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Reinstatement of Bonellia (Theophrastaceae)

Author(s): Bertil Ståhl and Mari Källersjö

Source: Novon, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Mar., 2004), pp. 115-118
Published by: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3393447 .
Accessed: 15/06/2014 03:26

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Reinstatementof Bonellia (Theophrastaceae)
Departmentof Science and Technology,GotlandUniversity,SE 62167 Visby,Sweden.

SwedishMuseumof NaturalHistory,P.0. Box 50007,
SE 10405 Stockholm,Sweden.mari.kallersjo@nrm.se

ABSTRACT. Followingthe resultsof a recentphy- tablishedto accommodatea species previouslyin-

logeneticstudyshowingthatthe genusJacquiniais cluded in Jacquinia.
paraphyletic, the followingnewcombinations in the Followinga newanalysisbasedon a combination
genusBonelliaare made(all by Stahl& Kallersjo): of morphologicaland cpDNA data (Kallersjo&
B. albiJYora (Lundell),B. brevifolia(Urban),B. Stahl, 2003), it has become clear that the genus
ffammea(Millspaugh ex Mez),B.frutescens(Miller), Jacquiniais not monophyleticand has to be divid-
B. Iippoldii(Lepper),B. Iongifolia(Standley),B. ed intotwogenera.Accordingto thatanalysis,Jac-
Ioeffingii(Carrasquel), B. macrocarpa (Cavanilles), quinias. str.shouldincludespecies withpseudov-
B. macrocarpa(Cavanilles) Stahl & Kallersjo erticillateleaveslackingorwitha poorlydeveloped
subsp.pungens(A. Gray),B. macrocarpa(Cavan- mucro,lepidoteyoungshoots,whitishflowers,glo-
illes) Stahl & Kallersjosubsp.panamensis(Lun- bose seeds completelyimmersedin placentaltis-
dell), B. montana(StahI),B. mucronata(Roemer& sue, and sunkenabaxialfoliarsclerenchyma.This
Schultes),B. nervosa(Presl),B. nitida (Stahl),B. circumscription makes Jacquiniaa chiefly Carib-
paludicula(Standley),B. pringlei(Bartlett),B. pau- bean genus of 13 species. Only one of these spe-
cifora (Stahl& F. Axelrod),B. shaferi(Urban),B. cies, J. armillarisJacquin,occurs outside of the
seleriana(Urban& Loesnerex Mez), B. sprucei Caribbeanislands,in northerncoastalSouthAmer-
(Mez),B. stenophylla(Urban),andB. umbellata(A. ica and easterncoastalBrazil(Stahl,1992, 1995).
DC.).The genusBonelliais distinguishedfromJac- JacquiniaarboreaVahl,witha wide Caribbeandis-
quinia s. str. by its mostlyorangeflowersand al- tribution,has also been reporteda few times from
ternateleaves,flattenedseeds thatareincompletely Mesoamerica,but then only from islands off the
coveredby placentaltissue, and two-layeredtesta. easterncoast of Mexicoand Honduras.
A key to the generaof the Theophrastaceae is pre- The reinstatedgenus Bonelliais definedby al-
sented. ternateleaves with a well-developedmucro,gla-
Keywords: Bonellia,Theophrastaceae. brous or puberulousyoung shoots, mostlyorange
flowers,flattenedseeds only partlyimmersedinto
The Theophrastaceae form a small Neotropical placentaltissue, and abaxialfoliar sclerenchyma
family of about 100 species of shrubsand small locatedadjacentto the lowerepidermis.Twospe-
trees. Recent phylogeneticresearch(Kallersjoet cies, B. Iongifoliaand B. paludicola,deviate by
al., 2()00)has shownthatSamolusL., a genustra- havingwhitishflowers,and it is thereforeinterest-
ditionallyincluded in the Primulaceae,is sister ing to note that bothappearat the base of the Bo-
groupto the Theophrastaceae and thereforeshould nellia clade in the phylogenyproposedby Kallersjo
be includedwithinthe latterfamilyor recognized and Stahl (2003). Of these, B. paludicolais the
as a separatefamily. mostproblematical species since it, like mostmem-
The Theophrastaceae s. str.(excludingSamolus) bers of Jacquinias. str. (exceptJ. keyensisMez),
weremonographed by Mez(1903),whorecognized has pseudoverticillate leaves.It shouldalso be not-
fourgenerabasedmainlyon floralmorphology, viz. ed that one additionalspecies, B. albiflorayhas
Clavija,Jacquinia,Deherainia,and Theophrasta.white flowers,but that species is morphologically
Votsch(1904), in a leaf anatomicalwork, trans- very similarto B. macrocarpa,indicatinga close
ferredone of the species of Deherainiato a new relationshipbetweenthese two taxa.
genus,Neomezian and duringmorerecenttaxonom- The genus Bonellia consists of 22 species dis-
ic work(Stahl,1993), the genus Votschiawas es- tributed in Mesoamerica,northernand western
14: 115-118. 2004.

