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Nabila Pearl Firdaus (P13374206198086

Mila Asih Trisna Juweni (P133742061980
Fajar Oktafian Raharjo(P13374206198077
Larasati Nughraheni(P1337420619807070
Sinta Widhi Kurniawati(P13374206198063
Tajudin Hudaiby Nizar(P13374206198057
Sekar ayudya dwi putri mulyanto(P13374206198014


In this globalization era, every field is experiencing growth even progress. One is the area of
health care, the health care field not only the facilities and infrastructure are progressing but also the
professionalism of health workers.
Healthcare environments such as hospitals, nurses will be dealing with clients and other
health professionals. Therefore, nurses must continue to improve its professionalism, raising caring
behavior. Caring is not solely behavior. Caring is a way that has meaning and motivate action.
Caring also defined as measures aimed at providing physical care and emotional attention while
improving the security and safety of the client (Carruth et al, 1999).
Not only that, the theory of the world system is very important in nursing, because in theory
this system we can learn a framework relating to all aspects of human social, structural
organizational problems, as well as changes in internal relations and the surrounding environment.
The success of a health care system that extends to the nurse, doctor or other health care
team will work perfectly if there is mutual support in the practice of nursing. This system will
provide an effective health service quality by looking at the values that exist in society. In health
care, nursing is an important part of health care.
The nurses are expected to also be able to provide services of quality so that people will feel
supported and be noticed in improving health, so there is no disagreement that will be established
between the nurse and patient. In addition, in applying the principles of the nurse changes should
apply them together does not discriminate, it must be comprehensive (holistic).
Holistically in nursing required a change by changing the way people think about the kinds
of health services that appear in it. Because the change is a process in which a shift or displacement
of the permanent status (static) into the dynamic status. Meaning that it can adjust from the existing
environment or move to achieve optimal health.

A change in the health care system and in the society is very important and very influential
in their lives, especially when a nurse successfully applying good health practices in the community.
Because it would be easier for a nurse in completing tasks as a nurse, and later in health care in the
hospital, a nurse will feel proud to carry out health practices of any kind and will feel that this is a
professional carers because it can provide the best service of other.


1.1 Understanding Caring General
In language, the term is defined as the act of caring concern. Caring can generally be
defined as an ability to dedicated for others, with vigilant monitoring, as well as a feeling of
empathy for others and feelings of love or caring.
Understanding different caring with care. Care is a phenomenon associated with the
related guidance, assistance, support to the behavior of individuals, families, groups with
their events to meet the needs of actual or potential to improve the condition and quality of
human life. While caring is a real act of care, which shows a sense of caring.
There is some sense of caring, according to some experts, among others:
a. Florence nightingale (1860): Caring is an action that indicates the utilization of the
patient environment in helping to cure, providing a clean environment, good ventilation
and quiet to the patient.
b. Delores Gaut (1984): caring does not have a clear understanding, but there are three
meanings which all three can not be separated, that is considerate, responsible and
c. Crips and Taylor (2001): caring is a universal phenomenon that affects how people
think, feel, and behave in relation to others.
d. Rubenfild (1999): caring that provide care, tanggunggung responsible, and sincere.
e. Crips and Taylor (2001): caring is a universal phenomenon that affects how people
think, feel, and behave in relation to others.
f. Rubenfild (1999): caring that provide care, emotional support to clients, family, and
relatives verbal and nonverbal.
g. Jean Watson (1985): caring is a moral commitment to protect, maintain, and enhance the
client's emotional, family, and relatives verbal and nonverbal.
h. Jean Watson (1985): caring is a moral commitment to protect, maintain, and enhance
human dignity.
From some sense it can be shortened that sense of caring in general is a moral action
on humanitarian grounds, as a reflection of the attention, feelings of empathy and
compassion to others, done by giving concrete actions concern, with the aim to improve the
quality and conditions of life that person. Caring is the essence of nursing.

1.2 Client Perceptions About Caring

Research on the perception of important clients because healthcare is the biggest
focus of the level of client satisfaction. If clients feel kesaehatan service delivery be
sensitive, sympathetic, compassionate, and are attracted to them as individuals, they usually
become coworkers are active in planning treatment (Attree, 2001). Clients in this study
indicate that they are more satisfied when nurses caring.
Usually the client and nurses perform a different perception of caring (Mayer, 1987;
Wolf, Miller, and Devine, 2003). For this reason, focus on building a relationship that makes
nurses know what is important for the client. For example, nurses have clients who are
afraid to intravenous catheter, the nurse is a nurse who is not skilled in inserting intravenous
catheter. The nurse decided that the client would be better off if assisted by a nurse who was
skilled than explaining the procedure to reduce anxiety. By knowing who the client, can help
nurses in selecting the most appropriate approach to client needs.

