Data Collection Form 6

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Data Collection Form #6 Submitted by: Morgan Larson Date: 12/3/18

Child’s Name: Sarahzabeth Maughan

Prompts and Responses Response % Correct

Goal/Objective /Prompt based on
Ratio IEP
Get out 4 blocks Prompt V V 2 50%
Response - + 1
Stack them up Prompt V V V 3 33%
Response - - + 1
How many do you have? Prompt V V 2 50%
Response - + 1
Write the number down? Prompt V V 2 50%
Response - + 1
How many are in this stack? Prompt V 1 100%
Write it down. Response + 1
How many together? Prompt V V V/G V/G V/G V/G V 7 57%
Response - - + - + + + 4
Write the equation. Prompt V V/G 2 50%
Response - + 1
Take out 6. Prompt V 1 100%
Response + 1
Stack them. Prompt V V 2 50%
Response - + 1
How many did you have? Prompt V 1 100%
Response + 1
Write it down. Prompt I V 2 50%
Response - + 1
How many are in this stack? (5) Prompt I 1 100%
Response + 1
Which is bigger? Prompt V 1 100%
Response + 1
How many together? Prompt V V V V 4 50%
Response - - + + 2
Write the equation (5+6=11) Prompt V/M V/M 2 50%
Response - + 1
Write the equation (6+5=11) Prompt V V/G V/M V/M 4 25%
Response - - - + 1
Count them as I hand them to Prompt V V V V G 5 80%
you. (10, 6) Response - + + + + 4
How many together? (6+10=16) Prompt V V V V/G 4 25%
Response - - - + 1
Write the equation. Prompt V V/G V/G V/G 4 25%
Response - - - + 1
Write the equation (8+3=11) Prompt V/M V/M V/M 3 66%
Response - + + 2
Get out 6. Prompt V V V 3 33%
Response - - + 1
Write the number. Prompt I 1 100%
Response + 1
Get out 4. Prompt V 1 100%
Response + 1
Write the number. Prompt I 1 100%
Response + 1
How many together? (10) Prompt V V V V V/G V/G V/G V/G V/G V/G 10 40%
Response - - - - + - - + + + 4
Write the equation. (6+4=10) Prompt V V/G V V/G V/M 5 40%
Response 0 - - + + 2
What is 6 plus 4? Prompt V V V 3 0%
Response - - - 0
Read: On the day of Christmas Prompt I V/G 2 50%
Sarah will get toys. Response +> + 1
Read: The toys will be by the Prompt I G V/G 3 0%
Christmas tree. Response > +> +> 0
Read: Sarah will run in the Prompt G V/G V/G 3 33%
snow on Christmas. Response +> +> + 1
Read: Sarah will run in the Prompt V/G V/G 2 50%
snow with Oreo the dog. Response +> + 1
Read: Sarah will be with her Prompt V/G V/G 2 50%
mom and dad on Christmas. Response - + 1
“What happened in the story?” Prompt V 1 0%
Looking for an appropriate Response > 0
“Who was the story about?” Prompt V 1 0%
Looking for an appropriate Response - 0
“Did the story talk about a Prompt V V 2 50%
dog?” Response - + 1
Looking for the answer yes
Circle: the Prompt V V V 3 33%
Response > > + 1
Circle: with Prompt V V/G V 3 33%
Response - > + 1
Put the letters on the board and Prompt I V V V 4 25%
into their colored boxes Response > > +> + 1
Spell: plant Prompt V V V V/M V/M V/M V/M V/M V/M 9 11%
Response 0 - - - - > > > + 1
Write: plant Prompt V V 2 50%
Response 0 + 1
Spell: bag Prompt V V V V/G V/G V/G V/M 7 14%
Response - > > - - - + 1
Write: bag Prompt V 1 100%
Response + 1
Spell: pen Prompt V V V V/G V/G V/G 6 16%
Response - 0 > > > + 1
Write: pen Prompt V 1 100%
Response + 1
Spell: phone (phonetic spelling Prompt V V/G V/G 3 33%
- fon) Response > > + 1
Spell: snow (phonetic spelling - Prompt V V V/G V/G 4 25%
sno) Response - > > + 1
Make it through snowman maze Prompt V V/G V/G V/G V 5 20%
without touching the walls. Response > > > > + 1

Prompting Key: G= Gesture M= Model I= Visual VI= Verbal Indirect V= Verbal p = Partial Physical P= Full Physical
Response Key: 0 =No Response IN = Incorrect > = Approximation +/> = Close Approximation + = Target Observed S = Spontaneous

Notes: Sarah was in a good mood and had come straight from school. Her energy was high and it was difficult to keep her focused. However, what she was focused on,

she got through quickly.

Having Sarah write each number down helps her understand what was trying to be taught. It helps her to remember each number and we are able
to focus on the concept instead of just recounting the same stack of blocks each time. Sarah often tells us that it is our turn to do whatever we are
doing. So for our intervention, I let her lead me in the activity after I had done it with her several times. But she was able to repeat most of the
steps back to me that I had been doing with her so I knew she understood what we were supposed to be doing.

