up private respondent's petition to correct the petitioner as congressman be annulled and that the municipal
manifest error arising from the non-inclusion of 19 election returns board of canvassers of Malabon be ordered to reconvene to
in the canvass. After examining the statement of votes by precinct include the 19 election returns in the canvass.[16]
and the certificate of canvass signed and thumbmarked by three
watchers from different parties, the district board of canvassers On June 2, 1998, the COMELEC en banc issued an order setting
found that a total of 804 election returns were canvassed by the aside the proclamation of petitioner. The COMELEC ruled that the
Malabon municipal board of canvassers.[11] proclamation by the district board of canvassers was void
because: (1) it was made in defiance of the verbal order by the
The district board of canvassers then proceeded to canvass the COMELEC Chairman relayed through Executive Director
certificates of canvass from the two municipalities. Counsel for Resurrection Z. Borra to suspend the proclamation of the winner in
private respondent requested that the canvassing be suspended the congressional election until the Commission has resolved
until the Commission has resolved their petition for correction of private respondent's petition for correction of manifest error in the
manifest error in the certificate of canvass of Malabon. The district certificate of canvass; and (2) it was based on an incomplete
board of canvassers, however, denied the request for the canvass. The dispositive portion of the order reads: slx mis
following reasons:
"WHEREFORE, the proclamation made by the District Board of
"1. absence of restraining order from the Commission; Canvassers of Malabon and Navotas for the position of
Congressman being void ab initio is no proclamation at all.
"2. order of the Chairman dated May 27, 1998 directing the district Meantime, it is hereby set aside.
board to proceed with the canvass and proclamation of winning
candidates for the district of Malabon-Navotas; Scslx "Atty .Ma. Anne Lacuesta is hereby relieved as Chairman, District
Board of Canvassers of Malabon-Navotas, and Atty. Consuelo B.
"3. there is no irregularity in the submitted certificate of canvass Diola is named Chairman of said Board. Atty. Diola is directed to
from both municipalities and there were no objections raised for maintain the status quo prior to the Board's unauthorized
both certificates of canvass of the counsels present; proclamation, until further orders.

