Documentation and Record Keeping - Work Accomplishment

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Documentation is very important in a construction project because it provides a

“memory” of the project. It is the only contemporaneous record of what was actually happening

at any given time during the course of the project. Documentation is the framework on which a

claim is built; without it, there is no contemporaneous evidence to prove a claim and, thus, little

chance of a fair outcome. Documentation is the foundation on which all proposals, disputes, or

claims are built. Without documentation, there is essentially no contemporaneous evidence and,

therefore, it is difficult to present a persuasive case. It is essential, industry practice, and standard

internal corporate policy for construction companies to maintain a project documentation system

At DPWH-NCR, they hold a record of each project, which they fund, in a file organizer.

We have limited information on how they document their project but we had access to the

photocopy of the documents necessary for the project. All we know is that inspection is done

every week by a representative of DPWH on the jobsite to check the progress of the project. As

of October 2018, based on the documents available on the file organizer, the project is 81.02%

completed. Some of the photocopies are included in this report. It can be seen in the next page.
Certificate of Mobilization
Notice to Proceed
Request for Action
Executive Summary of Second Partial Payment


Work accomplishment is being monitored through inspection on the jobsite. Included in

the work accomplishment are pictures proving the claims of achievement of tasks on the project.

Inspection report documents are also a measure of work of accomplishment. It shows the

percentage of work accomplished by the contractor on that project in a certain date. When the

contractor’s accomplishment on the project is past the scheduled date, or on a certain date of

inspection the contractor failed to accomplish the scheduled percentage of work to be done, they

are being issued a notice of negative slippage. Some of the proof of work accomplishment that

were given to us are presented in the next pages.

Pictures of Work Accomplishment available at DPWH
Request for Inspection
Inspection Report as of July 04 2018

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