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Transverse Design of

Adjacent Precast Prestressed

Concrete Box Girder Bridges
Ahmed EI-Remaily American and japanese design and detailing
Research Assistant
University of Nebraska-Lincoln practices of prestressed concrete box girder
Omaha, Nebraska bridges are compared. A new precast,
prestressed box girder bridge design suitable to
U.S. practice is proposed. The design is based
on requiring the deck to act as a rigid assembly
of longitudinal and transverse members. This is
consistent with japanese practice and fulfills the
intent of several state DOT initiatives. The
proposal advocates quarter-point diaphragms
Maher K. Tadros, Ph.D., P.E. with relatively large amounts of transverse post-
Cheryl Prewett Professor tensioning. A design chart and recommended
of Civil Engineering
University of Nebraska-Lincoln details are provided for bridges up to 80 ft (24
Omaha, Nebraska m) long. The amount of post-tensioning was
found to be unaffected by bridge span length.
Also, a comparison with the requirements of the
Takashi Yamane AASHTO LRFO provisions is given. A fully
Chief Engineer worked numerical design example is included to
Kyokuto Corporation demonstrate the proposed design procedure.
Hiroshima, Japan

recast, prestressed concrete box girders are widely used

P in short and medium span bridges in North America.

Based on the National Bridge Inventory, Dunker and
Rabbat showed the change in percentage of the eight most
common prestressed concrete bridge types built in the
Uruted States during the period 1950 to 1989 (see Fig. 1).'
Gary Krause, Ph.D., P.E.
Stringer and multiple box sections are the most prevalent
Associate Professor
of Civil Engineering types of prestressed concrete bridges. Each system ac-
Universi ty of Nebraska-Lincoln counted for about one-third of all prestressed concrete
Omaha, Nebraska bridges constructed in the United States during 1979 to 1989.

'a 40
0 30





50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89

Year Built
-Stringer/multi-beam or girder __._Box beam or girders - multiple
---tr-Siab ~Tee beam
""""*--Continuous stringer/multi-beam or girder ~Box beam or girders - single or spread
-...-Continuous box beam or girders - multiple ~Continuous box beam or girders - single or spread

Fig. 1. Percentages of prestressed concrete bridge types bui lt during 1950 to 1989 (Ref.1 ).

Compared with other types of pre- category of prestressed concrete grouted shear keys and, in some states,
stressed concrete highway bridges, tee bridge. 1 are provided with a nominal amount of
and single/spread box structures have In adjacent box girder bridges, full-width transverse post-tensioning as
the highest deficiency percentages . boxes are placed butted against each shown in Fig. 2. In most applications,
However, since their introduction, no other as shown in Fig. 2. Adjacent box a 2 in. (50.8 mm) non-structural wear-
major structural improvements have girder bridges are widely used in most ing surface is added. In a few cases,
been made to the system. Therefore, parts of the United States for spans up however, a 5 to 6 in. (127 to 152 mm)
there is definitely good reason to im- to 100 ft (30.5 m) due to ease of erec- structurally composite concrete over-
prove these bridge types and thus con- tion, shallow superstructure depth, and lay is used.
tinue and let grow the already excel- aesthetic appeal. The girders are gen- R ecent s urveys of adjacent box
lent reputation and performance of this erally connected at their interfaces by girder bridges have revealed frequent

July-August 1996 97
Girder length: 81' - 6" :


"" "" I
~-- ------ ---- ---- --- ----------- --- - - - - -- --- --J
r- -- - ..,
Girder center - -r- - - - - - - - - - - - --
-- - -- ·- ·
- - --- -- -- -- ----------------------------------
- -- - --,~

Transv:rse J
Plan post-tensioning

Section between diaphragm .....e---.--____,..~ Section through diaphragm

52' -2"
1'-2" 24'- 11" 24' -11" 1'-2"

270k - ~" dia.

post-tensioning strand

12@ 48" = 48'-0" (576")

Typical Cross Section

Fig. 2. Elevation, plan and typ ica l cross section of precast box girder bridges in the United States. Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m;
1 in . = 25.4 mm.

longitudinal cracking in the grout keys ment corrosion. This is particularly cient consi derati on of the structural
and reflective cracking in the overlay prevalent in bridges without relatively behavior of a bridge. 2 Both shear and
over these keys. In some cases, water thick composite concrete overlays or bending must be transferred at the
and deicing chemicals have penetrated inadequate transverse post-tensioning. transverse j oi nt betwee n girders in
through the cracks, causing concrete Martin and Osborn related the prob- order to control both translational and
staining and spalling and rei nforce- lem of reflective cracki ng to insuffi- rotational deformation.

20 Girder length: 17 600 20
. lr
l~ Tran~verse post-tensioning

4 300 4200

17 ()()() 300



600 10000 600

Curb (CIP)
Wearing surface

Transverse post-tensioning
Cast-in-place concrete I (at diaphragm location)
13 = 10 140

A-A B- B
Cross Section
Fig. 3. Precast, pretensioned concrete box girder bridge system for simple short span. Note: 1 m = 3.28 ft; 100 mm = 3.94 in .