1.3 Service ethics

Watson (1988) suggested that caring as a moral attitude which is ideal, providing the
establishment attitude towards the parties to intervene as a nurse. The attitude of this
establishment need to ensure that nurses work according to ethical standards for a good
purpose and motivation. The word ethics refers to the habit of right and wrong. In every
meeting with a client, the nurse should know the habits of what is ethically appropriate.
Nursing ethics to be unique, so that nurses should not make decisions based solely on the
principle of intellectual or analysis.

1.4 According to Watson's Caring Theory

Watson Dr.Jean the originator of The Human Caring was developed in 1975 - 1979.
According to Watson seven assumptions underlying the concept of caring. The seventh
assumption is:
a. Caring is effective when shown and practiced interpersonal
b. Caring which can effectively improve the health of individuals and families
c. Caring is a response to the received client does not time it, but can affect subsequent
client state
d. Caring environment full potential to support the development of client
e. Caring consists of curative factors are derived from the satisfaction in helping meet the
needs of clients
f. Caring more complex than on curing, for caring practices combine biophysical
knowledge with knowledge about human behavior that is useful in improving the hq12
`ealth of the client
g. Caring is the essence of nursing (Julia, 1995)
Watson stressed this caring attitude must be reflected ten curative factors are derived
from a blend of humanistic values with basic science.
a. Formation of a humanistic and altruistic value system
b. Memeberikan trust expectations by facilitating and improving the holistic nursing care
c. Cultivate sensitivity to the client
d. Building a trusting relationship
e. Improved learning and teaching interpersonal
f. Creating an environment of physical, mental, and spiritual supportive sosialkultural
g. Using the method of settling the decision (nursing process)
h. Give guidance memuasakan client
i. Receiving positive and negative feelings from clients
j. Allow the pressure that is fenolmenologis that personal growth and maturity of the
client can be achieved

1.5 Caring Behaviors in Nursing Practice

Caringnot something that can be taught, but is the result of culture, values,
experiences, and from relationships with others. Attitude associated with caring nursing is
presence, the touch of love, listen, understand client, caring in the spiritual, and family care.
a. Presence
Presence is a meeting between a person's a person who is a means to get closer and
deliver the benefits of caring. According to Fredriksson (1999), the presence of meaning
"in" and "existing". "There is in" meaningful presence not only in physical form, but
also communication and understanding. While "there with" means perawata always
willing and there to the client (Pederson, 1993). The presence of a nurse to help calm
the anxiety and fear of clients due to stressful situations.

b. Touch
Touch is one of the calming approach where nurses can get closer to clients to give
attention and support. There are two types of touch, the touch contact and non-contact
touch. Contact touch a Kullit direct touch with the skin. While the non-contact touch is
eye contact. Both types of these touch digambarkn in three categories:
1) Oriented touch-duty
When carrying out tasks and procedures, nurses use this touch. Friendly treatment
and nimble when carrying out the procedure will give a sense of security to clients.
The procedure is done carefully and in consideration the needs of the client.
2) Touch Services (Caring)
Included in caring touch is holding the hands of the client, the client back massage,
put clients carefully, or engage in conversation (non-verbal communication). This
touch can affect the safety and comfort of the clients, increase self-esteem, and
improve the orientation of kanyataan (Boyek and Watson, 1994).
3) touch Protection
This touch is a form of touch is used to protect the nurse and / or clients
(Fredriksson, 1999). Examples of touch protection is to prevent accidents by
maintaining and remind clients to keep from falling.
c. Listen
To better understand and grasp the needs of the client, listening is key, because it
demonstrates the full attention and interest of nurses. Listen to help nurses understand
and understand the meaning of the clients and help to help clients find ways to get
d. Understanding the client
One of the caring process according to Swanson (1991) is to understand the client.
Understanding the client as the core of a process used in making clinical decisions
nurse. Understanding client is an understanding of nurses to the client as a reference for
subsequent intervention (Radwin, 1995). Understanding the client is a gateway
determinant of service so that, between the client and nurses established a good
relationship and mutual understanding.
e. Caring In Spiritual
Beliefs and expectations of the individual has an effect on one's physical health.
Spiritual offer a sense of belonging, good through intrapersonal relationship or a
relationship with himself, or interpersonal relationships with others and the
environment, as well as transpersonal or relationship with God or a higher power.
Caring relationships are good if the nurse and the client can understand each other so
that they can establish a good relationship by doing things like, exerting expectations for
clients and caregivers; gain an understanding of the symptoms, illness, or feelings that
received the client; assist clients in using social resources, emotional, or spiritual;
understands that connects caring relationships between humans, spirits with spirits.
f. Family Care
The family is an essential resource. The success of nursing interventions often depend
on the wishes of the family to share information with the nurse to deliver the
recommended treatment. Ensure the health of the client and help the family to be active
in the process of healing the client is an important task of the family. Shows the family
care and attention to the client to make an openness that then can establish a good
relationship with the client's family members.

