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Provide General Fields

Acronym: Fill Variable ARgument with STatusinformation




Depending on the parameters set, operation VARST can be used to query

general status fields, or fill the variable key of the current personnel
calculation rule with status information.


If you use Time Evaluation for Concurrent Employment, this function acts
differently. For more information, see Provide General Fields for
Concurrent Employment.



OOOOO VARST Name of operation

xxxxx Status field The following is entered

in the variable key:
DAYTY Day type 0 - 9 , Definition Rules
for Day Types table (T553A)
HOLCL Holiday class 0 - 9 , see Def.holidays
NDYHC Holiday class (next day) 0 - 9 , see Def.holidays
FREE Daily work schedule off? Y for planned hours=0,
otherwise N
DAYPG Daily work schedule See T550A
VARIA Daily work schedule variant See T550A
DPRCL Daily work schedule class See T550A
BREAK Work break schedule See T550P
TIMMD Period work schedule Period Work Schedules
table (T551A)
TIMCL Valuation class of Valuation Classes for
period work schedule Period Work Schedule
view (V_551C_B)
SUBST Substitution type Substitutions table
PRSNT Employee at work?
PRSWD Employee at work for full day? (infotype 2002)
ABSCE Employee absent?
ABSWD Employee absent for full day?
NDYPO Time Management status (Planned Working Time
infotype) "1" or "2" on next day?
NDYNE Time Management status "9" on next day?
NDYAC Employee active on next day?
FIRST First pair in TIP?
LAST Last pair in TIP?
NOTIM Entries without clock times in TIP?
P2000 Planned pair generated from DWS?
P2001 Record imported from Absences infotype (2001)?
P2002 Record imported from Attendances infotype (2002)?
P2004 Record imported from Availability infotype (2004)?
P2005 Record imported from Overtime infotype(2005)?
P2011 Time pair imported from time postings?
TPLN Was time evaluation called from the target plan
from Shift Planning?
WEDAY Relative weekday
WDY x Relative weekday = x?
LDWDY Relative weekday where week frame specified by
feature LDAYW (see feature LDAYW)
LWDYx Relative weekday = x? (in relation to feature LDAYW)
CURMO Current time evaluation period
CURYR Current year
REDAY Relative day of time evaluation period
LDAYP Last day of time evaluation period?
RDYPP Relative day of payroll period
FDYPP First day of payroll period?
LDYPP Last day of payroll period?
RDYxx Relative day of payroll period with
period modifier xx ?
FDYxx First day of payroll period with
period modifier xx ?
LDYxx Last day of payroll period with
period modifier xx ?
RDYWW Relative day of working week
FDYWW First day of working week?
LDYWW Last day of working week?
LRDxy Leave type xy deducted?
xy = SPACE means that the query is made
for all leave types
OVPOS Overtime automatically from Daily Work Schedules
table (T550A) X if T550A-OVPOS = X
* other
MOD W Time wage type selection rule group from Time Wage
Type Selection Rule table (T510S), see operation MODIF
MOD T Time type determination group for Time Type
Determination table (T555Z), see operation MODIF
MOD A Employee grouping for absence valuation for Absence
Valuation table (T554C), see operation MODIF
MOD D Day grouping for wage type generation for Time
Wage Type Selection Rule table (T510S)
see function DAYMO operation MODIF
MOD S Type for daily work schedule assignment for Dynamic
Assignment of DWS - Planned/Actual Overlap
table (T552W)
see operation MODIF
MOD Q Quota type selection rule group for Absence Quota Type
Selection table (T559L)
see function QUOTA operation MODIF
MOD L Time balance rule group for Value Limits for Time
Balances table (T559P)
see operation MODIF
SIM Simulation?

See also

TIMQU Use operation OUTPQ with parameter TYP

TQUyy Use operation OUTPQ with parameter EXT


1. For questions ("?"), the value "Y" is entered in the variable key
for the answer Yes, and "N" for No.

2. You should only use FIRST or LAST as a parameter for the following

o Function PTIP
o Function PTIPA

o Function RTIP

o Function RTIPA

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