A few state DOTs, e.g., Michigan, are similar to those in the United combines the performance require-
use a combination of heavy struc- States, except for size and shape of the ments for a Japanese bridge with the
turally composite topping and a large longitudinal joint between the girders simplicity of American construction
amount of transverse post-tensioning. and the amount of transverse post-ten- practices. The proposed design in-
Composite topping is not a structurally sioning.3 Cast-in-place (CIP) concrete volves provision of post-tensioned
efficient solution because it does not is placed in relatively wide and deep transverse diaphragms at quarter
control differential rotation of the box, joints between girders, as shown in points of the bridge span.
nor is it an economical solution be- Figs. 3 and 4, as opposed to narrow The diaphragms would be made
cause a composite concrete topping mortar-grouted joints in the United continuous in the space between the
costs about four times as much as a States. Higher levels of post-tension- boxes through deep blockouts filled
thin layer of bituminous concrete. ing are used in Japan than is the gen- with grout. Post-tensioning is provided
In reviewing the practices in other eral practice in the United States. based on bridge width and loading, as-
countries, it was found that cases of In the following sections, various suming the bridge consists of an as-
longitudinal cracking are seldom re- design approaches of typical precast, sembly of rigidly connected stringers
ported in Japanese adjacent box girder prestressed concrete box girder and diaphragms. A preliminary design
bridges . Cross-sectional shapes and bridges are discussed. A proposed de- chart has been developed for simple
design criteria for box girders in Japan sign is also presented . The design span bridges of common width and

July-August 1996 99
170 560
post-tensioning c GlB
100 180 180

m A
- 100

:::::::: :;::::: :::::::

::::: ::::: :::: :::: ::: :::::::: :::::: ::;::::: : I' ,,,,
% ;::::' :,;:; :@ :::::: ::::::: ::::::
I ~u
v ::::: ::: ::::
k :::;:: :::::: :; 4 ':':':: :;:::: :::::l ::::: :::
::::::: \
}':: ::::: :::::: :::::: :m :::::::
::;::: :::::t :::::: :::::: ]~
s:~ }:; ::;:: t: :::;:: }{ :':} :::::::
:::: <I :;: :::::: :::::::
:::: ::::;:: ::: :: ::::::: ::::;::::: ::::::: :::::::: :;:: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: }:':

A - A B - B
Cross Section

Transverse post-tensioning

Detail C

Fi g. 4 . Tran sverse post-tensioning arrangement for Japanese box girder bridges . Dimens ions are in mi ll imeters.
Note: 100 mm = 3.94 in.

material properties using AASHTO 2. Is a waterproofing material or terms of percentage of respondents.

HS-25 live loading. membrane used over the longitudinal The survey data also indicated that 62
joints? percent of the re s pondents u sed
3. Is skew limited for the use of pre- strands as the transverse tie material
RECENT STUDIES stressed box beam bridges? while 38 percent used rods. The num-
In 1992, the PCI Committee on 4. Are shear keys grouted after ten- ber of transverse ties varied largely
Bridges formed a Subcommittee on sioning the ties? from state to state. Fig. 6 reveals that
Reflective Cracking in Adjacent Box 5. Is there a problem with differen- the number of transverse ties is se-
Beam Bridges to study the problem. tial camber between adjacent bands? lected quite arbitrarily.
The subcommittee's report (1995) in- 6. Are there any problems with un- Case Western Reserve University
dicated that at least two national sur- even sealing of the beam end s for investigated the performance of shear
veys had been conducted with the goal skewed bridges? keys in adjacent box beam bridges in
of isolating the causes of reflective 7. What material is used for trans- 1993. 5 The five test bridges showed
cracking.4 The following are specific verse ties? differential deflections between 0.08
questions the committee identified as 8. What spacin g is specified for and 0.8 in. (2 and 20 mm), which indi-
most pertinent to its investigation: transverse ties? cated shear key fracture along part or
1. Are there any problems with The results of the survey for the first all of the bridge length. The large dif-
leakage at the joints between beams? six questions are shown in Fig. 5 in ferential deflection resulted in leakage.


The test structures also showed a
satisfactory load distribution among 80
beams after the shear key partia ll y
fractured . Mild steel lateral ties were
found to be ineffective in resisting dif- 60
ferential deflections. The study sug- ~
gested either moving the shear key
down to the neutral axis of the beam


or using a stronger epoxy grout in the

... 30
existing shear key.
West Virginia DOT investigated 20
several high volume, heavily loaded 10
bridges that had joint fai lure and top-
ping cracking.• The investigators con- 0
.. "' ~
cluded that vertical shear failure in the
keys was most likely the result of in-

adequate grout installation and trans- a ~c
verse tie force. The ties used for the :::>
failed joints were 1 in. (25.4 rom) di- Item Considered
ameter A36 rods spaced at the third
points along the span with an approxi- Fig. 5. Survey summary.
mately 400 ft-lb (542.3 N-m) torque.
As a result of this investigation, the
West Virginia DOT changed its prac- 12
tice as follows: Number ofTr , sverse Ties
1. A pourable epoxy is used instead I --None '_ - - Three I
10 +-- - - - - - t - --------i---1 _ ··-··Four
of a non-shrink grout in the shear key.
2. The surfaces to be grouted are
sand-blasted. ......"'