"4. no report coming from the municipal board of canvassers from "Meantime, let these cases be set for hearing en banc on 09 June
Malabon that there were uncanvassed election return except for 1998 at 10:00 in the morning.
"5. the municipal board of canvassers of Malabon submitted to
the district board of canvassers certificate of canvass which On June 8, 1998, petitioner filed this petition for certiorari seeking
indicated that the number of canvassed returns for District I is 397 the annulment and reversal of said order. Petitioner contended:
and 407 for District II for a total of 804 out of 805 election returns;
"1. Respondent COMELEC's annulment of petitioner Sandoval's
"6. the board has only the ministerial duty to tally the votes as proclamation as winner in the election for congressman of
reflected on the certificate of canvass supplemented by the Malabon-Navotas, without the benefit of prior hearing, is grossly
statement of votes and has no authority to verify allegations of indecent and violates his right to due process of law.
irregularities in the preparation thereof; and
"2. Respondent COMELEC's action on respondent Oreta's petitions
"7. there is no pre-proclamation contest for the position of violates Republic Act 7166 which bars pre-proclamation cases in
congressman."[12] the elections of members of the House of Representative.
"3. Respondent Oreta's remedy for seeking correction of alleged On August 27, 1998, the new Solicitor General, Ricardo P. Galvez,
manifest errors in the certificate of canvass for members of filed a Manifestation and Motion withdrawing the Manifestation
Congress does not lie with respondent COMELEC but, initially with and Motion filed ,by former Solicitor General Bello. The Solicitor
the municipal board of canvassers. General, this time, upheld the validity of the assailed order. In
essence, he argued that the Malabon municipal board of
"4. At any rate, respondent Oreta's right to raise questions canvassers failed to include 17 election returns in its canvass; that
concerning alleged manifest errors in the Malabon certificate of such omission constitutes manifest error in the certificate of
canvass is barred by his failure to raise such questions before canvass which must be corrected by the district board of
petitioner Sandoval's proclamation. canvassers; and that the proclamation of petitioner was void ab
initio because it was based on an incomplete canvass.[23]
"5. Respondent Oreta's recourse lies with the House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal which is not precluded from Petitioner and private respondent subsequently filed their
passing upon the allegedly uncanvassed election returns in respective reply, rejoinder and sur-rejoinder.
Considering the arguments raised by the parties, the issues that
On June 9, 1998, we required the respondents to comment on the need to be resolved in this case are:
petition. We also issued a temporary restraining order mandating
the COMELEC to cease and desist from implementing and 1. whether the COMELEC has the power to take cognizance of
enforcing the questioned order.[19] SPC No. 98-143 and SPC No. 98-206, both alleging the existence
'of manifest error in the certificate of canvass issued by the
The COMELEC nonetheless conducted a hearing on June 9, 1998 Malabon municipal board of canvassers and seeking to
, concerning SPC No.98-143 and SPC No.98-206. reconvene said board of canvassers to allow it to correct the
alleged error; and
Private respondent filed his comment[20] on June 22, 1998. He
argued: 2. whether the COMELEC's order to set aside petitioner's
proclamation was valid.
"1. Respondent COMELEC committed no jurisdictional error in
declaring void ab initio the proclamation of petitioner Sandoval On the first issue, we uphold the jurisdiction of the COMELEC over
as Congressman-elect for the Malabon-Navotas legislative the petitions filed by private respondent. As a general rule,
district. Missdaa candidates and registered political parties involved in an election
are allowed to file pre-proclamation cases before the COMELEC.
a. The premature and hasty proclamation of respondent
Pre-proclamation cases refer to any question pertaining to or
Sandoval made by the District Board on the basis of an
affecting the proceedings of the board of canvassers which may
incomplete canvass is illegal, hence, null and void.
be raised by, any candidate or by any registered political party or
b. Respondent COMELEC substantially complied with the coalition of political parties before the board or directly with the
requirements of due process in declaring the proclamation of Commission, or any matter raised under Sections 233, 234, 235 and
respondent Sandoval an absolute nullity. 236 in relation to the preparation, transmission, receipt, custody
and appreciation of election returns.[24] The COMELEC has
"2. Respondent COMELEC properly took cognizance of exclusive jurisdiction over all pre-proclamation controversies.[25] As
respondent Oreta's petition to correct manifest error in the an exception, however, to the general rule, Section 15 of
certificate of canvass issued by the Malabon board. Republic Act (RA) 7166[26]. prohibits candidates in the presidential,
vice-presidential, senatorial and congressional elections from
a. While technically a pre-proclamation case, correction of filing pre-proclamation cases.[27] It states:
manifest errors for purposes of the congressional elections is within
the power and authority of the COMELEC to order, in the exercise "Sec. 15. Pre-proclamation Cases Not Allowed in Elections for
of its appellate and original jurisdiction over such subject matter. President, Vice-President, Senator, and Members of the House of
Representatives.-- For purposes of the elections for President,
b. The failure of the Malabon board to tabulate the results of Vice-President, Senator and Member of the House of
seventeen ( 17) election returns and to record the votes Representatives, no pre-proclamation cases shall be allowed on
supporting the certificate of canvass resulted in a manifest error in matters relating to the preparation, transmission, receipt, custody
the certificate of canvass which should be summarily corrected and appreciation of election returns or the certificates of canvass,
by ordering the Malabon board to reconvene, canvass the 17 as the case may be. However, this does not preclude the authority
election returns, record the votes in the statement of votes and of the appropriate canvassing body motu propio or upon written
prepare a new certificate of canvass." complaint of an interested person to correct manifest errors in the
certificate of canvass or election returns before it." Rtc spped
On June 29, 1998, then Solicitor General Silvestre Bello III filed a
Manifestation and Motion in Lieu of Comment.[21] He found the The prohibition aims to avoid delay in the proclamation of the
assailed order of the COMELEC null and void for the following winner in the election, which delay might result in a vacuum in
reasons: these sensitive posts.[28] The law, nonetheless, provides
an exception to the exception. The second sentence of Section
"1. Respondent COMELEC's motu proprio and ex
15 allows the filing of petitions for correction of manifest errors in
parte annulment of petitioner's proclamation as winner in the
the certificate of canvass or election returns even in elections for
election for congressman of Malabon-Navotas is tainted with
president, vice- president and members of the House of
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
Representatives for the simple reason that the correction of
jurisdiction and violated petitioner's right to due process; and
manifest error will not prolong the process of canvassing nor delay
"2. Respondent COMELEC had no jurisdiction over the petitions the proclamation of the winner in the election. This rule is
filed by respondent Oreta, hence its order dated June 2, 1998 consistent with and complements the authority of the COMELEC
annulling petitioner's proclamation is null and void." under the Constitution to, "enforce and administer all laws and
regulations relative to the conduct of an, election, plebiscite,
In view of. the Solicitor General's manifestation and motion, we initiative, referendum and recall"[29] and its power to "decide,
required the COMELEC to file its own comment. except those involving the right to vote, all questions affecting
The COMELEC filed its comment on August 11, 1998. It invoked its
power of direct control and supervision over the board of Applying the foregoing rule, we hold that the Commission has
canvassers, allowing it to review, revise and reverse the board's jurisdiction over SPC No. 98- 143 and SPC No.98-206, both filed by
actions. It said that it rendered the questioned order upon finding private respondent seeking to correct the alleged manifest error
that petitioner's proclamation was illegal and therefore void ab in the certificate of canvass issued by the Malabon municipal
initio. It cited two reasons to support its findings: first, it was made board of canvassers. These petitions essentially allege that there
in disregard of the Chairman's verbal order to suspend the exists a manifest error in said certificate of canvass as the board
canvass and proclamation, and second, it was based on an failed to include several election returns in the canvassing. Private
incomplete canvass.[22] Sda adsc respondent prays that the board be reconvened to correct said
error. Section 15 of RA 7166 vests the COMELEC with jurisdiction
over cases of this nature. We reiterate the long-standing rule that
jurisdiction is conferred by law and is determined by the Reyes vs. Commission on Elections and Gallardo vs. Commission
allegations in the petition regardless of whether or not the on Elections that the COMELEC is without power to partially or
petitioner is entitled to the relief sought.[31] totally annul a proclamation or suspend the effects of a
proclamation without notice and hearing."[39]
The authority to rule on petitions for correction of manifest error is
vested in the COMELEC en banc. Section 7 of Rule 27 of the 1993 Citing Section 242 of the Omnibus Election Code, private
COMELEC Rules of Procedure[32] provides that if the error is respondent argues that the COMELEC is authorized to annul an
discovered before proclamation, the board of canvassers illegal proclamation even without notice and hearing because
may motu proprio, or upon verified petition by any candidate, the law states that it may motu proprio order a partial or total
political party, organization or coalition of political parties, after suspension of the proclamation of any candidate-elect or annul
due notice and hearing, correct the errors committed. The partially or totally any proclamation, if one has been made. We
aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the board to the reject the argument. Section 242 of the Omnibus Election Code
Commission and said appeal shall be heard and decided by the reads:
Commission en banc. Section 5, however of the same rule states
that a petition for correction of manifest error may be filed directly "Sec. 242. Commission's exclusive jurisdiction of all pre-
with the Commission en banc provided that such errors could not proclamation controversies.-- The Commission shall have
have been discovered during the canvassing despite the exercise exclusive jurisdiction of all pre-proclamation controversies. It
of due diligence and proclamation of , the winning candidate may motu proprio or upon written petition, and after due notice
had already been made. Thus, we held in Ramirez vs. and hearing, order the partial or total suspension of the
COMELEC:[33] Korte proclamation of any candidate-elect or annul partially or totally
any proclamation, if one has been made, as the evidence shall
"Although in Ong, Jr. v. COMELEC it was said that 'By now it is warrant in accordance with the succeeding sections."
settled that election cases which include pre-proclamation
controversies must first be heard and decided by a division of the The phrase "motu proprio" does not refer to the annulment of
Commission' -- and a petition for correction of manifest error in the proclamation but to the manner of initiating the proceedings to
Statement of Votes, like SPC 95-198 is a pre-proclamation ; annul a proclamation made by the board of canvassers. The law
controversy -- in none of the cases cited to support this proposition provides two ways by which annulment proceedings may be
was the issue the correction of a manifest error in the Statement initiated. It may be at the own initiative of the COMELEC (motu
of Votes under Sec. 231 of the Omnibus Election Code (BP. Blg. proprio) or by written petition. In either case, notice and hearing
881) or Sec. 15 of R.A. No.7166. On the other hand, Rule 27, Sec. 5 is required. This is clear from the language of the law. Scmis
of the 1993 Rules of the COMELEC expressly provides that pre -
We likewise reject private respondent's assertion that the hearing
proclamation controversies involving, inter alia, manifest errors in
held on June 9, 1998 substantially satisfies the due process
the tabulation or tallying of the results may be filed directly with
requirement. The law requires that the hearing be held beforethe
the COMELEC en banc x x x."[34]
COMELEC rules on the petition. Here, the public respondent first
Petitioner nonetheless contends that SPC No. 98-143 and SPC No. issued an order annulling the proclamation of petitioner and then
98-206 must be dismissed because private respondent failed to set the date of the hearing. We explained in Farinasvs.
raise the issue of manifest error before the appropriate board of COMELEC[40] the pernicious effect of such procedure:
canvassers in accordance with the second sentence of Section
"As aptly pointed out by the Solicitor General, 'to sanction the
15 of RA 7166.
immediate annulment or even the suspension of the effects of a
We disagree. proclamation before the petition seeking such annulment or
suspension of its effects shall have been heard would open the
The issue of manifest error in the certificate of canvass for floodgates of unsubstantiated petitions after the results are
Malabon has been raised before the district board of canvassers known, considering the propensity of the losing candidates to put
before petitioner could be proclaimed and said board has in fact up all sorts of obstacles in an open display of unwillingness to
ruled on the issue.[35] We find this as sufficient compliance with the accept defeat, or would encourage the filing of baseless petitions
law. The facts show that it was impossible for private respondent not only to the damage and prejudice of winning candidates but
to raise the issue before the Malabon municipal board of also to the frustration of the sovereign will of the
canvassers as it still did not have a copy of the statement of votes electorate.'" (citations omitted)
and the precinct list at the time of the canvassing in the municipal
level. At that time, private respondent still had no knowledge of Public respondent submits that procedural due process need not
the alleged manifest error. He, however, lost no time in notifying be observed in this case because it was merely exercising its
the COMELEC Chairman and the district board of the alleged administrative power to review, revise and reverse the actions of
error upon discovery thereof. We find petitioner's argument, the board of canvassers. It set aside the proclamation made by
therefore, to be devoid of merit. the district board of canvassers for the position of congressman
upon finding that it was tainted with illegality.
We now go to the second issue. Although the COMELEC is clothed
with jurisdiction over the subject matter and issue of SPC No.98- We cannot accept public respondent's argument.
143 and SPC No. 98-206, we find the exercise of its jurisdiction
Taking cognizance of private respondent's petitions for annulment
tainted with illegality. We hold that its order to set aside the
of petitioner's proclamation, COMELEC was not merely
proclamation of petitioner is invalid for having been rendered
performing an administrative function. The administrative powers
without due process of law. Procedural due process demands
of the COMELEC include the power to determine the number and
prior notice and hearing. Then after the hearing, it is also
location of polling places, appoint election officials and
necessary that the tribunal show substantial evidence to support
inspectors, conduct registration of voters, deputize law
its ruling.[36] In other words, due process requires that a party be
enforcement agencies and government instrumentalities to
given an opportunity to adduce his evidence to support his side
ensure free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections,
of the case and that the evidence should be considered in the
register political parties, organizations or coalitions, accredit
adjudication of the case.[37] The facts show that COMELEC set
citizens' arms of the Commission, prosecute election offenses, and
aside the proclamation of petitioner , without the benefit of prior
recommend to the President the removal of or imposition of any
notice and hearing and it rendered the questioned order based
other disciplinary action upon any officer or employee it has
solely on private respondent's allegations. We held in Bince, Jr. vs.
deputized for violation or disregard of its directive, order or
COMELEC:[38] x law
decision. In addition, the Commission also has direct control and
"Petitioner cannot be deprived of his office without due process supervision over all personnel involved in the conduct of
of law. Although public office is not property under Section 1 of election. However , the resolution of the adverse claims of
the Bill of Rights of the Constitution, and one cannot acquire a private respondent and petitioner as regards the existence of
a manifest error in the questioned certificate of canvass
vested right to public office, it is, nevertheless, a protected right.
requires the COMELEC to act as an arbiter. It behooves the
Due process in proceedings before the COMELEC, exercising its
Commission to hear both parties to determine the veracity
quasi-judicial functions, requires due notice and hearing, among
of their allegations and to decide whether the alleged error
others. Thus, although the COMELEC possesses, in appropriate
is a manifest error. Hence, the resolution of this issue calls
cases, the power to annul or suspend the proclamation of any for the exercise by the COMELEC of its quasi- judicial
candidate, We had ruled in Farinas vs. Commission on Elections, power. It has been said that where a power rests in judgment or
discretion, so that it is of judicial nature or character, but does WHEREFORE, all motions seeking to have this Court make a
not involve the exercise of functions of a judge, or is conferred declaration that it has no jurisdiction over the above-entitled proceeding
upon an officer other than a judicial officer, it is deemed quasi- are hereby DENIED, and the Land Bank of the Philippines is appointed
judicial.[41] The COMELEC therefore, acting as quasi-judicial as the assignee for and in behalf of all the creditors of the petitioners,
tribunal, cannot ignore the requirements of procedural due without bond, to which assignee the Clerk of Court, thru the Branch
process in resolving the petitions filed by private Sheriff, shall deliver any and all real and personal properties, estates
respondent.Mis sc and effects, as well as the pertinent papers and all deeds, vouchers,
books of accounts, papers, notes, bonds, bills and securities taken by
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the COMELEC order dated June 2, 1998 in him pursuant to the order of this Court of January 29, 1985.
SPC No. 98-143 and SPC No. 98-206 is ANNULLED. This case is
REMANDED to the COMELEC and the Commission is hereby The assignee is hereby ordered to comply with the time limit provided
ordered to hold a hearing on the issues presented in SPC No. 98- for in Sec. 43 of Act 1956, and for this purpose, hereby sets his report
143 and SPC No. 98-206, and thereafter render a decision based for hearing on October 29, 1985, at 9:00 A.M.
on the evidence adduced and the applicable laws. The incident of
whether or not petitioner may continue discharging the functions
of the office of congressman pending resolution of the case on its Petitioner bank declined the appointment and the City Treasurer of
merit shall be addressed by the COMELEC in the exercise of its Pasay City, being the second biggest creditor of private respondents,
reasonable discretion. was appointed in its stead Petitioner bank then filed a Notice of Appeal
and a Record on Appeal on August 19, 1985, on the basis of which the
respondent court forwarded the records of the case directly to this Court.
G.R. No. 73123 September 2, 1991
By resolution dated September 23, 1985, the Court resolved to
IN RE: PETITION FOR DECLARATION OF INSOLVENCY OF [A] "REQUIRE the Branch Clerk of Court of the (respondent court) to
FILAND MANUFACTURING AND ESTATE DEVELOPMENT EXPLAIN why he forwarded to this Court the aforesaid records when the
COMPANY; [B] TOP CONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES, INC. AND [C] mode of seeking review by this Court of a lower court's judgment under
SPOUSES EMILIO CHING AND INAI TEH; EMILIO CHING, petitioner, R.A. 5440 is by petition for review on certiorari; and the Presiding Judge
LAND BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, oppositor. LAND BANK OF THE of said trial court is also directed to EXPLAIN why he accepted and
PHILIPPINES, petitioner, approved the forwarding to this Court of the aforesaid records, both
vs. within ten (10) days from notice hereof." Petitioner bank and/or counsel
HON. DIONISIO N. CAPISTRANO, JUDGE OF THE REGIONAL were also "REQUIRED to EXPLAIN within ten (10) days from notice ...,
TRIAL COURT OF PASAY CITY, EMILIO CHING AND FILAND since they failed to pay timely the docket and legal research fund fees
MANUFACTURING AND ESTATE DEVELOPMENT CO., and to file timely a petition for review on certiorari under R.A. 5440 why
INC., respondents. the judgment sought to be reviewed should not be now deemed final
and executory and the records returned for execution of
Lily K. Gruba and Florencio S. Jimenez for Land Bank of the Philippines. judgment".5 Upon submission of the required explanations, the Court on
December 4, 1985 resolved to require the petitioner bank to file a petition
for review on certiorari and to pay the docket and legal research fund
FERNAN, C.J.: fees, both within a non-extendible period of ten (10) days from
notice.6 This Order was seasonably complied with.
Assailed in this petition for review on certiorari is the jurisdiction of the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasay City over a petition for declaration After the private respondents had submitted their comment on the
of insolvency of two (2) private corporations. petition, petitioner bank filed on March 24, 1986 a "Manifestation with
motion for issuance of writ of preliminary injunction" informing the Court
The antecedent facts are undisputed: that on March 3, 1986, the respondent court rendered a decision in
Special Proceedings No. 3232-P, providing in its dispositive portion as
On September 19, 1980, private respondents Filand Manufacturing and follows:
Estate Development Co., Inc. (hereafter, Filand Manufacturing) and
Emilio Ching obtained from petitioner Land Bank of the Philippines a WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, as follows:
loan in the amount of Ten Million Pesos (P10,000,000.00). Private
respondents having failed to pay the loan on its due date, petitioner 1. Petitioners Filand Manufacturing & Estate Development Co., Inc., and
instituted before the RTC of Manila a complaint for recovery thereof, Top Construction Enterprises, Inc., are declared by this Court as
docketed as Civil Case No. 0184-P. insolvent and, pursuant to Sec. 52 of Act 1956, as amended, their
properties and assets shall be distributed to the creditors in the
During the pendency of the collection suit on December 29, 1984, proceeding with respect to the appointment of the City Treasurer of
private respondents Filand Manufacturing, Emilio Ching and his spouse Pasay City as receiver of their estates and effects. However, they are
Inai Teh and Top Construction Enterprises, Inc., thru Emilio Ching, filed not discharged from their liabilities in accordance with Sec. 52 of Act
before the respondent RTC of Pasay City a petition docketed as Special 1956, as amended.
Proceedings No. 3232P for declaration of insolvency. Cited as ground
therefor was their inability to pay the various debts and liabilities incurred 2. Petitioners spouses Emilio Ching and Inai Teh are likewise declared
by them, either jointly or solidarily or guaranteed by one for the other, in insolvent and their application for discharge is hereby approved, and
the course of their businesses, such inability being due to business they are hereby ordered discharged and released from all claims, debts,
reserves brought about by the fire on January 2, 1984 which gutted the liabilities and demands, whether actual or contingent, and whether
old Holiday Plaza Building then owned and operated by Filand personally or as guarantors or in a joint and solidary capacity, with
Manufacturing, as well as the economic crisis which gripped the country respect to the obligations set forth in the schedule and inventory of
following the assassination of former Senator Benigno S. Aquino in accounts due and payable, Annex 'A' of the petition, as well as with
1983.1 respect to the obligations and creditors listed in the manifestation of April
29, 1985, and the supplemental manifestation dated May 22, 1985, in
Acting on said petition, respondent court on January 29, 1985 issued an the above-entitled proceedings.
Order of Adjudication declaring private respondents insolvent pursuant
to Section 18 of the Insolvency Law (Act No. 1956). The Sheriff of Pasay The other aspect of the above-entitled proceedings as regards the
City was "directed to take possession of, and safely keep, until the receiver and all incidents and matters in connection with his functions
appointment of a receiver or assignee, all the deeds, vouchers, books and duties are hereby considered as mere interlocutory matters in the
of account, papers, notes, bonds, bills and securities of (therein) process of winding up this proceeding.
petitioners, and all the real and personal properties, estates and effects
of the same petitioners, except such as may, by law, be exempt from SO ORDERED.7
execution." Respondent court set "March 25, 1985 at 9:00 A.M. in its
premises ... as the date of the meeting of the creditors of the petitioners Acting on said manifestation and motion, the Court on April 14, 1986
for them to choose an assignee/assignees of the estates of the issued a temporary restraining order enjoining the respondent court from
petitioners."2 enforcing its decision of March 3, 1986.8 The temporary restraining order
was however lifted insofar as private respondents spouses Emilio Ching
Petitioner bank moved for a reconsideration of the Order of Adjudication and Inai Teh were concerned, the latter being natural persons over
on two (2) grounds, namely: (1) that the court has no jurisdiction over whom the jurisdiction of the respondent court is not being questioned. 9
the subject matter of the petition insofar as petitioning corporations are
concerned; and (2) the petition is defective in form and substance.3 After In its petition, given due course by the Court per resolution dated
an exchange of pleadings between petitioner and private respondents, January 28, 1987, petitioner bank advances the argument that it is the
respondent court issued on July 19, 1985 an Order upholding its Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), rather than the Regional
jurisdiction over the petition and appointing petitioner bank as the Trial Court (RTC) which has jurisdiction over the petition for declaration
assignee for and in behalf of all the creditors without bond, thus: of insolvency filed by private respondent corporations. This theory is
allegedly anchored on specific provisions of Presidential Decree No. debts but foresees the impossibility of meeting them when they
902-A, as amended, namely: Sections 3, 5(d) and 6(c) and (d), which respectively fall due or in cases where the corporation, partnership or
petitioner bank construes as having repealed the Insolvency Law (Act association has no sufficient assets to cover its liabilities, but is under
1956), which confers jurisdiction over insolvency proceedings on the the management of a Rehabilitation Receiver or Management
regular courts. Private respondents maintain the opposite view, Committee created pursuant to this Decree.
contending simply that a petition for declaration of insolvency is not one
of those cases enumerated under Section 5, P.D. No. 902-A, as It is petitioner's contention that said additional par. (d) effectively
amended, over which the SEC has original and exclusive jurisdiction. repealed the Insolvency Law so as to transfer and confer upon the SEC
jurisdiction theretofore enjoyed by the regular courts over proceedings
In view of the far reaching importance of the issue presented before the for suspension of payments and voluntary and involuntary insolvency.
Court, both from a legal and economic standpoint, we resolved to We do not share such interpretation.
implead the SEC as a party to this case and to require it to inform the
Court of its practice regarding insolvency proceedings. 10 The SEC thru The SEC like any other administrative body, is a tribunal of limited
the Solicitor General, filed its memorandum on December 13, 1989. jurisdiction and as such, could wield only such powers as are specifically
granted to it by its enabling statute.13 Its jurisdiction should be
After deliberating on the SEC's memorandum, the Court resolved to set interpreted in strictissimi juris.14
the case for hearing on May 14, 1990 at 10:00 o'clock in the morning. A
senior and knowledgeable officer of the SEC was requested to "appear Section 5, par. (d) should be construed as vesting upon the SEC original
and inform the Court of the law and practice actually applied and and exclusive jurisdiction only over petitions to be declared in a state of
followed by the SEC in respect of suspension of payments by, and suspension of payments, which may either be: (a) a simple petition for
voluntary and involuntary insolvencies of Philippine corporations . ..." suspension of payments based on the provisions of the Insolvency Law,
Former SEC Chairman Julito Sulit, Jr. was appointed amicus curiae and or (b) a similar petition accompanied by a prayer for the
was requested to appear at the hearing in that capacity. 11 creation/appointment of a management committee and/or rehabilitation
receiver based on the provisions of P.D. No. 902-A. Said provision
Before addressing the principal issue in the instant petition, the Court cannot be stretched to include petitions for insolvency. The reason is
notes with dismay that the petitioner and the lower court appear to be that under said Section 5, par. (d) above-quoted, the jurisdiction of the
still in the dark as to the proper mode of appeal to this Court. Hence, for SEC over cases where the corporation, partnership or association has
their elucidation as well as the others similarly misinformed, we deem it no sufficient assets to cover its liabilities, (and therefore insolvent) is
proper to quote the following resolution dated March 1, 1990 of the qualified by the conjunctive phrase "but is under the management of a
Court en banc in UDK 9748, "Murillo v. Consul": Rehabilitation Receiver or Management Committee created pursuant to
this Decree." This qualification effectively circumscribes the jurisdiction
R.A. No. 5440 changed the mode of appeal from courts of first instance of the SEC over insolvent corporations, partnerships and associations,
(now Regional Trial Courts) to the Supreme Court in cases involving only and consequently, over proceedings for the declaration of insolvency. It
questions of law, or the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, law, demonstrates beyond doubt that jurisdiction over insolvency
ordinance, etc. or the legality of any tax, impost, assessment or toll, etc., proceedings pertains neither in the first instance nor exclusively to the
or the jurisdiction of any inferior court, from ordinary appeal — i.e., by SEC but only in continuation of or as an incident to the exercise of its
notice of appeal, record on appeal and appeal bond, under Rule 41— to jurisdiction over petitions to be declared in a state of suspension of
appeal by certiorari, under Rule 45. payments wherein the petitioning corporation, partnership or association
had previously been placed under a rehabilitation receiver or
xxx xxx xxx management committee by the SEC itself.
At present then, except in criminal cases where the penalty imposed is Viewed differently, where the petition filed is one for declaration of a
life imprisonment or reclusion perpetua, there is no way by which state of suspension of payments due to a recognition of the inability to
judgments of regional trial courts may be appealed to this Court except pay one's debts and liabilities, and where the petitioning corporation
by petition for review on certiorari in accordance with Rule 45 of the either: (a) has sufficient property to cover all its debts but foresees the
Rules of Court, in relation to Section 17 of the Judiciary Act of 1948, as impossibility of meeting them when they fall due (solvent but illiquid or
amended. The proposition is clearly stated in the Interim Rules: 'Appeals (b) has no sufficient property (insolvent) but is under the management
to the Supreme Court shall be taken by petition for certiorari which shall of a rehabilitation receiver or a management committee, the applicable
be governed by Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. law is P.D. No. 902-A pursuant to Sec. 5 par. (d) thereof. However, if the
petitioning corporation has no sufficient assets to cover its liabilities and
xxx xxx xxx
is not under a rehabilitation receiver or a management committee
... To repeat, appeals to this Court cannot now be made by petition for created under P.D. No. 902-A and does not seek merely to have the
review or by notice of appeal (and, in certain instances, by record on payments of its debts suspended, but seeks a declaration of insolvency,
appeal), but only by petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45. As as in this case, the applicable law is Act 1956 on voluntary insolvency,
was stressed by this Court as early as 1980 in Buenbrazo v. Marave, specifically section 14 thereof, which provides:
101 SCRA 848, all the members of the bench and bar are charged with
Sec. 14. — An insolvent debtor, owing debts exceeding in amount the
knowledge, not only that since the enactment of Republic Act No. 6031
sum of one thousand pesos, may apply to be discharged from his debts
in 1969,' 'the review of the decision of the Court of First Instance in a
and liabilities by petition to the Court of First Instance of the province or
case exclusively cognizable by the inferior court ... cannot be made in
city in which he has resided for six month next preceding the filing of
an ordinary appeal or by record on appeal but also that 'appeal by record
such petition. In his petition, he shall set forth his place of residence, the
on appeal to the Supreme Court under Rule 42 of the Rules of Court
period of his residence therein immediately prior to filing said petition,
was abolished by Republic Act No. 5440 which, as already stated, took
his inability to pay all his debts in full, his willingness to surrender all his
effect on September 9, 1968.' Similarly, in Santos, Jr. v. C.A., 152 SCRA
property, estate, and effects not exempt from execution for the benefit
378, this Court declared that 'Republic Act No. 5440 had long
of his creditors, and an application to be adjudged an insolvent. He shall
superseded Rule 41 and Section 1, Rule 122 of the Rules of Court on
annex to his petition a schedule and inventory in the form hereinafter
direct appeals from the court of first instance to the Supreme Court in
provided. The filing of such petition shall be an act of insolvency.
civil and criminal cases,' ... and that 'direct appeals to this Court from the
trial court on questions of law had to be through the filing of a petition for Neither could the grant of additional powers to SEC under Section 6(c)
review on certiorari, wherein this Court could either give due course to and (d) of P.D. No. 902- A, as amended, be construed as vesting upon
the proposed appeal or deny it outright to prevent the clogging of its it exclusive and original jurisdiction over insolvency proceedings. The
docket with unmeritorious and dilatory appeals. pertinent provisions read:
Going now to the issue of jurisdiction raised in this petition and SEC. 6. In order to effectively exercise such jurisdiction, the Commission
considering the arguments proferred by the parties' respective counsel, shall possess the following powers:
the view spoused by the amicus curiae as well as the submissions of the
SEC thru the Office of the Solicitor General and its Assistant Executive xxx xxx xxx
Director, we find for private respondents.
c) To appoint one or more receivers of the property, real and personal,
Under Act 1956, otherwise known as the Insolvency Law, jurisdiction which is the subject of the action pending before the Commission in
over proceedings for suspension of payments, voluntary and involuntary accordance with the pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court in such
insolvency is exclusively vested in the regular courts. However, P.D. No. other cases whenever necessary to preserve the rights of the parties-
1758 issued in 1981 added to the exclusive and original jurisdiction of litigants to and/or protect the interest of the investing public and
the SEC defined and delineated in Section 5 of P.D. 902-A,12the creditors; Provided, however, that the Commission may, in appropriate
following: cases, appoint a rehabilitation receiver of corporations, partnerships or
other associations not supervised or regulated by other government
d) Petitions of corporations, partnerships or associations to be declared agencies who shall have, in addition to the powers of a regular receiver
in the state of suspension of payments in cases where the corporation, under the provisions of the Rules of Court, such functions and powers
partnership or association possesses sufficient property to cover all its
as are provided for in the succeeding paragraph (d) hereof; Provided, DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM ADJUDICATION
further that the Commission may appoint a rehabilitation receiver of BOARD (DARAB) of the DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN
corporations, partnerships or other nations supervised or regulated by REFORM (DAR), REPRESENTED by DAR SECRETARY
other government agencies, such as banks and insurance companies, ROBERTO M. PAGDANGANAN, petitioner, vs. JOSEFINA S.
upon request of the government agency concerned; Provided, finally LUBRICA, in her capacity as Assignee of the rights and
that upon appointment of a management committee, rehabilitation interest of FEDERICO SUNTAY, respondent.
receiver, board or body pursuant to this Decree, all actions for claims
against corporations, partnerships or nations under management or DECISION
receivership pending before any court, tribunal, board or body shall be
suspended accordingly. TINGA, J.:

