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MPI & Visual Inspection of Lifting Equipment

JSA No: 17-03/14 Job Safety Analysis Worksheet Ref: Work Scope :

Job: Team Members: Date :

1- 2-
3- 4-

Step # Description of Job Step Potential Accidents or Hazards Safe Condition or Activity Required

1 Safety meeting and discussed the JSA Miss communication, lack of attention from personnel, none ❖ Uses a translator, use body language, use the repeat back
understands the tasks. technique.

2 Collect all tools and equipment. Collect the ➢ Equipment failure. ❖ Ensure that the equipment and tools are in a good condition,
lifting gears to be inspected. ➢ Trip hazards. use the daily check list and report any damage if is found on
➢ Pinch points the equipment and tools.
❖ Pay attention while you are walking,
❖ Protect your hands and fingers, use the suitable gloves for the
job, do not put your hands and fingers in the line of fire.
3 ✓ Using grinding, ➢ Equipment failure - Flying particles -Electric shock. ❖ Check your equipment, power cable supply, plugs
✓ Working at height, ➢ Fall from different level. connection, ensure are in good condition, ensure the proper
✓ Doing inspection on ground level. way to set up the cables, avoid movements, stairs, etc.
➢ Trip hazards - Pinch points – overextension - sharps
surfaces. ❖ Use goggles and face shield all time while grinding.
❖ Use safety harness and connected to the proper anchor point
(5000 Lbs).
❖ Never be alone while working at height.
❖ Pay attention while you are walking. Wear full PPE, Avoid
awkward body position.
4 Finish the job Lack of order and housekeeping ❖ All personnel must collect and segregate the waste as per
Waste Plan, use the trash bin adequate as per the waste type.
Clean tools and equipment, return to their places. Inform to
the supervisor that job is finish.


1) Equipment and materials for work prepared. 1) Coveralls. 2) Gloves normal / Rubber.
3) Safety Boots.
2) Cellar pumped empty. 4) Safety Hard Hat 5) Safety Glasses.
6) Safety Belt for work at height. 7) Masks

JSA N0 / 17-03/14

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