Objective Description of Data and Observations:

I asked Sarah to take four blocks out of the bin. I asked her how many she had, saying three after counting and I asked her to recount them. She
said four, stacked them, moved the stack to the side of the page and wrote the number. I handed her a stack of 8, she counted them, put them to the
side and wrote 8 next to the stack. I asked her if we could add them altogether. I pointed to 8, she told me 8, and then pointed to the first block in
the next stack (of 4). She said “9, 10, 11, 12.” “So what’s 8 plus 4?” and Sarah responded “12.” We repeated this process with 6 and 5. The
difference was that after each were counted, to the side and written, I asked her which was bigger. She pointed to the stack of 6 and I said “okay,
so this is the bigger number we will start with.” When I pointed to the second stack, she started at one. I pointed to the first stack, she said “six”
and then to the next where she started at one again. I started saying seven and she joined half way through the word and continued counting to
eleven. I think asked her “so six plus five is?” and she said “eleven.” I asked her to write down the equation. Sarah wrote “6+11” and I told her “I
will show you.” I modeled the equation on the paper and asked her to rewrite it, which she did. We repeated the beginning steps of a problem
again but with ten and six. Sarah counted out the 10 and I handed her the stack of six. Again I pointed to the first stack and its written number and
then to the next stack. However, instead of going from ten to eleven, Sarah said ten and then started counting at six when I pointed to the next
stack. I asked her what comes after 10 and she told me eleven. “So lets try again” I said and pointed to the first stack. She said ten and I pointed to
the next where she said “eleven” and continued to count to 16. I asked Sarah to write 10, she did. Then I said plus 6 and she wrote it. I asked her
what that equaled and she wrote “=19” so I told her I was confused that it equaled nineteen. She changed the 9 to a 6. Sarah then walked me
through three and eight, but I had her write the equation at the end. She wrote it correctly as I said “8 plus 3 equals…eleven.” We went back to me
leading her with six and four. She asked Natalie and Alisa for the numbers this time. Sarah counted out each stack of blocks, wrote the number
and moved the stack over. I asked her which stack we should start with and she said four. I told her we should make sure to start with the bigger
one and Sarah said six. I pointed to the stack where she said six and then to the next, and she said her next number as 10. The following time the
number was 11. Then it was seven but she skipped 8. The fourth time she said “six, seven” and counted to 10. I said “so six plus four is?” and
Sarah responded 10. I then asked her to write it and she did so.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Sarah responded well to the intervention. Having Sarah write down the numbers after counting the number of blocks instead of just remembering
them works very well. We were able to get through many more problems because we didn’t spend as much time recounting each stack of blocks.
In the past, Sarah became frustrated because she did not like having to count everything all the time. It was more enjoyable for both myself and
Sarah to be doing it this way. This intervention was in Sarah’s zone of proximal development and the goal was great for this. Our goal fit right in
with what we worked on this week, the only step we will need to take is to do it on a number line. However, I do not feel Sarah is ready for that.
She understood the counting but we were able to work on her number recognition and writing. Sarah also got to practice writing equations, which
was new to her, but understandable. It was not too frustrating but also not too easy for her. Our team has worked hard to rework this goal and
make it appropriate. I was able to execute it the way I wanted to. The promptings were less intrusive than expected but the intrusiveness of the
promptings was appropriate for Sarah’s needs. The only time we felt the prompting were too intrusive was when I had to model the equations for
Sarah. I am hoping to be less intrusive with the equations.

We want to decrease verbal prompting. The main target of this intervention will be for Sarah to form an addition problem after continuous
counting two stacks of base ten blocks. Because her memory has been a struggle in continuous counting, this will be done by having her count the
stacks and then label them with the number by writing it. This will help her to remember the number associated with the stack, recognize the value
of numbers and write the addition problem. Then verbal prompting will be used to assist her in creating an addition problem. The equations have
been modeled for Sarah and we want to only verbally prompt.

Sarah knows her letters and sounds. If she is asked to really focus on a sound, she can give the letter. When she rushes, she just gives any letter
that she sees or thinks of. Sarah can put words together with guidance and the sounds, however, I do not feel she could independently spell a word
phonetically. The addition to writing the word was highly beneficial to her practice with spelling words, but I think it would be better to use lower
case letters instead of upper-case letters.