..... ...... ...... ~ . . .............. . .
3. Post-tensioned high strength ties .... . . ...... ::-. ,.~~ ·
are used. ...= 6
I ,

"' "'
In Oregon, the practice for adjacent .Q ....
box beams is to begin erection at ei- e::s 4
........ ....
ther one of the exterior beams or at the z
center of the bridge.• After the first .' ................. .. .,.
2 .... ........
! ....
two adjacent beams are in place, the
transverse tie rods are installed and the
_.. -··- . . +- .. :
nuts are tightened. The sequence con-
20 20- 40 40-60 60-80 80- 100
tinues by placing a beam, installing
the appropriate number of tie rods, and Span (ft)
tightening the nuts each time.
After all the beams in a span are in- Fig. 6. Number of transverse ties. N ote: 1 ft = 0.305 m.
stalled, the bottoms of the shear keys
are sealed with a backer rod and the
keys are filled with grout. The keys sium ammonium phosphate grouted the transverse shear force to be re-
are sandblasted in the precasting plant specimens displayed an exceptionally sisted by the joint for the appropriate
to remove laitance and enhance bond. higher failure load than the non-shrink values of span and {3, where f3 is given
The area around the shear keys should grout specimens. This result encour- by the following formula:
be kept moist for 24 hours prior to in- aged the use of magnes ium ammo-
stalling the grout. The grout should be nium phosphate for keyway grouting
kept moist for a minimum of 72 hours applications to eliminate some of the
following the installation. problems encountered with keyways .6·7
Gulyas, Wirthlin, and Champa un- The Ontario Bridge Design Code as- in which
dertook a labor~ory study to compare sumes that the transfer of load from b = half width of bridge
non-shrink grouts and magnesium am- one beam to another takes place L = span of bridge
monium phosphate mortars.6 Compos- mainly through transverse shear and Dx = longitudinal flexural rigidity per
ite grouted keyway specimens were that the transverse flexural rigidity is unit width
tested in vertical shear, longitudinal equal to zero.'·8 Charts such as those Dxy =longitudinal torsional rigidity
shear, and direct tension. The magne- shown in Fig. 7 are used to determine per unit width

July-August 1996 101

For this design, five diaphragms are
provided at a spacing equal to one-
I width , 2b = 12.5 I m 1\.
I wid th. 2b = 15.0 m I
f-- fourth of the span. Thi s number was
300 chosen based on a parametric study
. \ ' v- " 0.2
l\ / = 0.5 v- ~
. I\ \ /
= 0.2- r-
. _ r-
= 05-
that was done to determine the appro-
priate number of diaphragms.

' \
~ L . ~ = 1.0
/ /
'I/ 1/
V /
= 1.0_ -
For spans up to 100 ft (30. 5 m), by
usi ng five diaphragms, two at the ends
! 200 ~ = 1.5
1\ lv 'v / r ~ ~ 1.5 -

..,'V\ /
\ and three at quarter points, differential
I\ K '\ rl3 = 2.0 ' v' .\
~\ ~ IX..
= 2.0-

deflection is limited to less than 0.02
"'~ l' ./
1\ ,\..
"" .......
IX \\
'- !
in. (0.5 mm), which is an acceptable
amount. The use of three diaphragms,

- --
"'c: 100
~ 1'..1...... ........ ~ ......
'-i '-J.....
two at the ends and one at the middle,

" ~
...... ~ :""'o

- """'
....... .,.._
r- I
~ ........... :---.. -.i..
f"""o" ~--
requires Jess transverse post-tension-
ing than a five-diaphragm arrange-
ment. However, the corresponding dif-
ferential deflection may becom e
0 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 unacceptable, which defeats the main
Span (m) Span (m) purpose of transverse post-tensioning.
Alth ough the proposed five-
Fig. 7. Ontario Code design cha rt (Ref. 4). Note: 1 kN/ m = 0.0685 kips per ft; diaphragm system provides a good
1 m = 3.28 ft. balance be tween performance an d
eco nomy , an additional parametric
study may produce a more optimum
The Ontario Code also requires that The amount and location of post- so lution. Parameters to be considered
adjacent box beam bridges be pro- tensioning for the diaphragms are de- should include speed of construction,
vided with a reinforced concrete struc- termined by the flexural design. The tolerance to differential deflection be-
tural slab of at least 5.9 in. (150 mm) design is primarily based on the work- tween girders , and maximum accept-
thi ckness capable of providing the in g stress method with the flexural able post-tensioning force.
shear transfer between the units. Be- strength checked. A shear check is
cause of this provision, the bridges do usually waived in standard design. Precast Section Modification
not have to rely on a grouted shear key Fig. 4 shows a typical transverse post-
to transfer loads. tensioning arrangement for a Japanese A minor change in concrete dimen-
box girder bridge. sions is recommended to allow for the
placement of grout between girders at
JAPANESE PRACTICE the diaphragm locations. The modified
PROPOSED DESIGN precast section is shown in Fig. 9. The
Four to seve n equally spaced di-
I in. (25 mm) side pockets are pro-
aphragms, including end diaphragms , Prior to describing the details of the
vided with internal blackouts on the
are commonly provided for box girder proposed design , the design methodol-
forms, as shown in Figs . 9 and A 1.
bridges in Japan.9 About 6.7 in. (170 ogy is discussed. The proposed change thus does not re-
mm) of clear spacing in the longitudi-
quire any modification of existing
nal joint between girders is used in
Design Methodology steel forms .
Japan to provide for adequate toler-
ance of differential camber between The proposed design involves provi-
girders. Box girders and diaphragms sion of rigid post-tensioned transverse Member Force Analysis
are integrated by cast-in-place con- diaphragms . The diaphragms serve as Grid analysis is used to determine
crete between adjacent girders and the primary wheel load transfer mecha- the member forces. The bridge deck is
post-tensioning. All highway bridge nism between adjacent boxes. Without modeled as a series of beam elements,
decks in Japan are covered with a 2 to diaphragms, each box must be designed representi ng the girders, connected
3 in . (50 to 80 mm) concrete or as- to carry a full set of wheel loads with- with another series of crossing beam
phaltic concrete wearing surface. out contribution from adjacent boxes. elements, representing the diaphragms.
Because of the built-in integrity, su- As a result, large differe ntial deflec- The joints between elements allow fo r
perimposed dead and live loads are dis- tions between girders will take place tran smi ssion of shear, bending, and
tributed over the entire bridge system in and reflective cracking could be ex- torsion. •
both the longitudinal and transverse di- pected [see Fig. 8(a)]. However, if the It is important to se lect reali stic
rections. The member forces in the box box girders are fully connected, the properties of the girder elements to ob-
girders and the diaphragms are com- load is distributed over the entire bridge tain valid results. For example, it may
puted by modeling the bridge deck as a width and the deflected shape becomes be important to consider shear defor-
slab or a gridwork of beam elements. a smooth curve [see Fig. 8(b)]. mations if the girders are relatively