d) To create and appoint a management committee, board, or body upon Before this Court is an appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 of the
petition or motu proprio to undertake the management of corporations, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, seeking the reversal of
partnerships or other associations not supervised or regulated by other the Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 66710
government agencies in appropriate cases when there is imminent granting herein respondents petition for prohibition and
danger of dissipation, loss, wastage or destruction of assets or other its Resolution[2] denying herein petitioners motion for
properties or paralization of business operations of such corporations or reconsideration.
entities which may be prejudicial to the interest of minority stockholders,
parties-litigants or the general public; Provided, further, that the This Court adopts the appellate courts narration of facts.
Commission may create or appoint a management committee, board or
On August 4, 2000, Federico Suntay, now deceased, filed a
body to undertake the management of corporations, partnerships or
petition for fixing and payment of just compensation under
other associations supervised or regulated by other government
agencies, such as banks and insurance companies, upon request of the Presidential Decree No. 27 against the Department of Agrarian
government agency concerned. Reform (DAR), the DAR Regional Director for Region IV and the
Land Bank of the Philippines (Land Bank).[3] Docketed as DARAB
The management committee or rehabilitation receiver, board or body Case No. V-0405-0001-00, the case was filed before the Office of
shall have the power to take custody of, and control over, all the existing the Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicator (RARAD) and raffled to
assets and property of such entities under management; to evaluate the Adjudicator Conchita Mias. Subject of the case was Suntays
existing assets and liabilities, earnings and operations of such landholdings covering a total area of 948.1911 hectares situated
corporations, partnerships or other associations, to determine the best in Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro and embraced under Transfer
way to wage and protect the interest of the investors and creditors; to Certificate of Title T-31. The DAR and Land Bank determined its
study, review and evaluate the feasibility of continuing operations and value at Four Million Two Hundred Fifty-One Thousand One
restructure and rehabilitate such entities if determined to be feasible by Hundred Forty-One Pesos and 68/100 (P4,251,141.68) or Four
the Commission. It shall report and be responsible to the Commission Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Seven Pesos and 50/100
until dissolved by order of the Commission: Provided, however, that the (P4,497.50) per hectare, which valuation according to Suntay,
Commission may, on the basis of the findings and recommendation of was unconscionably low and tantamount to taking of property
the management committee, or rehabilitation receiver, board or body, or without due process of law.[4]
on its own findings, determine that the continuance in business of such
corporation or entity would not be feasible or profitable nor work to the After summary administrative proceedings, the RARAD rendered
best interest of the stockholders, parties-litigants, creditors, or the a Decision[5] on January 24, 2001 in favor of Suntay, ordering
general public, order the dissolution of such corporation entity and its Land Bank to pay the former the amount of One Hundred Fifty-
remaining assets liquidated accordingly. Seven Million Five Hundred Forty-One Thousand Nine Hundred
Fifty-One Pesos & 30/100 (P157,541,951.30) as just
The management committee or rehabilitation receiver, board or body compensation for the taking of a total of 948.1911 hectares of
may overrule or revoke the actions of the previous management and Suntays properties. Land Bank sought reconsideration of the
board of directors of the entity or entities under management RARAD decision for not being supported by clear and convincing
notwithstanding any provision of law, articles of incorporation or by-laws evidence and for its conclusions which are contrary to law.
to the contrary. However, in an Order[6] dated March 14, 2001, the RARAD denied
Land Banks motion. Land Bank received a copy of the order of
The management committee, or rehabilitation receiver, board or body
denial on March 26, 2001.[7]
shall not be subject to any action, claim or demand for, or in connection
with any act done or omitted to be done by it in good faith in the exercise On April 20, 2001, Land Bank filed a petition for just
of its functions, or in connection with the exercise of its powers herein compensation[8] with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San Jose,
Occidental Mindoro against Suntay, DAR, and RARAD. The
As declared by the law itself, these are merely ancillary powers to enable petition, docketed as Agrarian Case No. R-1241, prayed that just
the SEC to effectively exercise its jurisdiction. These additional ancillary compensation for the taking of Suntays landholdings be declared
powers can be exercised only in connection with an action pending in the amount of Four Million Two Hundred Fifty One Thousand,
before the SEC and therefore had to be viewed in relation to Section 5 One Hundred Forty-One Pesos (P4,251,141.00). Suntay moved to
which defines the SEC's original and exclusive jurisdiction. Section 6 dismiss the petition on the grounds of lack of capacity to sue,
does not enlarge or add to the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the lack of cause of action, and res judicata. After Land Bank filed its
SEC as particularly enumerated under Section 5 of said Presidential comment on Suntays motion to dismiss, the RTC, sitting as a
Decree, as amended. special agrarian court, dismissed on August 6, 2001 Land Banks
petition for failure to pay the docket fees within the reglementary
A well-recognized rule in statutory construction is that repeals by period.[9] The special agrarian court also denied Land
implication are not favored and will not be so declared unless it be Banks Motion for Reconsideration for being pro-
manifest that the legislature so intended.15 When statutes are in pari forma.[10] Thereafter, Land Bank appealed the order of dismissal
material they should be construed together. In construing them the old to the Court of Appeals by filing a Notice of Appeal with the
statutes relating to the same subject matter should be compared with special agrarian court.[11]
the new provisions and if possible by reasonable construction, both
should be so construed that effect may be given to every provision of While the petition for just compensation was pending with the
each.16 special agrarian court, upon motion of Suntay, the RARAD issued
an Order[12] on May 22, 2001, declaring its January 24,
Construing P.D. 902-A, as amended, in relation to Act 1956, we rule that 2001 Decision as final and executory after noting that Land
insofar as petitions for declaration of insolvency of private corporations Banks petition for just compensation with the special agrarian
are concerned, it is the regular court that has exclusive and original court was filed beyond the fifteen-day reglementary period in
jurisdiction thereon. The SEC may entertain such petitions only as an violation of Section 11, Rule XIII of the DARAB Rules of
incident of and in continuation of its already acquired jurisdiction over Procedure.[13] In its July 10, 2001 Order,[14] the RARAD denied
petitions to be declared in the state of suspension of payments in the LBPs motion for reconsideration of the order of finality. On July
two (2) cases provided in Section 5 (d) of P.D. 902-A, as amended. 18, 2001, the RARAD issued a Writ of Execution,[15] directing the
Regional Sheriff of DARAB-Region IV to implement its January
WHEREFORE, the instant petition for review on certiorari is DENIED.
24, 2001 Decision.
The temporary restraining order issued on April 14, 1986 is LIFTED. No
pronouncement as to costs. Thus, Land Bank filed a Petition for Certiorari with Prayer for the
Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary
Injunction[16] before the DARAB on September 12, 2001 against
[G.R. No. 159145. April 29, 2005] Suntay and RARAD. The petition, docketed as DSCA No. 0252,
prayed for the nullification of the following issuances of the
RARAD: [1] the January 24, 2001 Decision directing Land Bank to issue the writ of certiorari is in some instance conferred on all
to pay Suntay just compensation in the amount courts by constitutional or statutory provisions, ordinarily, the
of P157,541,951.30; [2] the Order dated May 22, 2001 declaring particular courts which have such power are expressly
the finality of the aforesaid Decision; [3] the July 10, designated.[28]
2001 Order denying Land Banks motion for reconsideration; and
[4] the Writ of Execution dated July 18, 2001. On September 12, Pursuant to Section 17 of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 229 and
2001, the DARAB issued an Order[17] enjoining the RARAD from Section 13 of E.O. No. 129-A, the DARAB was created to act as
momentarily implementing its January 24, 2001 Decision and the quasi-judicial arm of the DAR. With the passage of R.A. No.
directing the parties to attend the hearing for the purpose of 6657, the adjudicatory powers and functions of the DAR were
determining the propriety of issuing a preliminary/permanent further delineated when, under Section 50 thereof, it was vested
injunction. with the primary jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate
agrarian reform matters and exclusive original jurisdiction over
On September 20, 2001, Josefina Lubrica, the successor-in- all matters involving the implementation of agrarian reform
interest of Suntay, filed with the Court of Appeals a Petition for except those falling under the exclusive jurisdiction of the
Prohibition,[18] docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 66710. The petition, Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment and
impleading DARAB and Land Bank as respondents, sought to Natural Resources and the Special Agrarian Courts. The same
enjoin DARAB from further proceeding with DSCA No. 0252, provision granted the DAR the power to summon witnesses,
mainly on the theory that Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, which administer oaths, take testimony, require submission of reports,
confers adjudicatory functions upon the DAR, does not grant compel the production of books and documents and answers to
DAR jurisdiction over special civil actions for certiorari. On the interrogatories and issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum,
same day, the Court of Appeals granted Lubricas prayer for a and enforce its writs through sheriffs or other duly deputized
temporary restraining order.[19] This notwithstanding, DARAB officers, and the broad power to adopt a uniform rule of
issued a Writ of Preliminary Injunction[20] on October 3, 2001, procedure to achieve a just, expeditious and inexpensive
directing RARAD not to implement its January 24, determination of cases before it.[29] Section 13 of E.O. No. 129-A
2001 Decision and the other orders in relation thereto, including also authorized the DAR to delegate its adjudicatory powers and
the Writ of Execution. functions to its regional offices.

On October 8, 2001, DARAB filed a Comment[21] in CA-G.R. SP To this end, the DARAB adopted its Rules of Procedure, where it
No. 66710, arguing that the writ of certiorari/injunction was delegated to the RARADs and PARADs the authority to hear,
issued under its power of supervision over its determine and adjudicate all agrarian cases and disputes, and
subordinates/delegates like the PARADs and RARADs to restrain incidents in connection therewith, arising within their assigned
the execution of a decision which had not yet attained finality. In territorial jurisdiction.[30] In the absence of a specific statutory
an omnibus motion filed on October 10, 2001, Lubrica sought to grant of jurisdiction to issue the said extraordinary writ of
nullify the Writ of Preliminary Injunction issued by DARAB in certiorari, the DARAB, as a quasi-judicial body with only limited
DSCA No. 0252 and to cite the DARAB for contempt. [22] Land jurisdiction, cannot exercise jurisdiction over Land Banks
Bank also filed its Comment[23] on October 15, 2001, raising the petition for certiorari. Neither the quasi-judicial authority of the
prematurity of Lubricas petition for prohibition. It contended that DARAB nor its rule-making power justifies such self-conferment
the issue of whether or not DARAB can take cognizance of Land of authority.
Banks petition for certiorari may be elevated to the Office of the
DAR Secretary, in accordance with the doctrine of exhaustion of In general, the quantum of judicial or quasi-judicial powers
administrative remedies. Land Bank also questioned Lubricas which an administrative agency may exercise is defined in the
personality to file the petition for prohibition considering that she enabling act of such agency. In other words, the extent to which
never intervened in the proceedings before the RARAD. an administrative entity may exercise such powers depends
largely, if not wholly, on the provisions of the statute creating or
The Court of Appeals rendered the assailed Decision[24] on August empowering such agency.[31] The grant of original jurisdiction on
22, 2002. The appellate court ruled that petitioner DARAB had a quasi-judicial agency is not implied. There is no question that
no personality to file a comment on Lubricas petition for the legislative grant of adjudicatory powers upon the DAR, as in
prohibition filed with the Court of Appeals because DARAB was all other quasi-judicial agencies, bodies and tribunals, is in the
a mere formal party and could file a comment only when nature of a limited and special jurisdiction, that is, the authority
specifically and expressly directed to do so. The appellate court to hear and determine a class of cases within the DARs
also ruled that DARABs exercise of jurisdiction over the petition competence and field of expertise. In conferring adjudicatory
for certiorari had no constitutional or statutory basis. It rejected powers and functions on the DAR, the legislature could not have
DARABs contention that the issuance of the writ of certiorari intended to create a regular court of justice out of the DARAB,
arose from its power of direct and functional supervision over the equipped with all the vast powers inherent in the exercise of its
RARAD. In sum, the Court of Appeals declared that DARAB was jurisdiction. The DARAB is only a quasi-judicial body, whose
without jurisdiction to take cognizance of DSCA No. 0252 and limited jurisdiction does not include authority over petitions
issued a Writ of Prohibition, perpetually enjoining DARAB from for certiorari, in the absence of an express grant in R.A. No. 6657,
proceeding with DSCA No. 0252 and ordering its dismissal. E.O. No. 229 and E.O. No. 129-A.