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South America,and the GreaterAntilles. Within blackeningupondrying;staminodestri-

the genus two moFphologically and geographically angular,minute,insertedat the mouth
of the corollatube .............NeomeziaVotsch
distinctgroupscan be discerned.Oneof thesecom- lb. Branched shrubsor small trees;leaves usually
prises the South Americanspecies B. mucronata less than20 cm longemarginsentire.
(northernPeru),B. sprucei(Ecuador),B. frutescens 4a. Corollagreen, > 2 cm diam. at anthesis;
(northern Colombia-Venezuela), B. Ioefingii (north- staminodesobtrullateto linear;fruitsovoid
ern Venezuela),and the Mesoamerican B. nervosa.
4b. Corollaorange,whitish,or pale yellow,< 2
All species in this grouphave ratherlarge,thick- cm diam.at anthesis;staminodesflattened,
walled and opaque fruits, comparativelyflexible petaloid.
leaves (deciduousin B. nervosa),and whitened 5a. Corollabowl-shaped,pale yellow;style
youngshoots.The secondgroupconsistsof species shorterthan the ovary;foliar scleren-
chymaof the lowerside arrangedin a
fromCuba,Hispaniola,and PuertoRico (B. brevi- continuousor subcontinuous layer . . .
folia, B. Iippoldii,B. paucifora,B. stenophylla,B.
umbellata)with small or very small spine-tipped 5b. Corollacampanulateor urceolate,or-
leaves, small, thin-walledfruits,and tiny flowers. angeorwhitish;styleof the samelength
Theremaining,Mesoamerican speciesaremoredif- as the ovary;foliar sclerenchymaar-
rangedin distinctbundles.
ficult to define as a naturalgroup,althoughsome 6a. Youngshoots + lepidotefromir-
species appearto be closely related(Stahl,1989; regularlybranched,thick-walled
Kallersjo& Stahl,2003). hairs;leavesmostlypseudoverticil-
The name Bonellia was published by Colla late (alternatein J. ke^ensis),with-
out or witha poorlydevelopedapi-
(1824) in a catalogof plantsfromhis privategar- cal mucro;corollawhiteor whitish;
den. The namewas evidentlyproposedby C. G. L. seeds + globose,coveredby pla-
Bertero,whosematerialof a plantfromSantaMar- centaltissue;abaxialfoliarscleren-
tha in northernColombiawas distributedunderthe chyma often somewhatimmersed
name of Bonellia cavanillesiito herbariaand bo- intothe mesenchyma. . . JacquiniaL.
6b. Youngshootspuberulous fromshort
tanical gardensin Europe.However,since Colla uniseriatehairsor glabrous;leaves
(1824) cited JacquiniamacrocarpaCavanilles,a alternate(pseudoverticillate in B.
differentMesoamerican species, as a synonym,the paludicola),usuallydistinctlymu-
nameB. cavanillesiihas to be treatedas an obligate cronate;corollaorange,sometimes
white or whitish;seeds flattened,
synonymof the latterspecies. incompletelycoveredby placental
The name Bonellia honorsthe Italianzoologist tissue;abaxialfoliarsclerenchyma
FrancoAndreaBonelli (1784-1830), evidentlya adjacentto lowerepidermis . .
close friendof Berteroand Colla, but whose con-
tributionto botanyis obscure. TAXONOMY ANDNEWCOMBINATIONS
BoneHia Colla, HortusRipul. 21. 1824. TYPE:
la. Unbranchedor sparselybranchedshrubsand BonelliacavanillesiiBerteroex Colla(-Jac-
trees; fully developedleaves 20-120 cm long,
marginsoftenserrateor serrulate. quinia macrocarpa Cavanilles).
2a. Corollarotate,tube smoothon inside;stam- Bonellia albiflora (Lundell)Stahl & Kallersjo,
inodes ovoid-gibbous;flowersoftenunisex- comb.nov.Basionym:JacquiniaalbifloraLun-
uaLmale or functionallymale flowerswith dell, Wrightia2: 60. 1960. TYPE:Guatemala.
stamen filamentsfused into a permanent Peten:Tikal,29 July 1959, Contreras 45 (ho-
tube; anther not or inconspicuouslypro-
ducedat apex;leaf marginsentire,serrulate, lotype, LL; isotypes,S, TEX, US).
or serrate ........ ClavijaRuiz& Pav6n Bonellia brevifolia (Urban)Stahl & Kallersjo,
2b. Corollacampanulateor bowl-shaped,irreg- comb.nov.Basionym:JacquiniabrevifoliaUr-
ularly puckeredon inside of tube; stami- ban, Symb.Antill. 1: 379. 1899. TYPE:Cuba.
nodesnot obovoid;flowersbisexual,stamen Sine loco, Wright2913 (lectotype,designated
filamentsfusedat base only;antherconnec-
tive distinctlyprolongedat apex;leaf mar- in Stahl(1995), GH;isotypes,G, GOET,M).
gins usuallyspinose-dentate. Bonellia flammea (Millspaughex Mez) Stahl &
3a. Plants erect, the stem spiny; corolla Kallersjo, comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquinia
deeply campanulate,pale buff turning J/ammea Millspaughex Mez, Pflanzenr.IV.
black upon drying;staminodestrans- 236a:40. 1903.TYPE:Mexico.Yucatan: Silam,
verselyoblong,insertedwithinthe co-
rollatube .... Theophrasta L. Gaumer531 (lectotype,designatedin Stahl
3b. Plants semi-decumbent,the stem not (1989), G; isotypes,A, BM, BR, C, CAS,DS,
spiny;corollabowl-shaped,orange,not E, F, FHO,GH,K, LE,MO,NY,UPS,US, W).

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Volume 14, Number 1 Stahl & Kallersjo
2004 Reinstatement of Bonellia 1 17

Bonellia frutescens (Miller)Stahl & Kallersjo, Bonellia mucronata (Roemer& Schultes)Stahl