deep and the diaphragm spacing is rel- Table 1(a). Geometric properties needed for grid analys is.
atively small. The geometric properties Section type Geometric properties
needed for the grid analysis are sum- I--
Diaphrag m A = ah
marized in Tables l(a) and l(b). I
I = ah'/!2
Side rails and live loads are the main
-r-- 1= kha'
causes of transverse bending moments
generated in the diaphragms. The live
load positions are chosen so that maxi-
mum positive and maximum negative
moments are produced . The live load h
is placed over the center of the deck
for maximum transverse positive mo-
ment at midspan. For maximum trans-
verse negative moment at the same lo-
cation, the load is placed as close to the
bridge railing as is allowed.' 0 This con-
cept is in general agreement with the
a -I
results of Gallt's analytical study at the
University of Kentucky ." Box section A and I are obtained
from Ref. 14.
Design and Detailing
It is suggested that the diaphragms
be post-tensioned. Designing the di-
,. h
., To obtain 1, the section
dimensions are
simplified as show n in
the oppos ite fig ure.
aphragm as a non -prestressed rein-
forced concrete member is impractical 1 =kha' - k,h,ai
because of the difficulty of projecting
reinforcement and splicing it between
girders. Also, the absence of precom-
pre ss ion would res ult in possib le
cracking and leakage. The post-

D a!

tensioning force should have no ec-

centricity because the diaphragm ex - hi
periences significant alternati ng posi-
tive and negative moments.
For working stress design, concrete Note: h and h, are the longer sides.
stresses due to loads and post-tension- A =cross-sectional area; I = moment of inertia; J =torsional inertia; k and k , are given in Table I(b).
ing forces are calculated and the total
stresses are checked agai nst allowable Table 1(b). Torsiona l parameter k for rectangu lar cross section.
stress limits. Tensile stress is not per-
mitted because the diaphragm is a I 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 6 10
or h ,la,
composite of both precast and grout k or k, 0.1 4 1 0.196 0.229 0.249 0.263 0.28 1 0.299 0.3 12
components, and cracking of the inter-
face should be avoided. Flexura l
strength should also be checked. The design chart shown in Fig. 10 is
Design Charts
obtained by dividing the required ef-
Construction The four standard AASHTO-PCI fective post-tensioning force for the
The construction process after erect- box depths, 27, 33, 39 and 42 in. (686, midspan diaphragm by the spacing be-
ing the girders consists of the follow- 838, 991 and 1067 mm), were ana- tween diaphragms and then taking the
ing steps: lyzed for three bridge widths of 28, 52 average of the spans analyzed. The
1. Girders are placed a nd post- and 84ft (8.53, 15.85 and 25.6 m) . For transverse post-tensioning should con-
tensioning ducts are aligned. each combination of section depth and sist of one tendon near the top and an-
2. Tendons are inserted through the bridge width, three different spans other near the bottom in order to pro-
diaphragms. were considered . Appropriate span vide sufficient flexural strength.
3. Grout is poured between the ranges were considered for each sec- The required post-tensioning force
girders. tion depth. The required transverse for the quarter-point diaphragms was
4. When the specified grout strength post-tensioning force was fo und to be fo und to be similar to the midspan di-
is reached, transverse post-tensioning almost linearly proportional to the aphragm. It is recommended , there-
is applied. span length. fore, to use the same post-tensioning

July-August 1996 103

Wheel load
/ deflection

----------· i----------
' '

(a) Deflected shape of unconnected boxes

Wheel load

~---------- ---------- -----------: -----·

,_-- --------··--- ----- ---··- -------- --·:- ----- _____ 1: --- ________ ,, ___ --------

(b) Deflected shape of fully connected boxes

Fig. 8. Schematic of deflected shape of box girder bridge.

force for the quarter-point diaphragms continuously supported over the abut- (1.72 MPa), applied to the diaphragm
as for the midspan diaphragm. The end ments. For the end diaphragms, it is cross-sectional area, in order to main-
diaphragms, however, have almost no recommended to use a minimum ef- tain adequate stiffness at the ends of
bending moments because they are fective post-tensioning stress of 250 psi the bridge.

