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Checklist of Library Building Design Considerations by William W. Sannwald:

(2016). 6th ed. Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 269 pages, $72.00 softcover, ISBN:

Article  in  Journal of Hospital Librarianship · July 2016

DOI: 10.1080/15323269.2016.1188045


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Mary Pat Harnegie

Cleveland Clinic


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Journal of Hospital Librarianship

ISSN: 1532-3269 (Print) 1532-3277 (Online) Journal homepage:

Checklist of Library Building Design Considerations

by William W. Sannwald

Mary Pat Harnegie

To cite this article: Mary Pat Harnegie (2016) Checklist of Library Building Design
Considerations by William W. Sannwald, Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 16:3, 274-274, DOI:

To link to this article:

Published online: 11 Jul 2016.

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Download by: [South Pointe Hospital] Date: 21 July 2016, At: 04:42
2016, VOL. 16, NO. 3, 274–279

Claire B. Joseph, Column Editor

William W. Sannwald (2016). Checklist of Library Building Design Considerations. 6th ed.
Chicago, IL: ALA Editions, 269 pages, $72.00 softcover, ISBN: 978-0-8389-1371-0.

The planning and design considerations for new or existing libraries present a daunting
task. This work serves as a guide during the various stages of the design process to make
sure that all needed spaces and functions are included. The author’s pedigree is stellar
and his extensive writing experience makes this a “must-have” item for those contem-
plating library rehab, refurbishment, or building. He has been a library administrator,
manager, and director for a large public library system for 25 years. He has received
Downloaded by [South Pointe Hospital] at 04:42 21 July 2016

awards for his contributions to library architecture and currently is a library building
and administrative consultant.
The book is in a checklist format that highlights crucial considerations in the planning
and design process for a library building. The order is very logical. Tidbits of crucial
importance are embedded in the checklist itself. For example, in Chapter 1 – Building
Planning and Architecture, a checklist question is: What is the useful life of the new
building? Most building changes should accommodate the library for a period of approxi-
mately 20 years. A 20-year programming and planning window for the library space is
very realistic and helpful from this reviewer’s viewpoint. Using Chapter 1 as another
example, 10 different design resources are referenced for consultative standards.
Chapter 2 considers construction alternatives, including leasing, refurbishing, or
going virtual for your library space. Chapters 3 through 15 discuss site selection, interior
and exterior considerations, ADA compliance, and various building systems. Chapter 6
is an interesting chapter that addresses entrepreneurial and collaborative spaces. This
chapter focuses on the use of the library as a virtual office space for business owners, the
“do-it-yourself” spirit of makerspaces, and the lending of tools, technology, musical
instruments, and seeds. Chapter 16 describes how to celebrate your new library facility.
This checklist of considerations for establishing new library form and function is an
essential resource. Utilization of the checklist will eliminate any element of doubt that
planning bodies might endure during the library planning process of the new or
refurbished space. The primary audience for this work is librarians, library adminis-
trators and managers in college and university, community college, public, school, and
special libraries. Architects and other building professionals will also benefit from its
contents. Mr. Sannweld has supplied the library profession with a much-needed
resource. He knocked this one out of the park!

Mary Pat Harnegie

South Pointe Medical Library and
Cleveland Clinic Floyd D. Loop Alumni Library
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Published with license by Taylor & Francis © Mary Pat Harnegie

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