1.6 Differences Caring and Curing

Nursing as a profession and society is based on the recognition of health sciences
about care or nursing services or The Health Science of Caring (Lindberg, 1990: 40). In
language, caring can be interpreted as an act of caring and curing can be interpreted as an act
of treatment. However, in terms of caring can be deemed as providing assistance to
individuals or as advocacy to individuals who are unable to meet their basic needs. While
curing is health efforts from the doctor activity in practice to treat clients. In its application,
the concept of caring and curing have some differences, including:
a. Caringis the primary task of nurses and curing is a secondary task. That is a nurse over
concern for the client's action than providing medical treatment. Therefore, it is more
synonymous with the nurse caring.
b. curingis the primary duty of a doctor and caring is a secondary task. That is a doctor
more involving medical action without caring meaningful action. Therefore, curing is
more synonymous with the doctor.
c. In health care clients who do nurses, ¾ is caring and ¼ is curing.
d. Caringis more "Healthogenic" rather than curing. It means caring more emphasis on
improving the health rather than treatment. In practice, caring integrate biophysical
knowledge and knowledge of human behavior to improve health status and to provide
care for the sick.
e. Caring purpose is to help the implementation of the plan of treatment / therapy and help
clients adapt to health problems, self-fulfilling basic needs, prevent disease, promote
health and improve body function while curing purpose is to determine and eliminate
the causes of illness or disease problems and handling change.
f. Diagnosis in the concept of curing is done by revealing the illness while the diagnosis in
the concept of caring is done by identifying problems and causes based on the needs and
responses of clients.
1.1 System theory
System is a component therein having interconnected subsystems to achieve a clear
objective. In nursing, systems theory is a unity that must be learned by a nurse so that it can
be applied in the process of health care in the community.
In the system there are several subsystems that support each other. In this case the
nurse must know what the complaints or problems experienced by patients in the life of
society, here a nurse must know how to study the problems arising in people's lives because
persepsisetiap person in response to a problem that occurs differently.
The process of action that will be done nurses to change the input that has emerged
in public life, the nurse must change the mindset of society towards the various inputs that
appears. After providing health care nurse to see and understand how community members
to receive health care and what impact or consequences arising in the community to health
care that is given.
Patients will provide feedback to the health care provided nurses, and patients will be
asked or criticism about a problem that is faced. Besides, it also, Nurses need to know how
the residence of the patient environment making it easier for nurses to know what the
patient's sebernarnya to cause disease.
Need to know if a system has lost one component, the system will not function
properly. A system will work properly if done gradually and remains based on the objective.
1. Objective System
A system is to achieve a goal (goal) or achieve a goal (objectives). Goal covers a
broad scope, objectives while covering a narrow scope. If a system does not have a target,
then the operating system will not do any good. The goal of the system is crucial once the
required input and output system that will be generated by the system. Because a system is
successful if it reaches the destination and said to fail if the goal is not reached.
2. Sistema classification.
a. Unity or Nonsumatisivitas
A system that is characterized by the properties of unity. The whole is greater
than the sum of its parts, and is the usual way to define this concept (Wright and
Leahey, 18 984, Young, 1982).
b. Social system
The social system is a model of social organization, the social system is a living
system, which has a system of different units with their component parts and can be
distinguished from the environment by a clearly defined boundary. Parson and Bales
(1955), defines a social system consisting of a system of social roles are seen by the
interaction and interdependence with each other. (Anderson & Carter, 1974).
c. Open systems
The system is characterized by the level of the system interaction with the
surrounding environment. An open system is contained in a system environment
with which they interact, the open system memperoeh intake and to the environment
the system provides output. Environment interaction is essential for the survival of
the system (Buckley, 1967). Based on this definition of a living system is an open
d. closed system
Theoretically, a different dengna closed system open system, this system does
not interact with the environment. A complete core self, for its survival, the system is
not dependent on the environmental exchange which takes place continuously.
Because there is no closed system of pure demonstrated in reality, ³tertutup'
expresses a lack of energy exchange that go beyond the limits of a system (Parsons
& Bales, 1955).
3. Approach The approach can be used to Describe DalamSistema.
a. Procedure
It is "a network of procedures that form the sequence of activities that are
interconnected, gathered together to achieve certain objectives". The procedure is "a
series of clerical operations (writing), which involves several people in one or more
departments are used to ensure uniform treatment.