comb.nov.Basionym:Ruscusfrutescens Miller, & Kailersjo,comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquinia
Gard.Dict. ed. 8: unpaginated(species no. 8 mucronataRoemer& Schultes,Syst. Veg. 4:
underRuscus). 1768. TYPE:Colombia.Bolf- 802. 1819. TYPE:Peru. Colasay,Humboldt
var:vic. of Cartage, no date, Heriberto279 3581 (holotype,B-WILLD,seen on microfiche;
(neotype,designatedin Stahl(1995), US). isotypes,HAL,P).
Bonellia lippoldii (Lepper)Stahl & Kallersjo, Bonellia nervosa (Presl)Stahl& Kallersjo,comb.
comb.nov.Basionym:Jacquinia lippoldii Lep- nov.Basionym:JacquinianervosaPresl,Reliq.
per, Wiss. Z. Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Haenk.2: 67. 1835. TYPE:Mexico.Sine loco,
Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe32: 876. 1983. TYPE: Haenkes.n. (holotype,PR).
Cuba.Guantanamo: SanAntoniodel Sur,Abra Bonellia nitida (Stahl)Stahl & Kallersjo,comb.
de Mariana,E of Abra,100400 m alt., 9 Feb. nov.Basionym:Jacquinianitida Stahl,Nordic
1979, Bisse et al. s.n. (holo-andisotype,HAJB J. Bot.9: 24. 1989. TYPE:Honduras.Comay-
no. 39068). agua:vic. of Comayagua,alt. 600 m, 12-13
Mar. 1947, Standley& Chacon6025 (holo-
Bonellia loeflingii (Carrasquel) Stahl& Kallersjo,
type, F).
comb.nov.Basionym:Jacquinia loeJ8ingiiCar- Bonellia paludicula (Standley)Stahl& Kallersjo,
rasquel,ActaBot.Venez.4: 348. 1970. TYPE: comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquiniapaludicola
Venezuela.Anzoategui:about10 kmfromPir- Standley,Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11:
itu on roadto Clarines,Jan. 1968,Aristeguieta 138. 1932. TYPE:Belize. PuntaGorda,"For-
et al. 6524 (holotype,VEN). est Home,"alt. 60 m, 11 Sep. 1932, Schipp
Bonellia longifolia (Standley)Stahl & Kallersjo, 1028 (holotype,F; isotypes,A, BM,G, GH,K,
comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquinia longifolia MICH,MO,NY, S).
Standley,J. Wash.Acad. Sci. 14: 241. 1924. Bonellia pauciflora (Stahl& F. Axelrod)Stahl&
TYPE:E1 Salvador.San Vicente:vic. of San Kallersjo, comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquinia
Vicente, alt. 350-500 m, 2-11 Mar. 1922, pauciJYoraStahl& F. Axelrod,Brittonia50: 1.
Standley 21159 (holotype,US; isotypes,F, G, 1998. TYPE:PuertoRico. MunicipioQuebra-
GH, K, NY). dillas, BarrioCharcas,0.7 kmSSEof Charcas,
