4A of Lesson Planning

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Inspire A Passion For Learning

 Announcements
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Letter to Parents from Mrs. Sanders on

Heritage School District #8
“Inspiring a Passion for Learning”

Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity

Dear Parents and/or Guardians:

I’m reaching out to you today to ask for your assistance in helping us address some
behavioral concerns that have been occurring over the past couple of months. As a
District and as educators we have worked extensively to help stop students who use
this environment to intimidate others. As you may be aware, this type of behavior can
happen anywhere to anyone from children to children, children to adults, adults to
children and adults to adults. Unfortunately, I’m certain we cannot stop people from
being rude or cruel 100% of the time, but we should be able to expect students to be
kind during their time at school. We should be able to provide an environment that leads
to greater learning and a feeling of acceptance.

Over the past four years, we have implemented many supports and programs for
students within the school. Many have been successful. Our students in grades K-5
practice character building and respect by following our PBIS program. This has helped
in many, many ways. We implemented a reporting system for students, where they can
fill out a form and turn it into either their teacher or myself and we work with them to
decide the best way to address the problem. We discuss a character trait every month
in our morning assembly and further discussion is given during class time. We have
provided students with strategies they can use, if they are put in an uncomfortable
situation either as bystander or target. Over the past few years we have had speakers
come to our building to discuss bullying and/or character. However, even with all these
supports, I’m sad to report that over the past few months the unkindness and disrespect
some of our students are showing towards each other and towards adults is

I’ve had numerous parents and students discuss this issue with me over the past two
months. I’m providing you with this information, in the hopes that we can work together
to find a solution and create a positive learning environment. We all hope that when our
children are not around us that they have been given the skills to act appropriately,
however, sometimes they forget and need a reminder. I encourage each of you to sit
down with your child(ren) and discuss with them how to choose kind words, how to
follow expectations in other settings and how to be respectful to others and to

Bullying can come in many forms and can be very hurtful to both the target and the
bully. Please talk with your child about the different ways bullying can happen and what
to do if they see it. I encourage you to talk with your students on what is appropriate and
what is not appropriate in the school setting. I’ve called some and spoken to you
personally, only to hear the phrase “kids will be kids” or “that’s the school’s problem”.
Unfortunately, those are the wrong responses. It is the responsibility of all of us
(parents, children, educators, and community) to teach our children the importance of
being kind and considerate to others. These are life skills and in our new age of
technology, are greatly needed.

Thank you for all your assistance in discussing this issue with your child and in helping
to create a positive school environment for everyone.

Mrs. Sanders
First Notification of Misbehavior

To the Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of ____________________________________________

This letter is to inform you of our concern regarding your student’s misbehavior at school.
Students who misbehave during class time deprive other students, as well as themselves, of a
quality education. Students who do not follow school rules or are disrespectful of other students
or staff may negatively affect the safe environment that our school strives to provide for
everyone on our campus.

Your child has been having problems at school and there must be some steps taken both at home
and school to improve the behavior. Please contact me to set up a meeting to discuss how we can
resolve this problem and help your child be successful at school. It may be necessary to meet
with the School Attendance Review Board to reach a resolution to this problem.

Education Code 48263:

If any minor pupil in any district of a county is an habitual truant, or is irregular
in attendance at school as defined in this article or is habitually insubordinate
or disorderly during attendance at school, pupil may be referred to the
School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

If this student is a foster youth, please inform his/her Shasta County social worker at 229-
8080 to discuss this notification.

________________________________ ___________________
Principal or Designee Date

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