b. Components / elements
Namely "a collection of interrelated components working together to achieve
a particular purpose". A system can consist of several sub-systems, and sub-sub-
system can also consist of several sub-systems are smaller.

1.2 concept Changed

For some people, the change can be seen as a motivator to improve performance or
award. But sometimes a change is also seen as something that threatens the success of
someone's disappearance during the awards obtained.
Changes appear in some sort, there are positive danyang negative. Positive change
can bring the views of individuals become more evolved, become more widespread way of
thinking. Adverse changes may cause the individual to decrease or focused on things
yangdapat harm himself.
Nurses need to know the extent to which knowledge of the individual that makes it
easier to determine whether the changes in a patient according to ability. Besides, the
changes in a patient depends on how the attitude of the nurses perform health services.
For example, in providing care to a patient who was critically ill. The role of a nurse
is very important here, because of a severely ill patients desperately need a lot of support
even a good care of his family as well as from nurses themselves. But if the attitude of a
nurse was not paying attention to what is required of patients tersebutmaka in this case, a
nurse considered to fail in doing service to patients. Because one very important part, when
it became a nurse is part of the airport.
When we serve sincerely to an individual (patient), regardless of the background of
the person (patient) is, it can be deifying we are serving the Lord. Because if we work
earnestly and wholeheartedly, then the impact will we get too mainly we sebagaiseorang
nurses, larger and will be very beneficial to our lives.
1. Change Speed
A speed change will cover various aspects of them:
a. The type and speed of the changes will affect the system in response to the
change itself
b. Changes happen quickly allow a person resistant to change
c. Change very slow, usually assumed to be as easy to implement.
2. pattern Changes
The pattern of change include:
a. Changes can take place continuously, sometimes, or rarely,
b. Unpredictable changes would allow their preparation, but is suddenly or can not
be expected to be difficult to respond effectively,
c. Sudden changes that would be difficult to handle.
3. characteristics Changes
Characteristic changes are:
a. Not all the changes are the same,
b. Can not be analyzed together,
c. Different: the type, intensity, pattern and speed.
4. Reason Changes needed reason why change is necessary in nursing practice, namely:
a. Improving the welfare and comfort for caregivers and clients,
b. Improving profitability,
c. Improve the performance ,
d. Provide satisfaction for the individual and social life.

A. Conclusion
Caringis a universal phenomenon that is related to the way a person's thinking, feeling and
attitude when dealing with others. Caring is the essence of nursing. Nurses are required to be care
and should also be caring with the surroundings. Caring purpose is to support the healing process in
total (hoover, 2002). Caring and curing behavior is very different because caring is identical to
action nursing care, while curing is a treatment against the disease client. Inter caring and curing
relate to each other.
Based on the above theory we can group concluded that the principles of holistic nursing in
which has changed the concept of systems theory and the teaching materials that allow us as a nurse
in providing health services to the community. The system will run smoothly when in motion jointly
without neglecting the others. So is the concept of change. Changes can lead individuals to become
more developed in accordance with their respective capabilities.

B. Suggestions
1. Caring attitude to be practiced in daily life - today, in order to grow naturally caring
behavior in the psyche nurse. When dealing with clients, nurses easily provide nursing care.
Clients who are sick sometimes just need the attention and empathy of someone who cared
for him more passion in the face of illness. Therefore as a nurse suggested that really - really
understand about this caring behavior
2. Preferably as a nurse, prior to performing health care, nurses have to learn first what is the
priority of providing health care so as to avoid things that harm to patients.
3. Nurses have to learn the system and the changes that exist in a patient without comparing
the economic status of the patient so as not to cause dissent.
4. Face every change with calm and humor (be sure that the change is difficult, and become
agents of renewal will be more difficult).

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