Bonellia macrocarpa (Cavanilles)Stahl & Kal- 200-350 m alt., 23 June 1994, Proctor et al.
lersjo,comb.nov.Basionym:Jacquinia macro- 49406 (holotype,SJ;isotypes,GB, NY).
carpa Cavanilles,Icon. 5: 55, tab. 483. 1799. Bonellia pringlei (Bartlett)Stahl & Kallersjo,
TYPE:Mexico.Acapulco,Feb. 1791, lVee's.n. comb.nov.Basionym:Jacquinia pringlei Bart-
(lectotype,designatedin D'Arcy (1980), B- lett, Proc. Amer.Acad. Arts 44: 630. 1909.
WILLD;isotypes,HBG,MA). TYPE: Mexico. Guerrero:Iguala Canyon,8
Bonellia macrocarpa (Cavanilles)Stahl & Kal- Oct. 1908, Pringle 10337 (holotype,GH;iso-
lersjosubsp.pungens (A. Gray)StahldzKal- types, BH, BM,C, CM,E, F, G, GOET,HBG,
lersjo, comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquinia pun- K, L, LE, M, MICH,MO, MSC,NY, P, PH,
gens A. Gray,Proc.Amer.Acad. Arts5: 325. PR, US, VT,W).
1854. TYPE:Mexico. Sonora:hills between Bonellia seleriana (Urban& Loesnerex Mez)
Rayonand Ures, 10 Oct. 1851, Thmrber903 Stahl& Kallersjo,comb.nov. Basionym:Jac-
(lectotype,designatedin Stahl (1989), GH; quinia seleriana Urban & Loesnerex Mez,
isotypes,GH, NY). Pflanzenr.IV.236a: 43. 1903. TYPE:Mexico.
Oaxaca:above San CarlosYauhtepec,5 Jan.
Bonellia macrocarpa (Cavanilles)Stahl & Kal-
1896, Seler& Seler1759 (lectotype,designat-
lersjo subsp. panamensis (Lundell)Stahl & ed in Stahl(1989), GH;isotypes,A, NY).
Kallersjo, comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquinia Bonellia shaferi (Urban)Stahl& Kallersjo,comb.
panamensis Lundell, in Woodson& Schery, nov. Basionym: Jacquinia shaferi Urban,
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 329. 1940. Symb.Antill.7: 320. 1912. TYPE:Cuba.Hol-
TYPE:Panama.Panama:vic. of Bejuco, 18 guin: vic. of Holguin, 7 Apr. 1909, Shafer
Oct. 1938, Allen 985 (holotype,MICH;iso- 1231 (lectotype,designatedin Stahl (1995),
types, GH, MO,US). NY;isotypes,A, F, GH, HAC,K, MO,US).
Bonellia montana (Stahl) Stahl & Kallersjo, Bonellia sprucei (Mez)Stahl & Kallersjo,comb.
comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquinia montana nov. Basionym:JacquiniaspruceiMez, Pflan-
Stahl,NordicJ. Bot. 9: 27. 1989. TYPE:Nic- zenr. IV. 236a: 43. 1903. TYPE: Ecuador.
aragua.Jinotega:Cerrode la Cruzand vic., W Guayas:Chanduy,Spruce6478 (lectotype,des-
of Jinotega,alt. 1200-1400 m, 7 July 1947, ignatedin Stahl (1990), K; isotypes,BM, BP,
Standley 10968 (holotype,F). CGE,G, LE, OXF,P, W).