Hence, the instant petition, in which DARAB assigns the In addition, Rule XIII, 11 of the DARAB Rules of Procedure allows
following errors to the Court of Appeals: a party who does not agree with the RARADs preliminary
valuation in land compensation cases fifteen (15) days from
The Honorable Court of Appeals erred when it ruled: receipt of notice to bring the matter to the proper special agrarian
court, thus:
SHOULD NOT HAVE FILED COMMENT TO THE PETITION AND SECTION 11. Land Valuation and Preliminary Determination and
INSTEAD, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN CO-RESPONDENT LAND Payment of Just Compensation. The decision of the Adjudicator
BANK, THE FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARY OF CARP; on land valuation and preliminary determination and payment of
just compensation shall not be appealable to the Board but shall
be brought directly to the Regional Trial Courts designated as
Special Agrarian Courts within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
3. THAT WRIT OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION ISSUED BY the notice thereof. Any party shall be entitled to only one motion
In Philippine Veterans Bank vs. Court of Appeals,[32] this Court
affirmed the dismissal of a landowners petition for judicial
This Court affirms the ruling of the Court of Appeals that the determination of just compensation for its failure to file the
DARAB does not have jurisdiction over Land Banks petition for petition within the fifteen-day reglementary period provided
certiorari. under Rule XIII, 11 of the DARAB Rules of Procedure.

Jurisdiction, or the legal power to hear and determine a cause or In the instant case, Land Bank received a copy of the RARAD
causes of action, must exist as a matter of law.[26] It is settled that order denying its motion for reconsideration on March 26, 2001.
the authority to issue writs of certiorari, prohibition, Land Bank filed the petition for just compensation with the
and mandamus involves the exercise of original jurisdiction special agrarian court only on April 20, 2001, which is
which must be expressly conferred by the Constitution or by doubtlessly beyond the fifteen-day reglementary period. Thus,
law.[27] It is never derived by implication. Indeed, while the power the RARAD Decision had already attained finality in accordance
with the afore-quoted rule, notwithstanding Land Banks Development and Industrial Corporation" setting aside the
recourse to the special agrarian court. decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources *** (now Department
of Environment and Natural Resources) dated March 26, 1986 and
DARAB takes exception to the general rule that jurisdiction over
reinstating the decision of the Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences,
special civil actions must be expressly conferred by law before a
**** dated May 17, which cancelled Quarry License No. 37 of
court or tribunal can take cognizance thereof. It believes that this
petitioner and ordered her and/or her operator to immediately
principle is applicable only in cases where the officials/entities
vacate and turn over the possession of the mining area to the
contemplated to be subject thereof are not within the
respondent Hi-Cement Corporation.
administrative power/competence, or in any manner under the
control or supervision, of the issuing authority.
As gathered from the records, the antecedent facts are as
This Court is not persuaded. The function of a writ of certiorari is follows:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
to keep an inferior court within the bounds of its jurisdiction or
Hi-Cement Corporation (Hi-Cement, for short) is a manufacturer
to prevent it from committing such a grave abuse of discretion
of cement with plant located at Bo. Matiktik, Norzagaray,
amounting to excess of jurisdiction.[33] In the instant case, the
Bulacan. For its operation, Hi-Cement leased and acquired
RARAD issued the order of finality and the writ of execution upon
the belief that its decision had become final and executory, as several placer mining claims from the Bureau of Mines and Geo-
authorized under Section 1, Rule XII of the DARAB Rules of Sciences (BMGS), namely Mining Lease Contract (MLC) Nos. V-78,
Procedure. It is worth noting that in its petition, DARAB 85, 90, 150, 261, and 269. MLC V-90 covers mining claim Red Star
maintains that in preventing the RARAD from implementing its VIII, Red Star IX and Hunter I in the name of Red Star Association.
decision, it merely exercised its residual power of supervision, to Said mining claims were transferred to Hi-Cement by virtue of a
insure that the RARAD acted within the bounds of delegated deed of assignment dated December 13, 1965 duly approved by
authority and/or prevent/avoid her from committing grave and the Director of BMGS.
serious disservice to the Program.[34] DARABs action, therefore,
is a rectification of what it perceived as an abuse of the RARADs On February 24, 1984, BMGS issued Quarry License (QL) No. 37 in
jurisdiction. By its own admission, DARAB took upon itself the the name of Angelina P. Santiago, petitioner herein, covering 19.5
power to correct errors of jurisdiction which is ordinarily lodged hectares which are entirely within the mining claims of respondent
with the regular courts by virtue of express constitutional grant Hi-Cement despite the fact that its lease contract has not been
or legislative enactments. declared abandoned or cancelled by the BMGS (Rollo, p. 55). On
April 10, 1984, Santiago entered into an Operating Agreement
This Court recognizes the supervisory authority of the DARAB with the Philippine Development and Industrial Corporation
over its delegates, namely, the RARADs and PARADs, but the (PDIC).
same should be exercised within the context of administrative
supervision and/or control. In the event that the RARADs or Meanwhile, the Director of BMGS, in a letter dated April 3, 1984,
PARADs act beyond its adjudicatory functions, nothing prevents informed Nicolas Katigbak, Senior V-president of Hi-Cement, that
the aggrieved party from availing of the extraordinary remedy of per field verification conducted, Hi-Cement has complied with
certiorari, which is ordinarily within the jurisdiction of the the annual work obligation requirements vis-a-vis MLC V-90 and
regular courts. that the BMGS recognizes the validity of Hi-Cement mining lease
contracts. Nevertheless, the Director recognized as valid the
That the statutes allowed the DARAB to adopt its own rules of
intervening rights prior to the field verification, although the same
procedure does not permit it with unbridled discretion to grant
itself jurisdiction ordinarily conferred only by the Constitution or would no longer be subject to renewal (Rollo, p.
by law. Procedure, as distinguished from jurisdiction, is the 89).chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
means by which the power or authority of a court to hear and
decide a class of cases is put into action. Rules of procedure are
remedial in nature and not substantive. They cover only rules on On October 20, 1984, Hi-Cement filed a petition with the BMGS,
pleadings and practice.[35] amended on January 28, 1985, praying for the revocation of QL
While the Court of Appeals held that the DARAB should not have No. 37 on the following grounds:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
participated in the proceedings before said court by filing a
comment in CA-G.R. SP No. 66710, this Court considers
satisfactory the explanation of the DARAB that it has a peculiar 1. Hi-Cement is the lessee and surface titled owner of the
interest in the final outcome of this case. As DARAB pointed out, area covered by QL No. 37 of Santiago (Rollo, p. 27);
while it is only an adjunct of, it is at the same time not totally
independent from it. The DARAB is composed of the senior
officials of the DAR, who are guided by the States main policy in
agrarian reform when resolving disputes before the DARAB. The 2. Hi-Cement’s mining claims covered under MLC V-90 has
DARABs interest in the case is not purely legal but also a matter never been declared abandoned nor cancelled (Rollo, p. 29);
of governance; thus, it cannot be strictly considered as a nominal
party which must refrain from taking an active part in the 3. That under Sec. 63, PD 463 and its implementing rules
proceedings. and regulations, areas covered by valid and existing mining lease
shall not be subject to any quarry permit or license (Ibid., p. 28);
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. No costs.
4. That Santiago has misled the BMGS into issuing a quarry
SO ORDERED. license by misrepresenting the area to be public land (Rollo, p.
[G.R. No. 78163. December 10, 1990.]
In her answer to the above petition, Santiago alleged, among
others, that the failure of Hi-Cement to file Affidavits of Annual
ANGELINA P. SANTIAGO, Petitioner, v. The Honorable DEPUTY Work Obligations (AAWO) for more than two (2) consecutive
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY and HI-CEMENT CORPORATION, years constituted automatic abandonment of the mining claims
Respondents. under Sec. 27 of PD 463, as amended (Rollo, p. 36) and that Hi-
Cement’s title over the disputed area is void as it covers mineral
lands (Ibid., p. 53).

Justiniano P. Cortez & Associates for Petitioner.

On May 17, 1985, the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) of the BMGS,

Benjamin Gonzales, issued a decision, the dispositive portion of
Juan J. Diaz & Nicolas J. Lim for Respondents. which is as

This is a special civil action for certiorari and prohibition, with

preliminary injunction, to review and annul the decision of the
respondent Deputy Executive Secretary ** dated September 1, "VIEWED IN THE LIGHT OF THE FOREGOING, this office, finding the
1986 in O.P. Case No. 3274 (MNR Case No. 6376), entitled "Hi- instant petition of HI-CEMENT Corporation to be well-founded, the
Cement Corporation v. Angelina P. Santiago and Philippine same is hereby granted. Accordingly, Quarry License No. 37 of
Respondent Angelina Santiago is hereby declared cancelled 1. Whether or not private respondent automatically
and she and/or her operator is ordered to immediately vacate abandoned its mining claim on MLC V-90 by reason of its failure
and turn over the possession of the mining area subject of this to file affidavit of annual work obligations for two years, as
case to the petitioner." (Rollo, p. 63). required by Section 27 of PD 463, as amended.

On July 1, 1985, Santiago filed an appeal with the then Ministry of 2. Whether or not QL No. 37 of Santiago is a valid
Natural Resources, alleging that:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library intervening right that prevails over the mining claim of private
1. The OIC erred in rendering and signing the aforesaid
decision considering that he has no legal authority to do so (Rollo, 3. Whether or not the decision issued by the OIC of BMGS
p. 66). dated May 17, 1985 is valid.

2. The OIC erred in not holding that Red Star VIII under The petition is devoid of merit.
MLC-90 was not automatically abandoned for failure of Hi-
Cement to comply with the filing of the AAWP for more than two I Petitioner contends that Hi-Cement abandoned its mining claim
consecutive years (Rollo, p. 72). over MLC V-90 when it failed to file affidavit of annual work
obligations (AAWO) as required by Sec. 27, PD 463, as amended,
3. The OIC erred in stating that Santiago committed which
misrepresentation or deception fatal enough to cause the
cancellation of her QL No. 37 (Rollo, p. 81). "Sec. 27. Annual Work Obligations. — The claim-owner shall
submit proof of compliance with the annual work obligations by
On March 26, 1986, the Minister of Natural Resources issued a filing an affidavit therefor and the statement of expenditures and
decision, the dispositive portion of which technical report in the prescribed form in support thereof with the Mines Regional Officer concerned within one hundred twenty
days from the end of the year in which the work obligation is
"IN THE LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, the required: Provided, That failure of the claim-owner to comply
decision dated May 17, 1985 of the OIC of the Bureau of Mines therewith for two (2) consecutive years shall constitute automatic
and Geo-Sciences should be, as hereby it is, SET ASIDE. Quarry abandonment of the mining claim: Provided, further, That, if it is
License No. 37 of Angelina P. Santiago is hereby ordered found upon field verification that no such work was actually done
REINSTATED and be entered in the records as Q.P. or quarry permit on the mining claim, the claim owner/lessee shall automatically
subject to renewal upon compliance with the requirements of lose all his right thereto notwithstanding submission of the
law, and the area covered thereby excluded from the coverage aforesaid documents: Provided, finally, That the Director, in cases
of MLC No. V-90 of HI-CEMENT Corporation. of unstable peace and order conditions and/or involvement in
mining conflicts may grant further extensions."cralaw virtua1aw
SO ORDERED. (Rollo, P. 102)
The argument is : virtual law library

Contrary to petitioner’s claim, there is no rule of automatic

From said decision, Hi-Cement filed an appeal with the Office of abandonment with respect to mining claims for failure to file
the President, dated May 19, 1986, assigning the following errors, AAWO. Under the Consolidated Mines Administrative Order
to wit:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library (CMAO), implementing PD 463, as amended, the rule that has
been consistently applied is that it is the failure to perform the
required assessment work, not the failure to file the AAWO that
gives rise to abandonment. Interpreted within the context of PD
1. The Hon. Minister of Natural Resources erred in declaring 1902, the last amending decree of PD 463, it is intended, among
as null and void the Decision of the OIC of the BMGS;chanrobles others, to accelerate the development of our natural resources
virtual lawlibrary and to accelerate mineral productions, abandonment under the
aforequoted Sec. 27 refers to the failure to perform work
2. The Hon. Minister of Natural Resources erred in declaring
obligations which in turn is one of the grounds for the cancellation
as automatically abandoned the Placer Lease Contract of Hi-
of the lease contract (Sec. 43 (a), Consolidated Mines
Cement Corporation for failure to file proof of annual work
Administrative Order, implementing PD 463).
obligation despite lessee having performed the work obligation
required, and despite the fact that no previous hearing was even
conducted in accordance with Section 44 of the Consolidated
Mines Administrative Order, implementing PD 463; and The question of whether or not the failure to submit AAWO for
more than two (2) consecutive years constitutes abandonment
3. The Hon. Minister of Natural Resources erred in not taking as ground for cancellation of a mining lease contract has been
into consideration the Transfer Certificate of Title of Hi-Cement the subject matter of many cases in the Ministry of Natural
Corporation, as well as the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Resources (now Department of Environment and Natural
decisions as proof of the misrepresentation of Santiago. (Rollo, p. Resources). Public respondent had made the following significant
190). findings, to

On September 1, 1986, the then Deputy Executive Secretary

rendered a decision, holding
"In a number of cases, the MNR answered the question in the
"IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the decision of the Ministry of negative. (Sec. 1, Malayan Integrated industries Corporation v.
Natural Resources, dated March 26, 1986 is hereby SET ASIDE, and Apo Cement Corporation; 2. "In the matter of the denial by the
this office hereby REINSTATES the decision of the Bureau of Mines Director of Mines Temporary Permit Application No. V-2780 of the
and Geo-Sciences dated May 17, 1985. Republic Glass Corporation" and 3. "In Re: Denial of Mines
Temporary Permit Application No. V-2340, Bonanza Consolidated
SO ORDERED." (Rollo, p. 106)
Mines, Inc., Appellant", docketed as MNR Case Nos. 5036, 4386,
On November 8, 1986, Santiago filed a motion for reconsideration 4459, respectively). As there explained, it is the continued failure
of the aforesaid decision (Rollo, p. 111) but was denied by the to perform the annual work obligations, NOT the failure to file
Deputy Executive Secretary not only because it was filed late but AAWO, that gives rise to abandonment as ground for
her motion contained mere reiterations of the matters already cancellation of a mining lease contract; that compliance with
considered and found to be without merit (Rollo, p. 117). AAWO requirements, not being related to the essence of the acts
to be performed, is a matter of convenience rather than
Hence, the instant petition. substance; and that non-submission of AAWO does not preclude
the lessee from proving performance of such working obligation
The issues to be resolved in this case are as follows:chanrob1es in some other way." (Rollo, p. 106; Decision, O.P., p. 6)
virtual 1aw library
Moreover, before any mining lease contract is cancelled,
Consolidated Mines Administrative Order, Section 44 thereof,
requires notice and healing. Said BMGS OIC Director "Sec. 13. Areas Closed to Mining Location. — No prospecting and exploration shall be allowed:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library

"The provision of Sec. 44 of Consolidated Mines Administrative x x x

Order (CMAO) specifically provides for the necessity of the
cancellation of the Mining Lease Contract before the same can
be considered open to relocation. And in cases of non-
"C. In lands covered by valid and subsisting mining claims
compliance with the filing of AAWO, it has been a long consistent
located, and leases acquired, under previous mining laws and in
policy of this office to first require field verification before any
accordance with the provisions of this Decree."cralaw virtua1aw
recommendation for cancellation be endorsed to the Ministry of
Natural Resources (MNR). But the field verification reveals that
cancellation is not in order and neither can it be said that the Second, Sec. 63 of the Consolidated Mines Administrative Order
verification conducted was improperly made." (Rollo, p. 107) categorically states

