Five Paragraph Rubric

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Five Paragraph Essay

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 0
Introduction Attention getter, Attention getter, Missing one of the Missing two of the No introduction
thesis statement, thesis statement, three elements of three elements of given
and the preview of and the preview of the introduction. the introductions
main points main points
present and present
presented with
high quality.

Thesis Strong thesis Non-ambiguous Confusing thesis Barely identifiable No identifiable

Statement statement at the thesis statement at statement at the thesis at end of thesis statement
end of the the end of the end of the introduction;
introduction. introduction introduction, non- confusing thesis
ambiguous thesis statement not at
statement not at end of intro.
the end of intro.

Body One Good topic Clear topic Confusing Limited focus with No topic sentence.
sentence. Uses all sentence. Uses misleading topic little evidence to No real support for
standards of the most standards of sentence. Stage support topic or topic sentence or
stage II para. the stage II para. one para. Models thesis. Some info. thesis. Information’s
Models two of the Models two of the one of the four not supporting. No directly disputes
four supports. four supports. supports. or poorly used thesis statement
Paragraph flows Paragraph flows Paragraph is transitions
smoothly. choppy.
Body Two Good topic Clear topic Confusing Limited focus with No topic sentence.
sentence. Uses all sentence. Uses misleading topic little evidence to No real support for
standards of the most standards of sentence. Stage support topic or topic sentence or
stage II para. the stage II para. one para. Models thesis. Some info. thesis. Information’s
Models two of the Models two of the one of the four not supporting. No directly disputes
four supports. four supports. supports. or poorly used thesis statement
Paragraph flows Paragraph flows Paragraph is transitions
smoothly. choppy.
Body Three Good topic Clear topic Confusing Limited focus with No topic sentence.
sentence. Uses all sentence. Uses misleading topic little evidence to No real support for
standards of the most standards of sentence. Stage support topic or topic sentence or
stage II para. the stage II para. one para. Models thesis. Some info. thesis. Information’s
Models two of the Models two of the one of the four not supporting. No directly disputes
four supports. four supports. supports. or poorly used thesis statement
Paragraph flows Paragraph flows Paragraph is transitions
smoothly. choppy.
Conclusion Review of main Review of main Missing one of the Missing two of the No real conclusion
points, points, three elements of three elements of given
restatement of restatement of the conclusion the conclusion
thesis statement, thesis statement,
and allusion to and allusion to
attention getter attention getter
present and of present.
high quality
Citing of Three sources are Three sources are Two sources are One source cited in No sources. No
Sources cited correctly cited within the used in the paper. the paper. Works Cited
within the paper paper. Mostly Mostly support the Somewhat support
and help support support the thesis. topic. Works Cited the thesis. Works
the thesis. Works Works Cited has a has some Cited is done
Cited is done few errors correct. mistakes incorrectly/has
correctly. many errors.
Mechanics 0-5 grammatical 5-10 grammatical 10-15 grammatical 15-20 grammatical More than twenty
errors and high and/or mechanical and/or mechanical and/or mechanical grammatical and/or
creative or errors errors errors mechanical errors
complex grammar
and/or mechanical
usage evident

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