The Record Protocol

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The Record Protocol

The Record Protocol in SSL comes into picture after a successful handshake is completed between the
client and the server. That is, after the client and the server have optionally authenticated each other
and have decided what algorithms to use for secure information exchange, we enter into the SSL
record protocol. This protocol provides two services to an SSL connection, as follows:
(a) Confidentiality This is achieved by using the secret key that is defined by the handshake protocol.
(b) Integrity The handshake protocol also defines a shared secret key (MAC) that is used for assuring
the message integrity.
The operation of the record protocol is shown in Fig. 6.20.
As the figure shows, the SSI, record protocol takes an application message as input. First, it fragments
it into smaller blocks, optionally each block, adds MAC, encrypts it, adds a header and gives
it to the transport layer, where the TCP protocol processes it like any other TCP block. At the
receiver's end, the header of each block is removed; the block is then decrypted, verified,
decompressed, and reassembled into application messages. Let us discuss these steps in more detail.
(c) Fragmentation The original application message is broken into blocks, so that the size of each
block is less than or equal to 2'4 bytes (16,384 by.).
(d) Compression The fragmented blocks are optionally compressed. The compression process must
not result into the loss of the original data, which means that this must be a lossless compression
(e) Addition of MAC Using the shared secret key established previously in the handshake protocol,
the Message Authentication Code (MAC) for each block is calculated. This operation is similar to the
HMAC algorithm.
(f) Encryption Using the symmetric key established previously in the handshake protocol, the out-put
of the previous step is now encrypted. This encryption may not increase the overall size of the block
by more than 1024 bytes.
(g) Append Header: Finally, a header is added to the encrypted block. The header contains the
following field
Content type (8 bits) Specifies the protocol used for processing the record in the next higher level
(e.g. handshake, alert, change cipher).
Major version (8 bits) Specifies the major version of the SSL protocol in use. For instance, if SSL
version 3.1 is in use, this field contains 3.

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