Table 2. Increm ental cost analysis. Cost Analysis

Post-tensioning and grout Materials Unit cost Cost To determine the impact on construc-
Subtracting post-tensioning tion cost, a comparison between a con-
130 lbs $2 -$260
(270k 1h in. diameter strand) ventional American design and the pro-
Adding grout 22.2 cu ft $50 + $1110 posed design is made in Table 2. The
Adding post-tensioning proposed design requires grout and in-
1700 lbs $2 + $3400 creased transverse post-tensioning.
( 150k 1/ • in. diameter bar)
Total - - + $4250 The longitudinal joint between the
diaphragms now no longer serves any
Incremental construction cost of proposed design =$4250/(80 x 52) =$ 1.02 per sq ft structural purpose. To make this com-
Note: I fl = 0.305 m; I lb = 0.4536 kg. parison, five 1h in. (12.7 mm) diame-


ter strands, one per diaphragm, are as-
sumed to be used for transverse "ties"
in the standard design. They are re-
placed with the much heavier trans-
verse post-tensioning in the proposed
design. II II
The calculation is made by subtract-
ing the amount of tranverse ties from
the proposed transverse post-tension-
ing to determine the incremental cost. 42"
The additional cost of the proposed
design is only $1.02 per sq ft. This is a
very modest increase in cost consider- L-

ing the projected substantial improve-
ment in durability. I. 48" .I
Original Precast Section
The AASHTO LRFD Specification
states that the use of transverse mild

. II
1" 46" 1"
steel rods secured by nuts should not
be considered sufficient to achieve full
transverse flexural continuity unless
ll. 2" dia. duct-

demonstrated by test or experience.'2

To make the boxes act together ,

AASHTO LRFD recommends a mini-

mum average effective post-tensioning
t 40"

pressure of 250 psi (1.72 MPa). How-

ever, it does not specify the contact
area over which this prestressing force 2"
should be introduced. In double-tee
applications, for example, it is obvious
L 48" ..I
that the flange area is to be used. In
adjacent box application s, it is not Modified Precast Section at Diaphragm
clear whether it should be the top
shear key area, the diaphragm-to-
diaphragm contact area or the full
girder side face. Also, it does not spec-
ify the spacing between diaphragms
nor the diaphragm size. Three differ-
ent interpretation s are compared 2" dia. post-tensioning duct
below for the box type used in the de-
sign example.
If the post-tensioning is to be applied
over the whole contact area between
boxes, the required post-tensioning
force per diaphragm is equal to 42 x 20
X 12 X 0.25 = 2520 kips (11.2 MN). If
only the shear key area is to be consid-
ered, the required post-tensioning force
is 6 X 20 X 12 X 0.25 = 360 kips (1600
kN) per diaphragm.
Note that if the diaphragm area is
used in the calculation, the required Plan
post-tensioning force is 8 x 42 x 0.25
= 84 kips (374 kN) per diaphragm.
The value obtained by analysis , as
shown in Appendix A, is 202 kips Fi g. 9. Comparison of precast concrete sections . N ot e: 1 in . = 25.4 mm .

July-August 1996 105

14 -- 200
-- -------
v -- ------- ----_--- ,., -~

. --

_,., . ·;:_ --
.. -.
~ 10 .. / ----- -

8 ./
V / ·- , .. : ;..:
.,. ,-"'
.... ·"
. . ...,.,.-·.r--·
. .. "" ..·.;·..·:. *""' ..

, ....,.... -;-

. -;- 100
"" -: --. :;, ·
Box Depth ( n.)

,.. ,........
~ /
.. -;· - - 27
/ ""
,.. v ..:;. .
"" ..·:""
,. - - - 33
.. . - .- 39

~ 4 ---- 60
f;l;l "" - - - -42

0 0
20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Width (ft)

Fig. 10. Prestressing force for midspan d iaphragm. Note: 1 ft = 0.3 05 m.

(898 kN) per diaphragm . The design sions ' 2 has been di scussed previously. of a very large grout key filled with
chart in Fig. 10 shows that the applied Step-by-step numerical calculations cast-in-place concrete, and a heavy
post-tensioning force depends also on are provided in Appendix A. concentration of transverse post-ten-
the bridge width. The bridge has a simple span of sioning. Cases of longitudinal crack-
The above figures show that the rec- 80ft (24.38 m), a width of 52ft (15 .85 ing are seldom reported in bridges
ommendation given by AASHTO m) and is assumed to be subjected to with heavy full-depth tran sverse post-
LRFD is not precise. The authors sug- HS-25 truck loading. As the appendix tensioning.
gest that the LRFD Specification indi- calculations show, the post-tensioning This paper provides a methodology
cates that the bridge deck be designed req uired per diaphragm con sists of for the transverse design of precast
as a rigid assembly of gridwork and two 11/ 4 in. (32 mm) diameter 150 ksi concrete box girders without compos-
that post-ten sioning acting on t he ( I 034 MPa) post-tensioning bars, one ite topping. It is shown that the tran s-
transverse members of that grid , i.e. , near the top and another near the bot- verse pos t-tensioning needed is al-
the diaphragm lines , be designed for tom of the box. most constant per unit length of the
not less than 250 psi (1.72 MPa). bridge span, and varies significantly
with the bridge width. A design chart
CONCLUDING REMARKS is offered for a preliminary determina-
DESIGN EXAMPLE This paper discusses the current de- tion of the post-tensioning required
The proposed design is ill ustrated sign practices of precast concrete ad- for standard girder depths and com-
through a numerical example of a sin- jacent box girder bridges in the trans- mon bridge widths. For situations
gle span bridge. A general view of the verse direction. Most state DOTs in where there is a large skew and where
bridge is shown in Fig. A I (Appendix the United States use relatively small accurate results are required, the de-
A). The loading arrangement and flex- grout keys and little or no transverse tai led grid ana lysis s hown in thi s
ural design criteria are consistent with post-tensioning. Some states use large paper is recommended.
the provisions of the AASHTO Stan- transverse post-tensioning, without The construction procedure dictates
dard Specifications for Highway any theoretical justification. Japanese that post-tensioning be applied after,
Bridges. '3 A discussion of the applica- practice, on the other hand, requires a not before, the shear keys are grouted.
bility of the AASHTO LRFD provi- detailed analysis of each bridge, use Another important feature of the pro-