Objective Description of Data and Observations:

Sarah started by saying she would read the passage by herself. She read the beginning of the first sentence independently.
- E: on the do of Christmas
- E: On the do-day of Christmas Sarah w-i-ll-will go-ge--g-e-get t-oo-l-toys.
- E: The toys wooo Christmas will give the bye bye the Christmas t-r-tree.
- E: Sarah w-i-l-will were in the s-w-i-ng snow on Christmas.
- E: Sarah w-i-ll-will run in the run the snow on Christmas.
- E: Sarah will run in the snowman when with on-oh-oreo the dog.
- E: Sarah w-i-l-wil be with h-here her mom and dad on Christmas.
Much of the hesitations and sounding out in the passage were done alongside Alisa. After the story, Alisa asked Sarah what happened in the story
and Sarah responded with “Christmas.” Then Alisa asked her who the main character was and Sarah said “Santa Claus.” Then Alisa asked what
the name of the dog was and Sarah said “Rundo.” Alisa responded by saying “was this story about you with your dog, Oreo?” and she said yes.
Alisa asked Sarah to circle all of the word “the.” She did so independently.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Sarah knows her letters and their sounds. Sometimes Natalie has to sound out a word slowly and pick out a particular sound in order for Sarah to
label it with a letter. Sarah should be asked to sound it out and what letters make those sounds, which was done also throughout the intervention. It
tends to be an issue of focus to get Sarah to do this individually. The intervention needs to be more engaging but other than that it is effective. This
week we added using pictures to show what the word would be and also had her write the word after spelling it. It brought the intervention past
just spelling and to also physically writing. It was in her zone of proximal development but needs to be more engaging for her. If she has a desire
to do it, she would take more from it. Our target is for Sarah to spell words phonetically. This is where she is in her zone of proximal
development. She knows her letters and their sounds, just needs to put them together. She also can write her letters, just needs more practice using
them in words. Our team has put a lot of effort into this goal because it affects other. Natalie has been very effective in planning and carrying out
the interventions for writing.

Sarah’s goal is to spell out words independently which is the same as it has been in all previous weeks. However, we want to decrease verbal
prompting. Each time will start with the verbal prompt to spell a word. Then gestures and visual prompts will be used redirect her focus and keep
her on the task. The spelling will again be done using magnet letters on the white board. The writing interventions are primarily done under
Natalie. We will also utilize letting Sarah direct Natalie in spelling a word to make sure that she understands the process.

Sarah is still struggling a lot with reading. She can sound out words and individual sounds but not letters that are paired. These letter pairs like
“sh” or “ou” are only known if it is a sight word. She is still in the stage of learning to do things phonetically. She needs to work on reading with
very simple words to progress further. Her interventions should include words that are able to be read mostly independently so more difficult
words can be worked on specifically and comprehension can increase.
Objective Description of Data and Observations:
Natalie asked Sarah to sort the letters by color. She sorted them by color and put them straight and facing the correct direction. Natalie showed her
a picture on her phone and asked Sarah what it was. She said she didn’t know and Natalie told her it was a plant and that they were going to spell
plant. Natalie asked her what the first sound was, she responded with “f.” Natalie said “is it F?” and Sarah said “No, P. We don’t have a P!”
Natalie said that she was right so we should just write it and Sarah did so. Then Natalie asked her what letter comes next and she said it was an N.
Natalie repeated the question and sounded out the word slowly afterwards. Sarah put an L after the P and then said “oh! A” and put an A on the
board. Then Natalie said “okay, the last sound now” and then sounded out plant slowly. Sarah put a T at the end of the word. Then Natali asked
her to write the word and Sarah wrote it in marker under the word. Then Natalie showed her a picture of a bag and asked her what it was. She
responded that it was a bag and Natalie asked her to spell it. They repeated the process of sounding out the word and putting each letter down. And
then handwriting the word after it was spelled. With some letters, Natalie had to sound it out more than once. After bag, they did this process with
the word “pen,” “phone” and “snow.” With “phone” and “snow” Natalie only looked for the phonetic spelling of the words.

Assessment and Evaluation:

One of Sarah’s targets has been to recognize and read “the” by sight. She has grasped this and can spell and identify the word independently. It
may be time to work on a new sight word. This week’s reading passage on the board was more in Sarah’s zone of proximal development and she
worked through it quickly. Help came in the form of prompts, which were sounding out the words alongside Sarah and gesturing to each word
while doing so. I feel this isn’t too intrusive but should get to a point she can read it mostly independently. This would require very little
prompting and increase comprehension, making it much less intrusive. Even after being able to read a lot of the passage independently this time,
she could not answer comprehension questions. During book reading, Alisa allowed her to read independently, but only occasionally had to help
sound out a word and would point to the book to get her focused if she was not. For her to read independently and comprehend what she is
reading, it is going to need to be books like “Up on Top.” She knew to count each apple on the pages, so she recognized to some extent what was
going on in the book. We have not put the book reading down as a formal part of the intervention. I think her goal is obtainable but needs to be
more at her reading level. Alisa has done a great job working on this goal and tweaking the intervention. The amount that she has collaborated
with the rest of the group has also been effective and important.

The passage written on the board will be about her and things that are important to her like Mr. Grinch and Christmas to keep her engaged. We
will be utilizing books more as well because they have pictures and are more interesting for her. The aim is to get her to read independently at a
first-grade level. The prompting will first be to ask her to spell “the” and then to identify it in the passage. This can be done mostly independently
but is a sight word we are trying to get her comfortable with. Once this is done, we will say “read this sentence” while pointing to the first one on
the board. After 3-5 seconds of struggling, we will step in and help her to sound out each letter. The reading interventions will be done primarily
by Alisa.

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