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Cooperative learning
I. Describe the Class
Grade: 3rd grade
Total students: 25
Special needs students: 2 ELL, 1 Gifted

II. Subject/Skill:

Subject: English
Skill: Writing skill; Forming a friendly letter

III. Objective(s)

Students will be able to identify the five parts of a friendly letter. (Heading, Greeting,
Body, Closing and Signature)
Students will be able to write/compose a friendly letter using all five parts.
Students will apply prior knowledge of the writing process.
Students will be able to write a friendly letter to another individual (peer, classmate,
parent, etc.) with an accuracy of 85%.

IV. Procedures

1. State the objectives and orient student to the lesson: State objectives to students
aloud and have students repeat the objects back. Formulate a KWL chart. Brainstorm
with the class what their knowledge of a friendly letter is (including its parts and
purpose). Once discussing their prior knowledge of a letter, introduce the definitions
and label the parts of a letter. Go over the definitions for heading, greeting, body,
closing and signature as well as physically label the different parts for the students to
visually reference from.
2. Review Prerequisites: Relate the parts of a letter to the structures of an essay
(introduction, body, conclusion). Discuss how the beginning of an essay needs an
introduction and conclusion just like a letter. Make relations in definition and order
between the different parts from the letter and to the parts of an essay. State that the
reason for the lesson is to learn a different way to write when speaking to a direct
audience. Explain how both letters and essays are used to communicate to an
audience or individual.
3. Modeling: Instructors will display a letter for the class to see. Instructor will point
out the different parts of the letter: heading, greeting, body, closing, signature.
Instructor will define each part and what it should compose of. Heading: street
address, city/state, date. Greeting: Dear_(receiving individuals name)_, Body:
intended message, what did you want to tell that person? Closing: goodbye statement.
Signature: First and last name. Instructor will display how to construct a friendly
letter by creating each part for the class.
4. Conducting Learning Probes/Guided Practice: Students will be given a worksheet
that is fill in the blank. The students will do the work sheet with the teacher and as a
class. The students will place the items in their correct spots in an interactive journal.
Students will be able to work together as a class to determine where each section
should go.
5. Independent Student Practice: Students will use a friendly letter template to write
a letter to a friend about what they did last weekend.

V. Materials
White board
“Friendly letter” fill in the blank worksheet (page 3)

VI. Cooperative learning strategies

Interpersonal Skills/ discussion: Students will discuss their prior knowledge of a

friendly letter amongst each other by discussing past experiences, the purpose of writing
letters, etc.
Interpersonal Skills/ practice: Students will then practice organizing a friendly letter via
worksheet as a class group.
Positive Interdependence/peer review: Students will then partner together to peer view
each other’s rough drafts.

VII. Modifications

I would make modifications for my ELL students by partnering them up with another
student. I would use a lot of verbal and visual cues. For my gifted students I would allow
them the option to type up the assignment.

VIII. Assessment
Students will create a friendly letter to the school principal about a school related
Students will have an 85% accuracy in format.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the different parts of a friendly letter and
collaborate their previous knowledge of the writing process.

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