posed design is to have a full-depth 2. Martin, L. D., and Osborn , A. E. N., JOURNAL, V. 40, No. 4, July-August
vertical shear key at each diaphragm "Connections for Modular Concrete 1995, pp. 99-103.
and the post-tensioning equally di- Bridge Decks," FHW A-8211 06, NTIS 8. Bakht, B., Jaeger, L. G., and Cheung,
vided between the top and bottom of Document PB84-118058, Consulting M. S., "Transverse Shear in Multi-
Engineers Group, Inc. , Glenview, IL,
the diaphragm. beam Bridges," Journal of Structural
August 1983. Engineering, American Society
The proposed procedure adds about
one dollar per square foot to the total 3. Yamane, T., Tadros, M. K., and Aru- of Civil Engineers, V. 109, No.4,
cost, which is approximately 2 percent mugasaamy, P., "Short to Medium Aprill983, pp. 936-949.
Span Precast Prestressed Concrete
of the bridge cost. The added cost of 9. Japanese Industrial Standard, Pre-
Bridges in Japan ," PCI JOURNAL,
grouting and post-tensioning is a small stressed Concrete Girders for Slab
V. 39 , No . 2, March -A pril 1994 ,
price to pay for significantly improved Bridges , liS A 5313, Japanese Stan-
pp. 74-100.
structural behavior and durability. dards Association, Tokyo, Japan,
4. Subcommittee on Adjacent Box Beam 1991.
Bridges, "Reflective Cracking in Adja-
10. Specification for Highwa y Bridge,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT cent Box Beam Bridge Superstruc-
Japan Ro ad Association, Tokyo ,
tures," PCI Bridges Committee, Sec-
The authors appreciate the review Japan, February 1990 (in Japanese).
ond Draft, October 1995.
comments received, in particular the 11. Gallt, J. G., "Application of the Ana-
detailed review and significant contri- 5. Huckelbridge, A. A. Jr., El-esnawi, H.,
lytic Strip Method to Adjacent Box
and Moses, F., "An Investigation of
butions by Jim Gallt, Dick lmper, and Beam Bridge Superstructures," Lecture
Load Transfer in Multi-Beam Pre-
George Nasser. This work was sup- No!e, Universi ty of Kentucky ,
stressed Box Girder Bridges," pre-
ported by the Center for Infrastructure obtained by private correspondence
pared in cooperation with the Ohio
Research of the University of Ne- with James Gallt, Palmer Engineering,
Department of Transportation and the
braska and Kyokuto Corporation, Hi- Lexington, Kentucky, November 1994.
U.S. Department of Transportation,
roshima, Japan. The authors are in- Federal Highway Administration, De- 12. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Speci-
debted to Sameh Badie, Ph. D. student partment of Civil Engineering, Case fications, First Edition, American As-
for his considerable assistance in Western Reserve University, 1993. sociation of State Highway and Trans-
preparing this paper. 6. Gulyas, R. J., Wirthlin, G . J ., and portation Officials, Washington, D.C.,
Champa, 1. T., "Evaluation of Key- 1994.
way Grout Test Methods for Precast 13. AASHTO Standard Specifications for
REFERENCES Concrete Bridges," PCI JOURNAL, Highway Bridges, Fifteenth Edition,
I. Dunker, K. F., and Rabbat , B . G ., V. 40, No. 1, January-February 1995, American Association of State High-
"Performance of Prestressed Concrete pp. 44-57. way and Transportation Officials,
Highway Bridges in the United States 7. Gulyas, R. J., Wirthlin , G. J., and Washington, D.C., 1992.
-The First 40 Years," PCI JOUR- Champa, J. T., Discussion of "Evalua- 14. Precast Prestressed Concrete Short
NAL, V. 37, No.3, May-June 1992, tion of Keyway Grout Test Methods Span Bridges, Precast/Prestressed
pp. 48-64. for Precast Concrete Bridges," PCI Concrete Institute, Chicago, IL, 1988.

July-August 1996 107


Girder length: 81'- 6" :
9~·~r------------------~s=~=n:~8~o·~-O~"--~i __:

20' -0" 20' -0"


11: r - -~-----E~~:·-------~f-~~~:~~---------2
Il l' ____________________ *
-- - - -
Girdercenter- !1 ~ - ·- - ·- - - - ·-
:--· -·-·--·- -1 r

~: ~
-- --
- ·- :1

1 ~
_ r - - --- --- -r _r - - - - -- -- - -- r

~ "" j ., I "" I

Transverse post-tensioning I

52'- 2"
1'-2" 24'- 11 .. 24'- 11 ..


150k- 1~" dia.

post-tensioning bars
4' 12@ 48" = 48'-0" (576")

Typical Cross Section

Fig. A 1. General view of bridge for proposed design. Note: 1 in . == 25.4 mm ; 1 ft == 0.3 05 m .


Span: 80' - 0"


r-------~~-------4--------~--------~. ~
@> r---------~------~---------+--------1, ~
k-----------~----------~~----------4-----------~~ ~

1. 20'- 0" J. 20'- 0" .•.1. 20'-0" .I. 20' -0" J

Fig. A2 . Model of grid analysis. Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m.