". . . Areas covered by valid and subsisting mining claims and

mining leases shall not be the subject of a quarry permit or
It is significant to note that the then Minister of Natural Resources
license."cralaw virtua1aw library
Ernesto Maceda reiterated the Ministry’s previous ruling in his
decision dated April 10, 1986, in MNR Case No. 6300, entitled "RE Hence, it is only when the mining lease contract has been
PLACER LEASE APPLICATION NO. V-3895 OF CONTINENTAL MARBLE cancelled or terminated in the manner provided by law that a
CORPORATION." To leased mining area may be open to location and lease by other
qualified persons. Since the mining lease contract of Hi-Cement
over the area covered by the quarry license of petitioner is still
"This office has been consistent on its ruling that it is the continued valid and existing at the time the license was obtained by the
failure to undertake the work obligation that causes a mining petitioner, her license is null and void and, therefore, cannot be
claim to lapse. The affidavit (of annual work obligation) is merely considered as a valid intervening right that prevails over the
a prima facie proof of performance of said work obligations, and mining claim of Hi-Cement.
the omission to submit said affidavit raised only a disputable
Third, both the BMGS and the public respondent found the
presumption that no work had been done and shift upon the
petitioner guilty of misrepresentation. Said the public
claim owner the burden of proof to show otherwise. The claim-
respondent:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
owner is not precluded from making proof of performance in
some other way. (Malayan Integrated Industries v. Apo Cement . . . Santiago misrepresented in her application for a quarry license
Corporation, Et. Al. MNR Case No. 5036, July 6, 1982, Republic that the area applied for was a public land when, in reality, it is
Glass Corporation, MNR Case 4336 and Sto. Rosario Fertilizer covered by TCT No. T-62628 in the name of Hi-Cement. In this
Corporation, MNR Case No. 4369). These decided cases fall regard, the provisions of PD 512 require the locator or prospector
squarely with the facts of the instant case." (Rollo, p. 195) before entering a private land to give prior notification to the
landowner who is thereby entitled to compensation and royalty."
(Rollo, p. 110).
The aforesaid decision was penned after the then Minister Ernesto
Such finding is binding on this Court. Findings of the administrative
Maceda overturned the decision of the BMGS in the case of Hi-
agency on matters falling within its competence will not be
Cement v. Angelina Santiago. As can be seen therefore, it has
disturbed by the courts, especially with respect to factual findings,
always been an administrative policy that the requirement to file
they are accorded respect if not finality, because of the special
AAWO is a matter of convenience rather than substance as it is
knowledge and expertise gained by the tribunals from handling
not related to the essence of the acts performed. These
specific matters falling under their jurisdiction (Mapa v. Arroyo,
administrative policies enacted by administrative bodies to
G.R. 78585, July 5, 1989; Needle Queen Corp. v. Nicolas, Et Al.,
interpret the law have the force and effect of law and entitled to
supra).chanrobles law library
great respect (Tayug v. Central Bank, G.R. 46158, Nov. 28, 1986;
Warren Manufacturing Workers Union v. Bureau of Labor Relations, Section 43 of the Consolidated Mines Administrative Order has
159 SCRA 387 [1988]). It is the general policy of this Court to sustain provided a ground for cancellation of a Mining Lease Contract,
the decision of administrative authorities not only on the basis of among others, as
the doctrine of separation of powers but also for their presumed
knowledge ability and even expertise in the laws they are
entrusted to enforce (Cuerdo v. COA, 166 SCRA 657
[1988]) : virtual law library "1.) Any falsehood in the statements in the application or
support thereof, which may alter, change or affect substantially
the facts set in said statements."cralaw virtua1aw library

Consequently, Hi-Cement has never abandoned its mining claim.

It may not have filed the AAWO but it has actually performed the
annual work obligations as found by the BMGS. Administrative Petitioner’s QL No. 37, therefore, cannot be a valid intervening
findings of facts are sufficient if supported by substantial evidence right over the mining claims of Hi-Cement.
on record and as a general rule, actions of administrative
agencies need not be disturbed by the judicial department
(Manahan v. People, G.R. 37010, Nov. 7, 1988; Gordon v. III Petitioner assails the decision rendered by OIC Benjamin A.
Veridiano, 167 SCRA 51[1938]; Mapa v. Arroyo G.R. 78585, July 5, Gonzales of the BGMS. She claims that under Special Order No.
1989; Neddle Queen Corporation v. Nicolas, Et. Al. G.R. 60741-45, 86 dated March 19, 1985 which
Dec. 22, 1989). This court finds no reason to disturb such findings.
"Except appointments and matters involving policy, the Assistant
II Petitioner insists that her Quarry License No. 37 is a valid director or the Officer-in-charge of his office shall sign on official
intervening right that prevails over the mining claims of Hi-Cement papers; . . ." (p. 18, Rollo).
as its claims were automatically abandoned without need for any
proceeding or declaration for cancellation. the jurisdiction to exercise quasi-judicial authority to resolve mining
controversies lies solely with the Director of BGMS. Hence, she
alleges that the decision of May 17, 1985 is null and void for want
of authority (Rollo, pp. 228-230).
Given the fact that Hi-Cement Mining Lease Contract has never
been cancelled not its mining claim abandoned, this Court rules The argument is untenable.
that Santiago can not have any valid intervening right over the
mining claims of the respondent for the following reasons: First, the What is actually excluded in the aforesaid order is the formulation
license of the respondent covers an area which is closed to of new policies of the BGMS. OIC Gonzales did not formulate new
mining location under Sec. 13, PD 463, as amended. policies. He merely upheld and reiterated the long and consistent
policy of the Bureau in similar disputes previously passed upon not
only by the Director of Mines but also by the Secretary of WHEREFORE, finding the petition meritorious the
Environment and Natural Resources based on the applicable law. same is hereby GRANTED and the other dated
Besides, as the public respondent said, "the more important October 21, 1986 issued by respondent court is
declared null and void. The respondent court is
consideration is that the decision correctly disposes of the
further directed to dismiss with prejudice Civil Case
controversy" (Rollo, p. 110).chanrobles virtual lawlibrary No. 86-37950 for want of jurisdiction over the
subject matter thereof. No cost in this instance.
Hence, the decision issued by the OIC is valid.

PREMISES CONSIDERED, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED for SO ORDERED. 2

lack of merit and the decision of the Deputy Executive Secretary,
dated September 1, 1986, is hereby AFFIRMED. With costs against Hence, this petition.
the petitioner.
The Court of Appeals, in deciding that the Regional Trial Court of Manila
SO ORDERED. had no jurisdiction to entertain the case and to enjoin the enforcement
of the Resolution No. 105, stated as its basis its conclusion that the
G.R. No. 77372 April 29, 1988 Professional Regulation Commission and the Regional Trial Court are
co-equal bodies. Thus it held —
MESINA, ALEXANDER R. REGUYAL, JOCELYN P. CATAPANG, That the petitioner Professional Regulatory
ENRICO V. REGALADO, JEROME O. ARCEGA, ERNESTOC. BLAS, Commission is at least a co-equal body with the
JR., ELPEDIO M. ALMAZAN, KARL CAESAR R. Regional Trial Court is beyond question, and co-
RIMANDO, petitioner, equal bodies have no power to control each other
vs. or interfere with each other's acts. 3
COMMISSION, respondent. To strenghten its position, the Court of Appeals relied heavily
on National Electrification Administration vs. Mendoza, 4 which cites
Balgos & Perez Law Offices for petitioners. Pineda vs. Lantin 5 and Philippine Pacific Fishing, Inc. vs. Luna, 6 where
this Court held that a Court of First Instance cannot interfere with the
orders of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the two being co-
The Solicitor General for respondents. equal bodies.

Is the Regional Trial Court of the same category as the Professional After a close scrutiny of the facts and the record of this case,
Regulation Commission so that it cannot pass upon the validity of the
administrative acts of the latter? Can this Commission lawfully prohibit
the examiness from attending review classes, receiving handout We rule in favor of the petitioner.
materials, tips, or the like three (3) days before the date of the
examination? Theses are the issues presented to the court by this The cases cited by respondent court are not in point. It is glaringly
petition for certiorari to review the decision of the Court of Appeals apparent that the reason why this Court ruled that the Court of First
promulagated on January 13, 1987, in CA-G.R. SP No. Instance could not interfere with the orders of the Securities and
10598, * declaring null and void the other dated Ocober 21, 1986 issued Exchange Commission was that this was so provided for by the law.
by the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 32 in Civil Case No. 86- In Pineda vs. Lantin, We explained that whenever a party is aggrieved
37950 entitled " Lupo L. Lupangco, et al. vs. Professional Regulation by or disagree with an order or ruling of the Securities and Exchange
Commission." Commission, he cannot seek relief from courts of general jurisdiction
since under the Rules of Court and Commonwealth Act No. 83, as
The records shows the following undisputed facts: amended by Republic Act No. 635, creating and setting forth the powers
and functions of the old Securities and Exchange Commission, his
remedy is to go the Supreme Court on a petition for review. Likewise,
On or about October 6, 1986, herein respondent Professional in Philippine Pacific Fishing Co., Inc. vs. Luna,it was stressed that if an
Regulation Commission (PRC) issued Resolution No. 105 as parts of its order of the Securities and Exchange Commission is erroneous, the
"Additional Instructions to Examiness," to all those applying for appropriate remedy take is first, within the Commission itself, then, to
admission to take the licensure examinations in accountancy. The the Supreme Court as mandated in Presidential Decree No. 902-A, the
resolution embodied the following pertinent provisions: law creating the new Securities and Exchange Commission. Nowhere in
the said cases was it held that a Court of First Instance has no
No examinee shall attend any review class, jurisdiction over all other government agencies. On the contrary, the
briefing, conference or the like conducted by, or ruling was specifically limited to the Securities and Exchange
shall receive any hand-out, review material, or any Commission.
tip from any school, college or university, or any
review center or the like or any reviewer, lecturer, The respondent court erred when it place the Securities and Exchange
instructor official or employee of any of the Commission and the Professional Regulation Commsision in the same
aforementioned or similars institutions during the category. As alraedy mentioned, with respect to the Securities and
three days immediately proceeding every Exchange Commission, the laws cited explicitly provide with the
examination day including examination day. procedure that need be taken when one is aggrieved by its order or
ruling. Upon the other hand, there is no law providing for the next course
Any examinee violating this instruction shall be of action for a party who wants to question a ruling or order of the
subject to the sanctions prescribed by Sec. 8, Art. Professional Regulation Commission. Unlike Commonwealth Act No. 83
III of the Rules and Regulations of the and Presidential Decree No. 902-A, there is no provision in Presidential
Commission. 1 Decree No. 223, creating the Professional Regulation Commission, that
orders or resolutions of the Commission are appealable either to the
Court of Appeals or to theSupreme Court. Consequently, Civil Case No.
On October 16, 1986, herein petitioners, all reviewees preparing to take 86-37950, which was filed in order to enjoin the enforcement of a
the licensure examinations in accountancy schedule on October 25 and resolution of the respondent Professional Regulation Commission
November 2 of the same year, filed on their own behalf of all others alleged to be unconstitutional, should fall within the general jurisdiction
similarly situated like them, with the Regional Trial Court of Manila, of the Court of First Instance, now the Regional Trial Court. 7
Branch XXXII, a complaint for injuction with a prayer with the issuance
of a writ of a preliminary injunction against respondent PRC to restrain
the latter from enforcing the above-mentioned resolution and to declare What is clear from Presidential Decree No. 223 is that the Professional
the same unconstitution. Regulation Commission is attached to the Office of the President for
general direction and coordination. 8 Well settled in our jurisprudence is
the view that even acts of the Office of the President may be reviewed
Respondent PRC filed a motion to dismiss on October 21, 1987 on the by the Court of First Instance (now the Regional Trial Court). In Medalla
ground that the lower court had no jurisdiction to review and to enjoin vs. Sayo, 9 this rule was thoroughly propounded on, to wit:
the enforcement of its resolution. In an Order of October 21, 1987, the
lower court declared that it had jurisdiction to try the case and enjoined
the respondent commission from enforcing and giving effect to In so far as jurisdiction of the Court below to review
Resolution No. 105 which it found to be unconstitutional. by certiorari decisions and/or resolutions of the Civil
Service Commission and of the residential
Executive Asssistant is concerned, there should be
Not satisfied therewith, respondent PRC, on November 10, 1986, filed no question but that the power of judicial review
with the Court of Appeals a petition for the nullification of the above should be upheld. The following rulings buttress this
Order of the lower court. Said petiton was granted in the Decision of the conclusion:
Court of Appeals promulagated on January 13, 1987, to wit:
The objection to a judicial SEC. 9. Jurisdiction. — The Intermediate Appellate
review of a Presidential act Court shall exercise:
arises from a failure to
recognize the most important
xxx xxx xxx
principle in our system of
government, i.e., the
separation of powers into three (3) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all final
co-equal departments, the judgments, decisions, resolutions, orders, or
executives, the legislative and awards of Regional Trial Courts and quasi-
the judicial, each supreme judicial agencies, instrumentalities, boards or
within its own assigned powers commissions, except those falling within the
and duties. When a appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in
presidential act is challenged accordance with the Constitution, the provisions of
before the courts of justice, it is this Act, and of subparagraph (1) of the third
not to be implied therefrom that paragraph and subparagraph (4) of the fourth
the Executive is being made paragraph of Section 17 of the Judiciary Act of
subject and subordinate to the 1948.
courts. The legality of his acts
are under judicial review, not
The contention is devoid of merit.
because the Executive is
inferior to the courts, but
because the law is above the In order to invoke the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of
Chief Executive himself, and Appeals as provided for in Section 9, paragraph 3 of B.P. Blg. 129, there
the courts seek only to has to be a final order or ruling which resulted from proceedings wherein
interpret, apply or implement it the administrative body involved exercised its quasi-judicial functions. In
(the law). A judicial review of Black's Law Dictionary, quasi-judicial is defined as a term applied to the
the President's decision on a action, discretion, etc., of public administrative officers or bodies
case of an employee decided required to investigate facts, or ascertain the existence of facts, hold
by the Civil Service Board of hearings, and draw conclusions from them, as a basis for their official
Appeals should be viewed in action, and to exercise discretion of a judicial nature. To expound
this light and the bringing of the thereon, quasi-judicial adjudication would mean a determination of
case to the Courts should be rights, privileges and duties resulting in a decision or order which applies
governed by the same to a specific situation . 14This does not cover rules and regulations of
principles as govern the general applicability issued by the administrative body to implement its
jucucial review of all purely administrative policies and functions like Resolution No. 105
administrative acts of all which was adopted by the respondent PRC as a measure to preserve
administrative officers. the integrity of licensure examinations.