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1 18

Bonellia stenophylla (Urban)Stahl & Kallersjo, , G. Bergqvist& A. A. Anderberg. 2000. Generic

comb. nov. Basionym:Jacquiniastenophylla realignmentsin primuloidfamiliesof the Ericaless.l.:
A phylogeneticanalysisbasedon DNAsequencefrom
Urban, Symb. Antill. 1: 378. 1899. TYPE: threechloroplastgenes and morphology. Amer.J. Bot.
Cuba. "CubaOcc.," 1865, Wright2912 p.p. 87: 1325-1341.
(lectotype,designatedin Stahl(1995), G; iso- Mez, C. 1903. Theophrastaceae. Pp. 1-21 in A. Engler
types, BM, GH, GOET,HAC, LE, M, NY, S, (editor),
Das Pflanzenreich 15 (IV,236a).
Stahl, B. 1989. A synopsisof CentralAmericanTheo-
US, W). [See Stahl(1995) for comments.] phrastaceae.NordicJ. Bot.9: 15-30.
Bonellia umbellata (A. DC.) Stahl & Kallersjo, . 1992. On the identityof Jacquiniaarmillaris
comb.nov.Basionym:JacquiniaumbellataA. (Theophrastaceae) and related species. Brittonia44:
DC.,Prodr.8: 150. 1844. TYPE:PuertoRico. 5g60.
. 1993. Votschia,a new genus of the Theophras-
Sine loco, Berteros.n. (holotype,G-DC,seen taceae fromsoutheasternPanama.Brittonia45: 204-
on microSche;isotypes,H, MEL,MO,P). 207.
. 1995. A synopsisof Jacquinia(Theophrastaceae)
Cited in the Antillesand SouthAmerica.NordicJ. Bot. 15:
Colla,L. A. 1824. Hortusripulensis.Torino. Votsch,W.1904. Neue systematische-anatomischeUnter-
Kallersjo,M. & B. Stahl.2003. Phylogenyof the Theo- suchungenvon Blattund Achse der Theophrastaceen.
phrastaceae (Ericaless.l.). Int.J. P1.Sci. 164:579-591. Bot.Jahrb.Syst.33: 502-546.

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