The calculations below follow the the diaphragm is equal to the depth of Live load: Lane live loads and truck
AASHTO Standard Specifications for the box, in this example 42 in. (1067 loads were applied separately and the
Highway Bridges. 13 All provisions and mm), while the width is 8 in. (203 mm). larger moments produced were used
equations referenced below corre- Thus, the properties of the diaphragm for design.
spond to the AASHTO Specifications. are as follows : Truck loading: Truck loads were im-
The general view of the bridge is A = 336 sq in. (217 x 103 mm 2) posed according to AASHTO Specifi-
shown in Fig. AI. I = 49,392 in.4 (206 X 108 mm4 ) cations. The truck loading positions
1 = 6279 in. 4 (261 x 107 mm 4) that produce maximum moments in
Design Description the midspan diaphragm are shown in
Span: 80ft (24.38 m) Fig. A3. Point loads that are not lo-
Grid Analysis
cated at girder centerlines are con-
Total width: 52ft (15 .85 m) The grid analysis was performed to verted to equivalent point loads at the
Live load: HS-25 compute bending moments in the di- girder centers through straight-line
Girder spacing: 48 in. (1219 mm) aphragms. Fig. A2 shows the struc- proportions as shown in Figs. A3(b)
Concrete strength: tural model for the bridge. Horizontal and A3(c). For example, referring to
J: precast= 7500 psi (52 MPa) lines represent box girders and vertical Fig. A3(b), the first point load is as-
J: grout= 7500 psi (52 MPa) lines represent diaphragms. sumed to act entirely on Girder G5
Impact: while the second point load is equally
50 loadings divided between Girders G6 and G7.
I= =0.244 For the case of positive moment, the
80+ 125 Dead load: Assume solid concrete
cases of loading one lane and three
curb and railing:
lanes were also checked.
Section Properties w = 0.48 kips per ft (7 kN/m)
Lane loading: The equivalent lane
Box girder: 14
Only a concrete rail weight was ap- loading positions that pro~uce maxi-
A = 842.5 sq in. (544 x 103 mm 2 ) plied to Girders G 1 and G 13 as super- mum moments are similar to those for
I = 203,088 in.4 (845 x 108 mm 4 ) imposed dead load because the almost truck loading. Lane loading consists of
1 = 366,849 in.4 (153 x 109 mm4) uniformly distributed wearing surface a distributed load of 0.08 kips per sq ft
Diaphragm: The cross section of the does not produce significant bending (3.83 kN/m 2) and a line load of 2.25
diaphragm is rectangular. The depth of moments in the diaphragms. kips per ft (32.83 kN/m), over a lane

July-August 1996 109

Girder length: 81' - 6"
9" Span: 80' - 0"

I 14'-0"
20 kips 20 kips

(a) Elevation and wheel load position

52' - 2"

Girders G6 and G8 receive 0.5 wheel load.

Girders G5, G7, and G9 receive 1.0 wheel load. I L
JI 24"
..._ _ _ __ _ 12@48" = 48'-0"(576")_ _ _ _ _.,.
(b) Position for positive moment

52' - 2"

Girders G1 and G13 receive 0.73 wheel load.

Girders G2 and Gl2 receive 0.50 wheel load.
Girders G3 and Gil receive 0.77 wheel load. I L
JI ,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12@ 48" = 48'-0" (576")_ _ _ _ _
(c) Position for negative moment

Fig. A3. Load ing positions for truck load ing. Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 in . = 25.4 mm.

width of 10 ft (30.5 m). Each girder is G9 receive equal shares of the two- percent of the lane load each, while
assumed to carry the part of the load lane load for positive moments, i.e. , Girders G2 and G 12 receive 40 per-
that lies within a width equal to half each girder receives 40 percent of the cent of the lane load each and Girders
the spacing between girders on each lane load. Similarly, for negative mo- G3 and Gil receive 31 percent of the
side. Accordingly, Girders G5 through ments, Girders G 1 and G 13 receive 29 lane load, for a total of two lanes.



Dead load

.,.... (kip-ft)
"<t -.:!"
,....; I I I


Live load (truck loading for positive moment)

.,... !"'- !"'-

M 0 \0 0 M
!"'- N !"'-
M C"i ~ ~ ~ N M
\0 .,... \0 \0

.... _, I


0\ ~ .,...
~ r-.:

Live load (truck loading for negative moment)

Fig. A4 . Moment diagram in midspan diaphragm due to truck loading. N ote: 1 kip-ft = 1.356 kN-m.

Member Force Analysis Working Stress Design 7500 = 4500 psi (31 MPa) according
Moments of the span center di- Concrete stresses at prestress trans- to AASHTO Specifications , 1995
aphragm are used for design . In this fer are satisfactory, because the pre- Interim.
example, the truck loading rather than stress eccentricity is zero and no mo- Tension is not allowed as explained
the equivalent lane loading controlled ment exists at that time. Allowable earlier. Design calculations show that
the design . The resulting bending mo- compressive stress due to effective two 1 1/ 4 in. (32 rnm) diameter, 150 ksi
ment diagrams are shown in Fig. A4. prestress plus maximum load is 0.6 x (1034 MPa) post-tensioning bars are

July-August 1996 111

Standard section Diaphragm

2" 8"
- Grout

- - 7~"

i I I

--- _, ,_
I L '-- Transverse post-tensioning
~in. diameter threaded bars (150 ksi)
2 in. diameter ducts in girders

Fi g. AS. Transverse post-tensioning arrangement. Note: 1 in . = 25.4 mm ; 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa.