Republic vs. Presiding Judge, CFI of Lanao del Norte, Br. II, 11 is another The above rule was adhered to in Filipinas Engineering and Machine
case in point. Here, "the Executive Office"' of the Department of Shop vs. Ferrer. 15 In this case, the issue presented was whether or not
Education and Culture issued Memorandum Order No. 93 under the the Court of First Instance had jurisdiction over a case involving an order
authority of then Secretary of Education Juan Manuel. As in this case, a of the Commission on Elections awarding a contract to a private party
complaint for injunction was filed with the Court of First Instance of which originated from an invitation to bid. The said issue came about
Lanao del Norte because, allegedly, the enforcement of the circular because under the laws then in force, final awards, judgments, decisions
would impair some contracts already entered into by public school or orders of the Commission on Elections fall within the exclusive
teachers. It was the contention of petitioner therein that "the Court of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court by way of certiorari. Hence, it has been
First Instance is not empowered to amend, reverse and modify what is consistently held that "it is the Supreme Court, not the Court of First
otherwise the clear and explicit provision of the memorandum circular Instance, which has exclusive jurisdiction to review on certiorari final
issued by the Executive Office which has the force and effect of law." In decisions, orders, or rulings of the Commission on Elections relative to
resolving the issue, We held: the conduct of elections and the enforcement of election laws." 16

... We definitely state that respondent Court lawfully As to whether or not the Court of First Instance had jurisdiction in
acquired jurisdiction in Civil Case No. II-240 (8) saidcase, We said:
because the plaintiff therein asked the lower court
for relief, in the form of injunction, in defense of a
legal right (freedom to enter into contracts) . . . . . We are however, far from convinced that an order
of the COMELEC awarding a contract to a private
party, as a result of its choice among various
Hence there is a clear infringement of private proposals submitted in response to its invitation to
respondent's constitutional right to enter into bid comes within the purview of a "final order" which
agreements not contrary to law, which might run the is exclusively and directly appealable to this court
risk of being violated by the threatened on certiorari. What is contemplated by the term
implementation of Executive Office Memorandum "final orders, rulings and decisions, of the
Circular No. 93, dated February 5, 1968, which COMELEC reviewable by certiorari by the Supreme
prohibits, with certain exceptions, cashiers and Court as provided by law are those rendered in
disbursing officers from honoring special powers of actions or proceedings before the COMELEC and
attorney executed by the payee employees. The taken cognizance of by the said body in
respondent Court is not only right but duty bound to the exercise of its adjudicatory or quasi-judicial
take cognizance of cases of this nature wherein a powers. (Emphasis supplied.)
constitutional and statutory right is allegedly
infringed by the administrative action of a
government office. Courts of first Instance have xxx xxx xxx
original jurisdiction over all civil actions in which the
subject of the litigation is not capable of pecuniary We agree with petitioner's contention that the order
estimation (Sec. 44, Republic Act 296, as of the Commission granting the award to a bidder is
amended). 12 (Emphasis supplied.) not an order rendered in a legal controversy before
it wherein the parties filed their respective pleadings
In San Miguel Corporation vs. Avelino, 13 We ruled that a judge of the and presented evidence after which the questioned
Court of First Instance has the authority to decide on the validity of a city order was issued; and that this order of the
tax ordinance even after its validity had been contested before the commission was issued pursuant to its authority to
Secretary of Justice and an opinion thereon had been rendered. enter into contracts in relation to election
purposes. In short, the COMELEC resolution
awarding the contract in favor of Acme was not
In view of the foregoing, We find no cogent reason why Resolution No. issued pursuant to its quasi-judicial functions but
105, issued by the respondent Professional Regulation Commission, merely as an incident of its inherent administrative
should be exempted from the general jurisdiction of the Regional Trial functions over the conduct of elections, and hence,
Court. the said resolution may not be deemed as a "final
order reviewable by certiorari by the Supreme
Respondent PRC, on the other hand, contends that under Section 9, Court. Being non-judicial in character, no contempt
paragraph 3 of B.P. Blg. 129, it is the Court of Appeals which has order may be imposed by the COMELEC from said
jurisdiction over the case. The said law provides: order, and no direct and exclusive appeal by
certiorari to this Tribunal lie from such order. Any
question arising from said order may be well taken
in an ordinary civil action before the trial courts. riddled with corruption, review schools and centers may not be stopped
(Emphasis supplied.) 17 from helping out their students. At this juncture, We call attention to Our
pronouncement in Garcia vs. The Faculty Admission Committee, Loyola
School of Theology, 24 regarding academic freedom to wit:
One other case that should be mentioned in this regard is Salud vs.
Central Bank of the Philippines. 18 Here, petitioner Central Bank, like
respondent in this case, argued that under Section 9, paragraph 3 of ... It would follow then that the school or college
B.P. Blg. 129, orders of the Monetary Board are appealable only to the itself is possessed of such a right. It decides for
Intermediate Appellate Court. Thus: itself its aims and objectives and how best to attain
them. It is free from outside coercion or interference
save possibly when the overriding public welfare
The Central Bank and its Liquidator also postulate,
calls for some restraint. It has a wide sphere of
for the very first time, that the Monetary Board is
autonomy certainly extending to the choice of
among the "quasi-judicial ... boards" whose
students. This constitutional provision is not to be
judgments are within the exclusive appellate
construed in a niggardly manner or in a grudging
jurisdiction of the IAC; hence, it is only said Court,
"to the exclusion of the Regional Trial Courts," that
may review the Monetary Board's resolutions. 19
G.R. No. 96681 December 2, 1991
Anent the posture of the Central Bank, We made the following
pronouncement: HON. ISIDRO CARIÑO, in his capacity as Secretary of the Department
of Education, Culture & Sports, DR. ERLINDA LOLARGA, in her
capacity as Superintendent of City Schools of Manila, petitioners,
The contention is utterly devoid of merit. The IAC
has no appellate jurisdiction over resolution or
orders of the Monetary Board. No law prescribes vs.
any mode of appeal from the Monetary Board to the
IAC. 20
In view of the foregoing, We hold that the Regional Trial Court has GONZALES, LUZ DEL CASTILLO, ELSA REYES and APOLINARIO
jurisdiction to entertain Civil Case No. 86-37950 and enjoin the ESBER, respondents.
respondent PRC from enforcing its resolution.
The issue raised in the special civil action of certiorari and prohibition at
Although We have finally settled the issue of jurisdiction, We find it bar, instituted by the Solicitor General, may be formulated as follows:
imperative to decide once and for all the validity of Resolution No. 105 where the relief sought from the Commission on Human Rights by a
so as to provide the much awaited relief to those who are and will be party in a case consists of the review and reversal or modification of a
affected by it. decision or order issued by a court of justice or government agency or
official exercising quasi-judicial functions, may the Commission take
cognizance of the case and grant that relief? Stated otherwise, where a
Of course, We realize that the questioned resolution was adopted for a
particular subject-matter is placed by law within the jurisdiction of a court
commendable purpose which is "to preserve the integrity and purity of
or other government agency or official for purposes of trial and
the licensure examinations." However, its good aim cannot be a cloak to
adjudgment, may the Commission on Human Rights take cognizance of
conceal its constitutional infirmities. On its face, it can be readily seen
the same subject-matter for the same purposes of hearing and
that it is unreasonable in that an examinee cannot even attend any
review class, briefing, conference or the like, or receive any hand-out,
review material, or any tip from any school, collge or university, or any
review center or the like or any reviewer, lecturer, instructor, official or
employee of any of the aforementioned or similar institutions . ... 21
The facts narrated in the petition are not denied by the respondents and
The unreasonableness is more obvious in that one who is caught are hence taken as substantially correct for purposes of ruling on the
committing the prohibited acts even without any ill motives will be barred legal questions posed in the present action. These facts, 1 together with
from taking future examinations conducted by the respondent PRC. others involved in related cases recently resolved by this Court 2 or
Furthermore, it is inconceivable how the Commission can manage to otherwise undisputed on the record, are hereunder set forth.
have a watchful eye on each and every examinee during the three days
before the examination period.

It is an aixiom in administrative law that administrative authorities should

1. On September 17, 1990, a Monday and a class day, some
not act arbitrarily and capriciously in the issuance of rules and
800 public school teachers, among them members of the Manila Public
regulations. To be valid, such rules and regulations must be reasonable
School Teachers Association (MPSTA) and Alliance of Concerned
and fairly adapted to the end in view. If shown to bear no reasonable
Teachers (ACT) undertook what they described as "mass concerted
relation to the purposes for which they are authorized to be issued, then
actions" to "dramatize and highlight" their plight resulting from the
they must be held to be invalid. 22
alleged failure of the public authorities to act upon grievances that had
time and again been brought to the latter's attention. According to them
Resolution No. 105 is not only unreasonable and arbitrary, it also they had decided to undertake said "mass concerted actions" after the
infringes on the examinees' right to liberty guaranteed by the protest rally staged at the DECS premises on September 14, 1990
Constitution. Respondent PRC has no authority to dictate on the without disrupting classes as a last call for the government to negotiate
reviewees as to how they should prepare themselves for the licensure the granting of demands had elicited no response from the Secretary of
examinations. They cannot be restrained from taking all the lawful steps Education. The "mass actions" consisted in staying away from their
needed to assure the fulfillment of their ambition to become public classes, converging at the Liwasang Bonifacio, gathering in peaceable
accountants. They have every right to make use of their faculties in assemblies, etc. Through their representatives, the teachers
attaining success in their endeavors. They should be allowed to enjoy participating in the mass actions were served with an order of the
their freedom to acquire useful knowledge that will promote their Secretary of Education to return to work in 24 hours or face dismissal,
personal growth. As defined in a decision of the United States Supreme and a memorandum directing the DECS officials concerned to initiate
Court: dismissal proceedings against those who did not comply and to hire their
replacements. Those directives notwithstanding, the mass actions
continued into the week, with more teachers joining in the days that
The term "liberty" means more than mere freedom
followed. 3
from physical restraint or the bounds of a prison. It
means freedom to go where one may choose and
to act in such a manner not inconsistent with the
equal rights of others, as his judgment may dictate
for the promotion of his happiness, to pursue such
Among those who took part in the "concerted mass actions" were the
callings and vocations as may be most suitable to
eight (8) private respondents herein, teachers at the Ramon Magsaysay
develop his capacities, and giv to them their highest
High School, Manila, who had agreed to support the non-political
enjoyment. 23
demands of the MPSTA. 4

Another evident objection to Resolution No. 105 is that it violates the

2. For failure to heed the return-to-work order, the CHR
academic freedom of the schools concerned. Respondent PRC cannot
complainants (private respondents) were administratively charged on
interfere with the conduct of review that review schools and centers
the basis of the principal's report and given five (5) days to answer the
believe would best enable their enrolees to meet the standards required
charges. They were also preventively suspended for ninety (90) days
before becoming a full fledged public accountant. Unless the means or
"pursuant to Section 41 of P.D. 807" and temporarily replaced
methods of instruction are clearly found to be inefficient, impractical, or
(unmarked CHR Exhibits, Annexes F, G, H). An investigation committee
was consequently formed to hear the charges in accordance with P.D. a) The Decision dated December l7, 1990 of Education
807. 5 Secretary Cariño in Case No. DECS 90-082, decreeing dismissal from
the service of Apolinario Esber and the suspension for nine (9) months
of Babaran, Budoy and del Castillo; 15 and
3. In the administrative case docketed as Case No. DECS 90-
082 in which CHR complainants Graciano Budoy, Jr., Julieta Babaran,
Luz del Castillo, Apolinario Esber were, among others, named b) The joint Resolution of this Court dated August 6, 1991 in G.R.
respondents, 6 the latter filed separate answers, opted for a formal Nos. 95445 and 95590 dismissing the petitions "without prejudice to any
investigation, and also moved "for suspension of the administrative appeals, if still timely, that the individual petitioners may take to the Civil
proceedings pending resolution by . . (the Supreme) Court of their Service Commission on the matters complained of," 16 and inter alia
application for issuance of an injunctive writ/temporary restraining "ruling that it was prima facie lawful for petitioner Cariño to issue return-
order." But when their motion for suspension was denied by Order dated to-work orders, file administrative charges against recalcitrants,
November 8, 1990 of the Investigating Committee, which later also preventively suspend them, and issue decision on those charges." 17
denied their motion for reconsideration orally made at the hearing of
November 14, 1990, "the respondents led by their counsel staged a
9. In an Order dated December 28, 1990, respondent
walkout signifying their intent to boycott the entire proceedings." 7 The
Commission denied Sec. Cariño's motion to dismiss and required him
case eventually resulted in a Decision of Secretary Cariño dated
and Superintendent Lolarga "to submit their counter-affidavits within ten
December 17, 1990, rendered after evaluation of the evidence as well
(10) days . . . (after which) the Commission shall proceed to hear and
as the answers, affidavits and documents submitted by the respondents,
resolve the case on the merits with or without respondents counter
decreeing dismissal from the service of Apolinario Esber and the
affidavit." 18 It held that the "striking teachers" "were denied due process
suspension for nine (9) months of Babaran, Budoy and del Castillo. 8
of law; . . . they should not have been replaced without a chance to reply
to the administrative charges;" there had been a violation of their civil
4. In the meantime, the "MPSTA filed a petition for certiorari and political rights which the Commission was empowered to
before the Regional Trial Court of Manila against petitioner (Cariño), investigate; and while expressing its "utmost respect to the Supreme
which was dismissed (unmarked CHR Exhibit, Annex I). Later, the Court . . . the facts before . . . (it) are different from those in the case
MPSTA went to the Supreme Court (on certiorari, in an attempt to nullify decided by the Supreme Court" (the reference being unmistakably to
said dismissal, grounded on the) alleged violation of the striking this Court's joint Resolution of August 6, 1991 in G.R. Nos. 95445 and
teachers" right to due process and peaceable assembly docketed as 95590, supra).
G.R. No. 95445, supra. The ACT also filed a similar petition before the
Supreme Court . . . docketed as G.R. No. 95590." 9 Both petitions in this
Court were filed in behalf of the teacher associations, a few named
individuals, and "other teacher-members so numerous similarly
situated" or "other similarly situated public school teachers too It is to invalidate and set aside this Order of December 28, 1990 that the
numerous to be impleaded." Solicitor General, in behalf of petitioner Cariño, has commenced the
present action of certiorari and prohibition.
5. In the meantime, too, the respondent teachers submitted
sworn statements dated September 27, 1990 to the Commission on
Human Rights to complain that while they were participating in peaceful
mass actions, they suddenly learned of their replacements as teachers,
allegedly without notice and consequently for reasons completely The Commission on Human Rights has made clear its position that it
does not feel bound by this Court's joint Resolution in G.R. Nos. 95445
unknown to them. 10
and 95590, supra. It has also made plain its intention "to hear and
resolve the case (i.e., Striking Teachers HRC Case No. 90-775) on the
merits." It intends, in other words, to try and decide or hear and
determine, i.e., exercise jurisdiction over the following general issues:
6. Their complaints — and those of other teachers also "ordered
suspended by the . . . (DECS)," all numbering forty-two (42) — were 1) whether or not the striking teachers were denied due process,
docketed as "Striking Teachers CHR Case No. 90775." In connection and just cause exists for the imposition of administrative disciplinary
therewith the Commission scheduled a "dialogue" on October 11, 1990, sanctions on them by their superiors; and
and sent a subpoena to Secretary Cariño requiring his attendance
therein. 11
2) whether or not the grievances which were "the cause of the
mass leave of MPSTA teachers, (and) with which causes they (CHR
On the day of the "dialogue," although it said that it was "not certain complainants) sympathize," justify their mass action or strike.
whether he (Sec. Cariño) received the subpoena which was served at
his office, . . . (the) Commission, with the Chairman presiding, and
Commissioners Hesiquio R. Mallilin and Narciso C. Monteiro, proceeded The Commission evidently intends to itself adjudicate, that is to say,
determine with character of finality and definiteness, the same issues
to hear the case;" it heard the complainants' counsel (a) explain that his
clients had been "denied due process and suspended without formal which have been passed upon and decided by the Secretary of
notice, and unjustly, since they did not join the mass leave," and (b) Education, Culture & Sports, subject to appeal to the Civil Service
Commission, this Court having in fact, as aforementioned, declared that
expatiate on the grievances which were "the cause of the mass leave of
MPSTA teachers, (and) with which causes they (CHR complainants) the teachers affected may take appeals to the Civil Service Commission
sympathize." 12 The Commission thereafter issued an Order 13 reciting on said matters, if still timely.
these facts and making the following disposition:
The threshold question is whether or not the Commission on Human
To be properly apprised of the real facts of the case and be accordingly Rights has the power under the Constitution to do so; whether or not,
like a court of justice, 19 or even a quasi-judicial agency, 20 it has
guided in its investigation and resolution of the matter, considering that
these forty two teachers are now suspended and deprived of their jurisdiction or adjudicatory powers over, or the power to try and decide,
wages, which they need very badly, Secretary Isidro Cariño, of the or hear and determine, certain specific type of cases, like alleged human
rights violations involving civil or political rights.
Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Dr. Erlinda Lolarga,
school superintendent of Manila and the Principal of Ramon Magsaysay
High School, Manila, are hereby enjoined to appear and enlighten the The Court declares the Commission on Human Rights to have no such
Commission en banc on October 19, 1990 at 11:00 A.M. and to bring power; and that it was not meant by the fundamental law to be another
with them any and all documents relevant to the allegations aforestated court or quasi-judicial agency in this country, or duplicate much less take
herein to assist the Commission in this matter. Otherwise, the over the functions of the latter.
Commission will resolve the complaint on the basis of complainants'
The most that may be conceded to the Commission in the way of
adjudicative power is that it may investigate, i.e., receive evidence and
xxx xxx xxx make findings of fact as regards claimed human rights violations
involving civil and political rights. But fact finding is not adjudication, and
7. Through the Office of the Solicitor General, Secretary Cariño cannot be likened to the judicial function of a court of justice, or even a
quasi-judicial agency or official. The function of receiving evidence and
sought and was granted leave to file a motion to dismiss the case. His
motion to dismiss was submitted on November 14, 1990 alleging as ascertaining therefrom the facts of a controversy is not a judicial
grounds therefor, "that the complaint states no cause of action and that function, properly speaking. To be considered such, the faculty of
receiving evidence and making factual conclusions in a controversy
the CHR has no jurisdiction over the case." 14
must be accompanied by the authority of applying the law to those
factual conclusions to the end that the controversy may be decided or
8. Pending determination by the Commission of the motion to determined authoritatively, finally and definitively, subject to such
dismiss, judgments affecting the "striking teachers" were promulgated in appeals or modes of review as may be provided by law. 21 This function,
two (2) cases, as aforestated, viz.: to repeat, the Commission does not have. 22
The proposition is made clear by the constitutional provisions specifying in turn describe as "(a)n administrative function, the exercise of which
the powers of the Commission on Human Rights. ordinarily does not require a hearing. 2 Am J2d Adm L Sec. 257; . . . an
inquiry, judicial or otherwise, for the discovery and collection of facts
concerning a certain matter or matters." 29
The Commission was created by the 1987 Constitution as an
independent office. 23 Upon its constitution, it succeeded and
superseded the Presidential Committee on Human Rights existing at the "Adjudicate," commonly or popularly understood, means to adjudge,
time of the effectivity of the Constitution. 24 Its powers and functions are arbitrate, judge, decide, determine, resolve, rule on, settle. The
the following 25 dictionary defines the term as "to settle finally (the rights and duties of
the parties to a court case) on the merits of issues raised: . . . to pass
judgment on: settle judicially: . . . act as judge." 30 And "adjudge" means
(1) Investigate, on its own or on complaint by any party, all forms
"to decide or rule upon as a judge or with judicial or quasi-judicial
of human rights violations involving civil and political rights;
powers: . . . to award or grant judicially in a case of controversy . . . ." 31

(2) Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of procedure, and

In the legal sense, "adjudicate" means: "To settle in the exercise of
cite for contempt for violations thereof in accordance with the Rules of
judicial authority. To determine finally. Synonymous with adjudge in its
strictest sense;" and "adjudge" means: "To pass on judicially, to decide,
settle or decree, or to sentence or condemn. . . . Implies a judicial
(3) Provide appropriate legal measures for the protection of determination of a fact, and the entry of a judgment." 32
human rights of all persons within the Philippines, as well as Filipinos
residing abroad, and provide for preventive measures and legal aid
Hence it is that the Commission on Human Rights, having merely the
services to the underprivileged whose human rights have been violated
power "to investigate," cannot and should not "try and resolve on the
or need protection;
merits" (adjudicate) the matters involved in Striking Teachers HRC Case
No. 90-775, as it has announced it means to do; and it cannot do so
(4) Exercise visitorial powers over jails, prisons, or detention even if there be a claim that in the administrative disciplinary
facilities; proceedings against the teachers in question, initiated and conducted
by the DECS, their human rights, or civil or political rights had been
transgressed. More particularly, the Commission has no power to
(5) Establish a continuing program of research, education, and "resolve on the merits" the question of (a) whether or not the mass
information to enhance respect for the primacy of human rights;
concerted actions engaged in by the teachers constitute and are
prohibited or otherwise restricted by law; (b) whether or not the act of
(6) Recommend to the Congress effective measures to promote carrying on and taking part in those actions, and the failure of the
human rights and to provide for compensation to victims of violations of teachers to discontinue those actions, and return to their classes despite
human rights, or their families; the order to this effect by the Secretary of Education, constitute
infractions of relevant rules and regulations warranting administrative
disciplinary sanctions, or are justified by the grievances complained of
(7) Monitor the Philippine Government's compliance with by them; and (c) what where the particular acts done by each individual
international treaty obligations on human rights; teacher and what sanctions, if any, may properly be imposed for said
acts or omissions.
(8) Grant immunity from prosecution to any person whose
testimony or whose possession of documents or other evidence is These are matters undoubtedly and clearly within the original jurisdiction
necessary or convenient to determine the truth in any investigation of the Secretary of Education, being within the scope of the disciplinary
conducted by it or under its authority; powers granted to him under the Civil Service Law, and also, within the
appellate jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission.
(9) Request the assistance of any department, bureau, office, or
agency in the performance of its functions; Indeed, the Secretary of Education has, as above narrated, already
taken cognizance of the issues and resolved them, 33 and it appears
(10) Appoint its officers and employees in accordance with law; that appeals have been seasonably taken by the aggrieved parties to
and the Civil Service Commission; and even this Court itself has had
occasion to pass upon said issues. 34
(11) Perform such other duties and functions as may be provided
by law.

As should at once be observed, only the first of the enumerated powers Now, it is quite obvious that whether or not the conclusions reached by
and functions bears any resemblance to adjudication or adjudgment. the Secretary of Education in disciplinary cases are correct and are
The Constitution clearly and categorically grants to the Commission the adequately based on substantial evidence; whether or not the
power to investigate all forms of human rights violations involving civil proceedings themselves are void or defective in not having accorded the
and political rights. It can exercise that power on its own initiative or on respondents due process; and whether or not the Secretary of Education
complaint of any person. It may exercise that power pursuant to such had in truth committed "human rights violations involving civil and
rules of procedure as it may adopt and, in cases of violations of said political rights," are matters which may be passed upon and determined
rules, cite for contempt in accordance with the Rules of Court. In the through a motion for reconsideration addressed to the Secretary
course of any investigation conducted by it or under its authority, it may Education himself, and in the event of an adverse verdict, may be
grant immunity from prosecution to any person whose testimony or reviewed by the Civil Service Commission and eventually the Supreme
whose possession of documents or other evidence is necessary or Court.
convenient to determine the truth. It may also request the assistance of
any department, bureau, office, or agency in the performance of its The Commission on Human Rights simply has no place in this scheme
functions, in the conduct of its investigation or in extending such remedy of things. It has no business intruding into the jurisdiction and functions
as may be required by its findings. 26 of the Education Secretary or the Civil Service Commission. It has no
business going over the same ground traversed by the latter and making
But it cannot try and decide cases (or hear and determine causes) as its own judgment on the questions involved. This would accord success
courts of justice, or even quasi-judicial bodies do. To investigate is not to what may well have been the complaining teachers' strategy to abort,
to adjudicate or adjudge. Whether in the popular or the technical sense, frustrate or negate the judgment of the Education Secretary in the
these terms have well understood and quite distinct meanings. administrative cases against them which they anticipated would be
adverse to them.
"Investigate," commonly understood, means to examine, explore,
inquire or delve or probe into, research on, study. The dictionary This cannot be done. It will not be permitted to be done.
definition of "investigate" is "to observe or study closely: inquire into
systematically. "to search or inquire into: . . . to subject to an official In any event, the investigation by the Commission on Human Rights
probe . . .: to conduct an official inquiry." 27 The purpose of investigation, would serve no useful purpose. If its investigation should result in
of course, is to discover, to find out, to learn, obtain information. conclusions contrary to those reached by Secretary Cariño, it would
Nowhere included or intimated is the notion of settling, deciding or have no power anyway to reverse the Secretary's conclusions. Reversal
resolving a controversy involved in the facts inquired into by application thereof can only by done by the Civil Service Commission and lastly by
of the law to the facts established by the inquiry. this Court. The only thing the Commission can do, if it concludes that
Secretary Cariño was in error, is to refer the matter to the appropriate
The legal meaning of "investigate" is essentially the same: "(t)o follow Government agency or tribunal for assistance; that would be the Civil
up step by step by patient inquiry or observation. To trace or track; to Service Commission. 35 It cannot arrogate unto itself the appellate
search into; to examine and inquire into with care and accuracy; to find jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission.
out by careful inquisition; examination; the taking of evidence; a legal
inquiry;" 28 "to inquire; to make an investigation," "investigation" being
WHEREFORE, the petition is granted; the Order of December 29, 1990 182 and DOJ Memorandum dated March 2, 2009, and prays that
is ANNULLED and SET ASIDE, and the respondent Commission on the petition be dismissed for its utter lack of merit.
Human Rights and the Chairman and Members thereof are prohibited
"to hear and resolve the case (i.e., Striking Teachers HRC Case No. 90-
775) on the merits." Issues

SO ORDERED. The following issues are now to be resolved, to wit:

G.R. No. 188056 January 8, 2013 1. Did petitioners properly bring their petition for certiorari,
prohibition and mandamus directly to the Court?


DACUDAO, Petitioners, 2. Did respondent Secretary of Justice commit grave abuse of
vs. discretion in issuing DO No. 182?
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Respondent. 3. Did DO No. 182 and DOJ Memorandum dated March 2, 2009
violate petitioners’ constitutionally guaranteed rights?
The petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, being
Petitioners - residents of Bacaca Road, Davao City - were among bereft of substance and merit, is dismissed.
the investors whom Celso G. Delos Angeles, Jr. and his
associates in the Legacy Group of Companies (Legacy Group) Firstly, petitioners have unduly disregarded the hierarchy of
allegedly defrauded through the Legacy Group's "buy back courts by coming directly to the Court with their petition for
agreement" that earned them check payments that were certiorari, prohibition and mandamus without tendering therein
dishonored. After their written demands for the return of their any special, important or compelling reason to justify the direct
investments went unheeded, they initiated a number of charges filing of the petition.
for syndicated estafa against Delos Angeles, Jr., et al. in the
Office of the City Prosecutor of Davao City on February 6, 2009.
Three of the cases were docketed as NPS Docket No. XI-02-INV.- We emphasize that the concurrence of jurisdiction among the
09-A-00356, Docket No. XI-02-INV.-09-C-00752, and Docket No. Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and the Regional Trial Courts
XI-02-INV.-09-C-00753.1 to issue the writs of certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo
warranto, habeas corpus and injunction did not give petitioners
the unrestricted freedom of choice of court forum.4 An undue
On March 18, 2009, the Secretary of Justice issued Department disregard of this policy against direct resort to the Court will
of Justice (DOJ) Order No. 182 (DO No. 182), directing all cause the dismissal of the recourse. In Bañez, Jr. v.
Regional State Prosecutors, Provincial Prosecutors, and City Concepcion,5 we explained why, to wit:
Prosecutors to forward all cases already filed against Delos
Angeles, Jr., et al. to the Secretariat of the DOJ Special Panel in
Manila for appropriate action. The Court must enjoin the observance of the policy on the
hierarchy of courts, and now affirms that the policy is not to be
ignored without serious consequences. The strictness of the
DO No. 182 reads:2 policy is designed to shield the Court from having to deal with
causes that are also well within the competence of the lower
All cases against Celso G. delos Angeles, Jr., et al. under Legacy courts, and thus leave time to the Court to deal with the more
Group of Companies, may be filed with the docket section of the fundamental and more essential tasks that the Constitution has
National Prosecution Service, Department of Justice, Padre assigned to it. The Court may act on petitions for the
Faura, Manila and shall be forwarded to the Secretariat of the extraordinary writs of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus only
Special Panel for assignment and distribution to panel members, when absolutely necessary or when serious and important
per Department Order No. 84 dated February 13, 2009. reasons exist to justify an exception to the policy. This was why
the Court stressed in Vergara, Sr. v. Suelto:

However, cases already filed against Celso G. delos Angeles, Jr.