Table A 1. Summary of diaphragm design. Negative moment: Design moment

Load Positive moments (kip-ft) Negative moments (kip-ft) due to service load:

Dead load - 17.6 - 22.4 M ror = Mo + ML+l

= - 22.4- (63.4 X 1.244)
Live load * 98.3 - 78.9
=-101.3 kip-ft (-137.3 kN-m)
Total 80.7 - 101.3

Working stresses (psi) .r _ M tot

Jtop- - - Ytop
Top Bottom Top Bottom 1

Dead + live 4 12 -412 -517 5 17 = (-101.3 x 12000) x

Prestress 60 1 60 1 60 1 60 1
Total 10 13 189 84 111 8
=-517 psi (-3.56MPa)
Allowable 4500 0 0 4500
.r _Mtot
J bot - - - Ybot
Flexural strength (kip-ft) 1
1/JM, 483 483 = (-101.3x12000) x(- 21 )
M. 190.5 200.3 49392
Note: I kip-ft = 1. 356 kN-m; I psi = 6.895 kPa.
=517 psi (3 .56 MPa)
* Includes impact.
required at the midspan diaphragm as Two 1 1/ 4 in. (32 mm) diameter 150
.r Mtot
illustrated in Fig. AS . A summary of Jtop = - - Yrop ksi (1034 MPa) bars are used. The ar-
stress analysis is shown in Table Al. rangement is shown in Fig. AS.
= (80.7x12000) x
21 Prestressing force : The effective pre-
Stresses due to service loads: stress is assumed to be 55 percent of
= 412 psi (2.84 MPa)
the ultimate strength of the bar:
Positive moment: Design moment due
to service load: .r M wr Pe = 0.55/s'Aps
Jbot = - - Ybot = 0.55(150)(1.23)
M wr = Mo + Mur = 101 kips per bar (449 kN per bar)
= (80.7 X 12000) X (-21 )
=-17.6 + (79.0 X 1.244) 49392 l:P. = 101 x 2 bars
= 80.7 kip-ft (109.4 kN-m) =-412 psi (-2.84 MPa) =202 kips (898 kN)
Concrete stresses due to effective pre- = 1.3 (-17.6 + 1.67 X 79.0 X 1.244) Nominal strength for both positive and
stressing force: = 190.5 kip-ft (258.3 kN-m) negative moments:
202000 Ultimate negative moment:
hop = fbot =
Mu = 1.3(MD + 1.67ML+l)
= -1.3(22.4 + 1.67 X 63.4 X 1.244)
Mn = Apsfs:d(1- 0.6 p ~u)
=601 psi (4.14 MPa) = -200.3 kip-ft (-271.6 kN-m)
AASHTO Eq. (9-13)
Stress in prestressing steel at ultimate
Total stresses load: = (1.23)(144 )(34.5) X
For positive moment:
1- 0.6 (0.00446)(144)]
L.ftop= 412 + 601 [ 7.5
= 1013 psi (6.98 MPa)
< 4500 psi (31.0 MPa)( ok) = 5797 kip- in. (654.9 kN- m)
AASHTO Eq. (9-17)
Lfbot = -412 + 601
As = 1.23 sq in. (793.6 mm 2)
= 189 psi (1.30 MPa) 1/JMn = (1.0)(5797) X_!__
d = 34.5 in. (876.3 mm) 12
> 0 psi (0 MPa)(ok)
1 23 = 483 kip- ft (654.9 kN-m)
For negative moment: = As = • "'0.00446
L.ftop= -517 + 601
p bd (8)(34.5) > Mu = 190.5 kip-ft (258.3kN-m)
= 84 psi (0.58 MPa) J: = 7500 psi (52 MPa) > Mu = 200.3 kip-ft (271.6kN-m)
> 0 psi (0 MPa)(ok) fs' = 150 ksi (1034 MPa)
L.fbot= 517 + 601 y = 0.28 (AASHTO Article 9.1.2) Maximum prestressing steel
= 1118 psi (7.71 MPa) {31 = 0.85- 0.05(7.5- 4.0) = 0.675 (AASHTO Article 9.18.1):
< 4500 psi (31.0 MPa)(ok) (AASHTO Article
pfs: = (0.00446)(144) = 0.0 86
Flexural strength check: fs: = (150{1- ( ~:7 5 )8
X I: (7.5)
The results of the flexural strength < 0.36{31 = 0.243
checks are shown in Table A I.
Ultimate positive moment:
( 0.00446 X ~~~)]
Mu = 1.3(MD + 1.67ML+l) = 144 ksi (993 MPa)


a, a 1 = concrete dimensions defined fs' = ultimate strength of prestress- Mn = nominal moment strength of a
in Table l(a) ing steel section
A = area of concrete section J:u = stress in prestressing steel at Mrot = total moment due to service
Aps = area of prestressed tension re- ultimate load load
inforcement hop = concrete stress at extreme top Mu = factored moment at section
b = half width of bridge Pe = effective prestressing force
h, h 1 = concrete dimensions defined
d = distance from extreme com- Ytop = distance from centroidal axis
in Table 1(a)
pression fiber to centroid of of section to top fiber
tension reinforcement I = impact fraction
Ybot = distance from centroidal axis
I =moment of inertia about cen-
Dx = longitudinal flexural rigidity of section to bottom fiber
per unit width troid of cross section
J = torsional inertia w = uniform load
Dry = longitudinal torsional rigidity
k, k 1 =torsional parameters {3 1 = factor for concrete strength
per unit width
L = span of bridge 1jJ = strength reduction factor
!bot = concrete stress at extreme bot-
tom fiber MD = moment due to dead load p = tension reinforcement ratio
J: = specified compressive strength ML+I =moment due to live load in- y = factor for type of prestressing
of concrete cluding impact steel

July-August 1996 113

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