et al. of Legacy group of Companies in your respective offices with x x x. The Supreme Court is a court of last resort, and must so
the exemption of the cases filed in Cagayan de Oro City which is remain if it is to satisfactorily perform the functions assigned to
covered by Memorandum dated March 2, 2009, should be it by the fundamental charter and immemorial tradition. It
forwarded to the Secretariat of the Special Panel at Room 149, cannot and should not be burdened with the task of dealing with
Department of Justice, Padre Faura, Manila, for proper causes in the first instance. Its original jurisdiction to issue the
disposition. so-called extraordinary writs should be exercised only where
absolutely necessary or where serious and important reasons
exist therefor. Hence, that jurisdiction should generally be
For information and guidance. exercised relative to actions or proceedings before the Court of
Appeals, or before constitutional or other tribunals, bodies or
Pursuant to DO No. 182, the complaints of petitioners were agencies whose acts for some reason or another are not
forwarded by the Office of the City Prosecutor of Davao City to controllable by the Court of Appeals. Where the issuance of an
the Secretariat of the Special Panel of the DOJ.3 extraordinary writ is also within the competence of the Court of
Appeals or a Regional Trial Court, it is in either of these courts
that the specific action for the writ’s procurement must be
Aggrieved by such turn of events, petitioners have directly come presented. This is and should continue to be the policy in this
to the Court via petition for certiorari, prohibition and regard, a policy that courts and lawyers must strictly observe.
mandamus, ascribing to respondent Secretary of Justice grave (Emphasis supplied)
abuse of discretion in issuing DO No. 182. They claim that DO
No. 182 violated their right to due process, their right to the equal
protection of the laws, and their right to the speedy disposition In People v. Cuaresma, the Court has also amplified the need for
of cases. They insist that DO No. 182 was an obstruction of strict adherence to the policy of hierarchy of courts. There, noting
justice and a violation of the rule against enactment of laws with "a growing tendency on the part of litigants and lawyers to have
retroactive effect. their applications for the so-called extraordinary writs, and
sometimes even their appeals, passed upon and adjudicated
directly and immediately by the highest tribunal of the land," the
Petitioners also challenge as unconstitutional the issuance of Court has cautioned lawyers and litigants against taking a direct
DOJ Memorandum dated March 2, 2009 exempting from the resort to the highest tribunal, viz:
coverage of DO No. No. 182 all the cases for syndicated estafa
already filed and pending in the Office of the City Prosecutor of
Cagayan de Oro City. They aver that DOJ Memorandum dated x x x. This Court’s original jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari
March 2, 2009 violated their right to equal protection under the (as well as prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus
Constitution. and injunction) is not exclusive. It is shared by this Court with
Regional Trial Courts x x x, which may issue the writ, enforceable
in any part of their respective regions. It is also shared by this
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), representing Court, and by the Regional Trial Court, with the Court of Appeals
respondent Secretary of Justice, maintains the validity of DO No. x x x, although prior to the effectivity of Batas Pambansa Bilang
129 on August 14, 1981, the latter's competence to issue the
extraordinary writs was restricted to those "in aid of its appellate contemplation of law, such as when such judge, tribunal or board
jurisdiction." This concurrence of jurisdiction is not, however, to exercising judicial or quasi-judicial powers acted in a capricious
be taken as according to parties seeking any of the writs an or whimsical manner as to be equivalent to lack of jurisdiction.
absolute, unrestrained freedom of choice of the court to which
application therefor will be directed. There is after all a hierarchy
For a special civil action for certiorari to prosper, therefore, the
of courts. That hierarchy is determinative of the venue of appeals,
following requisites must concur, namely: (a) it must be directed
and should also serve as a general determinant of the appropriate
against a tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-
forum for petitions for the extraordinary writs. A becoming regard
judicial functions; (b) the tribunal, board, or officer must have
for that judicial hierarchy most certainly indicates that petitions
acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of
for the issuance of extraordinary writs against first level
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; and (c)
("inferior") courts should be filed with the Regional Trial Court,
there is no appeal nor any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy
and those against the latter, with the Court of Appeals. A direct
in the ordinary course of law.9 The burden of proof lies on
invocation of the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to issue
petitioners to demonstrate that the assailed order was issued
these writs should be allowed only when there are special and
without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of
important reasons therefor, clearly and specifically set out in the
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
petition. This is established policy. It is a policy that is necessary
to prevent inordinate demands upon the Court’s time and
attention which are better devoted to those matters within its Yet, petitioners have not shown a compliance with the requisites.
exclusive jurisdiction, and to prevent further over-crowding of the To start with, they merely alleged that the Secretary of Justice
Court's docket. Indeed, the removal of the restriction on the had acted without or in excess of his jurisdiction. Also, the
jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals in this regard, supra— petition did not show that the Secretary of Justice was an officer
resulting from the deletion of the qualifying phrase, "in aid of its exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions. Instead, the
appellate jurisdiction" — was evidently intended precisely to Secretary of Justice would appear to be not exercising any
relieve this Court pro tanto of the burden of dealing with judicial or quasi-judicial functions because his questioned
applications for the extraordinary writs which, but for the issuances were ostensibly intended to ensure his subordinates’
expansion of the Appellate Court corresponding jurisdiction, efficiency and economy in the conduct of the preliminary
would have had to be filed with it.1âwphi1 investigation of all the cases involving the Legacy Group. The
function involved was purely executive or administrative.
The fact that the DOJ is the primary prosecution arm of the
Government does not make it a quasi-judicial office or agency.
The Court therefore closes this decision with the declaration for
Its preliminary investigation of cases is not a quasi-judicial
the information and evidence of all concerned, that it will not only
proceeding. Nor does the DOJ exercise a quasi-judicial function
continue to enforce the policy, but will require a more strict
when it reviews the findings of a public prosecutor on the finding
observance thereof. (Emphasis supplied)
of probable cause in any case. Indeed, in Bautista v. Court of
Appeals,10 the Supreme Court has held that a preliminary
Accordingly, every litigant must remember that the Court is not investigation is not a quasi-judicial proceeding, stating:
the only judicial forum from which to seek and obtain effective
redress of their grievances. As a rule, the Court is a court of last
x x x the prosecutor in a preliminary investigation does not
resort, not a court of the first instance. Hence, every litigant who
determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. He does not
brings the petitions for the extraordinary writs of certiorari,
exercise adjudication nor rule-making functions. Preliminary
prohibition and mandamus should ever be mindful of the policy
investigation is merely inquisitorial, and is often the only means
on the hierarchy of courts, the observance of which is explicitly
of discovering the persons who may be reasonably charged with
defined and enjoined in Section 4 of Rule 65, Rules of Court, viz:
a crime and to enable the fiscal to prepare his complaint or
information. It is not a trial of the case on the merits and has no
Section 4. When and where petition filed. - The petition shall be purpose except that of determining whether a crime has been
filed not later than sixty (60) days from notice of the judgment, committed and whether there is probable cause to believe that
order or resolution. In case a motion for reconsideration or new the accused is guilty thereof. While the fiscal makes that
trial is timely filed, whether such motion is required or not, the determination, he cannot be said to be acting as a quasi-court,
sixty (60) day period shall be counted from notice of the denial of for it is the courts, ultimately, that pass judgment on the
the said motion. accused, not the fiscal.11

The petition shall be filed in the Supreme Court or, if it relates to There may be some decisions of the Court that have characterized
the acts or omissions of a lower court or of a corporation, board, the public prosecutor’s power to conduct a preliminary
officer or person, in the Regional Trial Court exercising investigation as quasi-judicial in nature. Still, this
jurisdiction over the territorial area as defined by the Supreme characterization is true only to the extent that the public
Court. It may also be filed in the Court of Appeals whether or not prosecutor, like a quasi-judicial body, is an officer of the
the same is in the aid of its appellate jurisdiction, or in the executive department exercising powers akin to those of a court
Sandiganbayan if it is in aid of its appellate jurisdiction. If it of law.
involves the acts or omissions of a quasi-judicial agency, unless
otherwise provided by law or these rules, the petition shall be
But the limited similarity between the public prosecutor and a
filed in and cognizable only by the Court of Appeals.
quasi-judicial body quickly endsthere. For sure, a quasi-judicial
body is an organ of government other than a court of law or a
In election cases involving an act or an omission of a municipal legislative office that affects the rights of private parties through
or a regional trial court, the petition shall be filed exclusively with either adjudication or rule-making; it performs adjudicatory
the Commission on Elections, in aid of its appellate jurisdiction.6 functions, and its awards and adjudications determine the rights
of the parties coming before it; its decisions have the same effect
as the judgments of a court of law. In contrast, that is not the
Secondly, even assuming arguendo that petitioners’ direct resort
effect whenever a public prosecutor conducts a preliminary
to the Court was permissible, the petition must still be dismissed.
investigation to determine probable cause in order to file a
criminal information against a person properly charged with the
The writ of certiorari is available only when any tribunal, board offense, or whenever the Secretary of Justice reviews the public
or officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions has acted prosecutor’s orders or resolutions.
without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and
Petitioners have self-styled their petition to be also for
there is no appeal, nor any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy
prohibition. However, we do not see how that can be. They have
in the ordinary course of law.7"The sole office of the writ of
not shown in their petition in what manner and at what point the
certiorari," according to Delos Santos v. Metropolitan Bank and
Secretary of Justice, in handing out the assailed issuances, acted
Trust Company:8
without or in excess of his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. On the
x x x is the correction of errors of jurisdiction, which includes the other hand, we already indicated why the issuances were not
commission of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of infirmed by any defect of jurisdiction. Hence, the blatant
jurisdiction. In this regard, mere abuse of discretion is not omissions of the petition transgressed Section 2, Rule 65 of the
enough to warrant the issuance of the writ. The abuse of Rules of Court, to wit:
discretion must be grave, which means either that the judicial or
quasi-judicial power was exercised in an arbitrary or despotic
Section 2. Petition for prohibition. — When the proceedings of
manner by reason of passion or personal hostility, or that the
any tribunal, corporation, board, officer or person, whether
respondent judge, tribunal or board evaded a positive duty, or
exercising judicial, quasi-judicial or ministerial functions, are
virtually refused to perform the duty enjoined or to act in
without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and It has come to the attention of the undersigned that cases for
there is no appeal or any other plain, speedy, and adequate syndicated estafa were filed with your office against officers of the
remedy in the ordinary course of law, a person aggrieved thereby Legacy Group of Companies. Considering the distance of the
may file a verified petition in the proper court, alleging the facts place of complainants therein to Manila, your Office is hereby
with certainty and praying that judgment be rendered exempted from the directive previously issued by the undersigned
commanding the respondent to desist from further proceedings requiring prosecution offices to forward the records of all cases
in the action or matter specified therein, or otherwise granting involving Legacy Group of Companies to the Task Force.
such incidental reliefs as law and justice may require.
Anent the foregoing, you are hereby directed to conduct
The petition shall likewise be accompanied by a certified true preliminary investigation of all cases involving the Legacy Group
copy of the judgment, order or resolution subject thereof, copies of Companies filed in your office with dispatch and to file the
of all pleadings and documents relevant and pertinent thereto, corresponding informations if evidence warrants and to
and a sworn certification of non-forum shopping as provided in prosecute the same in court.
the third paragraph of section 3, Rule 46. (2a) Similarly, the
petition could not be one for mandamus, which is a remedy
Petitioners’ attack deserves no consideration. The equal
available only when "any tribunal, corporation, board, officer or
protection clause of the Constitution does not require the
person unlawfully neglects the performance of an act which the
universal application of the laws to all persons or things without
law specifically enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust,
distinction; what it requires is simply equality among equals as
or station, or unlawfully excludes another from the use and
determined according to a valid classification.18 Hence, the Court
enjoyment of a right or office to which such other is entitled, and
has affirmed that if a law neither burdens a fundamental right
there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the
nor targets a suspect class, the classification stands as long as it
ordinary course of law, the person aggrieved thereby may file a
bears a rational relationship to some legitimate government
verified petition in the proper court."12 The main objective of
mandamus is to compel the performance of a ministerial duty on
the part of the respondent. Plainly enough, the writ of mandamus
does not issue to control or review the exercise of discretion or to That is the situation here. In issuing the assailed DOJ
compel a course of conduct,13 which, it quickly seems to us, was Memorandum dated March 2, 2009, the Secretary of Justice took
what petitioners would have the Secretary of Justice do in their into account the relative distance between Cagayan de Oro,
favor. Consequently, their petition has not indicated how and where many complainants against the Legacy Group resided, and
where the Secretary of Justice’s assailed issuances excluded Manila, where the preliminary investigations would be conducted
them from the use and enjoyment of a right or office to which by the special panel. He also took into account that the cases had
they were unquestionably entitled. already been filed in the City Prosecutor’s Office of Cagayan de
Oro at the time he issued DO No. 182. Given the considerable
number of complainants residing in Cagayan de Oro City, the
Thirdly, there is no question that DO No. 182 enjoyed a strong
Secretary of Justice was fully justified in excluding the cases
presumption of its validity. In ABAKADA Guro Party List v.
commenced in Cagayan de Oro from the ambit of DO No. 182.
Purisima,14 the Court has extended the presumption of validity
The classification taken into consideration by the Secretary of
to legislative issuances as well as to rules and regulations issued
Justice was really valid. Resultantly, petitioners could not inquire
by administrative agencies, saying:
into the wisdom behind the exemption upon the ground that the
non-application of the exemption to them would cause them
Administrative regulations enacted by administrative agencies to some inconvenience.
implement and interpret the law which they are entrusted to
enforce have the force of law and are entitled to respect. Such
Fifthly, petitioners contend that DO No. 182 violated their right
rules and regulations partake of the nature of a statute and are
to the speedy disposition of cases guaranteed by the
just as binding as if they have been written in the statute itself.
Constitution. They posit that there would be considerable delay
As such, they have the force and effect of law and enjoy the
in the resolution of their cases that would definitely be "a flagrant
presumption of constitutionality and legality until they are set
transgression of petitioners’ constitutional rights to speedy
aside with finality in an appropriate case by a competent court.15
disposition of their cases."20

DO No. 182 was issued pursuant to Department Order No. 84

We cannot favor their contention.
that the Secretary of Justice had promulgated to govern the
performance of the mandate of the DOJ to "administer the
criminal justice system in accordance with the accepted In The Ombudsman v. Jurado,21 the Court has clarified that
processes thereof"16 as expressed in Republic Act No. 10071 although the Constitution guarantees the right to the speedy
(Prosecution Service Act of 2010) and Section 3, Chapter I, Title disposition of cases, such speedy disposition is a flexible concept.
III and Section 1, Chapter I, Title III of Book IV of Executive Order To properly define that concept, the facts and circumstances
292 (Administrative Code of 1987). surrounding each case must be evaluated and taken into
account. There occurs a violation of the right to a speedy
disposition of a case only when the proceedings are attended by
To overcome this strong presumption of validity of the questioned
vexatious, capricious, and oppressive delays, or when unjustified
issuances, it became incumbent upon petitioners to prove their
postponements of the trial are sought and secured, or when,
unconstitutionality and invalidity, either by showing that the
without cause or justifiable motive, a long period of time is
Administrative Code of 1987 did not authorize the Secretary of
allowed to elapse without the party having his case tried.22 It is
Justice to issue DO No. 182, or by demonstrating that DO No.
cogent to mention that a mere mathematical reckoning of the
182 exceeded the bounds of the Administrative Code of 1987 and
time involved is not determinant of the concept.23
other pertinent laws. They did not do so. They must further show
that the performance of the DOJ’s functions under the
Administrative Code of 1987 and other pertinent laws did not call The consolidation of the cases against Delos Angeles, Jr., et al.
for the impositions laid down by the assailed issuances. That was was ordered obviously to obtain expeditious justice for the parties
not true here, for DO No 182 did not deprive petitioners in any with the least cost and vexation to them. Inasmuch as the cases
degree of their right to seek redress for the alleged wrong done filed involved similar or related questions to be dealt with during
against them by the Legacy Group. Instead, the issuances were
designed to assist petitioners and others like them expedite the
the preliminary investigation, the Secretary of Justice rightly
prosecution, if warranted under the law, of all those responsible
found the consolidation of the cases to be the most feasible
for the wrong through the creation of the special panel of state
means of promoting the efficient use of public resources and of
prosecutors and prosecution attorneys in order to conduct a
having a comprehensive investigation of the cases.
nationwide and comprehensive preliminary investigation and
prosecution of the cases. Thereby, the Secretary of Justice did
not act arbitrarily or oppressively against petitioners. On the other hand, we do not ignore the possibility that there
would be more cases reaching the DOJ in addition to those
already brought by petitioners and other parties. Yet, any delays
Fourthly, petitioners attack the exemption from the consolidation
in petitioners’ cases occasioned by such other and subsequent
decreed in DO No. 182 of the cases filed or pending in the Office
cases should not warrant the invalidation of DO No. 182. The
of the City Prosecutor of Cagayan de Oro City, claiming that the
Constitution prohibits only the delays that are unreasonable,
exemption traversed the constitutional guaranty in their favor of
arbitrary and oppressive, and tend to render rights nugatory.24 In
the equal protection of law.17
fine, we see neither undue delays, nor any violation of the right
of petitioners to the speedy disposition of their cases.
The exemption is covered by the assailed DOJ Memorandum
dated March 2, 2009, to wit:
Sixthly, petitioners assert that the assailed issuances should
cover only future cases against Delos Angeles, Jr., et al., not
those already being investigated. They maintain that DO No. 182
was issued in violation of the prohibition against passing laws
with retroactive effect.

Petitioners’ assertion is baseless.

As a general rule, laws shall have no retroactive effect. However,

exceptions exist, and one such exception concerns a law that is
procedural in nature. The reason is that a remedial statute or a
statute relating to remedies or modes of procedure does not
create new rights or take away vested rights but only operates in
furtherance of the remedy or the confirmation of already existing
rights.25 A statute or rule regulating the procedure of the courts
will be construed as applicable to actions pending and
undetermined at the time of its passage. All procedural laws are
retroactive in that sense and to that extent. The retroactive
application is not violative of any right of a person who may feel
adversely affected, for, verily, no vested right generally attaches
to or arises from procedural laws.

Finally, petitioners have averred but failed to establish that DO

No. 182 constituted obstruction of justice. This ground of the
petition, being unsubstantiated, was unfounded.

Nonetheless, it is not amiss to reiterate that the authority of the

Secretary of Justice to assume jurisdiction over matters involving
the investigation of crimes and the prosecution of offenders is
fully sanctioned by law. Towards that end, the Secretary of
Justice exercises control and supervision over all the regional,
provincial, and city prosecutors of the country; has broad
discretion in the discharge of the DOJ’s functions; and
administers the DOJ and its adjunct offices and agencies by
promulgating rules and regulations to carry out their objectives,
policies and functions.

Consequently, unless and until the Secretary of Justice acts

beyond the bounds of his authority, or arbitrarily, or whimsically,
or oppressively, any person or entity who may feel to be thereby
aggrieved or adversely affected should have no right to call for the
invalidation or nullification of the rules and regulations issued
by, as well as other actions taken by the Secretary of Justice.

WHEREFORE, the Court DISMISSES the omnibus petition for

certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus for lack of merit.

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